MP :: Volume #60

#5955: Transcendent

Under the gaze of Xue Ji, Yang Kai jumps to leap, the towards black ink deep place plunders. 血姬的注视下,杨开纵身跃下,朝墨渊深处掠去。 Initial all common, does not have any difference. 初始一切寻常,没有任何异样。 But as is downward thorough, gradually has the strength of extremely thin black ink to start to fill the air, these strength of black ink originate from black ink deep pool most deep place, then by suppress and seal black ink the strength of source. 但随着往下深入,逐渐有极为稀薄的墨之力开始弥漫,这些墨之力来源自墨渊最深处,那被封镇的墨的本源之力。 All around environment also becomes gloomy many. 四周的环境也变得灰暗不少。 By black ink deep pool canyon wall, many people to excavate stone chamber, obviously is black ink teaches the numerous behaviors. 墨渊两旁的峡壁上,有许多人为开凿出来的石室,显然是墨教教众所为。 They close up practice in these stone chambers, comprehends the mystery of strength of black ink, enhances own strength. 他们在这些石室中闭关修行,参悟墨之力的玄妙,借此提升自身的实力。 Most stone chambers are spatial, only then a small number of some stone chambers have aura of living person. 大多数石室都是空的,只有少数一些石室有活人的气息 Yang Kai regarding this many are somewhat curious, according to Xue Ji said, black ink teaches the believer in this practice, to put it bluntly between comprehending the mystery of strength of black ink and resists the corrosion of strength of black ink to maintain balanced, living that can maintain, can the strength enter greatly, if cannot maintain, that definitely will be corroded by the strength of black ink thoroughly, changes to black ink disciple. 杨开对此多少是有些好奇的,按血姬所说,墨教教徒在此修行,说穿了就是在参悟墨之力的奥秘和抵挡墨之力的侵蚀间维持一个平衡,能维持的住,就可以实力大进,若是维持不住,那必然会被墨之力彻底侵蚀,化作墨徒 Yang Kai also never knows, the strength of black ink has anything to enhance the martial artist strength mysteriously. 杨开还从来不知道,墨之力有什么玄妙能提升武者的实力。 This is not quite the same as his beforehand cognition. 这跟他以前的认知不太一样。 Under the curiosity obligation, he comes to stone chambers of some people quietly, went into hiding the figure to observe. 好奇心驱使之下,他悄悄来到一处有人的石室中,隐匿了身形观察着。 Finally obtains one to let he not too definite conclusion. 最终得出一个让他不太确定的结论。 The source of black ink was divided by the herd in secret, suppress and seal in this place is only part, moreover there is the gate of profound female, therefore caused the corrosiveness of strength of black ink to be significantly weakened. 墨的本源被牧暗中分割,封镇在此地只是其中的一部分,而且还有玄牝之门,所以就导致墨之力的侵蚀性被大大削弱了。 black ink teaches the believer to come this, in the process that in resisting the strength of black ink corrodes often can break through own shackles and bottleneck, even they can also refine the strength of some ink to enter the body, the critical moment use, strengthens own strength. 墨教教徒来此,在抵挡墨之力侵蚀的过程中往往能突破自身的桎梏和瓶颈,甚至他们还可以炼化一些墨之力入体,关键时刻动用,增强自身的实力。 Before and left worry-free time together, Yang Kai killed many black ink to teach the believer, before these black ink believers at the point of death, many people stimulated to movement the strength of black ink, however disparate of power gap, cannot change the destiny that they died. 之前与左无忧一道的时候,杨开杀了不少墨教教徒,那些墨教徒临死前,很多人都催动了墨之力,然而实力差距的悬殊,并不能改变他们死亡的命运。 This actually interesting discovery. 这倒是一个有意思的发现。 