MP :: Volume #59

#5840: Haven't you awaked?

While a Yang Kai claw holds several false Royal Lord, attack of numerous Black Ink Clan powerhouse also arrived, attack fall on him, circling is Yang Kai this moment hard skin and strong flesh , the hit figure shakes crazily. 就在杨开一爪抓住数位伪王主的同时,众多墨族强者的攻击也到了,一道道攻击落在他身上,绕是杨开此刻皮糙肉厚,也被打的身形狂震。 False Royal Lord are is not a vegetarian, especially two Royal Lord attack mixture in, seems especially sharp, the attack falling place, Dragon Scales flutters. 王主们也不是吃素的,尤其还有两位王主攻击夹杂其中,显得尤为犀利,攻击落处,龙鳞翻飞。 The figure greatly has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is what method regardless of uses, appears imposing manner to be astonishing, is powerful, the fault is then hard to avoid some attack. 身形巨大有好有坏,好处是无论施展什么样的手段,都显得气势惊人,威力巨大,坏处便是难以避开一些攻击 However the body of Holy Dragon was quite powerful, there is Dragon Scales to provide the protection, some attack fell on the body, time grows did not say, a short time Yang Kai can withstand. 不过圣龙之身本就极为强大,又有龙鳞提供防护,些许攻击落在身上,时间长了不好说,一时半会的杨开还是能顶住的。 When Black Ink Clan various make a move to besiege, that several were stressed false Royal Lord in hand also to start to catch up by Yang Kai, although they ate unexpected owed stuffily, but the good and evil was also false Royal Lord, without was so easy dead, the respective stimulation of movement strength, Secret Technique bloomed, shelled the four directions unceasingly. 墨族诸强出手围攻之时,那几个被杨开抓在手中的伪王主们也开始发力,他们虽然猝不及防吃了闷亏,但好歹也都是伪王主,没那么容易死,各自催动力量,秘术绽放,不断轰击四方。 Also there are one group of Black Ink Clan powerhouses headed by Monaya to collaborate from outside with the inside, after three breaths, finally gets rid of the bunch of Yang Kai's Dragon Claw, escapes. 又有以摩那耶为首的一群墨族强者里应外合,三息之后,终于摆脱杨开的龙爪之束,逃脱开来。 However their several actually each one face palpitation colors, just now grasped flash, but also thinks that own was dying, although at this moment escaped the birth day, but had the injury that the weight varied, Yang Kai that strength of exactly grasping joked. 不过他们几个却个个一脸悸色,方才被抓的一瞬间,还以为自己要死了,此刻虽然逃出生天,不过都有轻重不一的伤势,杨开那一握之力可不是闹着玩的。 Sky over No-Return Pass, around huge dragon body, forms flutter, imitate war that if the housefly, this is erupting suddenly, blazing. 不回关上空,巨大龙身四周,一道道身影翻飞,仿若蚊蝇,这一场在瞬息间爆发出来的大战,炽烈至极。 After this is the first time that Yang Kai promotes Holy Dragon , the dragon, by the Holy Dragon field of vision, all around all becomes tiny, in the heart has a heroic feelings, these tiny existences all collapse at the first blow. 这是杨开晋升圣龙之后第一次化龙,以圣龙的视野来看,四周的一切都变得渺小至极,心中不由生出一股豪情,这些渺小的存在俱都不堪一击。 Immediately responded, no wonder Holy Spirit basically arrogant incomparable, one was because they were this various day of first-generation rulers, had the innate on psychological superiority feeling, two, Holy Spirit main body mostly build huge, moreover was powerful, the non- Holy Spirit life truly made them look straight at to treat unqualified. 顿时反应过来,怪不得圣灵们基本上都高傲无比,一则是因为他们乃是这诸天第一代的统治者,本就有先天上的心理优越感,二则,圣灵们的本体大多都体型庞大,而且实力强大,非圣灵的生灵确实不够资格让他们正眼相待。 This is the influence of strength of Holy Spirit , there is nothing to do with the disposition, the Yang Kai secret vigilance, he truly wants to find out by secret inquiry the strength the limit, will not actually represent him to look down on these Black Ink Clan powerhouses, really must regard the housefly them, will unable to do well will capsize. 这是圣灵之力的影响,与心性无关,杨开暗暗警觉,他确实想探知自身实力的极限,却不代表他会小瞧这些墨族强者,真要将他们当成蚊蝇,搞不好会翻船的。 The war is especially luxurious, vertical is Yang Kai Dragon Clan Secret Technique displays, the aspect appears is quite not wonderful, the opponent who after all this time faces were too many, moreover each is not a weak one, non- moment then hit whole body fresh blood. 大战尤酣,纵是杨开一道道龙族秘术施展开来,局面也显得极为不妙,毕竟这一次面对的对手实在太多了,而且每一个都不是弱者,不片刻便被打的浑身鲜血 During the fierce combat, Yang Kai also in the nosing supervision four directions, some moment, a great dragon body shape revolution, giant Dragon's Tail sweeps, in that direction, false Royal Lord that is carrying a Formation base has not taken place, was swept to fly by the wild strength. 