MSG :: Volume #24

#2323: Chapter 2185

Carroll's head hard, this is the issue that estimates very much difficultly. Because she little uses such heading attack extremely, but by she has attacked enemy, has died mostly. 卡罗尔的脑袋到底有多坚硬,这是一个很难去揣度的问题。因为她极少使用这样的头槌攻击,而被她这么攻击过的敌人,也大都已经死了。 Few can give an illustration afterward, concrete narrated and commented the effort of this attack. That nature, completely has not listened to Smith of such wind sound/rumor. Week impossible to this type suddenly and non-conventional forms of defensive action have any protection. 几乎没有人能在事后给出一个解说,具体去评述一下这种攻击的力度。那自然的,全然没有听过这样风声的史密斯.周就不可能对这种突然而且非常规的攻击方式有任何的防备。 He illuminates swallows only, but under the two stars condition Carroll of strength large addition erupted by far beforehand strength in this flash, was almost depends on this to head, Smith. Monday the tone struck to fly several million kilometers, did not give him any leeway of stop, threw into above Venus that just healed. 他照单吃进,而双星状态之下力量大幅加成的卡罗尔则是在这一瞬间爆发出了远胜之前的力量,几乎是靠着这一记头槌,就把史密斯.周一口气击飞了数百万公里,根本不给他任何阻拦的余地,就一头扎进了刚刚才愈合起来的金星之上。 The land of Venus cracks again. Only is looks that this planet that unpredictable natural meteorology as well as as if the painful moan general diastrophism knows, the effort of this attack has powerful how. However, although said that was depends on this attack to render meritorious service, but does not mean that Carroll situation at this moment must feel better. 金星的大地再度崩裂。光是看着这个行星那变幻莫测的自然气象以及仿佛痛苦呻吟一般的地壳变迁就知道,这一记攻击的力度到底是有多么的强大。然而,虽然说是靠着这一记攻击立功了,但是也并不意味着卡罗尔此刻的情况就要好受了。 On her chest, a large crack appears there. But looked by this crack, can definitely discover in was not only short of an essential organ, the back spinal column had been pulled apart one section. 她的胸口上,一个斗大的破洞出现在那里。而透过这个破洞去看,完全可以发现里面不仅仅是少了一个关键的器官,就连背后的脊柱都已经是被扯断了一截。 This is the typical wound enemy 1000 damages 800. Carroll no doubt was depends on one to make an all-out effort as well as hit Smith unexpectedly. Monday is caught off guard, but Smith. The week is not one is good to deal with. After realizing oneself misjudged planned, he increases the strength in hand immediately, Carroll's heart a section of spine direct pulling to fly. 这是典型的伤敌一千自损八百。卡罗尔固然是靠着一股狠劲以及出其不意打了史密斯.周一个措手不及,但是史密斯.周毕竟不是一个好相与的。在意识到了自身失算了一筹之后,他立刻就加大了手中的力量,将卡罗尔的心脏连带着一截脊骨直接的给扯飞了出来。 This lets on Carroll's face a paleness, but is actually not considered as that fatal. Arrived this life degree, heart place, although can be called is the strategic point, but the critical rank had adjusted several scales downward. Without the heart, but affected the energy transfer of her within the body. But in fact, in the two stars shape, under the situation of conversion of energy large acceleration, her within the body cell was also stimulated, rapidly grew. 这让卡罗尔的脸上一阵苍白,但是却也并不算是致命。到了她这种生命程度,心脏这种地方虽然称得上是要害,但要害的等级已然是往下调了数个档次。没有了心脏,只是影响了她体内的能量传输。而事实上,在双星形态,能量转化大幅加速的情况之下,她的体内细胞也被刺激的,飞速增长了起来。 The heart almost grows in her chest cavity in the visible way, the damage of spine is also blinking recovers. The times of short 2-3 breath, she is most peak condition that restored her to think. But at this time faces has been ascending from Venus, and again and stand Smith of opposite. The week, she sneers, already by a tone that has the capable woman makings so said. 心脏几乎是以肉眼可见的方式在她的胸腔之中生长,脊骨的损伤也是在眨眼之间复原。短短2-3个呼吸的功夫,她就已经是恢复到了她所认为的最巅峰的状态。而此时面对着已经从金星内部重新升腾而起,并且再次和自己站到对立面的史密斯.周,她冷笑一声的,就已经是以一种极具女强人气质的口吻这般说道。 Superficial. If your method only then your mouth the words on these skills, then waits to be killed by me livingly.” “不疼不痒。