MT :: Volume #4

#306: Bath hot rebirth

What? A move! You are teasing me! 什么?一招!你是在逗我吧! Chu Tian did not know that the Nangong Jian strength is what kind, but expected that will not be weak, Chu Tian does not display Flame Demon Transformations under situation, not necessarily is capable of defeating him, even if displayed Flame Demon Transformations also not necessarily to be able 32 moves to end the fight. 楚天不晓得南宫剑实力怎么样,不过料想是不会弱的,楚天不施展“炎魔变”的情况之下,不一定有能力打败他,即使施展“炎魔变”也不见得能32招结束战斗。 Nangong Yun is actually good, boasts extravagantly, only leaves one move? 南宫云倒是好,夸下海口,只出一招? Did this young girl become is when extremely arrogant than father? 这小妞什么时候变得比老子还狂妄了? These words were heard by the opposite party obviously, the people facial color is very strange, especially the Nangong Clan person, they felt is not the anger, but is the comedy. 这句话显然被对方听到了,众人面色都十分古怪,特别是南宫家族的人,他们感觉到的已经不是愤怒而是搞笑。 Nangong Yun is self-confident excessive, has not seen the world, does not know that the true talent is fierce? 南宫云是自信过头,还是没见过世面,不知真正天才厉害? Nangong Jian talent rude Chu Xinghe, although like Chu Xinghe, has not obtained far Ancient Sword to repair the inheritance, but Nangong Family inheritance not inferior ancient Cultivator. After all, Nangong Clan is in itself an ancient Cultivator family, although experiences several times faults, but still stays behind massively may be called treasure Mi Dian. 南宫剑天赋不逊楚星河,虽说没有像楚星河一样,获得远古剑修传承,但是南宫家传承并不逊色古修士。毕竟,南宫家族本身就是一个古老的修士家族,虽然经历好几次断层,不过依然留下大量堪称瑰宝的秘典。 «Burning the Heavens Art» of Nangong Yun practice merely is Nangong Clan everyone compulsory majoring in Cultivation Technique, easily mystique Mi Gong but who regarding Nangong Clan such family, true fierce Cultivation Technique in does not pass on the collateral branch. 南宫云修炼的《焚天功》仅仅是南宫家族每一个人必修的主修功法,但是对于南宫家族这样的家族来说,真正厉害的功法在轻易不传旁系的秘法秘功。 Nangong Jian is different to nine years old of sent into exile Nangong Yun, the Nangong Clan ancient inheritance, almost does not have him unable to contact, if discussed the same level strength, he will not even lose to Dongfang Haoran. 南宫剑与九岁就被放逐的南宫云不一样,南宫家族古老的传承,几乎就没有他接触不到的,若论同级实力而言,他甚至不会输给东方浩然 Idle talk little said.” Li HuoHou let somebody cool off or calm down said: Begins!” “废话少说。”离火候冷冷地说:“动手!” Nangong Jian is cloudy the face hey to smile several, suddenly the red hair soars to hike up, a terrifying temperature goes to sky spraying, ultimately forms a big incomparable flame giant, this was Nangong Jian Source Spirit. 南宫剑阴沉着脸嘿嘿笑几声,突然红色头发腾空飘起,一股恐怖的温度向天空喷射而去,最终形成一尊高大无比的火焰巨人,这就是南宫剑元魂了。 Big Burning Heavens palm!” “大焚天掌!” That giant incomparable palm depresses suddenly, Nangong Yun is without turning a hair, lets somebody cool off or calm down one, suddenly the whole body blooms radiant Starlight, does not hide not to dodge the front surface to hit unexpectedly. 那一道巨大无比的手掌猛然压下,南宫云面不改色,冷冷地一哼,突然浑身绽放出璀璨星光,竟然不躲不闪迎面撞上去。 The people have a big shock all: „Was she insane?” 众人无不大惊失色:“她疯了吗?” That superhuman hand bombardment on Nangong Yun instantaneous, suddenly was opened to the ball by Starlight, the entire palm is split up, explodes the disruption flame completely, just likes the hot rain falls gently from the sky. 