MOE :: Volume #10

#58: Sees the old friend

Although the Song Zining words said, may the situation avoid at present obviously is not the means that opposite Airship drives rapidly near, inserted the route front. Two Captain Airship after confirming the opposite party status, simultaneously has slowed down the speed, abreast in row hovering in the same place, cabin door docking. 宋子宁话虽这么说,可眼前情形显然躲避也不是办法,对面的浮空艇迅速驶近,插到了航线前方。两艘浮空艇舰长在确认对方身份后,同时放缓了速度,并排悬停在一起,舱门对接。 30 over, the facial features concise man enters the cabin, toward a Qianye ritual, said: Sir Qianye, has a old friend to ask you to go to a to chat, she said that you see this, will know her status.” 一名30出头、面容精练的男人走进舱室,向着千夜一礼,道:“千夜大人,有位故人想请您去一叙,她说您看到这个,就会知道她的身份。” That person takes out a small box, opens, inside is putting a gem. 那人取出一个小盒子,打开,里面放着一颗宝石。 Qianye has not seen this gem, actually from above sensation to wisp of familiar origin force aura. And has his Origin Force, one type is strange and familiar Origin Force, it is unpredictable, made Qianye think of a familiar person instantaneously, Ji Tianqing. 千夜从来没有见过这颗宝石,却从上面感知到了一缕熟悉的原力气息。其中有他自己的原力,也有一种即陌生又熟悉的原力,它变幻莫测,瞬间就让千夜想到了一个熟悉的人,姬天晴 Song Zining also realized that the Ji Tianqing aura, relaxed, but carefully looked, in his look also has the single layer concealed worry. 宋子宁也察觉到姬天晴的气息,松了口气,但仔细看,他神色中又有一重隐忧。 Qianye has not perceived the Song Zining's difference, to that humanity: Who gives your thing?” 千夜没有觉察到宋子宁的异样,对那人道:“谁给你的这个东西?” That person has not answered, was only bow bowing, calmly was waiting for the Qianye decision. 那人未答,只是躬了躬身,静静等着千夜决定。 A Qianye slightly thinking, said: Good, I go.” 千夜略一思索,就道:“好,我去。” What some accidents/surprises is, Song Zining has not stopped, has not requested to follow, but a racket on the Qianye shoulder, said the sound: Early goes morning to return, stood the one side, did not plan to accompany Qianye to go to the opposite party ship ship obviously together. 有些意外的是,宋子宁并未阻拦,也没有要求跟随,而是在千夜肩上一拍,道了声:“早去早回”,就站到了一旁,明显是不打算陪着千夜一起去对方艇舰了。 Qianye has not thought, made to meet in Peng City with Song Zining, got up opposite Airship with that person, went far away in a flash. 千夜没有多想,和宋子宁约好了在彭城相见,就跟着那人上了对面的浮空艇,转瞬远去。 Extreme Point King the Airship physique is slender, such as piece of willow leaf, flies to be quick and steady. However it may make the person activity the cabin actually not big, only tolerates the next 34 people, other places should be fully occupied by the power unit, can maintain such activity. Be responsible for accepting Qianye's that person and Qianye sits facing each other, why does not know, if the vision not really has been staring at Qianye. 指极王的这艘浮空艇体态修长,如一片柳叶,飞得即快且稳。不过它可让人活动的舱房倒是不大,仅能容下34人,其余地方应该都被动力装置占满了,才能保持这样的活动性。负责接受千夜的那人与千夜相对而坐,不知为何,目光若无实有地一直盯着千夜 Qianye looked at some not to be uncomfortable by him, moreover this gaze secretly is also quite impolite. Qianye respects Extreme Point King, will not represent will be being polite to the Extreme Point King subordinate. At that moment his double pupil fluctuates, suddenly has screened that person of form. 千夜被他看得有些不舒服,而且这种偷偷的注视也颇为无礼。千夜尊重指极王,可不代表着会对指极王的手下客气。当下他双瞳变幻,忽然就映出了那人的身影。 That person of cold hair raise, instinct wants to jump suddenly, but the whole body on such as was fettered by the spider web, the movement is very crabbed slowly, under leaps, unexpectedly has not jumped, falls returns to the seat. 