MOE :: Volume #10

#52: So advises

Hears this word, that youngster rather decides on the contrary, has taken at the same time the round shield and holds the spear/gun, floating is out, bright sound said: Bai Clique Bai Longyue, asked Sir Qianye to advise in this!” 闻听此言,那年轻人反倒宁定下来,取过一面圆盾和执枪,飘然下场,朗声道:“白阀白龙越,在此请千夜大人指教!” This person hidden is the Bai Clique younger generation eminent, Origin Force cultivation base had reached Rank 17, with the Song Zining same row. But he is only the surface mutual promotion of the five elements young, actual should also to be greater than Bai Longjia, must say the younger generation, somewhat forced. However Qianye does not care to this, since he has complied with this war, simply has not planned friendly, is the person who also enters the stage indifferently the younger generation. 此人一直隐为白阀年轻一代翘楚,原力修为已达十七级,和宋子宁同列。但他只是面相生得年轻,实际年纪应该比白龙甲还要大些,要说年轻一代,着实有些勉强了。然而千夜对这根本就不在意,他既然应了此战,就根本没有打算善了,也无所谓出场的人算不算年轻一代。 Bai Longyue grasps the shield to hold the spear/gun, obviously the offense and defense has both, he is out at this moment, to not win, but wants with Qianye truly several moves. Before this several wars, anyone, Qianye simple one raised, settled again, feared that has not consumed including Origin Force, making the fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out meaningless. 白龙越握盾执枪,显然攻守兼备,他此刻下场,并不是为了取胜,而是想要和千夜真正地过几招。此前十几战,无论是谁,千夜都简简单单的一把提起,再一记耳光了事,怕是连原力都没怎么消耗,让车轮战变得毫无意义。 Until at this moment, the Bai Clique people understands why Song Zining complies that happily, gave including the limit rule of fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out. Originally the Qianye strengths and people at all in a level, completely are not the roller compactions. So-called fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, must be able to fight, has the significance of wheel. 直至此刻,白阀众人才明白宋子宁为何答应得那么痛快,连车轮战的限制规则都给去了。原来千夜战力和众人根本不在一个层级上,完全就是碾压。所谓车轮战,也要能战,才有车轮的意义。 If not the Qianye reputation is too big, the material background was already dug up clearly, the age is not the secret, Bai Clique these youngster how , regardless of being not willing to believe that Qianye must be small actually. 如果不是千夜名声太大,资料背景早就被扒得清清楚楚,年纪更不是秘密,白阀这些年轻人无论如何也不肯相信千夜其实比自己还要小。 But fact so. 可是事实如此。 When the fate faces directly Qianye, Bai Longyue felt in front of suddenly oneself is not a person, but is a mountain, mountain that can never climb! 下场直面千夜之际,白龙越忽然感觉自己面前并不是一个人,而是一座山,一座永远也攀不上去的高山! In an instant, his mind vibrates, has the impulsion that must turn around to escape unexpectedly. In this moment, Bai Longyue understands why just these same side will not have to struggle in front of Qianye slightly the leeway of revolt. 刹那间,他心神震动,竟有要掉头逃跑的冲动。在这一刻,白龙越才明白刚刚那些同门为何会在千夜面前没有丝毫挣扎反抗的余地。 But Bai Longyue is gentle, cultivation base only under Bai Aotu, although is inferior to ponder that for a while why will begin is frightened, the body instinct reacts, stirs Origin Force, receives the spear/gun to shrink the shield, wants to protect oneself. 白龙越毕竟出身名门,一身修为仅在白凹凸之下,虽一时不及细想为何会上手即被震慑,身体本能做出反应,鼓荡原力,收枪缩盾,想要自保。 He responded is nothing less than quick, the judgment was also extremely, when the round shield will recycled, Qianye is a boxing comes, rumbled straight in shield surface centre. 