MSG :: Volume #23

#2203: Brutally uses the brutal promise

Devils to human valuable? The answer does not have. Perhaps will say years later, when human will enter to the civilized jump period of peaceful and rapid growth again, human thinks that will retain such 1-2 devils for own culture, to act as the material of research tradition and myth. However now, sends in the war and chaotic frequency, the devils are still watching for in the special period of world in secret, human regarding the devils only idea is, gives them sweeps into the garbage heap of history thoroughly. 魔鬼对人类具有价值吗?答案是没有。或许说若干年后,当人类再次进入到和平以及高速发展的文明跃进期,人类会想到为自己的文化保留那么1-2魔鬼,以充作研究传统和神话的素材。但是现在,在战争和混乱频发,魔鬼们还在暗中窥伺着人类世界的特殊时期里,人类对于魔鬼们唯一的想法就是,把他们给彻底地扫进历史的垃圾堆里。 But in Ariane Kouhia's eyes, they similarly is the trash, but said, in the spirit of a making use of waste principle, she also wants before these trash were swept clear truly is clean, again with them burns a fire. 而在阿莱克西亚的眼里,他们同样是垃圾,只不过是说,本着一个废物利用的原则,她还想要在这些垃圾真正被清扫干净之前,再拿他们烧把火罢了。 But must do that first first step is, disperses the brave common devils to give the thorough integration these guerrilla forces in own subordinate. 而要这么做,首先的第一步就是,把这些游兵散勇一般的魔鬼们给彻底统合在自己的麾下。 This is Victor suddenly falls from the sky a created peculiar circumstance. Originally said that Smith. Zhou Bang Victor was obtaining the Mephisto strength, making him the lord of new hell, is can control these devils in hell with the aid of such a status, making them coordinate own big plan to make an issue. 这是维克托的突然陨落所造成的一个特殊情况。本来说,史密斯.周帮着维克托获得了墨菲斯托的力量,让他成为了新的地狱之主,为的就是能够借助这样的一个身份来控制地狱里的这些魔鬼们,让他们配合着自己的大计划做文章。 Feared that including Smith. Week have not thought that Victor unexpectedly so dramatic planting in the hand of Ultron. This dramatic development causes always to be only the one-way contact, controlled him who these devils acted also to follow to lose using Victor to devil's control. To integrate these board game pieces to the control during again, Ariane Kouhia also has to personally act, comes one to strike to they make such. 只是,怕是连史密斯.周自己都没有想到,维克托居然会如此戏剧性的栽在了奥创的手上。这种戏剧性的发展使得从来都只是单线联系,利用维克托来掌控那些魔鬼行动的他也跟着失去了对魔鬼的掌控。而为了重新把这些棋子纳入到掌控之中,阿莱克西亚也不得不亲自出面的,来对他们做这样的一番敲打。 So-called strikes, slaughters with frightened. Do not count on that the method of what major principle or instigation will of the people can play the role to the devils. But devil lifeform the thorough egotist, in their eyes does not have the interests of what country, race and collective, in their eyes, own benefit is higher than all. 所谓敲打,就是杀戮和恐惧。不要指望什么大道理或者煽动人心的手段能够对魔鬼们起到作用。魔鬼这种生物可是彻彻底底的利己主义者,他们眼里可不存在什么国家、种族以及集体的利益,在他们眼里,自己的利益才是高于一切的。 Like Mephisto this type, is willing to be a few that a silly son raises. But probably black heart silly son, is thinking daily position that usurps the father, own father chasing off the stage, is the mainstream idea in hell. 墨菲斯托这种,愿意把一个傻儿子养大的都算是少数。而像是黑心这种傻儿子,天天想着篡自己老爹的位,把自己老爹给赶下台去的,才算是地狱里的主流思想。 Therefore with his waste lips and tongue and thoughts, handles this doing a thankless job matter. Then might as well uses the most primitive way, namely realizes with the violence and terrifying to their rules. 