MOE :: Volume #10

#220: Restless root

Brooks minister?” Demon Sovereign said: What matter is so hurried, rushed to here to come directly? I remember that you should be right in Breaking Dawn Continent.” 布洛克斯卿?”魔皇道:“什么事这么匆忙,直接跑到这里来了?我记得你应该在曦日大陆才对。” Brooks single knee selects the place, said: Supreme your majesty, was sorry very much, I failed.” 布洛克斯单膝点地,道:“至尊的陛下,很抱歉,我失败了。” The Demon Sovereign facial expression is motionless, the tone is still very temperate, oh? This actually accidental/surprised result. Lord of Macefield reported that the Dark Gospel Howard wound was heavy soon falls the step. By you and Georgette joint effort, Grandmaster Maitte assumes personal command, even if cannot win, should slightly win is right.” 魔皇神情不动,口气依然很温和,“?这倒是一个令人意外的结果。梅斯菲尔德之主报告说,黑暗福音霍华德伤重得都快要掉阶了。以你和乔其合力,还有斯迈特大师坐镇,就算不能大胜,也应该小赢才对。” Hubbs does not think for the person knit the brows, these demonkin powerhouses in the Evernight camp illustrious, Georgette is younger, Brooks Grand Duke actually possibly did not compare certain senile Prince to be weak. However was the pursuit escapes from Twilight Continent Vampire Race, demonkin has sent out two top Grand Duke and Great Wizard unexpectedly. 哈布斯不为人觉地皱了皱眉,这几个魔裔强者都在永夜阵营中赫赫有名,其中乔其年轻一些,布洛克斯大公却可能都不比某些衰老的亲王弱了。不过是追击一些逃出暮光大陆血族,魔裔居然派出了两位顶尖大公和一名大巫师 Especially demonkin Great Wizard, they very long did not appear in the battlefield, but has Metadron memory Hubbs actually still to remember, the demonkin sorcerer and lineup of soldiers union is how thorny. Great Wizard secret method is the weapon that they operate, to calculate regarding the addition of strength. Even if Howard is perfect, is hard to resist such lineup. 尤其是魔裔大巫师,他们已经很久不出现在战场上了,可是有着梅塔德隆记忆的哈布斯却还记得,魔裔巫师和战士结合的阵容是多么棘手。无论是大巫师秘法还是他们操纵的武器,对于战力的加成都是以倍数计的。哪怕霍华德完好无损,也难以抵挡这样的阵容。 Brooks bends down to bow the head saying: Was I advanced recklessly, has not waited for them to arrive launches the attack, finally the leading troops only rescued less than half, my private ship was also attacked and sunk.” 布洛克斯俯身低首道:“是我太冒进了,没有等他们到位就发动攻击,结果先头部队只救回来小半,我的座舰也被击沉。” One side Demon Sovereign places the book in hand, the mildness on face vanishes little, said: This may really not be a good news. You are catching up to see me anxiously, can apologize?” 魔皇将手中的书放在一边,脸上的温润消失少许,道:“这可真不是一个好消息。你急着赶来见我,是要谢罪吗?” Brooks said: Before apologizing, I have a very important news to you report.” 布洛克斯道:“在请罪之前,我有一个非常重要的消息要向您报告。” He has not said that but looked at Hubbs. 他没有说下去,而是看了一眼哈布斯 Demon Sovereign said: Minister Hubbs does not need to avoid. The Brooks minister, you have any words, here said.” 魔皇道:“哈布斯卿不用回避。布洛克斯卿,你有什么话,就在这里说吧。” Yes, your majesty. I saw Qianye, and battles with him. In fight final, he has used Book of Black, and presents this kind of prospect.” “是,陛下。我见到了千夜,并与他激战一场。在战斗最后,他使用了黑之书,并且呈现出这样一幕图景。” Brooks Grand Duke both hands make a false pretext forward, on palm releases one group of demonic aura, inside presents the Qianye form, surroundings Book of Black evolves the world the process, all was recorded. 布洛克斯大公双手虚托向前,掌上释放出一团魔气,里面出现千夜身影,周围黑之书衍化世界的过程,全都被纪录下来。 