MP :: Volume #59

#5842: Choice

Since Black Ink Clan invades since 3000 Worlds, several thousand years, before the Universe Furnace present world, Human Race have defended against a siege that more than ten big territory battlefield, except for these big territory battlefield as well as High Heaven Territory and new big territory, almost all big territories reduce to the hand of Black Ink Clan. 墨族入侵三千世界至今,已有数千年之久,在乾坤炉现世之前,人族一直困守那十多处大域战场,除了那些大域战场以及凌霄域和新大域,几乎所有的大域都沦落到墨族之手。 Therefore until now, Human Race faces a very big difficult problem. 所以一直以来,人族都面临一个很大的难题。 That is the issue of practice commodity, the occupied big territory are too few, the way of obtaining the commodity are few, by supplies of new big territory, absolutely does not have the means to meet all Human Race needs only. 那就是修行物资的问题,占据的大域太少,获得物资的途径就少,单靠一个新大域的供给,完全没办法满足所有人族的需求。 In the past big migration time, the major Sect families, and even Cave Heaven Paradise brought many good things actually, particularly major Cave Heaven Paradise, did not have several tens of thousands years of accumulation, each had the rich family belongings. 当年大迁徙的时候,各大宗门家族,乃至洞天福地倒是带出来不少好东西,尤其是各大洞天福地,无数万年的积累,每一家都有丰厚的家当。 But several thousand years later, sit idle and eat, commodity also consumption that long ago had were similar. 但数千年下来,坐吃山空,早年带出来的物资也消耗的差不多了。 Especially with the rise of Human Race promising youth, Star Boundary, in Myriad Monsters World births of massive Open Heaven Stage, is almost increasing to the demand of commodity every year. 尤其是随着人族后起之秀们的崛起,星界,万妖界中大量开天境的诞生,对物资的需求几乎每年都在攀升。 In the past Human Race many influences occupied the 3000 Worlds different big territories, self-sufficient, but is not good at present. 以往人族诸多势力盘踞三千世界不同大域,自给自足,但眼下却不行了。 Therefore many years ago, Human Race is finding the way to defuse this potential crisis. 所以在很多年前,人族这边就在想办法化解这场潜在的危机。 The matter of commodity, nothing but reduces expenses to open. 物资之事,无非节流开源。 Reduces expenses actually simply, the place that can save is as far as possible economical, avoids the unnecessary waste, now allows the squad to transform the Battleship custom also to be cancelled in the past. 节流倒是简单,能省的地方尽量节省,避免不必要的浪费,如今就连以往允许小队改造战舰的规矩也被取消了。 However opened makes Human Race have a headache, long ago some actually many Huntsman grabbed the team that Black Ink Clan transported the commodity, some harvests, but the risk was also big, once stared by the Black Ink Clan powerhouse, was surely more unfortunate than fortunate. 然而开源就让人族这边头疼了,早些年倒是有不少游猎者去劫掠墨族运送物资的队伍,有些收获,但风险也大,一旦被墨族强者盯上,必定凶多吉少。 black ink disciple that Black Ink Clan controls now, mostly was past Huntsman. 墨族如今掌控的墨徒,大多都是当年的游猎者 Yang Kai also comes No-Return Pass to take advantage of Black Ink Clan, the harvest is many, but this after all is not the long-term task. 杨开也来不回关敲过墨族的竹杠,收获颇丰,可这毕竟不是长久之道。 After the past years he and Mi Jinglun discussed that then in the Human Race underlying tissues a team that mines the commodity, by many established team leader 8-Rank, the secret escorts to the black ink battlefield deep place mining commodity. 是以当年他与米经纶商议之后,便在人族内部组织了一支开采物资的队伍,由多位老牌八品领队,秘密送往墨之战场深处开采物资。 This team several tens of thousands people, overall cultivation level is not too always high, cannot play the too major role on battlefield, but mines the commodity the words is actually nothing relates. 这一支队伍总共有数万人,整体修为不算太高,在战场上发挥不出太大的作用,但只是开采物资的话却是没什么关系的。 The entire black ink battlefield deathly stillness universe are innumerable, the commodity is rich, is suiting them to display. 整个墨之战场死寂乾坤无数,物资丰富,正适合他们发挥。 Selected these established 8-Rank, is some years fades old mannishly, or the internal injury in the body, the peak, Ouyang Lie was no longer one of them in the past, but was sent back to notify by Yang Kai afterward. 选中的那些老牌八品,也都是些年老气衰,或者暗伤在身,不复巅峰的,当年欧阳烈便在其中,不过后来又被杨开送回去报信了。 