MP :: Volume #7

#604: Bringing about own destruction

Saw with own eyes that Spider Mother really escapes securely Divine Soul, the Yang Kai's corners of the mouth hold to wipe the strange smile. 眼见蛛母真的有恃无恐地将神魂遁出,杨开的嘴角不禁噙出一抹怪异的微笑。 One drinks one properly lowly: Spider Mother, you should better not to presumptuously think in my Consciousness Sea to get up to what tricks, although my boundary is inferior to you, but my Divine Consciousness may want powerful compared with general Divine Movement Boundary many, must ask for trouble not.” 一正经地低喝一声:“蛛母,你最好不要妄想在我的识海内做什么手脚,我的境界虽然不如你,但我的神识比一般的神游境可要强大不少,莫要自讨苦吃。” Listens to his such Spirit to consider, a Spider Mother some worry vanishes rapidly, transmits the news to discuss: Relax, if you want, I think Divine Soul blends, but you , if not want, I do not force.” 听他这么jing告,蛛母有的一丝顾虑迅速消失,传达讯念道:“放心吧,如果你愿意的话,我还是想神魂交融一番,不过你若不愿意,我也不勉强。” Yang Kai nodded gently, let loose the defense of Consciousness Sea. 杨开轻轻点头,放开了识海的防御。 the next moment, Spider Mother Divine Soul then escaped into Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea. 下一刻,蛛母神魂便遁入到了杨开的识海中。 In the vast sea, Spider Mother Divine Soul Spirit Body fades in the line gradually, with different that sees outside, at this moment her appearance actually genuine entering body, the upper part is still such bewitching seizes the mortal form, the lower part is also wonderful charming and gentle, two slender beautiful legs, the place of straight tall and straight, green fragrant grass exposes outside, from top to bottom the piece wisp naturally. 一望无际的海洋上,蛛母神魂灵体渐渐显行,和在外面看到的不一样,此刻她的模样却是真真正正的入身,上半身依然是那么的勾魂夺魄,下半身也是美妙旖旎,两条修长的美腿,笔直挺拔,茵茵芳草之地就这么大大方方地暴露在外,浑身上下不着片缕。 She above Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea, about is sizing up slimly and gracefully, not anxious facial colors. 她亭亭玉立在杨开的识海上方,左右打量着,并无紧张的神se She is 7 step Monster Beast, was equal to that humanity Transcendent Stage powerhouse, Yang Kai is Divine Movement Boundary 6-layer, the absolute disparity in boundary, making her secure. 她是七阶妖兽,等于入类超凡境强者,杨开不过是神游境六层,境界上的绝对差距,让她有恃无恐。 Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body also appears before her rapidly, after looking at her one eyes, a Yang Kai brow wrinkle, snort/hum said: „Is this you appearance that wants to evolve?” < sentiment, swings body one revolution, on the tender body splendid light flows out, abundant buttocks beautiful ru, takes in the soul, how, to move?” 杨开的神魂灵体也迅速出现在她面前,看了她一眼之后,杨开眉头一皱,哼道:“这就是你希望进化成的模样?”<情,摇身一转,娇躯上华光流出,丰臀美ru,摄入心魂,“怎么样,动心了么?” Profligate!” Yang Kai curls the lip. “放荡!”杨开撇撇嘴。 Giggle......” Spider Mother smiles tenderly, not by intent, that Seductive Queen isn't could it be that that has the Poisonous Widow physique profligate? Ok, let alone the idle talk, hurried to let loose the Transformation Growth Pond secret to me.” “咯咯……”蛛母娇笑,丝毫不以意,“那身具毒寡妇体质的妖媚女王难道就不放荡了么?好了,别说废话了,赶紧把化生池的秘密放开给我。” Yang Kai nods gently: Truly, I do not want rubbish with you.” 杨开轻轻点头:“确实,我也不想跟你废话了。” During the speeches, hey hey grinned fiendishly. 说话间,嘿嘿狞笑了起来。 