MSG :: Volume #24

#2320: Chapter 2182

Counting that but actually in the mouth twittering no one is knowing, Tony is to Steve is putting out a hand. 口中呢喃着谁也不知道的倒计数,托尼已经是再次对着史蒂夫的所在伸出了手来。 Similarly is transfers three gems the strengths, this he almost holds the thoughts that must kill to Steve time. Because he can look, Steve does not have the ability to withstand oneself oneself next wave of attack. Oneself only need to cancel the index finger again, can thoroughly settle this gratitude and grudges difficult minute of foe, he really have no reason to reject such a seduction. 同样是调动三颗宝石的力量,这一次他对史蒂夫几乎是抱着必杀的心思。因为他看得出来,史蒂夫已经是没有能力来承受自己自己的下一波攻击了。自己只需要再勾勾食指,就能彻底了结这个恩怨难分的仇敌,他实在是没有理由去拒绝这样的一个诱惑。 Naturally, this also has other schemes. When approaches his obvious sensation to a powerful strength again, and straight to oneself come the time, he knows, own planning really not wrong. 当然,这也是有着其他的图谋的。而当他明显感知到一股强大的力量再靠近,并且笔直的就是冲着自己过来的时候,他就知道,自己的算计果然是没有错。 Steve is different from these common Hydra heads, regarding Smith week, he even is also only a board game piece, perhaps is still unreplaceable that. This makes him probably take seriously Steve's life and death, but probably now this he has threatened Steve poor life situation, Smith week naturally cannot sit by and do nothing. 史蒂夫到底和那些寻常的九头蛇首脑不同,对于史密斯周来说,他即便也只是个棋子,恐怕也是不可替代的那一个。这就让他必须要重视史蒂夫的生死,而像是现在这种他已经威胁到了史蒂夫小命的情况,史密斯周自然是不能坐视不理的。 It can be said that center this Tony below bosom, therefore is also spearhead one revolution, he displays the strength that this erupted on the body of Smith week. 可以说,这正中了托尼的下怀,所以也就是矛头一转的,他就把这股爆发出来的力量施展在了史密斯周的身上。 Also was hitting one was caught off guard. Smith week simply has not prepared with enough time, has been forced to welcome the impact of unlimited gem. This is the first time that he strength of facing directly the unlimited gem, he simply had not realized that actually the strength of unlimited gem is what kind of great strength. Has a low opinion of the enemy with the general idea/careless, making him dig in the bird in cage to hit like one generally directly in the hand of Tony. But regarding this life and death archenemy who brewed the miserable state, Tony will not have the meaning that the half a point is forgiving. 也算是给打了一个措手不及。史密斯周根本没有来得及准备,就已经被迫迎上了无限宝石的冲击。这是他第一次直面无限宝石的力量,他还根本没有意识到无限宝石的力量究竟是何等的强大。轻敌和大意,让他如同一头扎入笼中的飞鸟一般直接撞在了托尼的手上。而对于这个酿造了自己悲惨境地的生死大敌,托尼可不会有半分留情的意思。 The space breakage and reality twist, endless huge raids vigorously rolling. Tony looks like the hand to grasp the egg to be the same at this moment, wants hiding powder essence of Smith week in egg shell grinding. However, has treating it lightly of certain extent with Smith week to him, he also underestimated the level of Smith week. 空间破裂、现实扭曲,无尽的庞然大力滚滚袭来。托尼此刻就像是手握着鸡蛋一样,想要把藏身于蛋壳之中的史密斯周给碾成粉粹。然而,和史密斯周对他有一定程度的掉以轻心一样,他也同样是低估了史密斯周的水平。 A Smith week several thousand years of accumulation did not say that with will only sit idle and eat, indulges the gods in own past honor is different. His these for several thousand years are accumulating always, but this also caused, he has surpassed the limits of god, achieved them radically not the unimaginable altitude. 史密斯周数千年的积累到底也不是说说而已的,和只会坐吃山空,沉溺于自己往日荣光里的众神不同。他这数千年来无时无刻不在积累,而这也就导致了,他早已经超越了众神的极限,达到了一个他们所根本无法想象的高度。 