MOE :: Volume #10

#224: Returns to Yong Land

Less than moment time, Sousa experiences the method that Howard has emerged one after another incessantly. 不到片刻功夫,索萨就见识了霍华德层出不穷的手段。 Dark Gospel real was older than 200 years old Sousa, the fight experience that gains is very rich. He always walks randomly in the battlefield edge, basic disagreement Sousa upfront conflict, even gave up including the counter-attack, really meets the situation of not being able to evade, Howard rather consumes the essence and blood also to forcefully the shunt, in brief, was the disagreement Sousa true contact. 黑暗福音真实年纪比索萨大了200岁,积累下来的战斗经验无比丰富。他始终在战场边缘游走,根本不和索萨正面冲突,甚至连反击都放弃了,实在遇到避不了的场合,霍华德宁可消耗精血也要强行闪开,总而言之,就是不和索萨真正接触。 Side Howard is walking randomly several dissimilar in shape and form alien beast, these alien beast that is condensed by blood energy has the different abilities respectively, by the Sousa experience, only reluctantly recognizes one type, but also has heard, has not seen the true body truly. As for several other alien beast, Sousa listens not to hear continually. 霍华德身边游走着数头形态各异的异兽,这些由血气凝聚的异兽各有不同能力,以索萨的见识,也只勉强认出其中一种,还只是听说过,并没有真正见到真身。至于其它几只异兽,索萨连听都没听说过。 Several alien beast are lifelike, each ability has the difference respectively, or can make Howard accelerate, or made him move fast, resisted an attraction to tow for him. Has helping of these blood beasts, Howard even more powerful, drifts from place to place, whether there is lets Sousa from the feeling of starting. 数头异兽栩栩如生,每只能力各有不同,或能让霍华德加速,或是令他更加飘忽,或是为他抵挡一次引力牵引。有这些血兽之助,霍华德如虎添翼,飘忽不定,让索萨有无从下手之感。 Sousa as if returned to a past war, he at that time beginning promote Grand Monarch, in the level had the superiority obviously, but could not take Howard. However thinks carefully does not need to be extremely surprised, this Vampire Race Primogenitor and Lightless Monarch struggle for many years, even if the recent hundred years of activity reduces gradually, Metatron still how him, may know Howard to have the originality. 索萨仿佛又回到了当年一战,他那时初晋大君,明明位阶上有优势,可就是拿不下霍华德。不过仔细想想也无须太过惊讶,这位血族始祖无光君王明争暗斗多年,即使最近百年活动渐渐减少,梅丹佐也仍然奈何不了他,就可知霍华德自有独到之处。 Howard avoids Sousa to pursue at the same time, the leisure in addition held to Nighteye on. What appears on Nighteye is a pair of blood wing, making her speed promote 10%. Nighteye becomes drew back like the electricity, the speed has the promotion again, is such as the wind like the electricity, follows behind crazily to cut in Sousa chaotically kills, the blade light has added many wounds to him. 霍华德一边躲避索萨追击,还有余暇给夜瞳上了加持。在夜瞳身上浮现的是一双血翼,让她的速度提升了一成。夜瞳本就趋退如电,速度再有提升,更是如风如电,跟在索萨身后狂斩『乱』杀,道道刀光又给他添了不少伤口。 Under double child young girl amplification, the Qianye strength has been possible to resist with the Sousa positive photograph reluctantly, the Chaos Origin Force might appears gradually, compelling the Sousa Origin Force attack gradually reduces. 双子少女增幅下,千夜力量已经勉强可和索萨正面相抗,混沌原力威力逐渐显现,『逼』得索萨原力攻击逐渐减少。 Some Qianye resist in front hardly, Nighteye after kills, the Howard surroundings walk randomly show to harass, Sousa somewhat is at a loss at once unexpectedly, has a heaven-shaking strength spatially, cannot display. 千夜在前面硬抗,夜瞳自后袭杀,霍华德周围游走『骚』扰,索萨一时之间竟有些束手无策,空有一身惊天实力,就是发挥不出来。 In three people seems as if Howard is useless, but the critical moment, he will be often prompt make a move, melts Qianye and Nighteye crisis in all sorts of unthinkable methods. 