你的手段要是只有你嘴上的那些本事的话,那么就等着被我活生生打死吧。” Right?” Faces Carroll to bluff and bluster, like a female orangutan common provocation. Smith. The week shakes the head, showed a laughing expression. “是吗?”面对着卡罗尔耀武扬威,如同一只母猩猩一般的挑衅。史密斯.周摇了摇头,也是露出了一个嗤笑的表情。 He does not dread with this female orangutan actually puts directly right, but also Tony eyes covetously in the nearby at present, he does not want at this kind of time by these two come around one converging attack. Moreover said again, he does not absolutely need to waste at that time and time, goes to and Carroll again makes this senseless battle, because at this time, the victory and defeat has been doomed. 他倒是不畏惧和这个母猩猩正面放对,只是眼下还有一个托尼在边上虎视眈眈,他可不想在这种时候被这两人来一个前后夹击。而且再说了,他也根本没有必要去浪费那个时候和功夫,再去和卡罗尔做这种无谓的争斗,因为在这个时候,胜负已经是注定了。 Pinched on the knob hot and damp soft glutinous, in bang bang the heart of beat, Smith. Above the five fingers of week, is appears the scarlet pale black five types of color flame. 捏了捏手上湿热软糯、还在砰砰跳动的心脏,史密斯.周的五指之上,已然是浮现出了赤红青白黑五种颜色的火焰来。 Inverts Yin-Yang five lines of magical powers to revolve in his hand, like hot heat of fusion wax general will change to one group to send out scarlet length arrow that is hard to describe the ray. But the next quarter, nail head seven arrows the technique of ancient form of witchcraft using incantations then takes the medium by this, under vigor bow that in his supernatural power changes, changes to the flowing light to project this long arrow, drives to go toward Carroll. 颠倒阴阳五行的神通在他的手上运转,如同火融热蜡一般的将之化作一团散发着难以描述光芒的猩红长箭。而下一刻,钉头七箭的厌胜之术便是以此作为媒介,在他法力化作的劲弓之下,将这支长箭化作流光射出,向着卡罗尔就直驱而去。 So the situation, Carroll naturally does not dare to make this type of strange thing moisten the body. She changes to the brilliance that speeds along immediately, the full outer space started the circumvention movement. But under the two stars shape the traveling speed of sub-light speed by her, as if also indeed is nothing thing can expel her right now. 如此情形,卡罗尔自然是不敢让这种诡异的东西沾身。她当即就化作飞驰的光焰,满太空做起了规避动作。而以她如今双星形态下亚光速的移动速度,似乎也的确是没有什么东西能够撵得上她的才对。 However, this circumvention also aims at the chase in conventional significance. But the magic arts of nail head seven arrows actually cannot consist mainly of the thing that conventional guesses, it involved in the level of fortune-telling, was higher level an application of skill. After it locked on the goal, it looks like an established destiny general, is doomed to happen, and is unable to be resisted, moved aside and stopped absolutely. 然而,这种规避到底也只是针对常规意义上的追逐。而钉头七箭的法术却并非是能以常规来揣测的东西,它涉及到了命理的层面上,是一种更高层次的技巧的应用。而在它锁定了目标之后,它就像是一个既定的命运一般,是注定发生,并且绝对无法被招架、躲闪和阻拦。 Carroll is doing not studiously. No matter she speeds along how fast, dodges is decisive, she cannot change this fact , can only helplessly looks, this scarlet advantage arrow same hit a target together her chest like the true ray, then straight drills into the heart that she just restored. 卡罗尔只是在做无用功。不管她飞驰的多么迅捷,闪避的多么果断,她都改变不了这个事实,也只能是眼睁睁的看着,这一道猩红的利箭如同真正的光芒一样射中了她的胸膛,然后直直的就钻入到了她刚刚恢复过来的心脏里。 Damn!” “该死的!” At this time, even the fool still knows that this absolutely is not any good matter. Carroll flurried, immediately wants pulling this advantage arrow. But, benefits the arrow to put on the chest to dissolve, as if returned to the parent body general, entered the heart on into, rushed to all the limbs and bones following warm-blooded of her heart directly. Let her have any stop radically without enough time. 这个时候,就算是傻子也知道这绝对不会是什么好事情。卡罗尔慌乱之下,立刻就想要把这只利箭给扯出来。可是,利箭穿胸即溶,仿佛回到了母体一般,一进入心脏就化入了其中,顺着她心头的热血就直接涌向了四肢百骸。让她根本来不及有任何的阻拦。 This also stimulated her ominous enormously. She can also look, Smith. The method that week strange measures is not a very threat awfully. Therefore, for a penny and for a pound, her direct inserted own chest simply, then dragged the heart that just the rebirth that makes an effort to pull came out again. 