那人猛然寒毛倒竖,本能地就想跃起,可是全身就如被蛛网束缚,动作十分艰涩迟缓,一跃之下,居然没跳起来,又落回到座位上。 He realized at this time oneself responded excessively, on Extreme Point King private ship, in the empire, was in this kind of journey, must be inadequate with the Qianye upfront conflict . Moreover the opposite party linked a finger not to move. He promptly withdraws Origin Force, really rubber a fetter feeling suddenly loosen, therefore sits well. But received such one time frightened, his complexion is pale, quite a while has not recovered consciousness. 他这时才意识到自己反应过度,在指极王座舰上,在帝国境内,还是在这样一段旅程中,难道还要和千夜正面冲突不成,况且对方连一个手指头都没动。他当机立断撤去原力,果然胶着的束缚感陡然一松,于是重新坐定。但受了这么一次惊吓,他脸色已是惨白,半天没有缓过来。 Qianye does not want before the matter has not clarified offends somebody, after having taught that person, received Pupil of Control. 千夜也不想在事情没弄清楚之前就伤人,教训过那人之后,就收了掌控之瞳 That person is the whole body soaks, is similar to that fishes from the water, looked again to the Qianye's look completely changed, namely the shock also feared. That life and death completely holds in the feeling of manpower, to his powerhouse of this progression, is uncomfortable. Just he was startled instinct to jump by Qianye, actually cannot jump, means that Qianye suppressed to him completely, has absolute power over somebody, he did not have the struggling leeway. 那人已是全身湿透,如同从水里捞出来的一样,再望向千夜的眼神已经完全变了,即震惊又恐惧。那种生死尽操于人手的感觉,对他这个级数的强者来说,最是难受不过。刚刚他被千夜惊得本能跃起,却没能跳起来,也就意味着千夜对他完全压制,生杀予夺,他连挣扎余地都没有。 He has wiped the perspiration of forehead, said: Sir Qianye, below Ji Roufei, was just disrespectful, do not care.” 他擦了擦额头的汗,道:“千夜大人,在下姬若飞,刚刚失礼,您别放在心上。” Cannot.” Qianye sees this Ji Roufei cultivation base natural talent is the top picks, if given time the hope breaks through Godly General's Heavenly Pass very much, should be in the Extreme Point King later generation the outstanding talent. Since the people were honest, does not need to tidy up too ruthlessly, otherwise in everybody surface is not quite attractive. “不会。”千夜看出这姬若飞修为天资都是上上之选,假以时日有很大希望突破神将天关,应该是指极王后人中出类拔萃的天才。人既然老实了,也就没必要收拾得太狠,否则大家面上不太好看。 Ji Roufei looks at Qianye, the vision was complex, said: Sir Qianye the achievement Godly General news has travelled, to be honest, most people are admire full of admiration, in some little person hearts refuses to accept, I am one of them, some ideas, want before you have not awakened the Godly General ability severing grudge severing grudge, may before the moment I know, let alone by me now this cultivation base, even if breaks through Godly General's Heavenly Pass immediately, is not your match.” 姬若飞看着千夜,目光复杂,说:“千夜大人成就神将的消息已经传开了,老实说,大部分人都是佩服得五体投地,也有少许人心中不服,我就是其中之一,本来还有些想法,想趁着您没有觉醒神将能力之前切蹉切蹉,可直到片刻前我才知道,别说以我现在这点修为,就算立时突破神将天关,也绝不是您的对手。” This person is adaptable to the situation actually, lowers the head to lower very nimble and efficient, however the Qianye facial expression not too much fluctuates, said earnestly: You were polite, even if ordinary Godly General, I do not have means one move to massacre.” 此人倒是能屈能伸,低头低得十分爽利,然而千夜神情并无太多波动,认真地说:“你客气了,即使是普通神将,我还是没办法一招就杀掉的。” The Ji Roufei one breath in the chest, has almost not fainted horizontally. As his, puts out so the showing weakness stance, if the opposite has changed individual, how humble two, will alleviate awkwardly beforehand. Who knows that Qianye will take seriously, but also completely spoke the frank talk? 姬若飞一口气横在胸口,差点没背过气去。以他身份,又拿出如此示弱姿态,若对面换了个人,怎都会谦逊两句,缓解之前尴尬。