MP :: Volume #59

#5844: Hopes you know the limitation

Newest website: He stopped.” Mo Yu opens the mouth suddenly. 最新网址:“他停下了。”墨彧忽然开口。 Monaya catches the eye looks, discovered that Yang Kai really stopped in field of vision limit location/position, although does not have any spoken language, is actually the silent provocation, greatly you have the stance that the skill pursues...... 摩那耶抬眼一瞧,发现杨开果然在视野的极限位置停了下来,虽没有任何言语,却是无声的挑衅,大有一副你们有本事追过来的架势…… Monaya at present one black, was almost irritated. 摩那耶眼前一黑,差点被气死。 Space-Time River is shaking, the great waves whirl around, obviously is that is stranded in false Royal Lord is struggling the difficulty-relief, however in the Yang Kai present method, is only stranded under a bunch false Royal Lord premise, how he can achieve wishes. 时空长河在震荡,浪涛翻卷,显然是那被困在其中的伪王主在挣扎脱困,然而以杨开如今的手段,只困束一位伪王主的前提下,他又怎能如愿。 Does not pursue......” Yang Kai to look into the Black Ink Clan numerous strong direction, eye flashes is flashing, these fellows actually careful very much, is feared evidently own kills. “不追了嘛……”杨开眺望着墨族众强的方向,目光闪了闪,这些家伙倒是小心谨慎的很,看样子是怕自己又杀回去。 Also so...... 既如此…… The Yang Kai intention moves, the figure flashes, goes into Space-Time River, the next moment, does not calculate tranquil Space-Time River boils suddenly. 杨开心念一动,身形一闪,扎进时空长河内,下一刻,原本就不算平静的时空长河陡然沸腾起来。 Far view, the Monaya look moves, nearly rushes, however has not waited for him to be put into action, that tumbling uncertain river then again steady, from the river somewhere, the Yang Kai's form jumps out. 远观这一幕,摩那耶神色一动,险些就冲了上去,然而还不等他付诸行动,那翻滚不定的长河便重新平稳了下来,从长河某处,杨开的身影又窜出。 In the hand is also raising an asthma gossamer, vitality gloomy false Royal Lord. 手中还提着一个气喘游丝,生机暗淡的伪王主 Because this false Royal Lord originally is seriously injured in frontline battlefield and Human Race 8-Rank battle, this returns to No-Return Pass, sinks dormancy healing in Black Ink Nest. 这位伪王主本就因为在前线战场人族八品争斗受了重伤,这才返回不回关,在墨巢之中沉眠疗伤 The injury has not recovered, the strength drops sharply, falls into Space-Time River, Yang Kai wants to overpower him not to have the difficulty simply. 伤势未愈,实力大跌,又落入时空长河中,杨开想要制服他简直毫无难度。 Raises that false Royal Lord in the hand, Yang Kai coldly stares with Black Ink Clan various that own separates faces one another spatially, the big hand is catching up slowly. 将那伪王主提在手上,杨开冷冷地盯着与自己隔空相望的墨族诸强,大手徐徐发力。 That false Royal Lord also detected obviously anything, the rising spiritedly ample force struggled actually does not help matters, can only catch the eye the directions to look toward Monaya and the others, the opens the mouth summoned: Rescues......” 那伪王主显然也察觉到了什么,奋起余力挣扎却无济于事,只能抬眼朝摩那耶等人的方向望来,张口呼唤:“救……” The words have not said, then explodes loudly, changes to the blood fog, the strength of rich black ink dissipates, explodes one group of huge black ink cloud instantaneously. 话没说完,便轰然爆开,化作血雾,浓郁墨之力逸散而出,瞬间爆成一团巨大墨云 Yang Kai light snort/hum, flung waving the arms about. 杨开轻哼一声,甩了甩手。 eye of zi that opposite place, one crowd of false Royal Lord look at wants to crack, Monaya and Mo Yu are also look annoyed, Yang Kai this provocation again and again let person mentality blasting open, however they regarding this are actually helpless. 