MD :: Volume #7

#616: Black Dwarf

Light shadow twinkle, explosive music recklessly flying upwards youth. 光影闪烁,劲爆的乐曲正在肆意飞扬青春。 The light shadow interlocks, at the scene is enough calls it the place of bad people running wild by any earthman. 光影交错之间,场景之中是一幕幕足够被任何地球人称之为群魔乱舞之地。 Under the scarlet overcoat is a spiritless face. 猩红的大氅之下是一张死气沉沉的脸。 An action one cup of flourishing Rainbow such as the liquor of blood, the pale withered palm and bright red color formed the sharp contrast. 一只手端着一杯殷虹如血的酒,苍白枯槁的手掌和其中的鲜红颜色形成了鲜明的对比。 Ignition of a gently his finger on the bar, the vision looked. bad people running wild...... actually, said that was very disrespectful 他的一根手指在吧台上轻轻的点着,目光看向了场中的群魔乱舞……其实,这么说是很失礼的。 These people come from each different star, the arrange/cloth with the life symptom that the civilization, expedites naturally also has the difference respectively. 这些人来自于各个不同的星球,布同的文明,催生出来的生命体征自然也各有不同。 Calls it the bad people running wild it by this sincerely, obviously is unfair! 谨以此将其称之为群魔乱舞,显然有失公允! Vision receives after their bodies, the owner of scarlet overcoat sipped liquor in cup, like the blood-like color, falls following the corners of the mouth gradually. 目光从他们的身上收回来之后,猩红大氅的主人抿了一口杯中的酒,如同鲜血般的颜色,顺着嘴角渐渐滑落。 In the meantime, huge thundering transmits from the entrance, which civilized person no matter came from, could not bear the vision looks to the entrance, the music stagnated suddenly! 就在此时,巨大的轰鸣从门口传来,不管是来自于哪一个文明的人,都忍不住将目光看向了门口,音乐骤然停滞! A huge giant fellow, is carrying one axe that may be called the violation level, battering walked. 一个庞然巨大的家伙,拎着一把堪称犯规级别的斧头,横冲直撞的走了进来。 The bellow is because he used the axe to chop into pieces the front door. 轰鸣声是因为他用斧头劈碎了大门。 The huge build sway walked, as long as with his vision looking at each other, no does not lower the head immediately, pretends the ostrich. 巨大的体型摇摇晃晃的走了进来,但凡和他目光对视的,没有一个不是立刻低下头,装作鸵鸟。 Do not stir up! 惹不起! Is the child of Thanos!” “是灭霸之子!” Damn, this fellow came.” “该死,这家伙又来了。” Tonight my matter is a little uncomfortable, un, if you want, we leave here, then chooses a place, how passed a romantic night?” “今天晚上我有点事不舒服,嗯,如果你愿意的话,我们离开这里,然后重新选择一个地方,度过浪漫的一夜怎么样?” Surroundings words in a low voice transmit, the big fellow actually looks but not see all these, between two had arrived at the bar, looking for a position altitude and size was just good to be able with the chair that he agrees with sit down. 周围低声的话语传来,那大块头对这一切却视而不见,两步之间就已经来到了吧台,找了一张位置高度和大小都刚刚好能够跟他契合的椅子坐下。 The cold and gloomy vision shot a look by one owner of that scarlet overcoat, opens the mouth suddenly: Leaves!” 森冷的目光瞥了一眼旁边那猩红大氅的主人,骤然开口:“离开!” The owner of scarlet overcoat looked at his one eyes silently, then tosses down the liquor water in cup, buckled the desktop gently: Thank your presenting.” 猩红大氅的主人默默的看了他一眼,然后将杯子里的酒水一饮而尽,轻轻地扣了扣桌面:“感谢你的馈赠。” After saying, set out to leave the bar. 说完之后,起身离开了酒吧。 The big fellows not necessarily really have the big wisdom, master these words of scarlet overcoat, making him ponder over for quite a while, discovered that does not understand this fellow was any meaning, then the in high spirits start wanted the liquor. 