Yang Kai agrees with this team, connects with them every hundred years one time, the commodity of receive mining, so more than thousand years of time, all calm and steady as usual, but since 700 years ago comes for the last time, until today, Yang Kai comes again. 杨开与这支队伍约定,每百年与他们交接一次,接收开采的物资,如此千多年时间,一切安稳如常,但自从七百年前最后一次现身,直到今日,杨开才再度前来。 Many established 8-Rank naturally are other awaiting eagerly, 700 years of time is not to them long, but hangs this solitary one outside, how the not clear 3000 Worlds that side war, is to make them feel the suffering, often will have some desperate thoughts to give birth. 诸多老牌八品自然是等的望眼欲穿,七百年时间对他们来说不算长,可孤悬在外,不清楚三千世界那边战事如何,才是让他们感到煎熬的,每每都会有一些让人绝望的念头生出。 By after the hempen garments old man passed on a message, scattered 8-Rank then immediately in all directions to come, saw Yang Kai to promote 9-Rank, each one pleasantly surprised extremely. 是以在麻衣老者传讯之后,散落四处的八品们便第一时间现身了,见得杨开晋升九品,个个都惊喜万分。 „Are Junior Brother so many years have not come, closing up the breakthrough?” That hempen garments old man opens the mouth to ask, this is also the extremely reasonable guess. 师弟这么多年没现身,是在闭关突破?”那麻衣老者开口问道,这也是极为合理的猜测。 That actually not.” Yang Kai shakes the head, this matter was a long story.” “那倒不是。”杨开摇了摇头,“此事说来话长了。” Was not anxious, has anything to say slowly.” Nearby, another 8-Rank meets to say hastily, but also took a rush cushion to lose to Yang Kai conveniently. “不急,有什么慢慢说。”一旁,另外一位八品连忙接道,还顺手取了个蒲团丢给杨开 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) they want to know that during now urgently these 700 years the change of Human Race, Yang Kai comes with great difficulty one time, naturally must inquire clear. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)他们如今迫切想知道这七百年间人族的变化,杨开又好不容易来一次,自然是要打探清楚 After a little while, the people take a seat, Yang Kai then these year of Human Race change 11. 少顷,众人落座,杨开这才将这些年人族的变化一一道来。 Hears the Universe Furnace present world, the aspect that the person the black ink two clans refuses to compromise was broken, the war fully breaks out, people complexion all one cold. 听闻乾坤炉现世,人墨两族僵持的局面被打破,大战全面爆发,众人脸色皆都一凛。 Also knew that world of Human Race in that furnace was born all of a sudden four 9-Rank, unable to contain one's joy. 又得知人族在那炉中世界中一下子诞生了四位九品,喜不自禁。 Hears in the middle of these four 9-Rank also to have Ouyang Lie again, one group of people are not calm immediately. 再听闻这四位九品当中还有欧阳烈,一群人顿时不淡定了。 „Did that son of a bitch promote 9-Rank unexpectedly?” Gray-haired 8-Rank stared quickly the eyeball, corner of the eye twitch. “那狗东西居然晋升九品了?”一位头发花白的八品把眼珠子都快瞪出来了,眼角抽动不已。 „Can he have this dogshit luck?” Another 8-Rank also envies is not good. “他还能有这狗屎运?”另一位八品也羡慕的不行。 Originally, in 8-Rank this level, everyone is a senior citizen, innumerable years and Black Ink Clan powerhouse battle, performs distinguished service, the internal injury siltation, this for a lifetime hopeless 9-Rank, even if got up battlefield, could not display the peak strength, only if at risk of life a war. 本来嘛,在八品这个层次中,大家都是老年人,无数年与墨族强者争斗,立下汗马功劳,暗伤淤积,这一辈子都无望九品的,就算上了战场,也发挥不出巅峰实力了,除非拼死一战。 Here was arranged the team that protects to mine the commodity, is endures gladly. 被安排在这里守护开采物资的队伍,也算是甘之如饴。 Had an accident in the past, Ouyang Lie this fellow was returned to 3000 Worlds to notify by Yang Kai, finally such mistake arising out of chance circumstances achievement his chance. 偏偏当年出了点事,欧阳烈这家伙被杨开送回三千世界报信去了,结果就这么阴差阳错地成就了他一份机缘。 One crowd of senior citizen have mixed feelings immediately, felt that own missed many...... 一群老年人心情顿时复杂起来,感觉自己错过了好多…… Yeah, the silly person has the silly luck, 9-Rank on 9-Rank, Human Race many 9-Rank, is the good deed.” The hempen garments old man coughs lightly. “哎,傻人有傻福,九品九品吧,人族多一个九品,是好事。”麻衣老者轻咳一声。 The people nod to echo: Good.” 众人点头附和:“不错。” No matter envies, in Dashi, Ouyang Lie promotes 9-Rank really to have the greatest help to Human Race, what the people are obscure was Ouyang Lie this fellow luck was also too good, originally everyone defended together displays the afterheat here, his one fish dive Dragon Gate. 