MKA :: Volume #12

#1146: Double-edged sword?

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Hulk suddenly appears, but also routed Black Bolt, says the manifesto in New York, such big sound S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally must know, the member who quick...... Nick Fury had convened Avenger and illumination meeting you discussed the urgent counter measures. 浩克突然出现,还击溃了黑蝠王,在纽约放出宣言,这么大的动静神盾局自然不会不知道,很快……尼克弗瑞已经召集了复仇者以及光照会的成员你商量紧急的应对措施。 Situation everyone had known, Hulk came back, changed is stronger, came back to take revenge. Although the initial matter was a mistake, but now perhaps is still even useless with the Hulk explanation, must! Must find the way to solve as soon as possible, I have informed, the New York people started to disperse, but day of...... perhaps insufficient!” “情况大家都已经知道了,浩克回来了,变的更强,回来复仇了。虽然当初的事情是个错误,但现在就算跟浩克解释恐怕也没用了,必须!必须要想办法尽快解决,我已经通知下去,纽约的群众开始疏散了,但是一天的时间……恐怕不够!” You, who has what good way?” “你们,谁有什么好办法吗?” Nick Fury looks that the people present say. 尼克弗瑞看着在座的众人开口说道。 Actually Nick Fury is also very injust, obviously is the matter that imitation alien does, he actually must be a scapegoat now, that feared that some people know the truth, however he must be a scapegoat in the face of the public, otherwise solemn S.H.I.E.L.D. director was pretended by imitation alien, fierce that the S.H.I.E.L.D. credibility can drop. 其实尼克弗瑞也挺冤的,明明是山寨星人做的这件事,他现在却必须要背锅,那怕部分人知道真相,但是在公众面前他必须背锅,否则堂堂神盾局局长都被山寨星人假冒,神盾局的公信力将会下降的更厉害。 Looks at silent Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic and the others, the Nick Fury psychology is also depressed. 看着沉默不语的奇异博士,神奇先生等人,尼克弗瑞心理也郁闷啊。 You said that you are not King, is the smart person, how such easily by knockoff goods deceiving, how you to think? However these, Nick Fury also can only think at heart, now must count on they solve Hulk. 你说说你们一个个不是国王,就是聪明人,怎么就这么轻易的被一个山寨货给骗了呢,你们怎么就不动动脑子呢?不过这些,尼克弗瑞也就只能在心里想想,现在还得指望他们解决浩克呢。 „The Black Bolt strength believes that you were clear, such easily by Hulk solving, obviously the Hulk present strength strong. Moreover, he currently also has the helper of extraterrestrial, seeming like not weak. His time clarifies is comes back to take revenge, will not listen to the person to urge, even if...... we said initially was because imitation alien reason perhaps still useless.” Mister Fantastic says. 黑蝠王的实力相信你们都清楚,这么轻易的就被浩克给解决了,可见浩克现在的实力有多强。而且,他现在还有外星的帮手,看起来都不弱。他这次摆明就是回来复仇的,不会听人劝的,就算……我们说了当初是因为山寨星人的缘故恐怕也没用。”神奇先生开口说道。 Doctor Strange nods: Perhaps I have the possibility, may require the time, but Hulk will not give us obviously the time. Although he said 24 hours disperses to the people, however 24 hours absolute insufficient, moreover words that we do not present, Hulk is impossible really and other for a long time. Therefore......” 奇异博士点了点头:“我或许有可能,可需要时间,但是浩克显然不会给我们时间的。他虽然说了给民众24小时疏散,但是24小时绝对不够,而且我们谁都不出现的话,浩克也不可能真的等那么长时间。所以……” Therefore must find the person to attract the Hulk attention, but is very as the matter stands dangerous!” Nick Fury asked. “所以必须要找人来吸引浩克的注意力,但是这样一来很危险!”尼克弗瑞问道。 We can go!” “我们可以去!” Spider-Man, War Machine, almost also opens the mouth including Luke Cage. 蜘蛛侠,战争机器,包括卢克凯奇几乎是同时开口。 You must certainly go, but is insufficient!” The Doctor Strange sinking sound said. “你们肯定要去的,但是还不够!”奇异博士沉声说道。 This saying said enough showed due respect for the feelings, they went deliver the vegetable/dish simply, Hulk of green war casualty condition was not War Machine, the class/flow of Luke Cage can cope, although Spider-Man the soul, the strength was not very weak, but was worse than with Hulk! 这话说的够给面子了,他们去简直就是送菜,绿殇状态的浩克根本就不是战争机器,卢克凯奇之流能够对付的,蜘蛛侠虽然很灵魂,力量也不弱,但是跟浩克比还是差一些! I know that has a person, perhaps...... can block Hulk, even...... may defeat Hulk....... This is a double-edged sword, cannot do well the influence that...... has to be bigger than Hulk!” The Nick Fury sinking sound said that in the tone is somewhat weak. “我知道有一个人,或许……能够挡住浩克,甚至……有可能击败浩克。只是……这是一把双刃剑,搞不好……造成的影响可能比浩克还要大!”尼克弗瑞沉声说道,语气中有些犹豫不定。 Can make his Nick Fury so hesitant, this person is not definitely simple. 能让他尼克弗瑞这么犹豫,这个人肯定不简单。 Su Zhan?” Opens the mouth to ask. 苏战吗?”纳摩开口问道。 