MT :: Volume #4

#308: Martial-looking marquis

The youth are resonant, although is young, but is very experienced, the whole body implication swift and fierce power and influence, just likes murder such as the sharp sword of hemp, has the possibility of sheath anytime, looks like a firm incomparable Golden Bell, was from top to bottom impregnable, making the person unable to find a wee bit flaws. 青年嘹亮浑厚,虽然年纪不大,但是十分老成,浑身蕴含凌厉威势,犹如一把杀人如麻的利剑,随时都有出鞘的可能,又像一口坚固无比的金钟,浑身上下无懈可击,让人找不到一丁点破绽。 Behind War-Dragon Army group Mr. Wang Tianlong , 45 Awakened Soul 9th Layer the vice general of strength, includes by Chu Tian puts in order miserably King's General Tu. 战龙军团少帅王天龙背后,又45个魂醒九重的实力的副将,其中就包括被楚天整得惨兮兮的王屠 Enemies often cross each other's path. 冤家路窄。 Enemies often cross each other's path. 冤家路窄啊。 The Chu Tian gangs are very depressed! 楚天一伙人都很郁闷! Our leads arrived finally, ha!” After South Summer King just the matter entirely threw into brain, crisply laughs, general please get up, was laborious.” “我们的主角总算到了,哈哈哈!”南夏王把刚刚事情统统抛到脑后,一阵朗爽大笑,“将军请起,一路辛苦了。” Everybody flood whisper. 大家心里泛起嘀咕。 Does such big ostentation, for this Wang Tianlong ? 难道搞这么大排场,就为这个王天龙 Wang Tianlong cups one hand in the other across the chest humbly: End does not have virtue the idle work, does not dare to receive this big ritual.” 王天龙谦逊拱手:“末将无功无德,不敢受此大礼。” The Chu Tian secret passage, you install any attire at heart, such high-sounding talk leads a Earth Dragon cavalry soldier to enter a city, does not want to make the entire city know that you came back, finally now installs to come modestly. 楚天心里暗道,你装什么装啊,这么高调的率领一支地龙骑兵进城,不就是想让全城都知道你回来了,结果现在又装起谦虚来了。 General has both ability and integrity, is capable the Southern Xia pillar of the state!” The South Summer King whole face smile helps up him: North strikes War Hound, deters the numerous departments, the splendid meritorious military service is indelible, what is rarest is a merely 31 years old age, has boundless prospects, has boundless prospects!” “将军德才兼备,堪当南夏栋梁!”南夏王满脸微笑扶起他:“北击犬戎,威慑众部,彪炳战功不可磨灭,最难得的是仅仅31岁年龄,前途无量,前途无量啊!” Wang Tianlong is neither arrogant nor servile: Guards Southern Xia our responsibility!” 王天龙不卑不亢:“镇守南夏吾辈职责而已!” South Summer King asked: this King heard that general cultivation base does strive?” 南夏王问:“本王听说将军修为又有精进?” Wang Tianlong replied: My Wang Ze throws over the official under the emperor, end will break through by luck!” 王天龙回答:“我王泽披臣属,末将侥幸突破!” Did the whole body of ministers in great surprise, break through? Wang Tianlong continuously Awakened Soul 9th Layer strength, if breaks through cultivation base now, that means that reaches the Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak, Southern Summer Country increases Expert! This truly is a big celebration! 群臣大惊,突破了?王天龙一直魂醒九重实力,如果现在突破修为,那就意味着达到魂醒九重巅峰,南夏国又增添一位强者!这确实是一件大喜事啊! Wang Tianlong is civil and military complete in both, can become the North Korean and Chinese pillar of the state or insurance local peace, can concur the generals galloping battleground. 王天龙更是文武双全,更能成为朝中栋梁或保一方平安,更能身兼将帅驰骋沙场。 