MP :: Volume #60

#5999: Strongest struggle

Each sketch represents over the next thousand years Yang Kai in space-time section, eight sketches, enough 8000 space-time span. 每一道剪影都代表未来千年时空段中的杨开,八道剪影,足足八千年的时空跨度。 About the Yang Kai main body, becomes the Nine Palaces Formation potential, the prestige of this battle formation, is powerful with Nine Palaces Formation that her eight own health/guard forms compared with Zhang Ruoxi. 杨开本体,成九宫阵势,此阵势之威,比起张若惜与她的八尊亲卫结成的九宫阵还要强大。 Compromises Zhang Ruoxi of strength of solar moon truly Yang Kai's any by own bloodlines sketch be together stronger, but the strength of that eight Small Stone Race own health/guard actually holds back, the Nine Palaces Formation potential of therefore the synthesis, in this piece of battlefield presenting, without doubt is Yang Kai's is more powerful. 以自身血脉调和太阳太阴之力的张若惜确实要比杨开的任何一道剪影都强,但那八尊小石族亲卫的实力却拖了后腿,所以综合而言,前后在这一片战场中出现的九宫阵势,无疑是杨开的更强大。 Powerful tiny bit incessantly! 强大的不止一点半点! Nine Palaces Formation becomes, the Yang Kai's main body one step treads, about the strength of other eight sketches, towards black ink encircles kills to go. 九宫阵成,杨开的本体一步踏出,合其他八道剪影之力,朝墨围杀而去。 six directions becomes, many sketches have shared half and half with black ink, the transformation that the Big Dipper gossips, making black ink fall into leeward, Nine Palaces Formation at this moment completely swept away all obstacles, the main body collaborated with eight sketches, hit black ink almost did not have the strength to hit back. 六合阵成的时候,诸多剪影就已经与墨平分秋色,七星八卦的转换,让墨完全落入了下风,此刻的九宫阵更是所向披靡,本体与八道剪影联手,打的墨几乎毫无还手之力。 black ink blood whirlwind flies, the strength of black ink dissipates. 墨血飚飞,墨之力逸散。 Nine Yang Kai's figure shuttles vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, each controls the strength of 3000 main road, because each is Yang Kai, therefore does not need anything to coordinate, engagement close without a gap that sketches make a move, does not have any flaw! 九道杨开的身形穿梭纵横,每一个都掌控三千大道之力,因为每一个都是杨开本身,所以根本不需要什么配合,一道道剪影出手的衔接紧密无间,没有任何破绽! black ink has a mind to break through, where however can easily get rid of sieging of battle formation. 墨有心突围,然而哪能轻易摆脱阵势的围困。 The people who the distant place observes were all shocked. 远方观战的众人俱都惊呆了。 Everyone didn't expect this final war will present the so strange scene, the technique of sketch exceeds the cognition and imagination of people wonderful. 谁也没想到这最终一战会出现如此离奇的场景,剪影之术的神妙超出众人的认知和想象。 Said goodbye in the field the situation, various people was encouraged all, because of until at this moment, them saw finally hope that defeated black ink this ancient supreme. 再见场中局势,诸人无不振奋,因为直到此刻,他们终于看到了战胜墨这位古老至尊的希望。 Before then, how must face black ink, is Human Race continuously the issue that is hard to solve. Although has not deliberately avoided, but Human Race truly does not have enough method and strength in fact resists him. 在此之前,要如何面对墨,是人族这边一直难以解决的问题。虽没有刻意回避,可事实上人族确实没有足够的手段和力量来对抗他。 Rushing to rescue of Zhang Ruoxi is the happiness of accidental/surprised, but such powerful Zhang Ruoxi, the subordinates in black ink cannot ask for even finally well. 张若惜的驰援是意外之喜,可即便是那样强大的张若惜,最终在墨的手下也没能讨得了好。 Advocated the battlefield war to finish, all Black Ink Clan by kill to the last one/being ruthless, if Yang Kai can solve black ink, that these continues until now black ink trouble from the recent antiquity at the late stage, can at one stroke. 战场的战事已经结束,所有墨族赶尽杀绝,若是杨开这边能够解决墨的话,那这一场自近古末期持续至今的墨患,便可一举解决。 The glorious future is waiting for Human Race, bright will tear the dark blockade finally. 美好的未来在等待人族,光明终将撕裂黑暗的封锁。 However quick, Human Race several established 9-Rank then worry, although in speaking one's lines the situation is excellent, but who not clear Yang Kai used the technique of this sketch to pay what price. 不过很快,人族几位老牌九品便担忧起来,虽说场中局势大好,可谁也不清楚杨开施展这剪影之术到底付出了什么代价。 