所以与其浪费唇舌和心思,做这种吃力不讨好的事情。那么还不如用最原始的方式,即以暴力和恐怖来实现对他们的统治。 Perhaps said that this method is primitive and barbaric, displays strenuously also. However it absolutely is effective. Especially to this selfish race, how they to be again greedy and deceitful, impossible is aloof as for the soul to own life. 或许说这种手段原始而野蛮,施展起来还十分的吃力。但是它却绝对是行之有效的。尤其是对这种自私自利的种族来说,他们再怎么贪婪和狡诈,也不可能对自己的性命乃至于灵魂无动于衷吧。 Ariane Kouhia used such characteristics, came up to open the buddhist commandment against taking life to extant several devil feudal lords greatly. In any case to her, she needs is also only some cannon fodders. Has that strength outstanding devil feudal lord not to be unimportant, in addition leaves behind them also to create certain hidden danger to the follow-up plan, therefore the nature, she will not leave behind such possibility to them. 阿莱克西亚就是利用了这样的一个特性,一上来就对现存的几个魔鬼领主大开了杀戒。反正对于她来说,她需要的也只是一些炮灰而已。有没有那种实力拔群的魔鬼领主在都并不重要,再加上留下他们还有可能对后续的计划造成一定的隐患,所以自然的,她不会给他们留下这样的可能。 Only left behind a lucky fellow to treat as the megaphone, for can also call entirely the devil in this piece of region. After all, the devil feudal lord's method in this aspect is remarkable, making them do for somebody to handle this matter, always to walk to be much more convenient than her. 只留下了一个幸运儿当做传声筒,为的也是能把这片区域内的魔鬼统统的召集起来。毕竟,魔鬼领主在这方面的手段还是可圈可点的,让他们代劳做这种事情,总比她一个又一个找上门去要方便得多。 Regarding the common devil, they had not actually been clear head ruling class had had the tremendous changes. Perhaps some such 1-2 brain flexible fellows will feel strange why the feudal lord of this enemy opposite party can cross the eldest child to subpoena itself on, so long as thinks struggling between feudal lords, they have oneself guess. 对于寻常魔鬼而言,他们其实还并不清楚自己头上的统治阶级已经发生了天翻地覆的变化。或许有那么1-2脑子灵活的家伙会奇怪,为什么这个敌对方的领主能够越过自家老大传唤到自己身上,但是只要一想领主之间的明争暗斗,他们心里也就已经是有了自己的猜测。 Nothing but was these feudal lords battles has a result. But under that without needing their these cannon fodders slaughters mutually, actually most devils did not mind the feudal lord who own head sits changed individual. 无非就是这些领主们相互之间的争斗已经有了一个结果。而在不需要他们这些炮灰相互厮杀的前提之下,其实大多数的魔鬼都并不介意自己头上坐着的领主换了个人。 Whom serves in any case is not serves? So long as can obtain the asylum of some great power, so long as can rely upon his prestige, but is unscrupulous is enjoying the pleasant sensation of doing evil. Then let alone the opposite party was that feudal lord who were familiar with, even if traded to make a human, even if said that was an angel, to them also had anything to distinguish. 反正侍奉谁不是侍奉呢?只要能得到某个强大力量的庇护,只要能仰仗着他的威名而肆无忌惮得享受着作恶的快感。那么别说对方是不是自己所熟悉的那个领主了,就算是换做一个人类,哪怕说是一个天使,对于他们来说又有什么区别呢。 This is a very realistic idea, but also because of this idea, this is making the devils see to crawl Hualet Kouhia's front feudal lord, and sits when Ariane Kouhia above throne high, quick accepted the reality. 这是一种非常现实的想法,而也正因为这种想法,这才使得魔鬼们在见到匍匐于阿莱克西亚面前的领主,以及高坐在王座之上的阿莱克西亚时,很快就接受了现实。 