MSG :: Volume #24

#2335: Chapter 2197

The hot tempered catastrophe is not willing to let Smith. Under the week hides from own eye escapes, therefore he has nothing to dread that completely, is the incarnation for incomparably huge black hole, started to stir up trouble in this newborn universe by own attraction. 暴躁的浩劫根本不愿意让史密斯.周就此从自己的眼皮子底下逃掉,所以他完全没有任何忌惮的,就已经是化身为了一个无比庞大的黑洞,以自身的引力开始在这个新生的宇宙之中兴风作浪了起来。 This huge not just simple description, but unequalled in the true sense. 这种庞大并非只是一个简简单单的形容,而是真正意义上的无与伦比。 Taking human observed hugest star scutum uy for instance. Its diameter is 1780 times of Sun. The mass, almost can hold 1.8 billion our Sun or 234 trillion our Earth. 以人类所观测到的最庞大的恒星盾牌座uy为例。它的直径是太阳的一千七百八十倍。其体量,几乎能容纳十八亿个我们的太阳或者两百三十四万亿个我们的地球。 Places in the Solar System, merely is only the surface of star, it can touch the track of Jupiter. But according to light and heat that it releases, in the entire Solar System will have existences of any other things, all can only be reduced to ashes. 放在太阳系之中,仅仅只是恒星的表面,它就能够触及到木星的轨道。而依照它所释放的光和热,整个太阳系里都会有任何其他事物的存在,所有的一切都只能是化为灰烬。 This is the biggest Sun. If lets in human or the universe any other lifeform goes to tentative plan huge by own body sense, perhaps they are unable to achieve. But now, this moment catastrophe the black hole of incarnation is huger than this Sun, by huge of scutum uy, is not worth mentioning before him. 这就是最大的太阳。而如果让人类或者宇宙中任何一个其他的生物凭借自己的身体感官去设想这种庞大,他们恐怕都是无法做到的。而现在,此刻浩劫所化身的黑洞却远比这个太阳更加庞大,以至于以盾牌座uy的庞大,也在他面前根本不值一提。 The black hole compared with the star must fearsomer. Like the biggest known black hole, its quality is equivalent to 169 billion times of Sun, is almost equivalent to a small galaxy. 黑洞远比恒星要更加可怖。如同最大的已知黑洞,它的质量就相当于太阳的一千六百九十亿倍,几乎相当于一个小的星系。 Reason that at quality, but is not the volume takes the standard , because the black hole makes the characteristics that the light is unable to escape keep it from by the concrete survey. Its standard only has the quality, but so-called huge, often lets the giant gravitational field that the light is unable to escape by it, the material region that as well as its surroundings surround judges. 之所以以质量而并非是体积来作为标准,是因为黑洞让光也无法从中逃逸的特性使得它根本无法被具体的测量。它的标准只有质量,而所谓的庞大,也往往只是以其让光无法逃逸的巨大重力场,以及其周围环绕的物质区域来评判。 Calculates from this point, this biggest known black hole already not compared with inferior that scutum uy comes, can only above it. But the black hole that this moment catastrophe evolves, actually dominated in this known reality by far. 从这一点上来计算,这个最大的已知黑洞就已经不比盾牌座uy来的逊色,只能是在它之上。而此刻浩劫所演化出来的黑洞,却更是远远地凌驾于了这种已知的现实。 The boundless attraction is almost the strength lets the 1 million stars in this newborn universe the ray one gloomy, is then clearly discernible, that is flooding as well as developing this universe unceasingly the beam ray, starts continuously, collects makes the mighty current general toward this black hole to well up. 磅礴的引力几乎是力量让这新生宇宙中的百万恒星为止光芒一黯,然后便是清晰可见的,那在不断充斥以及开拓这个宇宙的射线光芒,开始源源不断,汇作洪流一般的向着这个黑洞内涌去。 The convergence of this ray causes it nearly unequalled sparkle, but said even if by the endless brilliance of star, seems gloomy before this billowing mighty current. In probably sparkling rivers these depositions in the sand of river bottom. But also under such common situation, there is a star to start by the black hole to be absorbed, thus belongs to dies out. 