MSG :: Volume #24

#2339: Chapter 2201

Joining of new force, many gave them a confidence. Although said because of the special status of this new force, as well as between vast gap with opponents, they also to this type of confidence not big energy, but said no matter how, that also compared with the beforehand condition probably on better some. 一个生力军的加入,多少是给予了他们一点信心。尽管说因为这个生力军的特殊身份,以及和对手之间的巨大差距,他们自己也对这种信心没有多大的底气,但是不管怎么说,那也要比之前的境况要更好上一些。 Now, is giving it all time. But before giving it all, Setto Larke felt, oneself must take the lead to solve internal hidden danger to be good. 现在,就是放手一搏的时候了。而在放手一搏之前,赛托拉克觉得,自己还是要率先解决一下内部的隐患才好。 Those words, Thorne and Emperor mountain, although is sly, but many also indicated an own attitude. In present this link, they are also can be trusted. As for Smith. Week, this shameless one, although is not concerned about face dragging to launch them, what however is undeniable, he is the first goal of catastrophe. The possibility that he defects is close to zero infinitely, only if were said that he own poor life did not want. But how this wants to be the unlikely matter, after all probably their such existences, often also most are pity the life. Therefore, the only hidden danger also had one, that is demon Ma Brother Russ. 还是那句话,西索恩和维山帝虽然狡猾,但是多少还表明了一下自己的态度。在眼下这个环节,他们还算是可以被信任的。至于史密斯.周,这个无耻之徒虽然非常不要脸的把他们给拖下了水来,但是不可否认的是,他才是浩劫的第一目标。他反水的可能性无限接近于零,除非是说他连自己的小命都不要了。而这怎么想都是不大可能的事情,毕竟像是他们这样的存在,往往也最是惜命不过。所以,唯一的隐患也就剩下了一个,那就是眼魔舒玛哥拉斯。 This big eye strange character is chaos and crazy, no one dares saying that what demented action he will make at this kind of time. If, he comes one to transfer the spearhead at crucial moment, then regarding the present is disadvantaged them, absolutely is a fatal threat. 这个大眼怪性格混沌而疯狂,谁也不敢说他会在这种时候做出什么样的癫狂举动来。如果说,他在关键的时候来一记调转矛头,那么对于眼下已然是处于劣势的他们来说,绝对是一个致命的威胁。 This is the matter that must guard against, therefore knows even if will do that may to estrange the morale of troops, Setto Larke will be strong, to focusing on the demon order said. 这是必须要防范的事情,所以哪怕知道这么做有可能会离间军心,赛托拉克还是强硬的,对着眼魔命令道。 Ma Brother Russ, you on first, Thorne and scarlet pine nut will take care of you in the one side. I will find the way to block the attack of this fellow!” “舒玛哥拉斯,你先上,西索恩和赤松子会在一旁照应你。我会想办法挡住这个家伙的攻击!” Sounds such arrangement to be as if nothing wrong, but Ma Brother Russ expressed the obvious doubts, and very direct made a question mark with own tentacle. 听起来这样的安排似乎并没有什么错,但是舒玛哥拉斯却对此表示出明显的疑惑,并且很直接的就用自己的触手打出了一个问号来。 He as eye demon, look naturally quite good. But can look from just Thorne's probe, the manual labor that this lead charges delivers the proposition absolutely together. Thorne makes the probe slightly, brings in the thunder that almost wanted him to assign/life to strike, if this changes into itself, the situation good to where to go? 他作为眼魔,眼神自然是相当的好。而从刚刚西索恩的试探就可以看得出来,这种率先冲锋的活计绝对是一道送命题。西索恩只是稍作试探,就引来了几乎要了他命的雷霆一击,这要是换成自己,难道情况又会好到哪里去吗? The normal people estimated that at this time will choose the resistance, perhaps but the eye demon, has the idea of resistance at heart, but displays is actually, he hesitates, the question mark on own tentacle breaking off a OK shape. 