他反应不可谓不快,判断也是极准,圆盾堪堪回收之际,千夜已是一拳击来,端端正正地轰在盾面中央 In the wink of an eye, Bai Longyue was hit by unparalleled heavy hammer, in an instant the breath cannot, the heart leak jumped a racket. He at present one black, anything cannot see, only felt own body is probably getting more and more light, light flew, then falls on the ground, actually a point cannot feel the hit the pain. 瞬息之间,白龙越似被无双重锤击中,刹那间呼吸不能,心脏都漏跳了一拍。他眼前一黑,什么都看不见,只感觉自己身体好象越来越轻,轻飘飘的飞了起来,然后落在地上,却一点都感觉不到撞击的痛苦。 Fortunately, has not been somebody's turn the slap and slap in the face......” at the final moment, in the Bai Longyue heart thinks unexpectedly is this. In his heart a loosen, consciousness sinks to the darkness, fainted deadly in the past. “还好,没有挨到耳光……”在最后时刻,白龙越心中想的竟是这个。他心中一松,意识就沉入黑暗,晕死过去。 The distant place Bang light sound, the tree next old person must begin, the hand arrives at the halfway, refers to the board game piece becomes crushes suddenly. He raised the head fiercely, in the eye the fine glow overflowed, has observed closely Qianye, was every single word or phrase typical: Unexpectedly is Godly General!” 远方啪的一声轻响,树下一位老人本来就要落子,手到半途,指间的棋子忽然变得粉碎。他猛地抬头,眼中精芒流溢,盯住了千夜,一字一句地道:“竟是神将!” Godly General!” Tree next several old man simultaneously change countenance, looks to Qianye. 神将!”树下几位老者齐齐动容,望向千夜 A Qianye boxing flies Bai Longyue, takes back slowly, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the air/Qi calms down idly. Looking from the semblance, cannot feel the Godly General imposing manner extremely heavy pressure, however Bai Longyue what kind of person, hand/subordinate cannot pass through one move in Qianye, does not need to try to prove, only depends on the brain, can know that Qianye this moment strength, definitely has achieved Godly General Rank 1. 千夜一拳击飞白龙越,缓缓收回,负手而立,气定神闲。从外表看,丝毫感觉不到神将气势万钧的威压,然而白龙越何许人也,也在千夜手下走不过一招,无须求证,仅凭脑子,就能知道千夜此刻战力,肯定已达到神将一级 Such...... Young.” Old man some difficult tunnels. “这么……年轻。”一位老者有些艰难地道。 They know the Qianye real age, because just knows the truth, made one be hard to accept. 他们都是知道千夜真实年纪的,正因为知道真相,才更令人难以接受。 Another old man said: Even if Zhao Jundu, is mediocre?” 另一名老者道:“即使赵君度,也不过如此吧?” No, he is earlier than Zhao Jundu. Do not forget, Zhao Jundu was older than him was one year old.” “不,他比赵君度更早。你别忘了,赵君度可是比他大了一岁。” In the past Green Sun King trod broken Godly General's Heavenly Pass, is so young?” “当年青阳王踏破神将天关,有这么年轻吗?” This issue made the people silent instantaneously. 这个问题瞬间令众人沉默。 Long time, an old man heavy say/way: Green Sun King was well-prepared, strives cultivates many Cultivation Technique to supply to refer on the way mixed, polished Origin Force carefully, thick of foundation, solid I and others cannot imagine. Then has later soaring, marches into Heavenly King Realm smoothly, can it be that this can Qianye compare? Perhaps...... Treads broken Godly General's Heavenly Pass, is his life achievement end point.” 半晌,一名老者才沉沉道:“青阳王厚积薄发,精进途中杂修了多种功法以供参考,又细细打磨原力,根基之厚,实非我等能够想象。这才有之后的一飞冲天,顺利步入天王至境,岂是这千夜可比?说不定……踏破神将天关,就是他一生成就的终点。” This saying also said some truth, what are many are person finally its life, halts in Churu Godly General. After Godly General, can walk far, depends on the Origin Force pure degree. Thinks of here, people have thought Qianye moves Venus Dawn of empire, immediately in the heart is a bitterness and astringency. 这话说得也有些道理,多的是人终其一生,止步于初入神将神将之后能走多远,还是取决于原力精纯程度。想到这里,一众人就想到了千夜名动帝国的晨曦启明,顿时心中又是一阵苦涩。 All people know that Qianye becomes Godly General, but has not thought that so will be early. 所有人都知道千夜会成神将,只是没想到会这么早。 