Single-handedly taught the disciples who can revere to be on par with the Buddha day, do not say that compared with him who this disciple also wants many several thousand years of accumulation. 一手教导出来的弟子都能和佛祖天尊比肩,更不要说比这种弟子还要多少数千年积累的他了。 Moreover, Smith week takes advantage to be possible not only to be only these accumulations, he also plans. The strength Neuhut oneself body of antiquity evil spirit was one of his plans. But he biggest plan actually, with the pain and weak of this half a lifetime, traded to the named Robert Reynolds's person's control, building up will become a gold/metal pill by the technology that the human body refine, but after swallowing this gold/metal pill, he had nearly inconceivable great power directly. 而且,史密斯周依仗可不仅仅只是这些积累,他还有谋划。将上古凶神的力量纳于己身是他的谋划之一。而他最大的谋划却还是,用这一世半生的病痛和虚弱,换来了对名为罗伯特雷诺兹的人的掌控,以人体炼成的技术将之炼成了一颗金丹,而在吞下了这颗金丹之后,他直接就拥有了近乎不可思议的强大力量。 A leaf of link the front door of newborn universe is launching in his body, the strength of star 1 million were just born, granted him nearly infinite possibility. It can be said that from that moment on, he has in this universe the topest strength. Dominates the great strength absolutely above universe all living things. But this great strength, naturally is not the unlimited gem can easily act bashful. 一扇联通着新生宇宙的大门在他的躯体内展开,百万颗刚刚诞生的恒星的力量,赐予了他近乎无限的可能。可以说,从这一刻起,他就已经是拥有了这个宇宙中最为顶尖的力量。是绝对凌驾于宇宙众生之上的强大。而这份强大,自然也不是无限宝石所能轻易拿捏的。 Like destroying a barrier, space shatter was routed by him instantaneously. Also like smoothing a paper, the realistic distortion cannot play any role to him similarly. Smith week is blocked slightly, had broken through the bamboo fence directly. When he rushes to front of Tony in one vigorous effort, he will not naturally be forgiving, blew up the whole body strength is a fist wielded. 如同打碎了一层屏障,空间的破碎瞬间就被他所击溃。又如同抚平一张纸张,现实的扭曲同样对他起不到任何的作用。史密斯周只是稍稍受阻,就已经是直接冲破了藩篱。而当他一鼓作气冲到托尼面前的时候,他自然是不会留情的,鼓起浑身的力量就已经是一拳挥了出去。 Does not perform any magic arts to decorate, does not use any magical powers. Depends on this inexhaustible strength merely, Smith week had made a fist that links up the backdrop. 不加以任何的法术来修饰,也不动用任何的神通。仅仅只是靠着这一身无穷无尽的力量,史密斯周就已经是打出了贯通天幕的一拳。 The sky, cloud layer and atmosphere, are similar to a ripped open canvas instantaneously are common, was ripped a jet black opening. The boundless strength is odd/surplus potential does not reduce, ran out of Earth directly, broke in the universe deep place. Center Saturn this struck, the famous earth star link was ripped open an opening immediately, but Saturn, because also this strikes, but landslide cracks in the earth, the plate is turbulent. 天空、云层、大气,瞬间就如同一张被撕开的画布一般,被撕出了一道漆黑的裂口。磅礴的力量更是余势不减的,直接冲出了地球,冲入到了宇宙的深处。土星正中了这一击,闻名遐迩的土星星环当即被撕开了一个豁口,而土星内部,也因为这一击而山崩地裂,板块动荡。 Without a doubt, this is the fist of earth-shattering. However, enjoys Tony that this struck directly actually not like like that falls into to what hopeless situation that in Smith week expects. 毫无疑问,这是天崩地裂的一拳。然而,正面受用了这一击的托尼却并没有如同史密斯周所料的那般,陷入到什么绝境之中。 He like the illusory image that does not have, places oneself the point in parallel line, does not invade for this powerful strength. But realizes this point, Smith week also cannot help but showed the dignified look. 他如同一个根本不存在的幻影,一个置身于平行线上的点,根本就不为这强大的力量所侵扰。而意识到这一点,史密斯周也是不由得露出了凝重的神色来。 