Snapeleads the fooddeaddiscipleenormous and powerfularrived atHogwarts, the dark cloudspressed the stronghold, instantaneouslyteachers and students who stirred upHogwartsstartled. The magicbarrier of schoolis uselesstoSnape, easybreaking, walkedswaggering. Maigehurriedcaught up.
斯内普带着食死徒浩浩荡荡的来到了霍格沃茨,黑云压寨,瞬间惹得霍格沃茨的师生们惊慌不已。学校的魔法屏障对斯内普根本没用,轻而易举的破掉,大摇大摆的走了进来。麦格急急忙忙的赶了过来。„Youcome backto do!”Maigeasked.
“你回来干什么!”麦格问道。„magicsectionappointment, from now onIamHogwarts'sdean!”Snape'slightsaying.
“魔法部任命,从现在起我就是霍格沃茨的院长!”斯内普淡淡的说道。„Is impossible!”
“不可能!”„Thisis the appointment of magicsection, ifyoudo not agree with defy the magicsectionblatantly!”Snape'slightsaying.
“这是魔法部的任命,如果你不同意就是跟公然违抗魔法部!”斯内普淡淡的说道。Defies the magicsectionto meananything, Maigeis very clear.
违抗魔法部意味着什么,麦格很清楚。Thatmeans that Hogwartsis goingto be isolated and cut off from help, will become the object of magicsectionsuppression. Not is only in the public opinion, the military forceforces, butis the aspects, If nothing else, manyguardianswill perhaps make the studentleaveHogwarts, laterdo not wantto recruit studentsagain, soon, Hogwartswill disappearthoroughly.
麦格犹豫了。Sheno doubtdoes not wantto makeSnapetake over control of the school, butdoes not want no consideration for facewith the magicsectionlike this.
她固然不想让斯内普接管学校,但也不想就这样跟魔法部撕破脸。„To take over control ofHogwarts, has askedme?”
“想要接管霍格沃茨,问过我了吗?”WhenMaigehesitates, the Su Zhan'ssoundresoundssuddenly. The Maigeinstantaneousgreat happiness, felt at easeall of a sudden.
在麦格犹豫的时候,苏战的声音陡然响起。麦格瞬间大喜,一下子就安心了。Looks that Su Zhanwalksslowlyfrombehind, the sectioneatingdeaddisciplelifted the magicsticksubconsciously!
看着苏战缓缓从后面走过来,部分食死徒下意识的抬起了魔法杖!„Whogivesyourgutsto put out the magicstickbeforeme?”Su Zhancoldsnort/hum, hears the kā chākā chāsoundto get up. In an instant, thesefooddied the bare-handedonmagicstickto break offbaseless, succeeded in giving uptwosections. In a flash, completely silent!
“谁给你们的胆量在我面前拿出魔法杖的?”苏战冷哼一声,就听见咔嚓咔嚓声响起。刹那间,那些食死徒手上的魔法杖凭空折断,断成了两截。一瞬间,鸦雀无声!„Returning where fromcomeswheregoes, toldwhile convenientbends downEarth Demon, Hogwarts'sideahedo not hit, looked for the thing that hewantsto look foras soon as possible, otherwise, this...... Imayprobablydestroy!”Su Zhansneers, opens the palm, the royal crownappearsin the hand. „Thisthing, heknows that isanything!”
“从哪来的回哪儿去,顺便告诉伏地魔,霍格沃茨的主意他就别打了,还是尽快找他想找的东西吧,否则的话,这个……我可就要毁了!”苏战冷笑一声,翻开手掌,冠冕出现在手上。“这东西,他知道是什么!”Snapeknits the browsslightly, without the speech, turned around.
斯内普微微皱了皱眉,没有说话,转身走了。„!”In a flash, the studentsexuded the cheers.
“耶!”一瞬间,学生们发出了欢呼声。„Iwill arrange the protection of school.”Su ZhansaidtoMaige.