Good! Good! Good!” South Summer King called three continuously: General has not really disappointed this King to anticipate that Wen Cheng, proclaimed this King's Royal Proclamation!” “好!好!好!”南夏王连续叫三声:“将军果然没有辜负本王期待,文成君,宣本王王书!” Compliant!” “遵命!” Wen Cheng holds Royal Proclamation from two ritual officer hands, arrives above the stage, lifts up high glittering Royal Proclamation. When the people see this, stares the big eye all, Wen Cheng three Monarch read out Royal Proclamation personally, this component also was too rather weighty! 文成君从两个礼官手里捧过王书,走到高台之上,高举金光闪闪王书。当人们见到此幕时,无不瞪大眼睛,三君之一的文成君亲自宣读王书,这分量未免也太重了吧! War-Dragon Army group Mr. Wang Tianlong , ten years resists War Hound, big or medium campaign more than 90, cut to kill Allied Canine Tribes 800,000, is Southern Summer Country establishes the indelible illustrious military exploits, Southern Summer Country young generation of model. this King announced that bestows Wang Tianlong two marquis Pin Jun, title Hero Martial Marquis, sets up King's territory, Cang State and War Hound three place eight thousand li(500 km), total 42 cities, the total population 40 million, for the place of military state, Hero Martial Marquis govern!” 战龙军团少帅王天龙,十年抗击犬戎,大小战役90多场,斩杀犬戎族800000,为南夏国建立不可磨灭的赫赫战功,更为南夏国年轻一辈之楷模。本王宣布,赐王天龙二品军候爵,封号英武侯,立王域苍州犬戎三地八千里,共计42城,总人口40000000,为武州之地,英武侯亲辖!” Bang! 轰! The ritual music sounds together! 礼乐齐鸣! The people cheer! 众人欢呼! This magnificent big lineup really has the reason, Southern Summer Country after many years, sealed a marquis finally! 这华丽的大阵容果然是有原因的,南夏国时隔多年,终于又封一侯了! Hero Martial Marquis Wang Tianlong will 30 over, are South Summer King marquis, arrives at the power and influence the crest, in the Southern Summer Country history is extremely rare. However to the decision of South Summer King, the minister military officer, is the common people, nobody proposed the opposing opinion. 英武侯王天龙堪堪30出头,名列南夏王侯之列,走到权势的顶峰,南夏国历史上极其罕见。不过对南夏王的这个决定,无论是大臣将领,还是普通百姓,没有一个人提出反对意见。 The Wang Tianlong book is the real power general! 王天龙本就是实权将军啊! Over 20 years old start to rush toward battlefield, for ten years but actually also meritorious military service illustrious, the itself strength sufficiently is Marquis, this conferring nobility upon manor is also takes advantage of opportunity, but is. 20多岁就开始奔赴战场,十年来倒也战功赫赫,本身实力足以名列侯爵,这次封侯封地也是顺势而为罢了。 Thanked my Wang Longen!” “谢吾王隆恩!” King's General Tu one group of vice generals already knew this result, after seeing own few hosts were conferred nobility upon officially, they are kneel excitedly kowtow. 王屠一群副将早就知道这个结果,当看到自家少主正式被封侯后,他们还是激动的跪地磕头。 The Wang Family three degrees confer nobility upon, stepped onto magnificently. 王家三度封侯,又走上辉煌了。 The Hero Martial Marquis year only 30, most at least 70 years, he sufficiently leads Wang Family magnificently, becomes above the Southern Summer Country only Three Great Clans prominent position. 英武侯年仅30,最起码有70年时间,他足以把王家带领辉煌,成为南夏国仅次三大家族的显赫地位之上。 