This is far exceeds his strength Secret Technique, the acquired strength is stronger, the paid price is inevitably bigger! 这是远超他本身力量的秘术,获得的力量越强,付出的代价必然就越大! But how long Yang Kai can insist in the this kind of fight, is the unknown number. 杨开能在这样的战斗中坚持多久,也是未知之数。 In fact, such that just like they are worried about, Yang Kai to use the technique of this sketch truly paid the price that is inconceivable. 事实上,正如他们所担心的那样,杨开为了施展这剪影之术确实付出了难以想象的代价。 But after obtaining this surpass own strength, his main body also bears the greatest load. 而在获得这超越自身的力量之后,他的本体也承受莫大的负荷。 In other words, the this kind of condition, he does not have the means to continue is too long! 换句话说,这样的状态,他没办法持续太久! This war, must result in quickly ended! Therefore, he does not hesitate the main body to go forth to battle personally, only to solve quickly black ink. 这一战,必须得尽快结束!为此,他不惜本体亲自上阵,只为更快地将墨解决掉。 Under the Nine Palaces Formation potential, black ink retreats in defeat again and again, does not have the strength to hit back, this aggrieved situation makes him angry, he is ancient supreme, with the powerhouse of herd same age, once had the opportunity to rule various heaven era. 九宫阵势之下,墨节节败退,已然没有还手之力,这憋屈的处境让他愤怒,他是古老至尊,是与牧同一个年代的强者,曾有机会统治诸天的一个时代 Although his source by suppress and seal 30%, may be unable to tolerate a later generation is so dissolute ahead of time, particularly this later generation also seized herd final carry-over. 尽管他的本源提前被封镇了30%之多,可也容忍不了一个后辈如此放肆,尤其是这个后辈还夺走了牧最后的遗留。 During the fierce combat, he turns the head to look suddenly in a direction, observed closely the Yang Kai's together form. 激战之中,他蓦然转头朝一个方向望去,盯住了杨开的一道身影。 That is the Yang Kai's main body. 那是杨开的本体。 The main body is very easy to distinguish, solely main body aura in many sketches is not weakest, after because uses the sketch technique, the main body appearance is pitiful. 本体很容易分辨,不单单是在诸多剪影中本体的气息最弱,更因为施展剪影术后,本体模样凄惨。 To decode the sketch technique, either destroys Space-Time River this foundation, either cuts to kill main body core. 想要破解剪影术,要么摧毁时空长河这个根基,要么斩杀本体这个核心。 Now Space-Time River could not have seen, disperses in Yang Kai's eight sketch within the body, then black ink only has a choice. 如今时空长河已经看不到了,分散在杨开的八道剪影体内,那么墨就只剩下一个选择。 Welcomed attack of many sketches, black ink is ignoring own injury, even was cut the next arm by the strongest that sketch directly, huge payout eventually valuable, he broke through the blockade of sketches, killed in front of the Yang Kai main body. 迎着诸多剪影的攻击,墨不顾自身的伤势,甚至被最强的那道剪影直接斩下一只臂膀,巨大的付出终究是有价值的,他突破了剪影们的封锁,杀到了杨开本体面前。 The strength of black ink surges, he lifts remaining hands, pounds loudly to Yang Kai. 墨之力涌动,他抬起剩下的一只手,轰然砸向杨开 This fist distance Yang Kai is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) away fully, but under a fist, the space was shattered, the time stagnates, the universe collapses. 这一拳距离杨开足有万丈之遥,但一拳之下,空间破碎,时光停滞,乾坤崩坏。 This is black ink uses a full power fist, a fist that is also unable to avoid. 这是墨倾尽全力的一拳,也是无法躲避的一拳。 He seemed to have seen the Yang Kai main body this fought with the fists the ashes appearance, in the angry pupil flashes through together astringent intent faintly. 他似乎已经看到了杨开本体被这一拳打成齑粉的模样,愤怒的眸中隐隐闪过一道涩意。 The scene in imagination has not appeared, the Yang Kai main body does not even have the least bit to be panic, instead welcomed that fist to rush ahead. 想象中的场景并没有出现,杨开本体甚至没有半点惊慌失措,反而迎着那拳头冲杀上来。 When black ink for it stunned, the Yang Kai main body erupts the far ultra his strength suddenly, broke open the blockade of space directly, making the time of stagnation flow again. 就在墨为之愕然的时候,杨开本体忽然爆发出远超他自身的力量,直接破开了空间的封锁,让停滞的时光再次流淌。 His same fist wields. 他同样一拳挥出。 It is not wonderful! 不妙! The black ink heart one suddenly, realized the own fell into a trap. 墨心头一突,意识到自己中计了。 until now, Nine Palaces Formation formation eye maintains on the strongest that sketch, but in this flash, the Yang Kai main body can erupt that powerful strength, is formation eye is clearly shifted to the main body menstruates. 