正常人估计这个时候都会选择抗拒,但眼魔,或许心里已经是有了抗拒的想法,但是表现出来的却是,他犹犹豫豫的,就把自己触手上的问号给掰成了一个OK的形状。 This is not only the Ma Brother Russ's chaotic characteristics, sometimes is really even he himself has no way to control itself. But also under the obligation of this chaotic nature, it is brandishing the giant tentacle, growing up fully is the eye of fang, was sending out to the catastrophe silent shouts. 这既是舒玛哥拉斯混乱的特性,有时候真的是连他自己都没法去控制自己。而也是在这种混乱性质的驱使之下,它挥舞着巨大的触手,长大了满是獠牙的眼睛,就已经是对着浩劫发出了无声的嘶吼来。 The boundless chaos disaster strength erupts in its abnormal body, changes to the substantive ray to shoot to go to the catastrophe wind. 无边的混沌祸乱力量在它畸形的身躯中爆发,化作实质性的光线就对着浩劫飙射而去。 That is the deforming strength, can change to the disorder and confused demented strength all things of ordered operation, Ma Brother Russ by this strength, even can only depend on the vision on the disintegration star, destroys the civilization, and even makes a huge galaxy go haywire. 那是扭曲性的力量,是能将有序运行的万事万物都化作无序和错乱的癫狂之力,舒玛哥拉斯凭借这种力量,甚至能只靠目光就崩解星球,毁灭文明,乃至让一个庞大的星系陷入混乱。 However, this strength is useless to the catastrophe, or is the function is really limited. 但是,这种力量对浩劫没用,或者说是作用实在是有限。 Did not need the catastrophe to make any resistance, the he surrounding black hole strength is relying on the unequalled attraction forcefully this chaotic strength has extinguished in invisible. Seemed like grain of gravel to pound in the lake, besides splashing ripples slightly, had no other sounds again. But this, is really a result that Ma Brother Russ could not accept. 都不需要浩劫做任何的抵御,他自身周围的黑洞力量就已经是凭借着无与伦比的引力强行的将这种混乱力量消弭于了无形。就好像是一粒石子砸进了湖泊里,除了溅起稍许的涟漪之外,再也没有任何其他的响动。而这,着实是舒玛哥拉斯接受不了的一个结果。 Under the chaotic mental obligation, always makes him fill a blind arrogance to own strength. Even if was said that he can feel, oneself and between the catastrophe has an irreparable vast gap, but the reason this arrogance, he is unable to acknowledge, this in front of the catastrophe were a helpless result. 混乱的心智驱使下,总是让他对自己的力量充满了一种盲目性的自大。纵然是说他能感觉到,自己和浩劫之间有着一种无法弥补的巨大差距,但是因由着这种自大,他还是无法去承认,这种自己在浩劫面前是如此无能为力的一个结果。 Therefore he even more grew up oneself mouth, in letting the saliva fluid flows, stains the entire eyeball at the same time following the fang , is to make the even more tremendous chaotic strength change almost must link up a light beam of entire galaxy general, shoots to go to the catastrophe electricity following its vision. 所以他越发长大了自己的嘴巴,在让涎液顺着獠牙流淌,沾满整个眼球的同时,也是让越发巨大的混乱力量化作几乎要贯通一整个星系的光柱一般,顺着它的目光冲着浩劫电射而去。 These arrived no longer is before just scratches the surface the common superficial matter. Because Ma Brother Russ no doubt faces the catastrophe to be somewhat bad, the chaotic strength that but he has is actually not the thing that anything cannot amount to something. 这一下到不再是之前蜻蜓点水一般轻描淡写的事情了。因为舒玛哥拉斯固然面对浩劫有些不济,但是他所拥有的混乱力量却绝非是什么上不了台面的东西。 The confusion is a very special essential force, it tends to the idealism, even said that breeds the root completely above all intelligent life minds. 混乱是一种非常特殊的本质性力量,它趋向于唯心主义,甚至说完全是殖根在所有智慧生灵心灵之上的。 