Vampire Race, is wild!” This old man is indignant, but the words side exit|to speak, by the playing chess old man together cold vision, had been sealed the remaining words. “一介血族,也敢猖狂!”这老者愤愤不平,但话方出口,就被奕棋老者一道冷冽目光,将剩下的话都封了回去。 playing chess old man slow say/way: Related Qianye another single layer status, from post-war of Floating Land, above Imperial Court has the suggestion, all people cannot raise again. Not only this is the meaning of Green Sun King, is the meaning of Empress Li, is your majesty meaning.” 奕棋老者缓道:“有关千夜另一重身份,自浮陆之战后,朝堂之上就有暗示,所有人都不许再提。这不光是青阳王的意思,也是李后的意思,更是陛下的意思。” An old man does not have the meaning of putting down, obviously is to this commanding that did not have clear(ly) to send is very discontented, however under the playing chess old man Jiong however vision, nobody arrived in this time this place again silly discontented said out loud. 一众老者都有不平之意,显是对这道没有明发的谕令很是不满,但是在奕棋老者的炯然目光下,没人再傻到于此时此地将不满宣诸于口 The playing chess old man long body, said: Walks, we go to be able this Sir Godly General.” 奕棋老者长身而起,道:“走吧,我们去会会这位神将大人。” The say/way of military, reaches for first, in front of Godly General, then does intentionally to act with constraint meaningless, will also make the person question the Bai Clique eyesight and bearing. 武之道,达者为先,在一名神将面前,再故作矜持毫无意义,还会让人质疑白阀的眼力和气度。 An old man sets out in abundance, at this moment does not camouflage, or walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, either such as the compressed-air driven water swings, respectively some different imposing manners. 一众老者纷纷起身,此刻再也不加伪装,或龙行虎步,或如风动水摇,各有不同气势。 Qianye crosses the hands behind the back to stand, awaits calmly them to arrive. 千夜负手而立,静候他们到来。 The old man slow reality is quick, in an instant arrived at the ringside, odd/surplus people pauses in light of this, playing chess old man alone arrives at side Qianye, cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Commander Qianye, no, should call you Qianye Grand Marshal.” 众老者似缓实快,转眼间就到了场边,余人就此停步,奕棋老者独自走到千夜身边,拱手道:“千夜将军,不,应该称你为千夜元帅了。” Qianye said: Grand Marshal is the Empire Army duty, in the next commoner, is not at all this name.” 千夜道:“元帅乃是帝**职,在下一介白丁,不敢当此称呼。” playing chess old man said: Old man Bai Yuantu, now is also the unemployed body.” 奕棋老者道:“老夫白远图,现在也是赋闲之身。” Mr. white.” Qianye has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, is returns a courtesy. He to the name of Bai Yuantu, is actually a point is far from the respect, has placed oneself with the match orthogonal situation. “白先生。”千夜拱了拱手,算是回礼。只是他对白远图的称呼,却是一点都谈不上尊敬,更是把自己放在了与对手平齐的地步。 Although the old men have the preparation, but the face of Qianye respect for elders does not give, still cannot help but appeared the angry look. 众老者虽有心理准备,但千夜连个尊老的面子都不给,仍不由得多现出怒色。 Bai Yuantu is the surface such as stops water, the neither too fast nor too slow said/tunnel: Long time heard that Sir Qianye considers oneself as high, today sees, really so.” 白远图则是面如止水,不疾不徐地道:“久闻千夜大人自视极高,今日一见,果然如此。” Qianye pale say/way: Worldling does not see clearly, the speculation also has carelessly, does not need to care. On such as other people said that Four Cliques secludes in the old family peak, takes a long-range approach, the vision is original. Now looks like, pours has not seen so.” 千夜淡道:“俗人看不清楚,胡乱臆测也是有的,不必放在心上。就如旁人都道四阀踞于世族顶端,高瞻远瞩,眼界独到。现在看来,倒也未见如此。” The playing chess old man long eyebrow raises, said: But actually must ask Sir Qianye to direct 12, where my was Bai Clique shortsighted?” 