MP :: Volume #58

#5701: The disaster of Territory Lord

As if nothing happened, when that Sun and Moon Divine Seal extinguishes slowly, several thousand feet high Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest changes to ashes, vanishes does not see, more than ten innate Territory Lord simultaneous bodies shake fiercely, the mouth ink jet blood, the aura dispirited, the body surface and even inside, were many countless close scar, within the body strength of uncontrolled spewing out of black ink. 仿佛什么都没发生,当那日月神印徐徐消弭之时,数百丈高的王主墨巢化作齑粉,消失不见,十多位先天域主齐齐身躯猛震,口喷墨血,气息萎靡,身体表面乃至内里,多了数之不尽的细密伤痕,体内的墨之力不受控制的喷涌而出。 Injury Territory Lord, the situation even more is not wonderful. 本就伤势未愈的域主们,情况愈发不妙。 Dragon Roar crack, Yang Kai holds to gun down, on Azure Dragon Spear appears together lifelike Dragon Shadow, that big dragon shuttles back and forth in the fluttering, drifts from place to place. 龙吟炸响,杨开已持枪杀至,苍龙枪上浮现出一道栩栩如生的龙影,那巨龙在翻飞穿梭,飘忽不定。 Pitiful yell and angry roaring of Territory Lord, continuously. 域主们的惨叫和怒吼,此起彼伏。 Blocks Void by Principle of Space, Great Unrestrained Spear Technique moves fast the ghosts and demons, destroys the hardest defenses, each spear pierces leaves, is the eruptions of loudly world mighty force. 空间之道封锁虚空,大自在枪术飘忽鬼魅,无坚不摧,每一枪刺出,都是天地伟力的轰然爆发。 The aura annihilation of one after another Territory Lord, Yang Kai just like the bullying, under the long spear/gun, will not have gathering. 域主气息一道接一道的湮灭,杨开犹如虎入羊群,长枪之下,无一合之将。 Those images and scenes, if called Human Race that did not know the circumstances of the matter to see, only feared that thinks Yang Kai's these opponents all were the Black Ink Clan mixed soldiers, how otherwise can kill so relaxed enjoyable, however in fact these actually all were real innate Territory Lord, if asked them to restore the strength, each one rude Human Race 8-Rank veteran. 此情此景,若叫不知情的人族见了,只怕以为杨开的这些对手皆是墨族杂兵,否则怎能杀的如此轻松写意,然而事实上这些却全都是货真价实的先天域主,若叫他们恢复力量,个个都不逊人族八品老将。 Pitifully only under the injury heavy premise, kills the star facing Yang Kai this kind of, only then slaughtered destiny. 只可惜在伤势沉重的前提下,面对杨开这样的杀星,只有被屠杀的命运了。 Some counterattacks, Yang Kai keeps off to avoid occasionally as far as possible, really cannot avoid, then resists by flesh body hardly, only misses one step to step into the Holy Dragon sequence Dragon Body to be firm, cannot display the complete strength Territory Lord attack to him, not cannot withstand. 偶有一些还击,杨开尽量挡下避开,实在避不开的,便以肉身硬抗,只差一步便可踏入圣龙序列的龙躯坚固无比,不能发挥全部力量的域主们的攻击对他而言,并非不能承受。 After 30 breaths, the chaotic strength complementary waves subside, settle down, in Void, floats the strength of black ink is dissipating massively, in the strength of black ink, many cutting off limb hashed meat, do not have least bit vitality again, then Yang Kai is also even missing. 三十息后,混乱的力量余波平息,尘埃落定,虚空中,漂浮着大量逸散出来的墨之力,墨之力内,有诸多断肢碎肉,却再无半点生机,便连杨开也不见了踪影。 He while cutting to kill last Territory Lord, then has fled immediately, rushes to another place. 他在斩杀最后一位域主的同时,便已立刻遁走,赶赴他处。 But comes, begins attack these Territory Lord at the same time in Yang Kai, Void somewhere, is plundering line of Monaya that rapidly comes to aid these Territory Lord feel the news that in the hand that small-scale Black Ink Nest is transmitting, turns head to look suddenly in a direction. 而就在杨开现身,动手攻击这些域主的同时,虚空某处,正迅速掠行前来接应这些域主摩那耶感受着手中那小型墨巢传来的讯息,霍然扭头朝一个方向望去。 Yang Kai in that side! 杨开在那边! In just now, that side Territory Lord lost the contact, gathered the form in Black Ink Nest space was also short of one, obviously encountered the mishap. 就在方才,那边的域主们失去了联系,聚集在墨巢空间内的身影也少了一道,显然是遭遇了不测。 Monaya has not supported in that direction immediately, he knows own even if now overtook is also late, these injury heavy Territory Lord by Yang Kai this killed the star to dash the whereabouts, basically then does not have the means of livelihood, he rushes to now was also useful in the past, gathers up dead bodies to Territory Lord that these died? 