MKA :: Volume #12

#1172: Tigress?

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After the gossip, Laura asked: Mother, you also went a moment ago, funeral!” 家长里短之后,劳拉问道:“母亲,你刚才也去了吧,葬礼!” Laura's mother slightly changes, Su Zhan said that goes to have a look at the scenery on own initiative, making mother and daughter chat well. Comes out from the room, Su Zhan stands in the lawn of courtyard, is thinking a moment ago Dr. Manhattan to the words that oneself spoke! 劳拉的母亲微微一变,苏战笑着说了一声,主动出去看看风景,让她们母女俩好好聊聊。从房间里出来,苏战站在院子的草坪上,想着刚才曼哈顿博士跟自己说的话! United States is very subtle with the Soviet Union situation, Soviet Union has many nuclear bombs, a nuclear bomb possibly causes the giant disaster, but War because of benefit, because of resources. Therefore, he studies the renewable energy sources with pharaoh Wang Zhengzai, once succeeds can avoid because of the benefit, because of conflict that the resources have, thus disintegrates crisis of nuclear bomb. He added that oneself could not have seen the future, this possibly is the impression of nuclear bomb, arrived in the spoken language had not said anything hopes words that Su Zhan can help and so on, but very sane gravity that is indicating this matter. 美国苏联的局势很微妙,苏联有许多的核弹,一颗核弹都可能造成巨大的灾难,而战争都是因为利益,因为资源。所以,他跟法老王正在研究再生能源,一旦成功的话就可以避免因为利益,因为资源而发生的冲突,从而瓦解核弹的危机。他还说自己已经看不到未来,这可能是核弹的印象,在言语之中到是没有说什么希望苏战可以帮忙之类的话,只是很理智的在表述这件事的严重性。 In addition was some superpower issues, Su Zhan replied several casually. 除此之外就是一些超能力的问题,苏战随便的回答了几句。 Is just thinking Laura from comes behind. 正想着劳拉从身后过来。 „Did you chat?” Su Zhan asked. “你们聊完了?”苏战问道。 Laura nods: She truly just came back from the funeral, you said...... the person, if were old, will really start to fondly remember? No matter good, is bad?” 劳拉点点头:“她确实刚从葬礼回来,你说……人如果老了,真的会开始怀念过去吗?不管是好的,还是坏的?” Young time looks around the future, old time fondly remembers, is very normal.” Su Zhan smiles to hug Laura's shoulder saying: But, you do not need too to be worried about this issue, because you do not have the opportunity to fondly remember forever.” “年轻的时候张望未来,年老的时候怀念过去,很正常。”苏战笑笑搂着劳拉的肩膀道:“不过,你不用太担心这个问题,因为你永远没有机会怀念过去。” Why? You want to say that I won't be old?” Saying that Laura is laughing and playing. “为什么?你是想说我不会老吗?”劳拉嬉笑的说道。 Yes, not only will not be old, will not have died! I will make you accompany side me, to Eternity!” Su Zhan earnest saying. “是呀,不单单不会老,还不会死!我会让你一直陪在我身边,一直到永恒!”苏战认真的说道。 Laura gawked staring, thought subconsciously he is cracking a joke, but sees Su Zhan that earnest appearance, good...... can perhaps he really accomplish? 劳拉愣了愣,下意识的觉得他是在开玩笑,但是见到苏战那认真的样子,好吧……或许他真的能办到? Can go back?” Su Zhan asked. “要回去吗?”苏战问道。 Un.” “嗯。” I said goodbye, after all...... was your mother.” Su Zhan said that two people returned to the room with Laura's mother saying that this boards the preparation to leave. “那我去告个别吧,毕竟……是你的母亲。”苏战笑着说了一句,两人回到屋子里跟劳拉的母亲说了一句,这才上了车准备离开。 Bumblebee is very free, the eye-catching, attracted many attention very much all the way with the vision. 大黄蜂很招摇,很拉风,一路上吸引了不少的注意跟目光。 After boarding, Laura's emotions do not run high, because of the death of comedian, because of mother's words. 上车之后,劳拉的情绪并不是那么高涨,一个是因为喜剧演员的死,一个是因为母亲的话。 Su Zhan looked at a rear view mirror, then chats toward the work: I you told before has the words of time to help you transform to overpower, now how?” 苏战看了一眼后视镜,然后朝着劳拉道:“我之前跟你说有时间的话帮你改造一下制服,现在怎么样?” „?” Laura gawked not to think that Su Zhan will say this suddenly, followed close on is seeing on Su Zhan's to present a uniform/subdue suddenly, was her uniform/subdue, stated differently the suspenders silk stockings of leather turned into the trousers directly, similarly was the leather! “啊?”劳拉愣了愣没想到苏战会突然说这个,紧跟着就见到苏战的手上陡然出现了一件制服,是她的制服,不同的是皮质的吊带丝袜直接变成了长裤,同样是皮质的! Behind with the fellow who several courted death wholeheartedly, how therefore...... makes me have a look at the silk spirit true appearance?” Su Zhan handed over the uniform/subdue with a smile. “后面跟了几个一心找死的家伙,所以……让我看看丝灵真正的样子如何?”苏战笑着将制服递了过去。 