These demented thought that these confused state of mind, as well as these are unable by the thought that the common sense can estimate, is almost manifestation of this chaotic strength. It is it can be said that ubiquitous, and almost always follows existence of intelligent life to expand. 那些癫狂的思想,那些错乱的心绪,以及那些根本无法以常理所能揣度的思维,几乎都是这种混乱力量的体现。它可以说是无处不在,并且也几乎总是伴随着智慧生灵的存在而壮大。 Eye demon Ma Brother Russ is born during the chaotic consciousness of this intelligent life continuous growth, because also its life experience so unusual, this enables it almost in the most perfect way to control this being almost impossible the controlled chaotic strength. 眼魔舒玛哥拉斯就是诞生于这种智慧生灵不断壮大的混乱意识之中,并且的,也因为它的身世如此的奇特,这才使得它几乎是能以最完美的方式来操控这种几乎无法被人掌控的混乱力量。 So long as he thinks, and believes does not doubt, can enlarge own chaotic strength by the degree in own innermost feelings fantasizing infinitely. The idealism, this point always propagandizes itself to be the same than the brothers who anybody understands with some position completely. 只要他想,并且坚信不疑,就能以自己内心中所幻想的程度来无限放大自己的混乱力量。完全的唯心主义,这一点就和某位总是宣传自己比任何人都懂的兄弟一样。 In brief is, the eye demon erupted a wavefront by own characteristics the unprecedented fly upon. But also because of his sudden burst, making the catastrophe also in have to deal suddenly directly. 总之就是,眼魔以自己的特性爆发出了一波前所未有的猛烈攻击。而也正因为他的突然爆发,使得浩劫也在一时间不得不正面应对了起来。 He has to acknowledge, these fellow also mixed fish not totally, there is a little good point. It looks like the present, is relying on the attraction of black hole merely, was unable complete disintegration the chaotic beam of demon. 他不得不承认,这些家伙也并不是完全的杂鱼,还是有那么一点可取之处的。就像是现在,仅仅凭借着黑洞的自身引力,已经是无法完全的瓦解掉眼魔的混乱射线了。 This huge strength almost looks like some type of pure heavenly body, has the displacement in line of sight because of the attraction and space and time of curvature black hole. Probably becomes a gorgeous band of light to be the same, regarding the black hole strength of catastrophe whole body, presents a path of nearly oval-shape. 这种庞大的力量几乎就像是某种纯粹的天体,因为黑洞的引力和时空曲率而发生视线上的偏移。变得好像一道绚丽的光带一样,围绕着浩劫周身的黑洞力量,呈现出一种近乎椭圆形的运动轨迹来。 It is quite beautiful, although the attribute is chaotic, but on external actually demonstrated that one nearly dim dream purple comes. In the universe in the heavenly body the magnificent thing are many, existence that but can actually compare with it rare. However, this beautiful under hidden, is actually a pure sabotage force. 它相当美丽,尽管属性是混乱,但是外在上却显示出一种近乎朦胧的梦幻紫色来。宇宙中天体中瑰丽的事物不少,但是却少有能与之比拟的存在。然而,这份美丽之下隐藏的,却是一份纯粹的破坏力量。 All things that touch this band of light, from these meteorites, to these by black hole huge ional attraction during the flash that the heavenly body, is almost touching was crushed, broken up and twisted, changes did not exist in the order lists the thing. 所有触碰到这道光带的事物,小到那些陨石,大到那些被黑洞庞大引力吸引过来的天体,几乎都在触及到的一瞬间内被粉碎、崩解和扭曲,化作了根本不存在于秩序列表之中的事物。 This is foreign, but internally, manifestation of this chaotic strength resists the boundless strength of black hole without doubt, when let it from the beginning unceasingly to the huge attraction that the overflow shot for it, then obvious started to reduce. 这还是对外的,而对内,这种混乱力量的体现无疑是抵挡住了黑洞的磅礴力量,让它从一开始时就不断向外溢射的庞大引力为之一顿,然后明显的就开始消减了下来。 