激战之中,杨开也在查探监察四方,某一刻,巨龙身形一转,巨大龙尾扫出,那个方向上,一位携带着大阵阵基的伪王主还未就位,便被狂暴的力量扫飞出去。 Monaya clenches teeth. 摩那耶咬牙。 To cope with Yang Kai, Four Gates Eight Palaces Xumi Formation is indispensable, do not look at Yang Kai at present the besieged distress, may not have Formation to block Void, he wants to walk can walk momentarily, no one can block him. 想要对付杨开,四门八宫须弥阵是不可或缺的,别看杨开眼下被围攻的狼狈,可没有大阵封锁虚空,他想走的时候随时可以走,没人拦得住他。 When the war just started, these were responsible for set up formation false Royal Lord then starting to prepare, now only misses the last dust-shower base to arrange appropriately, may fall short. 所以在大战刚开始的时候,那些负责布阵的伪王主们便开始着手准备了,如今只差最后一座阵基便可布置妥当,可还是功亏一篑。 He has discovered, regarding this also guards early! The Monaya gate is at heart clear. 他早就发现了,对此也早有提防!摩那耶心里门清。 In fact also truly so, when Yang Kai since the territory gate place comes, then detected that existence of Four Gates Eight Palaces Xumi Formation, he must block the territory gate, is not conceited, but is using this to turn the passive situation into initiative. 事实上也确实如此,当杨开自域门处现身的时候,便察觉到了四门八宫须弥阵的存在,他之所以要封锁域门,并非狂妄自大,而是在借这一手化被动为主动。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; if catch ( ex ) does not block the territory gate, Black Ink Clan the powerhouse are even many, will not easily act to him, can only wait for him to enter in Formation. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)若不封锁域门,墨族这边就算强者再多,也不会轻易对他出手,只会等他走进大阵之中。 Blocked the territory gate, from breaking escape route, provides a making a move opportunity to Black Ink Clan, then, Black Ink Clan prepare Formation did not have the opportunity ahead of time, needed again set up formation. 封锁了域门,是自断退路,也是给墨族提供一个出手的机会,如此一来,墨族提前布置好的阵法就无用武之地了,需要重新布阵 Yang Kai only need guard against Black Ink Clan Formation now, does not make them arrange appropriately, is basically in an impregnable position. 杨开如今只需提防墨族大阵,不让他们布置妥当,就基本立于不败之地。 Dragon Roar roared, Secret Technique simultaneous/uniform flying, forms patrolled the shuttle, trembling with fear that false Royal Lord fought, such in a war, they do not dare to Yang Kai any opportunity is not missed, their attack, although can injure Yang Kai, but seemed like has not had a fracture, but once was found the opportunity by Yang Kai, perhaps struck conveniently then can make them cause heavy losses. 龙吟咆哮间,秘术齐飞,一道道身影游弋穿梭,伪王主们战的胆战,这样一场大战之中,他们不敢给杨开任何可趁之机,他们的攻击虽然可以打伤杨开,但看起来并没有伤筋动骨,可一旦被杨开找到机会,或许只是随手一击便能让他们重创。 Only Monaya and Mo Yu two Black Ink Clan Royal Lord, can bring the real threat to Yang Kai, however vertical is their two, more hits more heart to be startled. 唯独摩那耶墨彧两位墨族王主,能给杨开带来真正的威胁,然而纵是他们两个,也是越打越心惊。 Yang Kai seems like the appearance to be distressed, however imposing manner does not fade, instead has to plant a war stronger feeling. 杨开看起来模样狼狈,然而气势不衰,反而有种越战越强的感觉。 Monaya has fought with Yang Kai in Universe Furnace, moreover suffers a loss, but he also knows that time Yang Kai was not a peak, was hard to display the complete strength, therefore this time he had overestimated the Yang Kai's strength as far as possible. 摩那耶乾坤炉中是与杨开交手过的,而且吃了大亏,不过他也知道,那个时候的杨开并非巅峰,难以发挥出全部的力量,所以这一次他已经尽可能地高估了杨开的实力。 But until at this moment, him discovered with amazement, the Yang Kai's strength imagines compared with him must. 但直到此刻,他才骇然发现,杨开的实力比他想象中的要更强一些。 The boundary of 9-Rank, the body of Holy Dragon, from ancient to present, which life never has to gather one these two, when let alone, Yang Kai from promoting 9-Rank also fused Small Universe that belongs to Fang Tianci, the harvest in Universe Furnace makes him have the huge promotion in the attainments of various multi-channel boundary, this is the basis of his powerful strength is. 九品之境,圣龙之身,自古至今,从未有哪个生灵将这两者聚拢一身,更何况,杨开自晋升九品之时还融合了属于方天赐小乾坤,在乾坤炉中的收获更让他在诸多道境的造诣上有巨大提升,这才是他强大实力的根本所在。 