„What's wrong?”
“怎么了?”Saw that Su Zhanknits the browssuddenly, Theaaskedin a low voice. Su Zhanshakes the head: „All right, Igo outoneoneto come back.”
见到苏战忽然皱眉,西娅低声问道。苏战摇摇头:“没事,我出去一趟一会回来。”„Whichgoes?” The Theacuriousinquiry, Su Zhanhas actually vanishedto disappear.
The nextquarter, Su Zhanappearsinspaceshipnearbyforest.
The dim light of nightdarkness, withoutmoondoes not have the star, the feeling of quitedark and windymurdernight.
夜色黑暗,没有月亮也没有星星,颇有一种月黑风高杀人夜的感觉。Byby a lofty tree, Su Zhancalmlylooks at the stretch of open area of distant place.
The wind, starts.
风,乍起。As ifhas anything to drop from the cloudsto be the same, when the windstopsgradually, weararmorleadshelmet the person of hand-heldenergyspear/gunsuddenlyto appear, looked that the postureseems likewhatTongsorito walkto be the same.
仿佛有什么东西从天而降一样,等到风渐渐止息,一个穿着铠甲带着头盔的手持能量枪的人突然出现,看姿势好像是什么东西里走出来一样。Lord of Timeis not a code name of person, butis a name of organization. Thisorganizationis mysticalandspecial, specificallyis responsible for the time lineStabilize. Ifwhodestroyed the time line, Lord of Timewill send peopleto solvethistroublesomewith the hidden danger, maintains the time lineStabilize. The previouswork of HunterisLord of Time, because ofhimwith the Savage'sgratitude and grudges, after Hunterwithdrew, suffersLord of Time'sto opposewithcapturing.时间之主并不是一个人的代号,而是一个组织的名字。这个组织神秘而特殊,专门负责时间线的稳定。如果有谁破坏了时间线,时间之主就会派人来解决这个麻烦跟隐患,维持时间线的稳定。亨特的上一份工作就是时间之主,但因为他跟萨维奇的恩怨,亨特退出后遭受到了时间之主的反对跟追捕。At this time, thatLord of Timepreparesto look forHunterfrom the spaceship, actuallysawSu Zhan under nearbytreesuddenly.
此时,那个时间之主从飞船上来准备去找亨特,却忽然看见了旁边树下的苏战。AsLord of Time, wherehecannot knowSu Zhan.
The flashheis vigilant,both handslifted the energyspear/gunto aim atSu Zhan.
一瞬间他就警惕起来,双手举着能量枪对准了苏战。„Is yourshipgood, howdeliversme?”Asking that Su Zhansmiles.
“你的船不错,送我怎么样?”苏战笑眯眯的问道。„Is impossible!”Hissinkingsound said.
“不可能!”他沉声道。Somewherepeopledo meetmustcope with the ship? Let alonethisis the timespaceship, is the Lord of Time'sfoundation. Do not look atLord of Timesoundsveryfierce, in factindividualabilityanddoes not have anyspeciallywithprominently, comes the cross overtimeby the timespaceshipcompletely.
哪有人一见面就要对付船的?更何况这还是时间飞船,是时间之主的根基。别看时间之主听起来很厉害,实际上个人能力并没有什么特别跟突出,完全靠时间飞船来穿越时间的。Su Zhantois the hopelessopposite partywill really complyto giveoneself, hesaid,nothing butindicates an attitude, thisship...... Iwanted!苏战到是没指望对方真的会答应送给自己,他这么说,无非就是表明一个态度,这船……我要了!
The wind, startssuddenly.
风,陡然乍起。Lord of Timein great surprise, felt the sidehad the windto pass over gently and swiftly. Subconsciousturning the head, actuallysaw that Su Zhanhas taken a step the spaceship.时间之主大惊,感觉到身边有风掠过。下意识的转头,却见到苏战已经迈步进了飞船。„Quitequick!”
“好快!”Thinkswithout enough time, the energyspear/gunrumbledtoSu Zhandirectlyin the past, the Su Zhanfootstepshave not stopped, energyactuallystoppingforcefullyinin the air, just likeonegroup of beacon lightsequallyfloatbefore the cabin door. SeesSu Zhanto take a step, Lord of Timehurriedwith, justarrived at the cabin doorto hear one of the bang, the blueenergyexplodessuddenly, the strongimpulseflewhimdirectly, hitsfalls to the groundon the tree of distant placelayer on layer/heavily.
来不及多想,能量枪直接向苏战轰了过去,苏战脚步未停,能量却硬生生的停在了空中,犹如一团明灯一样悬浮在舱门前。见到苏战迈步进去,时间之主急急忙忙跟了上去,刚到舱门就听见轰的一声,蓝色的能量忽然爆炸,强大的冲击力直接将他飞了出去,撞在远处的树上重重落地。plop.噗通。Lord of Timefalls down, appearsdistressedincomparable, as ifinjuresevidentlyheavily.时间之主摔倒在地,显得狼狈无比,看样子似乎伤得不轻。„Howyoudare, howdaresto do that! Thisis the Lord of Time'sspaceship!”
“你怎么敢,怎么敢这么做!这可是时间之主的飞船!”Chanting in a low voice of hisfierceatmosphere, adoptedinownsignal communicationsquickrelation the organization.
他狰狞气氛的低吟,通过自身的通讯联络器很快联系上了组织。Hisship, is not goodto snatch.
他的船,可不是那么好抢的。EvenhowyouareSu Zhan, butwasonehad vanished the fellow.
