MKA :: Volume #12

#1179: Chance accomplished what art had failed in

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The people do not know that who Su Zhan is, or the entire world most people do not know that Su Zhan is who! 民众不知道苏战是谁,或者说整个世界绝大部分人都不知道苏战是谁! However the United States government knows! 但是美国政府知道! Sees Su Zhan to be unexpectedly stronger than Dr. Manhattan, the United States government discussed immediately countermeasure, indulges in unbridled propaganda the Su Zhan's status! 看见苏战竟然比曼哈顿博士还强,美国政府马上商量出了对策,大肆宣扬苏战的身份! On the one hand to let the people knows with feeling relieved, Dr. Manhattan can solve. On the other hand also to let Soviet Union and other countries knows, even did not have Dr. Manhattan, we have Superman. Although, from the beforehand Su Zhan's attitude, he is not necessarily able to cooperate, but cannot attend to now so many, the words find the way to compensate, believes that so long as the condition can let satisfy, he will comply! 一方面是为了让民众们知道跟宽心,曼哈顿博士还是可以解决的。另一方面也是为了让苏联等国家知道,就算没了曼哈顿博士,我们还是有‘超人’的。虽然,从之前苏战的态度来看,他未必会合作,但是现在也顾不得那么多了,事后的话想办法补偿,相信只要条件能让满意,他会答应的! Quick, Su Zhan in fight discovered that oneself follower quantity unexpectedly in fast increase, this surprises him quite somewhat. In this instance dungeon, he may not have to develop the follower specially, Power of Belief where comes? Quick Su Zhan clarified the reason, the United States government publicized his status unexpectedly, resisted the action of Dr. Manhattan along with his status as well as this time, will rise dramatically in the short time so many followers! 很快的,战斗中的苏战发现自己的信徒数量竟然在快速的增加,这让他颇有些意外。在这个副本里,他可没有特意去发展信徒,哪来的信仰之力?很快的苏战弄清楚了原因,美国政府竟然将他身份宣扬了出去,伴随着他的身份以及此时对抗曼哈顿博士的举动,才会在短时间暴增了这么多信徒! Was this also the chance accomplished what art had failed in? 这也算是无心插柳柳成荫了吧? Su Zhan laughs in one's heart, since this that arrives is not good to waste this opportunity, must make anything circle powder action. Therefore, Su Zhan's movement magnificent, was charming, is completely an invincibility, the stance of steamroll, even also played a detailed work, lets its look has ornamental. 苏战暗笑,既然这样的话那到是不好浪费这个机会,得做点什么‘圈粉’的举动。所以,苏战的动作更加的华丽,帅气了,完全是一种无敌,碾压的姿态,甚至还玩了点花活,让其看起来更有观赏性。 Sufficed!” “够了!” Was pressed is hitting makes Dr. Manhattan very depressed, now saw that Su Zhan played unexpectedly got up more depressed. 一路被压着打就让曼哈顿博士很郁闷了,现在见到苏战竟然耍了起来就更郁闷了。 Violent anger, the powerful energy shakes suddenly. 暴怒一声,强大的能量陡然震开。 In an instant, the surrounding construction razes to the ground instantaneously, some lot of people are also reduced to ashes. But at this time, Dr. Manhattan actually does not care about these, he only has a thought that that prevents Su Zhan, eliminates Su Zhan, making world continue to be peaceful, but this thought with is more extreme, even other does not consider because of Suthat who his mood changes. 刹那间,周围的建筑瞬间夷为平地,有不少民众也化为了灰烬。而此时,曼哈顿博士却已经不在乎这些了,他只有一个念头,那就是阻止苏战,消灭苏战,让世界继续得以和平,而这个念头随着他的情绪变的更加极端,甚至于其他的因素他都已经不考虑了。 