Thisnottoocomplexworkdid not needChu Tianto go into actionpersonally, sendingYun YaoandFeng Caidieto goon the line, butSouth Summer Kingto be cautious, mentioned by nameto wantChu Tianonpersonally. Because the frontcommunicationstandswhether to establish, relates to the situation of war, cannotleave the least bitmistakeabsolutely.
After Meng Qingwuknowssuchsituation, saidtoChu Tian: „Generally the chamber of commercedoes not allowto approach the frontfort, thisopportunityis rare, Igowithyoutogether.”梦轻舞得知这样情况后对楚天说:“一般商会是不允许靠近前线要塞,这次机会非常难得,我跟你一起去吧。”Chu Tianis somewhat surprised: „Can young ladyalsopass?”楚天有些惊讶:“大小姐也要过去?”Meng Qingwusaid: „Frontfortis the huge market, after the specialwarstarts, food, military supplies, toolwait / etc., alldemandis huge, Miracle Commerceshifts to an earlier timeto prepare, namelyis helpfulMiracle Commercefurtherexpanding, canbe readybefore the station, builds a more reliablefoundationfor the war.”梦轻舞说道:“前线要塞是巨大市场,特别战争打响之后,食物、军需、工具等等,各方需求非常巨大,奇迹商会提早过去准备,即有助奇迹商会更进一步扩展,也能够在站前做好准备,为战事打造更牢固的基础。”Said that is also reasonable.
这么说也有道理。Thatraises the young ladyto gotogether.
那就带大小姐一起去吧。Chu Tianis responsible forsupervisingto construct the communicationstation, the young ladyis responsible forinspecting the frontmarket, unifies the actual situation and fortgarrisonsto discuss the cooperation, twomattersare donetogetherdo not conflictbut actually.楚天负责监督建造通讯站,大小姐负责考察前线市场,结合实际情况与要塞驻军谈合作,两件事情一起做倒也不冲突。ButChu TianMeng Qingwuwalks, Miracle Commercetwobigleadersnot.
可楚天梦轻舞一走,奇迹商会两大领袖就不在了。Chu Tiantoinspect the frontnamealong withRoyal entourage, Imperial TeacherGu Qianqiuwill accompanyto go, butWu'anMonarchgoes to battleoutside, is Miracle Commerceisolated and cuts off from helpinImperial City?楚天又是随王驾以考察前线名义出发,国师古千秋会随同前往,而武安君又出征在外,奇迹商会在王城岂不是孤立无援?Becausewas worried that behind somepeoplemeethold the knife, for safetydoes not leadShen BingyuandteneightguardsYin Corpse. ThistimefollowsRoyal entourageto go on a journey, there isbigscholarto accompany, addssmallfoxstealthbodyguardagain, even ifencounterssomeparoxysmal incidents, Chu Tian can also deal!
The Southern Summer Countryfront, altogetherfiveforts, eachstations the large army, actually the securitycanguarantee. NowSouth Summer Kinghasto askChu Tian, butinChu Tianin the future, will perhaps play very vitalrole, South Summer King is quite freely narrow, butdecidesis unlikelyto get ridtoChu Tianinthis matter.南夏国前线,总共五座要塞,每一座驻有重兵,其实安全性是可以保证的。现在南夏王有求楚天,而楚天未来一段时间里,恐怕还会发挥很重要的作用,南夏王尽管比较狭隘,但决不至于在此事对楚天出手。Next morning.
翌日清晨。Royal entouragestarts, Golden Lion of threeAwakened Soul9th Layerstrengthspulls a cart, twohundredGryphonknightsescort, senior generalWang Tianlong ridesEarth Dragonto command the army the frontopening, Gu Qianqiu and Chu Tiangangfollows on the heels, is goingto the northslowly.王驾启动,三头魂醒九重实力的黄金狮子拉车,二百狮鹫骑士护驾,大将王天龙骑着地龙率军前方开路,古千秋、楚天一伙人跟在后面,正在缓缓地向北方而去。Thislineupis astonishing, the assassinationpossibility is almost zero, actuallyalsonobodydaresto assassinateSouth Summer King.