就算你是苏战又如何,不过是一个已经消失了家伙而已。Heis consistentwith the Huntertime line, is the presenttime line. Inthis timeline, Su Zhanis missingmysticallyhas not fallen. Therefore, althoughheknows that Su Zhanis very strong, buthas not been in the situation that typemakeshimnot dareto revolt against!
他跟亨特的时间线是一致的,也就是现在所处的时间线。在这个时间线里,苏战神秘失踪没有下落。因此,他虽然知道苏战很强,但是并没有到那种让他丝毫不敢反抗的地步!Su Zhanenteredin the spaceshipto transfer, toohas not attractedhisplace.苏战进入飞船里转了一圈,并没有太多吸引他的地方。Closedintelligentsystem on spaceship, the Su Zhanfingerdanced in the airon the virtualscreen, clarified the principle of thisspaceshipquickly.
It is not high-end, after all is the futurescience and technology, has studiedto conduct time stepability.
并没有那么高端,毕竟是未来科技,已经研究出了进行时间跳跃能力。ThismadeSu Zhanthink ofReverse-Flash, Reverse-Flashthatwheelchair was actually a small-scaletimespaceship, but...... hedid not have the opportunityto use.
这让苏战想到了逆闪电,逆闪电那个轮椅其实就是一个小型的时间飞船,不过……他没有机会用罢了。Returning to the proper topic.
言归正传。Su Zhanis actually interestedisability that this timejumps.苏战其实感兴趣的就是这个时间跳跃的能力。Althoughhisoneself can also the optionalcross overtime, butdoes not have,...... healsoappropriatewarships that after allcomfortably the spaceshipcomescanuselet alone.
虽然他自己也可以随意的穿越时间,但毕竟没有飞船来的舒服啊,更何况……他还有一艘合适的战船可以利用。Sun Ship!太阳船!No matterthisGod of the Sunshipcomparesthisspaceshipstrongmanyfrom the structureor the material, did not usealsoonlyto be ablein the systemspace, whendecorated, was somewhat a pity.
After clarifying, Su Zhanthisset of systemdirectlyopening.
“登登登!”Heavyfootsteps sound, hearing the soundat leastto have the 7~8individual.
沉重的脚步声响起,听声音至少有七八个人。Su Zhancast asideone, seesfully-armedLord of Timecoming inone after another.苏战撇了一眼,就见一个个全副武装的时间之主陆陆续续的进来。„Alsolooked for the helper?”
“还找帮手了?”Su Zhancurls the lip, seestoLord of Timehave opened firesuddenly.苏战撇撇嘴,就见冲过来的时间之主们已经陡然开火。In an instant, the innumerableenergyspears/gunsshottowardSu Zhan.
刹那间,无数的能量枪朝着苏战射了过来。Su Zhanis entirely still, bodyall aroundpresentedlightPower of Chaos, theseenergieshitto be shakendirectlyfly. In a flash, in the spaceship the explosive soundrises from all directions, after oneroundopens fire, the entirespaceshiphas changedin confusion a piece, the energy that evenLord of Timewas reboundedhits. Howeverthesefellows are very dedicated, is not very hot. Su Zhansatsimply, haughty.苏战纹丝不动,身体四周出现了淡淡混沌之力,那些能量打过来直接被震飞了。一瞬间,飞船里爆炸声四起,一轮开火后,整个飞船已经变的狼藉一片,甚至还有一个时间之主被反弹回来的能量击中。不过这些家伙还挺执着的,一直没有挺火。苏战索性坐了下来,大马金刀。jiū jiū jiū.啾啾啾。
The sound of gunfireis continuous, althoughLord of Timewere covered the headby the helmet, but the expression under helmet is actually incomparabledepressedwithanger.
枪声络绎不绝,时间之主们虽然被头盔盖住了脑袋,但是头盔之下的表情却是无比的沮丧跟愤怒。Thisis anything.
这算什么事啊。Otherssitthatto makethemhit, finally anything does not have, oneselfactuallyhad been injuredseveral.
人家坐那让他们打,结果啥事没有,自己这边却被已经受伤好几个了。This...... thisalsotoodepressed.
这……这也太让人郁闷了吧。Morehitsis more depressed, morehitsis weaker.
越打越郁闷,越打越无力。Alsodoes not know that whofirststops, tostoppedfinally.
也不知道谁先停下,到最后都停了下来。„Fired off?”Su Zhanselected the eyebrowto look atone, said: „Is goodwhilemypresentmood, whyyoushouldwhygo, if your sidespeecheseasy-to-usethought that is not convinced to send peopleto askmeto troublealthoughagain. Moreover, remindedyourone, youmustcope withHunterI, no matter, but the woman on hisship, if, becauseyouwere injured, all your Lord of Timewaitedto withstandmyanger.”
“你……”AndLord of Timewantsto speak, the Su Zhanactuallybig handwieldsshouts: „Go away!”
The soundfalls, thesepeoplecannot help butflewinstantaneously.
声音落下,那些人瞬间不由自主地飞了出去。As ifwas thrownto be the same, throws downoutside the spaceship, human pyramid, is pressingone.
一个个仿佛被扔出来一样,摔倒在飞船外面,叠罗汉似的,一个压着一个。„Walks, walks, thismattergivesElderto decide.”
Of Su Zhan, has gone far beyondthem, looked atonemutually, setting outsilently, thengot up the respectivetimespaceship, was snatched the fellow of shipas for that alsounwillingfollowingwent backtogether.苏战之强,已经远远超过了他们,互相看了一眼,默默的起身,然后上了各自的时间飞船,至于那个被抢了船的家伙,也不甘心的跟着一起回去了。
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