„Theneatsto selectpapaya.”
The Su Zhan'ssoundpassed on the peacefulroomlight, thisthinks that after hehas fallen asleepDianaheardhas a scare, hehas not rested! That did oneselftake a bathheto seea moment ago?苏战的声音在安静的房间里就这么轻飘飘地传了出来,本以为他已经睡着了戴安娜听到后吓了一大跳,他没睡!那岂不是刚才自己洗澡他都看见了?Awkward, shy, all sorts ofmoodflash throughone by one, Dianacould not bearsaidin a low voice: „What do you mean, are why many, eatspapaya?”
安静。Su Zhanhas not spoken, at nighthas not as if opened eyes, seemed onlyone in sleepmumbleda moment ago. Dianais certainhehas not rested, butsheisreallyclosely examinesnowembarrassed, can only wait tillwill find the opportunityto asktomorrowagain.苏战没有说话,黑夜中似乎也没有睁眼,仿佛刚才只是睡梦之中的一句嘟囔而已。戴安娜可以肯定他没睡,但现在她是真得不好意思追问,只能等到明天找机会再问了。Indulging in flights of fancy, Dianaunconsciousheavygoing off. Thisthinksfrom the beginningrestsis not steadfast, changingside the placewere many a person, Dianawas not familiar withvery much. Does not cometo fall asleep, shefelt that oneselfreturned to the childhoodprobablyin mother embraces is the same, thattypesteadfastmadeherfall into the dreamlandwith the security sensequickly.
胡思乱想着,戴安娜不知不觉的沉沉睡去。这一觉一开始睡的并不踏实,换了地方身边还多了一个人,戴安娜不是很习惯。不过来睡着睡着,她感觉自己好像回到了小时候在母亲怀抱里一样,那种踏实跟安全感让她很快陷入了梦乡。Does not know how longrested, the intermittentwarm feelingmadehergroaned, bodymoveas if to change a more comfortableposturecomfortably, finallyactuallysoberedsuddenly, recalledoneselfnotathome, notinParadise Island, butwithSu ZhaninHeavenly DynastyTibet, moreoverrestedwithhimin the same place.
不知道睡了多久,阵阵暖意让她舒服地哼了一声,身体挪了挪似乎想要换一个更舒服的姿势,结果却突然清醒过来,记起自己可不是在家,也不是在天堂岛,而是跟苏战在天朝西藏而且还是跟他睡在一起。SuddenlysoberDianasubconsciouswantsto set out, has not actually noticedoneselfin the Su Zhan'sbosom, Su Zhan'sis actually surroundingoneself. Thissets out, not onlydoes not have, moreoverawakened by noiseSu Zhan.
陡然清醒的戴安娜下意识的想要起身,却没注意到自己其实是在苏战的怀里,苏战的手更是环抱着自己。这一起身非但没有起来,而且还吵醒了苏战。„Did youawake?”Su Zhanthatlazysoundresounds.
“你醒了?”苏战那慵懒的声音响起。Dianasomewhatawkwarddoes not know how shoulddeal, butnodssilently, the heartquickwas chaotic. Sherecalled, seeming likeoneselfmidnightfalls asleepto feelthat sideSu Zhanis quite comfortablewithwarm, then...... oneselfsneaks in the Su Zhanbosomononeself, thismadeDianamore awkward.戴安娜有些尴尬的不知道该怎么应对,只是默默地点点头,心都快乱死了。她回想了一下,似乎是自己半夜睡着睡着感觉苏战那边比较舒服跟温暖,然后就自己……自己钻进苏战怀里的,这让戴安娜更加的尴尬了。Su Zhan did not seem to feltDianaanxioustois awkwardly same, saidwith a smile: „Next timewill sleepdo not put onarmor, strangehard, pressingnervousis uncomfortable!”苏战仿佛没感觉到戴安娜的紧张跟尴尬一样,笑着说道:“下次睡觉别穿着铠甲了,怪硬的,硌得慌儿也不舒服啊!”„I, Iam notintentionally.”Dianaansweredin a low voice.
“我,我不是故意的。”戴安娜低声解释道。Alsodoes not knowwhatshesaidissneaks in the Su Zhan'sbosomor the armormatter, Su Zhanhas not closely examined.
也不知道她说的是钻进苏战的怀里还是铠甲的事,苏战也没有追问。Heactuallya littleacted indifferent while actually getting a profitable deal, Xiangyufills with, althoughputs on the armorminor defect in something otherwise perfect, butthatintermittentdelicate fragrancemakeshimverycomfortable, is very satisfied. Lifts the handto loosenDiana, wieldedwieldingin the direction of window.
The window curtainspulls open, the windowopens, the freshair makes one feel pumped up.
窗帘拉开,窗户打开,清新的空气让人为之一振。„Quicknoon, got up, tidied upusto climb a mountain.”Su Zhan said that firstcrawled.
“快中午了啊,起来吧,收拾收拾咱们去爬山。”苏战笑着说了一声,先爬了起来。Su ZhanthisnatureoptionalappearancemadeDianabe short ofseveralpoints of awkwardness, restorationgradually.苏战这幅自然随意的样子让戴安娜少了几分尴尬,也渐渐的恢复过来。
After two peoplewashsimplytidies up, Dianawore the concealedclothing/taking, thencame outfrom the hotel. Passed by the great halltimearrivessecondary attackmanager who has not seenthatgood intention, it is estimated thatchanged shifts. The person who the hotelcomes and goesare many, Su Zhantois not noticeablewithDiana, after all the foreigner who visitshereare also many, butDianais more attractive. Is listening toperiphery the familiarlanguage, the Su Zhanalsosomewhatfeeling of another erafeeling, thatfeared that has the littlelocal language, actuallydoes not affectthismood.