Wang Tianlong bows to lead Royal Proclamation slightly, then does obeisance express in turn respectfully to three Monarch and South Summer King. From beginning to end, does not have too big expression change, calm calm like the old man who looks through the fame and fortune. 王天龙微微鞠躬领过王书,接着对三君和南夏王依次拜一拜表示恭敬。从始至终,没有太大表情变化,从容淡定就像一个看破名利的老头。 South Summer King announced that starts to be sealed the ceremony. 南夏王宣布开始受封仪式。 Southern Xia eight marquises adds a marquis. 南夏八侯又添一侯。 The Southern Xia eight states add a state. 南夏八州又添一州。 Hero Martial Marquis Wang Tianlong countless people envy and acclaim in the vision, receives the Marquis official seal officially, this is the kingdom ninth marquis, directly becomes two Pin Junhou, the status wants to be higher than Central State Divine Wind Marquis and Qing State Azure Wood Marquis. 英武侯王天龙无数人羡慕和赞叹目光中,正式领取侯爵印信,这是王国第九侯,直接成为二品军候,地位比中州神风候青州青木候都要高一些。 Hero Martial Marquis was sealed, the nation rejoices!” 英武侯受封,全国同庆!” Wish Southern Summer Country century ten thousand years!” “祝南夏国千秋万载!” The royal palace banquet, this to celebrate Hero Martial Marquis was sealed to suppose, Hero Martial Marquis becomes the only lead. The youth confer nobility upon, high-spirited, the army is grasping, bold Fang Qiu, life so husband duplicate what Qiu? The people congratulate to Hero Martial Marquis, whole body of ministers are the courteous reception, even if Chu Tian here scholar, has to respect to Wang Tianlong . 王宫大宴,本为庆祝英武侯受封而设,英武侯将成为唯一的主角。青年封侯,意气风发,大军在握,挥斥方遒,人生如此夫复何求?众人纷纷向英武侯贺喜,群臣更是礼遇有加,哪怕楚天这边的学者,对王天龙也不得不尊敬。 These seem like mad dog scholar, is actually concerned with the matter and not the individual. 这些看似疯狗般的学者,其实是对事不对人的。 Wang Tianlong is the Southern Summer Country contribution is obvious to all, young can guard the front, the meritorious military service illustrious, making the person worship, now is also expensive is the marquis, the status natural high water bed is high. 王天龙南夏国贡献有目共睹,年纪轻轻就能镇守前线,战功赫赫,让人崇拜,如今又贵为侯爷,地位自然水涨床高。 Understood. 懂了。 Wu'an Monarch had said Wang Family is the Chu Tian biggest trouble. 武安君说过王家楚天最大的麻烦。 This fellow is simply impregnable, the old royal family's ancient family background, endures compared with the Dongfang Haoran practice talent, compares favorably with Wu'an Monarch's military tactics attainments, meritorious service illustrious, the reputation is countless, now directly becomes Hero Martial Marquis. 这个家伙简直无懈可击啊,老王族的古老出身,堪比东方浩然的修炼天赋,媲美武安君的兵法造诣,功勋赫赫,声名累累,现在又直接成为英武侯 This person of disposition is calm, does not make a great show of one's talents like Chu Xinghe, does not think that the ordinary talent is rampant, therefore copes not so to be certainly easy. 此人性格非常沉稳,不像楚星河锋芒毕露,更不想普通天才嚣张跋扈,所以对付起来当然也不那么容易。 Meng Yingying participates in Wang Yan is very happy that now immediately thought the whole body is not comfortable. 梦莹莹参加王宴本来挺高兴,现在顿时觉得浑身不自在。 Meng Qingwu was more restless. 梦轻舞就更是如坐针毡了。 Recently Wang Family fierce that was reviled by the city people, the primary cause is Wang Tianlong not chapter of Imperial City. Now the situation is completely different, Wang Tianlong not only comes back, but also was sealed officially is Hero Martial Marquis, Wang Family Person feels proud and elated immediately, all negative impacts were evaporated along with the conferring nobility upon flash. 