Sees the Continent formation, many race emergence, Demon Sovereign leaps stands up, sits down slowly, said to the Hubbs forced smile: I just had said that to oneself whether to keep the commitment not to have the confidence.” 看到大陆成型,诸多种族出现,魔皇腾地站起,又徐徐坐下,对哈布斯苦笑道:“我刚刚说过,对自己能否遵守承诺没有信心。” Hubbs sits in same place motionless, at this moment raised the head slightly, calmly is looking at Demon Sovereign. He has not spoken, on the face does not have the slight expression, a sapphire eye shows cold Yilai slightly. 哈布斯坐在原地一动不动,此刻微微抬头,静静望着魔皇。他没有说话,脸上也没有丝毫表情,一双蓝宝石般的眼睛微微透出冷意来。 Demon Sovereign takes back the vision from Hubbs, said: Demonstrates again.” 魔皇哈布斯身上收回目光,道:“再演示一遍。” Brooks Grand Duke depends on the life, emits the image once more, is prosperous by world, stops. 布洛克斯大公依命,再次将影像放出,直到世间繁盛,才嘎然而止。 Demon Sovereign looks is enthralled, asked subconsciously: Following?” 魔皇看得入神,下意识地问:“后面的呢?” Did not have.” “没有了。” Why?” “为什么?” Qianye received Book of Black.” 千夜黑之书又收了回去。” A Demon Sovereign slightly thinking, smiles to say with a smile: Child feeling is very keen, is only also the heart is sometimes big. The Brooks minister, said in detail your course, do not leave out any detail.” 魔皇略一思索,笑笑道:“那孩子感觉很敏锐,只是有时候也挺心大的。布洛克斯卿,详细说一下你的战斗经过吧,不要漏掉任何细节。” Yes, your majesty.” “是,陛下。” Brooks Grand Duke starts to narrate that breaks in private ship from Qianye, to the entire process that defeating to become a fugitive. He not only specifically described the Qianye's skill and might, but also has joined itself to the both sides the judgment of power balance and rule change, if Qianye on the scene, may receive Grand Duke that the bureau instigates in this opening surprisedly wildly arrogant, is some genuine materials. But Demon Sovereign is very patient, throughout is listening earnestly, occasionally also will ask several questions. 布洛克斯大公开始讲述从千夜冲入座舰,到战败逃亡的全过程。他不仅详细说明了千夜的技能和威力,还加入了自己对双方力量对比和规则变化的判断,若千夜在场,可能会惊讶于这位开局骄狂收局太怂的大公,还是有些真材实料的。而魔皇十分耐心,始终认真地听着,偶尔还会问几个问题。 After saying, Brooks Grand Duke over the face ashamed said/tunnel: This time is I have a low opinion of the enemy to advance recklessly, I requested sincerely you give an opportunity again. I and Georgette collaborate, has the in addition of Grandmaster Maitte to hold again, has confidence to defeat Qianye and Nighteye, gives to you them. Dark Gospel Howard can only pound to disturb now, cannot have an effect.” 说完后,布洛克斯大公满面惭愧地道:“这次是我轻敌冒进,我恳切地请求您再给予一次机会。我和乔其联手,再有斯迈特大师的加持,有把握击败千夜夜瞳,将他们献给您。黑暗福音霍华德现在只能捣捣乱,起不了什么作用。” Demon Sovereign shakes the head saying: First time could, you have fought now, they were prepared, was very difficult.” 魔皇摇头道:“第一次或许可以,现在你们已经交过手,他们有了准备,就很难了。” They are the duke......” Brooks also want to insist. “他们不过是公爵……”布洛克斯还想坚持。 Demon Sovereign slow say/way: „, Does not let Crassus...... Ok, he has the important matter, Black Sun Mountain Valley also needs him to assume personal command. You look for Markle Council President, has the faith token of my symbol with one, then sees Sousa, he is Qianye has also had to do.” 魔皇缓道:“唔,让克拉苏……算了,他另有要务,黑日山谷还需要他坐镇。