那巨掌轰击在南宫云身上瞬间,突然被一层星光给弹开,整个手掌都四分五裂,全部爆裂成碎裂火焰,犹如火雨般从天空飘落下来。 Burning Sun Monarch and Li HuoHou complexion most! 炎阳君离火候脸色大半! Perhaps Nangong Jian just struck individually speaking, has not used fully, is Nangong Jian does not have the plan to kill Nangong Yun probably directly, he also planned that receives to be something for one's own exclusive use this woman, therefore holds the idea that the severe wound is crippling merely, but has not started true killing to incur. 南宫剑刚刚一击对个人来说,或许还没有用出全力,大概是南宫剑没打算直接杀南宫云,他还打算把这个女人收做禁脔呢,所以仅仅是抱着重伤致残的想法,而没有发动真正的杀招。 Even if even so. 哪怕即使如此。 This palm might reaches the True Soul level sufficiently! 这一掌威力足以达到真魂级! Nangong Yun sends has not damaged resists! 南宫云毫发未损的抵挡下来! That defends Cultivation Technique to resist the attack of advanced Cultivator perfectly, is super defends Cultivation Technique that the non- world leaves absolutely! And, three Monarch and South Summer King shock especially, because three people can look indistinctly that Cultivation Technique of Nangong Yun practice as if has not reached the crest. 那防御功法能完美抵抗更高级修士的攻击,绝对是不世出的超级防御功法!其中,三君和南夏王尤其震撼,因为三人隐约能够看出来,南宫云修炼的功法似乎还没有达到顶峰。 This Cultivation Technique also has progressive space! 这个功法还有进步空间! Even if had such defensive power at the present degree, that future cultivates the peak time to condense how the terrifying defensive power? 哪怕以现在程度就已经有如此防御力,那未来修炼到巅峰时候又能凝聚出多么恐怖的防御力呢? Nangong Yun laughs saying: Was too weak! Depending on this strength, but also wants to drive out «Starlight Immortal Body» that the Boss teaches? Has your big dream to go!” 南宫云大笑道:“太弱了!就凭这点力量,还想轰开老大传授的《星光不灭体》?做你的大梦去吧!” This set of mouth-watering defense is Cultivation Technique, «Starlight Immortal Body»? 这套让人垂涎的防御功法,原来就是《星光不灭体》么? Many people collect the Miracle Commerce material, Chu Tian «Starlight Immortal Body» already was not the secret, almost Miracle Commerce each high level has practiced this Cultivation Technique. 现场不少人都收集奇迹商会资料,楚天的《星光不灭体》早就不是什么秘密,几乎奇迹商会的每一个高层都修炼了这门功法 Cultivation Technique compared with imagination in strong! 功法远比想象中强! This set of Cultivation Technique even can become school family the law of inheritance! 这套功法甚至能成为一个门派一个家族的传承之法! Nangong Jian becomes angry out of shame, wants to show mercy, making her happy hot body retain completely, after being advantageous can enjoy well, has not thought that this fellow has real skill, unexpectedly can block True Soul Expert directly strikes directly! 南宫剑恼羞成怒,本来想手下留情,让她美好火辣身体完整保留下来,以便于以后能够好好享用,没有想到这家伙有两下子,居然能直接挡住真魂强者的正面一击! Such being the case! 既然如此! That makes you have a look at Nangong Clan true giving up study! 那就让你看看南宫家族真正的绝学吧! Nangong Family both hands tie seal, the vigorous Source Energy full eruption, the whole person like stepping on the volcano blowout burning hot air current, is soaring to fly in the midair, massive complex deep meaning Rune past in the side, as if rapid lava rivers, are containing the ruinous strength. 南宫家双手结印,浑厚元力充分喷发,整个人就像踩着火山喷出炙热气流,腾空而起飞到半空中,大量复杂奥义符文在身边流转,似乎湍急的熔岩河流,蕴含着毁灭性的力量。 Nangong Clan Burning Heavens god hot incantation?” 