三人中看上去似乎霍华德最是无用,但是每每关键时刻,他都会及时出手,以种种匪夷所思的手段化解千夜夜瞳危机。 The Dark Gospel fame, may be fights accumulates. Even if the present that the strength damages greatly, he is also one of the battlefield core elements, does not take him, Sousa wants to win, feared that is difficult. 黑暗福音的名望,可都是一场场战斗积累出来的。即使是实力大损的现在,他也是战场核心因素之一,不把他拿下,索萨想要获胜,怕是难上加难。 However wants to take Howard, is easier said than done? This old fogy slippery as fox, method emerges one after another incessantly, perhaps aimed at each enemy to prepare blood beast of one set of diversity compound. Also regardless of Qianye or Nighteye, were far from the ordinary duke and Grand Duke may compare, not careful Sousa will also be injured. If changes into two Prince his match, so will be not necessarily strenuous. 然而想要拿下霍华德,又是谈何容易?这老家伙滑似狐狸,手段层出不穷,说不定针对每个敌人都备了一套不同组合的血兽。再说无论千夜还是夜瞳,都绝非普通的公爵和大公可比,一个不小心索萨也会受伤。若将他的对手换成两位亲王,也不见得会这么吃力。 It seems like wants to win this weaponry, even captures alive Qianye, does not pay enough price to fear that was inadequate. 看来真想要赢下这一仗,甚至是活捉千夜,不付出足够代价怕是不成了。 To understand this point, Sousa has layer on layer trod on the ground, the Origin Force repulsion of eruption lets Qianye, Nighteye and Howard by far draws back. 想明白了这一点,索萨重重踏在地上,爆发的原力斥力让千夜夜瞳霍华德都远远退开。 Sousa receives the hand, on the face angry, unwilling and anxious vanishes instantaneously without a trace, is faint resembles the entire item matter not to relate with him. 索萨收手,脸上的愤怒、不甘和焦急瞬间消失得无影无踪,淡漠得好象整件事与他毫无关系。 Since Brooks that idiot died, why I do want such to work oneself to death?” “既然布洛克斯那个蠢货已经死了,我又为什么要这么卖命呢?” The transition suddenly, Qianye is startled, is waiting for as follows. 转折突如其来,千夜一怔,等候着下文。 The Sousa principle takes care of the shatter battle dress, moistened one drop to have ash from the wound color/look the blood of Origin Force, placed the mouth to taste, looking pensive, looked to Qianye meaningfully, then said: I must go back to report after carrying out orders, do you prepare to block me?” 索萨理了理破碎的战袍,从伤口上沾了一滴带有灰『色』原力的血,放在嘴里尝了尝,若有所思,向千夜意味深长的看了看,然后道:“我要回去复命了,你准备拦我吗?” Cannot.” Qianye said. “不会。”千夜道。 Sousa is willing to walk, is good. Through this event, Qianye had discovered that this Werewolf Grand Monarch like looking like does not have the brain crudely, the true strength also absolutely does right by the Grand Monarch status, the physical body attack of tyrannical hauling strength and pinnacle coordinates just right, making the place of his body Zhou hundred meters become the dead territories. 索萨肯走,自是再好不过。经此一役,千夜已经发现这位狼人大君并不象看起来那样鲁莽无脑,真正战力也绝对对得起大君身份,强横的牵引力量与极致的肉体打击配合得恰到好处,让他身周百米之地都成死域。 In the close combat domain, Sousa is much stronger. Now wants to come, initially Qianye can forcing Mozar Werewolf also really have the luck ingredient in inside, Sousa is not willing in extremely the unfriendly new world environment by too many wounds, should be the important reason. 在近战领域,索萨强得可怕。现在想来,当初千夜能够力压摩萨尔狼人还真是有运气成分在里面,索萨不肯在极度不友好的新世界环境里受太多伤,应该是重要原因。 If said the weakness, the Sousa attack and control area are limited, such as can walk randomly high-speed, theoretically can rub him slowly. But Grand Monarch weakness, is only relatively speaking. Qianye Void Flicker directly had been grasped by Sousa several times, wants the guerrilla warfare, where is so easy? 而若说弱点,索萨攻击和控制范围有限,如能高速游走,理论上是可以慢慢磨死他的。