His attempt wants to strike the accomplishment actually not, cutting to kill Tony this serious hidden trouble in this. Although said that has quite self-confidently regarding own strength, but he will not be in such a situation extremely arrogantly. 他本身的企图倒不是想要一击建功,就此将托尼这个心腹大患给斩杀于此。虽然说对于自己的实力有相当的自信,但是他也不会狂妄到这样的一个地步。 Reason that said that makes such thunder to strike, what are more is to pull off the battlefield Tony, making among them the fight be insufficient to erupt above this small Earth. After all, regarding their owners of this strength, Earth this abattoir was too rather small, somewhat cannot extend the hands and feet. His many must worry the wound and innocent issue, therefore he has such idea is not considered as that wrong. Has not thought, Tony will have such skill unexpectedly, let his intention falling completely to the vacancy. 之所以说做如此的雷霆一击,更多的还是想要就此把托尼拖出战场,让他们之间的战斗不至于爆发在这个小小的地球之上。毕竟,对于他们这种力量的拥有者来说,地球这个角斗场未免太小了一些,有些伸展不开手脚。他多少还是要顾虑着伤及无辜的这个问题,所以他有这样的想法也并不算是错。只是没有想到,托尼居然会有这样的本事,让他的这个意图全然的落入到了空处。 Not, not in the middle, not in other shore. The realistic gem grants the Tony strength almost in a being as deep as a well Zen. This many makes Smith week somewhat timid and hesitant, suddenly does not know should should do. Facing appearing in oneself present life and death archenemy, Tony is actually not able to display calmly so many. 不在此间,不在中间,不在彼岸。现实宝石赐予托尼的力量几近于一种高深莫测的禅学。这多少让史密斯周有些束手束脚,一时间不知该如何是好起来。只是面对出现在自己眼前的这个生死大敌,托尼却无法表现得那么多镇定。 He no doubt loses actually the image of human at this moment, however since seeing that moment of Smith week, in his eye sprayed just like the brilliance hatred. This is his all pain accomplishment, is he is unable to forgive absolutely, personal enemy who must kill absolutely personally. Past events all sorts, can definitely say to remember with eternal gratitude, but this also causes him immediately by the voice of distortion, was roaring to him lowly. 他此刻固然已经是失却了人类的形象,但是在看到史密斯周的那一刻起,他的眼睛里还是喷射出了宛若光焰般的仇恨。这是他一切苦痛的造就者,也是他绝对无法原谅,也绝对要亲手杀死的仇人。往事种种,完全可以说得上是刻骨铭心,而这也就使得他当下就以失真的嗓音,对着他低吼了起来。 Smith week!” “史密斯周!” Although shouted a name, but the mood in actually is also the expression was clear. This in Shimisizhou is not strange, after all is he who harm is with one's family broken up and decimated, breaks up a family. As long as he is a man, has the courage and uprightness man, he should have the resentment hatred and anger is so right. 尽管只是呼喊了一个名字,但是个中的情绪却也已经是表达的一清二楚了。这于史密斯周来说并不奇怪,毕竟是自己害的他家破人亡,妻离子散。但凡他还是个男人,是个有血性的爷们,他都该有这般的怨憎和愤怒才对。 Naturally, the similar truth, he also has similar mood to Tony. Ariane Kouhia died in Frank's hand. But the child debt father recompenses, is in itself also a perfectly justified truth. How even if he displays now says the poor business conditions to be light again, actually also not in other words Ariane Kouhia in him dispensable, merely is only a tool. Conversely, Ariane Kouhia has certain weight/quantity in him. Therefore, facing can also be Tony of personal enemy similarly, he is sneering immediately, was in sharp opposition. 当然,同样的道理,他也对托尼有着类似的情绪。阿莱克西亚到底还是死在了弗兰克的手上。而子债父偿,本身也是一个天经地义的道理。哪怕他现在表现得再怎么云淡风轻,却也并不就是说阿莱克西亚在他心里就可有可无,仅仅只是一个工具。相反的,阿莱克西亚到底是在他心里有着一定分量的。所以,面对同样也算得上是仇人的托尼,他当即就冷笑着,针锋相对了起来。 