一直以来,九宫阵阵眼都维持在最强的那道剪影身上,但在这一瞬间,杨开本体能爆发出那么强大的力量,分明是阵眼被转移到本体身上来了。 Eradicates the means of sketch technique in the main body, this point black ink and Yang Kai are well aware, the former wants to aim, how the latter can not guard. 破除剪影术的办法在本体,这一点墨和杨开都心知肚明,前者想要针对,后者又怎会不加防范。 Even can say, he has been waiting for this moment. 甚至可以说,他一直在等着这一刻。 The wild strength sweeps across, the figure of black ink cannot stop goes toward retreat, eight sketches will kill in all directions will come, the strength of unconstrained vibration main road, hit he will set up the body is not steady. 狂暴的力量席卷,墨的身形止不住地往后退去,八道剪影四面八方杀将而来,大道之力跌宕震动,打的他立身不稳。 Is only this , the key one time is that eight sketches every acted, can display far to exceed own strength. 仅仅只是这样也就罢了,关键是那八道剪影每一次出手,都能发挥出远超自身的力量。 formation eye is keeping shifting! Which sketch acts together, formation eye will shift to whom on. 阵眼在不停地转移!哪一道剪影出手,阵眼就会转移到谁身上。 Trades to be others naturally not to have the means to achieve this thing, but between the Yang Kai main body and sketch want to shift, has one's wish. 换做旁人自然没办法做到这种事,可杨开本体与剪影之间想要转移,自是随心所欲。 Before Zhang Ruoxi had then done this matter, she and that eight own health/guard, not only is formation eye, and is not formation eye. 之前张若惜便做过这种事,她与那八尊亲卫,既全都是阵眼,又全都不是阵眼 Such perfect Nine Palaces Formation, does not have any flaw, did not fear that aimed. 这样完美无瑕的九宫阵,根本不存在任何破绽,也不怕被人针对。 To decode the this kind of battle formation, only the means that fall it by the strength! 想要破解这样的阵势,唯有一个办法,以力降之! Zhang Ruoxi defeats in the hand of black ink, the biggest reason is Small Stone Race own health/guard cannot withstand the fight of that high-intensity and intensity, the shift of each formation eye shoulders to Small Stone Race own health/guard, will make their bodies damage, the number of times more than one, have the disintegration risk. 张若惜之所以败在墨的手上,最大的原因是小石族亲卫承受不住那种高强度和烈度的战斗,每一次阵眼的转移对小石族亲卫来说都是负荷,会让它们的身躯有所损伤,次数一多,就有崩碎的风险。 Yang Kai at present similarly so! Especially his main body, displayed distressed, now bears a formation eye pressure that incomparably the sketch technique does, immediately a blood fog blowout, the complexion becomes incomparably pale. 杨开眼下同样如此!尤其是他的本体,本来施展剪影术就搞的无比狼狈,如今又承受了一次阵眼的压力,当即一口血雾喷出,脸色变得无比苍白。 However his figure has not actually stopped, while the own eight sketches, when besieges black ink, one step treads, before arriving at the arm of that only cut off black ink . 然而他的身形却没有丝毫停顿,趁着自己的八道剪影在围攻墨的时候,一步踏出,来到那只被斩断的墨的臂膀前。 Although this arm flowed out fresh blood, but in fact not totally flesh and blood. 这臂膀虽然流出了鲜血,可实际上并非完全的血肉之躯。 Opens!” Under Yang Kai lifts a hand point, Spiritual Mind surges, together the front door suddenly presents at present, the front door opens wide the slit, spreads the indescribable involving strength, directly swallows that cut off arm. “开!”杨开抬手一点,神念涌动之下,一道大门忽然呈现在眼前,大门敞开缝隙,从中传出难以言喻的牵扯力,直接将那被斩断的臂膀吞噬进去。 This arm, is black ink a part of source! At this moment already by Yang Kai with the aid of gate of suppress and seal profound female. 这臂膀,是墨的本源的一部分!此刻已被杨开借助玄牝之门封镇 The source of black ink is quite powerful, even on powerful was born black ink this consciousness in this type, without prompt suppress and seal, then black ink has the opportunity to take back the arm, the source that will lose again fuses. 墨的本源极为强大,甚至在这种强大上诞生了墨这个意识,如果没有及时封镇的话,那么墨就有机会收回断臂,重新将丢失的本源融合。 By that time, he still returns safe and sound. 到那时候,他依然毫发无损。 But this moment source was sealed, aura of black ink dropped one section suddenly, although his strength of breaking arm place black ink surges, suddenly the time formed a new arm, may actually not can be looked by the suppress and seal strength. 但此刻本源被封,墨的气息陡然跌落了一截,虽然他的断臂处墨之力涌动,眨眼功夫就形成了一条新的臂膀,可被封镇的力量却是找不回来了。 Strikes to go well, the Yang Kai confidence increases! 