这种光芒的汇合使得它近乎无与伦比的闪耀,而哪怕说是以恒星的无尽光辉,都在这滚滚的洪流之前显得黯淡无光。就好像是闪闪发光的河流中那些沉积在河底的沙子。而也就是在这样不起眼的情况之下,有恒星开始被黑洞吸收,从而归于寂灭。 Vanished into thin air like the flame of combustion generally, thermal energy and ray that these stars that the strong winds swayed dispersed almost in flash by cleanness of black hole absorption. Only is left over one ice-cold . Moreover the core of no vitality, but said even if this core, disintegrates under the black hole mighty force, changes like the photon common dust, gathers in the billowing mighty current, then the radical dissipation does not see. 如同燃烧的火焰被狂风吹拂的烟消云散了一般,这些恒星所发散出来的热能和光芒几乎是在一瞬间里就被黑洞吸取的干干净净。只剩下一个冰冷而且毫无生机的核心,而哪怕说是这个核心,也在黑洞的伟力之下瓦解,化作如同光子一般的尘埃,汇聚到滚滚的洪流之中,然后彻底的消散不见。 This is only a start. But such start cannot counter-balance black hole that endless strength, instead will cause it strength. 这只是个开始。而这样的开始并不能抵消黑洞那无尽的力量,反而会使其更加的壮大。 The bright ray was almost quick swept across in this universe a biggest star territory, the huge golden turbulent flow incarnation for the ends of innumerable star, becomes the best symbol of black hole that fearful appetite. 煌煌的光芒几乎很快就席卷了这个宇宙中最大的一片星域,巨大的金色涡流化身为了无数恒星的末日,同时也成为了黑洞那可怕胃口的最佳象征。 To be honest, this situation was above Smith. The imagination of week, he also the first time is essence that experienced the catastrophe, that was what kind of fearsome thing. 说实话,这种情况超乎了史密斯.周的想象,他也是第一次见识到了浩劫的本质,那到底是何等的可怖之物。 It can be said that this entire newborn universe is moving toward because of existence of catastrophe ends. Existence of black hole almost wants thoroughly drains the energies of these stars, but regarding this newborn universe, these similarly is the newborn star, is his life expands and key of growth exactly is. 可以说,这整个新生的宇宙都在因为浩劫的存在而走向终结。黑洞的存在几乎是要彻底的抽干那些恒星的能量,而对于这个新生的宇宙来说,这些同样是新生的恒星,则恰恰是他生命壮大以及成长的关键所在。 Only then star unceasing strength, with his light and hot unceasing provides the possibility to the entire newborn universe. Will cause the universe unceasing expansion and growth. But without these, the universe lacked the growth to the energy. It is almost equal, therefore one step spanned that the maximum value of increasing the entropy, was all useful powers has changed to the thermal energy, had no thing to be able again the movement, in hot lonesome condition that any life can have. Situation that the death and end, almost can foresee. 只有恒星不断的壮大,用他的光和热不断的对整个新生的宇宙提供可能。才会使宇宙不断的扩张以及成长。而没有了这些,宇宙就缺乏了成长所必须的能量。它几乎等同于是一步跨越到了那种增熵的最大值,也就是所有的有效能量都已经化作热能,再也没有任何事物可以运动,任何生命可以存在的热寂状态之中。死亡和终结,几乎完全就是可以预见的情况了。 This is the nightmare is simply ordinary. Even if said that is Smith. Week person so cannot imagine, is actually what kind of strength can make a universe fall into to finally end. The name of catastrophe is worthy of the reputation simply, he looks like the myriad things end bugle to be sounded equally, lets Smith. In week innermost feelings being afraid of instinct. 这简直就是噩梦一般。哪怕说是史密斯.周这般的人也根本想象不到,究竟是怎么样的力量才能使得一个宇宙就这么陷入到终末之中。浩劫之名简直名副其实,他就像是万物终结的号角一样被吹响,让史密斯.周内心里本能的不寒而栗。 By this time, what kind of particular relationship no matter the catastrophe and he has, he has been regarded as the bloodlines related son to regard him very much difficultly again. Because with similarly is compared with his son's Zhou Yi, the catastrophe in his eyes radically is an out-and-out monster. 