这也是极大的刺激了她的凶性。她也看得出来,史密斯.周这一手诡异莫测的手段是个非常要命的威胁。所以,干脆一不做二不休的,她直接一手插进了自己的胸膛,然后用力一扯的就把刚刚重生出来的心脏给再度扯拽了出来。 This to her is a giving up a rook to save a king action. If can prevent Smith with such way. The week secretly to these petty actions that she displays, then this loses many to be acceptable. 这对于她来说算是个弃车保帅的举措。如果能用这样的方式来阻止史密斯.周暗地里对她施展的那些小动作,那么这点损失多少还是可以接受的。 This after all is only the approach that she one-sided wishes. But facing this nearly barbaric behavior, Smith. The week distant finger/refers, sneered immediately. 只是,这毕竟只是她一厢情愿的做法。而面对她这种近乎野蛮的行为,史密斯.周遥遥一指,当即就是冷笑了起来。 What's wrong, you think that this method can block my method, if you really think, then I also can only say, you were too naive, naive simply stupid!” “怎么,你以为这种方法就能挡得住我的手段,如果你真的是这么想的话,那么我也只能是说,你太天真了,天真的简直愚蠢!” Is this with a clear goal, in addition Carroll is unable to determine. However she feels by Smith. The skill of week, was insufficient to cheat her with that inferior method at this time to cheat. He said, has acted according. But considering this, she is ugly on the complexion immediately, to Smith. The week closely examined. 这是不是有的放矢,卡罗尔尚且无法确定。但是她觉得凭借着史密斯.周的这一身本事,也不至于在这个时候用那种低劣的手段来诈她一诈。他这么说,想必是有所根据的。而考虑到这点,她立刻就脸色难看的,冲着史密斯.周追问了起来。 What did you make to me?” “你到底对我做了什么?” You will know quickly.” “你很快就会知道的。” Smith. The week has not made the positive/direct reply, but sneers to continue. But premonition very serious the Carroll complexion in the sixth sense immediately has changed, later jumps to turn toward Smith. The week dashed. 史密斯.周并没有做出正面的回答,只是冷笑不止。而已经在第六感中预感情况非常严重的卡罗尔脸色当即是一变,随后纵身就向着史密斯.周直扑了过去。 She wants to hold Smith. The week, intimidates him with every effort, making him relieve to the strange method that oneself use. However, has not waited for her to rush to Smith. The brilliance that the front of week, her body soars is a twinkle, then could not continue probably generally, extinguished in the halfway. 她想要抓住史密斯.周,尽最大可能的威逼他,让他解除对自己所施展的诡异手段。但是,还没有等她冲到史密斯.周的面前,她身上飞腾的光焰就已经是一阵闪烁,然后就好像是无以为继了一般,熄灭在了半途中。 This is Carroll , since obtaining the strength, has never had matter. The promotion that the two stars condition brings makes her almost be equal to a perpetual motion machine, in various universe radioactive energy almost infinite places, she is impossible the situation that presents this energy emission unable to continue. If present, then can only explain that her body had the problem. But she so powerful body, how also to possibly have the problem casually? 这是卡罗尔自从获得力量之后从未发生过的事情。双星状态所带来的提升让她几乎等于一个永动机,在宇宙这个各种放射性能量几乎无限的地方,她根本就不可能出现这种能量放射无以为继的情况的。如果有,那么就只能说明她的身体出现了问题。而她如此强大的身躯,又怎么可能会随随便便出现问题呢? The answer can only fall on just Smith. On method that the week uses. But regarding such a method, she besides surprised uncertain, the means of but also really having no find out by secret inquiry, he made anything to himself. 答案就只能是落在刚刚史密斯.周所施展的手段上面。而对于这样的一个手段,她除了惊疑不定之外,还真没有任何的办法去探知一下,他到底对自己做了什么。 Carroll many are somewhat regretted at this moment, she feels herself should not that rash. Asked that even Tony must wait prudently, even said that needs to request reinforcements the opponent who to her can cope with, the confidence where she comes, felt can oneself cope with him? 卡罗尔此刻多少是有些后悔,她觉得自己不应该那么的莽撞。试问一个连托尼都要慎重以待,甚至说需要向她求援才能对付的对手,她到底是哪来的信心,觉得自己能够对付得了他? Was negligent. However now, perhaps also not late. Focuses on walking randomly at the same time, attempts, in some time inserts to make the converging attack shape on Tony. Carroll had changed the attitude, decides to want the initiative coordination. 