The angerdoes not have the upper limit, butcanbewhatdegreeto be actually different from person to person.
愤怒没有上限,但是能达到什么程度却因人而异。Atrocitusis at the angryconditionon the time, moreovermustmaintain the reason, otherwisered lanterncontrol, will degenerate into the angrycruelpuppet. Althoughhisangryrankwill also promote, however the degree of improvementhas the upper limit. Knows that Atrocitusis unable to achieveto destroy the Sun Shipangryprogression, after the defense of Sun Shiphad an understanding, Su Zhanalsolost the interest.阿托希塔斯本身就时刻处于愤怒的状态,而且还要保持理智,否则的话就会红灯所控制,沦为愤怒残暴的傀儡。他的愤怒等级虽然还会提升,但是提升的程度却有上限。知道阿托希塔斯根本无法达到破坏太阳船的愤怒级数,对太阳船的防御有了一个了解之后,苏战也就失去了兴致。„Madeyoupoundwas so long, this/shouldI!”
“让你砸了这么久,也该我了!”Su Zhansaidlightly, the personhas appearedinSun Shipoutsidesuddenly.苏战淡淡地说了一句,人已经陡然出现在太阳船的外面。Atrocituswithout delay, turned aroundto clashtoSu Zhan. Hedoes not wantto discussnow,is angrily getting more and more abundant, heonlywantsto divulge the oneselfanger.阿托希塔斯二话不说,转身就对着苏战冲了过来。他现在根本不想谈,愤怒越来越盛,他只想宣泄自己的怒火。Atrocitusis very direct, fromdid not say a worda moment agosmashes the ship, pounds the person to seehischaracterincluding the present, managesyouranythingmessy, does! What a pitywas...... heelects the wrongobject!阿托希塔斯很直接,从刚才一言不发就砸船,包括现在砸人都能看出他的性格,管你什么乱七八糟的,就是干!可惜的是……他选错对象了!Looks that the greathammerpounds, Su Zhansuperficialwavingkeeps off, the greathammer of comingstopped suddenlyunexpectedlykeeping offbySu Zhan, the Atrocituslookwas invariable, angerstimulation of movement, unceasingincreased the strength of greathammer to oppressSu Zhan. The strength on greathammeris getting stronger and stronger, the Su Zhan'sexpressiondoes not have the slightchange, did not seem to felt the pressure is the same.
The walking tractor the greathammer, anotherhandbackhandis only grasping, holdsto make an effort the greathammerto fling, Atrocitusinstantaneousinvoluntarystill.
The hugeinertiamakesAtrocitus unable to stop, finallytransformed a giantpalmto blockoneself, juststood firmsaw that a rayflashed through.
The danger that hasfrom the bottom of the heartmakesAtrocitusthinkwithout enough timemuch,changes to the redwallto keep offbefore the oneselfbodyinstantaneouslyat the same time.
从心底里产生的危险让阿托希塔斯来不及多想,瞬间化作一面红色墙壁挡在自己身前。kā chā, kā chā!咔嚓,咔嚓!
The red wallinstantaneousdisruption, just like the tofugeneralnoimpedimentshut off, the cold lightflashes, Atrocitusstuffysnort/hum, the chestpresentedoneto diginstantaneously, the heartwas crushedby the steamrollcompletely! Bloodsplattering, the blood of redas ifhas an energy of combustion, zī zī zībravingsparks/Mars.红墙瞬间碎裂,犹如豆腐一般毫无阻隔的被切断了,寒光一闪,阿托希塔斯闷哼一声,胸口瞬间出现了一个打洞,心脏完全被碾压粉碎!鲜血喷溅,红色的血液仿佛带着一股燃烧的能量,滋滋滋的冒着火星。„So that's how it is!”
The heartwas destroyed, Atrocitusis actually also living.
心脏被毁,阿托希塔斯却还活着。Su Zhancast asideoneto discover the reason, red lantern!苏战撇了一眼发现了原因,红灯!red lanternreplacedhisheart, so long asred lantern, Atrocitushas not died!红灯代替了他的心脏,只要红灯还在,阿托希塔斯就不死!„Decides!”
The Power of Chaosrelease, Su ZhanlordAtrocitusto keephimfrominstantaneouslysurelymoving.混沌之力释放,苏战瞬间定主了阿托希塔斯让他无法动弹。„Seizes!”
“夺!”When the Atrocitusstartledanger, the Su Zhanlanguage the individual character, thischaracterhasspecialabilityto be the same againprobably, Atrocitusfelt that the red lanternring on fingerstartedto become less crowdedunexpectedly:
“不……不……”Atrocitusflusteredfinally, once the red lanternringleaves, hemustdiewithout doubt.阿托希塔斯终于慌了,一旦红灯戒指离开,他必死无疑。„No, does not want, does not want......”
“不,不要,不要……”Atrocitustriesto prevent, butsimplydoes not have the effect, looks that the red lanternringhas flownquicklyfrom the finger, Atrocitusdesperateangrily roared.阿托希塔斯试图阻止但却根本没有效果,看着红灯戒指已经从手指上快飞出去了,阿托希塔斯绝望的怒吼了一声。
The mutationlivessuddenly.
The red lanternring that soonflewstoppedsuddenly, sent out a verypowerfulredenergyto advocateto the packageAtrocitusinstantaneously, the redenergyextendedinbehindfollowinghisbody, graduallyformedhugeredbarbaric ox.
原本快要飞出去的红灯戒指忽然停下了,散发出一股非常强大的红色能量瞬间将阿托希塔斯给包裹主了,红色能量顺着他的身体在后面延伸,逐渐形成了一个巨大的红色蛮牛。„Thisis, lantern entity?”Su Zhantoisquiteaccidental/surprised, lantern entitytoisrare, has not thought that Atrocituschosesimplyservedlantern entity, degenerated into the puppet.