Perhaps he complete extinguishing has not fallen the black hole to take to their influence, but without doubt, he is the pressure that reduction to a great extent they faced, was just like moves things out of the way one to press their mountain to be the same from their bodies, let these not that optimistic fellow is the heart inspired immediately. 或许他并没有完全的消弭掉黑洞所带给他们的影响,但是无疑的,他已经是很大程度上的减轻掉了他们所面对的压力,好比从他们的身上搬开了一座压着他们的大山一样,让这些本来就不那么乐观的家伙当即就是心头一振。 Does attractively! Ma Brother Russ, this is really your for trillion years handles the most attractive matter!” “干得漂亮!舒玛哥拉斯,这真是你这亿万年来做得最漂亮的一件事情!” Even if the relative standpoint, each other does not know that battle many years, mountain Emperor tiger Hogue in cannot bear made acclaiming to Ma Brother Russ. Naturally, shows the good intentions to be different to this acclaiming with the average person, chaotic Ma Brother Russ with own big eyeball slanting shot a look at Hogue one eyes, then never knows that is the organ of mouth or in eye, put out pickling liquid to Hogue. 纵然是相对的立场,彼此不知道争斗了多少年,维山帝中的老虎霍格斯还是忍不住的对舒玛哥拉斯做出了赞叹。当然,和一般人对这种赞叹表现出善意不同,混乱的舒玛哥拉斯只是用自己的大眼球斜斜的瞥了霍格斯一眼,然后就从不知道到底是嘴巴还是眼睛的器官里,冲霍格斯吐出了一口酸蚀的液体来。 This may compared with spitting person saliva wants serious many. Because by Ma Brother Russ's characteristics, was doomed on it each part to be full of that chaotic characteristics, including his saliva. 这可远比吐人一口唾沫要严重的多。因为以舒玛哥拉斯的特性,也注定了它身上的每一个部分都会充满那种混乱的特性,包括他的一口唾沫。 If his saliva falls on a star, even if said that is one huge to the star of certain scale, by this saliva external pickling characteristics to the direct corrosion completely, then by chaotic strength to the radical decomposition will be the thing that one pile of infrastructure elements will not be continually. 如果说他的这口唾沫是落在一个星球上的话,哪怕说是一颗巨大到一定规模的星球,也会被这口唾沫外在的酸蚀特性给直接腐蚀殆尽,然后被其中的混乱力量给彻底分解为一堆连基础元素都算不上的事物。 Naturally, Hogue as Trinity Emperor mountain, an ancient and powerful magic entity. He is also natural cannot by so perishing of easily. Because before them the crooked brain, causes the strength that they almost lost all can protect oneself. Even if said that was these is insufficient to want his life, in lacking the strength protected under the situation of body, Ma Brother Russ's pickling saliva gave other party to become enough wound. 当然,霍格斯作为三位一体维山帝,一个古老而强大的魔法实体。他也是理所当然的不会被如此轻易的腐蚀掉。只是,因为他们之前的歪脑筋,使得他们几乎失去了所有能够自保的力量。纵然说是这一下不至于要了他的命,但是在缺少力量护体的情况之下,舒玛哥拉斯的这一口酸蚀唾液还是给他造成了足够的创伤。 His spirit body is forced to decompose, then reorganizes. Time and time again, gets out of the Ma Brother Russ's chaotic injury reluctantly. But this obviously hurt his source, he just also appeared the huge body to shrink immediately much, even became somewhat is illusory. 他的灵体被迫分解,然后重组。一次又一次,才勉强摆脱掉舒玛哥拉斯的混乱伤害。而这明显伤害到了他的本源,以至于他刚刚还显得庞大的身躯当即就缩水了不少,甚至还变得有些虚幻起来。 Your this bastard!” “你这混蛋!” Hogue cannot bear angry roar, simultaneously takes another two Ao Shutu and Ago of motor god of Trinity is also and he shares a common hatred, is glowering to Ma Brother Russ. 霍格斯忍不住怒吼,同时作为三位一体之神的另外两位奥淑图和阿戈摩托也是和他同仇敌忾的,对着舒玛哥拉斯怒目而视。 