这种阵容非常惊人,遇刺可能性几乎为零,其实也没有人敢行刺南夏王。Person who thistimecansittop digit, even if not the entirecommunityis strongest, wheremostat leastweaklytowill not go. South Summer Kingcompared withWu'anMonarchweakly, but the good and evilisExpert of True Spiritrank, is far from the generation of commonplacecanresist!
这个时代能坐上高位的人,即使不是整个群体最强的,最起码也不会弱到哪里去。南夏王比武安君弱一点,但好歹是真灵级别的强者,绝非等闲之辈能够对抗!Southern Summer Countrywithin the boundarieswhois capable ofassassinatingSouth Summer King?南夏国境内谁有能力刺杀南夏王?HoweverSouth Summer King the Wang Tianlong beltinside, this littlestems from the anticipation of Chu Tianactually, althoughChu Tiandoes not likethisfellow, butSouth Summer Kingcarries overImperial Cityto have the advantagehimtoMiracle Commerce. These days that mostat leastdoes not needto be worried aboutto leave, Miracle Commercewas plotted againstby the Wang Familyinfluence.
The prairieboundlessthousand li(500 km), almostdoes not have the world, can only occasionallysee the scoutwatch box, thiswalksnot to encounteranyhindrance, finally the horizonreappears a blackoutline.
终于到了!Thisis the Southern Summer Countrynorthernboundary!
这就是南夏国的北方边界!From afarwhateverybodyseesisin the frontfivebigfortsbiggestone, named„steel and ironfort”, is namedas„iron wall”, about50ten thousandSouthern Xiagarrisons, thisisSouthern Summer Countryresists the War Houndprairieunyielding.
大家远远望见的是前线五大要塞中最大的一座,名为“钢铁要塞”,俗称为“铁城”,大约有50万南夏驻军,这是南夏国抵抗犬戎草原的砥柱。Thissteel and ironorphanedcity, just likesdrops from the clouds, jumpslikelyfrom the place, thenstands and waits for a long timetoweringin the prairie of vast stretch of flat land. When anySouthern Summer Countryperson, firsttimesees the iron wall, itsgrandwill be shockedabsolutelygrandly.
这座钢铁般的孤城,犹如从天而降,又像从地蹦出,那么突兀伫立在一马平川的草原。无论是任何一个南夏国人,第一次见到铁城时,绝对会被其雄伟壮阔所震撼。Iron wallnot onlyfor a fort in wilderness, aroundiron wallabout when the both sidescity wallcollects, contractsto formoneunexpectedlysuddenly, finallyextendsover a hundredkilometerstotwodirections. Thesecity wallshave50metershigh, buildswith the extremelyfirmrock, spreads an iron armorin the surface, under the sunlight the raysparkles, just likesobstructs the day the barrier, making the personbe awed at the sight.
铁城不仅仅为荒野中的一座要塞,铁城前后两侧城墙左右汇集时,竟然急剧收缩形成一股,最终向两个方向延伸出上百公里。这些城墙有50米高,用极其坚固岩石堆砌,又在表面铺一层铁甲,阳光下光芒闪闪,犹如遮天的屏障,让人望而生畏。Just likes a blackgiantmonsterlaunches the ultralongarmtoabout, wantsto support into the bosomto be the same the entireprairie, can thatdaringimposing mannernot makeoneto fall?
犹如一尊黑色巨大怪兽向左右展开超长臂膀,想要将整个大草原都拥入怀中一样,那气吞山河的气势怎能不叫人倾倒?Thisis the famousSouthern Xiacity wall.
The entirecity wallis more than thousandkilometers, the frontfivebigfortswere connected.
整条城墙长达千余公里,前线五大要塞都被串联起来。Fivebigfortsguard a regiment, tohotregiment and War-Dragon Armygroup.
