MT :: Volume #4

#304: Participates in Wang Yan

The Southern Summer Country person takes conferring nobility upon as the highest honor and achievement! 南夏国人以封侯为最高荣誉和成就! The Central State Chu Xinghe why ten thousand people pay attention, going for shelter does well up continuously? This is also not he is one has to confer nobility upon to dive the qualitative person, once will be sealed Marquis in the future, all hiring oneself will profit, the people went certainly after like ducks! 中州楚星河为什么万人关注,投奔者源源不绝的涌来?这还不是他是一个具备封侯潜质的人,一旦未来受封侯爵,所有投靠者都会受益,人们当然趋之若鹜了! Chu Tian to these unwarranted reputation not anything interests. 楚天对这些虚名没啥兴趣。 The marquis biggest advantage can obtain a state manor, the state county tax revenue and resources delivers, delivers King's territory besides part, other all can receive the belt-bag, words in other words, once Feng Weihou thinks it Venerable, this whole life did not need to worry about food or clothing, every day lay down can also make money. 侯爷最大好处就是能获得一州封地,州郡赋税收入和资源产出,除一部分上交王域外,其余皆能收入腰包,换句话来说的话,一旦封为侯觉之尊,这辈子就衣食无忧了,每天躺着也能赚大钱。 Naturally, for does not make the marquis neglect peacefully, the Southern Summer Country title hereditary system has the condition hereditary, the male offspring must meet the hereditary need the strength, fame and meritorious military service to take over person of father's generation's title, otherwise the title will be taken back by the kingdom. In other words, the family destiny prosperous words, the title has been able generations of inheritance. 当然,为不使侯爷安乐怠慢,南夏国爵位世袭制是有条件世袭,子嗣必须满足世袭需求的实力、名望、战功才能接任父辈的爵位,否则爵位就会被王国收回。换句话说,家族气运一直昌盛的话,爵位是能代代传承的。 Marquis is not only the honor, can harvest the massive practical values, making the entire family make a rapid career advance. 侯爵不仅仅是荣誉,更能收获大量实利,让整个家族飞黄腾达。 Such young can confer nobility upon in the Southern Summer Country history is unique. 这么年轻能封侯在南夏国历史绝无仅有。 But why doesn't Chu Tian care? 楚天为什么不在乎呢? Wu'an Monarch is not silly, he knows the will of Chu Tian not in country place, if were fettered by solid Feng Faner, money, resources? These thing Miracle Commerce lack! This fellow will not eat to the full to be all right to bear the unnecessary responsibility! 武安君不傻,他知道楚天之志不在一国一地,若受实封反而被束缚,金钱,资源?这些东西奇迹商会缺么!这家伙不会吃饱没事去背负多余的责任呢! If cannot be Southern Summer Country stays behind, that was really a pity. 若不能为南夏国留下,那实在是太可惜了。 Wu'an Monarch cannot with the force method, otherwise instead will work just the opposite, therefore also by the point, has not demanded excessively, hopes that he can be clear. 武安君偏偏不能用强迫手段,否则反而会适得其反,所以也就点到为止,没有过分强求,希望他自己能够想清楚。 This matter does not raise for the time being.” Wu'an Monarch changes a topic, your crest of wave excessively was recently abundant, did not fear that annoys to trouble?” “此事姑且不提。”武安君换一个话题,“你风头最近过盛,不怕惹来麻烦?” Wu'an Monarch will crack a joke.” Chu Tian shrugs, resigned-looking said: Actually to I'm coming said that the low key and high-sounding talk have not distinguished, since comes out to mix, something cannot hide.” “武安君真会开玩笑。”楚天耸耸肩,一脸无奈说:“其实对我来说低调和高调没有区别,既然出来混,有些事躲不掉。” Miracle Commerce and Chu Tian violate the benefits of many person. 奇迹商会楚天触犯不少人的利益。 These contradictory eruptions are inevitable, is not Chu Tian wants to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved can solve. Such being the case, why fears the hand to fear foot? 