到了这个时候,不管浩劫和他有着怎么样的特殊关系,他都已经很难再把他当做是自己血脉相关的儿子来看待了。因为和同样是他儿子的周易相比,浩劫在他的眼中根本就是一个不折不扣的怪物。 This is not anything because of the prejudice that frightened causes, is not he does not have the quantity of so-called being tolerant of others. Reason that will have such a viewpoint, is completely because he seems foresees existence of catastrophe for anything. 这并非是什么因为恐惧而导致的偏见,也不是他没有所谓的容人之量。之所以会有这样的一种观点,完全是因为他似乎已经是预见到了浩劫的存在到底是为了什么。 Complete withering away and destruction, myriad things finally end and end. His existence as if indicates that such a result, indicates the universe must move toward withering away of disorder from the ordered revolution. 完全的消亡和毁灭,万物的终末和终结。他的存在似乎都预示着这样的一个结局,预示着宇宙到底是要从有序的运转走向无序的消亡。 Although some as if somewhat satirized by his status, but he, is unable to accept such a result even. 尽管以他的身份来说有些似乎有些讽刺,但是即便是他,也无法接受这样的一个结局。 Perhaps his actions are unable to be received by the world, however his angle, he is in an ordered standpoint. That to extinguish existences of these disorder, comes the structure to have a bigger order by this. But essentially, for great extension of human existence, but is not the destruction. 他的所作所为也许无法被世人所接收,但是在他的角度来看,他到底还是处在一个有序的立场上的。那所有的一切都是为了消弭那些无序的存在,以此来构架出一个更大的秩序。而本质上,都是为了人类存在的伟大延续,而并非是毁灭。 This point, the catastrophe absolutely at with the standpoint that above he opposes. Because of his existence, was doomed the human and even universe all things must wither away. But this exactly is Smith. A result that Zhou Wufa accepts. But the one who most made him unable to accept, he foresaw all these as if is not actually able to prevent its occurrence. 这一点,浩劫绝对是处在和他对立的立场之上。因为他的存在,注定了人类乃至宇宙的万事万物都要消亡。而这恰恰是史密斯.周无法接受的一个结局。而最令他无法接受的是,他预见到了这一切却似乎根本无法去阻止它的发生。 The strength that the catastrophe displays has surpassed the category that he has been able to prevent, he does not think oneself have the means to resist this to be possible be called catastrophe arrival of strength. Because on the angle of universe basic order, this as if radically is a material world development the inevitable rule. It seems like model-based in the physics proposing the supposition suspicion of formulation to be the same. Its existence is no doubt desperate, is actually not tolerant of others to deny and question. 浩劫所展现出来的力量已经超过了他所能阻止的范畴,他并不认为自己有办法去抵挡这堪称浩劫的力量的降临。因为就宇宙基本秩序的角度来看,这似乎根本就是一个物质世界发展所必然的规律。就好像是物理学中所提出的基于模型而制定的假设猜想一样。它的存在固然让人绝望,却也根本是不容人去否定和质疑的。 In the world unceasing samsara, has not stopped Smith of study. Hot lonesome hypothesis in week very clear physics. But said what kind of condition freely this hypothesis has conceived the universe by to fall into withers away, but that after all is also the innumerable year later things, in the meantime, that is also a phenomenon, one type macroscopic, and is unable by the person the situation of direct-viewing cognition. 在人间不断轮回,从来没有停止过学习的史密斯.周很清楚物理学中的热寂假说。而尽管说这种假说已经设想了宇宙会以怎么样的状态而陷入消亡,但那毕竟也是无数年之后的事情,同时,那也是一种现象,一种更加宏观的且更加无法被人所直观认知的情况。 That and has the essential difference at present, because that end cannot seem like at present this, by concrete existence, is displayed by the way of individual own emotion controls. 那和眼前有着本质上的区别,因为那种终结不会像是眼前这样,以一个具体的存在,一个被自己情感所主宰的个体的方式所表现出来。 