南宫家族的‘焚天神火咒’?” South Summer King slightly changes the complexion, this move is Nangong Clan does not pass on the mystique, even if in the Nangong Clan direct descendant [lineage/vein], only then few has the qualifications study personally. This move of might is powerful, coordinating Burning the Heavens Art to display, then jumps the ranks to strike to kill the strong match sufficiently. 南夏王微微变脸色,这招是南宫家族不传秘法,哪怕在南宫家族嫡系一脉,只有寥寥几个人有资格学习。这招的威力非常强大,配合焚天功来施展,那么足以越级击杀强劲的对手。 This move of practice difficulty is actually enormous! 这一招修炼难度却是极大! First must achieve the condition is «Burning the Heavens Art» of stage of perfection level! 首先要达到条件就是化境级的《焚天功》! Southern Xia family inherited Cultivation Technique «Burning the Heavens Art» is more complex than Dongfang Family clan «Life and death Sentencing» of «Vast Qi Secret Art» Shangguan Family, the entire family can practice the stage of perfection level to be few Cultivation Technique, has not thought that will 20-year-old Nangong Jian achieved! 南夏家族祖传功法焚天功》比东方家族的《浩气诀上官家族的《生死判》更加复杂,整个家族能将功法修炼到化境级是屈指可数的,没有想到堪堪20岁的南宫剑做到了! Nine deity fires, listen to my verbal command, burns to extinguish all Tian!” “九天神火,听我号令,焚灭诸天!” Spell that the Nangong Jian surrounding rivers and streams flutter, collects completely to the palm of Nangong Jian right hand, finally compresses a solar radiant dazzling energy ball. 南宫剑周围江河般飘荡的符咒,全部向南宫剑右手的掌心汇集过来,最终压缩成一个太阳般璀璨刺目的能量球。 Meng Qingwu worried, Shen Bingyu, if there is an accident, you must get rid promptly.” 梦轻舞非常担忧,“沈冰雨,如果有意外,你一定要及时出手。” The Shen Bingyu complexion nods dignifiedly, the whole body congealed the massive careful snowflakes. 沈冰雨脸色凝重点点头,周身已经凝结出大量细细雪花。 The Chu Tian expression has not changed, jet black both eyes stare at Nangong Yun, in the vision are revealing surprised. 楚天表情没有变化,漆黑双眼盯着南宫云,目光中流露出一丝惊疑。 Other people stare dumbfounded, this matter will develop this situation, is everyone has not thought. 其他人都瞠目结舌,这件事情会发展到这种地步,是谁都没有想到的。 Nangong Yun, I give you again an opportunity!” Nangong Jian holds to contain the fireball of vigorous energy, looks at Nangong Yun by the victor stance: Either becomes my female servant, either is reduced to ashes in the god fire!” 南宫云,我再给你一次机会!”南宫剑托着蕴含着浑厚能量的火球,以胜利者姿态看着南宫云:“要么成为我的女仆,要么就在神火中化为灰烬!” Nangong Yun closes the eye, a red ray shoots up to the sky suddenly, Fire Phoenix sounds to resound through the highest heaven resonantly, but the Nangong Yun forehead presents a profound deep meaning the mark. 南宫云闭上眼睛,一股红色光芒骤然冲天而起,火凤凰嘹亮鸣叫响彻九霄,而南宫云眉心出现一道深邃奥义的印记。 Had not replied. 没有回答。 However the Nangong Yun procedure is the answer. 不过南宫云做法就是答案。 The Nangong Jian whole face exclaimed fiercely: Dies!” 南宫剑满脸狰狞吼道:“去死吧!” That dazzling fireball changes to together light beam, even if the steel and iron contacts the light beam, can suddenly melt, such an energy fires into Nangong Yun by the easily accomplished imposing manner. 那股耀眼火球化作一道光柱,哪怕是钢铁接触到光柱,也是可以瞬息间融化掉的,这么一股能量以摧枯拉朽气势冲向南宫云 Nangong Yun opens the eye fiercely, just likes flame bird that fierce does not fear, unexpectedly straight overran to the light beam directly. 南宫云猛地睁开眼睛,犹如一只悍不畏死的火焰鸟,竟然笔直向光柱正面冲了过去。 She is courting death!” “她在找死!” Nangong Jian this strength bang kills Awakened Soul 8th Layer Cultivator sufficiently!” 