到底还是大意了。不过现在,或许还为时未晚。把目光放在一边游走着,试图在某个时刻插入进来做夹击状的托尼身上。卡罗尔心里已经是改变了态度,决定要主动的配合起来。 But she just under decided this determination, and plans to start to put in the action. Suddenly, huge transmits from her within the body ill fiercely. 而她刚刚下定这个决心,并且才打算开始付出行动。突然之间的,一股巨大的不适猛地从她的体内传来。 She has the feeling that one type just like suffocates, simultaneously, she also felt, own body seems losing the temperature. 她有了一种恍如窒息的感觉,同时的,她也感受到了,自己的身体仿佛在失去温度。 This is not the normal situation. Because since she obtained the strength, she does not have similar sensation. The oxygen to her has not been the necessary thing, after all the energy has replaced the oxygen regarding the function of her within the body organ. Simultaneously, her body also because of the full of energy, but forever maintains in a healthy condition, loses warm and so on situation is more impossible to happen on his body. 这不是正常的情况。因为自从她获得了力量之后,她就已经是没有了类似的感知。氧气对于她来说早已经不是必备的事物了,毕竟能量已经取代了氧气对于她体内器官的作用。同时的,她的身体也因为能量的充盈而永远的保持在一个健康的状态上,失温之类的情况更是不可能发生在他的身上。 Has this sense, can only say Smith. The week has started to reveal the symptom to the matter that oneself handled. But after realizing this point, she even more urgent wish and Tony collaborate. 有这种感官,只能说史密斯.周对自己所做的事情已经开始显露苗头了。而意识到了这一点之后,她越发迫切的想要和托尼联手起来。 She does not know that oneself situation can also deteriorate, if can, then existence of Tony without doubt is she best taking advantage. Her very clear this point, therefore she gave up attacking Smith immediately. The intention of week, planned that closes up to Tony. 她不知道自己的情况还会不会恶化下去,如果会,那么托尼的存在无疑就是她最好的依仗。她很清楚这一点,所以她当下就放弃了攻击史密斯.周的意图,打算向托尼靠拢过去。 The speed that but the matter deteriorates by far imagine compared with her must quickly. Almost is the next instantaneous matter, she feels the failure in body. 但事情恶化的速度远远要比她想象的还要更快一点。几乎就是下一个瞬间的事情,她就已经是感受到了身体内的衰竭。 Her body should be common like a perpetual motion machine, unlimited absorption various energy beams from universe, and will transform as can by the energy that oneself control. But the present situation is, this characteristics as if vanished generally, she lost to the sensation of energy, do not say that the absorption as well as transforms this process. 她的身体本该是如同一个永动机一般的,无限制的吸收着来自宇宙的各种能量射线,并且将之转化为能被自己所操控的能量。而现在的情况则是,这种特性仿佛是消失了一般的,她失去了对外界能量的感知,更不要说吸收以及转化这个过程。 This made her plunge into the desert general like a fish suddenly, the feeling of instinct hunger and thirst. Some energies of in her body only saving also start to consume completely, she feels an all-around degeneration. 这让她如同一条鱼突然跳入到了沙漠一般,本能的感受到了饥渴。而当她身体内仅存的一些能量也开始消耗殆尽之后,她更是感受到了一种全方位的退化。 That is one type from the high level life toward the process that a more preliminary life drops, seemed an omnipotent Spiritual God to turn into a paramaecium to be equally base and low. She is unable to describe specifically that feeling, she only knows, the strength in oneself body is dissipating, but she was very powerful in those days, nearly omnipotent body, in little degeneration for human the flesh and blood. 那是一种从更高级的生命向着更低级的生命跌落的过程,好似一个无所不能的神灵变成了一只草履虫一样卑微。她无法具体形容那种感觉,她只知道,自己身体里的力量在消散,而她往日里无比强大,近乎无所不能的身躯,也在一点点的退化为人类的血肉之躯。 This made her feel the incomparable panic, because in the past several years, her innermost feelings in had kept in mind such viewpoint. That is the strength, is all that she has. 这让她感到了无比的恐慌,因为在过去的数十年时间里,她的内心里早已经是树立了这样的观点。那就是力量,就是她所拥有的一切。 Her aloof position, dominates mentality above in numerous all living things, as well as to the earthliness sparing a glance of power and money, establishes, in she has in the foundation of this strength. If not because has the strength, she is how impossible to have today's all these, can say, including body and condition that her these for dozens years have not gotten older, does obeisance this strength to bestow. 