对面处,一群伪王主看的目眦欲裂,摩那耶墨彧也是神色恼火,杨开这三番两次的挑衅着实让人心态炸裂,然而他们对此却是无能为力。 A previous war, had proven the Yang Kai strong strength, Black Ink Clan gathers two Royal Lord, dozens false Royal Lord lineups, cannot kill this fellow, 上次一战,已经证明了杨开强大的实力,墨族汇聚两位王主,数十位伪王主的阵容,也杀不死这个家伙, Only can drive away him, even if now fights again, perhaps will not have the too big harvest. 只能将他赶走,如今就算再战一场,恐怕也不会有太大的收获。 It can be said that promoted 9-Rank, had Yang Kai of body of Holy Dragon, had the absolute capital of having room for maneuver Black Ink Clan. 可以说,晋升了九品,有了圣龙之身的杨开,在墨族这边有了进退自如的绝对资本。 But after killing that false Royal Lord, Yang Kai does not have immediately to depart, instead have a relish looked at Monaya and Mo Yu, opens the mouth saying: „Is two now, who is a chancellor?” 而在杀了那个伪王主之后,杨开并没有第一时间离去,反而饶有兴致地看了看摩那耶墨彧,开口道:“两位如今,是谁是主事?” Monaya and Mo Yu all do not open the mouth, the vision is gloomy, is disinclined to respond his appearance. 摩那耶墨彧皆都不开口,目光阴沉,一副懒得搭理他的样子。 Yang Kai laughs at one: Person black ink two clan deep hatred seas, absolutely irreconcilable, nothing but is you kills me, I kill you, these years does Human Race die in your Black Ink Clan powerhouse person of hand/subordinate are few? I kill false Royal Lord, why to adopt this stance? What's wrong? Can't play?” 杨开嗤笑一声:“人墨两族血仇似海,不共戴天,无非就是你杀我,我杀你,这些年来人族死在你们墨族强者手下的人还少吗?我不过杀一个伪王主罢了,何必摆出这幅姿态?怎么?是不是玩不起?” Your that kills one? That side the E-5 territory eight false Royal Lord die in your hand! Monaya remembers this, the heart in the drop blood, remaining false Royal Lord smell there is something wrong the rapidness that runs, sooner or later must catch the whole lot in a dragnet by you. 你那是杀一个?戊五域那边可是足足有八位伪王主死在你手上!摩那耶一想起这个,心都在滴血,要不是剩下的伪王主们见势不妙跑的快,早晚要被你一网打尽。 Under took a deep breath, subsides in the heart the anger, Monaya clenches teeth saying: How do you treat? Might as well delimits to say.” 深吸一口气,平息下心中愤怒,摩那耶咬牙道:“你待如何?不妨划个道出来吧。” He was looks, does Yang Kai this cannot enter, draw back, definitely was some schemes, was dumbfounded to waste time with it with him here, might as well brought to light directly. 他算是看出来了,杨开这进不进,退不退的,肯定是有些图谋,与其在这里跟他大眼瞪小眼浪费时间,还不如直接挑明了。 Yang Kai surprised is looking at him: „Is Black Ink Clan you wields great authority at present? Was the rule of Mo Yu overthrown by you?” Also looks to Mo Yu: You, but established Royal Lord, Monaya promoted Royal Lord even, that is still a later generation, how you can make a later generation ride on own abuse power, this is not good.” 杨开一脸惊讶地瞧着他:“墨族眼下是你执掌大权?墨彧的统治被你推翻了?”又看向墨彧:“你可是老牌王主,摩那耶就算晋升了王主,那也是一个后辈,你怎能让一个后辈骑在自己头上作威作福,这样不行啊。” Mo Yu is aloof, when completely he is breaking wind. 墨彧无动于衷,全然当他在放屁。 Monaya is cold the face saying: Yang Kai, this and other words of instigation do not talk too much, Black Ink Clan may not have your Human Race so many to mistrust each other!” 摩那耶冷着脸道:“杨开,这等挑拨之言就勿要多言了,墨族可没有你人族那么多尔虞我诈!” Yang Kai curls the lip, he is also the power, and tries, the Black Ink Clan two Royal Lord disagreement/not with that if really can instigate naturally is good, does not have a business in any case, tries not to owe. 