南宫剑这股力量足以轰杀魂醒八重修士!” Nangong Yun just contacted the light beam, Starlight was been suddenly stave by the decrepitation, the whole body skin has the burn sign...... It is not good, this strength is too strong, Immortal body cannot block! 南宫云刚刚接触到光柱,星光骤然被烧裂破碎,浑身皮肤出现烧伤迹象……不行,这股力量太强,不灭体挡不住! Shen Bingyu must get rid. 沈冰雨就要出手。 ! 啪! A hand extends, has blocked Shen Bingyu. 一只手伸过来,拦住了沈冰雨 Chu Tian both eyes bloom the unusual appearance: „It is not anxious, has the variable!” 楚天双眼绽放出异样神采:“不急,有变数!” Shen Bingyu looks at Chu Tian puzzled, he cannot look, Nangong Yun could not resist, this strength was too for her strong! 沈冰雨不解看着楚天,他难道看不出来吗,南宫云根本抵挡不了,这股力量对她来说太强大了! Such short flash. 这么短短一瞬间。 The Nangong Yun whole body was passed through by the flame! 南宫云浑身都被被火焰贯穿! The people sigh with regret all, such fearful injury, this woman died, what a pity a talent! 人们无不扼腕叹息,这么可怕的伤害,这个女人是死定了,可惜一个天才! Turns into the ash!” “化成灰吧!” Nangong Jian was roaring crazily. 南宫剑疯狂咆哮着。 Who knows in this time, resounding and resonant phoenix cry, sends from the column of flame center, that was straight the column of flame to look like the smoke and fire explosion suddenly, the flame rapid condensation forming, turns into a gigantic incomparable Fire Phoenix image. 谁知道在此时,一阵高亢而嘹亮凤鸣,从火柱中央发出来,那本来笔直火柱突然像烟火般爆炸开来,火焰迅速凝聚成形,变成一只硕大无比的火凤凰形象。 South Summer King and three Monarch simultaneously with amazement. 南夏王、三君同时骇然。 This is anything!” “这是什么!” Nangong Yun stands in the Fire Phoenix center, whole body seems like burnt thoroughly, actually gushes out the golden flame from within the body, making her look like like an element life, that golden flame coagulates rapidly, turns into the tender and delicate skin, the little scar has not stayed behind, even if bathes in high temperature that in the steel and iron can melt, a Nangong Yun injury has not actually received. 南宫云站在火凤凰中心,浑身看起来都被烧透,从体内却涌出金色火焰,让她看起来就像一个元素生命,那金色火焰迅速凝固,又重新变成娇嫩的皮肤,一点点伤痕都没有留下,哪怕沐浴在钢铁都能融化的高温中,南宫云却一点伤势都没有受到。 Bath hot rebirth!” The Burning Sun Monarch sound somewhat shivers: No...... Phoenix!” “浴火重生!”炎阳君声音都有些颤抖:“不……不死鸟!” The Nangong Clan person one type wants the impulsion that kneels prostrates oneself. 南宫家族人都有一种想要跪地膜拜的冲动。 Phoenix! 不死鸟! Is this in the legend the phoenix? 这就是传说中不死鸟吗? Nangong Yun as if already thoroughly to flame immunity, flame of these bombardments on Nangong Yun, not only does not have the means to cause the tiny bit damage to Nangong Yun, instead was swallowed the absorption by Nangong Yun completely, the transformation became own strength! 南宫云仿佛已经彻底对火焰免疫,那些轰击在南宫云身上火焰,非但没有办法对南宫云造成一丝一毫伤害,反而全部被南宫云吞噬吸收,转化成为了自己的力量! Nangong Jian thorough was scared. 南宫剑彻底傻眼了。 Where has he seen such Cultivation Technique? 他哪里见过这样的功法 Was one's turn me!” “轮到我了!” Falls the phoenix to strike!” “落凤击!” That huge Fire Phoenix, departs from Nangong Yun, falls to Nangong Jian at the extremely quick speed. 那一道巨大火凤凰,从南宫云身上飞出,以极快速度向南宫剑落去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The Nangong Clan people are in great surprise, Nangong Yun strikes not only contains own compensation, but also includes the compensation that Nangong Jian releases, this struck do not say that defeated Awakened Soul 8th Layer Cultivator, even if Awakened Soul 9th Layer is unable to resist directly! 南宫家族人都是大惊,南宫云一击不仅仅蕴含自身全部力量,还包括南宫剑释放出来的全部力量,这一击不要说击败魂醒八重修士,哪怕魂醒九重都无法正面抵挡! Quick! 