谁知道千夜会当真,还尽说大实话呢? Naturally regarding Qianye, he told the facts. Arrived the Godly General rank, especially Human race Godly General, origin crystal is still together the shiny strength barrier, existing Gun of Primal Origin did not have a means spear/gun to kill. But even if Godly General of strong point a spear/gun, will not lose the strength, for example Wolf King. 当然对于千夜,他只是实话实说而已。到了神将级别,尤其人族神将,原晶仍是一道亮晃晃的力量屏障,现有的原初之枪已经没办法一枪干掉了。而强点的神将即使中了一枪,也不会失去战力,比如说狼王 However after Qianye treads broken Godly General's Heavenly Pass, the strength increases suddenly, blood energy can also the unzoned promote step. In ordinary Godly General Gun of Primal Origin, although will not die, may unable to receive the Qianye following attack. Therefore in this period distinguished, but is defeats earlier is late. 然而千夜踏破神将天关后,实力骤增,血气也可以不受限制的晋阶。普通神将中了原初之枪虽然不会死,可也接不下千夜接踵而来的攻击。所以其间区别,只不过是败得早点晚点而已。 Has Void Flicker Qianye facing the body, if has not selected special maintaining life Secret Skill, basically defeats dies. 面对身具虚空闪烁千夜,若没点特别的保命秘技,基本上败就是死。 Ji Roufei is also good at watching a person's every mood, looked that the Qianye's expression knows he replied earnestly again, this was more depressed. 姬若飞也是善于察言观色的,看千夜的表情就知道他是认真地再回答,这就更让人郁闷了。 Helpless when Ji Roufei, only then sighs deeply, said: Also only then your such person, can be joined to her.” 姬若飞无奈之余,惟有长叹,道:“也就只有您这样的人,才配得上她吧。” These words has not had the tail, said Qianye to be bewildered. However he asked that Ji Roufei was still anything agree did not say, Qianye did not have the interest to closely examine with hardship, two people this one group did not have the words, looks at Airship to depart void, sailed to a nameless floating island. 这句话没头没尾,说得千夜莫名其妙。不过他问了一句,姬若飞却仍是什么都不肯说,千夜也没兴趣苦苦追问,两人就此一路无话,看着浮空艇飞出虚空,驶向一座无名浮岛。 The floating island drifts alone in void, seems no sign of human life, is unpopulated, nobody guards. Although it in the Qin Continent protector, but approaches the edge, above everywhere is the small void storm, once for a while will present the fatal space crevice, the average person no one will choose makes a long stay here. To come this is also the empire not above in the sentry post reason. 浮岛孤零零地飘浮在虚空中,看上去渺无人烟,无人居住,也无人驻守。它虽然在秦陆的保护层内,可是过于靠近边缘,上面处处都是小型虚空风暴,时不时会出现致命的空间裂隙,普通人谁也不会选择在这里长住。想来这也是帝国不曾在上面驻留哨岗的原因。 However Qianye knows the fact to be not true quickly, Airship circles to the floating island at the back of skilled, penetrates small rill place, at present the scenery changes suddenly, appears scenery exquisite pure lands. 但是千夜很快就知道事实并非如此,浮空艇熟练地绕到浮岛背面,穿入一处小小谷地,眼前景物忽然变化,现出一片景色优美的净土。 The entire mountain valley was protected by origin array, did not peep by the outside. In the valley the small stream winds to wind through together, the stream bank has a yard, complements under the tree shade of several old trees, has a Fanshan sentiment rural feeling. 整个山谷都被原力阵列保护,不受外界窥视。谷内一道小溪蜿蜒流过,溪畔有座小院,掩映在几株古树的树荫下,别有一番山情野趣。 Airship stops by far, Ji Roufei has referred to the yard, said: Must see your person there, you pass, we cannot approach.” 浮空艇远远停下,姬若飞指了指小院,道:“要见你的人就在那里,您自己过去吧,我们是不能靠近的。” Qianye has gotten down Airship, walks toward yard. He almost can conclude, the person who in institute waited for is Ji Tianqing. Although is not clear she to look for itself to do, the experience that but once shared life and death in the big vortex, making the Qianye under foot not hesitant. 