大块头未必真的有大智慧,猩红大氅的主人这番话,让他琢磨了半天,发现根本不明白这家伙到底是什么意思,然后就兴高采烈的开始要酒。 However the liquor water just delivered, has not waited to start to drink, his complexion suddenly changes: „Did that fellow, plan to retaliate me a moment ago?” 然而酒水刚刚送上来,还没等开始喝呢,他的脸色忽然一变:“刚才那个家伙,难道打算报复我?” His issue no one had replied, the big fellow does not need anybody's reply, grasped big axe along directly, between two had arrived around the wall of bar, brandishes the big axe, loudly the wall is entire! 他的问题谁都没有回答,大块头也根本就不需要任何人的回答,直接抓起了随身的大斧头,两步之间就已经来到了酒吧的墙壁跟前,挥舞大斧,轰然之间墙壁整个破碎! Open large cave/hole, was used the shoulder to hit by him, changed into the fragment, the body walked recklessly, the vision inspected. 敞开的大洞,又被他用肩膀一撞,就化为了碎片,身体横冲直撞的走了出去,目光四下巡视。 Originally he thinks, the opposite party affirmation has run away. 本来他以为,对方肯定已经逃走了。 However the split vision of corner of the eye actually saw a section of scarlet lower hem corner: Halts to me!!!!” 然而眼角的余光却又偏偏看到了一截猩红的衣角:“给我站住!!!!” Did not say that this saying to be good, just said that this saying, that wiped the red ray to flee in an instant. 不说这话还好,刚刚说完这话,那一抹红色的光芒转眼就已经窜了出去。 Big fellow where can withstand this mistreatment? Angrily roars, the both legs makes an effort, rises with a spring! 大块头哪里能够承受得了这种欺负?怒吼一声,双腿用力,一跃而起! This jumps is quite astonishing, spanned the innumerable spaces directly, in the midair does not observe the aviation principle the levitation vehicle to give to have a scare, the steering wheel area, hit conveniently directly to nearby building. 这一跳极为惊人,直接跨越了无数空间,将半空之中一辆不遵守航空法则的悬浮车都给吓了一跳,方向盘随手一带,直接撞向了旁边的大楼。 The big fellows look but not see the surrounding all, the vision locked in the corner of the eye stubbornly that wipes the red light, falls to the ground, the jump, dashes about wildly, pursues! 大块头对周围的一切都视而不见,目光死死的锁定了眼角之中的那一抹红光,落地,跳跃,狂奔,追赶! Vows not to rest!!!! 誓不罢休!!!! This dashes about wildly, suddenly discovery that scarlet form stopped in same place, the body of big fellow is crashing from the midair downward, takes advantage of opportunity to brandish the giant axe in hand, flew high to pass through under! 这一路狂奔之间,忽然发现那猩红的身影停在了原地,大块头的身体从半空之中正往下坠落,顺势挥舞手中的巨大斧头,凌空贯穿而下! The red form moves above the ground also motionless, the great axe adds the body, that pale complexion is the brow does not wrinkle. 红色的身影在地面之上动也不动,巨斧加身,那苍白的脸色更是眉头都不皱一下。 In addition on the bulk facial countenance does not have to bloom with enough time the joyful expression, the next second, the slight explosive sound resounds suddenly. 大块头脸上尚且没有来得及绽放出欣喜的表情,下一秒,轻微的爆炸声忽然响起。 However with explosive sound not symmetric is actually the might of explosion! 然而与爆炸声绝不相称的却是爆炸的威力! The tyrannical might sweeps across the strong winds, entire flew to the volume the body of big fellow suddenly unexpectedly. 强横的威力席卷狂风,骤然之间竟然将大块头的身体整个给卷飞了起来。 The people in the midair, make threatening gestures wild with rage, actually to hear suddenly have the sound to call itself behind, turns head, saw that the owner of that scarlet overcoat stands there, waves to oneself. 人在半空,张牙舞爪之间就已经狂怒不已,却忽然听到身后有声音正在叫自己,一回头,就看到那猩红大氅的主人就站在那里,对自己挥手。 Originally above that wooden face, at this moment why does not know, takes the smiling face of wiping under punches unexpectedly. 