奕棋老者长眉微扬,道:“倒要请千夜大人指点12,我白阀哪里目光短浅了?” Qianye refers to Bai Longyue that has remained unconscious, said: This thinks that is the person of your regarding as important, could not have kept off me, as soon as strikes? But in my opinion, Bai Aotu is now, be stronger than him must much, say nothing of.” 千夜指了指昏迷不醒的白龙越,道:“这想必就是你们看重之人吧,还不是挡不了我一击?而在我看来,白凹凸就是现在,也要比他强得多了,更不用说以后。” Sir Qianye was this must for Bai Aotu over? Probably is not quite appropriate, my Bai Clique several hundred years of custom, cannot make an exception for her.” 千夜大人这是要替白凹凸出头了?好象不大合适吧,我白阀数百年规矩,也不能为了她而破例。” Not is quite appropriate, how my this also has no intention to teach you Bai Clique to handle affairs. But my this time comes to see old friend, sees has walked, since these children want to teach me, I did not mind how teaches them to cultivate the behavior.” “是不大合适,我本也无意教你们白阀该如何行事。只不过我这次只是来看看老朋友,见过就走,但是既然这些小孩子想要教训我,那我也不介意教教他们应该怎么做人。” Way that you advise, is this? This dozen, but not complete is their faces.” “您指教的方式,就是这样?这打的,可不尽然是他们的脸。” Qianye said with a smile: I thought actually this guide way is good. They block the way, perhaps is not own meaning. I must hit, naturally also endless is their faces.” 千夜微笑道:“我倒是觉得这种指导方式不错。他们拦路,恐怕也不全是自己的意思。那我要打的,当然也不尽是他们的脸。” playing chess old man looks irritated finally, said: You again are the talent, rather extremely arrogantly extremely. Do you want to contract enmity with my Bai Clique?” 奕棋老者终于面有愠色,道:“你就算再是天才,也未免狂妄太过。你这是要与我白阀结怨到底吗?” Qianye does not fear, sneers saying: This saying should be but actually I asked that is Bai Clique the plan contracts enmity with me?” 千夜丝毫不惧,冷笑道:“这话倒应该是我问的,白阀是打算与我结怨到底吗?” Nearby old man solid cannot endure patiently, angrily rebukes saying: Extremely arrogant! Does your trivial commoner, how dare to place on a par with my Bai Clique? Today if not make you pay a price, my Bai Clique from now on face countenance what save?” 旁边一老者实是忍耐不住,怒斥道:“狂妄!你区区一介白丁,如何敢与我白阀相提并论?今日若不让你付出点代价,我白阀今后颜面何存?” Qianye is gratefully typical: „To make me pay the price, depends on you to fear that was difficult. If you can meet under my fist, I kneel immediately apologize!” 千夜毫不客气地道:“想让我付出代价,就凭你怕是难了点。你若能接得下我一拳,我立刻跪地道歉!” The old man face bulge red, mouth opened gathering, has gathered, could not say unyielding words in any event. Properly speaking he also calculates that in valve the character of high weight, Qianye was just new promote Godly General, where can go again fiercely fiercely, how to link his fist unable to meet? 老者脸胀得通红,嘴张了合,合了张,却无论如何都说不出一句硬气的话来。按理说他也算阀中位高权重的人物,千夜只不过是新晋神将,再厉害能厉害到哪里去,怎会连他一拳都接不下来? However his innermost feelings struggle repeatedly, although has been mad was muddleheaded, but does not dare saying that old man meets your fist to try. 然而他内心反复挣扎,尽管已经气昏了头,可就是不敢说一句“老夫就接你一拳试试”。 Bai Yuantu both eyes narrow the eyes, said: Old man long sparse humans affair, does not know but actually these years had this grade of heroic youngster. But Qianye, you again are talent, initially enters Godly General, feared that is unstable including the Godly General ability. Now comes Bai Clique to act unruly, probably also early!” 白远图双眼微眯,道:“老夫久疏世事,倒不知道这些年出了这等英雄少年。可是千夜,你再是天才,也不过初入神将,怕是连神将能力都未稳固。现在就来白阀撒野,好象还早了点!” Qianye pale say/way: I, although initially enters Godly General, but ordinary Godly General hand/subordinate can run away the life in me, feared that is also not easy. If you want to teach me, begins freely. If just lost, that honestly made way, do not block the road here.” 