千夜下了浮空艇,向着小院走去。他几乎可以断定,院中正在等待的人就是姬天晴。虽然不清楚她找自己干什么,不过曾经在大漩涡内生死与共的经历,让千夜脚下并无犹豫。 About to walks into the yard time, in the Qianye heart moves suddenly, has to plant the peeped at feeling faintly. He pauses immediately, looks to the surroundings, actually has achieved nothing, just that feeling also vanished does not see. 行将走入小院的时候,千夜忽然心中一动,隐隐有种被窥视的感觉。他当即停步,向周围望去,却一无所获,就连刚刚那种感觉也已经消失不见。 Qianye does not think that this is own misconception, he can affirm, just some people in any way were gazing at themselves. This person of concealment ability arrives inconceivable, even if Qianye has used Eye Ability, cannot discover clues. 千夜并不认为这是自己的错觉,他可以肯定,刚刚有人在以某种方式注视着自己。这人隐匿能力强到不可思议,哪怕千夜动用了瞳术,也找不出一丝蛛丝马迹。 The Qianye's sensation is greatly strengthened, few people who under same level strength condition, can evade his sensation, here presented one unexpectedly, the reality is discomforting. 千夜的感知极强,同等力量状态下,能够躲过他感知的没有几人,这里居然就出现了一个,实是让人不安。 However this place should be the industry of Extreme Point King, perhaps when is his leisure residence, where will have the bystander to stop over in this? The biggest possibility is in the Extreme Point King mansion some unknown powerhouse in secret is protecting Ji Tianqing. Thinks of here, since the person has avoided, although Qianye spied on disgruntledly, does not plan to go into seriously again. 不过此地应是指极王的产业,说不定就是他的闲暇时的居所,哪会有外人在此逗留?最大的可能性就是指极王府邸中某位不为人知的强者在暗中保护姬天晴。想到这里,既然人已避开,千夜虽不悦被窥探,也不打算再深究。 In the institute is very static, when Qianye shoves open the front gate, appears especially resounding, is startled several birds. 院中很静,千夜推开院门时,吱呀一声都显得格外响亮,惊起数只飞鸟。 Although in the institute is small, has the pond rock, an old tree extends slantingly from the wall outside, such as the pavilion pavilion green lid, covers half courtyard. 院内虽小,却也有池塘山石,一株古树自墙外斜伸进来,如亭亭绿盖,将半个院子遮盖。 By the pond had a several chair, on the chair sat individual, held one volume of books, from looking. This occasion motley sunlight sprinkles, is the years is exactly static. 池旁有一几一椅,椅上坐了个人,捧一卷书,正自看着。此际斑驳阳光洒落,恰是岁月静好。 Looks at that tranquil person, Qianye heart is also comforted, all restless and anxious sweeps away, is elusive sunlight that might infiltrate full Peng. 看着那宁静的人,千夜心似也被安抚下来,所有的不安与焦燥都一扫而空,空灵得似可透入满捧的阳光。 Sees her time, in Qianye heart joyful, that is must see the joy of old friend. Although she has not raised the head, although her appearance probably changed, but relying on the intuition, Qianye knows that is Ji Tianqing. With her, probably many a dark relation, letting Qianye can feel to her existence. 看到她的时候,千夜心中欣喜,那是得见故人的喜悦。虽然她没有抬头,虽然她的样子好象又变了些,不过凭着直觉,千夜就知道那是姬天晴。与她之间,好象多了一种冥冥中的联系,让千夜能够‘感觉’到她的存在。 Ji Tianqing also knew the Qianye's arrival, is on the rise, smiles indifferent to fame or gain. 姬天晴也知道了千夜的到来,抬起头,恬淡一笑。 She at this moment, only slightly swept the eyebrow, on the lip 0.1 has wiped vermilion, the simple and elegant element was pale, does not say that the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, had a worth looking at beauty. Moreover more is looks for a long time, more provides much food for thought that those images and scenes, this mountain water, only then this point of color, most matches. 此刻的她,只略扫了扫眉,唇上0.1抹朱,清雅素淡,说不上倾国倾城,却自有种耐看的美丽。而且越是看得久,就越是回味无穷,此情此景,此山此水,惟有这一分颜色,才是最配。 