Right, is I. It seems like for sometime has not seen, you as if think to me very much. Naturally, I am also same, but was a pity, some that you come back late. Probably has not seen your wife and children with enough time finally one side.” “没错,是我。看起来有段时间没有见,你似乎对我很是想念啊。当然,我也是一样,只是可惜,你回来的有些晚了。都好像没有来得及见你妻儿的最后一面。” Smith week!” “史密斯周!” This type was almost equal to open in his heart the scar words, is not naturally able to be tolerated by Tony. His angrily roars, has been coercing the infinite might, to Smith week was striking ruthlessly. 这种几乎等同于揭开他心头上疮疤的话,自然无法被托尼所容忍。他一声怒吼,就已经是裹挟着无穷的威力,对着史密斯周的所在狠狠地拍击了过去。 Suddenly, the entire sky seemed like the mirror that broke together to be the same, is cracked the innumerable shiny black fissures. That is the space by layer upon layer the appearance of tearing, but under this appearance, almost all exists in thing becomes the fragment by this fearful strength to thorough ripping unavoidably. 一时间,整个天空都像是一块破碎开来的镜子一样,龟裂开了无数黑黝黝的裂痕。那是空间被层层撕裂的模样,而在这种模样之下,几乎所有存在于其中的事物都免不了被这可怕的力量给彻底的撕成碎片。 However, this is not useful to Smith week. He calmly stands and waits for a long time in the upper air, whatever the fissure of whole body space sweeps across like the storm, the whole person is common like the ancient reef and majestic cliff, whatever the storm sways, the tsunami gallops, is yi however is motionless, is one does not place the appearance in eye completely. But this also natural stimulation Tony, making him more turbulent, wilder release unlimited gem mighty force. But how no matter he diligently, cannot change the present situation of present. 然而,这对于史密斯周并没有什么用。他静静地伫立在高空之中,任由周身空间的裂痕如同风暴般席卷而过,整个人却是如同亘古的礁石、雄壮的山崖一般,任由风暴吹拂,海啸奔腾,就是佁然不动,完全是一副不放在眼中的模样。而这也理所当然的刺激到了托尼,让他更加汹涌,也更加狂暴的释放出了无限宝石的伟力。但不管他如何努力,都是改变不了眼下的这个现状。 The great strength of Smith week is he not unimaginable. Even if said that he had grasped the strength of unlimited gem at this moment, is actually hard to survey the depth of Smith week suddenly radically. 史密斯周的强大是他所无法想象的。哪怕说他此刻已经是掌握了无限宝石的力量,却也是一时间根本难以探测出史密斯周的深浅来。 This experiences and experience issue. Explained, he is depends on the unlimited gem to obtain the strength of present, but these lacked a process of normal growth. Arrives at this situation person to be different from these carefully today, their great strength in their effort, in unceasing tempering establish. They have faced the innumerable opponents, the experience excessively innumerable sceneries. When they ascend a height to get a broad view to this position, they naturally have all kinds to change all hide understanding thoroughly in heart, understands clearly. 这是经验和见识的问题。说明白了,他到底是靠着无限宝石才获得如今的这份力量,而这其中到底是缺少了一个正常成长的过程。和那些一步一个脚印走到今天这个地步的人不同,他们的强大是在自身的努力,不断的磨砺中建立起来的。他们面对过无数的对手,见识过无数的风景。所以当他们登临到这个位置上的时候,他们自然是有着一种万般变化皆藏于心中的洞明,了然。 But Tony lacks is this point, where therefore he cannot see the limit of Smith week. An misconception makes him think that perhaps oneself wants, only to need again many diligently little, can thorough Smith week crashing. Naturally, this merely is also only his misconception. The unproductive effort is not only hard to have any influence on Smith week, instead was makes the experienced, experienced and careful Smith week see clearly his clue. 托尼缺少的就是这一点,所以他根本看不出史密斯周的极限在哪里。一种错觉让他以为自己只要再多努力一点,或许只需要一点点,就能彻底的把史密斯周给压垮下去。当然,这仅仅也只是他的错觉而已。