MP :: Volume #60

#5997: space-time sketch

Space-Time River above, black ink pinches a chicken young to pinch the Yang Kai's head, said lightly: Qualifications that incompetent waste, has not gone on living!” 时空长河之上,墨捏着一只小鸡仔般捏着杨开的脑袋,淡淡道:“无能的废物,没有活下去的资格!” The word, big hand suddenly makes an effort. 言罢,大手猛地用力。 Where has lost the battle efficiency Yang Kai to withstand this kind of attack, the entire head explodes loudly, black ink does not give up especially, a fist rumbles, smashing that remnant body hits. 已经失去战斗力的杨开哪里承受得了这样的攻击,整个脑袋轰然爆开,墨尤不罢休,一拳轰出,将那残躯打的粉碎。 This prints in the numerous powerhouse eyes that are observing in the distant place, everyone is startled at the scene, does not dare to believe is looking at this. 这一幕印入正在远处观战的众强者眼中,所有人都怔在当场,不敢置信地望着这一幕。 Died? That most is good at creating the miracle, pulls raging tide in Jidao innumerable, saves man of Human Race in water and fire, died? 死了?那个最擅长缔造奇迹,无数次挽狂澜于即倒,拯救人族于水火之中的男人,就这么死了? The people instinct is not willing to believe, the subconsciousness thought that is the illusion or other anything. 众人本能地不愿意相信,下意识觉得那是不是幻觉或者别的什么。 But with exploding of Yang Kai body is broken, the dissipation of that aura is actually not able to counterfeit. 但随着杨开身躯的爆碎,那气息的消散却是无法作假的。 All showed, Yang Kai really died! 所有的一切都证明,杨开是真的死了! Dies in black ink this ancient supreme subordinate. 死在墨这位古老至尊的手下。 Was grasped Space-Time River to arrive by black ink from Yang Kai died, Kung Fu that only short flickers, under black ink pain killer time does not have half silk hesitant, causes thought that the observing people have not had to rescue with enough time. 杨开被墨抓出时空长河到身亡,只短短一瞬的功夫,墨痛下杀手的时候没有半丝犹豫,导致观战众人都还没来得及生出去援救的念头。 The sad and shrill Phoenix Cry sound gets up, roared along with angry Dragon Roar, Su Yan and Yang Xiao have changed to the body of Holy Spirit, towards black ink that side killing in the past. 凄厉的凤鸣声响起,伴随着愤怒的龙吟咆哮,苏颜杨霄已化作圣灵之身,朝墨那边扑杀过去。 Follows closely after two forms, all powerhouses sent out. 紧随在两道身影之后,所有强者都出动了。 Even if knew perfectly well that is not the opponent, still no one hesitates half a point. 即便明知不是对手,也没有人迟疑半分。 Yang Kai died, in this world again no one is the opponent in black ink, the strength of black ink will soon rule various heaven, this world does not have Human Race again sets up a institute, this is final striving for success! 杨开死了,这世上再没有谁是墨的对手,墨的力量即将统治诸天,这天地再没有人族的立身之所,这是最后的拼搏! The Su Yan speed is fastest, after all the space main road is Phoenix Clan say/way of the life, after the anger and embezzled sadly mental, in her heart only has a thought that that takes revenge! Accompanies him altogether to go to Underworld. 苏颜的速度最快,毕竟空间大道是凤族的本命之道,愤怒和悲伤吞没了心智之后,她心中只有一个念头,那就是复仇!或者陪着他共赴黄泉 The quiet blue huge figure drags to entrain the brilliant band of light, the form is only several organizes, then crashed in battlefield. 幽蓝色的庞大身形拖拽着绚烂的光带,身影只是几个腾挪,便冲进了战场之中。 However has not waited for her to catch up, strange then appeared. 然而还不等她有所发力,诡异的一幕便出现了。 The peaceful Space-Time River always mighty waves, with sweeping across of spray, the person's shadow trod the wave from the river in together. 原本安宁的时空长河平生波澜,随着浪花的席卷,一道人影自长河中踏浪而出。 After seeing that form, Su Yan is startled in place, is also scared after various that her rushes ahead. 看到那身影之后,苏颜不禁怔在原地,在她之后冲杀过来的诸强们也都傻了眼。 Only because of walks from Space-Time River, should Yang Kai that was massacred impressively by black ink! 只因从时空长河中走出来的,赫然是理应被墨杀掉的杨开 Has not died! 没死! Everyone is looking at this unbelievable, one such as just now they saw Yang Kai was killed. 所有人都难以置信地望着这一幕,一如方才他们看到杨开被杀的时候。 Yang Kai clearly dies in their eyes hides lowly, that not illusion, but he is also living, walked from Space-Time River. 杨开分明死在他们眼皮子低下,那绝非什么幻觉,可他偏偏还活着,从时空长河中又走了出来。 This strange has gone beyond everyone's understanding category, dies and is reborn this matter to hear something never heard of before simply. 