Huge ability gathers on Dr. Manhattan, the world starts to vibrate, the dust hikes up slowly, along with his strength fast increasing, entire world will perhaps be destroyed. 庞大的能力曼哈顿博士身上聚集,天地开始震动,尘埃慢慢飘起,伴随着他的力量快速的攀升,恐怕整个世界都会被毁灭。 This was must enlarge incurs!” Saw that Dr. Manhattan this condition knows he wants to do. “这是要放大招了!”见到曼哈顿博士这个状态就知道他想干什么。 Destroys world, destroys oneself. 毁灭世界,毁灭自己 Later creates world. 之后再重新创造世界 Do not suspect, Dr. Manhattan can achieve this point, in fact, Su Zhan can also achieve. 别怀疑,曼哈顿博士能够做到这一点,事实上,苏战也可以做到。 You think that this can kill me? Cosmos destroys you to live, let alone is I? However, encircled so many followers with great difficulty, produced the causes and effects, if makes you destroy world to reorganize again, these followers may not have, therefore...... was sorry very much, the game must end!” “你以为这样就能杀死我?宇宙毁灭你都能活着,更何况是我?不过,好不容易圈了这么多信徒,产生了因果,如果让你毁灭世界再重组,这些信徒可就没了,所以……很抱歉,游戏要结束了!” Su Zhan said, Devour ability has started. 苏战说完,吞噬能力已经发动了。 In an instant, Dr. Manhattan felt that own energy in fast flooding into to Su Zhan on, this lets Dr. Manhattan in great surprise, has had no time to think how Su Zhan achieves. 刹那间,曼哈顿博士就感觉到自身的能量正在快速的涌入到苏战身上,这让曼哈顿博士大惊不已,已经无暇去想苏战是怎么做到的。 Must begin as soon as possible! 必须尽快动手! The energy of accumulation releases in this moment suddenly, just like the fierce tsunami, sweeps across instantaneously. 聚集的能量在这一刻陡然释放,犹如凶猛的海啸,瞬间席卷开来。 kā chā, kā chā! 咔嚓,咔嚓 In the sky, the invisible space, a sound of intermittent crack resounds. 天空中,无形的空间,一阵阵龟裂的声音响起。 The invisible strengths in steamroll all these, the city, the street, seem reduced to ashes in abundance, float the sky. This time Dr. Manhattan as if changed to the innumerable granules, tries to avoid Su Zhan's Devour! 有一股无形的力量似乎正在碾压这一切,城市,街道,纷纷化为灰烬,漂浮到了上空。此时的曼哈顿博士仿佛化作了无数的粒子,试图躲避苏战的吞噬 Comes real!” “来真的啊!” Su Zhan cold snort/hum, his body presented black hole gradually, innumerable granule fast flooding into to his body in! 苏战冷哼一声,他的身上渐渐出现了一个黑洞,无数的粒子正快速的涌入到他身体里! Devour ability increases the strength. 吞噬能力加大力量。 Surging forward! 汹涌澎湃! Not......” “不……” Felt, even if turns into the granule unable to prevent Su Zhan's Devour, Dr. Manhattan reorganizes the speaker to shout again. 感觉到就算化成粒子也无法阻止苏战的吞噬,曼哈顿博士再度重组扬声大喊。 Too late!” “太迟了!” Su Zhan sneers, the energy of Dr. Manhattan already all by his Devour. When the last energy vanishes, body of Dr. Manhattan changed, the blue skin is fading fast, shortly, he has restored the appearance of human. But lost him of energy unable in in the air flight, falls down directly! 苏战冷笑一声,曼哈顿博士的能量已经尽数被他吞噬。当最后一点能量消失,曼哈顿博士的身体发生了变化,蓝色的皮肤正快速的褪色,顷刻间,他已经恢复成了人类的模样。而失去了能量的他也无法在空中飞行,直接掉了下去! pū chī!” 噗哧!” Falls from the upper air, fell into the middle of the crack of ground exactly, then a slight pū chī sound, does not need to look that can also guess correctly he is what fate! 从高空中摔下去,恰好掉进了地上的裂缝当中,然后一个轻微的噗哧声响起,不用看也能猜到他是什么下场! Looked at the crack of ground, Su Zhan floated in in the air, the body sent out the sacred dazzling ray suddenly, the crack that in the ray, the Su Zhan uphold hand slowly, in an instant, split is gradually healing, rocking of the world also vanished slowly, stops. By steamroll the city of disappearance, the street, was reappeared in abundance including these people, returns to normal. 