They the first time were are not ruled by human in any case, came again one time also no at the worst. So long as this new lord can bring enough benefit to them, who then trades to do is sits in their heads, they will not have the too big opinion. 反正他们也不是第一次被人类所统治了,再来一次也没有什么大不了的。只要这个新的主子能够给他们带来足够的利益,那么换做是谁坐在他们的头上,他们都不会有太大的意见。 Regarding because the contempt or is the matter that what the prejudice makes to provoke? Excuse me, this stupid matter can only happen on the idiot of these not long brain. But the idiot does not have the qualifications to be summoned this place. 至于说因为轻视或者说是成见而做出什么挑衅的事情?不好意思,这种愚蠢的事情只能是发生在那些不长脑子的蠢货身上。而蠢货是没有资格被召见到这种地方的。 The devil feudal lord is not the fool. Before can maintain a livelihood is purely the lucky matter, subpoenaed this place that fool at this time, if this did not provoke this female evil star carefully, that didn't crack a joke with his poor life? 魔鬼领主又不是什么傻子。之前能够活命就已经是纯属侥幸的事情了,在这个时候把那种傻子传唤到这种地方,这要是一个不小心招惹了这个女煞星,那不是拿他自己的小命开玩笑嘛? By devil feudal lord consistent careful, he is certainly impossible to make this low level mistake. Therefore the present situation, can only describe with one calmly. 以魔鬼领主一贯的小心谨慎,他当然是不可能犯这种低级的错误。所以眼前的情况,只能用一句平静来形容。 Naturally, this is also Ariane Kouhia wants. Although said that she did not mind is performing the punishing one as a warning to others method, but repeats the similar matter to her not too big pleasure. Under compares, she likes now this actually tranquilly, moreover Yi (easy) in situation of control, therefore also after nods slightly, she to the devil who crawls in own leads the position to open the mouth. 当然,这也是阿莱克西亚想要的。虽然说她并不介意在表演一下杀鸡儆猴的手段,但是重复同样的事情对于她来说并没有太大的乐趣可言。相比较之下,她倒是更喜欢现在这个平静而且于掌控的局势,所以也是在微微颔首之后,她就对着匍匐在自己脚下的魔鬼领主张开了口来。 „Have the people who should arrive at arrived?” “该到的人都已经到了吗?” Yes, Sir.” Scratches the cold sweat that the head did not have, the devil feudal lord made an appearance that put down a heavy burden, is then cautious to report. Altogether is 2.7 million numerous, is commanding the big or small influence, to several hundred people, range from the dozen top devil. Moreover their they have the brain, can understand the words, knows how should handle affairs to coordinate the Sir your plan, this point Sir you completely to feel relieved.” “是的,大人。”擦了擦头上并不存在的冷汗,魔鬼领主做出了一副卸下了一副重担的模样,然后这才小心翼翼得汇报起来。“一共是二七十万众,都是统帅着大小势力,多则数百人,少则几十号的高位魔鬼。而且他们他们都有脑子,听得懂话,知道该怎么行事来配合大人您的计划,这一点大人您尽可放心。” It doesn't matter, can understand the words on the line.” “无所谓,听得懂话就行。” The expression selected the finger indifferently, Ariane Kouhia not, because receives the worships of so many people to have what destiny to turn over to my illusion suddenly. To her, at present what no matter worships on bended knees is the devil or human, or is other what lifeform, is the indifferent matter. Because she only will always regard these fellows , if no thing. 表情淡然的挑了挑手指,阿莱克西亚并没有因为骤然受到这么多人的朝拜而生出什么天命归我的幻觉。对于她来说,不管眼前跪拜的是魔鬼还是人类,亦或者是什么其他的生物,都是无所谓的事情。因为她从来都只会视这些家伙如无物。 She has no concept to the power from the start, if not for Smith. The benefit of week, she does not meet after the wedding originally this deep pool turbid water. Therefore the present situation will not make her have any change in the goal. From beginning to end, she only has a request to these devils. 