“谢谢!”麦格道。Su Zhansmiles, wavesto leave.苏战笑笑,挥挥手离开了。ConstructedHogwarts'sdefensebarrierwithPower of Chaos, bent downEarth Demonalsoto know the Su Zhan'swordsfromSnapethere.
那是他的魂器!Bends downchangestrategy that Earth Demondoes not prefer, heknows that Su Zhanare not manyto the oneselftime, mustfind the oldmagic wandas soon as possible.
伏地魔不情愿的改变策略,他知道苏战给自己的时间不多了,必须尽快找到老魔杖。„Heis sensitive, Penello, the Mayroot, goes outwithme.”
The Su Zhan'ssoundresoundsin the sky of school, in a while, the HesensitivePenelloMayrootthreepeoplehad arrived in front ofSu Zhan's.苏战的声音在学校的上空响起,没过多久,赫敏佩内罗梅根三人已经来到了苏战的面前。„Mister, do wego?”Penelloasked.
“魔法部?”HearingSu Zhanmustgo to the magicsection, the surroundingstudentinstantaneouslyin an uproar.
听说苏战要去魔法部,周围的学生瞬间哗然了。Saying that Su Zhansneers: „Against propriety not to reciprocate, wealsogo to the magicsectionto walk!”苏战冷笑的说道:“来而不往非礼也,咱们也去魔法部走一趟!”„Yes, Mister!”
“是,先生!”Penelloand the otherswere excited.
佩内洛等人激动不已。Su Zhangrabstheirdirectteleportto vanish, the nextquarter, appearsin the hall of magicsectiondirectly.苏战抓着她们直接瞬移消失,下一刻,直接出现在魔法部的大厅。„Su Zhan, unexpectedlyisSu Zhan.”
“还有他的学生。”„What do theymake?”
“他们来做什么?”„Heard that the beforehandmagicsectionformulatedSnapeto becomeHogwarts'sprincipalto be hurried backbySu Zhan, hewasretaliates?”
The surroundingpersondiscussedin a low voice,someare joyful, someworried.
周围的人低声议论,有的欣喜,有的担忧。After all, is notallSorcerer/Magicianis good, there are willingto followto bend downEarth Demonon own initiative.
毕竟,不是所有魔法师都是好的,也有主动愿意追随伏地魔的。In a while, onegroup of fooddeadpeopleappearone after another, surroundedSu Zhanand the others.
The Su Zhan'sstepnon-stopcontinuingas ifnot to seethemto be the same forward, the Mayrootwalksinhisbehind, Heis sensitive, Penelloopens the wingone on the left and other on the right. Althoughdoes not have anyaction, releaseanyaura, butthisimposing mannermakes the fooddeadpeoplefeelscared, dreads, subconsciousretreatstep by step.苏战的步伐不停继续向前仿佛没有看见他们一样,梅根走在他的后面,赫敏,佩内洛一左一右张开翅膀。虽然没有任何的举动,释放任何的气息,但是这股气势却让食死徒们感觉到胆寒,畏惧,下意识的步步后退。Fourpeoplewalkforward, onegroup of peopledraw backbackward.
四个人向前走,一群人向后退。Thisscenefeelingis very funny, actuallyno onedaresto smile.
The retreat, has been possibleto draw backstep by steproadless.
步步后退,已无路可退。Finally, has the fooddeaddiscipleto have the courageto prepareto act, finally the magicstickjust nowliftsdirectlystriking to flybyHekeen.
终于,有食死徒鼓起勇气准备出手,结果魔法杖才刚抬起来就直接被赫敏给打飞了。Thisactionlit the blasting fuseto be the same probably.
这个举动就好像点燃了导火索一样。Hekeen, Penello, Mayrootthreepeople of simultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformacts, although the fooddeadpeoplenumberis big, moreover startsto counter-attack, butis unfruitful. In an instant, before waiting forSu Zhanto arrive at the elevator the time, the fooddeaddisciplehas lain downplace!