看了看地上的裂缝,苏战漂浮在空中,身上陡然散发出神圣耀眼的光芒,光芒之中,苏战缓缓的抬起手,刹那间,原本裂开的地缝正在逐渐愈合,天地的晃动也慢慢消失,停止下来。原本被碾压的消失的城市,街道,包括那些民众纷纷重新出现,恢复正常。 Well? Is this space crack? Is because the strength of Dr. Manhattan did cause to have the space crack? To other parallel world? Interesting, first keeps this space crack, then has a look.” Su Zhan is somewhat surprised, decides first not to repair this space crack temporarily. “咦?这是空间裂缝?是因为曼哈顿博士的力量导致出现了空间裂缝?通往别的平行世界吗?有意思,先留着这空间裂缝,回头去看看。”苏战有些意外,决定暂时先不修复这个空间裂缝。 The entire process continued probably for more than ten minutes, all...... return to the original condition! 整个过程大概持续了十多分钟,一切……恢复原状! These died the person was shocked completely, then responded what's the matter. 那些死了的人完全愣住了,然后反应过来怎么回事。 Knees down at once in abundance, the mouth shouted God! 一时之间纷纷跪倒在地,口呼上帝 The world, entire world caused a stir. 全球,全世界都轰动了。 Sees all these with own eyes, how possibly to cause a stir? Is this creates the world to be the same simply? 亲眼见到这一切,怎么可能不轰动?这简直就是创世一样啊? Only has the god, only then God, can accomplish! 只有神,只有上帝,才能办到! Why as for God is the Huaxia person of yellow skin black hair? That is unimportant! 至于上帝为什么是个黄皮肤黑头发的华夏人?那不重要! Feels the follower number of crazily increasing, Su Zhan prepares to make persistent efforts. In an instant, the innumerable light beams hike up from the body of follower, fast flying approached Su Zhan, at once, the ray is dazzling, unequalled. In others opinion, is this perhaps the tora? Perhaps is blessings? But in fact, Su Zhan is extracting Power of Belief, the way of extraction changed slightly, making it change is more magnificent, is more striking. 感受着疯狂增加的信徒数量,苏战准备再接再厉。刹那间,无数的光柱从信徒的身上飘起,快速的飞向了苏战,一时之间,光芒耀眼,无与伦比。在旁人看来,这或许是神谕?或许是一种赐福?但实际上,苏战只是在提取信仰之力,不过提取的方式稍微变了一下,让其变的更加华丽,更加醒目罢了。 Now looks like, the effect is good! 现在看来,效果不错! Thus and such and such crossed enough more than two to vanish, ray finally gloomy. But Su Zhan vanishes to disappear! 如此这般过了足足两个多消失,光芒终于暗淡了下来。而苏战则消失不见了! That feared that Su Zhan vanished, the followers who these pay homage to have not left immediately, as before devout prayer, after long time long time,...... entire world falls into to one type crazily. 那怕苏战消失了,那些膜拜的信徒们也没有马上离开,依旧虔诚的祷告,良久良久之后……整个世界陷入到一种疯狂当中。 Name of fast dissemination Su Zhan...... 苏战之名快速传播…… But at this time, Su Zhan had returned to side Laura and the others. 而此时,苏战已经回到了劳拉等人身边。 Laura they sees all through the video, sees Su Zhan to come back, some subconscious awes! 劳拉他们通过视频看到一切,见到苏战回来,下意识的都有些敬畏! Should some quick people come, the truth of this matter will also expose, what matter then did not have my, dear, did we go back?” Su Zhan said then asked toward Laura. “应该很快就会有人过来,这件事的真相也会随之曝光,接下来也没我什么事了,亲爱的,咱们回去?”苏战说了一声然后朝着劳拉问道。 Laura nods. 劳拉点了点头。 Su Zhan is hugging Laura, direct teleport leaves! 苏战抱着劳拉,直接瞬移走人!
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