MSG :: Volume #21

#2027: Kills the card in a hand to court destruction certainly

Ultron just said such a few words in the tranquil tone, Victor explodes at heart immediately bristled. 奥创刚刚以平静的语气说出这么一句话来,维克托的心里立刻就炸起了毛. He knows that Ultron this fellow will not be aimless, since dares to say this to come, then, is in his hand also pinches the card in a hand most likely, and this card in a hand threatens itself sufficiently. 他知道奥创这种家伙绝不会无的放矢,既然敢说出这样的话来,那么十有八九的,是他手上真的还捏有底牌,并且这张底牌足以威胁到自己。 Naturally, he can bet. Bets this possibility not to be big. However and a robot bets probability, this matter he wants not to be willing to think. 当然,他可以赌一把。赌这种可能性不大。但是和一个机器人赌概率,这种事情他连想都不愿意去想的。 The robot brain is anything, simple point said that is the digit. This type of thing runs up to bets on the table to play 21 points with you, can give to win your underpants. Bets the probability with them, your family is CVRD cannot withstand. 机器人脑子是什么,简单点说就是都是数字。这种东西跑到赌桌上和你玩21点,能把你底裤都给赢过去。和他们赌概率,你家是巴西淡水河谷的都顶不住。 Therefore, he does not bet this possibility, but was the direct selection has believed. Since has believed in Ultron is pinching a such card in a hand, then again the sufficient big end before him was not a sane matter. 所以,他不赌这个可能性,而是直接选择了相信。而既然相信了奥创手里面捏着这样的一个底牌,那么再在他面前充大头就是一件不理智的事情了。 The thirty six strategies walk for on count, this idea braves, Victor had the impulsion of leaving immediately. He wants to move to the shape to trade the shade, first leaves behind a false illusion to lead away the Ultron attention on the ground, then while this crevice, prompt making a getaway. However, has not waited for him to start to act, the dense mist that his surroundings linger likely is the mighty waves generally surged. 三十六计走为上计,这个想法一冒出来,维克托立刻就有了动身的冲动。他想要移形换影,先在地上留下一个虚假的幻象引开奥创的注意力,然后趁着这个空隙,及时的逃之夭夭。但是,还没有等他开始动作,他周围萦绕的氤氲雾气就已经像是波涛一般的涌动了起来。 The thunderclap thunders suddenly, before this sound resounds through, is the innumerable lightning silver snake seems to be ordinary, pestered the fiendish person the shade body. 雷声骤然轰鸣,而在这种声音响彻起来之前,是无数的闪电仿佛银蛇一般的,纠缠到了魔王之影的身上。 The imitation from the supreme master, has the thunder and lightning of exorcize demons exorcising evil spirits nature without doubt is the fiendish person the shade difficult adversary. Just a contact, probably was the steel needle punctures the balloon to be the same, immediately makes the shade of fiendish person large expanse of large expanse of extinguish. But at this time, no matter Victor how packing charm, before cannot likely be, such again the shade of fiendish person reorganizing. 模仿自至尊法师,带有降魔辟邪性质的雷电无疑是魔王之影的克星。刚一接触,就好像是钢针刺破了气球一样,立刻让魔王之影成片成片地消弭了下去。而在这个时候,不管维克托怎么样填充魔力,都是不能像是之前那样重新把魔王之影给重组起来的。 The truth is very simple. The beforehand attack is the destruction in physical level, but regarding the shade of fiendish person, destruction in this physical level will not affect its essence, is existence in magic concept. However, the present thunder and lightning is different, this imitation from thunder and lightning has the concept in magic similarly, but under two concept hedges, naturally makes the fiendish person the shade foundation be destroyed. 道理很简单。之前的攻击是物理层面上的破坏,而对于魔王之影来说,这种物理层面上的破坏根本不会影响到其内核,也就是魔法概念上的存在。但是,眼下的雷电不一样,这种模仿自雷法的雷电同样有着魔法上的概念,而两种概念对冲之下,自然就让魔王之影的根基受到了破坏。 