千夜淡道:“我虽是初入神将,不过普通神将在我手下能够逃得性命,怕也是不易。您老若是想要教训我,尽管动手。只不过若是输了的话,那就老实让开,不要在这里堵路。” The Bai Yuantu anger instead smiles extremely, said: Said the boastful talk, did not fear that my Bai Clique completely had the expert, encircled you kills in this?” 白远图怒极反笑,道:“口出狂言,就不怕我白阀尽起高手,将你围杀于此?” Encircles kills? Which can Godly General be encircled easily kills?” Qianye smiles saying: I acknowledged that now Bai Clique should some people be able to exceed me, but three years later? Five years later? Today if you cannot leave behind me, that from now on the future, the Bai Clique juniors do not mix outside. I see one, kills one!” “围杀?哪家的神将是能被轻易围杀的?”千夜哂笑道:“我承认现在白阀应是有人能胜过我,可三年后呢?五年后呢?今日你们若是留不下我,那从今往后,白阀子弟就不要在外面混了。我见一个,就杀一个!” You!” “你!” The Bai Yuantu beard and hair flies upwards, in the field astral wind gets up suddenly, such as the mountain imposing manner overhead depresses to Qianye. Qianye immovability, appointed surrounding blustery. 白远图须发飞扬,场中罡风骤起,如山气势当头向千夜压下。千夜则是不动如山,任周围风起云涌。 Sees with own eyes the war to be ready to be set off, Song Zining turns on the folding fan in side, coughs lightly, the sound is not loud, actually clearly spreads to the ear of everyone, atmosphere that in the field originally is ready to be set off, falls accordingly. 眼见大战一触即发,宋子宁在旁打开折扇,轻咳一声,声音不大,却清晰传入每个人的耳中,场中原本一触即发的气氛,也应声而落。 Bai Clique people originally despised to Song Zining, listening to this to cough, this with amazement discovered, originally this semblance loose clean Young Seventh is not the simple character, so easily can affect the Godly General war, own strength, perhaps left Godly General not to be already far. 白阀众人原本宋子宁有所轻视,听了这一声咳,这才骇然发现,原来这外表风流倜傥的七少也不是简单人物,如此轻易就能影响到神将战局,自身战力,恐怕离神将已然不远。 Some people looked at Bai Longyue, thought that he faints well. If knows not only oneself cannot hit Qianye, cannot hit including Song Zining, feared that will be is attacked heavily. 就有人看了看白龙越,觉得他昏过去也好。若是知道自己不光打不过千夜,连宋子宁也打不过,怕是会受沉重打击。 Clear the throat, Song Zining had said: War just crossed, Bai Clique like this treats the active feudal official?” 清过嗓子,宋子宁道:“大战刚过,白阀就是这样对待有功之臣的吗?” This moderately, some people hear to be confused, some people actually listen to beyond the words the sound. 这一句不轻不重,有人听得一头雾水,有人却听出话外之音。 Bai Yuantu received the imposing manner slowly, said: Rational that Young Seventh said that that another day again asked for advice the unique skill of Sir Qianye.” 白远图徐徐收了气势,道:“七少说的有理,那就改日再来领教千夜大人的绝技吧。” Saw with own eyes that this weaponry cannot hit, in Bai Clique also many people relaxed. This weaponry was not good to hit, has won ignominious, lost has lost face, can so leave office, was good. 眼见这一仗打不起来,白阀中也有不少人松了口气。这一仗可不好打,赢了不光彩,输了更是丢脸,能够如此下台,也是不错。 However they have not thought, Qianye said: Does not need another day, to be good because of today. I ask for advice the Mr. Yuantu unique skill now!” 然而他们没想到,千夜却道:“不必改日,就在今天好了。我现在就领教领教远图先生的绝技!” Then, Qianye is a fist, when the chest ejects, is exactly the same to that fist of Bai Longyue with the bang. 说罢,千夜就是一拳当胸击出,与轰向白龙越的那拳一模一样。 PS: Recently was submerged by the cold wave, joins flu Army, today just now recovers consciousness. Just looked at the weather predict that tomorrow is one wave strong cold, everybody must pay attention to maintain warmth. PS:最近被寒潮淹没,加入流感大军,今天方才缓过来些。刚看天气预报,明天又是一波强冷,大家都要注意保暖啊。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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