摩那耶没有立刻朝那个方向支援,他知道自己现在纵然赶过去也已经迟了,那些伤势沉重的域主们在被杨开这个杀星撞破行踪的时候,基本便已没了活路,他现在赶赴过去又有什么用,给那些死去的域主们收尸吗? Has this time, might as well thinks carefully, how should aid these also living well Territory Lord. 有这功夫,还不如仔细想想,该如何更好地接应那些还活着的域主 Beforehand arranged consideration inconsiderately, because must guard against the possibility that Yang Kai has dashes these Territory Lord whereabouts, the Black Ink Clan powerhouse who therefore these dive from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, was placed by Monaya in being away from No-Return Pass and on far location/position, causing them to rush to No-Return Pass now, must spend massive time, time is long, the accident are many. 之前的安排思虑不周,因为要防备杨开有无意间撞破那些域主们行踪的可能性,所以这些从初天大禁中潜出来的墨族强者,都被摩那耶安置在距离不回关及远的位置上,导致他们如今想要赶赴不回关,就要花费大量时间,时间一长,变故就多。 But the beforehand arrangement also has no alternative, Monaya wants to hide this powerful strength, cannot be discovered by Yang Kai. 可之前的安排也是无可奈何,摩那耶想要隐藏这股强大的力量,就不能被杨开发现。 This fellow guards year to year in the No-Return Pass surrounding, how Monaya can make Territory Lord come No-Return Pass, can only place them outside, considering that Yang Kai may walk around, has risk that dashes their whereabouts, this placement was farther...... 这家伙常年驻守在不回关外围,摩那耶怎能让域主们来不回关这边,只能将他们安置在外,又考虑到杨开可能会四处走动,有撞破他们行踪的风险,这安置的就远了一些…… Has not thought, the same day plan properly, became the foreshadowing of today's disaster tribulation unexpectedly. 不曾想,当日的妥善之策,竟成了今日灾劫的伏笔。 Territory Lord rush to No-Return Pass to want more than half a year time at least, the matter that more than half a year Yang Kai can handle were many, he is skilled in the space main road, shuttle Void, the distance in people's eyes unattainable, to him is actually close between. 域主们赶赴不回关最起码要大半年时间,这大半年杨开能做的事情就多了,他精通空间大道,穿梭虚空,在常人眼中遥不可及的距离,对他而言却不过是咫尺之间。 To guarantee many Territory Lord, either found Yang Kai, pesters him, making him not have the matter of time again slaughtering, either is converges with these Territory Lord as far as possible, protects them personal. 想要保下更多的域主,要么找到杨开,纠缠住他,让他没有功夫再行杀戮之事,要么就是尽量与那些域主们汇合,贴身保护他们。 The former is basically impossible to achieve, even if the luck were good to find Yang Kai, Monaya did not have the skill to pester him, therefore can only use the second plan. 前者基本不可能做到,就算运气好找到了杨开,摩那耶也没有本事将他纠缠住,所以只能用第二种方案了。 Territory Lord in No-Return Pass had almost all sent out, his false Royal Lord cannot have time, may still appear short-handed. 不回关中的域主们几乎已经全部出动了,连带他这个伪王主也没能得闲,可依然显得人手不足。 Is like this elusive facing Yang Kai, can the shuttle Void opponent, any strategy seem that pale and weak. 面对杨开这样来无影去无踪,能够穿梭虚空的对手,任何计策都显得那么苍白无力。 The Monaya heart hates greatly, can only continue, performs the human affairs, listens to the destiny! 摩那耶心头大恨,只能继续前行,尽人事,听天命! How Black Ink Clan is having a headache can safely and each other attaches, the difficult problem that Yang Kai faces how actually should find these Territory Lord. 墨族这边在头疼如何才能安然与彼此接头,杨开面对的难题却是该怎么找到那些域主们。 Although they have no longer hidden, even each batch of Territory Lord hatch half complete Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest belt/bring that in the side, but this boundless Void, wanted to find the enemy is not quite easy. 他们虽然已经不再隐藏,甚至每一批域主都将那孵化半完全的王主墨巢带在身边,可这茫茫虚空,想要找到敌人也不太容易。 If can know that Monaya the positions of these Territory Lord placements, Yang Kai can definitely go to the road ahead interception of No-Return Pass, the key he does not know location/position that these Territory Lord hid. 若是能知道摩那耶将那些域主安置的方位,杨开完全可以在前往不回关的前路拦截,关键他也不知这些域主们原本潜藏的位置 He can do, then widens the hunting zone as far as possible, simultaneously considers the foot regulation that Territory Lord are leading the way, is planning their possible positions. 他所能做的,便是尽可能地扩大搜索范围,同时考量着域主们前行的脚程,算计着他们可能出现的方位。 Pours also some harvests, luck good time, several days can bump into a number of Territory Lord that rush to the No-Return Pass direction, the luck is not good, the fortnight is also difficult the harvest. 倒也有些收获,运气好的时候,几天就能碰到一批奔赴不回关方向的域主,运气不好,十天半月也难有收获。 