这些矛盾的爆发不可避免,不是楚天想息事宁人就能解决的。既然如此,何必畏手畏脚? You have the consciousness actually.” Wu'an Monarch shows neither approval nor disapproval: But, please remember, although Burning Sun Monarch and Wen Cheng want to cope with you, but they will not begin to you easily.” “你倒是有觉悟。”武安君不置可否:“不过,请记住,虽然炎阳君文成君想对付你,但是他们两个是不会轻易对你动手的。” Why?” “为什么?” These two are different from Central State these family Patriarch, truth, you later naturally can understand that did not need this Monarch to explain. You now biggest trouble not in these two, but in Wang Family.” “这两人和中州那些家族族长不一样,这其中的道理,你以后自然会明白,不用本君多解释了。你现在最大的麻烦不在这两位,而是在王家。” What? Wang Family?” “什么?王家?” If not Wu'an Monarch said these words seriously, Chu Tian thinks that he was cracking a joke with himself. 若非武安君一本正经说出这句话,楚天以为他在拿自己开玩笑呢。 Wang Family recently with street mouse is common, is simply in an extremely difficult situation, does not have the strength to hit back. This family has powerful strength and energy, also may end up to turn out the so distressed situation? 王家最近跟过的街老鼠一般,简直狼狈不堪,全无还手之力。这个家族真有强大实力和能量,又怎么可能会落得如此狼狈的地步? At this time, Wu'an Monarch the base, has gained ground to look up to deep blue sky, suddenly said one meaningfully: Today Wang Yan is not simple, you need carefully deal with.” Then, a blood red Gryphon dive, Wu'an Monarch jumped down in Gryphon goes north, advances to the Imperial City direction. 这个时候,武安君已经基地,抬头仰望一眼蔚蓝天空,突然意味深长说一句:“今日王宴不简单,你需得小心应付。”说完,一只血红狮鹫俯冲而下,武安君一跳落在狮鹫北上,先行向王城方向而去了。 Wu'an Monarch god god talked on endlessly, seemingly was suggesting anything vaguely.” Chu Tian asked nearby Gu Qianqiu: Hello, what you know Dow Jones Index is what?” “武安君神神叨叨的,貌似在隐晦暗示着什么。”楚天问旁边古千秋:“喂,你知道指的是什么吗?” Gu Qianqiu said dignifiedly: I think that Wu'an Monarch was warning, this Wang Yanpa is the hidden ominous machine.” 古千秋凝重说道:“我认为武安君是在警告,这王宴怕是暗藏凶机啊。” „, Are you elm head?” A Chu Tian face is not feeling well: „Am I a fool who this cannot listen to continually? Can you say that selects me not to know!” “靠,你是不是榆木脑袋?”楚天一脸不爽:“我是连这都听不出来的傻子么?你能不能说点我不知道的!” Volume......” Gu Qianqiu wipes away sweat awkwardly: Most time in the research institute, Old man are not quite clear to the matter that the deliberation hall has. However as far as I know, Wang Yan two will possibly appear, Wu'an Monarch wants you to guard, it is estimated that is these two.” “额……”古千秋尴尬擦擦汗:“大多数时间都在研究所,老朽对朝堂发生的事情不太清楚。不过据我所知,王宴有两人可能会出现,武安君要你提防的,估计就是这两人。” Which two?” “哪两个?” First is Pin Jun waits Li HuoHou.” “第一个是一品军候离火候。” Originally is he!” “原来是他!” The Li HuoHou status is aloof, is not only the honored marquis, to hot armed forces marshal, this type the marquis who holds the military authority was called the armed forces period of five days. Southern Xia eight marquises only then four have the grade armed forces period of five days, Thunder State Golden Arrow Marquis and South State Western Marquis and Cang State Dark Green Cloud Marquis is two Pin Junhou, only Li HuoHou is Pin Junhou. 离火候地位超然,不仅是尊贵侯爷,更是离火军元帅,这种握有军权的侯爷被称之为军候。南夏八侯只有四个有品级军候,其中雷州金箭候南州四方候苍州苍云侯都是二品军候,惟独离火候是一品军候。 The Central State county waits Divine Wind Marquis and Qing State county to wait Azure Wood Marquis wait / etc., although also has the regiment, but these armies, can only be used to guard, has not assigned the ability of outside combat. 