Nick Fury shakes the head: No, is not he. If he, even Hulk will not be an opponent, will be that Mad Titan, might block Hulk. On however... this matter we cannot look for him! The person who I said is called Robert, can call him Sentinel/Sentry! This is a person who I discovered recently, has the potential very much, and very powerful person! According to the data analysis, he even can be on par Su Zhan.” 尼克弗瑞摇摇头:“不,不是他。如果是他的话,就算是浩克也不会是对手,甚至是那个灭霸,都有可能挡住浩克。但是上…这件事我们不能找他!我说的人叫做罗伯特,也可以叫他哨兵!这是我最近才发现的一个人,一个很有潜力且很强大的人!根据资料分析,他甚至可以比肩苏战。” Is on par Su Zhan, how is this possible?” Mister Fantastic some do not believe, others do not know, his very clear Su Zhan's strength. “比肩苏战,这怎么可能?”神奇先生有些不相信,别人不知道,他很清楚苏战的实力。 Let alone was Earth, perhaps entire Cosmos was counted continually can be on par Su Zhan's is not many. 别说是地球了,恐怕连整个宇宙都算上能够比肩苏战的都不多。 According to the data analysis, Sentinel/Sentry had drunk some special secret formula, has energy that almost 100 ten thousand Sun explode, because had not displayed full power, therefore is not clear about his limit strength strongly. He should except for beside Su Zhan can cope with Hulk only, the destruction that but...... perhaps causes when the time comes is inestimable.” The Nick Fury sinking sound said. “只是根据资料分析,哨兵曾经喝过某种特殊的秘密配方,拥有差不多100万太阳爆炸的能量,因为一直没有全力施展,所以也不清楚他的极限实力到底有多强。他应该是除了苏战之外唯一能够对付浩克的了,只是……到时候恐怕造成的破坏不可估量。”尼克弗瑞沉声说道。 Now must try!” The Doctor Strange sinking sound said. “现在必须试试了!”奇异博士沉声说道。 Good, my looks for him!” The Nick Fury nod said. “好吧,我这就去找他!”尼克弗瑞点头说道。 After the conference dispersed, others leave respectively, according to the plan, Doctor Strange makes the preparation of oneself, but others prepare to see Hulk, the protracted time...... in that needs as soon as possible the scattered people. 会议散了之后,其他人各自离开,按照计划,奇异博士去做自己的准备,而其他人准备去见浩克,拖延时间……不过在那之间,还是需要尽快的疏散群众。 S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, the Avenger member almost turns out in full strength, New York City is so lively, the population is big, wants in short-time to sow dissension disperses is not easy. 神盾局特工,复仇者成员几乎是倾巢而出,纽约市那么繁华,人口数量众多,想要在短时间疏散可没那么容易。 Spider-Man, Luke Cage, War Machine, Hawkeye wait/etc. went to the street, directs the crowd to evacuate as soon as possible. 蜘蛛侠,卢克凯奇,战争机器,鹰眼等纷纷走上街头,指挥着人群尽快撤离。 Time one minute/share one second of past, entire New York fell into scared with the anger in the middle, although people are willing to evacuate, but that is considers for oneself safely, may have no good complexion regarding S.H.I.E.L.D. with the Avenger person, was foul-mouthed, complained, this let Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the member incomparable depression of Avenger! 时间一分一秒的过去,整个纽约都陷入了恐慌跟愤怒当中,虽然人们愿意撤离,但那是为了自身安全着想,对于神盾局复仇者的人可没什么好脸色,骂骂咧咧,抱怨不已,这让神盾局特工复仇者的成员都无比的郁闷! Moreover was unable to say anything depressed, can only receive! 而且偏偏郁闷还不能说什么,只能受着! ...... …… ...... …… „Our helplessly looks? Although Hulk is very strong, but should he not be your opponent?” “我们就这样眼睁睁的看着吗?浩克虽然很强,但他应该不是你的对手吧?” Some hotel room, the people in hotel have evacuated. 某个酒店房间,酒店的人都已经撤离了。 Su Zhan brought Medusa to come here, stood looks at outside scattered crowd in the window, Medusa asks toward Su Zhan. 苏战带着美杜莎来到了这里,站在窗口看着外面疏散的人群,美杜莎朝着苏战问道。 He naturally is not my opponent!” Su Zhan first said lightly, then sneers saying: What relations but does this matter have with me? Those who exile Hulk is they, the object who Hulk must take revenge is also they. Moreover here is New York, is not my territory! Although I have this strength, does not represent to have an accident I to meddle, I am not his father!” “他当然不是我的对手!”苏战先是淡淡的说了一句,而后冷笑道:“但这件事跟我有什么关系?流放浩克的是他们,浩克要复仇的对象也是他们。而且这里是纽约,又不是我的领地!我虽然有这个实力,不代表出了什么事我都要插手,我又不是他爸!” When entire Earth, entire Cosmos was me, I naturally can make a move!” “等什么时候整个地球,整个宇宙都属于我了,我自然会出手!” Then, Su Zhan, said: You discovered let alone, S.H.I.E.L.D. had sent out with Avenger, but the person of illumination meeting has not made an appearance. They not possible not to have received the message, but I have not so far received any news of requesting reinforcements, even if naturally received me is still not necessarily able to help. Therefore...... you know that what this does mean?” 说完,苏战顿了顿,道:“更何况你发现了没有,神盾局复仇者都已经出动了,但是光照会的人还没有露面。他们不可能没收到消息,但是到目前为止我并没有接到任何求援的消息,当然就算接到了我也未必会帮忙。所以……你知道这意味什么吗?” Means that they should find felt able to resist, even defeats the Hulk person!” “意味着他们应该找到了觉得可以抵抗,甚至打败浩克的人!”
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