MKA :: Volume #12

#1148: Hulk does not dare to begin!

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Avenger were completely shocking! 复仇者们完全震惊了! Looks at the tall building to cave, they such as as if awakening from a dream hurriedness ran. 看着高楼塌陷,他们才如如梦初醒的急忙跑了过去。 When nearby time, the gunsmoke diverges, what visible is angry Hulk as well as...... lies down in one side completely breakage Hulkbuster. 等到附近的时候,硝烟散去,看见的是愤怒的浩克以及……躺在一旁完全破损的反浩克装甲 If we have to face this fellow, that makes us start, his one person, in......” Luke Cage took a deep breath, just wants saying that Hulk is a person, how to be that fierce living we on could resist together! “如果我们不得不面对这家伙,那就让我们开始吧,他不过一个人而已,在……”卢克凯奇深吸了口气,刚想说浩克不过是一个人,在怎么厉害咱们一起上兴许能够抵挡的住! The words have not said, in the air falls several people suddenly, stood in the Hulk front. 只是话还没说完,空中忽然落下来几个人,站在了浩克的面前。 Before he had said that Saqqa planet little friend. 正是之前他介绍过的,萨卡星球的小伙伴。 Kou glory, Mircan, wins, Ellis, Romy. 寇荣,米尔卡,博得,艾丽丝,赫洛米。 These five four male and one female. 这五个四男一女。 Good, said accurately is the two male and one female two insects? Mircan with Border obviously is the human form insect, the alien, long grotesque is also very normal. Ellis is good with Romy, although long somewhat strange, but always returns in human in range, regarding Kou glory, the figure is bigger than Hulk, the whole person seems like some similar Thing to be the same, the whole body seems constitutes by the rock is the same. 呃,好吧,准确的说是两男一女两虫?米尔卡跟伯德明显就是人形虫子,外星生物嘛,长的奇形怪状也很正常。艾丽丝跟赫洛米还好,虽然长的有些怪,但总归还在‘人类’的范围之内,至于说寇荣,身形比浩克还要高大,整个人看起来有些类似石头人一样,全身仿佛都是由岩石构成的一样。 After five little friends appear, simply has not talked too much, directly flushed. 五个小伙伴出现后根本没有多言,直接冲了过来。 The tangled warfare, starts instantaneously! 混战,瞬间开始! Just fought they to show the great strength of oneself, Avenger were almost at leeward, did not have the strength to hit back. 刚一交手他们就展现了自己的强大,复仇者们几乎完全处在下风,毫无还手之力。 Hulk never like the present powerful, but his each subordinate almost wanted and former Hulk is equally powerful......” 浩克从来没有像现在这样强大过,而他的每个手下几乎都要跟从前的浩克一样强大……” We are unable to defeat this group of crazy fellows.” “我们无法战胜这群疯狂的家伙。” Perhaps is only the present does not have the means to handle them, but...... we have no opportunity to practice to come again.” “说不定只是现在没办法搞定他们,不过……我们也没什么机会练习一下再来。” Not......” “不……” Luke Cage was rumbled by a Hulk fist, the tremendous strength makes him just like together the meteor, fast pounding to nearby some building. 卢克凯奇浩克一拳轰了出去,巨大的力量让他犹如一道流星,快速的砸向了附近的某一栋建筑。 Bang! 轰! The wall was pounded a large cave/hole by Luke Cage, Luke Cage numerous falling fainted directly on the ground. 墙壁被卢克凯奇砸出了一个大洞,卢克凯奇重重的摔在地上直接晕死了过去。 Meanwhile, others were also solved, in an instant...... Avenger is annihilated. 与此同时,其他人也纷纷被解决,转眼间……复仇者全军覆没。 Border, the dark red big insect, the wing fast instigation flew all over the body, prepares to carry off Luke Cage. 