So two months later, Yang Kai extinguished killed four batch of Territory Lord, from Territory Lord that in Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction dived, died in his subordinate, already about 120! 如此两月之后,杨开又灭杀了四批域主,自初天大禁中潜出来的域主,死在他手下的,已近百二十位! Missing of each batch of Territory Lord, makes Monaya feel like a knife twisting in the heart, that is Black Ink Clan at present and strength that difficult to obtain supplemented, now has not played the role then to be intercepted unexpectedly with enough time in Void, no value of dying. 每一批域主的失踪,都让摩那耶心如刀绞,那可是墨族眼下及难获得的力量补充,如今竟还没来得及发挥作用便被截杀在虚空中,死的毫无价值。 But with the aid of these batches of Territory Lord missing location/position, Monaya roughly can also infer the direction that Yang Kai is at finally, finally really frightening, the Yang Kai's act does not have the rule not to mention, with the aid of Principle of Space, he crosses Void unable to grasp the trend completely. 而借助这一批批域主最后失踪的位置,摩那耶大致也能推断出杨开所在的方向,结果着实让人心惊,杨开的行径毫无规律可言且不说,借助空间之道,他横渡虚空让人完全把握不住动向。 Perhaps before several days , he also in this position, but he had presented on another completely opposite location/position several days later. 或许数日前他还在这个方位,但数日之后他却已出现了另外一个完全相反的位置上。 Facing the this kind of enemy, Monaya is also at a loss, this endless, but Void of length and breadth, simply is the Yang Kai this kind of powerhouse best stage. 面对这样的敌人,摩那耶也是束手无策,这无尽而广袤的虚空,简直是杨开这样的强者最好的舞台。 At this moment, he has attached with a number of Territory Lord, leads this batch of Territory Lord to rush to the No-Return Pass direction, while the pass on message makes nearby several batch of Territory Lord close up toward own, he has personally acted, naturally must completely the own maximum effort shelter these Territory Lord to go to No-Return Pass safely. 此时此刻,他已与一批域主接头,一边领着这批域主不回关方向赶赴,一边传讯让附近的几批域主自己靠拢,他既已亲自出面,自然是要尽自己最大的努力庇护这些域主安然前往不回关 In the heart hates secretly, matter exposition of Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction was too quick, if several hundred over a thousand years, Black Ink Clan here can not be able to supplement that in the evening massive innate Territory Lord, form one to suppress the Human Race strength sufficiently, innate Territory Lord that these one batch leave Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction early have time to be able the injury to restore. 心中暗恨,初天大禁的事暴露的太快了,若是晚上几百上千年的话,墨族这边不得可以补充大量先天域主,形成一股足以压制人族的力量,这些早一批离开初天大禁的先天域主们也都有时间能将伤势恢复。 Facing so the situation, can definitely make them use the technique of friendly turning over to jointly, builds false Royal Lord! 面对如此局势,完全可以让他们联手施展融归之术,就地打造伪王主 Yang Kai this fellow strength is strong, has no means facing false Royal Lord. 杨开这家伙实力再强,面对伪王主还是没什么办法的。 But even if now Monaya wants to order these Territory Lord to build false Royal Lord is not impossible, their each and everyone injury is serious, the strength reduces greatly, even if really displayed melted the technique of turning over, destiny that still went, was completely impossible to have the chance of success. 可如今就算摩那耶想命令那些域主们打造伪王主都不可能,他们一个个伤势沉重,实力大减,就算真的施展了融归之术,也都只是赴死的命运,完全不可能有成功的机会。 Otherwise where so will be troublesome facing the present situation, issuance of order, Black Ink Clan may instantaneously dozens false Royal Lord. 否则面对眼下局势哪会这么麻烦,一道命令下达,墨族这边瞬间就可多出几十位伪王主 In Void, a number of innate Territory Lord are fleeing rapidly, several thousand feet high Black Ink Nest was also bound by the strength of black ink is leading the way together, in that Black Ink Nest, has had some innate Territory Lord to assume personal command, communicates with Monaya momentarily exchanges, transmits the information. 虚空中,一批先天域主正在急速遁逃,一座数百丈高的墨巢也被墨之力裹着一起前行,那墨巢内,一直都有某位先天域主坐镇,随时与摩那耶沟通交流,传递情报。 Was getting more and more near from No-Return Pass, Territory Lord actually do not dare to have the least bit to treat it lightly, only because of before 10 th, nearby a number of Territory Lord encountered that Human Race to kill the sneak attack of star, finally lost the contact, does not know whether was annihilated. 