杨开撇嘴,他也就是权且一试,若是真能挑拨的墨族两位王主不和自然是好,反正是无本买卖,试试也不亏。 However now looks like, seems useless. 不过现在看来,似乎没什么用。 Calms down the god, Yang Kai said: Not is only you are being in power, that is also good, our old acquaintances, to each other knew the whole story, no one has treated unjustly anyone, today I come, then wants to do a business with your Black Ink Clan.” 定了定心神,杨开道:“既是你在掌权,那也好,咱们老熟人了,对彼此知根知底,谁也没亏待过谁,今日我来,便是想跟你们墨族做一笔生意。” The Monaya corner of the eye jumps, hears business these two characters on the headache, immediately before remembering, by day that Yang Kai puts the bite on. 摩那耶眼角一跳,听到生意这两个字就头疼,顿时想起以前被杨开敲竹杠的日子。 Therefore one hear of Yang Kai this words, some of he then not wonderful premonitions, wish one could to seal up the Yang Kai's mouth...... 所以一听杨开此言,他便有不妙的预感,恨不得封住杨开的嘴巴…… He does not do right after something else, Yang Kai does not care, from attending to said/tunnel: I must bring a thing to walk from No-Return Pass, hopes that your Black Ink Clan knows the limitation.” 他不接茬,杨开也不在意,自顾地道:“我要从不回关这边带一件东西走,希望你们墨族识相点。” The Monaya corner of the eye jumps was fiercer, what thing?” 摩那耶眼角跳的更厉害了,“什么东西?” Yang Kai puts out a hand a finger/refers. 杨开伸手一指。 The direction that he refers to Monaya following turns head to look, then sees several Black Ink Nest that that side stands erect, basically is Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest, but one is Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest. 摩那耶顺着他所指的的方向扭头望去,一眼便见到那边矗立的几座墨巢,基本都是域主墨巢,不过还有一座是王主墨巢 Monaya is puzzled: Black Ink Nest?” 摩那耶不解:“墨巢?” Does not think clearly, what does Yang Kai want Black Ink Nest to make? Black Ink Nest this thing is the Black Ink Clan foundation is, but to Human Race, seems to have no big using, in the past that side Human Race had truly seized some Black Ink Nest, has profoundly studied, the expedition period, can coordinate the trends of various group of armies with the aid of the pass on message of Black Ink Nest. 想不明白,杨开墨巢做什么?墨巢这东西是墨族的根基所在,但是对人族,似乎没什么大用,当年人族那边确实缴获过一些墨巢,也深入研究过,远征时期,更是借助墨巢的传讯之能协调各路大军的动向。 But after that Human Race has not then had what thoughts on Black Ink Nest. 但自那之后,人族便没在墨巢上动什么心思了。 You misunderstood, I want Black Ink Nest to do.” Yang Kai raises up the finger to lay out, what I want is under the Black Ink Nest thing.” “你误会了,我要墨巢作甚。”杨开竖起手指摆了摆,“我要的是墨巢底下的东西。” Monaya is startled, responded quickly, sneered: Your appetite may be big!” 摩那耶一怔,很快反应过来,不禁冷笑一声:“你的胃口可不小!” Under the Black Ink Nest thing, nothing but was a mountain pass. 墨巢底下的东西,无非就是关隘了。 In the past the Human Race expeditionary force's rout outside Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, cannot evacuate Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, retreated No-Return Pass, on the road of return, some mountain passes brought up the rear, was fatal, the mountain pass also buckle are many. 当年人族远征军在初天大禁外溃败,不得以撤离初天大禁,退守不回关,不过在归来的路上,一部分关隘断后,死伤惨重,就连关隘本身也折损不少。 