Quick that Jessedrinks, severalbottles of liquorget into the stomach, Jesseonsomefeeling of being drunk.杰西喝的很快,几瓶酒下肚,杰西就有些醉意了。At this time the entrancebroadcast the noisysound, onegroup of peoplepushed the doorto come, washeadhusbandDonnie of white/shellQi! After Donniecomes, sawJessewithSu Zhan, walkeddirectly.
“嗨。”„Iheard that hadtwopeopleto look formy wife, withoutlooked formy wifethroughme, nowoutsidehas spread...... youto makemebe angrylike thisvery much!”Donniewalkedto say a hellovery muchnormally, however the laterwords were not so obviously normal.
“我听说有两个人去找我妻子了,没有通过我就去找我的妻子,现在外面已经传开了……你们这样让我很生气啊!”唐尼走过来很正常的打了一声招呼,但是之后的话明显就不那么正常了。Twomenindo not look forhis wifewhilehim, in addition the gossipbaseless rumor in time period, spread arounddefinitelychanged the flavor, even ifclear(ly)knows that was false, mostmencould not bearthisGossip, after allwas related to the color in top of the head!
两个男人趁他不在去找他妻子,再加上阵子上的八卦风言风语,传来传去肯定就变了味道,就算明知道是假的,大部分男人也受不了这种流言蜚语啊,毕竟事关头顶的颜色啊!Thereforeis very obvious, Donniethisisfinds fault!
所以很显然,唐尼这是来找茬的啊!MentioningthismatterJessesomewhatis also awkward, if is really the family/homeviolent, butobviouslyis only the smallfondness of couple, thereforeJesseawkwardgreeting, somewhatstarts to speak but hesitates. Donniesaw that his appearancedid not hitto come outon the air/Qi, wields the fistto rumbledirectlyin the past.
提起这件事杰西也有些尴尬,如果真的是家暴也就罢了,但明显只是人家两口子的小癖好,所以杰西尴尬的打了声招呼,有些欲言又止。唐尼看到他这个样子就气不打一出来,挥起拳头直接轰了过去。Theseprojects onJessedirectlyin the place, Donnieis carrying the Jessecollar, the fiercethreatsaid: „LaterTMtomy wife,...... I know iswhoyoutold, Iwill askhimto chatwell!”
这一圈直接将杰西打到在地,唐尼拎着杰西的衣领,狰狞的威胁道:“以后TM的离我妻子远一点,还有……我知道是谁跟你说的,我会找他好好聊聊的!”„Do not harmhim!”
“别伤害他!”Jesseraised the headto say. Sneering of Donnieair/Qi: „How can you? Preventsme, hitsme?”杰西抬头道。唐尼气的冷笑:“你能怎么样呢?阻止我,打我吗?”„Hi, listening, meis not wantinglike this......”
“嗨,听着,我不想这样……”„FewTMidle talk.”Donniesaid that fought with the fists, thistime, Jessedid not wantto come under attackobviously. Veryflexiblemoving sideways, the directfistDonnieknocks down, Donnietheselittle friendslooknaturallycome up the help, has saying that the technology that Jessethisfightsis good!
“少TM废话。”唐尼说完又是一拳打了过来,这一次,杰西显然不愿意在挨打了。非常灵活的闪身,直接一拳将唐尼打倒在地,唐尼那些小伙伴一看自然上来帮忙,不得不说,杰西这打架的技术还挺不错的!Su Zhanis drinkingto watch the fun, finallyactuallydiscovereddoes not enlarge ones visioncametowardoneselfunexpectedly.苏战喝着酒看着热闹,结果却发现有个不开眼的竟然朝着自己来了。Helplessshaking the head, Su Zhanraised the hand, the beverage bottlefliesto go outto pounddirectlyinthatperson of head, followed close on an arrowstepto rush over, a fist, flewdirectly, poundeddirectlyon the liquortable of distant placethattallmanhit.
无奈的摇摇头,苏战扬起手,酒瓶直接飞了出去砸在了那人的头上,紧跟着一个箭步冲了过去,一拳,直接将那五大三粗的汉子打的飞了出去,直接砸在了远处的酒桌上。Su Zhanthisentered the war to be livelier, others rushed tohimto comeinstantaneously.苏战这一参战可就更热闹了,其他人瞬间奔着他来了。Copes withthesefellowSu Zhanto be disinclinedto useability, theirlower hem cornerhas not bumped into, directlybySu Zhantaking down. Moreover, is not the handbreaksis the legbreaks, the lookedsurroundingpersoncannot bearhold breathcold air. Looks at the Su Zhangentlyverydelicatelyveryemaciatedappearance, goesnot to thinksuchruthlessly!
Others took down, at this timeDonnieactuallygot upto rush overtowardJesse.
其他人都被放倒了,这个时候唐尼却起来了朝着杰西冲了过去。Inhisstrategic placepastinstance, a chairflewto comefrom the distant placeto knock downDonniedirectly, whenhemustpour a handheldhisnecksuddenly.
就在他要冲过去的瞬间,一把椅子从远处飞了过来直接将唐尼撞倒,就在他要倒下去的时候一只手却忽然抓住了他的脖子。Su Zhanlooked atonejustthatfellow who comes outfrombathroom, thatchairwashekickeda moment ago.苏战看了一眼刚从卫生间出来的那个家伙,刚才那椅子就是他踢的。„Slight effort, you're welcome!” The fellowsaidwith a smile.
“举手之劳,不用谢!”那家伙笑着说道。Su Zhansmiles, fiercecame the shoulderto fallDonniedirectly, threwhimon the ground.苏战笑笑,猛的将唐尼直接来了一个过肩摔,将他扔在地上。kā chā!咔嚓一声!