她对权力压根就没有什么概念,如果不是为了史密斯.周的利益,她也不会亲自来趟这潭浑水。所以眼下的情况并不会让她在目的上有任何的改变。从头到尾的,她对这些魔鬼都只有一个要求。 Listening, dregs. I the goal that you gather only then, that was Hydra needs your strengths to come for our great undertaking to make the sacrifice.” “听着,渣滓们。我把你们聚集过来的目的就只有一个,那就是九头蛇需要你们的力量来为我们的大业作出牺牲。” Releases from the hell you this world, is in itself hopes that you can create enough turbulent and confusion, can thus in the world share partial pressure for arrangement of Hydra. However now looks like, Victor that idiot simply is an incompetent waste. Had own selfishness to get up to so many tricks in secret also even, finally actually linked the follow-up plan not to arrange on. Now also wants to be tired I to clean up your aspects in a state of disunity, is really feels sorry to base and low!” “把你们从地狱里释放到这个世界上,本身是希望你们能够制造出足够的动荡和混乱,从而能够为九头蛇在世界上的布置分担一部分压力。但是现在看来,维克托那个蠢货简直就是一个无能的废物。带着自己的私心做了那么多暗中的手脚也就算了,结果却连一点后续的计划都没有安排上。现在还要劳累我过来收拾你们这一盘散沙的局面,真是可怜到卑微!” Is now good, dregs. Since I had come, then natural not whatever again you seem like one flock of headless flies such to continue such low efficiency tosses about. Your actions will be managed unified, my will must be implemented on your bodies. Beforehand what stated that I did not want to see any exception in this point. If any, then you prayed finally, in falling before my hand in you can find a dignified cause of death. Otherwise, I did not mind that makes you enjoy my method well. Understood?” “不过现在好了,渣滓们。既然我已经来了,那么自然就不会再任由你们像是一群无头的苍蝇那样继续这么低效率的折腾下去。你们的行动将受到统一的管理,我的意志也必须在你们的身上得到贯彻。事先声明的是,在这一点上我不希望看到任何的例外。如果有的话,那么你最后祈祷,在落到我手上之前你们能找到一个体面的死法。否则,我不介意让你们好好地享受一下我的手段。明白吗?” No one responded. This is also the normal situation. Because Ariane Kouhia's words summarize are, she wants these devils to treat as her board game piece voluntarily, becomes the cannon fodder who that type can be sacrificed. Which perspective no matter from, the selfish devils should not the meeting have the idea of that approval to be joyfully right. 无人予以回应。这也是正常的情况。因为阿莱克西亚的话总结下来就是,她要这些魔鬼们自愿当做她的棋子,也就是成为那种能够被牺牲的炮灰。而不管是从哪个角度来看,自私自利的魔鬼们都不该会有那种欣然认同的想法才对。 Has not made noise in the presence of everyone the opposition, is completely because they know that opposed to have no significance at this time, instead oneself building. However, must say that they had not really chosen, that actually is also the matter of cracking a joke. 没有当众出声反对,完全是因为他们知道在这个时候反对没有任何的意义,反而会把自己给搭进去。但是,要说他们真的就没有选择了,那却也是开玩笑的事情。 The leg was long on their bodies, although on the mouth does not dare to say now, but dealt with one orally, later found an opportunity to sneak off, not along with their things then. 腿到底是长在了他们的身上,虽然现在嘴上不敢说,但是口头上应付一声,以后再找个机会开溜,还不是随他们便的事情。 The chicken clever devils have given themselves to think the outlet in the innermost feelings. But facing their having own axe to grind performance, crawled in Ariane Kouhia devil feudal lord actually is also the unavoidable innermost feelings twitched. 鸡贼的魔鬼们已经是在内心里给自己想好了出路。