最近王家被城民唾骂的厉害,主要原因就是王天龙没回王城。现在情况完全不一样,王天龙不仅仅回来,还被正式受封为英武侯,王家人立刻扬眉吐气,所有负面影响随着封侯一瞬间被蒸发。 In in the future. 未来一段时间里。 Hero Martial Marquis Wang Tianlong becomes the Imperial City new pet, the Chu Tian crest of wave wanted certainly the quilt to get down. 英武侯王天龙将成为王城新的宠儿,楚天风头肯定要被盖下去了。 Meng Qingwu thinks of here, suddenly black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkles tightly, she felt that all are arrange, South Summer King promotes Hero Martial Marquis probably intentionally, for the suppression Chu Tian at the height of power arrogance, gives Chu Tian to bring the huge pressure while convenient. 梦轻舞想到这里,突然黛眉紧皱起来,她感觉一切是安排好的,南夏王好像是故意提拔英武侯,为打压打压楚天如日中天的气焰,顺便给楚天施加巨大的压力。 Chu Tian Miracle Commerce is only a chamber of commerce. 楚天奇迹商会只是一个商会。 The Hero Martial Marquis War-Dragon Army group supports the Southern Summer Country pillar. 英武侯战龙军团是支撑南夏国的柱石。 If Hero Martial Marquis with the Chu Tian fight, the people will have stood in that side does not say. 英武侯楚天斗起来了,国人会站在那边就不好说了。 Although Meng Qingwu suspected that South Summer King aims at Chu Tian intentionally, but she does not have any suspicion reason, no matter Wang Tianlong the strength, fame, merit and qualifications, confer nobility upon are justifiable, cannot discover any place of censure. 虽然梦轻舞怀疑南夏王故意针对楚天,但是她没有任何的怀疑理由,王天龙不管实力、名望、功劳、资历,封侯都是名正言顺,找不出任何非议之处。 Wang Yan carries on most. 王宴进行大半。 South Summer King raises glass to invite to hobnob: Hero Martial Marquis was just sealed, the state county has not started to establish, now has anything to request that proposed to this King by all means that so long as can satisfy will certainly satisfy your!” 南夏王举杯邀共饮:“英武侯刚刚受封,州郡尚未开始建立,现在有什么请求,只管向本王提出,只要能满足一定会满足你的!” End will lead troops outside, the state county manor is useless.” Wang Tianlong deeply bows to South Summer King: Two minor matters, hope that your majesty can help!” “末将带兵在外,州郡封地无用。”王天龙南夏王深深鞠一躬:“有两件小事,希望陛下能成全!” „? Is what?” “哦?是什么?” „The first matter, the Imperial City rumor rose from all directions recently, a Wang family several hundred years of clear name was smeared, end will take one to wash clean the insult with great courage the opportunity.” “第一件事,最近王城流言四起,王氏家族数百年清名受污,末将斗胆要一个洗清侮辱的机会。” The South Summer King complexion slightly changes: Hero Martial Marquis, you are......” 南夏王脸色微微一变:“英武侯,你这是……” „The second matter, end will go year to year to battle outside, has no time to manage the family internal affairs, therefore presents this disturbance, family senior statesmen after discussing, the hope end will marry a wife. Therefore, hopes that your majesty bestows the marriage, will marry Miracle Commerce Meng Qingwu Chairman end.” “第二件事,末将常年出征在外,无暇管理家族内务,所以出现这次风波,家族元老经过商量后,希望末将娶一位正妻。所以,希望陛下赐婚,将奇迹商会梦轻舞会长嫁给末将。” The Meng Qingwu double fist grasps suddenly, has not thought that Wang Tianlong will set this request. 梦轻舞双拳猛然一握,万万没有想到,王天龙会提出这种要求。 