五大要塞驻守一支军团,离火军团、战龙军团就在其中。Fiveyour presencearmed forcesfortandcity wallconstitutionformidabledefensive system, thussafeguardsKing's territoryunderAllied Canine Tribeslootstime and time againsafe and sound.
五座前军要塞和城墙构成强大的防御体系,从而保障王域在犬戎族一次又一次洗劫之下安然无恙。Thisgreatnorthernbarrier, first-generationSouth Summer Kingorderedto construct, took over for useabout1 millionpeoplefully, probablyarrived at the third-generationSouth Summer Kingthoroughconstructionto complete, the consumptionhugemanpower and resources, makingSouthern Summer Countrybe at the long-termpoorcondition, the role that butafterwardplayedshowedsufficientlythatthiswas a veryeffectivedefenseattacks a city.
这道伟大的北方屏障,第一代南夏王下令修建,整整征用近1000000人,大约到第三代南夏王彻底修建完成,消耗巨大人力物力,让南夏国处于长时间的赤贫状态,不过后来发挥的作用足以证明,这是一个非常有效的防御攻城。Meng Qingwusomewhatlookedto stay: „Miracle that thisisSouthern Summer Countrycreation?”梦轻舞有些看呆了:“这就是南夏国一手缔造的奇迹吗?”
The Southern Summer CountrynorthernGreat Wallspreadsinreciting the tourpoetmouth, Meng Qingwumore than oncehad heardthisgreatMiracle, nowcanwitness does not liveinthisSouthern Summer Countryin vain.南夏国的北方长城流传在吟游诗人口中,梦轻舞不止一次听说过这伟大的奇迹,如今能亲眼目睹也算是不枉生在这南夏国了。
The Gryphonknightis bringingRoyal Proclamation the first marchfort.狮鹫骑士带着王书先行进要塞。
Before Royal entouragearrives ingrandfortfront door , a vigorousandmajesticsoundremembers: „Opens the door!”
轰咚咚咚咚……Dozenssturdyblack irongreatchainsdraw, a giantincomparablemetalhanging bridgeputs downslowly, happen tofills , is deepandin the wideprotectiontrench, the iron gate that leaf of fitting together perfectlyopensoutward, several hundredcavalry soldiersclashfirstfrominside, eachcavalry soldierputs on the blackarmor, grasps more than a threemeterslongcarbine, is divided intotworowsto sphereRoyal entouragefast.
A blackarmorveteran of whole facegraybeard, beltseveralrows of neatofficers, walksto greetfrom the fort: „AlwaysdiedDongfang Zhan, pays a visitto be hopelessyour majesty!”
The blackarmorveteran, cavalry soldierandfoot soldiers, and even the archer on tower over a city gate, everyone helmet and armorhas the Dongfang Family clanto symbolize. Obviously, theseare the soldiers of Dongfang Family clan, thisseniorgeneralcanbe sentto guard a Southern Summer Countrymost importantfort, thinks that is also the Dongfang Family clanstatusextremelyhighperson.
黑甲老将、骑兵、步卒,乃至城楼上的弓箭手,每一个人盔甲都有东方家族标志。显然,这些是东方家族的子弟兵,这位老将军能被派来守卫南夏国最重要的一座要塞,想必也是东方家族地位极高的人。Thisveteranactuallytoalwaysdie saying that humblemanneris impressive.
这老将却以老卒自称,那谦卑态度让人刮目相看。Meng Qingwuhas profound respect: „This is the Dongfang Zhanseniormarshal?”梦轻舞肃然起敬:“这位就是东方战老元帅?”Chu Tianhas not listened tohisname: „Is hevery famous?”楚天没有听过他的名字:“他很出名吗?”Meng Qingwusaid: „Formerarmed forcesmarshalDongfang Zhan, fifty years like a dayjoins in the front, Divine Wind MarquisandGolden Arrow Marquis, took orders from the seniormarshalto release the verbal command. Dongfang ZhanmyalsoAwakened Soul9th LayerpeakExpert, the illustrious military exploitssurpassanymarquis.”梦轻舞说:“前军元帅东方战,五十年如一日投身前线,神风候、金箭候,曾经都听命过老元帅释放号令。东方战本人也魂醒九重巅峰强者,赫赫战功远超过任何一位侯爷。”„Why hasn't heconferred nobility upon?”