她超然的地位,凌驾于芸芸众生之上的心态,以及对俗世权力和金钱的不屑一顾,都是建立在她拥有着这份力量的基础上的。如果不是因为拥有着力量,她怎么都不可能拥有今天的这一切,可以说,包括她这数十年来都不曾老化的身躯、状态,都是拜这份力量所赐。 She has also never thought that oneself will have a day that loses this strength. Has not really thought that but cannot think toward this aspect. 她还从未想过,自己会有失去这力量的一天。并非是真的没有想过,而是根本不敢往这方面去想。 She is clear, that can be a nightmare. Regardless how she has not thought, this nightmare will arrive in this moment unexpectedly, fulfills to her body directly. This made her almost crazy, but also is immediately, she is sharp the throat to Smith. The week shouted. 她心里非常清楚,那会是一个噩梦。只是她无论如何也没有想到,这个噩梦居然会在这一刻降临,直接应验到她的身上。这让她几近疯狂了,而也是立刻的,她就尖着嗓子对史密斯.周嘶吼了起来。 What did you make to me?” “你到底对我做了什么?” In her scream to the utmost hatred and angry, but this is not useful. Lost the strength, she was unable again through the dissemination of energy, but voices in the universe vacuum, therefore she screamed at this moment no matter what, in Smith. Zhou Yanli is also the fish that in the fish bowl spits the froth, unproductive is opening and closing the mouth. 她的尖叫里极尽怨毒和恼怒,但是这并没有什么用。失去了力量,她已经无法再通过能量的传播而在宇宙真空中发声,所以她此刻不管怎么样尖叫,在史密斯.周眼里也不过是鱼缸里吐泡泡的鱼,徒劳的开合着嘴巴罢了。 Naturally, he can also guess correctly that Carroll is interrogating anything. Therefore is also the look ponders, he replied. 当然,他也是能猜到卡罗尔到底在质问些什么。所以也是眼神玩味的,他就这么回答了起来。 Actually also does not have any, but did a small experiment. Naturally, I have not thought, you will imagine me unexpectedly is stupider.” “其实也没有什么,只不过是做了一个小小的实验罢了。当然,我没有想到,你居然会比我想象中的还要愚蠢。” I used the magic arts of inversion Yin-Yang to reverse the order of your within the body, making some inherent skills of your body have confused and collapse. This is not the major problem, the strength that if you have to yourself has an enough clear understanding and enough thorough control, this most can only add 1 slightly to trouble to you.” “我用颠倒阴阳的法术逆转了你体内的秩序,让你身体的一些固有技能发生了错乱和崩溃而已。这并不是什么大问题,如果你对自己所拥有的力量有着一个足够清晰的认识和足够深入的掌控的话,这最多只能给你添上一点小麻烦。” But, what I have not thought that you as if do not have such ability. It seems like your so many years lived on a body of dog was the same. You only know to use it, simply had not actually inquired into that is because anything can use it, because of anything, but makes this strength so special. Jokes aside, this was really regrettable!” “但是,我没有想到的是,你似乎并不具备这样的能力。就好像是你这么多年的时间都活在了一只狗的身上一样。你只知道使用它,却根本没有探究一下到底是因为什么才能使用它,又是因为什么,而使得这份力量如此的特殊。说真的,这真是太让人遗憾了!” This is the obvious ridicule, will only make Carroll hate. But has not waited for her to send out many cursing with enough time, in removing of last energy along with her body, universe ice-cold is brutally starts swallows her life. 这是明显的嘲弄,只会让卡罗尔更加的怨恨。但还没有等她来得及发出更多的咒骂,伴随着她身体里最后一丝能量的褪去,宇宙的冰冷已经是开始无情的吞噬起她的生命来。 The low temperature that is unable to resist made her body be frozen an ice sculpture, but the environment of does not have any oxygen also made her be claimed the life by the vacuum instantaneously. 无法抵御的低温让她的身体被冻成了一块冰雕,而没有任何氧气的环境也使得她瞬间被真空夺去了生命。 No one can imagine, in the universe the famous surprised team leader unexpectedly dies in such a laughable and base and low way in this place. But this is the reality, but facing this reality, Tony also can only get hold of the fist, started the full power stimulation of movement the strength of unlimited gem. 没有任何人能够想象得到,宇宙里大名鼎鼎的惊奇队长居然会以一种这么可笑而且卑微的方式死在这种地方。但这就是现实,而面对这个现实,托尼也只能是握紧了拳头,开始全力的催动起了无限宝石的力量来。 :.: :。:
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