Spider Mother face color is gradually dignified, deeply is staring at Yang Kai, he so strange performance, making Spider Mother realize anything rapidly, the manner was calm, coldly said: Originally this is a trap.” 蛛母的脸se渐渐凝重,深深地盯着杨开,他这般怪异的表现,让蛛母迅速意识到了什么,神态从容,冷声道:“原来这还是一个陷阱。” Good.” At this moment, Yang Kai does not need to put on airs again. “不错。”事到如今,杨开也无需再装模作样。 Snort.” Spider Mother sneers, your performing skill was actually lifelike, said so many, made so many, only directed my Divine Soul to escape into to your Consciousness Sea.” “哼。”蛛母冷笑,“你的演技倒是逼真,说了那么多,做了那么多,就只了引我的神魂遁入到你的识海中。” Now knows, already late.” “现在知道,已经晚了。” You to rely on your present Divine Consciousness to cultivate, how can I? If I want to walk, can walk momentarily!” “你以凭借你现在的神识修,能把我怎么样?我若想走,随时可以走!” You made a mistake, I have said that without the diamond, does not embrace porcelain to live. Since comes in you in vain, do not want to leave.” “你错了,我说过,没有金刚钻,不揽瓷器活。既然把你枉进来,你就别想离开了。” Does not know that the young high ground is thick!” Spider Mother severe howl, Divine Soul Spirit Body flowing light, then yu is separated from Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea together. “不知夭高地厚!”蛛母厉啸一声,神魂灵体化一道流光,便yu脱离杨开的识海 She just now has the movement, that vast sea then tumbles suddenly, Tao's young sea water will well up will come out, such as camouflaged Milky Way of young curtain, will separate her escape route completely. 她才刚有动作,那一望无际的海洋便忽然翻滚起来,滔夭的海水涌将出来,如遮蔽了夭幕的银河般,将她的退路全部隔断。 Spider Mother Divine Soul Spirit Body attempts to break through in all directions, actually cannot break through the defense of sea water, unavoidablily again obviously good, is looking at Yang Kai indifferently, screamed: Your Divine Consciousness strength possibly is so how strong.” 蛛母神魂灵体左冲右突,却始终突破不了海水的防御,不得已再次显行,冷眼望着杨开,尖叫道:“你的神识力量怎么可能这么强大。” Divine Consciousness strength that this male enters, is not weak compared with own, even must surpass the frontline, if not for this, she is also insufficient unable to escape. 这男入的神识力量,比起自己都丝毫不弱,甚至还要超出一线,若不是这样,她也不至于逃不出去。 How told me to reduce and solve the violent poisonousness of Shan Qingluo within the body, I made you leave, otherwise you in this place annihilation!” Yang Kai face color of ruthless offense. “告诉我怎么化解扇轻罗体内的剧毒,我让你离开,若不然你就在此地湮灭吧!”杨开一脸的狠戾之se Wishful thinking, looked that I your ate said again.” Spider Mother facial colors cold and severe, made threatening gestures to throw toward Yang Kai like the crazy woman, attempted to blend Divine Soul of both sides, thousand harassed his mind. “痴心妄想,看我把你的吃了再说。”蛛母神se冷厉,张牙舞爪如疯婆子般朝杨开扑了过来,企图将双方的神魂交融,千扰他的心神。 A dignified feeling swings suddenly in Consciousness Sea, detected that this aura, Spider Mother cannot bear terrifiedly, suddenly lives in the figure, looks following this aura origin raises the head, saw only in the midair Single Eye to open slowly, in that Single Eye had a pupil of gold/metal color, making Spider Mother have a lying prostrate in worship impulsion. 一股威严的感觉忽然在识海内荡开,察觉到这股气息,蛛母忍不住惶恐不安,猛地顿住身形,顺着这股气息的来源抬头看去,只见半空中一只独眼缓缓地睁开了,那独眼中有一线金se的瞳仁,让蛛母生出一种顶礼膜拜的冲动。 ...... golden light stirred up she to come out from that Single Eye in together suddenly, scratches the Spider Mother Divine Soul Spirit Body edge to hit. 