你去找马克尔议长,拿一份有我徽记的信物,然后去见索萨吧,他也算是和千夜打过交道。” Brooks slightly feels the accident/surprise, has not thought that Demon Sovereign so attaches great importance to Qianye unexpectedly. 布洛克斯略感意外,没想到魔皇千夜竟是如此重视。 Hubbs cannot bear make noise, „the holy war that a pilot-scale is not, sets out Grand Monarch, is an old wolf?” 哈布斯忍不住出声,“不过一次中型规模都算不上的圣战,就出动大君,还是一头老狼?” Hubbs the meaning of ridicule is extremely really obvious, Brooks turns head to glower to him immediately. 哈布斯的讥讽之意实在太过明显,布洛克斯顿时回头对他怒目而视。 Demon Sovereign breaks imposing manner that two people have been ready to be set off, said: Brooks minister, manages.” 魔皇打断了两人一触即发的气势,道:“布洛克斯卿,去办吧。” Brooks returns to turn around immediately, restores the respectful and prudent manner, salutes later leaves. 布洛克斯立刻回转身,恢复恭谨态度,行礼之后离开。 However the atmosphere of study room actually again could not return to the beforehand tranquility, the air to coagulate likely generally, even showed slightly coldly some. 然而书房的气氛却再回不到之前的平静,空气像是凝固了一般,甚至透出些许微寒。 Demon Sovereign sets out to pace, this is really a unusual movement. 魔皇起身踱步,这实在是个不寻常的动作。 Dark Saint Mountain stand in the peak of this world, in the majority of person eyes, is similar to the god of bird's eye view all living things. Like Queen of the Night, occasionally in the projection that Council presents, makes low-rank have the impulsion of lying prostrate in worship. Demon Sovereign is one that in Holy Mountain most cherishes the people, but also never demonstrated that before the person this type the action that is similar to the ordinary person heart struggles hesitant. 黑暗圣山们站在这个世界的巅峰,在大部分人眼中,如同俯瞰众生的神祗。就像夜之女王,偶尔在议会出现的投影,都让下位者有顶礼膜拜的冲动。魔皇已经是圣山中最亲民的一个,但也从未在人前显示出这种如同普通人心中犹豫挣扎的举动。 Hubbs closes the eye, must slightly sleep likely, after the moment, actually he first broke silence, Kane your majesty, killed Lin Xitang to be insufficient, but can also massacre with his related all people?” 哈布斯又闭上眼睛,像是要小寐,片刻后,却还是他首先打破了沉寂,“凯恩陛下,是否杀了林熙棠还不够,还要杀掉和他相关的所有人?” Demon Sovereign anchors the footsteps, looks to him, Hubbs has not actually opened the eye. In fact, their first upfront talks about this issue. 魔皇停住脚步,向他望去,哈布斯却没有睁开眼睛。事实上,两人还是第一次正面谈及这个问题。 Before Longevity King falls from the sky, once spread a news from his there. Human race has been carrying on a secret plan, attempts to subvert our world the strength evolution.” “在长生王陨落前,曾经从他那里传来一个消息。人族一直在进行一项秘密计划,企图颠覆我们世界的力量谱系。” Strength evolution can subvert? That is the floor rule of world.” “力量谱系是可以颠覆的吗?那可是世界的底层规则。” Although is not that one night change, sounds also to be contrary to the common sense, but in fact, proportion of Daybreak in strength evolution has been expanding.” Demon Sovereign temperate said/tunnel: This plan this generation of directors are Lin Xitang.” “虽然不是那种一夜之间的改变,听起来也有违常理,但是实际上,黎明在力量谱系上的占比一直在扩张。”魔皇温和地道:“这个计划这一代的主持人是林熙棠。” That plan is really unthinkable, matter that our dark subjects even/including wants unable to think, you believe that Human race can achieve?” “那个计划实在匪夷所思,我们黑暗子民连想都想不到的事情,您相信人族能做到?” Dear Hubbs, can listen attentively to the world rule, is not only then I, but above Holy Mountain, is not only then I.” “亲爱的哈布斯,能够倾听世界规则的,并不是只有我一个人,而圣山之上,也不是只有我一个人。” Hubbs opens the eye suddenly, is looking straight ahead Demon Sovereign. In the Demon Sovereign words the meaning is extremely astonishing, he almost thinks oneself understood that made a mistake. 