可是大君身上的弱点,也只是相对而言。千夜数次虚空闪烁都被索萨直接抓了回来,想要游击,哪有那么容易? This Demon Sovereign set out Sousa, that next time? Who comes to be? Wolf Ancestor, is Forever Burning Flame, even is Demon Sovereign arrives personally? 只是这一次魔皇出动了索萨,那下一次呢?来得又会是谁?狼祖,还是永燃之焰,甚至是魔皇亲自降临? Brooks Grand Duke died on the sunlight date, demonkin is will not give up absolutely. 布洛克斯大公死在曦日,魔裔是绝对不会善罢甘休的。 Qianye and Nighteye draw back to the two sides, resigns the channel. 千夜夜瞳退向两边,让出通道。 Sousa said suddenly: Has almost forgotten, a matter has not done.” 索萨忽然道:“差点忘了,还有件事没做。” His raising his hand, in the hand the wound splits open, gushes out one group of blood. This group of blood, then swiftly and violently burn, changes into huge rune, covers Qianye instantaneously in its, then submerges the Qianye body. 抬手,手上伤口迸裂,涌出一团鲜血。这团鲜血一出,便迅猛燃烧,化为一个巨大符文,瞬间将千夜罩在其下,然后没入千夜身体。 Sousa this suddenly, that rune speed surpasses all attacks, almost in forming the time, the synchronization appears on Qianye. If some people have looked at steadily, even possibly in the flash saw that rune simultaneously exists in two strange pictures. 索萨这一手突如其来,那符文的速度超过一切攻击,几乎是在形成时候,就同步出现在千夜身上。若有人一直目不转睛,甚至可能在一瞬间看到符文同时存在于两处的怪异景象。 This is the curse!” Nighteye draws a sword, cuts to Sousa. “这是诅咒!”夜瞳拔刀而起,斩向索萨 The Sousa big hand wields, sends out beyond Nighteye dozens meters, said: This is the curse, but does not have anything to affect to him temporarily.” 索萨大手一挥,又将夜瞳送出数十米外,道:“这是诅咒,不过暂时对他没什么影响。” Qianye stands in same place, inspects body, indeed had not felt that any difference, but that rune disappears without a trace. 千夜站在原地,检视身体,确实没有感觉到任何异样,而那个符文则是不知去向。 Howard is experienced, sinking sound said: This was antiquity rune, was equal to tracing the beacon.” 霍华德见多识广,沉声道:“这是上古符文,相当于追踪信标。” Sousa smiled, said: Worthily is Dark Gospel, was clear including our antiquity rune. Good, since the body had my beacon, did not need me saying that you also know how should do. We hope that you not like Brooks stupid.” 索萨笑了笑,道:“不愧是黑暗福音,连我们的上古符文都一清二楚。好了,既然身上有了我的信标,不用我说,你也知道应该怎么做了。希望你不是象布洛克斯那样愚蠢。” Sousa said, turns around to go, in an instant vanishes in the distant place. Moment latter Airship flies, circles for one week in the Qianye top of the head, then flies to the upper air, vanishes in the void deep place. 索萨说罢,转身而去,转眼间消失在远方。片刻后一艘浮空舰飞来,在千夜头顶盘旋一周,便飞向高空,消失在虚空深处。 clear(ly) knows that got down traced beacon, how Qianye actually could not find the beacon to be, also admired the Grand Monarch method the gods and ghosts. 明知道被下了追踪信标,千夜却怎么都找不到信标所在,也不禁佩服大君手段的神异。 Howard looking pensive, said: Knows by me, the antiquity rune powerful force of Werewolf, was not very but fine above the utilization of concrete strength. If this rune indeed traces the beacon, then in the Sousa hand should have another beacon, depends upon inductions between two beacons to locate your position. However, this is just two points, wants the precise anchor, but also needs the third point. This rune seems as if cannot accomplish this point. However about antiquity rune, wants to come Nighteye your majesty should compared with me clearly to be.” 霍华德若有所思,道:“以我所知,狼人的上古符文威力强大,但在具体力量的运用上面却不够精细。如果这个符文确实是追踪信标,那么索萨手中应该还有另一个信标,依靠两个信标之间的感应来确定你的位置。然而,这只不过是两个点,想要精确锚定,还需要第三个点。这个符文看上去似乎办不到这一点。