中州郡候神风候青州郡候青木候等等,虽然也有军团,但这些军队,只能够用来驻守,没有调派外地作战的能力。 Who then second is?” “那么第二个是谁?” War-Dragon Army group Mr. Wang Tianlong !” 战龙军团少帅王天龙!” The history of Wang family, Chu Tian was not strange, fierce of this Great Summer royal family decline, several times almost perished freely, but the Great Summer royal family blood is unexpectedly powerful, therefore entrusts with the posterity very high talent. Every one time borders on withering away time, always has the person with outstanding ability to rise to shoulder the family flag. 王氏家族的历史,楚天已经不陌生,这个大夏王族尽管衰退的厉害,好几次都差点沉沦了,但是大夏王族血竟强悍,所以赋予后人很高的天赋。每一次濒临消亡的时候,总有英才崛起扛住家族大旗。 The Wang Tianlong paternal great-grandfather is a prominent Southern Xia marquis, but in two generations of does not have the talented person, finally Marquis broke the inheritance, is born until Wang Tianlong , makes Wang Family see the hope. 王天龙的曾祖父是一位显赫的南夏侯爷,无奈两代人中没有人才,最终侯爵断了传承,直到王天龙出世,又让王家看到希望。 This person revealed since childhood the astonishing talent, not only cultivates the talent to be extremely high, but also has the command ability. Once 15 years old entered the armed forces , over 20 years old took over control of Wang Family War-Dragon Army. 此人从小就显露出惊人才华,不仅仅修炼天赋极高,而且极具统帅才能。曾经15岁就入军为将,20多岁接管王家战龙军 For ten years, the regiment more hits is stronger, the meritorious military service are getting more and more, is truly noteworthy. 十年来,军团越打越强,战功越来越多,确实值得注目。 Chu Tian was very recently miserable, Wang Tianlong that Wang Family tossed about feared that will not let off him. 最近楚天王家折腾的很惨,王天龙怕是不会放过他。 Gu Qianqiu adds immediately: Does not need too to be worried that on has Wu'an Monarch, below has the old man, Miracle Commerce is in itself not weak, is not easily active!” 古千秋立刻补充说:“不过也不用太担心,上有武安君,下有老夫在,奇迹商会本身也不弱,不是轻易能动的!” Resulted. 得了吧。 Chu Tian has not felt relieved. 楚天根本没放心上。 The royal palace is lively, imperial city gates open wide in abundance, the innumerable beautiful palace maids are busy with the arrangement. 王宫非常热闹,一道道宫门纷纷敞开,无数美艳宫女忙于布置。 The fiery red rug has spread from the main hall to outside imperial city gate, the Royal Palace knight 22 symmetrically become the row stands, the mail-armor and helmet weapon waxes brand-new, therefore looks like brightly burnished, in each individual hand is pulling the spirit mount Gryphon beast, that feather clear fine dust does not dye, just likes sculpture stations straightly, seems greeting the sacred time. 火红地毯从正殿一直铺到外宫门,王殿骑士22对称成列站立,甲胄兵器崭新打蜡,所以看起来锃光发亮,每一个人手里牵着神骏狮鹫兽,那羽毛都清晰的纤尘不染,犹如雕塑般一个个站得笔笔直直,似乎在迎接神圣时刻。 Several guards of honor, grasp sacrificial vessel musical instrument, the lineup is very magnificent. 数支仪仗队,手持礼器乐器,阵容十分华丽。 South Summer King Dongfang Hao is the head, Wu'an Monarch Dongfang Gan and Burning Sun Monarch Nangong Yun, Wen Cheng Shangguan Cangfeng, four people stand in the front line, other high-ranking court official senior generals arrange. 南夏王东方昊为首,武安君东方乾炎阳君南宫云,文成上官藏锋,四人站在最前方,其余重臣大将则纷纷排列在后。 „Do you come? Comes quickly!” Meng Yingying draws Chu Tian, scratches the head saying: Today must certainly have important matter, you take a look at this scene, the honored kings and three Monarch Sirs come out personally, this lineup really can scare to death the person.” “你怎么才来?快过来!”