距离不回关越来越近了,域主们却不敢有半点掉以轻心,只因就在十日前,附近的一批域主遭遇了那人族杀星的偷袭,结果失去了联系,也不知是否全军覆没。 Then at this time, the front had swift and fierce murderous intention suddenly, from the distant place raided, shortly, a big sun ascends, bright prestige toward this batch of Territory Lord, when under hood. 便在这时,前方忽有凌厉杀机自远方袭来,顷刻间,一轮大日升腾而起,煌煌之威朝这批域主当头罩下。 Territory Lord all have a big shock, they have been guarding against from the rear crisis, has not thought that Yang Kai blocked unexpectedly in front of them, this fellow was really...... mysteriously appears and disappears! 域主们皆都大惊失色,他们一直在提防着来自后方的危机,根本不曾想到杨开居然拦在了他们前面,这家伙真的是……神出鬼没! Flickers instantaneous, Territory Lord then drinks to shout loudly severely: Enemy raids!” 瞬瞬间,一位域主便厉喝高呼:“敌袭!” In that Black Ink Nest, has assumed Territory Lord also hurried the information transmit that Yang Kai comes. 墨巢之中,一直坐镇其中的域主也急忙将杨开现身的消息传递出去。 Another side, Yang Kai brow slightly wrinkle. 另一边,杨开眉头微皱。 Can block next batch of Territory Lord here is also the happiness of accidental/surprised, he previously already, in the front searched for one, without the harvest, is preparing departs, suddenly detected that rear has powerful strength aura to approach, slightly nosing, discovers immediately this batch of Territory Lord trail, which also with their polite anything, then launched the offensive immediately. 能在这里拦下一批域主也是意外之喜,他此前已在前方搜寻了一阵,没有收获,正准备离去的时候,忽然察觉后方有强大的力量气息逼近,略一查探,立刻发现了这批域主的踪迹,哪还跟他们客气什么,当即便发动了攻势。 But before response of this batch of Territory Lord, some that bumps into are not quite same. 可这批域主的反应与之前碰到的有些不太一样。 Among this several months, he eliminated many powerful enemies, has not responded besides that batch of Territory Lord of first meeting with enough time, remaining basically saw him then to flee separately, cannot attend to including Black Ink Nest that has carried. 这数月间,他杀灭了不少强敌,除了第一次遇到的那批域主没来得及反应之外,剩下的基本上见了他便分头遁逃,连一直携带的墨巢都顾不上。 However what pitifully is, under the influence of his Principle of Space, but also has no Territory Lord to save skin. 不过可惜的是,在他空间之道的影响下,还没有哪个域主能安然逃脱。 At present this batch of Territory Lord have enough response time obviously, can flee separately, the meaning that but they actually do not flee, instead closely sticks together in one. 眼前这批域主明明有足够的反应时间,也可以分头遁逃,但他们却没有要遁走的意思,反而紧紧抱团在一处。 Moreover...... in the quantity seems like some to be not quite right. Territory Lord that his these days bumps into, mostly is 14-15 is one batch, this is the Monaya consideration makes them build the false Royal Lord most appropriate quantity probably jointly. 而且……数量上似乎有些不太对劲。他这些日子碰到的域主们,大多都是14-15位为一批,这大概是摩那耶考虑让他们联手打造伪王主最合适的数量。 But front these Territory Lord, feared that didn't have 20? 可面前这些域主,怕不是有二十位了? Is having doubts, actually sees four Territory Lord to leap suddenly hand in hand, shortly will form a Four Symbols Formation potential, each other aura is close, urging of black ink within, changes to the congealing thick barrier. 正疑惑间,却见四位域主忽然联袂跃出,顷刻间结成了一道四象阵势,彼此气息紧密相连,墨之力催动间,化作凝厚屏障。 The great sun hit in that barrier above, tears into shreds that strength of black ink, however the prestige of great sun also erupts completely, has not injured to these Territory Lord iotas. 大日撞击在那屏障之上,将那墨之力撕碎开来,然而大日之威也爆发殆尽,不曾伤到那些域主们分毫。 So that's how it is! 原来如此! Yang Kai saw that Four Symbols Formation potential then to respond, this batch of Territory Lord, came out Territory Lord that aided to converge with No-Return Pass unexpectedly. 杨开一见那四象阵势便反应过来了,这一批域主,竟跟不回关出来接应的域主们汇合了。 From Territory Lord that in Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction dives, will not form what battle formation, they have not trained with enough time, understood that arrange the formation Territory Lord, was these has all hit the fellows of many year of social dealings with Human Race. 初天大禁中潜出的域主们,是不会结成什么阵势的,他们还没来得及演练,懂得结阵域主,俱都是那些与人族打过很多年交道的家伙了。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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