伯德,通体暗红色的大虫子,翅膀快速煽动飞了过来,准备带走卢克凯奇 When he flies, after falling to the ground, actually suddenly discovered that the Luke Cage nearby really has two people! 当他飞过来,落地之后却忽然发现卢克凯奇的附近竟然有两个人! A man and a woman! 一男一女! Female he knew, is Inhumans Medusa, as for that...... Border does not have the impression, has not seen at least in the Hulk revenge list. 女的他认识,是异人族美杜莎,至于那个的……伯德没有印象,至少在浩克的复仇名单中没有见过。 Medusa, after never expected that you our kings defeat, have not run away unexpectedly instead hide here, good, that caught you to return to...... Border's words not saying that on the way suddenly felt at present a flower, next quarter he has flown suddenly, hit in opposite construction directly, then pā dā falls. 美杜莎,没想到你被我们的王击败后竟然没有逃走反而躲在这里,也好,那就顺道抓你回……”伯德的话还没说完忽然感觉到眼前一花,下一刻他已经陡然飞了出去,直接撞到了对面的建筑上,然后啪嗒一声掉了下来。 After falling to the ground, Border struggled several unable to crawl unexpectedly. 落地之后,伯德挣扎了几下竟然没能爬起来。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Saw that Border was struck to fly unexpectedly, little friends very surprise. 见到伯德竟然被击飞,小伙伴们都很诧异。 Is who has the skill to strike to fly Bodo? 是谁有本事能击飞伯德? People subconscious looked at one toward that building that former Border went, saw two people to walk slowly. 众人下意识的朝着之前伯德去的那栋楼看了一眼,就见两个人缓缓的走了出来。 Su Zhan!” 苏战!” Hulk recognized instantaneously, was disregarded by him as for nearby Medusa directly. 浩克瞬间认了出来,至于旁边的美杜莎直接被他无视了。 Injured Border unexpectedly, damn!” “竟然打伤了伯德,该死!” The little friends are angry, rushes over instantaneously. 小伙伴们大怒,瞬间冲了过去。 Stops!” “停下!” Hulk shouts suddenly. 浩克忽然喊道。 The little friends have doubts looked at Hulk, saw Hulk to jump in front of Su Zhan directly. 小伙伴们疑惑的看了一眼浩克,就见浩克噌的一声直接跳到了苏战面前。 Light, met the building to be stepped on by you collapses.” Su Zhan said. “轻点,一会楼被你踩塌了。”苏战说道。 Hulk, put Black Bolt!” Medusa quickly shouts. 浩克,放了黑蝠王!”美杜莎急忙喊道。 Hulk has not paid attention to Medusa, looked that said to Su Zhan: „Do you also want to stop me to take revenge?” 浩克没有理会美杜莎,看向苏战道:“你也要阻拦我复仇吗?” Stops you? No, I may not have the plan to do that I also plan to watch the good play, if not your person must carry off Medusa, I am disinclined to act.” Su Zhan smiles, puts out a hand to want the racket the shoulder of Hulk. Hulk subconscious wants to grab Su Zhan's, finally actually grasped spatial. “阻拦你?不,我可没打算这么做,我还打算看好戏呢,如果不是你的人要带走美杜莎,我才懒得出手。”苏战笑了笑,伸手想要拍拍浩克的肩膀。浩克下意识的想要抓住苏战的手,结果却抓了一个空。 Su Zhan patted the racket on his shoulder: Come on, is well dry!” 苏战在他的肩膀上拍了拍:“加油,好好干!” The Hulk complexion changes, is his is shaming oneself? 浩克脸色变化,他这是在羞辱自己 Sees a play, but also pats the oneself shoulder? 看戏,还拍自己肩膀? The time of especially patting is seemingly superficial, but Hulk can actually feel that its powerful strength, that strength lets the feeling that he has to plant unable to contend with. 尤其拍下来的时候看起来轻描淡写,但是浩克却能感觉到其强大的力量,那股力量让他有种无法抗衡的感觉。 