Looked at past tense once more, Qianye was startled, the vision fell on the Ji Tianqing abdomen. At this moment her abdomen sticks out, the loose surcoat cannot cover up, will obviously have the pregnancy, perhaps in the near future will be for a long time in labor. 再次看过去时,千夜不由一怔,目光落在了姬天晴的腹部。此刻她腹部隆起,宽松的外袍也遮掩不住,显然有身孕已久,或许近期就将临盆。 After startled, Qianye is busy at taking back vision, said: Congratulations!” 怔了怔之后,千夜忙收回目光,道:“恭喜!” The Ji Tianqing faint smile looks at Qianye, said: What congratulates my?” 姬天晴似笑非笑地看着千夜,道:“恭喜我什么?” „Wasn't this soon mother? Was the male is the female knows? No matter men and women, after living, recognizes me to be the adoptive father!” Qianye including saying with a smile. “这不是快要作母亲了吗?是男是女知道了吗?不管男女,等生下来后,认我作干爹吧!”千夜含笑道。 In the past ally colleague, Ji Tianqing age was minimum one row, has not thought that instead was she had the child first. 在昔日战友同僚中,姬天晴年纪似是最小的一列,没想到反而是她先有了孩子。 Unexpectedly Ji Tianqing listened, covering the mouth chuckle, but shakes the head. 不料姬天晴听了,掩口轻笑,只是摇头。 Qianye is somewhat awkward, thought that was just too excited, then at the scene was rejected, was very embarrassed. Other source blurted out, really has several points of sincerity, is not the facade words that treats with courtesy. Even if cannot make the adoptive father, the gift on first meeting must, but the Qianye inspection, actually the discovery carves the good thing of belt indeed not to be along many, has is not suitable to give the child. 千夜有些尴尬,觉得刚刚是太兴奋了,这下被当场拒绝,就很不好意思了。他方才脱口而出,实有几分真心,并不是应酬的门面话。即使做不成干爹,见面礼还是要给的,不过千夜检视身上,却发现刻下随身带的好东西的确不多,有也不是很适合给小孩子。 When he is thrown into confusion, Ji Tianqing smiles, waves to him, said: Comes.” 他正手忙脚乱之际,姬天晴轻轻一笑,向他招了招手,道:“过来。” Qianye has gawked staring, arrives at side Ji Tianqing according to word. Ji Tianqing holds up Qianye's, places on own belly, said: You come to see, is male is female?” 千夜愣了愣,依言走到姬天晴身边。姬天晴拉起千夜的手,就放在自己的肚子上,道:“你来看看,是男是女?” The so intimate action, Ji Tianqing does not to be suddenly towering, Qianye has not responded unexpectedly all of a sudden, was gripped the palm by Ji Tianqing, presses gently from already the abdomen on. Is away from that matter light light garment, Qianye can feel the temperature of her flesh clearly, as well as in abdomen the movement of embryo. A small foot, is kicking his palm mischievously. 如此亲密的举动,姬天晴做来突然又不突兀,千夜竟是一下子没有反应过来,被姬天晴握住手掌,轻轻按在自已腹上。隔着那层薄薄轻衫,千夜能清晰感觉到她肌肤的温度,以及腹中胎儿的动作。一只小小的脚,正在顽皮地踢着他的手心。 This is very seemingly warm, Qianye was actually somewhat ignorant, this moment action, solid has resulted in the share affectionate. Even made him cannot help but remember all sorts of sentiments in big vortex must already the ambiguity. These matters, his originally had already forgotten, hides in memory most deep place desirably, now actually 11 is turned. 这一幕貌似无比温馨,千夜却是有些懵了,此刻举动,实是亲昵得过了份。甚至令他不由自主的想起大漩涡内的种种情非得已的旖旎。那些事,他原本早就忘了,刻意隐藏在记忆的最深处,现下却被11翻起。 Qianye wants to receive to reach behind the back, but Ji Tianqing presses is light and firm. Qianye feared that that small life of wound to her and abdomen, does not dare to make an effort, but wants him such as Ji Tianqing to say but is, can that? 千夜想要收回手,可是姬天晴按得轻而坚决。千夜怕伤到她和腹中那个小生命,不敢用力,但要他如姬天晴所言而为,那又怎么能够? One group of messes when the heart, only hears Ji Tianqing to nip the lower lip lightly, said: What's wrong, do you also want to be her adoptive father now?” 就在心内一团乱麻之际,只听见姬天晴轻咬下唇,道:“怎么,你现在还要做她的干爹吗?” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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