赫敏,佩内罗,梅根三人齐齐出手,虽然食死徒们数量众多,而且也开始反击,但却毫无效果。转眼间,等苏战走到电梯前的时候,食死徒已经躺了一地!Su Zhanhas not visitedthemas before, looked at an elevatorto curl the lipslightly.苏战依旧没看他们,看了一眼电梯微微撇撇嘴。Lifts the hand, hears one of the bang.
The roof of magicsectionwas piercedinstantaneously, the innumerablestonesdropin abundance, whensky overSu Zhanand the othersbroke to pieces the powder. Su Zhanflewdirectly, others follow.魔法部的屋顶瞬间被洞穿了,无数的石块纷纷跌落,在苏战等人上空的时候纷纷碎成了粉末。苏战直接飞了上去,其他人紧随其后。Su Zhanstoppedon one, fallsfloating.苏战在某一层停了下来,飘然落下。Justfell to the ground, felt that severalspellshittowardoneself.
刚一落地,就感觉到数道魔咒朝自己打来。„Snort!”coldsnort/hum, thesespellsstopinstantaneously, thenreboundedsuddenly.
The pitiful yellsoundresoundsinstantaneously, severalfooddeadpeoplefall to the groundaccordingly!
惨叫声瞬间响起,几个食死徒应声倒地!„You, howyoudare, howyoudare......”
“你,你怎么敢,你怎么敢……”UmmRitchieis interrogatingraising mixed cropsSorcerer/Magician, seesSu Zhanto rush, will solve the surroundingfooddeaddiscipleto have a scareshortlyinstantaneously, shehas experienced the Su Zhan'sstrength. Originallyis reinstatedalsoto makehersomewhathigh-spirited, now after already the brain of throwing .
The incantationreadin the flash, on the roofcirclescalled back the soul of the deceased the sound that madeto shriek and howl wildlystrangelyto throwinnumerably.
咒语在一瞬间念了起来,屋顶上盘旋的无数摄魂怪发出鬼哭狼嚎的声音扑了下来。„Go away!”
“滚!”Lookscalling back the soul of the deceased of fiercelyroaringwas strange, the Su Zhancoldsoundangrily roared. In an instant, thesecall back the soul of the deceasedstrangelyprobablydamn, the flashturned aroundto runin abundance, thattypefelt likefor fear thatrunsslowly. Shortly, calling back the soul of the deceased of everywherevanishesstrangelydoes not see, UmmRitchiewas thoroughly scared!
看着狰狞咆哮的摄魂怪,苏战冷声怒吼。刹那间,那些摄魂怪就好像见了鬼似的,一瞬间纷纷掉头跑了回去,那种感觉好像生怕跑得慢了似的。顷刻间,漫天的摄魂怪消失不见,乌姆里奇彻底傻眼了!Thisiscalls back the soul of the deceasedstrangely, magiceveryonefearscalls back the soul of the deceasedstrangely, moreoverquantityalsoso many, were actually scoldedby a Su Zhancharacterrun!
Is thispossible?
这怎么可能?„Do not killme, do not killme......”
“别杀我,别杀我……”SawSu Zhanto looktooneself, UmmRitchieslidfrom the chairdirectly, begging for mercy that collapsed to the groundon.
见到苏战看向自己,乌姆里奇直接从椅子上滑了下来,瘫坐在地上不住的求饶。Su Zhancancelled the finger, that onUmmRitchieneckhunghungto fallto flyfromherneckdirectly, thenfellonSu Zhan's!苏战勾了勾手指,乌姆里奇脖子上挂的一个吊坠直接从她的脖子上飞了出来,然后落到了苏战的手上!„Iwill not killyour, perhapsbutbends downEarth Demonto killyou, becauseyoulosthissoul!”Su Zhansneered said that turned around.
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