哈布斯陡然睁开眼睛,直视着魔皇魔皇话中含义太过惊人,他几乎认为自己理解错了。 This news regardless of genuine and fake, regardless of people whether believes that will create the Evernight world the panic. Therefore so far, you are fourth know.” “这个消息无论真假,无论人们是否相信,都会造成永夜世界的恐慌。所以到目前为止,你是第四个知道的。” Demon Sovereign spoke clearly the words, making Hubbs know own idea right. About the world rule knew that deepest Holy Mountain, perceived certain unknown changes, and reached the agreement at something. 魔皇把话说得更加明白,让哈布斯知道自己的想法没错。对世界规则了解最深的圣山们,觉察到了某些不为人知的变化,并且在一些事情上达成了共识。 Very unfortunate, then the beautiful star axle, in this world, longest also can only exist for 60 years, insufficiently our young son adults. What is more unfortunate, we are he enemy who wants to eliminate, moreover I cannot find out to have anything to change his idea.” “十分不幸,那么美丽的星轨,在这个世界上,最长也只能存在60年,都不够我们的幼崽成人。更不幸的是,我们是他想要消灭的敌人,而且我想不出有什么能改变他的想法。” A moment later, the Hubbs forced smile said: short-lived species came from their life tenaciously is short, the remote thing for them is impractical. Perhaps Grand Marshal Lin is can determine to the future that oneself have, therefore even more is unable to vacillate.” 片刻之后,哈布斯苦笑道:“短生种的固执来自于他们生命短促,过于遥远的东西对他们来说就是不切实际。林元帅或许是对自己所拥有的未来更能确定,所以愈加无法动摇。” Yes, Human race is really the contradictory lifeform. Individual life lets them short especially dedicated at present, but this limit has not made them go astray the future.” Demon Sovereign paused, calm said/tunnel: This is our enemies.” “是的,人族真是矛盾的生物。个体生命的短促让他们格外专注眼前,可是这种局限却并没让他们走错未来。”魔皇顿了顿,心平气和地道:“这就是我们的敌人。” „Do you plan thoroughly to eliminate let your restless root?” This is Hubbs second question, before the topic returns demonkin Grand Duke to arrive. “您打算彻底清除让您不安的根源?”这是哈布斯第二遍发问,话题又转回魔裔大公到来之前。 Demon Sovereign this silent time is a little long, he crossed for a long time said very much: What if you refer to is forest, no, I cannot kill his second time. I do not know how the forest achieves, he annihilated oneself source. Therefore his remains now are very unstable, once the origin crystal exsomatize, will break up immediately.” 魔皇这次沉默的时间有点长,他过了很久才道:“如果你指的是林,不,我不能杀死他第二次。况且我不知道林是怎么做到的,他把自己的本源湮灭了。所以他的遗骨现在很不稳定,一旦原晶离体,立刻就会崩解。” Hubbs is stunned, source? Isn't the source of life respective Origin Force?” 哈布斯愕然,“本源?生命的本源不是各自的原力吗?” „The demonkin research institute refers to the generation with this noun, they believe, short-lived species also has one type source that is similar to the long-lived species soul. If our souls formidable enough to can resist wearing down of wheel of destiny, may awaken in the future. short-lived species is not good, their life sources can with the body with decaying.” 魔裔研究院只是拿这个名词指代而已,他们认为,短生种也有一种类似于长生种灵魂的本源。我们的灵魂如果强大到能够抵御命运之轮的消磨,就有可能在未来觉醒。短生种却不行,他们的生命本源会与躯体同朽。” Hubbs sent a while to be dull, said: Therefore you can stamp out the source of trouble to Qianye?” 