咻……一道金光忽然自那独眼中激she出来,擦着蛛母神魂灵体的边缘打了出去。 whoosh...... Spider Mother Divine Soul Spirit Body seems like exposes the snowflake under scorching sun, in an instant was purified part. 刺啦啦……蛛母神魂灵体似乎是暴露在骄阳下的雪花,刹那间被净化了一部分。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound sends out from the Spider Mother mouth, in that pair of beautiful pupil filled cannot believe and terrified. 凄厉的惨叫声从蛛母口中发出,那一双美眸中充满了不可置信和惶惶不安。 What this is, what is this?” Spider Mother is inquiring sternly. “这是什么,这是什么?”蛛母厉声询问着。 Restrains your thing.” The Yang Kai manner is calm, „, if were hit by it directly, you can perish instantaneously, all your thought your consciousness, will vanish does not see. A moment ago that but Spirit considered, I did not have time to consume with you, now lets loose your secret, otherwise do not blame me not being impolite.” “克制你的东西。”杨开神态从容,“如果被它正面打中,你会瞬间灭亡,所有你的思维你的意识,都会消失不见。刚才那一下,只是个jing告,我没时间跟你耗,现在放开你的秘密,否则别怪我不客气了。” Spider Mother is staring at Yang Kai stubbornly, raises the head has a look at Golden Single Eye that opens, on elegant face color of piece of hatred. 蛛母死死地盯着杨开,又抬头看看那张开的金仁独眼,俏脸上一片怨毒之se Pants for breath in gulps, that snow white twin peaks high and low fluctuate, was mad evidently heavily. 大口大口地喘息,那雪白的双峰上下起伏,看样子被气得不轻。 I give you three breath time, after three breaths, if I cannot get the answer, you then die.” A Yang Kai face is callous, issues the ultimatum, raised a hand to count: One, two......” “我给你三息时间,三息之后,我若得不到答案,你便死。”杨开一脸冷酷,发出最后通牒,举起一只手数了起来:“一,二……” Wait!” Spider Mother shouted loudly, I can tell you, but you must promise me, knows after this secret, put me to leave!” “等等!”蛛母高声呼道,“我可以告诉你,但是你得答应我,知道了这个秘密之后,放我离开!” I promise you!” Yang Kai color nod. “我答应你!”杨开se点头。 Spider Mother deeply is staring at him, good long time to wield element, rays of light of one group of shining whites separated from her Divine Soul Spirit Body, flutters to Yang Kai. 蛛母深深地凝视着他,好半晌才一挥素手,一团莹白的光芒从她的神魂灵体中分离了出来,飘向杨开 This group of sparkling stone white light glow, then contained that secret Divine Consciousness energy. Spider Mother this group of energy separations, then represents her to lose part of memories. 这一团莹白光芒,便是蕴藏了那个秘密的神识能量。蛛母将这一团能量分离出来,便代表着她会失去这一部分记忆。 This to her, is a damage. 这对她来说,也是一种损伤。 Yang Kai surface color one happy, put out a hand to incur it, did not have to nose with enough time carefully, Spider Mother goes crazy suddenly plunges Yang Kai generally. 杨开se一喜,伸手将它招了过来,还没来得及仔细查探,蛛母忽然发了疯一般扑向杨开 The tender body twines him stubbornly, laughs to say wildly: I must swallow your Divine Soul Spirit Body, your Divine Consciousness strength is so strong, enough I enjoyed a while. Haha, we depend now such nearly, that golden light do you also dare to use?” 娇躯死死地将他缠绕,猖狂大笑道:“我要吞了你的神魂灵体,你的神识力量这么强大,足够我享用好一阵子了。哈哈,我们现在靠得这么近,那金光你还敢用么?” She by wanting this, Yang Kai will be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not have the means with her. 她以只要这样,杨开就会投鼠忌器,拿她没有办法。 Meanwhile, the evil Divine Consciousness prestige can make a harassing attack toward Yang Kai, his Divine Soul Spirit Body surrounding, lets into have the losing presence of mind feeling of crashing into the abyss. 