不管羡慕不羡慕,于大势而言,欧阳烈晋升九品人族确实有莫大帮助,众人费解的是欧阳烈这家伙运气也太好了,本来大家一起守在这里发挥余热,偏偏他就一下鱼跃龙门了。 So, in Universe Furnace, Black Ink Clan loses big.” “如此看来,乾坤炉中,墨族损失不小。” Yang Kai nods: Died several false Royal Lord, Royal Lord, that Monaya promoted Royal Lord actually, escapes. Moreover, except for four 9-Rank that in Universe Furnace promotes, before Wei Junyang Senior Brother and Luo Tinghe Senior Sister, then has broken through successfully, at present smiles with Wu Qing also got rid of the diversion, various Tongyi Road armies.” 杨开颔首:“死了几个伪王主,还有一位王主,那摩那耶倒是晋升了王主,逃过一劫。另外,除了乾坤炉中晋升的四位九品,魏君阳师兄洛听荷师姐之前便已成功突破,眼下笑笑与武清也摆脱了牵制,各统一路大军。” Some people calculate silently, „, Human Race the light is 9-Rank then has eight at present?” 有人默默算了算,“如此说来,人族眼下光是九品便有八位?” Nine!” Yang Kai looks to the person of speech, „is not quite familiar, now is responsible for assuming Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, is reincarnation body that bites.” “九位!”杨开望向说话之人,“还有一位诸位不太熟悉,如今负责坐镇初天大禁,乃是噬的转世身。” He refers to naturally is Wu Kuang, but Wu Kuang this fellow and Cave Heaven Paradise powerhouses have to do not many, before the reputation did not reveal, not necessarily some people know his existence. 他指的自然是乌邝,不过乌邝这家伙与洞天福地的强者们打交道不多,以前一直名声不显,未必有人知道他的存在。 Yang Kai he sends to Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction the time, he is also only 8-Rank, taking advantage of Heavens Devourer Battle Law, this can practice in such short time to the boundary of 9-Rank. 杨开把他送去初天大禁的时候,他还只是八品而已,借噬天战法,这才能在这么短时间修炼九品之境。 The people are encouraged. 众人振奋。 Back then the territory of emptying one fought, 9-Rank of Human Race innumerable year of accumulation were almost annihilated, present age Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress died in battle, was only left over to smile with Wu Qing, they must immobilize that black Giant Spiritual God, is unable to withdraw. 想当年空之域一场大战下来,人族无数年积累的九品几乎全军覆没,就连当代龙皇凤后都战死了,只剩下笑笑与武清,偏偏他们还要钳制那墨色巨神灵,无法脱身。 In a flash several thousand years later, Human Race finally birth new 9-Rank . Moreover the quantity are not small. 一晃数千年下来,人族终于又诞生新的九品了,而且数量还不算少。 So many years resistances, insisted, finally brought bit of dawn. 这么多年的抗争,坚持,终于迎来了一丝曙光。 Afterward, Yang Kai stated in detail a Human Race present situation with them, listened numerous 8-Rank is ready to fight, wishes one could to get up frontline battlefield now, kills his earth-shaking. 随后,杨开又与他们详说了一下人族眼下的局势,听的众八品摩拳擦掌,恨不得现在就上前线战场,杀他个天翻地覆。 The good and evil they also know that own is shouldering other duty, endured finally. 好歹他们也知道自己肩负着别的任务,总算忍了下来。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) is about 700 years of time, two clan situations change are so big, actually their also didn't expect, but is also reasonable. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)不过七百年时间,两族局势变化这么大,倒是他们也没想到的,可也在情理之中。 Previously the confrontation conflicts of person black ink two clans had the restraint much, one was Black Ink Clan dreaded to Yang Kai's, two regardless of Human Race or Black Ink Clan, are saving their strength. 此前人墨两族的交锋冲突多有克制,一则是墨族杨开的忌惮,二则是无论人族还是墨族,都在积蓄自身的力量。 The Universe Furnace present world, maintained several thousand years to break this, the comprehensive war was naturally ready to be set off. 乾坤炉的现世,将这个维持了数千年的局面打破,全面大战自然一触即发。 Reason that towed so many years, really left selected accidental/surprised, the work waits for a long time.” Regarding the matter of own why such long time not appearance, Yang Kai is only one in a tone with, has not stated in detail own to be brought the world end matter by Universe Furnace, this matter does not need too many people to know. “之所以拖了这么多年,实在是出了点意外,劳诸位久等了。”对于自己为什么这么长时间不现身之事,杨开只是一语带过,没有详说自己乾坤炉带到了天地尽头的事,这种事没必要太多人知道。 