两人简单的洗漱收拾过后,戴安娜又穿上了藏服,然后从酒店出来了。路过大堂的时候到是没有见到那位好心的助攻经理,估计是换班了吧。酒店来来往往的人不少,苏战跟戴安娜到也没有太惹人注目,毕竟来这里旅游的外国人也不少,只不过戴安娜更漂亮一些而已。听着周围熟悉的语言,苏战还真有点恍如隔世的感觉,那怕带着一点点地方语言,却丝毫不影响这种情绪。Diana can also feel the Su Zhan'smood.戴安娜也能感觉到苏战的情绪。
It is not neartoHimalaya Mountainsfrom the hotel, hotelcanprovide the vehicle, the nearbyalsohas the renting a carplace, buttwo peopledo not need. Comes outfrom the hotel, boughtsomefood and drinkthingsin the , but alsoboughttwocottonclothing/taking, thensets outin the Himalayasdirection.
The thing of eating and drinkingmadeSu Zhantake in the systemspace, wore the cottonclothing/taking, walkedlooked, the meaning of but alsosomewhattravelling.
吃喝的东西都让苏战收进系统空间里了,穿着棉服,一路走一路看,还真有点来旅游的意思。Whentheyrelax the appreciationbeautiful scene, actuallyalsosomesimilarlypeopleinideathey.
在他们放松欣赏美景的时候,却也同样有人在主意着他们。Insomesecretbase'smonitoring, Su ZhanwithDianaevery word and deed, every action and every movementpresented.
The man of tight-fittinguniform/subduemonitoringside, a wearyellowish whitemeetsasked.
监控的旁边,一个穿着黄白相见的紧身制服的男人问道。Thismanhas nearly baldhairstyle, the earlobeis slightly long, foreheadhas a design of semicircle. Hissoundis very calm, is very vigorous, as soon asheopens the mouth, myriad thingsalllonesomefeeling.
这个男人留着近乎光头的发型,耳垂略长,眉心处有一个半圆形的图案。他的声音很沉稳,很浑厚,有一种他一开口,万物皆寂的感觉。„Shouldnot be, the material of thiswomandoes not havetemporarily, but the material of thismanis very special. Su Zhan, Chinese, code nameGreen Lantern, Justice League'sleader!”
“应该不是,这个女人的资料暂时没有,但这个男人的资料很特别。苏战,中国人,代号绿灯侠,正义联盟的首领!”Anothersoundresounds, has a faint tracemechanicalfeeling, herbodyputs onblackmachinearmorprobably, bringing the helmetnot to see clearly the appearance.
另一个声音响起,带着一丝丝机械感,她的身上好像穿着黑色的机器铠甲,带着头盔根本看不清楚样子。„Thisis a great person, does hedo? Alsofluctuatedto comeforformerthatmagic?”
“这可是大人物啊,他来干什么?难道也是为了之前那股魔法波动而来?”„Does not seem like, according to the materialjudged,heis more likecomesherepick up girls. Howeverhow, whoknowsspecifically. August General in IronwithThe Yetiis notexactlyin that side, makingthemcontactto have a look.”
……Asapproaches the mountain range, the surroundingclimateis getting more and more low, all aroundisWhite Snowsnow white, turns aroundto looktowardbehind,just like the deep placetwoworld'sintersection points is the same.
随着临近山脉,周围的气候已经越来越低,四周更是白雪皑皑,转身朝着后面看去,犹如深处两个世界的交界处一样。Sideisin the summer, sideisin the winter!
After entering the mountain range, the wind and snowhowl, the temperaturedropssuddenly, moreisthoroughmorefeelscold, is goodbecause ofthis degree oftemperature changetotwo peoplenottootremendousimpact. From the beginning, occasionally can also seesometouristsor the mountain climbingamateurs, asis thorough, anythingdoes not havebesides the snowflake that the snow whitemountain peak of stretching as far as eye can seeas well asdances in the air. The appearance of the mountainis steep, the under footisslidessoftly.
进入山脉后,风雪呼啸,气温陡然下降,越是深入就越是觉得寒冷,好在这种程度的温度变化对两人并没有太大的影响。一开始,偶尔还能看到一些游客或者爬山爱好者,但是随着深入,除了一望无尽的雪白山峰以及飞舞的雪花外什么都没有。山势陡峭,脚下更是软滑。Su ZhanwithDianatwo peoplefootstepseasily, leaps several feet, the progressfast.苏战跟戴安娜两人脚步轻易,一跃数丈,进度飞快。In a whilehad arrived under Mount Everest.
没过多久已经来到了珠穆朗玛峰下。„Cancompare?”Su Zhanturns headto asktowardDiana.
“要比一比吗?”苏战扭头朝着戴安娜问道。„Howratio?”AsAmazon Princess, Dianahas not flinched.
“怎么比?”身为亚马逊公主,戴安娜可从来没有退缩过。„Very simple, looked that everywherewhofirstcrawls the peak. Onlycanwithcrawling, cannotfly.”Su Zhansaid.
“好!”Two peoplefind the placerespectively, mutuallooking at each other is the same, is almost of one mind, same timecrawledtoward the mountain peak.
两人各自找好地方,互相对视一样,几乎是心有灵犀,同一时间的朝着山峰爬了上去。Protective measure that does not have anytool, has no.
没有任何的工具,也没有任何的防护措施。Thisismustto see,definitelythinkstheywere insane.
这是要让人看到,肯定以为他们疯了。In fact, two people every stepcrawlsverysafely . Moreover the speed...... is fast!
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