梦莹莹楚天拉过来,挠挠头说道:“今天肯定是要发生大事了,你瞧瞧这场面,尊贵国王陛下和三君大人亲自出来,这阵容真是能把人吓死呀。” Meng Qingwu sisters, Nangong Yun, Shen Bingyu, four people. 梦轻舞姐妹、南宫云沈冰雨,四人都在。 Meng Qingwu is as always tranquil, the Meng Yingying whole face shocks excitedly, the Shen Bingyu icy cold resembles the appearance that the matter does not close oneself, usually very lively Nangong Yun, now hides in other people actually, probably does not dare to make an appearance to be the same. 梦轻舞一如既往平静,梦莹莹满脸激动震撼,沈冰雨冷冷冰冰好像事不关己的样子,倒是平时非常活泼的南宫云,现在躲在其他人的身后,好像不敢露面一样。 She fears Burning Sun Monarch. 她是怕炎阳君 Thump!” “咚咚咚!” Sir Li HuoHou!” 离火候大人到!” Suddenly, a shocking drumbeat transmits, the Nangong Yun complexion becomes in vain, the double fist is gripping tightly, somewhat cannot bear shiver, does not know that is angry or panic-stricken. 突然,一阵震天鼓声传来,南宫云脸色变得更白,双拳紧紧握着,有些忍不住颤抖,不知道是恼怒还是惊恐。 Do not be worried.” Chu Tian walks the racket the Nangong Yun shoulder: These matters must face sooner or later, had me unable to move you in them,” “别担心了。”楚天走过去拍拍南宫云肩膀:“这些事早晚要面对的,有我在他们动不了你,” Nangong Yun usually rules by force intrepidly, now actually likely small white rabbit, a face piteous expression. 南宫云平时霸道强悍,现在却像小白兔般,一脸可怜兮兮的表情。 The Meng Qingwu comfort said: Nangong, you are our Miracle Commerce person, without our agreements, everyone gave up any idea of that takes away from our side you.” 梦轻舞安慰说:“南宫,你是我们奇迹商会的人,没有我们的同意,谁都休想把你从我们身边带走的。” Right, right!” Meng Yingying wields the pink / white fist: Sister Nangong, you puts out usually comes aggressively, has everybody to support to you!” “对呀,对呀!”梦莹莹挥挥粉拳:“南宫姐姐,你就拿出平时的霸气来吧,有大伙儿给你撑腰呢!” Nangong Yun is at heart affected. 南宫云心里非常感动。 Nangong Clan is any influence, everybody will not be clear, may to protect her, everybody does not hesitate to do against with this plate however big thing. This makes her grateful and guilty, even if resists Nangong Clan by the Miracle Commerce present status, must pay the grievous cost. 南宫家族是一个什么势力,大家心里不会不清楚,可为保护她,大家不惜跟这个盘然大物对着干。这让她又感激又愧疚,哪怕以奇迹商会现在的地位对抗南宫家族,也是要付出惨痛代价的。 Such does to be worth? 这么做值得吗? Nangong Yun engages in introspection, she in chamber of commerce status is not unreplaceable. She cannot wisdom like Meng Qingwu, be able to be Chu Tian in good order, she who the entire chamber of commerce handles does not have Shen Bingyu to be so formidable, can safeguard the Chu Tian personal safety, does not have Yingying such with the Chu Tian special friendship. 南宫云扪心自问,她在商会地位并不是不可替代的。她不能像梦轻舞一样智慧,能够为楚天把整个商会打理的井井有条,她也没有沈冰雨这么强大,能够保障楚天的个人安全,更没有莹莹那样跟楚天特别的交情。 Nangong Yun looks like, she is dispensable to Miracle Commerce. 南宫云看来,她对奇迹商会是可有可无的。 When with the neat step sound, a team has welled up slowly. This team equips very unusually, everyone puts on the thick sincere armor, the weapon is the handle fully has a person of high great sword, the sword blade edge engraves massive flame Rune, is blooming the burning hot incomparable energy. 当伴随着整齐的步伐声,一支队伍缓缓涌了进来。这支队伍装备非常奇特,每一个人都穿着厚厚重型铠甲,武器则是柄足有一人多高的巨剑,剑刃刻印着大量火焰符文,正绽放出炙热无比的能量。 Nangong Clan illustrious leaves the hot armed forces! 南宫家族赫赫有名的离火军! Nangong Clan is one compared with a Great Summer Country more ancient family, they said that is the successor of phoenix, in the bloodlines contains the enormous force. Nangong Clan is pivotal in the Southern Summer Country status, because Nangong Clan general's talent like clouds, Nangong Clan with the soldier who the mystique trains, is the Southern Summer Country most splendid trump card army. 