Finally gets together to the No-Return Pass mountain pass, only then 70-80, later Black Ink Clan storm No-Return Pass, was hit to explode, at present remains in No-Return Pass here mountain pass, roughly only then past half, moreover is mostly tattered. 最终齐聚到不回关的关隘,只有70-80座而已,之后墨族强攻不回关,又被打爆了一些,眼下残留在不回关这边的关隘,约莫只有当年的一半,而且大多都是破破烂烂的。 These strategic passes, are carry-overs of Human Race ancient worthy people of former times, is background that these worthy people of former times generations of accumulate, Human Race can contends in black ink battlefield each war zone and Black Ink Clan, these mountain passes have lasting achievements. 这一座座雄关,可是人族古老先贤的遗留,是那些先贤一代代积累下来的底蕴,人族能在墨之战场各个战区与墨族抗衡,这些关隘本身功不可没。 Each strategic pass is one huge, Secret Treasure of collection attack and defense body. 每一座雄关都是一座巨大的,集攻防一体的秘宝 Withdrawing Black Ink Platform is copies these mountain passes to build, but really compares, the Withdrawing Black Ink Platform mass cannot compare any mountain pass, in front of true strategic pass, such as the difference of grandson and grandfather. 退墨台便是仿造这些关隘打造出来的,不过真的比较起来,退墨台的体量比不得任何一座关隘,在真正的雄关面前,就如孙子和爷爷的区别。 Because these strategic passes are extremely giant, therefore was in the past these 9-Rank Old Ancestor, without the means took away them, after Human Race lost No-Return Pass, these mountain passes then left behind in No-Return Pass. 因为这些雄关太过巨大,所以便是当年那些九品老祖们,也没办法将他们带走,人族丢失不回关之后,这些关隘便遗留在了不回关中。 Black Ink Clan occupied No-Return Pass, does not have the means to make these mountain passes make the best use of things, has not paid attention to them simply again, only places Black Ink Nest in these mountain pass above, regarded the place of Black Ink Nest station these Human Race treasures quite the same as. 墨族占据了不回关,也没办法让这些关隘物尽其用,索性没再理会它们,只将一座座墨巢安置在这些关隘之上,浑然将这些人族瑰宝当成了墨巢驻扎之地。 So many years pass by, Human Race side Congwei has had the ideas of these mountain passes, because is helpless, Monaya also didn't expect, Yang Kai this time set this request unexpectedly. 这么多年过去,人族一方从未打过这些关隘的主意,因为根本无能为力,摩那耶没想到,杨开这次居然提出了这个要求。 These mountain passes keep on Black Ink Clan, cannot display the least bit use, because Human Race evacuated in the past time, the core of each mountain pass carried off, formation and placement on mountain pass Secret Treasure, is destroys completely, the one who leaves Black Ink Clan is only the each and everyone giant spatial shell. 这些关隘留在墨族手上,发挥不出半点用途,因为当年人族撤离的时候,每一座关隘的核心都被带走了,关隘上的法阵和安置的秘宝,也是摧毁殆尽,留给墨族的只是一个个巨大的空壳子。 Yang Kai proposed suddenly wants the request of mountain pass, lets some Monaya surprise, actually this thing really gives Yang Kai is also indifferent, but is the enemy enmity, where has the good deed that this type easily complies with? 杨开忽然提出想要关隘的要求,让摩那耶有些诧异,其实这东西真给杨开也无所谓,但既为敌仇,哪有这种轻易答应的好事? Monaya is just about to reject, then listens to Yang Kai to say leisurely: I only take a mountain pass, I can make you move away Black Ink Nest, you comply then well, if not promise...... me to idle in any case the safe/without matter, visits your one time at most regularly.” 摩那耶正要拒绝,便听杨开悠悠道:“我只取一座关隘,我可以让你们将墨巢移走,你们答应便好,若是不答应的话……反正我闲来无事,顶多也就是隔三差五来造访你们一次。” Swallows back Monaya to the words of mouth, was very uncomfortable. 