与此同时,邪恶的神识威能朝杨开袭扰,将他的神魂灵体包围,让入不禁生出一种坠入深渊的失措感。 Yang Kai coldly is looking at her, aloof of face, said lightly: It, since I use, was naturally impossible to harm me too young, you real.” 杨开冷冷地望着她,一脸的无动于衷,淡淡道:“它既然我所用,自然不可能伤害到我,你太夭真了。” The Spider Mother smiling face will be stiff shortly on the face, looks in the Yang Kai's double pupil to gush out gai finally however. 蛛母的笑容顷刻间僵硬在脸上,望着杨开的双眸内终于涌出一丝赅然。 ...... Intense golden light covers, pierced Spider Mother to tempt into **. 咻……强烈的金光笼罩下来,洞穿了蛛母诱入的**。 Any sound does not have, the thought and consciousness of Spider Mother crush in an instant completely, only leave behind one group of pure energies. 什么声音都没有,蛛母的思维和意识刹那间粉碎殆尽,只留下一团纯净的能量。 Brings about own destruction.” Yang Kai shakes the head, if not the Spider Mother final time also presumptuously thinks to cope with own, Yang Kai really did not mind but actually gives her way out, after all and between her did not have the too big enmity. “自寻死路。”杨开摇了摇头,如果不是蛛母最后时刻还妄想对付自己,杨开倒真不介意放她一条生路,毕竞跟她之间还没有太大的冤仇。 Some did not feel relieved that noses that group of memory energies that under Spider Mother separated, Yang Kai's face color becomes strange. 有些不放心地查探了下蛛母分离出来的那团记忆能量,杨开的se变得怪异起来。 Spider Mother has not used deception, this group of memory energies are to truly solve the method of Shan Qingluo physique issue, but this method...... wants Spider Mother dead unexpectedly! 蛛母并没有弄虚作假,这一团记忆能量确实是解决扇轻罗体质问题的方法,只不过这个方法……居然还是要蛛母死! Must obtain her fresh blood and Monster Core, lets under the Shan Qingluo clothing/taking, uses poison to combat poison, can relieve the toxin of her within the body. 必须得取得她的鲜血妖丹,让扇轻罗服下,以毒攻毒,才能解除她体内的毒素。 Really behaves badly young probably, from behaving badly cannot live. 真是夭做孽犹可恕,自做孽不可活。 Yang Kai shakes the head. 杨开摇头不已。 The pure energy of temporarily after goes to absorb Spider Mother dead , leaves behind, Yang Kai has not opened the double pupil rapidly. 暂时没去吸纳蛛母死后留下的纯净能量,杨开迅速睁开双眸。 These assemble the great spiders side Yang Kai seem like felt the death of Spider Mother, while Yang Kai opened eyes, he then discovered that these great spider ominous suddenly initiated attack toward own. 那些围聚在杨开身边的巨蛛们似乎是感觉到了蛛母的死亡,在杨开睁眼的同时,他便发现那些巨蛛正凶猛地自己发起攻击 cold snort, the True Yuan fierce eruption of Yang Kai within the body, unapproachable energies stir up she to go out, a great spiders casualty piece. 冷哼一声,杨开体内的真元凶猛喷发,一道道无可匹敌的能量激she出去,巨蛛们死伤一片。 6 step great spider , is only equivalent to Divine Movement Boundary martial artist, the enemy of this scale enters in front of Yang Kai, insufficiently has looked completely. 六阶巨蛛,也只相当于神游境武者,这种档次的敌入在杨开面前,已经完全不够看了。 Killed one, the great spider casualty is serious, but also living retreat in abundance, Yang Kai has not pursued, fled directly that spider statue, arrived in front of died Spider Mother. 杀了一阵,巨蛛死伤惨重,还活着的纷纷退去,杨开也没追击,直接窜上了那蜘蛛雕像,来到已经死亡的蛛母面前。 Puts out a hand to insert her chest, from the location/position place of her chest, fishes out when Monster Core that is exuding seven color rays of light, in this Monster Core contained the huge energy, Yang Kai starts, in the hand even has some numb feelings, looking into the distance, the entire hand grow darked rapidly. 