不过关于上古符文,想来夜瞳陛下应该比我更加清楚才是。” Nighteye has been thinking, hears the Howard words, the access road/simply said: indeed so. That antiquity rune should only be able to induce the direction approximately, cannot the pinpointing, in other words, even if Sousa has set the Qianye's direction, is unable to determine that is away from his 1000 kilometers, is 10,000 kilometers.” 夜瞳一直在思索,听到霍华德的话,便道:“确实如此。那个上古符文应该只能大致感应出方向,并不能精确定位,也就是说,即使索萨确定了千夜的方向,也无法确定是距离他1000公里,还是10000公里。” Howard said: If rapid traverse, through induction position variation degree, can lock the distance. The person who so long as traces moves enough far.” 霍华德道:“如果快速移动,通过感应方位的变化程度,还是能锁定距离的。只要追踪的人移动得足够远。” Nighteye shakes the head, „, direction induction deviation ten degrees of rune beacon are not the common matters, only if shifts over a thousand kilometers, has the possibility to eliminate the influences of these errors. However, this moves unnecessarily completely.” 夜瞳摇头,“不,符文信标的方向感应偏差个十度是常有的事,除非横移上千公里,才有可能将这些误差的影响消除。但是,这完全是多此一举。” oh, why?” Howard is somewhat puzzled. ,为什么?”霍华德有些不解。 Nighteye said: Now we know, wants to grasp Qianye's is Demon Sovereign. In the Holy Mountain method, definitely does not need to use any beacon, the Holy Mountain will can cover Continent, Demon Sovereign, even if only arrives at avatar, searched for the sunlight date and peripheral air zone is also take some time. The position direction of Prophet may probably induce over a thousand kilometers beacon compared with this.” 夜瞳道:“现在我们已经知道,想要抓千夜的魔皇。以圣山手段,完全没必要使用什么信标,圣山意志可以覆盖大陆,魔皇即使仅降临分身,搜遍曦日和周边空域也不过是花点时间而已。况且预言师的方位指引可比这个要感应上千公里的信标强。” This but actually is also.” Howard meditated, Demon Sovereign has no need for the beacon instruction position, other people are not so. Holy Mountain handle affairs is not always able to guess, since Demon Sovereign has not acted to present, thinks that has any reason, or is paying attention to other matter. However has no alternative but the arrivals of other against Grand Monarch.” “这倒也是。”霍华德凝思,“不过魔皇是用不着信标指示方位,其他人则不然。圣山们行事从来都是无法揣测的,魔皇既然到现在都不曾自己出面,想必是有什么原因,或者在关注别的事情。但是不能不防其他大君的到来。” Suddenly, the atmosphere somewhat stagnates, Sousa so is formidable, if two Grand Monarch come in waves, perhaps they can only escape. 一时间,气氛有些凝滞,一个索萨就这么难对付,若有两位大君联袂而来,恐怕他们就只能逃跑了。 Qianye said suddenly: Not is only this, I will treat here, unceasingly will instead bring in the powerhouse.” 千夜忽道:“既是这样,那我待在这里,反而会不断引来强者。” Nighteye and Howard look one, immediately understood the Qianye's meaning. This fights twice, obviously the demonkin priority target turned into Qianye. 夜瞳霍华德对望一眼,立刻明白了千夜的意思。这两次战斗下来,显然魔裔的首要目标变成了千夜 Breaking Dawn Continent itself easily guarded, hard to attack, the secret route is a natural blockade, has restricted the cruising speed and scale of fleet enormously. The demonkin vanguard comes such quickly, is because Brooks Grand Duke private ship has the function of wall of enlargement sigh. 曦日大陆本身易守难攻,秘密航路就是一道天然屏障,极大制约了舰队的航行速度和规模。魔裔的先锋部队来得这么快,全是因为布洛克斯大公座舰有放大叹息之墙的功能。 This guess must come by no means baseless. On the one hand is that half Council fleet that Qianye personally saw to run away at that time, after driving out of the Continent near-earth range was surrounded by perils, blazing such as the flame class of fire was pounded down several by the upper air. On the other hand he also knew from the captive mouth, this army originally also has the armed forces and latter armed forces of similar scale, had not appeared. Obviously the sunlight date was is not so easy. 