这诡异的一幕已经超出了所有人的理解范畴,死而复生这种事简直闻所未闻。 Treads the wave, but Yang Kai then saw Su Yan and the others the traces, he guessed correctly that can be this appearance, long shouted the one breath: Caught up finally, draws back.” 踏浪而出的杨开一眼便看到了苏颜等人的踪影,他就猜到会是这个样子,长呼一口气:“总算赶上了,都退回去吧。” Ice Phoenix only slightly hesitates that Su Yan changes, then turns around to go, the stimulation of movement space main road, will follow close on the people who are catching up with also to transfer while convenient. 苏颜化作的冰凰只略一迟疑,便转身而去,顺带催动空间大道,将紧跟着赶过来的众人也挪移走了。 The Human Race numerous return to beforehand location/position again, this location/position is safe. 人族众强再度回到之前的位置,这个位置还算安全。 Xiang Shan knits the brows: What's the matter?” 项山皱眉不已:“怎么回事?” Yang Kai had been killed obviously, how to live from Space-Time River? He lived so many years, has not seen such strange matter. 杨开明明已经被杀了,怎么会又从时空长河之中活过来?他活了这么多年,还没见过这么离奇的事。 In Mi Jinglun none flashes through: Creation Stage...... this is could it be that the mystery of Creation Stage?” 米经纶目中精光闪过:“造物境……这难道造物境的玄妙?” What do you mean?” The Ouyang Lie brow jumps: You said that Yang Kai has stepped into Creation Stage?” “什么意思?”欧阳烈眉头一跳:“你说杨开已经踏入造物境了?” Mi Jinglun shakes the head: But...... looks at not like.” Then treads the wave from Space-Time River, but Yang Kai, aura still only then the 9-Rank category, has not stepped into the new level. 米经纶摇头:“可是……看着不像。”那从时空长河中踏浪而出的杨开,气息依然只有九品的范畴,并没有踏入新的层次。 But in addition, couldn't Mi Jinglun find the appropriate explanation, Creation Stage could die and be reborn? 但除此之外,米经纶找不到合适的解释,造物境或许能死而复生? This is still odd enough. 这依然够离谱的。 In battlefield, sees Yang Kai to come, black ink turned head to look at the peripheral broken corpse flesh, determined that own really killed Yang Kai a moment ago, in the heart understood immediately: Sketch technique?” 战场中,见到杨开现身,墨扭头看了看周边的碎尸血肉,确定自己刚才是真的杀了杨开,心中顿时明了:“剪影术?” Yang Kai cracks into a smile to him: Really cannot hide the truth from you.” 杨开冲他咧嘴一笑:“果然瞒不过你。” The herd and black ink lived together so many years, the herd has what card in a hand, the black ink nature is clear, in this world is impossible to have the same two people, only if in the different space-time sections. 牧与墨共同生活了那么多年,牧有什么底牌,墨自然一清二楚,这世上不可能有相同的两个人,除非在不同的时空段中。 The sketch technique of herd is superb, for suppress and seal black ink the strength of source, she turns into 3000 sketches own one estranged, guards in 3000 Worlds. 牧的剪影术出神入化,为了封镇墨的本源之力,她将自己的一生分化成三千剪影,镇守在三千世界之中。 Yang Kai results in herd final presenting, swallowed to refine to melt her Space-Time River, expanded the mass of river, promoted the attainments and sensibility of own main road, obtained benefits greatly. 杨开得牧最后的馈赠,吞噬炼化了她的时空长河,壮大自身长河的体量,提升自己大道的造诣和感悟,获益巨大。 However biggest harvest not these, but is herd original creation the technique of sketch. 然而最大的收获并不是这些,而是牧独创的剪影之术。 This is to main road wondrous use the work of peak. 这才是对大道妙用的巅峰之作。 Fights at the same time with black ink, Yang Kai knows that own definitely is not an opponent, because he not possible to break through his shackles in short time , to promote next boundary. 与墨交手的同时,杨开就知道自己肯定不是对手,因为他不可能在短时间内突破自身的桎梏,晋升下一个境界。 Without the means promotion next boundary, then only has the dead end with the fate of black ink battle. 没办法晋升下一个境界,那与墨争斗的下场只有死路一条。 But he cannot die, if he died, Human Race really ended. 可他不能死,他若死了,人族就真的完了。 Without means in short time promotion next boundary, then the only opportunity, is grasps the herd the technique of sketch! 既然没办法在短时间晋升下一个境界,那么唯一的机会,便是掌握牧的剪影之术! own is not the opponent in black ink, two are not, then three? Five? Ten? 一个自己不是墨的对手,两个也不是,那么三个呢?五个呢?十个呢? Only has to grasp the technique of this mysterious sketch, has to defeat the opportunity in black ink. 