The so-called skin does not save hair Jiang to attach, probably is this truth. But regarding the fact that own trump card such was extinguished, Victor has not been psychologically prepared full obviously. 所谓皮之不存毛将焉附,大概就是这个道理。而对于自己的杀手锏就这么被消弭掉的这个事实,维克托显然没有做好充分的心理准备。 He somewhat is still in a daze, but Ultron actually not the opportunity that will continue him to be in a daze. 他还在有些发愣,但是奥创却不会给继续他发愣的机会。 The electricity shot general killing to Victor's front, Ultron had not launched any offensive to him at this time again blindly. He is very clear, once gives this sly fellow to spread out at present the opportunity, perhaps then he can drill while this opportunity to the sewer. But to that time, wanted to hold him to be possible again not to have easy that. 电射一般的杀到了维克托的面前,奥创这个时候没有再盲目地对他发动什么攻势。他很清楚,一旦给了眼前这个狡猾的家伙拉开距离的机会,那么说不定他就能趁着这个机会钻到下水道里去。而到了那个时候,再想要抓住他可就没有那么容易了。 Attacks him is not the key, controls him is. But how can him controlling, this is he most should ponder matter that immediately also most should handle. 攻击他不是关键,控住住他才是。而怎么样才能把他给控制住,这才是他当下最应该思考也最应该去做的事情。 Since Ultron considered this point, then naturally also had the advance plan at heart. Therefore, he rushes to the first matter that in front of Victor does is, put out a hand to hold his neck. 奥创既然考虑到了这一点,那么心里自然也是有了腹案。为此,他冲到维克托面前所做的第一件事就是,伸手抓住了他的脖子。 „Do you want to do?” “你要干什么?” Victor somewhat is panic-stricken, he did not worry actually Ultron such to/clashes to clutch own neck. First did not say such move is useful to him, is only an issue of efficiency, he does not think that Ultron this robot can make such foolish matter. 维克托心里有些惊恐,他倒是不担心奥创这么冲上来是为了扼断自己的脖子。先不说这样的招数对他有没有用,单就是一个效率的问题,他都不认为奥创这个机器人会做这样的蠢事来。 It is not Beethoven, took the trouble hard sledding aggrievedly such a long time, was one blocks the program of destiny throat. Since he such does, definitely has other to attempt. But because could also not guess correctly that his intention is what kind, Victor at heart so uneasy. 又不是贝多芬,费心费力地憋屈了这么长时间,为的就是一个扼住命运喉咙的戏码。他既然这么做,肯定是有其他企图的。而也正是因为猜不到他的意图到底是怎么样的,维克托的心里才会如此的忐忑不安。 Nobody wants by the unknown control, this point Victor's such person to be no exception. Even said that because is just his such person, he can caring this point. 没人想要被未知掌控,这一点维克托这样的人也不例外。甚至说,正因为是他这样的人,他才会更加的在意这一点。 Even if the little clues is also good, so long as can make him know slightly an information, he can make the preparation that a point deals with. He has such ability! However, because knows that he has such ability, Ultron does not give him such opportunity. 哪怕是一点点的蛛丝马迹也好,只要能让他稍微地知道一点情报,他都能做出一点应对的准备来。他有这样的能耐!不过,也正是因为知道他有着这样的能耐,奥创才一点也不给他这样的机会。 A few words had not said, Ultron is the face touches cheeks approached Victor. But has not waited for Victor to say the spur to come the following words, his body further had the change. 一句话都没有说,奥创就已经是脸贴脸地逼近了维克托。而还没有等维克托把接下来的话说出嘴来,他的身体就已经是进一步地发生了变化。 Was similar to the flying ash has annihilated generally, the entire body of Ultron turned into the dim smog. This is the old method, decomposes the granule shape own tissue. But has not waited for Victor to respond, the smog that this Ultron incarnation comes out is similar to the armor is common, set on his body. 如同飞灰湮灭了一般,奥创的整个身体都变成了朦朦胧胧的烟雾。这是老手段,把自己的身体组织分解成粒子状。而还没有等维克托反应过来的,这层奥创化身出来的烟雾就已经是如同盔甲一般,套在了他的身上。 This was the new repertoire. Most at least Victor has not thought what Ultron wants is this acrobatics. This acrobatics are effective, Victor slightly sensation, can understand oneself immediately condition. 