这点猜测并非凭空得来。一方面是千夜亲眼看见当时逃走的那一半议会舰队,在驶出大陆近地范围后就险象环生,被高空炽热如火的炎流又砸下几艘。另一方面他也从俘虏口中得知,这支部队原本还有差不多规模的中军和后军,却一直不曾出现。可见曦日不是这么容易来的。 If Qianye leaves, demonkin loses the true goal, just ate one to owe on the environment bad sunlight date greatly, the Vampire Race clan descendants who is also whether willing to exterminate does not make a name make the big effort, but also in two said. But if Qianye treats here, not only the class of Sousa will again also come, the sunlight date base such as has given a Demon Sovereign precise coordinate. 千夜如果离开,魔裔失去真正的目标,又刚在环境恶劣的曦日吃了一个大亏,是否还肯为剿灭一点不成气候的血族氏族后裔花偌大力气,还在两说。而千夜若待在这里,非但索萨之流还会再来,曦日基地等如是给了魔皇一个精确坐标。 Howard sinks recitation saying: No matter first Sousa is having any idea, regardless of antiquity rune beacon or Prophet separates the spatial survey, the best method of dealing with unceasingly to move the position. Even if Holy Mountain will not, searches for all Continent is not one day matter. You evade to evade also well.” 霍华德沉『吟』道:“先不管索萨在打什么主意,无论上古符文信标还是预言师的隔空探测,应对的最好手段就是不断移动位置。哪怕圣山意志无远弗届,搜遍所有大陆也不是一日之事。你避上一避也好。” After the discussion, Nighteye is the Qianye colleague, but Howard keeps Breaking Dawn Continent, commands the Vampire Race clan descendant, constructs the new seeking asylum homeland. 商议之后,夜瞳自是和千夜同行,而霍华德则是留在曦日大陆,统领血族氏族后裔,修建新的避难家园。 When are not many, Qianye then mounts Heroic Spirit Hall, Dragon Ship lifts off slowly, flies to below Continent. 不多时,千夜便登上英灵殿,竜舰缓缓升空,飞往下方的大陆 Yong Land not base industry that only then Qianye establishes laboriously, Summit of Pack Peak and William. At this time, Qianye wanted to understand the true idea of Summit of Pack Peak. demonkin obviously series Evernight ambition, but the hatred of Werewolf and Vampire Race, before the threat of extermination of the clan, became not so is important. 墉陆不只有千夜辛苦建立的基业,还有群峰之巅威廉。在这个时候,千夜想要了解群峰之巅的真实想法。魔裔显然有一统永夜的野心,而狼人血族的仇恨,在灭族的威胁前,就变得不那么重要了。 After Heroic Spirit Hall arrives in the Yong Land outer space, stemming from discrete, Qianye has not let Heroic Spirit Hall landing City of Green Wave, but leaves Dragon Ship with Nighteye and small Zhuji one person alone, flies into Yong Land, enters City of Green Wave quietly. 英灵殿抵达墉陆外空后,出于谨慎,千夜并未让英灵殿降落碧波之城,而是与夜瞳和小朱姬孤身离开竜舰,飞入墉陆,悄悄进入碧波之城 Returns to City of Green Wave, Qianye immediately the seen picture had a scare. 重返碧波之城,千夜立刻被看到的景象吓了一跳。 City of Green Wave originally in the slum area outside city wall the complete crew cut, was renovating the construction everywhere, the range expands compared with it past by far, just like is a big work site. 碧波之城原本在城墙外的贫民区已经完全推平,到处都在翻盖建筑,范围比之过去远远扩张,俨然是一个大工地。 In the slum area assigns the region one after another obviously, the size varies, the shape is also anomalous, the architectural style of each region is different. In the different regions is hanging the flags and totem of different tribe, was demonstrating the power of this lands is with the guardian. 贫民区里面明显划出一块一块的区域,大小不一,形状也不规则,每片区域的建筑风格都不一样。不同的区域上挂着不同部落的旗帜和图腾,显示着这片土地的权属和保护人。 Although looked like with past slum same mixed chaotic disorderly, but prospered and aura of wealth actually heads on. 尽管看起来和过去的贫民窟一样的杂『乱』无章,但是繁荣和财富的气息却扑面而来。 Qianye leaves City of Green Wave not is very long, in short time, how on prosperity to this situation? 千夜离开碧波之城也不算很久,短短时间内,怎么就繁荣到这种地步?
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