This makes him feel that truly dreads with the terrifying. He is unable to imagine, by catastrophe easy by the character that the mood controls, the world that this he is familiar with can also have how much time. So long as thinks all these likely vanish into thin air in his being in a rage, he lives the urgent sense that one type is unable to suppress immediately. 这才是真正让他感到畏惧和恐怖的。他无法想象,以浩劫这种容易被情绪所主宰的性格,这个他所熟悉的世界到底还能存在多少时间。而只要一想到这一切很可能都在他的一怒之下化为乌有,他心里就顿时生起了一种无法抑制的迫切感。 Cannot make this monster continue to exist again. He such as is thinking, then immediately opens a leaf of new door, return again in his universe. 不能让这个怪物再继续存在下去了。他如是认为着,然后立刻就打开了一扇新的门扉,重新的回归到了他的宇宙之中。 The catastrophe follows. Is infinitely great as a quality, space and time curvature also infinitely great black hole incarnation. He can definitely twist the time to the tightest short that situation, lets Smith. The week at all impossible to take the advantage in time from him. Meanwhile, the door is unable to prevent his arrival. In the face of the black hole terrifying gravity, this door only meets is pierced instantaneously. If not orders between two universes is incompatible, perhaps then this moment two universes had had the collision and blending at this moment. 浩劫紧随其后。作为一个质量无限大,时空曲率也无限大的黑洞化身。他完全可以将时间扭曲到最为紧短的那种地步,让史密斯.周根本不可能从他身上占到时间上的便宜。同时,门扉也根本无法阻挡他的降临。在黑洞的恐怖重力面前,这种门扉只会瞬间被洞穿。如果不是两个宇宙之间的秩序格格不入,那么此刻说不定此刻两个宇宙都已经发生了碰撞和交融。 The danger is also dangerous, strengthened Smith. Week to his judgment. His some are not quite clear, why such a monster will exist in this universe. However he is clear, oneself cannot again ignores his existence. 险之又险,也更加的坚定了史密斯.周对他的判断。他有些不太明白,这样的一个怪物到底为什么会存在于这个宇宙之中。但是他却清楚,自己不能再放任他的存在。 Inverting the universe and mediation good fortune, five lines of rotations and unlimited gems...... the first time is also only one time, Smith. Zhou Kaishi exhaust ability uses oneself all useful magic arts, and strength of such squeezing from external object. He even somewhat regrets now, should not the mind gem to abandoning such as our Lv. If this moment mind gem also in his hand, perhaps then he can also have some opportunities of dealing with this fearful monster. 颠倒乾坤、斡旋造化、五行轮转、无限宝石......第一次也是唯一一次,史密斯.周开始竭尽所能的施展自己所有用得上的法术,并且如此的压榨来自外物的力量。他现在甚至都有些后悔,不该把心灵宝石给弃之如敝履。因为如果此刻心灵宝石还在他的手上的话,那么或许他还能有更多一些应付这个可怕怪物的机会。 However, he made a wrong choice. Even if said that reverses the time, is grasping the black hole mighty force, similarly can also make the enormous influence catastrophe not to permit to the time. 但是,他做了一个错误的选择。哪怕说是扭转时间,掌握着黑洞伟力,同样也可以对时间做出巨大影响的浩劫也是不会允许的。 Its only ability performs in this, but this also is very difficult to have enough function to the catastrophe. 它只能力尽于此,而这到底也很难对浩劫产生足够的作用。 The the spaces as well as all essences of time and collapse of reality and distortion of infinite technique law and inversion, all abstract things seemed to be extruded in one, changes grotesquely and gaudily, is unable by one group of cognitive and judgment, like a string that spans the dimension, can the flat dark green flyswatter that the entire material universe pats, sweeps away to go in the direction of catastrophe. 无限的术法、颠倒的现实、扭曲的时间、崩溃的空间以及一切实质的,一切抽象的事物都似乎被挤压在了一起,化作光怪陆离,根本无法被认知和判断的一团,如同一张跨越维度的弦,一张能够将整个物质宇宙都拍的扁平的苍蝇拍一样,向着浩劫的方向横扫而去。 But the method that the catastrophe deals with throughout is the consistent crudeness. Contends with all at the huge gravity quality. All is unable only by him to be routed the strength that he overthrows eventually, then becomes a part of his infinite extension. 