这就是新套路了。最起码维克托没想到奥创想要完的是这个把戏。这个把戏有效,维克托只是稍微地感知一下,就能了解到自己当下的状态。 He probably was loaded into an iron coffin to be the same, let alone moves, wants the curved finger is some difficulties. 他就好像是被装进了一个铁棺材一样,别说是动一动了,就是想要弯一下手指都是有些困难的。 This was imprisoned. Naturally, is only in the physical body level. Victor did not worry actually such a situation, therefore at this time, he was also only thick the throat is asking to Ultron. 这是被禁锢起来了。当然,只是肉体层面上的。维克托倒是不怎么担心这么一个情况,所以在这个时候,他也只是粗着嗓子对着奥创质问道。 „Does your plan like this control me? This is useless, you are impossible forever to control me!” “你的打算就是这样控制住我吗?这没有用,你是不可能永远控制住我的!” Victor tone returns tranquilly, however in secretly, him was actually started to save the counter-attack strength. This is very normal, after all holds it own life in the rival, is matter that each sane person will not handle. But in the surface clothing/taking soft, is used to lull the present enemy, this can understand. 维克托语气回归到平静,但是在暗地里,他却是已经开始积攒起了反击的力量。这很正常,毕竟把自己的性命操之于敌手,是每一个理智的人都不会去做的事情。而表面上服点软,用来麻痹自己眼前的敌人,这就更可以理解了。 The people can make mistakes! In the movie that many villains like at crucial moment rubbish, finally made a comeback by others, this is a very good example. Victor did not count on that Ultron will make any specially giant mistake, so long as can show a flaw slightly, regarding him can be an opportunity. 人都是会犯错的吗!电影里那么多反派喜欢在关键时候废话,最后被别人翻盘,这就是一个很好的例子。维克托不指望奥创会犯什么特别巨大的错误,但是只要能稍微地露出一个破绽,对于他来说都会是一个机会。 Then, what flaw will Ultron show at this time to him? Answer naturally negative. 那么,奥创会在这个时候露出什么破绽给他吗?答案当然是否定的。 Ultron is not human, has the computer program of self-awareness as one, thorough many that he when the arrangement plan absolutely come compared with human. Idea and intention that opposite party each possibly has, he will consider. Since considered these things, then he was naturally impossible to give opposite party any opportunity of taking advantage of loopholes again. 奥创到底不是人类,作为一个拥有自我意识的计算机程序,他在布置计划的时候绝对要比人类来的周密的多。对方每一个可能存在的想法、意图,他都会考虑到。而既然考虑到了这些东西,那么他自然就不可能再给对方任何钻空子的机会。 It looks like the present, Victor just had the thought that he is the direct action. 就像是现在,维克托刚刚生起念头,他就已经是直接行动了起来。 Is lifting Victor's body, like is flies upwards leads him to rise into the upper air directly. But in their top of the heads, the super weapon sunlight spear/gun from Earth defensive system has operated. 托举着维克托的身躯,像是飞升一样的带着他直接升入高空。而在他们的头顶上,来自地球防御体系的超级武器阳光枪已经是自我运作了起来. No matter has made what kind of defensive measure, no matter placed the procedures of many say/way to prevent the occurrence of this situation. Arrived this time, all people including Stark has not been truly able to prevent a matter, that is Ultron oversteps authority and gets involved in another's affairs, crosses them to control this super weapon. 不管做出了怎么样的防御措施,不管安插了多少道的程序来预防这种情况的发生。真正到了这个时候,包括史塔克在内的所有人都不能阻止一件事情,那就是奥创越俎代庖的,越过他们去操控这件超级武器。 When the entire Earth defensive system manufacture, Ultron has inserted in which the hand. These purchases from the raw materials of European major enterprises, 50% many produce by way of the factory that he controls. But added the material arrangement of material to stand to the outer space defense these, regarding almost controlled him of capital power naturally not to have what pressure. 