The hempen garments old man beckons with the hand saying: 700 years, wait why not, the officers are bathed in blood to fight with all might in the frontline, we have no danger here.” 麻衣老者摆手道:“七百年而已,等等又何妨,将士们在前线浴血拼杀,我们在这里又没什么危险。” Yang Kai look one austere: Today this comes, with connects with the commodities of these year of mining, secondly also wants to ask, having plan that must go back, if some words, I can deliver go back.” 杨开神色一肃:“今日此来,一则是与诸位交接这些年开采的物资,二来也想问问诸位,有没有要回去的打算,若是有的话,我可以送诸位回去。” People hears word are one happy, they mined the commodity also more than 1000 years black ink battlefield, usually was basically idle, the cultivation level strength to their degrees, does not need again practice, practice was also useless, without the enemy and they clashed, day dull very much, dominated the life of battlefield naturally to fondly remember to the past years extremely. 众人闻言都是一喜,他们在墨之战场这边开采物资也有一千多年了,平日里基本无所事事,修为实力到了他们这个程度,已经不需要再修行了,修行也没用,没有敌人与他们发生冲突,日子枯燥无味的很,对当年叱咤战场的生活自然是极为怀念的。 Therefore one hear of Yang Kai said, many people selected chicken pecking rice the head immediately , indicating that this word was greatly friendly. 所以一听杨开这么说,不少人当即把脑袋点成了小鸡啄米,表示此言大善。 Actually that hempen garments old man hesitated evil ways: At present is the Human Race commodity very tight?” 倒是那麻衣老者沉吟了一下道:“眼下人族物资很紧张吧?” Yang Kai nods: „The matter of commodity, has been hard to solve, although now Human Race regained many big territories, but harvests is not big, before Black Ink Clan evacuation, almost crushed all universe.” 杨开点头:“物资之事,一直都是难以解决的,如今人族虽然收复了不少大域,但收获并不大,墨族撤离之前,几乎将所有的乾坤都粉碎了。” In that many regained big territory, is almost a spatial shell, Black Ink Clan obviously not containing the commodity universe leaves Human Race, moreover was occupied so many years by Black Ink Clan, valuable universe mined was similar. 那诸多被收复的大域中,几乎就是一个空壳子,墨族显然不会将蕴藏物资的乾坤留给人族的,而且被墨族占据了这么多年,有价值的乾坤都被开采的差不多了。 As for commodity that the Black Ink Clan army carries, as also their evacuations were whirled away, how to remain to incite the enemy. 至于墨族大军本身携带的物资,也随着他们的撤离被卷走了,岂会留下来滋敌。 hears word, the people inspired expression of stagnates, calms down. 闻言,众人振奋的表情一滞,都冷静下来。 Yang Kai also said: „The matter of commodity does not need too to be worried, I will try to find the solution.” 杨开又道:“物资之事诸位不用太担心,我会想办法的。” What great idea do you have?” The hempen garments old man asked. “你有什么好主意?”麻衣老者问道。 Yang Kai smiled saying with a smile: Human Race here commodity is scarce, Black Ink Clan does not lack, they have not had a headache for the matter of commodity, since they have, that borrows.” 杨开笑了笑道:“人族这边的物资紧缺,墨族是不缺的,他们从来就没有为物资之事头疼过,既然他们有,那就去借点。” serene that he said that seeming Black Ink Clan will really borrow to be the same, but 8-Rank which on the scene is not clear, even if Yang Kai now is 9-Rank, wants to have the idea of Black Ink Clan is not easy, now Black Ink Clan background exactly can compare in the past, Human Race in powerful, Black Ink Clan never has not become stronger. 他说的云淡风轻,好似墨族真的会借一样,但在场八品哪个不明白,纵然杨开如今已是九品,想打墨族的主意也不容易,如今墨族底蕴可不是当年能比的,人族在强大,墨族何尝没有变得更强。 The hempen garments old man hesitation moment, opens the mouth saying: Human Race high and low, sharing weal and woe, the matter of commodity is the important matter, we mine the efficiency of commodity, although is not too high, but how many also harvests, moreover good that very for these years, we have hidden, Black Ink Clan had never discovered our trail, then remains to continue to mine the commodity, on the matter as for battlefield, gave these young men, under meaning how?” 麻衣老者沉吟片刻,开口道:“人族上下,荣辱与共,物资之事是大事,我们开采物资的效率虽然不算太高,但多少还有些收获,而且这么多年来,我们一直隐藏的很好,墨族从未发现过我们的踪迹,便留下来继续开采物资吧,至于战场上的事,就交给那些后生们了,诸位意下如何?” This saying to be is asking other 8-Rank, after all he alone does not have the means to represent everyone. 这话是问其他八品的,毕竟他一个人也没办法代表所有人。
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