南宫家族是一个比大夏国更古老的家族,他们自称是不死鸟的传人,血脉中蕴含巨大力量。南宫家族南夏国地位举足轻重,因为南宫家族将才如云,南宫家族用秘法培养出来的战士,更是南夏国最出色的王牌军队。 Has terrifying battle efficiency to the hot soldier. 离火战士拥有恐怖战斗力。 Their childhood was adopted, quenchings the body with the special herbal medicine mystique, making these person of bodies tenacious like the iron stone . Moreover the sensation of pain nearly loses close, instills into Secret Technique to practice again, about ten years can be completed. 他们幼年就被收养,用特殊草药秘法淬炼身体,让这些人身体坚韧如铁石,而且痛觉近乎接近丧失,再灌输秘术进行修炼,大约十年时间能完成。 This Nangong Clan inherited mystique overdraws the potential of soldier, these soldier lives are not quite mostly long . Moreover the growth upper limit was deadlocked, but can actually guarantee that the soldier battle efficiency is very even, all reaches the Body Refinement 9th Layer peak, coordinates specially Martial Arts and special equipment again, this soldier's battle efficiency in the battlefield, makes the Allied Canine Tribes power and prestige tremble with fear sufficiently. 这种南宫家族的祖传秘法透支战士的潜力,这些战士寿命大多不太长,而且成长上限被锁死了,不过却能保证战士战斗力十分均匀,全都达到炼体九重巅峰,再配合特别武学、特殊装备,这种战士在战场上战斗力,足以让犬戎族威风丧胆。 In the past Blazing Marquis led 80,000 such soldiers, almost invincible invincible. 当年烈焰候率领80000这样的战士,几乎攻无不克战无不胜。 Ten years of previous frigid fight, Blazing Marquis died in battle the War Hound prairie, actually kills three times of War Hound elite. Present Li HuoHou grasps the last such army, is the Southern Summer Country most formidable heavy foot soldiers. 十年前一场惨烈战斗,烈焰候战死犬戎草原,却干掉三倍犬戎精锐。现在的离火候手握最后一支这样的军队,是南夏国最强大的重型步卒。 Li HuoHou walks in the front line, the Nangong Clan unique red long hair, his build looks like very symmetrical, is not fat is not thin, the binocular pupil is also the red, just likes the torch burning hot is swift and fierce, his inside puts on the garnet scales, covers entirely flame stripe the long gown set outside, the walking strong gale is intermittent, making people feel the hot wave constriction. 离火候走在最前方,南宫家族特有红色长发,他体型看起来十分匀称,既不胖也不瘦,双眼眸子也是红色,犹如火炬般炙热凌厉,他里面穿着暗红色鳞甲,一袭布满火红色条纹的长袍套在外面,走起路来烈风阵阵,让人感到火浪般压迫感。 Seven people stand behind Li HuoHou. 七个人站在离火候背后。 And six people separately are Nangong Clan high-level as well as previous minister status Hanger-on, all will be the Li HuoHou love, each will be about Awakened Soul 9th Layer the top player. Another is to look like the 16 or 17-year-old youth, from his similar red long hair explained that this is also the Nangong Clan posterity, moreover his look and Li HuoHou have 67 to be similar unexpectedly. 其中六人分别是南宫家族高层以及上卿地位的门客,全都是离火候的爱将,各个都是魂醒九重左右顶尖高手。另外一个则是看起来十六七岁的青年,从他同样红色长发说明这也是南宫家族后人,而且他的相貌和离火候竟有67分相似。 This young people are the Li HuoHou most important son, has Li HuoHou heir apparent status Nangong Jian. 这个年轻人是离火候的最重要的儿子,有离火候世子身份的南宫剑 Pays a visit my king!” “拜见吾王!” Pays a visit the monarch!” “拜见君上!” Li HuoHou is eight people salutes, several hundred to hot officers, then all on one knee kneels. South Summer King and three Monarch slight bows, especially Burning Sun Monarch, whole face proud color, this is the pride of their Nangong Clan! 离火候为首八人行礼,几百个离火将士们,则全都单膝跪地。南夏王和三君都微微点头,特别是炎阳君,满脸自豪之色,这是他们南宫家族的骄傲!
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