摩那耶到嘴边的话又咽了回去,别提多难受了。 If Yang Kai two months ago one made an appearance then sets the this kind of request, Monaya said that anything will not agree, but a two moon/month ago war, making Black Ink Clan various experience the Yang Kai's strength, the surprise attack of this time, Black Ink Clan lost Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest and false Royal Lord. 若是杨开两月之前一露面便提出这样的要求,摩那耶说什么也不会同意的,可两月之前的一战,让墨族诸强见识到了杨开的实力,这一次的突袭,墨族又损失了一座王主墨巢和一位伪王主 If much how many times the this kind of situation comes, who can support? False Royal Lord have the premonition of certain extent to the unknown danger, but Black Ink Nest is dies, if Yang Kai only starts to Black Ink Nest, the No-Return Pass Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest quantity are many, is out of control to toss about, he just achievement had proven has the this kind of ability. 这样的情况若是多来几次,谁撑得住?伪王主们对未知的危险有一定程度的预感,可墨巢是死的,杨开若是只对墨巢下手,不回关王主墨巢数量再多,也禁不住折腾,他方才的作为已经证明了有这样的能力。 Thinks it over, this matter really did not have the means to reject. 思来想去,这事还真没办法拒绝。 Monaya turned head to look at Mo Yu one, although Mo Yu trusted him, making him wield great authority, but this matter he really did not have a means person to make the decision, can only discuss with Mo Yu. 摩那耶不禁扭头瞧了墨彧一眼,虽说墨彧信任他,让他执掌大权,可这种事他还真没办法一个人做决定,只能与墨彧商讨。 two Royal Lord Spiritual Mind is surging, Yang Kai did not urge. 两位王主神念涌动着,杨开也不催促。 After a little while, Monaya clenches teeth saying: Mountain pass can you, but I have the request.” 少顷,摩那耶咬牙道:“关隘可以给你,不过我也有要求。” Yang Kai happy laughed: Does business, nothing but sits the starting price, falls to the ground to render back the money, you said.” 杨开呵呵一笑:“做生意嘛,无非就是坐地起价,落地还钱,你说。” Monaya said: After your mountain pass, can not come No-Return Pass again.” 摩那耶道:“与你关隘之后,你不得再来不回关。” „Do you want to sleep now?” Yang Kai looks at fool same looks at he. Monaya lets go: You said that does business must sit the starting price, if you did comply?” “你要不要现在去睡一觉?”杨开看傻子一样看着他。摩那耶摊手:“你说的,做生意就要坐地起价,万一你答应了呢?” Yang Kai some are unhappy immediately: „Do I seem like am so stupid?” 杨开顿时有些不开心:“我看起来有这么蠢?” That in 1000, in 1000 can not come No-Return Pass again!” “那就一千年,一千年内不得再来不回关!” The Yang Kai forehead blue vein happened repeatedly: Asked you to sit the starting price, has not asked you to talk irresponsibly!” 杨开额头青筋迭起:“叫你坐地起价,没叫你信口开河!” You teach......” Monaya ridicules one. “你教的嘛……”摩那耶揶揄一声。 Yang Kai looks at his one eyes ill-humoredly, waves saying: Ten years, within ten years I will not come No-Return Pass again!” 杨开没好气地瞧他一眼,一挥手道:“十年,十年之内我不会再来不回关!” 900 years!” Monaya bargained back and forth. “九百年!”摩那耶讨价还价。 Yang Kai obscure say/way: I look at you to some current situation misunderstandings, I not must take away anything, but I can come No-Return Pass at any time, permits your ten years is I most sincerity, may probably reach out for a yard after taking an inch not!” 杨开费解道:“我看你们对当前的局势有些误解,我并非一定要拿走什么,但是我可以随时来不回关,许你们十年是我最大的诚意,可莫要得寸进尺!”
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