Before the herd , said that the birth that black ink teaches is inevitable, because source suppress and seal of black ink here, whom no matter makes guard, even if the bright Spirit Religion person, will decide is corroded by the strength of black ink, will twist the disposition, will thus abandon the belief of own and insisted. 牧之前所说,墨教的诞生是必然的,因为墨的本源封镇在此,不管让谁来镇守,哪怕是光明神教的人,也定会被墨之力侵蚀,扭曲心性,从而背弃自己的信仰和坚持。 As for her said that own cannot approach the gate of profound female is too near, therefore is unable this door reason of control in hand, in the Yang Kai heart also to have the guess. 至于她说自己不能靠近玄牝之门太近,所以无法将这一扇门掌控在手上的原因,杨开心中也有猜测。 Leaves that stone chamber, Yang Kai continues downward thoroughly. 离开那石室,杨开继续往下深入。 Occasionally will run into doing an inspection who black ink teaches, after seeing the data plate of Yang Kai waist, has not felt embarrassed him, even the doing an inspection good intention reminded him to do what one can, ten million/countless must show off power not, Yang Kai was 11 accepts. 偶尔会遇到墨教的巡查者,不过在看到杨开腰间的铭牌后,都没有为难他,甚至还有巡查者好心提醒他一定要量力而行,千万莫要逞强,杨开自是一一应承下来。 Is downward, the strength of black ink is richer, canyon wall both sides stone chamber becomes thin scanty, martial artist also quantity sharp decline of practice in stone chamber. 越是往下,墨之力就越浓郁,峡壁两旁的石室变得稀寥,在石室中修行武者也数量锐减。 Until burns a joss stick, Yang Kai cannot feel again all around has aura of any living creature, by the canyon wall also no longer has the stone chamber to appear. 直到一炷香后,杨开再也感受不到四周有任何活物的气息,峡壁两旁也不再有石室出现。 He knew in the heart that own should arrive in black ink teaches the believers never to arrive in the deep place, but to here, that flooded the black ink strength in abyss already richly to the extreme, almost changes to the pitch-dark blackness, Yang Kai can only stimulate to movement Life's Exterminator Demon Eye and Spiritual Mind, can nose all around situation. 他心知自己应该是已经到了墨教教徒们从未抵达过的深处,而到了这里,那充斥在深渊之中的墨之力已经浓郁到了极点,几乎化作伸手不见五指的漆黑,杨开只能催动灭世魔眼神念,才能查探四周情况。 In the abyss the quiet silent, strange environment is filling the appalling atmosphere everywhere. 深渊里静谧无声,诡异的环境处处弥漫着让人毛骨悚然的氛围。 Yang Kai follows the origin of strength of inking, downward, downward, again downward. 杨开循着墨之力的来源,往下,往下,再往下。 Until some moment, the both feet visits the land suddenly. 直到某一刻,双脚忽然踏足大地。 He has arrived at the most deep place of black ink deep pool. 他已来到墨渊的最深处。 The under foot hears the clear sound, Yang Kai lowers the head the examination, the brow selects. 脚下传来清脆的响声,杨开低头查看,眉头微挑。 Saw only the black ink deep place to overspread the miserable white skeleton unexpectedly, one end, the innumerable years, as if had the countless black ink believers dead shortly here, thus accomplished fully this are the world of skeleton. 只见墨渊深处竟是铺满了惨白色的骸骨,一眼看不到尽头,无数年来,似乎有数不尽的墨教徒死在这里,从而造就了这满是骸骨的世界。 He bent the waist to pick up the skeleton to nose together, knit the brows slightly. 他弯腰捡起一块骸骨查探了一下,微微皱眉。 In the hand this skeleton is somewhat strange, as if compares the normal skeleton to want on a big way many, examines other skeletons again, is so. 手中这块骸骨有些古怪,似乎比正常的骸骨要大上不少,再查看其他的骸骨,很多都是如此。 What situation is this? 这是什么情况? The land starts to vibrate suddenly, seems what colossus to clash toward here from some position ominous suddenly. 