唯有掌握这玄妙的剪影之术,才有战胜墨的机会。 Therefore with the confrontation of black ink, he has been primarily delaying time, is then blending the strength of own many main road. 所以与墨的交锋中,他一直以拖延时间为主,便是在融汇自身的诸多大道之力。 The mystery of technique of sketch, the herd has not taught to Yang Kai, is not she does not think, but is this peak work to main road wondrous use, is not she wants to teach Yang Kai to learn. 剪影之术的玄妙,牧没有传授给杨开,不是她不想,而是这种对大道妙用的巅峰之作,不是她想传授杨开就能学会的。 This technique, being probable Yang Kai own comprehends to be good. 这种术,非得杨开自己参悟出来才行。 Was good took the same path because of Yang Kai same as the herd, therefore the herd believes that Yang Kai can comprehend this mysterious technique, can understand that she granted the Space-Time River painstaking efforts. 好在杨开与牧一样走上了相同的道路,所以牧相信杨开能参悟出这道玄妙之术,也能明白她赠与时空长河的良苦用心。 Yang Kai has contacted with the sketches of more than 2000 herd, before swallowing to refine the river of herd, he then had some ideas and ideas to the technique of sketch. 杨开与两千多牧的剪影接触过,在没有吞噬炼化牧的长河之前,他便对剪影之术有了一些想法和构思。 But presenting that the herd leaves behind finally built the solid foundation to Yang Kai, in this foundation above, he understood the mystery of sketch technique finally, in Space-Time River, used this mysterious technique. 而牧最后留下的馈赠给杨开打下了扎实的基础,在此基础之上,他终于参透了剪影术的奥秘,于时空长河之内,施展出了这玄妙之术。 black ink truly killed him, the one who just kills was in the past some period of time he. 墨确实杀了他,只不过杀的是过去某一个时间段的他。 Withering away of sketch does not have the price together, Yang Kai this is the first time that used the technique of sketch, had soon detected, lifted the hand to select the head: As if forgot anything......” 一道剪影的消亡并非没有代价,杨开这是第一次施展剪影之术,很快有所察觉,抬手点了点脑袋:“似乎忘记了什么东西……” All that say/way was cut kills the sketch that to be in the space-time section that encounters, Yang Kai forgot thoroughly. 那道被斩杀的剪影所在的时空段内遭遇的一切,杨开都彻底遗忘了。 Ok, probably is not the important matter.” Yang Kai smiles free and easy, raises the head looks at the inking, hits second?” “算了,大概也不是什么重要的事情。”杨开洒脱一笑,抬头望着墨,“来打第二场?” black ink smiled, from encounters with Yang Kai, he then has been cloudy the face, seeming Yang Kai owed him much money to be the same, made impertinent remarks repeatedly, but he actually smiled at this moment: A little meaning!” 墨笑了,自与杨开交锋,他便一直阴沉着脸,好似杨开欠了他好多钱一样,更是屡次出言不逊,但此刻他却笑了出来:“有点意思!” Interesting also in behind!” When the Yang Kai voice falls, the whole body main road shakes, has killed to the front of black ink, the strength of behind river surges, lifts the hand to offer a sacrifice to Azure Dragon Spear, a spear/gun towards black ink punctured. “有意思的还在后头!”杨开话音落时,周身大道震荡,已扑杀至墨的面前,身后长河之力涌动,抬手祭出了苍龙枪,一枪朝墨刺了过去。 Azure Dragon Spear should break, in space-time section that but in Yang Kai this sketch is, Azure Dragon Spear is perfect, the long spear/gun that therefore this has broken blooms great power to be able again. 苍龙枪理应破碎了,但在杨开这道剪影所在的时空段中,苍龙枪还是完好无损的,所以这已经破碎的长枪再一次绽放出莫大威能。 Before one such as , the violent confrontation complementary waves spread toward all around like that unceasingly, making the eye that the Human Race numerous look at hide jump. 一如之前那般猛烈的交锋余波不断朝四周扩散,让人族众强看的眼皮子直跳。 Rejoiced secretly, Yang Kai lives enough promptly, otherwise is only they to overrun, black ink can kill conveniently. 暗暗庆幸,杨开活过来足够及时,否则单凭他们这些人冲过去,墨随手便可打杀了。 The people thought the this kind of battle, even if not be evenly matched, Yang Kai can also insist for a long time, him had shown the own strong strength very much after all before. 原本众人以为这样的争斗哪怕不会势均力敌,杨开也能坚持很久,毕竟之前他已经展现出自己强大的实力。 But what not as everyone expected is, this fight only continued short less than two double-hour, black ink then held the Yang Kai's flaw, fights with the fists in his chest place. 但出乎所有人意料的是,这一场战斗只持续了短短不到两个时辰,墨便抓住了杨开的破绽,一拳打在他胸口处。 