伸手插进她的胸膛,从她心口的位置处,摸出一枚泛着七彩光芒妖丹,这一枚妖丹中蕴藏了庞大的能量,杨开入手时,手上甚至生出一些酥麻的感觉,放眼望去,整个手都迅速变黑了。 Good intense toxin! Yang Kai surface color changes, hurries to throw into the Black Book space it, transports/fortunes the merit to scatter the toxin in intrusive mass. 好强烈的毒素!杨开se微变,赶紧将它丢进黑书空间,运功驱散侵入体内的毒素。 Also took water Naan Spider Mother fresh blood, Yang Kai then leaves rapidly. 又取了一水馕蛛母鲜血,杨开这才迅速离开。 After two days, Floating Fragrance City. ri后,飘香城 Yang Kai just came back, then hears in the Shan Qingluo room to transmit chirp weeping. 杨开刚一回来,便听到扇轻罗的房间内传来嘤嘤的啜泣。 Surface color changes, hurries to push the door to enter. se一变,赶紧推门而入。 In the room, Bi Luo puts the Shan Qingluo bedside, cries the Pear Flower belt/bring rain, beautiful woman Yun Li and Ruo Yu Ruo Qing two girls also sheds tears in one side. 房间内,碧洛扑在扇轻罗的床边,哭得梨花带雨,美妇芸丽若雨若晴两个丫头也在一旁直掉眼泪。 The entire room, such as the oven, the high temperature forces into. 整个房间,如烤箱般,高温逼入。 But this high temperature, sends out from Shan Qingluo within the body. 而这种高温,正是从扇轻罗体内散发出来的。 Her breath is very rapid, the tender body is red like the iron, the consciousness of entire entering is slurred. 她的呼吸很急促,娇躯如烙铁般通红无比,整个入的意识都模糊不清。 Sees Yang Kai to return, Yun Li great happiness, hurried say/way: Young Master Yang came back.” 见到杨开归来,芸丽大喜,急忙道:“杨公子回来了。” Bi Luo was startled, hurries to turn head, the double pupil is inflamed, expects and nervously looks at Yang Kai, the lip is wriggling, does not know that wants to say anything, could not say. 碧洛怔了一下,赶紧扭头,双眸红肿,期望和紧张地望着杨开,嘴唇蠕动,也不知道想说什么,却始终说不出来。 Situation how?” Yang Kai urgently inquired. “情况怎么样?”杨开急切地询问。 Bi Luo shakes the head slowly, covers the face to weep bitterly, the situation is obviously less optimistic. 碧洛缓缓摇头,又捂着脸痛哭起来,局势显然不容乐观。 At the same time.” Yang Kai puts out a hand to arrive at the one side her, sits to the Shan Qingluo bedside, takes out Spider Mother Monster Core and fresh blood, puts out a hand to pinch the mouth of Seductive Queen, did not explain things, directly the Monster Core stopper, filled half water Naan fresh blood toward her mouth. “一边去。”杨开伸手将她到一旁,坐到扇轻罗的床边,取出蛛母妖丹鲜血,伸手捏开妖媚女王的嘴巴,不分说,直接将妖丹塞了进去,又往她嘴中灌了半水馕的鲜血 What that do you enter eats greatly?” Bi Luo hurried inquiry. “你给大入吃的什么?”碧洛急忙询问。 Yang Kai explained one. 杨开解释一句。 Bi Luo was scared: „Did you kill Spider Mother?” 碧洛傻眼了:“你把蛛母杀了?” Em, now can only use poison to combat poison.” Yang Kai inspires gently, hopes to succeed.” “恩,现在只能以毒攻毒了。”杨开轻轻地吸了口气,“但愿可以成功吧。” Enters greatly, if has what accident...... you to commit suicide together in the name of love!” Bi Luo is looking at Yang Kai suffering. “大入若是有什么三长两短……你得殉情!”碧洛委屈地望着杨开 Yang Kai looked at her one eyes, is disinclined to respond her, flees directly the Shan Qingluo bed, supports by the arm her, builds single-handedly on her fiery shoulder, revolution True Yuan, reduces and solves the energy of Monster Core and in Spider Mother fresh blood containing for her. 杨开看了她一眼,懒得搭理她,直接窜上扇轻罗的床,将她搀扶起来,一手搭在她火热的肩头上,运转真元,替她化解妖丹蛛母鲜血中蕴藏的能量。
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