本来那毫无表情的面孔之上,此时此刻不知道为何,竟然带上了一抹欠揍的笑容。 I must kill you!!!!!” “我要杀了你!!!!!” The big fellows felt oneself received the insult on personality probably, angrily roars, turns over the body, the giant axe flies high to divide! 大块头感觉自己就好像是受到了人格上的侮辱,怒吼一声,翻转身体,巨大的斧头凌空劈下! , The ground instantly is loudly stave, without a trace that the person's shadow actually vanishes. 轰然一声,地面刹那破碎,人影却消失的无影无踪。 Person?” “人呢?” Raised the head, big fellow a little dazed, flexure the head started to count: „, Two, three, four......” 一抬头,大块头有点蒙圈了,挠了挠脑袋开始数:“一个,两个,三个,四个……” Regarding in his side all puts on the scarlet overcoat unemotional man, the pale face should not be the temperature of human tiny bit. 围绕在他身边的全都是穿着猩红大氅面无表情的男子,苍白的面孔没有一丝一毫应该属于人类的温度。 A number, is nothing more or less slightly...... 12 people! 稍微一数,不多不少……十二个人! The quantity is a little astonishing, the big fellow is a little obviously astonished, then the astonished expression turned into the extreme anger: Go away!!!!” 数量有点惊人,大块头显然有点惊愕,然后惊愕的表情就变成了极度的愤怒:“滚开!!!!” Angrily roars, the big axe sweeps away. 一声怒吼,大斧横扫。 Puff pū pū ...... 噗噗噗噗噗…… Slight, tiny, is similar to is the sound of breaking wind, resounded one after another 12. 轻微,细小,就如同是放了个屁的声音,接连响起了十二下。 Fierce, the terrifying, the tyrannical destruction energy also gives this square inches among covers thoroughly, roasts the fierce ray to shoot up to the sky, a ground suddenly sunken giant gulf! 剧烈,恐怖,强横的毁灭能量也将这方寸之间给彻底涵盖,炙烈的光芒冲天而起,地面骤然洼陷一个巨大的深坑! The sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds, can see a person's shadow faintly, struggles in that fierce ray, distortion, actually inadequate human form! 凄厉的惨叫从中响起,隐隐可以看到一个人影,在那剧烈的光芒之中挣扎,扭曲,却不成人形! When that white light gradually diverges, wiped appears in the pit edge scarlet. 当那白光逐渐散去,一抹猩红出现在了凹坑的边缘。 In the midair drops a thing, fell in his side, the half axe cuts the ground ruthlessly, the shaft actually did not see to shiver. 半空之中落下一个东西,就掉在他的身边,半截斧头狠狠地砍进了地面,斧柄却丝毫不见颤抖。 He extended a pale hand, held that shaft. 他伸出了一只苍白的手,抓住了那斧柄。 Disassemble Black Dwarf it axe( powder)?】 【是否分解黑矮星之斧(粉)?】 Un...... Disassemble .” “嗯……分解。” Conveniently after the choice, Xia Zhiye is just about to turn around, a brow actually wrinkle, the body vanished while same place suddenly instantaneously, a giant palm swept away to come suddenly, originally the air of his standing position to torn to pieces of directly hitting. 随手选择之后,夏之夜正要转身,眉头却忽然一皱,身体瞬间消失在了原地的同时,一只巨大的手掌忽然横扫而来,将原本他站立位置的空气给直接打的支离破碎。 Broken light smoke, the body damages, in the surface actually brings extremely angry Black Dwarf: I am angry very much!!!!!” 一身残破青烟,肢体破损,面上却带着极度愤怒黑矮星:“我很生气!!!!!” The body of Xia Zhiye stands in the midair, did not use the crow god's wing, but after behind the function of that overcoat...... it, may belong to Stephen, the matter that because oneself must handle is quite dangerous, therefore, ahead of time it borrowing. 夏之夜的身体站在半空之中,并非是用了鸦神之翼,而是身后那一件大氅的作用……它之后或许会属于史蒂芬,但是因为自己要做的事情比较危险,所以,提前将它‘借’了出来。 Fortunately, this fellow fears Disassembler probably, therefore very obedient...... 值得庆幸的是,这家伙大概是惧怕分解机,所以很听话……
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