Laura looked at behind one hesitant, really behind discovered as if with a car(riage). Understood at a glance, should be that type of flying chariot party criminal syndicate and so on bludger. 劳拉犹豫的看了一眼后面,果然发现后面似乎跟了一辆车。一看就知道,应该是那种飞车党黑帮之类的小混混。 But......” Laura somewhat hesitates, Su Zhan said with a smile: Coming out that I look, your is not quite happy. Mediates the mood the method to have two types. One type...... is the matter that we handle daily in the evening, I ensure can make you sad strength not have. Another type is to wear your uniform/subdue, your battle dress, lesson these fellows ruthlessly, vented your irritation, did you choose that?” “可是……”劳拉有些犹豫,苏战却笑道:“我看的出来,你的心情不太好。排解心情的方法有两种。一种……就是咱俩天天晚上做的事情,我保证能让你连一点忧愁的力气都没有。另一种就是穿上你的制服,你的战袍,狠狠的教训那些家伙,将你的烦躁发泄出来,你选那个?” Looks at Su Zhan with a smile, Laura smiles to receive the uniform/subdue suddenly. 看着笑吟吟的苏战,劳拉忽然嫣然一笑接过制服。 Both I elect!” “两种我都选!” Su Zhan smiles, advanced side the secluded small lane the vehicle directly. 苏战笑笑,将车子直接开进了旁边僻静的小巷子。 After the vehicle stops, Su Zhan comes out with Laura. 车子停下来后,苏战跟劳拉出来。 At this time, Laura has worn the uniform/subdue. 此时,劳拉已经穿上了制服。 Just came out shortly, behind followed that car(riage) to open, then got down four people, rascally, in the hand takes the spear/gun with the knife...... 刚刚出来没多久,后面跟着那辆车开了过来,然后下来了四个人,一个个流里流气,手里拿着枪跟小刀…… Car(riage) is good, the little girl is also good! You...... can with rolling!” The fellow who seems like the leader takes the spear/gun to point at Su Zhan, careless saying. Other person of rampant laughing, look at Bumblebee with Laura, is the oneself appearance! “车不错,妞也不错!你……可以跟滚了!”一个看起来好像头头的家伙拿着枪指着苏战,吊儿郎当的说道。其余人嚣张的哄笑,看着大黄蜂跟劳拉,一副已经属于自己的样子! Obviously, they have not paid attention to Su Zhan! 显而易见,他们没把苏战放在眼里! In their opinion, their people many have the spear/gun, Su Zhan can only the little darling be obedient. 或者在他们看来,他们人多还有枪,苏战只能乖乖听话。 Su Zhan looks at each other with Laura is the same, Su Zhan shrugged retroceded slightly half step. 苏战跟劳拉对视一样,苏战耸耸肩微微后退了半步。 This was right, calculates that you knew the limitation. The brothers, enjoy arrived!” Sees the Su Zhan's action, leader self-satisfied laughing. “这就对了嘛,算你识相。兄弟们,享受的时候到了!”看见苏战的举动,首领得意的哈哈大笑。 Yes, enjoys well!” The Su Zhan corners of the mouth raise slightly, does not know that was to these hooligans said that said to Laura. “是啊,好好享受吧!”苏战嘴角微微扬起,不知道是对那些流氓说的,还是对劳拉说道。 At this time...... Laura has moved. 这个时候……劳拉已经动了。 Although the shoe heel is very high, but actually does not affect her speed with flexibly, the long leg stepped forward had arrived at the front of that leader, seized the naked sword direct spear/gun got down the hands and feet of opposite party, the high-heeled shoes toward the middle of that fellow to trample empty-handed directly. They in the idea Su Zhan, simply have not been thinking begins can be Laura, shortly that leader will call out pitifully, covered the pants crotch to lie down directly. Then, Laura's movement non-stop, does not draw back to others who instead enters rushes over. kā chā, kā chā! 虽然鞋跟很高,但却一点也不影响她的速度跟灵活,长腿向前一迈已经来到了那头头的面前,空手夺白刃直接枪下了对方的手脚,高跟鞋的直接朝着那家伙的中间踹了过去。他们都在主意着苏战,根本没想到动手的会是劳拉,顷刻间那个头头惨叫一声,捂着裤裆直接躺下了。而后,劳拉的动作不停,不退反进的向其余的人冲了过去。咔嚓,咔嚓 Bone split sound one after another. 骨裂声接二连三。 Pitiful yell sound continuously. 呜嗷呜嗷的惨叫声此起彼伏。 Laura is not generally the delicate female student, starts decisively savage, is relentless. 劳拉可不是一般柔弱的女生,下手果断凶残,毫不留情。 Is simply same like the tigress, is sending out the vicious powerful air/Qi field, calculates that these fellows have bad luck, unfortunately hits Su Zhan unexpectedly with Laura's idea, catches up, when Laura is not quite happy, although that several bludgers mingle among the street, having fought many battles, but actually at all is not Laura's opponent, in a while complete levels! 简直就如同母老虎一样,散发着凶狠强大的气场,也算这些家伙倒霉,好死不死的竟然打苏战跟劳拉的主意,偏偏还赶在劳拉心情不太好的时候,那几个混混虽然混迹街头,身经百战,但却根本不是劳拉的对手,没过多久一个个全部躺平了! , were happy many!” “呼,心情舒畅多了!” Laura long vents anger, turns around to kiss Su Zhan saying: Thank you, dear. We can go back, try another means!” 劳拉长出了口气,转身回来亲了一下苏战道:“谢谢你,亲爱的。我们可以回去,试试另一种办法了!”
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