早在整个地球防御体系制造的时候,奥创就已经是把手插入到了其中。那些采购自欧洲各大企业的原材料,有一半多都是经由他所控制的工厂生产出来的。而把这些加了料的材料安排到太空防御站去,对于几乎掌控了资本大权的他来说自然没有什么压力。 Now, these added the material of material early to spread in each corner of space station. Therefore, even if Stark to guard against him has arranged all sorts of methods specially, to finally is also only not studious. So long as he thinks, can control the operation of entire space station, looks like the present, the super weapon had already been separated from the control. 如今,这些加了料的材料早已经蔓延到了空间站的各个角落里。所以,即便是史塔克为了防备他专门布置了种种手段,到最后也不过只是无用功而已。他只要想,就能控制整个空间站的运行,就像是现在,超级武器已然是脱离了掌控。 Because the politicians this matter thoroughly randomly has become pot gruel, because no matter who cannot accept a such dangerous weapon to fall to such unknown details a hand of fellow. This is the genuine big event, orders of severity in their heart not under the beforehand European crisis. 政客们因为这件事情彻底地乱成了一锅粥,因为不管是谁都不能接受这么危险的一个武器落到这么一个未知底细的家伙的手中。这是真真正正的大事件,在他们心中的严重程度一点都不在之前的欧洲危机之下。 However, Ultron will not consider these many obviously. In fact, since he has chosen has such done, then has meant without doubt he has prepared for facing all. Gu Shougu tail anything, is not his style. Matter that he only wants to handle now only then, that is makes Victor pay the price. 不过,奥创显然不会考虑这么多。事实上,既然他已经选择了这么做,那么无疑就已经意味着他已经做好了面对一切的准备。顾首顾尾什么的,并不是他的风格。他现在只想做的事情只有一个,那就是让维克托付出代价。 The launch of sunlight spear/gun enters from the bottom times, but to this time, Victor also obtained indication to a certain extent obviously. The caution from sixth sense, is the alarm reverberates in his innermost feelings likely generally unceasingly. But to a such time, all had been thrown by him by luck various after the brain. 阳光枪的发射进入倒数计时,而到了这个时候,维克托显然也已经得到了某种程度上的预示。来自第六感的警示,像是警钟一般在他的内心里不断地回响。而到了这样的一个时候,所有的侥幸都已经被他抛诸在了脑后。 He starts to actuate own charm crazily, uses method that all he has been able to think. However, is similar to inspires the gold/metal molecular structure to be hard to be changed is the same, wants to break the fetter of Ultron in this hasty situation, from works loose, obviously light does not depend to be able to achieve. 他开始疯狂驱动自身的魔力,动用了一切他能想到的手段。但是,就如同振金的分子结构难以被改变一样,想要在这种仓促的情况下打破奥创的束缚,从其中挣脱出去,显然不是光靠想就可以达成的。 He is helpless, the most minimum short time is this appearance. But in his helpless this time, the light spot from solar spear/gun, already shone on him and Ultron body. 他无能为力,最起码短时间是这个样子。而就在他无能为力的这个时间里,来自太阳枪的光斑,已然是照射在了他和奥创的身上。 Directly from several million degrees Celsius high-temperature upward straight line promotion, the solar facula just a appearance, was may be called the fatal threat. Even if said that Victor has the Lord of hell, the devil king such status, facing such destructive attack, simply does not have a wee bit opposition forces. 直接从几百万摄氏度的高温往上直线提升,太阳光斑刚一出现,就是堪称致命的威胁。而哪怕说维克托有着地狱之主,魔鬼君王这样的身份,面对这样的毁灭性打击,也是根本没有一丁点的反抗力量。 He can fire the sensation to oneself charm clearly. The high temperature penetrates the charm, seeps to his physical body on, making his physical body also start to vaporize. This pain seems to have met before, as if when he is a mortal, experience excessively similar feeling. 他能清楚地感知到自己的魔力在灼烧。高温透过魔力,渗透到他的肉体上,让他的肉体也开始跟着汽化了起来。这种痛苦似曾相识,似乎在他还是个凡人的时候,就体会过类似的感觉。 Thanks to this, he not and loses the reason because of this pain, conversely, he started to go all out to start oneself brain at this time, started to think to have the plan of seeking livehood. 