哈布斯发了一会儿呆,道:“所以您要对千夜斩草除根?” Demon Sovereign shakes the head, „, dear Hubbs, Qianye is very unimportant, is Book of Black is more important. In fact, 12 individual life and death are of little significance, wait for the pure new world to establish, is not suitable to exist naturally slowly will wither away.” He sighed: „Only the forest is different.” 魔皇摇头,“不,亲爱的哈布斯,千夜或许很重要,可是黑之书更重要。实际上,12个人的生死无关大局,等纯净的新世界建立,不适合存在的自然会慢慢消亡。”他叹了口气道:“只有林是不同的。” In room together demonic aura, if the cool breeze has stroked, in the midair presents the picture that the prosperous chapter of world evolved. Demon Sovereign calmly looks, until image interrupt, side say/way: Really is worth seeing a hundred times.” 房间里一道魔气若清风拂过,半空中出现了繁盛之章世界衍化的景象。魔皇静静看着,直到影像中断,方道:“真是百看不厌。” „Is this appearance of pure world?” “这就是纯净世界的样子?” Accurate point said, should be this world should have the appearance that. How regardless of us diligently, Daybreak Origin Force to leave too many traces in our world. Even if has swept clear thoroughly, exists has existed eventually. Therefore the world in Book of Black also can only be ideal, ideal world that forever will not realize. But, this does not hinder us to approach.” “确切点说,应该是这个世界本来应该有的样子。只是无论我们怎么努力,黎明原力都在我们世界里留下太多的痕迹。就算彻底清扫过,存在的终究是存在过。所以黑之书中的世界也只能是理想,永远也不会实现的理想世界。可是,这不妨碍我们向它靠近。” Hubbs was also silent, he stands up, walks after the table, looks to the window near outward, said: Recently your words were many.” 哈布斯又沉默了,他站起身,从桌子后走出来,到落地窗边向外远望,道:“最近您的话很多。” Demon Sovereign self-ridicules smiles, said: Even if the firm, sets goal, will have to pace back and forth the puzzled time. You can be regarded as my thinking aloud it.” 魔皇自嘲的一笑,道:“即使坚定信念,确立目标,也会有彷徨困惑的时候。你可以把它都当作是我的自言自语。” Hubbs has turned the head to visit him, the vision is quite novel, I think, only then we will have this worry.” 哈布斯转过头看他,目光颇为新奇,“我以为只有我们才会有这种烦恼。” Demon Sovereign loses says with a smile: Dear Hubbs, you are most should not have the person of this question. I and you, what also or I and do you have to be different?” 魔皇失笑道:“亲爱的哈布斯,你是最不该有这种疑问的人。我和你,亦或我和你们有什么根本不同?” Hubbs was said is startled slightly, this does not conform to Evernight world level and rank general knowledge for a long time, Holy Mountain possibly is how same as the ordinary Evernight aristocrat. However he thinks again, thinks to have no way to refute, adventurer Kane and Demon Sovereign Kane real personality not changes. 哈布斯被说得微微一怔,这不符合永夜世界长久以来的位阶和等级常识,圣山怎么可能和普通永夜贵族一样。然而他再想了想,又觉得没法反驳,冒险者凯恩魔皇凯恩的真实性情并无改变。 Good, in this point, I acknowledged that you are right.” “好吧,这一点上,我承认你是对的。” Demon Sovereign takes up on hand a literature, flipped conveniently, enthusiastic said/tunnel: „When this was to speak the antiquity war logistic management? Very rare!” 魔皇拿起手边一份文献,随手翻了翻,就饶有兴味地道:“这篇是讲上古战争时的后勤管理吗?很少见啊!” Hubbs actually smiled, has not met this thread of conversation, instead asked: Therefore, Kane your majesty, you determined, how then planned to do?” 哈布斯却笑了笑,没有接这个话头,反而问道:“所以,凯恩陛下,您确定了吗,接下来打算怎么做?” Which my does not go, here reads, opens until the Black Sun Mountain Valley front door.” “我哪也不去,就在这里看书,直到黑日山谷大门开启。” Hasn't opened? Compared with the initial estimate time, does this cross for several days?” “还没有开吗?