The chest explodes large hole, the flesh and blood flying in all directions, the Yang Kai's aura rapid annihilation. 胸膛爆开一个大洞,血肉横飞,杨开的气息迅速湮灭。 Even if knows that Yang Kai will not really die, sees this time, everyone cannot bear sadly is submerged. 哪怕知道杨开不会真的死去,见到这一幕的时候,所有人都忍不住被悲伤淹没。 Killed the Yang Kai's second sketch, black ink catches the eye to look toward Space-Time River. 打杀了杨开的第二道剪影,墨抬眼朝时空长河望去。 Lives with the herd together is so long, black ink fully realizes the great strength of sketch technique, this Taoist skill truly powerful not its prestige energy, but is it throws in in Shishu the strong survival capability. 与牧一起生活那么久,墨深知剪影术的强大,这道术真正强大的并非它本身的威能,而是它附赠于施术者的强大生存能力。 The sketch technique uses Space-Time River to display as the foundation, the foundation is that Space-Time River, wants to cut to kill uses/gives technique thoroughly, that must result in first destroys Space-Time River. 剪影术是以时空长河为根基施展出来的,根基便是那一条时空长河,想要彻底斩杀施术者,那就必须得先摧毁时空长河 Otherwise the river, uses/gives technique will then never wither away. 否则长河在,施术者便永远不会消亡。 Therefore black ink after cutting to kill the Yang Kai's second sketch, then throws immediately toward Space-Time River, the strength of whole body black ink surges, covers toward the river. 所以墨在斩杀了杨开的第二道剪影之后,便立刻朝时空长河扑去,周身墨之力涌动,朝长河覆盖。 He must strength of black ink river, be so able to break the Yang Kai's sketch technique. 他要将长河之力墨化,如此便可破了杨开的剪影术。 However has not waited for him to be potential achievement, in that Space-Time River, then to/clashes the Yang Kai's together sketch, offered a sacrifice to Azure Dragon Spear directly, the front surface killed, in the mouth also teased: What makes anxiously?” 然而还不等他有所作为,那时空长河中,便又冲出来杨开的一道剪影,直接祭出了苍龙枪,迎面杀来,口中还调侃道:“这么急做什么?” Two forms fight one group again, Yang Kai slaughters with black ink, while is collecting various information of sketch technique. 两道身影再度战成一团,杨开一边与墨厮杀,一边收集着剪影术的各种情报。 This is the first time that he used the sketch technique after all, are not many to this Taoist skill understanding, he must control this Taoist skill as soon as possible perfectly, only by doing so, he has the turn the tables opportunity! 这毕竟是他第一次施展剪影术,对这道术了解不多,他要尽快完美地掌控这道术,只有这样,他才有翻盘的机会! Otherwise depends on sketch fights in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out only, how is not necessarily able black ink. 否则单靠一道道剪影车轮战,未必能将墨怎么样。 But wants to control as soon as possible perfectly, that can only places attempt, learns the lessons from the practice. 而想要尽快完美掌控,那就只能一次次地尝试,从实践中总结经验。 Forgot something, but the memory of preservation actually will not deliberately forget, this good deed...... in his heart is meditating actually , to continue with the black ink dogfight, although some are not the opponents, matter that but present he, does not need to consider dead, therefore he can unscrupulous make a move. “又忘记了一些东西,不过刻意保存的记忆却不会遗忘,这倒是好事……”他心中默念着,继续与墨缠斗,虽然有些不是对手,但如今的他,已经不需要考虑死亡的事情了,所以他能更加肆无忌惮地出手。 Quick, he collects an important information: „The span that the space-time section includes is shorter, the ability of sketch combat is continually weaker, noteworthy!” 很快,他又收集到一条重要的情报:“时空段囊括的跨度越短,剪影持续作战的能力就越弱,值得注意!” The effort of so thinking, his sketch making a move had revealed that the delapidated weak potential, was found the opportunity by black ink, cuts to kill instantaneously! 这般想着,他这道剪影出手的力度已经显露颓弱之势,被墨找到机会,瞬间斩杀! Everywhere blood rain flutters about. 漫天血雨纷飞。 Even if has seen several times the this kind of scene, the eye that the Human Race powerhouses who the distant place observes also look at hides jumps. 纵然已见过数次这样的场景,远方观战的人族强者们也看的眼皮子直跳。 However makes them feel what is relieved, almost while the previous Yang Kai death, next Yang Kai has walked from the river. 不过让他们感到安心的是,几乎是在上一个杨开死亡的同时,下一个杨开就已经从长河中走出来了。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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