MP :: Volume #57

#5696: The people calculate that was inferior the day calculates

The commodity quantity are many, Yang Kai and Ouyang Lie two people seeks at will, only spent the less than half double-hour, then found over a thousand quality good attribute different commodities, this was found, definitely also had is consumed or not found. 物资数量不少,杨开欧阳烈两人随意寻找一番,只花了小半个时辰,便找到上千份品质不俗属性不同的物资,这还是找到的,肯定还有更多已经被消耗或者没找到的。 Is built on Void, in the Yang Kai hand is grasping a Earth Element spirit bead type commodity, the brow tight wrinkle. 立于虚空中,杨开手中握着一枚土行的灵珠类型的物资,眉头紧皱。 Where these do Territory Lord come so many commodities? Their more than ten innate Territory Lord hide here healing, the subordinate may have no Black Ink Clan mixed soldier, who helps the commodity that they mine? 这些域主哪来这么多物资?他们十多位先天域主躲藏在这里疗伤,麾下可没有任何一个墨族杂兵,谁帮他们开采的物资? Yang Kai remembers suddenly, recently several times with Black Ink Clan that side connection commodity, Black Ink Clan embezzlement more and more excessively matter...... 杨开忽又想起,最近几次与墨族那边交接物资,墨族克扣的越来越过分之事…… That side No-Return Pass should be knows that this Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest and these more than ten innate Territory Lord, they embezzle to be the own share, is difficult to be inadequate that side No-Return Pass not to intend to embezzle, but is the commodity quantity are not really many? 不回关那边应该是知道这一座王主墨巢和这十几位先天域主的,他们又来克扣属于自己的份额,难不成不回关那边并非有意要克扣,而是物资数量真的不多? They a lot of commodities will send out No-Return Pass, delivers to these hidden innate Territory Lord here outside, making them hatch Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, with by healing...... 他们将大量的物资送出了不回关,送至这些隐藏在外的先天域主们这里,让他们孵化王主墨巢,用以疗伤…… The recombination these innate Territory Lord strange origins, the Yang Kai heart shakes suddenly, turns head saying: Ouyang Senior Brother, fast converges in others, before I return the attention hidden, if there are exceptionally must act rashly not!” 再结合这些先天域主的诡异来历,杨开心头猛然一震,扭头道:“欧阳师兄,速于其他人汇合,在我归来之前注意隐藏,若有异常也莫要轻举妄动!” What did you discover?” Ouyang Lie asked that he did not have so many that Yang Kai thought that was only instinct feeling matter some are not quite right. “你发现什么了?”欧阳烈问道,他倒没杨开想的这么多,只是本能地感觉事情有些不太对劲。 Yang Kai said: Has not been able to determine, when I inquire.” 杨开道:“还无法确定,待我去打探一番。” So saying, Space Principle is unconstrained, the person has disappeared does not see, Ouyang Lie opens mouth, will not have said with enough time the words that swallow back, transfer the direction, looked for several other 8-Rank to converge. 这般说着,空间法则跌宕,人已消失不见,欧阳烈张张嘴,将没来得及说出去的话咽了回去,调转方向,找其他几位八品汇合去了。 In Void, Yang Kai skices, the specially clear goal, has not only nosed following an approximate direction carefully. 虚空中,杨开疾行,并没有特别明确的目标,只顺着一个大致的方向仔细查探。 If the guess of own right, that wanders about destitute innate Territory Lord outside not to stop that batch, perhaps. 若是自己的猜测没错,那流落在外的先天域主绝不止那一批,或许还有更多。 Now a Black Ink Clan side by Chancellor Monaya, each other also calculates had many social dealings, Yang Kai has not dared to say knew about Monaya specially, at least will not be strange. 如今墨族一方是由摩那耶主事,彼此也算打过不少交道,杨开不敢说对摩那耶特别了解,最起码不会太陌生。 His changed/easy body locates, stands in the viewpoint of Monaya, if the matter really such as of own suspicion, how must place these to wander about destitute innate Territory Lord outside. 他易身而处,站在摩那耶的角度考虑,若事情真如自己猜想的那样,要如何安置那些流落在外的先天域主 Soon then had the answer, cannot make them go to No-Return Pass, because own has defended outside No-Return Pass, if these Territory Lord go to No-Return Pass, will expose the whereabouts inevitably. 很快便有了答案,绝不能让他们去不回关,因为自己一直守在不回关外,若这些域主前往不回关的话,势必会暴露行踪。 These Territory Lord of unknown origin, deciding is the card in hand that Monaya hidden, naturally is the deeper the better of conceals, when begins using them to the critical moment, deciding to hit Human Race one to be caught off guard. 这些来历不明的域主们,定是摩那耶隐藏起来的底牌,自然是藏的越深越好,待到关键时刻启用他们,定能打人族一个措手不及。 