大地忽然开始震动,似有什么庞然大物正从某个方位凶猛地朝这边冲来。 Yang Kai catches the eye to look in the direction that the sound originates, 杨开抬眼朝动静来源的方向望去, However has not actually seen anything, but associated to former Xue Ji makes peace the own goal, in his heart has the guess. Throws down in the hand the skeleton, Spiritual Mind swiftly, quick, then nosed the origin of sound. 然而却没看到什么,只不过联想到之前血姬所言和自己此行的目的,他心中已有猜测。丢下手中骸骨,神念倏忽而出,很快,便查探到了动静的来源。 That is a vitality is quite impressively exuberant, even when the intense some not too normal life runs sound that produces. 那赫然是一个气血极为旺盛,甚至强烈的有些不太正常的生灵奔跑时产生的动静。 Yang Kai slightly hesitated, changed a own position, actually does not think that unknown life pursued unexpectedly tightly. 杨开略一沉吟,改变了一下自己所处的方位,却不想,那未知的生灵竟紧追而来。 This fellow can detect own location/position! But Yang Kai has not felt any Spiritual Mind the fluctuation of nosing. 这家伙能察觉到自己位置!可偏偏杨开没有感受到任何神念的查探的波动。 This matter somewhat is strange. 这事就有些古怪。 He does not have to move again, but is calmly stood in place waits, he wants to have a look at the apostle in this black ink deep place with own eyes what's the matter. 他没再移动,而是静静地站在原地等候,他想亲眼看看这墨渊深处的使徒到底是怎么回事。 Quick, a huge form dashes the darkness, appears in the Yang Kai's field of vision. 很快,一个庞大的身影撞破黑暗,出现在杨开的视野之中。 That sees makes the Yang Kai brow wrinkle, only because of this huge form, although is also maintaining some human form, but more is actually the indescribable mutation. 所见到的一幕让杨开眉头皱起,只因这个庞大的身影虽然还保持着一些人形,但更多的却是莫可名状的异变。 This apostle has Yang Kai three people of high fully, the figure rickets, both hands are hanging, when spins hand and foot and using, just like a giant orangutan, its build also presents not normal grandiose, as if in flesh body was blown all at once. 这使徒足有杨开三人高,身形佝偻着,双手垂地,疾奔时手足并用,宛若一只巨大的猩猩,它的体型也呈现出一种不正常的壮硕,仿佛肉身中被吹了一股气。 Let Yang Kai especially care, is this apostle from top to bottom, was covered with the sarcoma. 杨开尤为在意的,是这个使徒浑身上下,长满了肉瘤。 This reminds him of own had seen some scenes. 这让他想起自己曾经见过的一些场景。 Once some Open Heaven Stage were corroded by the strength of black ink, changes to black ink disciple, thus broke through the original limit, arrived in a higher level, but accordingly, they also paid certain price, the change of flesh body was one of them. 曾有开天境被墨之力侵蚀,化作墨徒,从而突破了自身原本的极限,抵达了更高的层次,但相应地,他们也付出一定的代价,肉身的变化就是其中之一。 These break through Open Heaven Stage of own shackles, on everyone long has this fearsome sarcoma, flows out the wealth unceasingly outward, sends out the stench aura. 那些突破自己桎梏的开天境,每一个人身上都长有这种可怖的肉瘤,不断地往外流出脓水,发出腥臭的气息 Yang Kai is vigilant immediately. 杨开顿时警惕起来。 The apostle has jumped high, flexibility that the figure could not say, assumed the posture of mountain capping to throw toward Yang Kai, in the midair, a giant palm of the hand clapped ruthlessly. 那使徒已高高跃起,身形说不出的灵活,呈大山压顶之姿朝杨开扑来,半空中,一只巨大的巴掌狠狠拍下。 Yang Kai intends to probe, has not dodged, lifts the fist to welcome. 杨开有意试探,没有闪躲,抬拳迎上。 A bang loud sound, the land trembles, the Yang Kai whole person short three points, the figure went toward retreat under that tremendous strength freely, the both feet has two Daoist priest marks the ground plow, the clothing flutters. 