托了这个的福,他并没有因为这种痛苦而失去理智,相反的,他开始在这个时候拼命地发动起自己的大脑,开始思索起了求生之策来。 Wants the whole body to draw back, obviously is the impossible matter. At this moment, he wants to run away the estimate also only to get rid of losing weight body bird cage, solely fell by the soul runs to have such 12 possibility. 想要全身而退,显然已经是不可能的事情了。事到如今,他想要逃估计也只能抛弃掉肉身这个樊笼,单单以灵魂落跑才能有那么12分的可能了。 However mentioned the soul, the fetter of Ultron was also insurmountable shackles. Fog shape inspires the gold/metal molecular film to give the opportunity that the high temperature radiation seeped, but has not actually given the crevice that his soul leaves behind anything to escape. He wants to run away, only then breaks inspires the fetter of gold/metal to be good, however under the destructive ignition of this high temperature breaks through firmly inspires the gold/metal defense line, this at all is not a realistic matter. 但是说起灵魂来,奥创的束缚也是一个不可逾越的桎梏。雾状的振金分子层给了高温辐射渗透进来的机会,但是却没有给他的灵魂留下什么逃脱的空隙。他想要逃,只有打破振金的束缚才行,但是在这种高温的毁灭性灼烧之下去突破坚固的振金防线,这根本不是一件现实的事情。 Victor has attempted, but makes the soul be separated from the physical body moment merely slightly, lets his pain is unable from get up. This may the ache on physical body compared with fierce many that comes, is not he can endure. Therefore to this time, he is unable to maintain again has been bellowing to Ultron sanely. 维克托尝试了一下,但是仅仅是稍微地让灵魂脱离出肉体片刻,都让他痛苦的根本无法自已起来。这可比肉体上的疼痛来的厉害的多,根本不是他能忍受的。所以到了这个时候,他已经是再也无法保持理智地对着奥创大吼了起来。 Lets loose me, damn thing, lets loose me quickly. I surrender, I can, when your captive. You should know that this killed me to want valuable many compared with you. Therefore is about to have put me, is about to have put me!” “放开我,该死的东西,快放开我。我投降,我可以当你的俘虏。你应该知道的,这比你杀了我要有价值的多。所以快放了我,快放了我!” At this moment, is thinking including the mortal body Victor who must abandon did not have that many worries. In order to save oneself poor life, he does not hesitate to handle any matter, even said including the betrayal. 事到如今,连肉身都想着要抛弃的维克托已经是没有那么多的顾虑了。为了保住自己的小命,他不惜做任何的事情,甚至说包括背叛。 In any case betrayal this matter regarding him is also familiar and easy, must say the words that really makes do not have what psychological burden. Only must be worried matter that also afterward criticizes probably. However, after all is, if cannot escape this tribulation at this time, then he also does have the issue that was two said afterward at this time. Therefore must let the words that he chooses, he will choose decisively such does. But he is also believing, own request so attractive, the opposite party should not have any reason to reject his is. 反正背叛这事对于他来说也算是轻车熟路,真要说做起来的话也没有什么心理上的负担。唯一要担心的大概也就是事后清算的事情。但是,毕竟是事后,如果这个时候不能逃过这一劫,那么他还有没有事后这个时候都还是两说的问题呢。所以真要让他选择的话,他果断还是会选择这么做。而他自己也相信着,自己的这个要求如此的有吸引力,对方应该没有任何的理由来拒绝他的才是。 No matter human is also good, the robot is also good, so long as their vision enough long-term, then they should be able to look that surrender to take to their benefit. Said that sentence words not of pleasant to hear, do not look oneself have killed these many innocent people, in the face of benefit that oneself bring, they completely belong to the necessary consumption that can tolerate. 不管是人类也好,机器人也好,只要他们的目光足够的长远的话,那么他们都应该是能看出来自己投降所能带给他们的利益。说句不好听的话,别看自己害死了这么多的无辜者,在自己带来的利益面前,他们完全属于可以容忍的必要消耗。 