Hulk hesitant moment, one side turned around to arrive to carry Luke Cage, jumped...... to walk! 浩克犹豫了片刻,转身走到一旁拎起了卢克凯奇,跳下去……走了! You how?” When Hulk is fierce, Su Zhan looks to Medusa, discovers a shock of Medusa face, as if damn. “你怎么了?”等到浩克厉害,苏战看向美杜莎,发现美杜莎一脸的震惊,仿佛见了鬼似的。 He...... is he Hulk? You...... did you pat the shoulder of Hulk a moment ago, Hulk actually had not gotten angry? How this...... is this possible?” A moment ago that tone, that attitude, let alone was testy Hulk, even if changes into anyone to feel angry uncomfortable, others the dozen lived wanting renumeration that killed, did you actually regard are seeing a play? “他……他是浩克?你……你刚才拍了浩克的肩膀,浩克竟然没有发火?这……这怎么可能?”刚才那个语气,那个态度,别说是易怒的浩克了,就算换成任何一个人都会觉得愤怒不爽,人家这边打生打死的要报仇,你却当成是在看戏? When Su Zhan pats Hulk, Medusa even prepared beginning. 苏战去拍浩克的时候,美杜莎甚至做好了动手的准备。 However, what did he see? 然而,他看到了什么? The Hulk expression changes, has not actually begun obviously angrily, actually really endured. 浩克表情变化,明明愤怒却没有动手,竟然真的忍下来了。 He is easy angry, does not represent him to be silly! If I make a move, he does not think renumeration, his hatred are not related with me let alone!” Su Zhan explained one with a smile. “他是容易愤怒,不代表他傻!如果我出手的话,他就别想报仇了,更何况他的仇恨又跟我没关系!”苏战笑着解释了一句。 Medusa said: He catches these people to do, why didn't you make him put Black Bolt?” 美杜莎顿了顿道:“他抓这些人干什么,你为什么不让他将黑蝠王放了?” „Does Black Bolt have the relations with me?” Su Zhan asked. 黑蝠王跟我有关系吗?”苏战反问道。 Medusa sinking sound said: What's wrong, you can help me rescue Black Bolt.” You such urgent why rescues Black Bolt is?” Su Zhan asked. 美杜莎沉声道:“怎样,你才能帮我救出黑蝠王。”“你这么迫切的相救黑蝠王是为什么?”苏战反问道。 Medusa looks at Su Zhan, saying of explanation: I had said before, I do not come the electricity to him. I am his sending official charged with remonstrating with the emperor, he is our Inhumans leader. Any Inhumans member will do everything possible to rescue leader!” 美杜莎看着苏战,解释的说道:“我之前说过了,我对他不来电。只是,我是他的发言官,他是我们异人族首领而已。任何一个异人族的成员都会想尽办法救出首领的!” Do not think that I do not know your Inhumans matter, any member will rescue, not necessarily? Should have one small some people, not only will not rescue, instead looks forward to him dead?” Saying that Su Zhan smiles. “别以为我不知道你们异人族的事情,任何一个成员都会救,不见得吧?应该有一小部分人非但不会救,反而巴不得他死吧?”苏战笑眯眯的说道。 Medusa is silent. 美杜莎沉默不语。 The matter that once related to the power, the nonsense has a stroke of bad luck must have! 一旦涉及到权力,狗屁倒灶的事情就少不了! Black Bolt younger brother, Maximus has wanted to topple the Black Bolt political power. 黑蝠王弟弟,马克西穆斯一直想要推翻黑蝠王的政权。 I can guarantee that Black Bolt does not die, but the premise is...... you are separated from Inhumans of your clan with your younger sister crystal after this matter, joins my Inhumans ranks, how?” Su Zhan asked with a smile. “我可以保证黑蝠王不死,但前提是……你跟你妹妹水晶在这件事之后脱离你们这一族的异人族,加入我的异人族行列,如何?”苏战笑着问道。 Medusa is still silent. 美杜莎依旧沉默不语。
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