Among them the sentiment by far come reliably compared with the common union, because according to the hearsay between dimension demon gods, their so-called Trinity, from some type essentially is family of three's relations. 他们之间的感情远远要比一般的同盟来得牢固,因为按照维度魔神之间的传闻来看,他们这所谓的三位一体,从某种本质上来说就是一家三口的关系。 Ao Shutu is mother of Ago motor, this point is well-known. As for whom is the father of Ago motor, almost all knew that their people said that Hogue this since the ancient times period is following Ao Shutu, leading her to understand the magic step by step the true meaning, then promotes to today's this situation fellow most has the candidate of suspicion absolutely. 奥淑图是阿戈摩托的母亲,这一点是众所周知的。至于谁是阿戈摩托的父亲,几乎所有认识他们的人都表示,霍格斯这个从远古时期起就伴随着奥淑图,带她一步步领略魔法的真谛,进而晋升至今天这个地步的家伙绝对就是最具嫌疑的人选。 Regarding his external image is only a tiger, but Ao Shutu and Ago motor obviously is the humanoid life. This is not the evidence that anything refuted. The lives of their rank do not have what reproductive isolation and so on view, can make human be pregnant including a star, even if said what lives is a mental handicap thing, do not say Hogue this magic life in fact. 至于说他外在的形象只是个老虎,而奥淑图和阿戈摩托明显则是类人型的生命。这根本就算不上什么反驳的证据。他们这个等级的生命可不存在什么生殖隔离之类的说法,连一个星球都能让人类怀孕,哪怕说生出来的是个智障玩意,更不要说霍格斯这个实质上的魔法生灵了。 In brief, Ma Brother Russ's behavior was no different is in front of whole family ruthlessly shamed the father in this person. Let alone was that impulsive family, even how the educated whole family person, was unlikely hard to endure such matter again. Especially, their family could not have called by far mild-mannered and cultivated. 总之,舒玛哥拉斯的行为无异于是当着一家人的面狠狠的羞辱了这家人中的父亲。别说是那种冲动的家庭了,就算是再怎么有教养的一家子人,恐怕都难以忍受这样的事情。尤其是,他们这一家子还远远称不上温文尔雅。 Ao Shutu almost shouts abuse immediately, Ago motor is also wishes one could one to hold the fellow to let the Ma Brother Russ's attractive appearance. Also is they now is really helpless, a wee bit magic strengths could not push continually. Otherwise said that does not permit is, among them first a step initiation internal strife. 奥淑图几乎立刻是破口大骂,阿戈摩托也是恨不得一副操起家伙就要让舒玛哥拉斯好看的模样。也就是他们现在真的是无能为力,连一丁点的魔法力量都挤不出来了。不然说不准就是,他们之间就先一步的发起内讧来。 This completely at the Setto Larke's expected matter. Even in this endangering to the time of their safety, he will not always place hopes in this external pressure energy to make their interior has unity how. After all, in the past their friction and contradictory was too many are too really many, who had no way to count on the fellows who these had own axe to grind really can let loose the past these dirty and country, true unified to go together. 这完全是在赛托拉克意料之中的事情。即便是在这种危及到他们所有人安危的时刻里,他也从来都不会寄希望于这种外在的压力能让他们的内部变得有多么的团结。毕竟,以往他们的摩擦和矛盾实在是太多太多,谁也没法去指望这些各怀鬼胎的家伙们真的就能放开以往的那些龌龊和国家,真正的结合到一起去。 At present almost can be the best situation, was a potential hidden danger directs the spearhead at one already the waste that many have not used greatly. The situation has minimal impact, naturally, to guard against situation further expansion, he has not paid attention, had abandoned these two bastards, was launching the offensive to the catastrophe. 眼下几乎可以算是最好的情况,也就是一个潜在的隐患把矛头对准了一个已经没有多大用的废物。情况影响不大,当然,也是为了防范情况进一步的扩大,他没有理会的,就已经是抛开了这两个混蛋,对着浩劫发起了攻势来。 