而浩劫应对的手段始终是一贯的粗暴。以巨大的重力质量来抗衡一切。所有无法将他打倒的力量终究只会被他所击溃,然后成为他无限扩张的一部分。 This is black hole most typical characteristics. On him, in front of this type of nearly inconceivable giant black hole, this nature displayed is more incisive. 这本就是黑洞最典型的一个特性。只是在他身上,在这种近乎不可思议的巨大黑洞面前,这种性质被表现的更加淋漓尽致一些罢了。 The invincible strength crashed all. All changeable, the god mystery law changed to the bubble of nihility eventually, becomes the black hole strong nourishment. 无敌的力量到底是压垮了一切。所有的变化多端,神奥秘法都终究是化作了虚无的泡影,成为了黑洞壮大的养料。 In this regard, the deep space of realistic universe will not have the too big difference from another universe, the death deep space that is empty silent supported all these sufficiently. 在这方面,现实宇宙的深空不会和另一个宇宙有太大的区别,寂静而空无一物的死亡深空足以佐证这一切。 Exhausts ability can only have such a result, this lets Smith. The week is shocked, in his is actually not unexpected. Because of the fearfulness of his very clear black hole, is clear about weakness to this type of nearly eternal heavenly body. 竭尽所能只能有这么一个结果,这让史密斯.周感到震惊,却也并不是完全在他的预料之外。因为他很清楚黑洞的可怕,也清楚自己对这种近乎永恒的天体的乏力。 Even if said that his is powerful, even white dwarf such heavenly body can refine becomes a magic weapon. However regarding the black hole, particularly such powerful black hole, he throughout is helpless. 哪怕说他的实力强大,连白矮星这样的天体都能炼就成一个法宝。但是对于黑洞,尤其是这样强大的一个黑洞,他始终都是无能为力。 Seeming like to close eyes to treat. However Smith. The week had not planned such easily gives up diligently. His also means that one is not the means of means. Although said that he not the way that likes this being almost impossible controlling, but immediately looks like, he as if also had no other to choose well. 看起来似乎要闭目待死了。但是史密斯.周还没有打算这么轻易的就放弃努力。他还有一个办法,一个不是办法的办法。尽管说他并不喜欢这种几乎无法掌控的方式,但是就当下看来,他似乎也没有什么其他更好的选择了。 The soul gem starts to glitter the dazzling ray, the unlimited gem is almost the present can only in the strength that nearby this black hole gravitational field can also insist. But by the strength of soul gem, Smith. In Zhou Jihu the transmission of own spirit flash to each angle of universe, was void each dimension. 灵魂宝石开始闪烁起耀眼的光芒,无限宝石几乎已经是眼下唯一能在这黑洞引力场附近还能坚持下去的力量。而借由着灵魂宝石的力量,史密斯.周几乎是把自己的魂灵一瞬间的传送至了宇宙的各个角度,虚空里的每一个维度。 The soul can exceed the time to a certain extent. Present he uses this special rule, is almost the incarnation trillion appeared in personally many or ancient, in front of existence that or cannot clear(ly) be stated. But is still also powerful by his, universe top strength, he rashly, forcefully had 11 dragging into these to him and catastrophe the battlefield in. 灵魂是能够在某种程度上超越时间的。眼下的他利用这个特殊的规则,几乎是化身亿万的亲自出现在了很多或是古老,或是不可明述的存在面前。而也是借由着他那依旧强大,宇宙顶尖的力量,他不由分说的,就强行的将这些存在一一的拉入到了他和浩劫的战场之中。 Ancient times deity group, each demon god of dimension. The Spiritual God that under these different star different religious backgrounds is born, the devils in these hells, as well as these from the ancient period in the huge life that in the universe roams through. 远古的天神组,各个维度的魔神。那些不同星球不同宗教背景下诞生的神灵,那些地狱里的魔鬼,以及那些自亘古时期就在宇宙中遨游的巨大生命。 Before had also said that Smith. Zhou Bingfei is that type sits the well view day, only knows that works as a frog in place of Earth this small corner the idiot. In the past several thousand years, he has travelled for pleasure the enough remote place, not only from the East to the West, even if said is most corners in universe, he has stepped. 