Trades to make general 9-Rank, where has this grade of skill. 换做一般的九品,哪有这等本事。 The Mo Yu mood was inferior similarly the surface is so tranquil, not long, Yang Kai to the rabbit that he expels is been same, does not dare to fight with him directly, but many years, the strength has then grown to this degree unexpectedly. 墨彧的心情同样不如表面那么平静,曾几何时,杨开被他撵的跟兔子一样,根本不敢跟他正面交手,可这才多少年,实力竟已成长到这种程度了。 By the strength that Yang Kai shows at present, the independent combat words, Mo Yu pays at all is not an opponent. 杨开眼下所展现出来的实力,单打独斗的话,墨彧自付根本不是对手。 Did not say after Human Race promotes high grade, needs long time to accumulate background? This fellow promotes 9-Rank in Universe Furnace, until now is about several hundred years , but also was only new promote 9-Rank. 不是说人族晋升高品阶之后,需要漫长的时间来积累自身底蕴吗?这家伙是在乾坤炉中晋升九品的,至今也不过数百年,算起来,还只是一个新晋九品而已。 At present he has strength so, gives him some years to accumulate again, should that be what kind of scene? 眼下他就有这般实力,再给他一些岁月积累,那该是何等光景? It can be said that the more great strength of Yang Kai this moment performance, more is to make the Black Ink Clan various hearts dread. 可以说,杨开此刻表现的越强大,越是让墨族诸强心头忌惮。 Also is several false Royal Lord is striked to fly, however Mo Yu and Monaya are actually simultaneously at present one bright, found the opportunity, the next moment, two people simultaneous acted, wild Secret Technique goes toward that giant dragon body bang. 又是数位伪王主被打飞出去,然而墨彧摩那耶却是同时眼前一亮,找到了机会,下一刻,两人齐齐出手,狂暴的秘术直朝那巨大龙身轰去。 The strength of black ink explodes, more than ten pieces of Dragon Scales were raised, reveals to hide the flesh under Dragon Scales, is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon body under this strikes, flutters. 墨之力爆开,十多片龙鳞被掀起,露出隐藏在龙鳞下的血肉,长达万丈的龙身更是在这一击之下,翻飞出去。 Went well! 得手了! two Royal Lord all complexion one happy, but the next moment, joyful look then stiff on face, the looks at Yang Kai huge body hits helplessly in Black Ink Nest above. 两位王主俱都面色一喜,但下一刻,喜悦的神色便僵在脸上,眼睁睁看着杨开庞大的身躯撞在一座墨巢之上 But that Black Ink Nest, impressively is Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest...... 而那墨巢,赫然是一座王主墨巢…… Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest that rumble, towers palatially where can tolerate this kind of dashing, collapses directly. 轰隆隆,巍峨耸立的王主墨巢哪里禁得住这样的冲撞,直接倒塌下来。 golden light flashes, Yang Kai has changed to the human form, sets out distressedly, the next moment, he searches the hand to grasp, stresses together the form from Black Ink Nest of that collapse. 金光闪动,杨开已化作人形,狼狈起身,下一刻,他探手一抓,自那倒塌的墨巢之中抓出一道身影。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) this impressively is Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, body Internal Qi fluctuates, sudden suffers the accident, obviously also some have not gotten back one's composure. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)这赫然是一位墨族域主,身上气机浮动,猝遭变故,显然还有些没回过神。 Until sees clearly the Yang Kai's facial features, this Territory Lord complexion big change. 直到看清杨开的面容,这位域主才脸色大变。 Stared at him to look at one, Yang Kai scratched fresh blood of corners of the mouth, the pupil sparkled, catches the eye looked at to pursuing Black Ink Clan various. 盯着他瞧了一阵,杨开擦了擦嘴角的鲜血,眸子闪了闪,抬眼看向追击过来的墨族诸强。 Is headed by two Royal Lord, numerous false Royal Lord follow, each other gap is about dozens li (0.5 km), looks distantly. 两位王主为首,众多伪王主紧随其后,彼此间隔不过数十里,遥遥而望。 By the strength of people on the scene, only dozens li (0.5 km), were almost equal to that the surface is pasting the surface. 以在场众人的实力,区区数十里,几乎等于面贴着面了。 Monaya is pursing the lips, the complexion is ugly, he was looks, Yang Kai just now was takes advantage of opportunity, but was, hit intentionally to here, destroyed their Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest was the Black Ink Clan foundation is, although innate Territory Lord brought many Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction before, but built false Royal Lord time also consumed one in large numbers, at present each Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest is precious, loses may not have the means to supplement. 