Rare, he almost mobilizes the maximum strength that oneself can mobilize, opened wide the force field protection of catastrophe whole body. Like ripping open the outer covering of layer upon layer black hole, faced directly invisible singular point, his giant fist is coercing the infinite supernatural power, is ordinary like the giant planet of speed of light operation, to the catastrophe is being under the thunder bang. 机会难得,他几乎是调动了自己所能调动的最大力量,来洞开了浩劫周身的力场防护。如同撕开了黑洞的层层外壳,直面其中的不可视之奇点一样,他巨大的拳头裹挟着无穷的神力,如同光速运行的巨大行星一般,对着浩劫就是雷霆轰下。 The catastrophe looks contemptuously, toward the world boxing champions brandishes the fist like the little rascal who seeing not to consider resources bite off more than can chew. He is not that type in pretend will be friendly, when the little rascal initiates the challenge feigns not to beat, gives the good person who he selects the confidence. His consistent attitude regarding this is, teaches him ruthlessly, even said that did not mind this type is run over and dies probably a stinking insect such to him is run over and dies. 浩劫面露轻蔑,如同看见自不量力的小鬼向着世界拳王挥舞起了拳头。他到底不是那种会假装友善,在小鬼发起挑战的时候佯装不敌,给他点信心的好人。他对此的一贯态度都是,狠狠的教训他,甚至说不介意把这种像是碾死一个臭虫那样的给他碾死。 Unites the strength, the catastrophe also wields own fist. He does not care about in Setto Larke hand to take together the shield, in his eyes, no shield can prevent own strength. If Setto Larke places hopes to depend on such little thing to compete with, then he really did not mind, is in front of Setto Larke to crush his luck. 凝聚起力量,浩劫也是挥出了自己的拳头。他不在乎赛托拉克手上是不是拿着一块盾牌,在他眼中,也没有什么盾牌能够阻挡住自己的力量。如果赛托拉克寄希望于靠着这么个小东西就能和自己较劲的话,那么他真的一点也不介意,当着赛托拉克的面来粉碎掉他的这点侥幸。 The catastrophe arrives, is nothing can prevent. 浩劫降临,是没有什么可以阻挡的。 Naturally, this point Setto Larke does not think. Although he counter-attack of very clear catastrophe is not a commonplace, however at the critical moment that such very easy strives, he can unable to bear regarding this sends with the great expectations. 当然,这一点赛托拉克并不这么认为。他虽然很清楚浩劫的反击绝非等闲,但是在这样一个好不容易争取过来的关键时刻,他还是会忍不住的对此寄以厚望。 Therefore, he is resigned to act as the meat shield. While maintaining the fierce attack, he also makes an effort got hold of the supernatural power shield of Emperor mountain, simultaneously is shouting loudly to Thorne as well as Smith. Zhou commanded. 为此,他甘心充当肉盾。在保持着自己猛烈攻势的同时,他也是更加用力的握紧了维山帝的神力盾牌,同时高喊着对着西索恩以及史密斯.周喝令道。 Seizes this opportunity, we need......” “抓住这个机会,我们必须要......” Did not need you to say!” “不用你说!” Can know incessantly Setto Larke one roughly, even if said that is deceitful Thorne by nature, after experiences and feels the pressure that the catastrophe has created with own eyes, must acknowledge, this perhaps was really their few opportunities. 能够识大体的远不止赛托拉克一个,哪怕说是狡诈成性的西索恩,在亲眼见识和感受过浩劫带来的压力之后,也必须要承认,这或许真的是他们为数不多的机会了。 Therefore, agitation that he makes an effort universe boundless darkness. As if the tide emerges is the same, the pinnacle darkness submerges the star territory that they were at instantaneously, and under his will, shows the most fearful strength. 为此,他用力的鼓动起了宇宙的无边黑暗。仿佛浪潮兴起一样,极致的黑暗瞬间就淹没掉了他们所在的这个星域,并且在他的意志之下,彰显出最为可怕的力量来。
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