快! Too quick! 太快了! Shenfeng spread the wings, but twinkling to! 神凤展翅,瞬息而至! Li HuoHou wants to save oneself sons without enough time, saw that Nangong Jian must be burnt as the ashes instant, the tall and strong form appears in the front together fiercely, the sturdy right arm pinches the Fire Phoenix neck directly. 离火候想要救自己儿子都来不及,眼看南宫剑就要被焚为灰烬刹那,一道魁梧身影猛地出现在面前,粗壮右臂直接一掐火凤脖子。 Fire Phoenix by knockdown strength crumb instantaneous, as if very angry roared, put out a burning hot god fire from the mouth, passed through from Burning Sun Monarch, hits on the body of Nangong Jian. 火凤凰被不可抵抗的力量捏碎瞬间,仿佛非常愤怒的咆哮一声,从嘴里吐出一股炙热神火,从炎阳君身边穿过去,打在南宫剑的身上。 „!” “啊!” In sad and shrill pitiful yell. 凄厉惨叫中。 Nangong Jian was fired hard coke, falls from the sky from the midair, just likes is burning crow. 南宫剑被烧成一具焦炭,从半空中陨落下去,犹如一只烧着的乌鸦。 No!” “不!” Li HuoHou soars with the aid of Nangong Jian, immediately puts out one bottle of precious liquid medicines to rinse in his mouth, when inspects the meridians carefully, Li HuoHou immediately all over the body icy cold, Nangong Jian within the body was almost destroyed. 离火候腾空而起借助南宫剑,立刻拿出一瓶珍贵的药水灌进他的嘴巴里,当仔细检查一下经脉,离火候顿时遍体冰凉,南宫剑体内几乎都被摧毁了。 Good ruthless fellow, I have killed you!” “好狠的家伙,我杀了你!” In the Li HuoHou violent anger must begin, this is two forms simultaneously with, simultaneously blocks Li HuoHou, separately is Gu Qianqiu and Shen Bingyu. Li HuoHou cultivation base is astonishing, simultaneously faces two Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak masters, does not have the means to pass. 离火候暴怒中就要动手,这是两道身影同时同出来,同时拦住离火候,分别是古千秋沈冰雨离火候就算修为惊人,同时面对两个魂醒九重巅峰高手,却也没有办法通过。 At this time, Wu'an Monarch could not sit still, snapped fingers gently, the scarlet great sword, put on to fall from the cloud layers together, suddenly horizontally between two sides, preventing both sides to further fight. 这时,武安君坐不住,轻轻地一弹指,一道猩红的巨剑,从云层间穿落而下,猛然间横在两方中间,阻止双方进一步交手。 Wish the war to concede.” Wu'an Monarch let somebody cool off or calm down said: Is small by the big pressure, has to lose the armed forces to wait the style!” “愿战服输。”武安君冷冷地说:“以大压小,有失军候风范!” The people by the scarlet great sword that this handle dropped from the clouds frightening. 众人都被这一柄从天而降的猩红巨剑给震慑到了。 This sword merely is horizontally in void, making big scholar, Shen Bingyu and Li HuoHou feel that being hard activity, as if holding was the same by the invisible hand. 这把剑仅仅是横在虚空,让大学者沈冰雨离火候都感觉到难以活动,仿佛被无形的手给抓住了一样。 Too strong. 太强了。 Wu'an Monarch's strength is immeasurably deep. 武安君的实力深不可测。 Burning Sun Monarch, do you also want to revenge to your grandson?” 炎阳君,你也想给你孙子报仇吗?” The Burning Sun Monarch look is complex, just likes a lion of defeating, he looks at Nangong Yun: Could tell me, what you just used was what Secret Technique?” 炎阳君眼神非常复杂,犹如一头斗败的雄狮,他看一眼南宫云:“能否告诉我,你刚刚使用的是什么秘术?” Chu Tian to her slight bow. 楚天对她微微点头。 This is not Secret Technique, but is Cultivation Technique!” Nangong Yun said loudly: This is the Boss passes to my super Cultivation Technique «Great Nirvana Scripture», I just crossed the threshold merely!” “这不是秘术,而是功法!”南宫云大声说道:“这是老大传给我的超级功法大涅槃经》,我仅仅是刚刚入门而已!”
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