Meng Yingying naturally flies into a rage, Chu Tian holds on her, causes a look: Eats your, all right, the I'm coming solution is good.” 梦莹莹自然勃然大怒,楚天拉住她,使一个眼神:“吃你的,没事的,我来解决就好。” Meng Yingying any status, has not jumped the speech, instead brings in troublesome. 梦莹莹没有任何地位,跳出来说话,反而引来麻烦。 South Summer King will not agree with this request, otherwise was equal to offending thoroughly Chu Tian, counter- Southern Summer Country had the possibility by the Chu Tian disposition, Wu'an Monarch and big scholar are impossible to agree. 南夏王不会真的会同意这种要求的,否则就等于彻底把楚天得罪死了,以楚天性格反出南夏国都有可能,武安君和大学者也不可能会同意。 South Summer King reveals the color of feeling embarrassed: Is pure about Wang, this King can under Royal Proclamation inform the world together, is this second matter......” 南夏王露出为难之色:“关于王氏清白,本王可以下一道王书昭告天下,可是这第二件事情么……” Royal Proclamation represents the King, how could to send out casually?” Wang Tianlong said: My clan is insulted, from, when my clan ask, King's General Tu!” 王书代表王者,岂能随便发出?”王天龙说道:“我族受辱,自当我族自己讨回,王屠!” King's General Tu holds the fist in the other hand, said to Chu Tian arrogantly: Miracle Commerce slandered insult to me for a long time, making Wang Family suffer the heavy loss. My request is not high, now you kneel down to apologize to me, accepts discussing marriage of Wang Family, this matter passed.” 王屠一抱拳走出来,盛气凌人对楚天说:“奇迹商会对我长期诋毁侮辱,让王家遭受巨大损失。我的要求也不高,现在你们向我下跪道歉,接受王家的提亲,这件事情就算过去了。” Chu Tian carries one amber brown liquor water, in the hand is rocking several: I, if doesn't agree?” 楚天端着一杯琥珀色的酒水,手里晃动几下:“我要是不同意呢?” King's General Tu sneers saying: That asks for the reputation in a military way!” 王屠冷笑道:“那就以一个武者方式来讨回名誉!” Chu Tian puts the wine class, how do you want to do?” 楚天把酒杯放下来,“你想怎么做?” King's General Tu looks straight ahead Chu Tian: I, must challenge you!” 王屠直视楚天:“我,要挑战你!” People immediately in an uproar. 众人顿时一片哗然。 Gu Qianqiu angrily: King's General Tu solemn Awakened Soul 9th Layer Cultivator openly challenges the younger generation, this clearly bully thes weak, is this way of so-called military? Your this is not asking for the reputation, no matter the victory and defeat will make the world person scoff!” 古千秋愤然而起:“王屠将军堂堂魂醒九重修士公然挑战晚辈,这分明是以大欺小,这就是所谓武者的方式吗?你们这不是在讨回名誉,不管胜负都会让天下人耻笑!” Wu'an Monarch was also light the start to talk saying: King's General Tu to restrain by force weakly, has to lose the senior general style.” 武安君也淡淡开口说:“王屠以强压弱,有失大将风范。” King's General Tu complexion blue white. 王屠脸色青一阵白一阵。 Wu'an Monarch has opened the mouth, can he not show due respect for the feelings? 武安君都开口了,他能不给面子么? But mount by the enmity of killing, the reputation by hate of smearing, cannot ask, how could also to be resigned! Does the reputation ask for returns does not matter, what is most important is seizes the chance to teach Chu Tian maliciously, even discards him personally, only has so can vent spleen! 坐骑被杀之仇,名誉被污之恨,不能讨回来,又岂能甘心!名誉讨不讨得回都无所谓,最重要的是趁机狠狠教训楚天一顿,甚至将他亲手废掉,唯有如此才能解气! „Do you want to challenge Miracle Commerce?” A mysterious black robe woman stands, the wonderful graceful physique beautiful fascinating'winsome, the perfect attractive curve, is a stature extremely good mature female, from the wearing a mask mourning band, spreads an icy cold the sound: I fight you!” “你要挑战奇迹商会?”