轰地一声巨响,大地震颤,杨开整个人矮了三分,身形在那巨大的力量下不住地往后退去,双脚将地面犁出两道长痕,衣衫翻飞。 But apostle also by him, as soon as fights with the fists to fly, but drops after the place, crawls quickly, the whole body overflows the jet black mist, howled to attack to kill toward Yang Kai, as if did not know the ache, did not have the reason. 而那使徒也被他一拳打飞出去,但跌落在地后,很快又爬起,浑身溢出漆黑的雾气,吼叫着朝杨开攻杀过来,仿佛不知疼痛,也没有理智。 Yang Kai exhibits the stance immediately, fights one group with it. 杨开当即摆开架势,与之战成一团。 He must the herd help one another, now is Divine Movement Boundary Peak, arrives limit that this world can hold, the strength has the promotion words again, will receive the repel and suppression of this side world. 他得牧相助,如今已是神游境顶峰,抵达了这个世界能容纳的极限,实力再有提升的话,就会受到这一方世界的排斥和压制。 Supplements with his 9-Rank Open Heaven background, can say that takes a broad view at the entire primary world, can pass through three moves in his hand, hardly exists. 辅以他九品开天的底子,可以说放眼整个原初世界,能在他手上走过三招的,几乎不存在。 But this indescribable apostle, fought enough 5 minutes with Yang Kai unexpectedly, was found the opportunity to cut to kill by him. 可是这个莫可名状的使徒,竟跟杨开大战了足足半盏茶,才被他找到机会斩杀。 In other words , this kind of apostle, if to the reclaimation deep pool, that is invincible world existence, commanding that so-called black ink teaches, the Spirit Religion flag lord, insufficiently looks before the apostle completely. 换言之,这样的使徒若是离开墨渊,那便是无敌天下般的存在,所谓墨教的统领,神教的旗主,在使徒面前完全不够看。 Stench fresh blood flows out, the strength of rich black ink also dissipates from the skeleton of this apostle, the Yang Kai's mood becomes heavy. 腥臭的鲜血流出,浓郁的墨之力也从这使徒的尸骸中逸散,杨开的心情变得沉重。 He understands finally this black ink deep place that strange skeleton what's the matter, the build of apostles was at variance with the average man, this innumerable years, do not know that many apostles die in this abyss, skeleton that leaves behind naturally compared with huge some of common person. 他终于明白这墨渊深处那诡异的尸骸是怎么回事了,使徒们的体型异于常人,这无数年来,不知有多少使徒死在这深渊中,留下的尸骸自然就比寻常人的庞大一些。 However this is not the key. 不过这都不是关键。 The key is the strength of apostle, has exceeded the Divine Movement Boundary level impressively. 关键是使徒的实力,赫然已经超过了神游境的层次。 Divine Movement above is Transcendent, was cut the apostle who kills by Yang Kai, has obviously stepped into the Transcendent Stage level. 神游之上超凡,被杨开斩杀的这个使徒,明显已经踏入了超凡境的层次。 Because it lost the reason, only the interdependence instinct acts, therefore is hard to display the Transcendent Stage proper strength, otherwise Yang Kai solves it also to be more troublesome. 只不过因为它丧失了理智,只依存本能行动,所以难以发挥超凡境应有的实力,否则杨开解决它还要更麻烦一些。 How to have the Transcendent Stage apostle? The Martial Dao level of this world is not high, should only be able to hold Divine Movement Boundary to be right, otherwise for these years, would generation of shocking and stunning talent shackles that breaks through Divine Movement Boundary! 怎么会有超凡境的使徒?这个世界的武道水准并不高,应该只能容纳神游境才对,否则这么多年来,总会有惊才艳艳之辈突破神游境的桎梏! But in fact, from beginning to end, this world has not presented Transcendent Stage martial artist. 