“这是,灯兽?”苏战到是颇为意外,灯兽到是少见,也没想到阿托希塔斯这么干脆的选择了侍奉灯兽,沦为傀儡。Thinks is also, ifhedoes not do thatmustdiewithout doubt, became the puppetat leastratio dead.
想想也是,如果他不这么做的话必死无疑,成为傀儡至少比死了强。Butcher!血屠牛!Thisisred lanternlantern entity.
这就是红灯的灯兽。This timeAtrocitushad completely lost the oneselfappearance, is all over the body bright red, the intermittentroaringsoundgets up, ButcherflushedtowardSu Zhan.
此时的阿托希塔斯已经完全失去了自己的神采,通体鲜红,阵阵咆哮声响起,血屠牛朝着苏战冲了过来。Blade that can Slay Godschangessuddenly, turned into the blacklong ropeimpressively, wrapped a circle, Su Zhanthrewconveniently, in the accurateincomparablewrap/sets the neck of Butcher, in a flash, Butchergotexuded the sad and shrillcry, becameincomparablymanic. ThatstrengthkeepsSu Zhanfor a whilefromhimcatchingunexpectedly, can only joltwiththisstrength.弑神之刃陡然变化,赫然变成了黑色的长绳,套了一个圈,苏战随手一扔,准确无比的套中了血屠牛的脖子,一瞬间,血屠牛变发出了凄厉的叫声,变得无比狂躁。那股力量竟然让苏战一时都无法将他拽住,只能随着这股力量颠簸。Su Zhanfelt that oneselfseems the cowboyto be the same now, both handsgrab the string, makes an effortto entrain, frontButcherwithinsaneunceasingstruggling, is made the zī zī zīsoundby the place that the stringbelays, thatisBlade that can Slay GodsinDevour, is firing.苏战感觉自己现在好像牛仔一样,双手抓着绳子,用力拽着,前面血屠牛跟疯了似的不断的挣扎,被绳子套住的地方发出滋滋滋的声音,那是弑神之刃在吞噬,在灼烧。„Whiz!”
“嗖!”Su Zhanrideson the body of Butcher, a handis entraining the string, a handrumbledtowarditshead.苏战骑在血屠牛的身上,一只手拽着绳子,一只手朝着它的脑袋轰了下去。
A fist, somewhatwas directly ignorant, straightfalling down of Butcherhit.
The Su Zhan'sfisthas not stopped, a fistcompared with a fist, Butcher, although the crazyresistance, does tois unable to work loose, after severalfistsget down, obviouslycanfeel that Butcherbodywas somewhat light.苏战的拳头并没有停止,一拳比一拳中,血屠牛虽然疯狂的抵抗,奈何根本无法挣脱,几拳下去之后,明显能够感觉到血屠牛的身体有些淡薄了。Bang!
轰!Alsois a fistgets down, Butchercannot resistfinally, entirebodywas rumbleddirectlybroken.
The energyexplodes, the dissipation, red lanternfloatslowlyonSu Zhan's, as ifbecamesomewhatgloomy.
能量爆炸,消散,红灯慢慢的漂浮到了苏战的手上,似乎变得有些暗淡了。Lostred lanternAtrocitusto be belayedbyBlade that can Slay Gods, is absorbinghissoul.
失去了红灯的阿托希塔斯被弑神之刃套住,正在吸收着他的灵魂。Was absorbedalong with the soul, Blade that can Slay Godslets looseAtrocitus, Atrocituscrashes intoto the galaxydirectly, vanishesto disappear.
伴随着灵魂被吸收,弑神之刃放开阿托希塔斯,阿托希塔斯直接坠入到星河当中,消失不见了。Su Zhanputs on the red lanternringconveniently, takes backBlade that can Slay Gods, slowlyflutteredSun Ship.苏战随手将红灯戒指戴上,收回弑神之刃,慢慢飘回了太阳船。OnSun Ship, Green Lantern Corpsmanis completely scared, seesSu Zhanto fall, heretrocededsubconsciouslytwosteps. Felt that fear of Green Lantern Corpsman, Su Zhanwas also disinclinedto saywithhim, waved. „Youcanwalk.”太阳船上,绿灯战警已经完全傻眼了,见到苏战落下,他下意识的后退了两步。感觉到绿灯战警的畏惧,苏战也懒得跟他多说,挥挥手。“你可以走了。”„You, who are you?”
“你,你是谁?”Green Lantern Corpsmanlooked in a Su Zhanhandthatfourrings, particularlyalsoGreen Lantern Ring, suppressesfear in heartto ask.绿灯战警看了一眼苏战手中那四枚戒指,尤其是其中还有一枚绿灯戒指,压制心中的畏惧问道。Su Zhanshakes the headto wave, Green Lantern Corpsmanfeltinstantaneously a repelling force, followed close oncannot help butto fly, does not know that flewto stopmany, but alsohadSun Shipwith the Su Zhan'sshadow......苏战摇头挥手,绿灯战警瞬间感觉到一股排斥力,紧跟着已经不由自主地飞了出去,也不知道飞了多远才堪堪停下来,但是哪还有太阳船跟苏战的影子……„Goes back!”
“回去吧!”Su ZhansaidtoWhite Queen, Sun Shiphas returnedto return.苏战对白后说了一声,太阳船已经返航归来。
After enteringEarth, Su ZhanreceivedSun Ship, returning to the Huntership the resultactuallyto discover, the persondisappeared.
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