而面对他们这种各怀鬼胎的表现,匍匐在阿莱克西亚脚下的魔鬼领主却也是难免的内心抽搐了起来。 In these chicken clever devils may be also many are he raised several hundred years of dog, but said that the sentence words not of pleasant to hear, regarding this type with a oneself several hundred years of subordinate, he have been familiar with them, as soon as digs the buttocks to know that they must draw what excrement the situation. 那些鸡贼的魔鬼里可又不少是他养了几百年的狗,而说句不好听的话,对于这种已经跟了自己好几百年的手下,他早已经熟悉到了他们一撅屁股就知道他们要拉什么屎的地步。 Complies in public but opposes in private, the idea that the hinderland travels, looked can guess. But in fact, if not words that because he really cannot run away, he will have the same idea. 阳奉阴违,背地跑路的这个想法,一看就能猜得出来。而事实上,如果说不是因为他实在跑不掉的话,他也会有一样的想法。 Even if wants also to know with the buttocks, under Ariane Kouhia ignores this megaphone general role will not hide from her eye slips away. If takes this situation as the premise, once that had travelled secretly, then finally their fates that the devil complied in public but opposed in private first did not say, oneself certainly were first unlucky that. 只是哪怕用屁股想也知道,阿莱克西亚是不会放任自己这个传声筒一般的角色从她的眼皮子底下溜掉的。而如果以这个情况为前提的话,那么一旦有魔鬼阳奉阴违的偷偷跑路了,那么最后他们的下场先不说,自己一定是最先倒霉的那一个。 He does not want to pay for the behaviors of these idiots. At present this situation, he has no way to compel Ariane Kouhia the words that oneself just spoke swallowing back. Therefore after pondering bitter rope, he just lifted the head, was inquiring to Ariane Kouhia with a dying a martyr's death attitude like this. 他可不想为这些蠢货的行为来买单。只是眼下这个情况,他又没法逼着阿莱克西亚把自己刚刚说的话给咽回去。所以在冥思苦索了一番之后,他方才抬起了头,以一副慷慨就义的态度就对着阿莱克西亚这样询问了起来。 Sir. I understand your meaning, but made us make the sacrifice, was not quite appropriate?” “大人。我明白您的意思,可是就这么让我们做出牺牲,是不是不太合适?” What's wrong, do you have the opinion?” “怎么,你们有意见?” Ariane Kouhia brow selects, immediately, this deep conceals gave birth to violent cold wind in the under broad cavern. 阿莱克西亚眉头一挑,顿时之间,这个深藏于底下的广阔洞窟里就生出了一阵猛烈的阴风。 The sound of xi xi su su resounds suddenly, as if myriad long have the monster of sharp claws to climb over from their body sides. But along with remembering of this sound, the deep chill in the air covered the hearts of all devils. That is in an instinct to the huge response of danger, as if next will have the monster to stretch the body forward instantaneously from void, gobbles up to be the same them, making in their bones have a being afraid feeling. 窸窸窣窣的声音骤然响起,仿佛万千只长有利爪的怪物从他们的身侧爬过。而伴随着这声音的想起,深沉的寒意不由间笼罩了所有魔鬼的心头。那是一种本能上对危险的剧烈反应,仿佛下一个瞬间就会有怪物从虚空中探出身来,一口把他们吞吃下去一样,让他们骨子里都有一种不寒而栗的感觉。 If human, perhaps this feeling will not have made them have the extremely intense action, after all along with the progress of so-called civilization, the instinct of human wearing down of enormous degree has fallen. However the devil is different, the devil regarding the dependence of instinct, is not under these keen Beast, therefore felt this type can rip the terrorist threat of fragment them, they immediately on keeping silent made the different responses. 如果是人类,这种感觉或许还并不会让他们有太过激烈的举动,毕竟伴随着所谓文明的进步,人类的本能已经极大程度的消磨掉了。