The arm of Donnieexuded the clearsound, the bonedisbursed.唐尼的胳膊发出了清脆的响声,骨头都支出来了。Listens to the pitiful yell of Donnie, Su Zhanto loosen the hand saying: „The liquor can only drinkhereevidently.”
听着唐尼的惨叫,苏战松开手道:“看样子酒只能喝到这里了。”In a while, the sheriffcame, took into the police authoritiestheirthree.
没过多久,警长来了,将他们三个都带进了警局。Guardsin the room, threepeoplesitin that Jesseis not quite happy, hehas wantedto be a goodmissionarydiligently, but...... the customis perhaps difficultto change, perhaps...... oneselfis not really suitableto be a missionary!
看守室里,三人坐在那,杰西的情绪不太好,他一直想要努力做一个好的传教士,但或许……习惯难改,或许……自己真的不适合当一个传教士!Thatfeared that the arm of Donnieis nothebreaks off, because actuallyhebeginsto involveSu Zhan, moreoverhealsoinjuredso manypeople, thisis notmissionary this matter of doing! The Jessemoodis low, nearbythatfellowto is a little the same as the chatterbox, moreoverthattypetolivinghopelesschatterbox.
那怕唐尼的胳膊不是他折断的,但却因为他动手才把苏战牵连进来的,而且他也打伤了那么多人,这并不是一个传教士该做的事情!杰西心情低落,旁边的那个家伙到是有点向话痨一样,而且还是那种对生活了无希望的话痨。Butsaidno matter how,thisfellowwas involvedtruly, before Su Zhangood and evil, has looked forwhite/shellQitogether.
但不管怎么说,这家伙才是真正被牵连进来的,苏战好歹之前也一起去找过贝琪呢。Crossedprobably for about a halfhour, Laurareleased on bailwithEmily, carried offSu ZhanwithJesse, as forthatfellow, just before leavingtimeintroduced oneselfto be calledCassie.
大概过了半个小时左右,劳拉跟艾米丽来保释了,带走了苏战跟杰西,至于那个家伙,临走的时候自我介绍了一下叫做卡西迪。Comes outfrom the police station, Emilydrivesto prepareto deliverthem the mosque.
从警察局出来,艾米丽开车准备送他们回教堂。On the road the atmospheretoisverydepressed, afterchurch, got outbeforehandJesseto open the mouthfinally.
路上气氛到是很沉闷,一直到了教堂之后,下车之前杰西终于开口了。„Ithink,I could give up, perhapsIam not suitableto be a missionary. Emily, thankyouuntil nowto help, Su Zhan, thankedyoursupport, after the remainingmoneythenmadeEmilyreorganize, will give backyour!”
“我想,我可能要放弃了,或许我还是不适合当一个传教士。艾米丽,感谢你一直以来的帮忙,苏战,也感谢你的赞助,剩下的钱回头让艾米丽整理好之后会还给你的!”„Right that somepeople said that Iwill not change......”saying of Jessesigh.
“有人说的对,我是不会改变的……”杰西感叹的说道。Su Zhantoisindifferent, Emilyalsoguessed correctlyobviously may bethisresult, has not advisedanything, butnods.苏战到是无所谓,艾米丽显然也猜到可能会是这个结果,并没有劝导什么,只是点了点头。Returns to the church, respectiverest.
回到教堂,各自休息。Su ZhanwithLaurahi the skinonetime, after finishing, LauraholdsSu Zhanto ask: „You? Ifelt that yousomewhatare probably absent-minded, because of the Jessematter?”苏战跟劳拉嗨皮了一次,结束之后,劳拉抱着苏战问道:“你怎么了?我感觉你好像有些心不在焉,是因为杰西的事?”„Of course not!”Su Zhanshakes the head saying: „Am Ipossibly a manam absent-minded? Isuddenlythought...... has anything to happen probably, thisfeeling is very intense!”
After returning to the church, Su Zhanhadthissimilarpremonitionsamefeeling, is very intense, even ifLauragoes all outcannotmakehisattentioncentralized, obviously, thismustwhat happenedabsolutely, moreoveris very importantmatter.
回到教堂之后苏战就产生了这种类似预感一样的感觉,很强烈,就算劳拉那么卖力都没能让他的注意力集中,可见,这绝对是要发生什么事,而且还是很重要的事情。Canmakehimhave the premonition, explained that thismatterwill not be small.
能够让他产生预感,说明这件事不会小。„Igo outto transfer the revolutions, ventilates, youfirstrest!”Su Zhan said that wears the clothesto come outfrom the room.
The night wind, is very slowly cool, buthas not actually sweptSu Zhanthattype unable the tranquilpremonition, Su Zhanis pondering over to clarifywhat's the matteractuallyto feel that suddenly a verypowerfulstrengthflewfrom the distant placefast.
夜风徐徐,很是凉爽,但却没有吹走苏战那种无法宁静的预感,苏战正琢磨要不要弄清楚到底怎么回事却忽然感觉到一股非常强大的力量从远处快速的飞了过来。Cannot seenot to trace.
看不见摸不到。Howeverthatis very strong, sometypes also evilfeeling, although the natureis different, butthatstrength...... is as good asDr.Manhattanunexpectedly, even can also?
但是那股力量非常强,有种亦正亦邪的感觉,虽然性质不一样,但那股力量……竟然丝毫不亚于曼哈顿博士,甚至还要更强一些?„Whiz”, thatstrengthpassed over gently and swiftlyfromSu Zhan'sdirectly, fliesto the church, followed close onto hearin the churchto hear the Jessepitiful yellstuffyhum/snortto pass on!
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