Reason, so long as they sanely! The heart inside changes myriad train of thought Victor not to realize own mood has is not sane. He is filled with the ponder now the matter, only then, how that can make this fearful all stop. 理智一点,只要他们理智一点!心里面翻动着万千思绪的维克托并没有意识到自己的情绪到底有多么的不理智。他现在满心思考的事情只有一件,那就是怎么才能让这可怕的一切停止下来。 Naturally, this matter depends on the Ultron manner. But Ultron manner regarding this also only will always have such one, that is, does not compromise! 当然,这件事到底取决于奥创的态度。而奥创对此的态度从来也只会有那么一个,那就是,决不妥协! Can the benefit level the pain of these innocent people alternately and wails? Can they obtain the tiny bit advantage to be inadequate from this benefit alternately? Said that high-rank has such authority, decides all of low-rank, even if said that they do take the price with oneself life? 利益交互难道就能抹平那些无辜者的痛苦和哀嚎了吗?他们难道能从这种利益交互中得到一分一毫的好处不成?还是说上位者就有那样的权力,去决定下位者的一切,哪怕说他们是用自己的生命来作为代价? In the human society already some fixed rules do not exist in the Ultron eye. He is not human, is not these high-rank in human. Therefore he will not come up in the angles of these people the ponder issue. 人类社会中既有的固定规则在奥创眼里是不存在的。他不是人类,更不是人类中的那些上位者。所以他不会在这些人的角度上去思考问题。 He is an observer, but at an angle of goal explicit observer, is any matter that he very clear present should do. 他是一个旁观者,而以一个目标明确的旁观者的角度,他很清楚自己现在应该做的到底是什么事情。 The light spot starts to gather, what the contraction of this focal point brings is a fiercer high temperature. Tens of millions even over a hundred million degrees valve values, almost and plasma beam direct impact not different. 光斑开始汇聚,这种焦点的收缩带来的是更加剧烈的高温。数千万度甚至上亿度的阀值,几乎和等离子射线直接冲击无异。 Inspires the gold/metal unable by the high temperature to be stripped the atom, but the physical body of constitution body will not have characteristics so. Therefore, does not have any struggling leeway again, Victor's body is the vaporization for the ashes. 振金不会被高温剥离出原子,但是构成身躯的肉体却不会有这般的特性。所以,再也没有任何挣扎余地的,维克托的身躯就已经是汽化为了灰烬。 Naturally, this does not mean that Victor welcomed the end in light of this. Before him the poor state of conceiving is the same, to this time, he has had to strip own soul, simultaneously is resisting the so fearsome high temperature by the highly enriched charm. 当然,这并不意味着维克托就此迎来了终结。和他之前所设想的糟糕情况一样,到了这个时候,他不得不剥离出自己的灵魂,同时借由着高度浓缩的魔力来抵御如此可怖的高温。 This is not the long-term plan, only if said that Ultron lets loose to his fetter, otherwise he will be difficult to run away dies. But at this time, he also can only be the futile effort was screaming to Ultron. 这不是长久之计,除非说奥创放开对他的束缚,否则他还是会难逃一死。而在这个时候,他也只能是徒劳的对着奥创尖叫起来。 „Were you insane? Killed me to have any advantage to you. Do not think that I am all secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators, behind also has more fearful existence in me. Provides the information without me to you, you never know oneself must face is how fearful existence “你疯了吗?杀了我对你有什么好处。不要以为我就是一切的幕后黑手,在我身后还有更可怕的存在。没有我给你们提供情报,你们永远不知道自己要面对的到底是多么可怕的存在” Does not need. I know all that I want to know “不需要。我会知道我想要知道的一切的” No, you cannot such do, you cannot such do “不,你不能这么做,你不能这么做” Contraction inspires in the gold/metal member to hear the Victor desperate cry. He paid himself should the price of payout, but this, has been above the imagination of all people. 收缩的振金分子中传来维克托绝望的叫声。他付出了自己该付出的代价,而这,到底是超乎了所有人的想象。 : :
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