之前也就说过,史密斯.周并非是那种坐井观天,只知道在地球这个小小的一隅之地里当一只青蛙的蠢货。在过去的几千年里,他游历过足够遥远的地方,不仅仅是从东方到西方,哪怕说是宇宙中的绝大多数角落,他都有所涉足过。 This made him know many secrets, made him know many enough powerful existences. The universe, to him is not immeasurably deep. Also because of this point, he is choosing to give to pull the old friends and old opponents in these past at this time. 这让他知晓了很多的隐秘,同时也让他认识了许多足够强大的存在。宇宙,对于他来说并非是深不可测。也正因为这一点,他在这个时候选择将这些昔日里的老朋友、老对手都给拉扯了进来。 Existence of catastrophe is an issue that the entire universe must face. But for this aspect, he does not think that this type should deal with by oneself troublesome. These passing acquaintances, these facilitate themselves to turn into today the fellows of this appearance directly or indirectly, they should on a strength. No matter they do want, this is the issue that they need to face together. 浩劫的存在是整个宇宙都必须要面对的一个问题。而出于这方面的考虑,他并不认为这种麻烦应该由自己一个人来应付。那些过往的熟人们,那些直接或者间接促成了自己变成今天这幅模样的家伙们,他们是该出上一份力的。不管他们愿不愿意,这都是他们需要共同面对的问题。 Obviously, no one is willing to face this arduous issue. When named Emperor mountain the god of Trinity dimension in seeing at present this greatly, and has the black hole that oneself consciousness, could not bear sent out the scream directly. 很显然,没有人愿意面对这个艰巨的问题。以至于当名为维山帝的三位一体维度之神在看到眼前这个巨大的、而且有着自己意识的黑洞的时候,都忍不住直接的发出了尖叫。 Scarlet pine nut, your lunatic! What kind of monster you provoked!” “赤松子,你这个疯子!你到底招惹了怎么样的怪物!” End, catastrophe! No matter anything, he has stood erect in front of you. Emperor mountain, you need to put down our past celebrating a holiday now, if you do not want to look all destructions that helplessly oneself as well as are familiar with, then wants completely all means that to exhaust all your skills, prevents him!” “末日,浩劫!不管是什么,他都已经矗立于你面前了。维山帝,现在你需要放下我们以往的过节,如果你不想眼睁睁的看着自己以及自己所熟悉的一切毁灭的话,那么就想尽一切办法,用尽你所有的本事,来阻止他吧!” Smith. The week this past old friend to Emperor mountain is not only answering, to is also spoken by everyone who he draws forcefully. No matter what kind of background he these people have, how is also in own world omnipotent. In brief, in they depend on under this universe premise, they must also only be able to put out the skill, faces catastrophe powerful enemy together. 史密斯.周不仅仅是在对维山帝这个昔日的老朋友作答,同时也是在对被他强行拉来的所有人说话。他不管这些人到底有着怎么样的背景,又是怎么样在自己的世界里无所不能。总之,在他们依托于这个宇宙的前提之下,他们必须也只能拿出本事,来共同面对浩劫这个强敌。 This is ten thousand numerous unites efforts, no matter they want or do not want. Since because already entraining that forced here, then Smith. The week or the catastrophe, will not allow that their such easily flee. 这算是万众协力,不管他们愿意或者不愿意。因为既然已经强行的拽进了这里,那么不论是史密斯.周还是浩劫,都是不会容许他们那样轻易走脱的。 Especially catastrophe. The custom sweeps away all resistances at the invincible strength, lets all things in him who under oneself mighty force changes into the nihility facing Smith. Week final struggling revealed one to be possible be called the fierce smile. 尤其是浩劫。习惯以无敌的力量横扫一切的抵抗,让万事万物都在自己的伟力之下化为虚无的他面对史密斯.周最后的挣扎只是露出了一个堪称狰狞的笑容。 „Was this your final skill? Since this, then makes me have a look. How long has a look at you to be able in my subordinate to insist!” “这就是你最后的本事了吗?既然这样,那么就让我看看吧。看看你们能在我的手下坚持多久!”
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