但事实上,自始至终,这个世界都没有出现超凡境武者 own at present Divine Movement Boundary peak strength, truly can the clearly sensation to the suppression of World's Will, the world be brutal, does not allow to present Transcendent Stage martial artist, will otherwise cause the turbulence and principle in universe is not steady. Why can the apostle achieve? 自己眼下神游境巅峰的实力,也确实能清楚地感知到天地意志的压制,天地无情,不允许出现超凡境武者,否则会引起乾坤的动荡和法则的不稳。为什么使徒可以做到? Yang Kai turns head to look into the distance in a direction, the faintly visible that side stands erect is flashing the front door, that should be the gate of profound female. 杨开扭头朝一个方向眺望,隐约可见那边矗立着一闪大门,那应该就是玄牝之门了。 After the gate, suppress and seal inking strength of the source, is this source, created the special condition of black ink deep pool, accomplished the apostle and black ink teaches. 门后封镇着墨的一丝本源之力,正是这本源,造就了墨渊的特殊环境,造就了使徒和墨教。 However he does not have the time noses the gate of that profound female to be mysterious, only because of hears the violent vibration sound in all directions, in the field of vision, the each and everyone huge shadow rushed ahead, the low and deep roar absorbs the person heart and soul. 然而他已经没有功夫去查探那玄牝之门的玄妙了,只因四面八方传来猛烈的震动声,视野之中,一个个庞大的影子冲杀了过来,低沉的吼声摄人心魄。 The apostle in black ink deep place, incessantly! 墨渊深处的使徒,不止一个! The Yang Kai complexion changes, he no doubt has the 9-Rank Open Heaven background, but received the enormous suppression in this side world strength, just now solved an apostle to take many efforts, the really many apostles besieged, perhaps also had no good end. 杨开脸色微变,他固然有九品开天的底子,但在这一方世界实力受到了极大压制,方才解决一个使徒都费了不少力气,真叫众多使徒围攻,恐怕也没什么好下场。 He is wanting to stimulate to movement Thunder Shadow the assigns/life the divine ability concealment figure, the heart moved suddenly, changed the mind. 他正欲催动雷影的本命神通隐匿身形,忽又心头一动,改变了主意。 the next moment, he shoots up to the sky, above towards black ink deep pool plunders. 下一刻,他冲天而起,朝墨渊上方掠去。 Encircles the apostles who kill to roar numerously, such as the shadow follows. 众多围杀过来的使徒们咆哮着,如影相随。 Although the apostles the figure is seemingly extremely fat, but the action is actually extremely flexible. 使徒们虽然身形看起来臃肿至极,但行动却是极为灵活。 A person before, many apostles, such as the meteor arrow rain wears out generally numerous dark. 一人在前,众多使徒在后,如流星箭雨一般穿破重重黑暗。 Below sound alarms the black ink believers who above dived to cultivate/repair quickly, that deep roaring makes countless people fearful and apprehensive, goes out of the stone chamber to wait and see toward below, all not clear exactly what happened. 下方的动静很快惊动了上方潜修的墨教徒们,那深沉的咆哮让无数人胆战心惊,走出石室朝下观望,俱都不清楚到底发生了什么事。 Quick, a black ink situated in most under taught the powerhouse to see let his unbelievable one. 很快,位于最下方的一位墨教强者看到了让他难以置信的一幕。 In the darkness, the form runs out from the black ink deep place together unexpectedly, but in that person of behind, form chase of each and everyone build tall and strong huge hissing low roar. 黑暗之中,一道身影竟从墨渊深处冲出,而在那人的身后,一个个体型魁梧庞大嘶声低吼的身影追逐而出。 Apostle?” This black ink teaches the powerhouse the view to shrink suddenly, cannot believe that the own lifetime can see existence in this legend unexpectedly. “使徒?”这位墨教强者眼帘骤缩,不敢相信自己有生之年竟然能见到这种传说中的存在。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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