但是魔鬼不一样,魔鬼对于本能的依赖,并不在那些敏锐的野兽之下,所以一感觉到这种可以把他们撕成碎片的恐怖威胁,他们立刻就噤若寒蝉的做出了不同的反应来。 Some devils appeared the primary form, recklessly was feeling that about them the threat sent out roaring: Some are dreadful hid in the shadow, tries to avoid this invisible threat by temporarily the way that this type evades the point ; Also some want to take advantage to slip away now, hides with this broken matter the farther the better. 有的魔鬼显出了原形,肆意的对着他们感觉到威胁发出了咆哮:有的则是猥琐的躲进了阴影里,试图以这种暂避锋芒的方式避开这无形的威胁;还有的则想要趁现在溜之大吉,和这种破事躲得越远越好。 What kind of action no matter they make, its result is roughly similar. That is as long as is the devil of having an action to perform, must entirely the imperceptibly existed giant beast tearing to pieces the body, tears to pieces the soul, under just like prey that the hunter preys on, gobbled up cleanness. But these move the goods that does not dare to move, saved a poor life actually by luck. Faces such a type to be possible be called the fierce scene, in their innermost feelings even lucky, that is the lucky pressure is still full. After all no one can affirm, now happened at these unlucky egg matter and other can happen on own body. 但是不管他们做出怎么样的举动,其结果都是大致仿佛的。那就是但凡是有所动作的魔鬼,统统得被无形中存在的巨兽给撕烂身躯,扯碎灵魂,如同猎手捕食下的猎物一样,被吞吃的干干净净。而那些动都不怎么敢动的货色,倒是侥幸的保住了一条小命。只是面对着这么一种堪称酷烈的情景,他们的内心里即便是侥幸,那也是侥幸的压力十足的。毕竟谁也不敢肯定,现在发生在那些倒霉蛋身上的事情等一下会不会发生在自己的身上。 The devil feudal lord naturally saw the pitiful condition of underlings, but he turns a blind eye. Because of the lives of these devils, he actually does not care. Reason that made noise to speak such words, in the final analysis for him. Even if therefore said Ariane Kouhia has such response, he braces oneself to say. 魔鬼领主自然是看到了底下人的惨状,但是他视若无睹。因为这些魔鬼的死活,他其实并不怎么放在心上。之所以出声说这样的话,说到底还是为了他自己。所以哪怕说阿莱克西亚已经有了这样的反应,他还是硬着头皮说道。 No, Sir. I was too clear my these devils hand/subordinate. Without the return, only made them make the sacrifice the matter, let alone was a devil, was human may not do. If the Sir you really wants to serve what purpose, then might as well promises a thing. Perhaps this, can make them work oneself to death to sell thoroughly “不,大人。只是我太明白我手下的这些魔鬼们了。没有回报,只让他们做出牺牲的事情,别说是魔鬼,就是人类都不一定会做。如果说大人您真的想要达到什么目的的话,那么不妨许诺出一点东西。或许这样,能让他们卖命卖的更彻底一点” „Do you want the advantage?” “你们要好处?” Are calling out pitifully the devils and silent did not say the devils, do not dare to put naturally have no way to answer Ariane Kouhia's issue, but this did not affect the Ariane Kouhia's following movement. 惨叫着的魔鬼们和缄默不言、连个屁都不敢放的魔鬼们自然是没法回答阿莱克西亚的问题,但是这并不影响阿莱克西亚接下来的动作。 She waves, dissipated that xi xi su su sound and omnipresent cold wind. Afterward is also however smiles to the present devil devils Jie of feudal lord and these also survival, said such words. 她挥了挥手,消散了那窸窸窣窣的响动以及无所不在的阴风。随后也是对着眼前的魔鬼领主以及那些还幸存的魔鬼们桀然一笑的,就说出了这样的话来。 Such being the case, then I give you a promise. If you can complete the task that I give attractively, then I show mercy, will leave behind the space in the future world to you, how?” “既然如此,那么我就给你们一个许诺吧。如果你们能漂亮的完成我给予的任务的话,那么我就大发慈悲的,在未来的世界里给你们留下一席之地,如何?” :.: :。:
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