一击得手,杨开信心大增! This marches to the first step of victory, is most difficult to take, most essential one step! 这是走向胜利的第一步,也是最难迈出,最为关键的一步! These step stepped, that following road was good. 这一步迈出去了,那接下来的路就好走了。 Received the gate of profound female, he folds that side the towards black ink to kill will pass. 收了玄牝之门,他折身朝墨那边杀将过去。 The war begins! 大战再起! Has exposed the secret that Nine Palaces Formation formation eye can shift at any time, Yang Kai does not need to cover-up again anything, the strength of main road shakes, the offensive is even more wild. 已经暴露九宫阵阵眼可以随时转移的秘密,杨开就没必要再藏掖什么了,大道之力震荡间,攻势愈发狂暴。 Under Nine Palaces Formation, black ink is not an opponent, at this moment lost part of sources, the condition even more could not withstand. 原本在九宫阵下,墨就已经不是对手,此刻失了一部分本源,状况愈发不堪。 The fierce combat moment, the Yang Kai's sketch found the opportunity together, breaks an arm of black ink again. 激战片刻,杨开的一道剪影找到机会,再断墨的一条臂膀。 black ink also wants to take back, how however has preparation Yang Kai to make him satisfied early, in many sketches under attacks crazily, he is unable to withdraw. 墨还想收回,然而早有准备的杨开岂会让他称心如意,在诸多剪影的狂攻之下,他根本无法脱身。 Before the Yang Kai main body arrives at that arm directly, offers a sacrifice to the gate of profound female for the second time, swallows suppress and seal this source! 杨开本体直接来到那臂膀前,第二次祭出玄牝之门,将这一份本源吞噬封镇 Completes all these, he puts out bloody water again, raises the head looks toward battlefield, is feeling the conditions of many sketches, knows how long own could not have insisted. 做完这一切,他再次吐出一口血水,抬头战场望去,感受着诸多剪影的状态,知道自己这边已经坚持不了多久了。 Not to mention the main body is injured seriously, is that sketches also similarly so. 且不说本体受伤严重,便是那一道道剪影们也同样如此。 These injury small parts are black ink create, are more, actually bears the pressure that Nine Palaces Formation potential formation eye creates. 这些伤势只有小部分是墨造成的,更多的,却是承受九宫阵阵眼带来的压力。 The Yang Kai strong strength and background, making the Nine Palaces Formation eye withstanding pressure be above the imagination, this is also his own, if trades to make other 9-Rank, even if the strength is strong, transformed formation eye should be unable to withstand three times. 杨开本身强大的实力和底蕴,让得九宫阵眼承受的压力超乎想象,这也就是他自己,若是换做其他九品,哪怕实力再强,转换三次阵眼应该就承受不住了。 Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” He twittering, one step trod gently, plunders in battlefield. “速战速决吧!”他轻轻地呢喃了一声,一步踏出,掠进战场之中。 the next moment, the Yang Kai strongest that sketch is bearing the formation eye boundless pressure together, acts unceasingly, muddy does not attend to itself whether to support! 下一刻,杨开最强的那一道剪影承受着阵眼的无边压力,不断出手,浑不顾自身是不是能够撑得住! Under the wanton bombing of that strongest sketch, black ink seems in an extremely difficult situation, when him extremely, that strongest sketch threw angrily unexpectedly directly, bears the inking attack, grasped him stubbornly. 在那最强剪影的狂轰滥炸之下,墨显得狼狈不堪,就在他恼怒万分时,那最强剪影竟直接扑了上来,硬受着墨的攻击,死死抱住了他。 Close, that sketch to inking to crack into a smile, reveals a words dense fang! 近在咫尺,那剪影对着墨咧嘴一笑,露出一口白森森的獠牙! black ink understands immediately the Yang Kai's intention, angrily roared to struggle, attack that however the next moment, raided in all directions then covered with the sketch him! 墨立刻明白杨开的意图了,怒吼挣扎,然而下一刻,四面八方袭来的攻击便将他与剪影笼罩! The strongest sketch cannot withstand this kind of attack, explodes loudly broken, the skeleton not saves! 最强的剪影也承受不住这样的攻击,轰然爆碎,尸骨无存! The body of black ink was also destroyed, the left half side body direct defect, reveals in the abdominal cavity is dirty. 墨的身躯也被打碎,左半边身躯直接缺失,露出腹腔中的器脏。 He staggered retreat several steps, in the pupil flashed through the inexplicable look, has not waited for him in having what movement, there is a sketch together to throw. 他踉跄后退了几步,眸中闪过莫名的神色,没等他在有什么动作,又有一道剪影扑了上来。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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