徒劳的努力不仅难以对史密斯周造成任何的影响,反而是让见多识广,老谋深算的史密斯周看清楚了他的端倪。 Smith week moves to the star to trade to fight, the skill of great power counter- moon/month, if places Zhou Yi, ten have ** is what effect. Because a Zhou Yi pair of mental perception had arrived the situation of meeting the space and time, if really plays such acrobatics before him, then ten have ** will pull out by a palm of the hand to the face comes up. Although was not necessarily able to want his short remaining life, but this face must certainly lose cleanly. 史密斯周这一手移星换斗,回天反月的本事,要是放在周易的跟前,十有**是起不到什么效果的。因为周易的一双慧眼早已经到了照见时空的地步,真要是在他面前耍这样的把戏,那么十有**会被一巴掌抽到脸上去。虽说是未必会要了他的老命,但是这张老脸是肯定要丢干净的。 But is this, the front that this move places Tony, keeps him from being solvable obstinately. This made Smith week realize immediately, he was also an old farmer who embraced the gold brick, had a strength actually not to know boorish fellow who spatially how displayed. 但就是这样,这一招放在托尼的面前,却愣是让他无法可解。这就让史密斯周当即就意识到了,他也不过是个怀抱金砖的老农,空有一身力量却根本不知道如何施展的莽汉罢了。 From this, Tony was drops in a point regarding his threat immediately. But is secure, he was laughing to Tony. 由此来看,托尼对于他的威胁当即是下降到了一个点上。而根本就是有恃无恐的,他就已经是对着托尼嗤笑了起来。 „Is this taking advantage that you revenge? Is this your complete skill? If the words of your really a little skill, then I urged you to be honest tumbling out Earth, rolled must not exposed to the light to these corner, continued to repent. Depending on this, you wants to revenge, simply is dream of a fool!” “这就是你报仇的依仗?这就是你全部的本事?如果说你真的只有这么一点本事的话,那么我劝你还是老老实实的滚出地球,滚到那些见不得光的角落里,继续去自怨自艾吧。就凭这,你想报仇,简直就是痴人说梦!” He is saying, is blows up to the limitless supernatural power vigorously, magical powers of one great power counter- moon/month displaying pinnacle. 他这么说着,就已经是鼓起浑厚到无边无际的法力,把一身回天反月的神通给发挥到了极致。 This magical powers have a view to be called the technique of great power, itself refers to violating all sort of changes of correct path common sense reversing all, making the same evening day rise as if again, the moon/month lacked again the full general restoration to the habit above. But places here is, Smith Zhou Pin the space that goes all-out to break, seemed like bound and pieced together was the same in one, large expanse of restoration. 这一门神通有个说法叫做回天之术,本身就是指将一切违背正道常理的诸般变化给扭转回来,让其如同夕日重升,月缺再盈一般的恢复到常态之上。而放在这里就是,史密斯周拼尽全力所破碎的空间,就好像是被重新黏合、拼凑在了一起一样,成片成片的恢复了过来。 The speed that he destroys is enough quick, but actually cannot resist the speed of under Smith week magical powers restoring to be quicker. But suddenly, in the world is quiet and peaceful. Tony also can only be got hold of the fist that a face is furious, then dangled slowly the hand. 他破坏的速度是够快,但是却抵不住史密斯周神通之下恢复的速度更快。而眨眼之间,天地之间已经是一片清宁。托尼也只能是一脸震怒的握紧了拳头,然后慢慢的垂下了手来。 He could not have continued to a certain extent. After all, he really did not tame the unlimited gem, but borrowed its strength with some being opportunistic method. Since borrows, is naturally impossible not to have the limit. Especially when he realized oneself do basically is not studious, he naturally also can only suppress the anger, chose giving up. 他某种程度上已经是无以为继了。毕竟,他并非是真的驯服了无限宝石,而只是用某种取巧的方法借用了它的力量。而既然是借,那么自然也就不可能没有极限。尤其是当他意识到自己所做基本已经是无用功的时候,他自然也就只能是强忍着怒火,选择了放弃。 He is whispering four times at heart, simultaneously slightly does not endure the mentality of chaotic big stratagem to warn itself by one type unceasingly. 