“那他为什么没有封侯?”„Thisis the seniormarshalmost respectableplace.” A Meng Qingwufaceadmirationsaid: „Seniormarshalbelievesthat the Dongfang Family clanhonorsufficed, to haveSouth Summer Kingmuch, the Southern XiafirstMonarch, the familystatuswas stable, whyagainadded a marquis? Might as wellletMarquis, is usedto encourage the Southern Xiasonto go forth to battleto kill the enemyto perform good deeds, buthedoes not have the manoralsoto be able the heartnotto get off one's main subjectto feel at easein the frontbattles.”
The factisso!
事实就是如此!Dongfang Zhanis the formerarmed forcescommand, military appointmentonlyWu'anMonarch, itsstatusveneratesincomparably, has not actually enjoyed happiness on the 1st, all living thingsdo not marry, under the kneedoes not have the child, the most lifetimeofferstoSouthern Xia, isSouthern Xiaguards the border area.东方战是前军统帅,军职仅次武安君,其地位尊崇无比,却没有享福一日,众生不娶,膝下无子,大半辈子奉献给南夏,为南夏守卫边疆。Wu'anMonarchonceappraisedDongfang Zhan: „Courageserves the country, the heartdoes not havetwoworries, braveunparalleled, the strategyis excellent, the daywill fallgoodin this way, whatworried that the War Houndborder crossingwill violatemySouthern Xia?!”
武安君曾经评价东方战:“肝胆报国,心无二虑,勇武无双,谋略过人,天降良将如斯,何愁犬戎越境犯我南夏?!”ThisisWu'anMonarch'shighestappraisalto the military officer.
这是武安君对将领的最高评价。Dongfang Zhantrulycan be joined to the appraisal, actually the Dongfang Zhanrankis higher than Wu'anMonarch, heisWu'anMonarchandSouth Summer Kingfather's younger brother.东方战确实配得上评价,其实东方战辈分比武安君高,他是武安君和南夏王的叔父。
Before the enfeoffed nobles, Wu'anMonarchhastenyears of frontinformed and experiencedexperience, at that timewasto look like the Dongfang Zhanstudytactical rules, afterwardDongfang Ganwas labeled asWu'anMonarch, the statusonesurpassedDongfang Zhan. Dongfang Zhandoes not have the complaint, always does as one is toldtoWu'anMonarch, thusbecomesWu'anMonarch the most efficientassistant.
封君前,武安君有十年前线历练的经历,那时就是像东方战学习战法,后来东方乾被封为武安君,地位一下超过东方战。东方战对此毫无怨言,对武安君唯命是从,从而成为武安君最得力的助手。„Seniorgeneralpleaseget upin a big hurry!”South Summer Kinghelps upDongfang Zhanpersonally, a faceexchanged greetings, andsaidguilty, „before generalmanyyearsguarded , the armed forcesfort, claimed credittogreat, nobodycanright, occupied the top digitnot to haveonedayhigh rank, this Kingsucceeds to the throneashamedlycontinuouslyto the general, howto receive the seniorgeneralbigritual?”