比起最初的预计时间,这都已经过了好几天了吧?” This is the place that makes me have doubts. New world will as if in resistance opening front door, and also gives the quite firm counter-attack to various surveys. This will, has resulted in intelligently likely is not the world will.” “这就是让我疑惑的地方。新世界意志似乎在抗拒开启大门,并且对各种探测也都给予相当坚决的反击。这个意志,已经聪明得不象是世界意志了。” Actually is new world will what?” “新世界意志究竟是什么?” I do not know.” Demon Sovereign honest said/tunnel. “我也不知道。”魔皇老老实实地道。 At this moment, some Hubbs types facing had not replied the feeling of young student the teacher inquired, and in the mind turned gushes out belongs to the Metadron memory. In some sense, adventurer Kane does not deal to be easier than Demon Sovereign Kane. 这一刻,哈布斯都有种面对没有回答出老师提问的年轻学生的感觉,并且脑海中翻涌出许多属于梅塔德隆的记忆。从某种意义上来说,冒险者凯恩并不比魔皇凯恩应对起来更容易。 Hubbs shook the head, walks slowly and aimlessly near the desk, took an ancient book to glance through conveniently. Although these are the Vampire Race collections, but are majority of he not to look. Between him and Demon Sovereign but temporarily the frail tranquility, no one knows how long can maintain. 哈布斯摇了摇头,踱回书桌边,也随手拿了一本古书翻阅。这些虽然是血族的珍藏,可大部分他也是未曾看过的。至于他和魔皇之间暂时而脆弱的平静,谁也不知道能够保持多久。 The empire, to lead to the front door of new world outside, a mysterious army is building up. This army quantity is not big, but equips exceptionally excellent, each one armed the tooth, Aerial Warship that provides was also the model of most newcomer. These warship outward appearances seem dusky, is entirely different from the painting of empire Imperial Fleet. 帝国,通向新世界的大门外,一支神秘部队正在集结。这支部队数量不大,可是装备异常精良,个个都武装到了牙齿,所配备的浮空战舰也均是最新锐的型号。这些战舰外观看上去灰蒙蒙的,和帝国禁卫舰队的涂装截然不同。 In this fleet not far away, in common small Airship, Bright Emperor and Zhang Boqian directly opposite sits. 在这支舰队不远处,一艘不起眼的小浮空舰中,皓帝张伯谦正对面而坐。 King Zhang this goes, is surely careful, all take preserving oneself as to want. If the matter may not be, namely, when tries the whole body to draw back.” 张王此去,千万小心,一切以保全自身为要。若事不可为,即当设法全身而退。” Zhang Boqian said: This match was essential in the overall situation, I will seek for the fighter aircraft, pares 12 powerful enemies for the empire.” 张伯谦道:“此役于全局至为关键,我自会寻找战机,为帝国削去12强敌。” Bright Emperor frowned slightly, said: Why reluctantly?” 皓帝微微皱眉,道:“何必勉强?” „The Evernight internal aspect was very obvious, if made Demon Sovereign put down Vampire Race, series Evernight, from now on how the empire should from the place?” 永夜内部的局面已经很明显了,若是让魔皇平了血族,一统永夜,今后帝国该如何自处?” Bright Emperor said: Would the means.” 皓帝道:“总会有办法的。” Zhang Boqian said: Your majesty why do want to go to battle mobile?” 张伯谦道:“那陛下又为何自己要机动出战?” Bright Emperor had been stopped up this by Zhang Boqian, touches the chin, wants to change a topic, 皓帝张伯谦堵了这一句,摸了摸下巴,想换个话题, That Blossomed Red Spider Lilies......” “那曼殊沙华……” Zhang Boqian bars the way: Nonego, has it not to have it not to distinguish. The exact use, the might greatly will also fall short, is why? If legendary gun can also control the war compared with the person, why your majesty and Lin Jian King doesn't use Human Sovereign?” 