还有四次他这么在心里嘀咕着,同时以一种小不忍则乱大谋的心态不断地告诫着自己。 But this places in the eye of Smith week is his retreating, as well as helpless. As if said that is his limit a little, but this also made Smith week unscrupulous. 而这放在史密斯周的眼中就是他的退却,以及无能为力。似乎说是他的极限就只有这么一点,而这也就让史密斯周更加的肆无忌惮了起来。 What's wrong? Won't you say the words? Also right, after realizing own helplessness, you also almost should be clear realizing, at this time said anything useless. Defeats wailing of dog, indeed does not conform to your Stark consistent attitude. That may after all be your wife and son.” “怎么?你连话都不会说了吗?也对,在意识到了自己的无能为力之后,你也差不多该是清醒的认识到,这个时候说什么都没有用的了。到底不过是败犬的哀嚎,也的确是不符合你史塔克的一贯作风。只是,那可毕竟是你的妻子和儿子啊。” Visits them dead helplessly, looks at my big personal enemy at present, you can actually display calmly. Is this can only show, they in your weight/quantity a little? Really laughable, Tony Stark, seemed like me to choose mistakenly the play curtain, your so-called love did not seem worth mentioning, not?” “眼睁睁的看着他们死去,看着我这个大仇人就在眼前,你却能表现得这么的冷静。这是不是只能证明,他们在你心里的分量只有那么一点呢?真可笑,托尼史塔克,看起来我选错了戏幕啊,你所谓的爱似乎根本不值一提,不是吗?” Shut up, shut up, shuts up to me!” “闭嘴,闭嘴,给我闭嘴!” Like stretching a oneself string, Tony at this moment almost definitely is unable to control own eruption the fluctuation of incomparable terrifying. 如同绷断了自己心里的一根弦,此刻的托尼几乎是完全无法控制自己的爆发出了无比恐怖的波动来。 This fluctuation makes the world change color, the upper air that he stands and waits for a long time was broken to have a dark large cave/hole directly, starts to be similar to great whale absorbing water general swallowed all things all around. The atmosphere surges, the lightning flies to shoot. The invisible strong winds curl up the tornado violent directly, lets the sea water ebullition, the sky is low-spirited. 这股波动让天地变色,他所伫立的高空直接被破碎出了一个黝黑的大洞,开始如同巨鲸吸水一般的吞咽起了周遭的一切事物。大气激荡,闪电飞射。无形的狂风直接卷起龙卷风暴,让海水沸腾,天空黯然。 Is the unconsciousness overflowing powder, has might so. This is lets all focus attention on here person to feel fearful and apprehensive sufficiently. But regarding Smith week, this is actually he situation that wants to see. He said so many idle talk, nothing but is wants thoroughly enrages him. Now since the goal had achieved, then he also on simple soaring, turns toward outside the star to fly directly, only leaves behind one. 仅仅是无意识的溢散,就已经是有这般威力。这足以是让所有瞩目着这里的人感到心惊胆战。而对于史密斯周来说,这却是他正想要看到的情况。他说了那么多的废话,无非就是想要彻底的激怒他。现在目的既然已经达成了,那么他也就干脆的腾空而起,直接向着星球外飞去,只留下一句。 You want the certificate you to have love them, then the proof looks to me. I am waiting for you beyond the day, do not let me underestimate you, Tony Stark!” “你想要证明你有多爱他们,那么就证明给我看吧。我就在天外等着你,可别让我小看了你,托尼史塔克!” Will Tony make him sneak off? The answer cannot certainly. But also after shouted angrily, he is also the change made the flowing light of overflowing, directly pursued the past toward Smith week. 托尼会让他这么溜走吗?答案是当然不会。而也就是在一声怒喝之后,他也已经是变化做了四溢的流光,径直的向着史密斯周追击了过去。 He must take revenge, spares nothing. Even if can look at this perhaps is a snare, he is still also duty-bound not to turn back. After all, he had lost all. Therefore even this is a snare, what he also has to be good to dread? 他要复仇,不惜一切代价。哪怕能看出来这或许是个圈套,他也依然义无反顾。毕竟,他已经失去了所有。所以就算这是个圈套,他又有什么好畏惧的呢?
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