“老将军快快请起!”南夏王亲自扶起东方战,一脸寒暄并且愧疚说,“将军多年镇守前军要塞,居功至伟,无人能右,居高位而无一日显贵,本王继位来就一直愧对将军,如何受得老将军大礼?”Dongfang Zhanshamelessoneblack: „Kingis a king, how dare will always dieoverritual?”东方战老脸一黑:“王是王,将是将,老卒岂敢逾礼?”South Summer Kingdoes not havetounclestubbornness means that hasto abandon the topicnot to discuss, turns aroundto recommendsaid: „Mr.War-Dragon ArmyWang Tianlong , bigscholarGu Qianqiu, the seniorgeneralwas very familiar.”南夏王对叔叔倔脾气一点办法没有,只好抛开话题不议,转身引荐说道:“战龙军少帅王天龙,大学者古千秋,老将军已经很熟悉了。”Wang Tianlong andGu Qianqiucup one hand in the other across the chestslightly.王天龙、古千秋微微拱手。Dongfang Zhansaw that Gu Qianqiualsodoes obeisance, butdoes not havewhatto indicatetoWang Tianlong . Thisstrangephenomenoncannot certainly escape the eye of Meng QingwuandChu Tian. This was a little strange, Dongfang Zhanshouldnot meetseveralwithGu Qianqiu, Wang Tianlong completelyis different.东方战见到古千秋也是一拜,不过对王天龙却没有什么表示。这个奇怪的现象当然逃不过梦轻舞、楚天的眼睛。这就有点奇怪了,东方战和古千秋应该是没见过几次面的,王天龙则完全不一样。Wang Tianlong is the formerarmed forcesdeputycommand, Mr. of War-Dragon Armygroup, after Dongfang Zhanabdicates, before possiblytakes over , the armed forcescommandisWang Tianlong , why does Dongfang Zhanlook but not seeWang Tianlong ?王天龙是前军副统帅,战龙军团的少帅,东方战退位之后,最可能接任前军统帅的就是王天龙,为什么东方战对王天龙视而不见呢?Among the twohaswhatcontradiction?
The Dongfang Zhanvisionfallson the Chu Tiangang, twowhitethick eyebrowswrinkleimmediatelytightly: „Whothesetwo are? Alwaysdiedimpolitely, the firstarmed forcesfortis no one canenter, the miscellaneous personnelcannotallow to pass!”东方战目光落在楚天一伙人身上,两条白色浓眉立刻紧皱起来:“这两位是何人?恕老卒无礼,前军要塞不是什么人都能进的,闲杂人等决不能放行!”Thisseniorgeneralexpressionis very discontented.
这位老将军语气十分不满。South Summer Kingtoinspect the nameinspectionfront, had nothingto say.南夏王以巡视名义视察前线,本来是没有什么可说的。South Summer Kingmustcome the frontto inspectevery year, on the one handisinspector generalfrontdefense, on the other handtoadmire greatly the soldier, indicated that the kingdomhas not forgottenthem, thusraises the operationalmorale of frontofficers.南夏王每年都要来前线巡视一番,一方面是监督前线防御情况,另一方面是为激赏士兵,表示王国从来没有忘记他们,从而鼓舞前线将士的作战士气。But doesn't South Summer Kingknow?
可南夏王难道不知道?Fortheavy, miscellaneous personnel, allinnon-admittance!
要塞重地,闲杂人等,一律不准入内!Various the layouts of facilitiesanddefensemansion of frontfortyouare, is the national secrets, howto allowother peopleto watchcasually? Nowbrings the person who onecrowddoes not know, speciallyis the twopeople of head!
前线要塞的设施布置、各种防御公馆你是,都是国家机密,岂容他人随便观看?现在带来一群不认识的人,特别为首的两个人!Chu Tiansimplyyoungdoes not make sense, what makesDongfang Zhannot be feeling well, inthisalsohas a womanunexpectedly.楚天简直年轻的不像话,但更让东方战不爽的是,这里面居然还有一个女人。Thisis a woman of peony!
The officersday of firstarmed forcesfortis very impoverished, many populationyearshave not returned to the hometown, this kind ofoutstandingly beautifulbeautiful woman appear here place, light, thencauses the disturbance, heavyreduces the morale, thisisDongfang Zhanis intolerable!
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