一个神秘的黑袍女人站起来,妙曼身姿婀娜,完美诱人曲线,是一个身材极好的成熟女子,从蒙面黑纱底下,传出一个冷冷冰冰的声音:“我跟你打!” The people first time the mysterious female who notes mourning band to wear a mask. 众人第一次注意到黑纱蒙面的神秘女子。 Shen Bingyu has come too to be low-key, 沈冰雨一直来都太低调了, Shen Bingyu is the black clothed has worn a mask, does not eat the world smoke and fire the appearance, even if above just banquet. Shen Bingyu sits side Chu Tian from beginning to end, drop of liquor food has not moistened, the words had not said a half a word, simply likely is together the cold ice sculpture. 沈冰雨一直都是黑衣蒙面,不食人间烟火的样子,哪怕在刚刚宴席之上。沈冰雨从始至终坐在楚天身旁,一滴酒一点食物都没沾,话也没有说过一句半句,简直像是一块寒冰雕塑。 Now Shen Bingyu acts, the cold extremely cold aura, fills the air suddenly in the main hall, making in the people heart be startled in vain. 现在沈冰雨一出面,冷冽极寒的气息,骤然间就在大殿弥漫开来,让人们心中徒然一惊。 Good Ling Lie cold current! 好凌冽的寒流! Very strong big imposing manner! 好强大的气势啊! This person of cultivation base is immeasurably deep! 此人修为深不可测! Burning Sun Monarch startled [say / way]: „Are you Shen Bingyu?!” 炎阳君惊道:“你是沈冰雨?!” This woman origin, Burning Sun Monarch is not quite clear. 这个女人来历,炎阳君也不太清楚。 She seems outsider, roams about to the South Summer King city, because has very astonishing talent, therefore was gathered by Nangong Clan long ago, has made Guest Official in Nangong Clan, finally was promoted the Asian minister, the status has been equal to the senior elder. 她似乎是外来者,流浪到南夏王城来,因为拥有非常惊人天赋,所以早年被南宫家族招揽,一直在南宫家族客卿,最后被提拔到了亚卿,地位等同资深长老。 Nangong Clan is Fire attribute Source Spirit, but no matter Shen Bingyu Source Spirit or Cultivation Technique are the ice attributes. 只是南宫家族都是火属性元魂,而沈冰雨不管元魂还是功法都是冰属性。 Shen Bingyu has not received any Cultivation Technique aspect to direct in Nangong Clan, but carries out the duty gain practice resources for Nangong Clan, from beginning to end alone cultivates completely. Even so also achieves the True Soul boundary, she talent in practice, will not compare Imperial City double arrogantly inferior! 沈冰雨南宫家族没有受到任何功法方面指点,只是为南宫家族执行任务获取修炼资源,从始至终完全独自修炼。即使如此也达到真魂境界,她在修炼方面的天赋,不会比王城双骄逊色! After Shen Bingyu enters the True Soul boundary, finally starts to appear cultivates the bottleneck, to seek means of breakthrough, she proposed that is separated from Nangong Clan. 沈冰雨跨进真魂境之后,终于开始出现修炼瓶颈,为寻求突破的办法,她才提出脱离南宫家族 Burning Sun Monarch thought that Shen Bingyu is a talented person, has bigger development space, agrees with the request of Shen Bingyu. Has not thought that Shen Bingyu leaves the Imperial City many years, when returns to Imperial City once more, unexpectedly becomes side a Chu Tian bodyguard. 炎阳君觉得沈冰雨是一个人才,有更大的发展空间,同意沈冰雨的请求。万万没有想到,沈冰雨离开王城多年,当再次回到王城的时候,竟然成为楚天身边的一个保镖。 Judges from this aura...... Is the Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak? 从这股气息判断……难道是魂醒九重巅峰吗? Burning Sun Monarch reveals color with amazement, she grew the speed too to be also quick! 炎阳君露出骇然之色,她成长速度也太快了吧!
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