张伯谦截道:“外物而已,有它没它没有分别。强要使用,威力也会大打折扣,又是何必?名枪若真比人还能左右战局,陛下和临江王为何不用人皇?” After Bright Emperor was stopped up second, suddenly thought oneself knew the feelings of teacher in this moment. 皓帝被堵了第二句之后,突然觉得自己在这一刻感受到了老师的心情。 At this time if two people had a sleep, simultaneously looked to the door place. The gate was sounded, after Bright Emperor called, female military officer walked, carefully looked again unexpectedly is Empress Li. 这时两人若有所觉,同时向房门处看去。门被敲响,皓帝叫进后,一名女军官走了进来,再仔细看去竟是李后 How to prepare?” “准备得如何?” Empress Li said: New warship returned, this time altogether stayed on the 4 th in the new world, the key equipment was only slightly damages. Infers by this, must be possible to stay for two months in the new world about. However the Black Sun Mountain Valley environment is severe, perhaps in that side resident time not over 40 days.” 李后道:“新战舰已经返回,这次在新世界内一共停留四日,关键设备只是小损。以此推断,应当可在新世界内停留两月左右。不过黑日山谷环境严苛,恐怕在那边的停留时间不会超过40天。” This war, can the Heaven's Mysterious aspect, what indication have?” “此战,天机方面,可有什么征兆?” Bright Emperor this asked, this has not held anything to hope. The new world will can make to be at a loss supremely, is formidable in the extreme. Calculates it by Heaven's Mysterious Art, solid and suicide not different. Heaven Mysterious Artist of empire also observes the situation in the surrounding, but also only sees one group of chaos frequently. 皓帝这一问,本没有抱什么希望。新世界意志能够令至尊束手无策,强大得无以复加。以天机术去算它,实与自杀无异。帝国的天机术士也就是在外围观察一下大势,还常常只看见一团混沌。 Unexpectedly the Empress Li complexion has different, returns saying: Recent time...... The new world will, resembling is holds the good intentions to my Human race.” 不料李后脸色有异,回道:“最近一次……新世界意志,似是对我人族抱有善意。” Good intentions?” Bright Emperor is greatly wonderful. Zhang Boqian is also very accidental/surprised, he passed and out the new world several times, does not have such feeling. “善意?”皓帝大奇。张伯谦也是十分意外,他明里暗里进出过新世界数次,可没这样的感觉。 Right, the servants also felt inconceivable, the risk contacted, feedback that received, it resembled is hopes that we entered Inner World.” “没错,臣妾也感到十分不可思议,就冒险接触了一下,得到的反馈,它似是希望我们进入里世界。” Bright Emperor and Zhang Boqian look one, said: If so, should better. But must guard that the trillion of Heaven's Mysterious was hoodwinked the distortion, King Zhang does not may treat it lightly.” 皓帝张伯谦对望一眼,道:“若是如此,最好不过。但也要谨防天机之兆被蒙蔽扭曲,张王万万不可掉以轻心。” This Zhang Boqian has not stopped up him again, shows due respect for the feelings to nod very much. 这次张伯谦没再堵他,很给面子地点了头。 Bright Emperor turns the head to look to Empress Li, facial expression becomes gentle, said: Next time cannot so take risk again.” 皓帝转头望向李后,神情变得柔和,道:“下次千万不能再如此冒险了。” Empress Li startled, side say/way: Compliant.” 李后怔了怔,方道:“遵命。” Zhang Boqian inquires into a case, said: Not is only is ready, feudal official this depart.” 张伯谦推案而起,道:“既是一切就绪,那臣这就出发了。” Bright Emperor stands up to see off, wishes to open King's flag to open triumphs.” 皓帝站起相送,“预祝张王旗开得胜。” The Zhang Boqian personal appearance collects, vanished from the cabin. 张伯谦身形一敛,就从舱室内消失了。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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