摩那耶抿着嘴,脸色难看至极,他算是看出来了,杨开方才不过是顺势而为,故意撞向这边,毁了他们一座王主墨巢,王主墨巢墨族的根基所在,虽然之前先天域主们从初天大禁内带出来许多王主墨巢,但打造伪王主的时候也消耗了一大批,眼下每一座王主墨巢都弥足珍贵,损失了可没办法补充。 Confronts, Black Ink Clan various have not acted again, Monaya or Mo Yu know, this time encircled kills the Yang Kai's plan to be defeated, by strength that Yang Kai just now showed that they did not have the means to limit the opposite party, arranged that Four Gates Eight Palaces Xumi Formation calmly, in view of this, that does not need to pester again. 对峙间,墨族诸强没有再出手,无论是摩那耶还是墨彧都知道,这一次围杀杨开的计划又失败了,以杨开方才展现出来的实力,他们是没办法限制住对方,从容布置那四门八宫须弥阵的,既如此,那就没必要再纠缠下去了。 Put him!” After the moment, Monaya drinks one lowly. “放了他!”片刻后,摩那耶低喝一声。 Yang Kai lifted the hand to knock the head, a face ridiculed: „Haven't you awaked?” 杨开抬手敲了敲脑袋,一脸揶揄:“你是没睡醒?” So saying, in the hand makes an effort, is exploded loudly broken by Territory Lord that he catches, changes to the blood fog. 这般说着,手上一用力,被他擒住的域主轰然爆碎,化作血雾。 A Monaya look anger, however endured eventually. 摩那耶神色一怒,然而终究忍了下来。 About Yang Kai waits and sees one, the vision passes in that Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, hey however smiles: Your Black Ink Clan also soon Royal Lord of birth new generation, first congratulated your evidently.” 杨开左右观望一眼,目光在那一座座王主墨巢中流转,嘿然一笑:“看样子你们墨族也快要诞生新一代的王主了,先恭喜你们一下。” Territory Lord Internal Qi that just now was held by him concentrates vigorously thick, obviously is not general Territory Lord, but was placed the great expectations by Black Ink Clan, has the qualifications to promote Royal Lord, will therefore be arranged to dive to cultivate/repair in Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest. 方才那被他抓住的域主气机雄浑凝厚,明显不是一般的域主,而是被墨族寄予厚望,有资格晋升王主的,所以才会被安排在王主墨巢中潜修。 However no matter he is entitled, at this moment has died. 不过不管他有没有资格,此刻都已经死了。 No-Return Pass also many Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, little say that at present also 300-400 appearances, including false Royal Lord in inside healing, but definitely also many Territory Lord in practice, if can complete smash it, a future surely dimness of that Black Ink Clan. 不回关眼下还有不少王主墨巢,少说也有300-400座的样子,其中有伪王主在里面疗伤的,但肯定还有许多域主修行的,若是能将之全部捣毁,那墨族的未来必定一片黯淡。 Saw with own eyes that the Yang Kai vision is bad, one group of Black Ink Clan powerhouses are also tense, a war, they have just now experienced Yang Kai's to be powerful, if Yang Kai is determined to these Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest to act, the good way that they have not really stopped, in the war, always to have is hard to guard against the time, perhaps will have many Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest to be destroyed. 眼见杨开目光不善,一群墨族强者也紧张起来,方才一战,他们已经见识了杨开的强大,杨开若执意要对那些王主墨巢出手,他们还真没有阻拦的好办法,大战之中,总有难以防备的时候,说不定就会有更多的王主墨巢被毁。 Is good does not have the meaning of postscript outbreak of war because of Yang Kai, patted clapping at will, resembling to pat the dirt on net hand, is looking at Monaya and Mo Yu said: Today a war, stops, I have no means with you, you cannot leave behind me, first said goodbye!” 好在杨开并没有再启战端的意思,随意地拍了拍手,似要拍净手上的污渍,望着摩那耶墨彧道:“今日一战,到此为止吧,我拿你们没什么办法,你们也留不下我,先告辞了!” So saying, cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, turns around then to depart. 这般说着,微微一拱手,转身便要离去。 Numerous false Royal Lord looks to two Royal Lord, the waiting instructed. 一众伪王主不由看向两位王主,等待指示。 Monaya endured to endure, has not spoken finally, however projected on No-Return Pass to make such by others, destroyed Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, shut off one to promote the Royal Lord good seedling, the enemy racket the buttocks to walk, piled up at heart was aggrieved and helpless. 摩那耶忍了又忍,终还是没说话,然而被人家打到不回关闹这么一场,毁了一座王主墨巢,扼杀了一个有可能晋升王主的好苗子,敌人拍拍屁股就走了,心里堆满了憋屈和无奈。
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