In view of this, that cannot be away from No-Return Pass is too near! Otherwise may also expose, that side Monaya is unable to affirm whether own has stayed in the No-Return Pass surrounding, if own while the whim lasts, enters the black ink battlefield deep place to saunter at will, may discover anything. 既如此,那就不能距离不回关太近!否则也有可能会暴露,摩那耶那边也无法肯定自己是否一直停留在不回关外围,万一自己兴之所至,随意入墨之战场深处转悠一圈,就有可能发现些什么。 location/position that in light of previously was smashed that Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest that is by him, Yang Kai soon had the answer. 结合此前被他捣毁的那一座王主墨巢所在的位置,杨开很快有了答案。 The major war zones, the Black Ink Clan King City ruins a point position, this location/position enough thorough black ink battlefield, the commonplace time he will not run toward here in the future. 各大战区,墨族王城遗址更往后一点的方位,这个位置已经足够深入墨之战场了,等闲时候他也不会往这边跑。 In fact, the arrangement of Monaya is nothing issue, what his didn't expect is, Human Race also the team of several tens of thousands numerous mines the commodity in black ink battlefield now unexpectedly, but Yang Kai happens to hold the same view with his consideration, the personnel who also same mine the commodity these place the position after King City ruins. 事实上,摩那耶的安排是没什么问题的,他没想到的是,人族如今居然还有一支数万众的队伍在墨之战场中开采物资,而杨开跟他的考虑不谋而合,也一样将这些开采物资的人员安置在王城遗址之后的方位。 Everyone thinks that the opposite party will not easily arrive in this location/position, therefore placed the personnel of one's own side here. 大家都以为对方不会轻易抵达这个位置,所以都将己方的人员安置在了这边。 Then, Ouyang Lie when noses all around environment, then the accident of sorts dashed that Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest whereabouts! 如此一来,欧阳烈在查探四周环境的时候,便机缘巧合地撞破了那一座王主墨巢的行踪! So situation , can only sigh with emotion one, the person calculates that was inferior the day considers as finished. 这般情形,也只能感慨一声,人算不如天算了。 Although some so speculated, may want in boundless Void to discover, if also looks for a needle in a haystack, is good is powerful because of Yang Kai Spiritual Mind, with the aid of Space Principle can round trip like the wind. 然而虽有这般推测,可想要茫茫虚空中有所发现,也如大海捞针,好在杨开神念强大,借助空间法则更能来去如风。 Only spent one month of time, Yang Kai then to have the harvest. 只花了一个月功夫,杨开便有了收获。 The scene that in Void dead universe above, such as previously saw is ordinary, Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest calmly stands erect in that takes root in the universe, silent, to avoid the waste of strength of black ink same, this Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest does not have the hatching to be complete, all strength of black ink will fetter around Black Ink Nest, not the sign that radiates to all around. 虚空中一座死去的乾坤之上,如此前见到的情景一般,有一座王主墨巢静静地矗立在那,扎根在乾坤之中,无声无息,而且为了避免墨之力的浪费,这王主墨巢一样没有孵化完全,所有的墨之力都会束缚在墨巢周围,并没有向四周辐射的迹象。 This is also a method of hidden, if really hatches completely Black Ink Nest, Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest are least also reaches as high as several thousand zhang (3.33m), the strength of black ink surges covers the entire universe sufficiently, such was too obvious. 这也是一种隐藏的手段,若真的将墨巢孵化完全,一座王主墨巢最少也高达数千丈,涌动出来的墨之力足以覆盖整个乾坤,那样就太明显了。 Relative restraining, can bring enough hiding, Yang Kai, if not for noses specially carefully, way place, was only not necessarily able to discover. 相对的收敛,才能带来足够的隐蔽,杨开若不是特意仔细查探,只途径此地的话,未必能发现得了。 Had the previous experience, this time Yang Kai intended is not forgiving. 有了上一次的经验,这一次杨开出手再不留情。 Because the previous time cannot determine that in Black Ink Nest has Royal Lord, to only stimulate to movement Golden Crow Casting Sun to probe slightly, but this time Yang Kai stimulated to movement Sun and Moon Divine Seal directly! 上次因为不能确定墨巢内有没有王主,是以只催动了一道金乌铸日稍加试探,而这一次杨开直接催动了日月神印 The space-time main road deduction blends, under that big sun a round of crescent moon float mark rumbles ruthlessly in Black Ink Nest above. 时空大道演绎交融,那大日之下一轮弯月悬浮的印记狠狠轰在墨巢之上 time, the space, all stagnates in this flash, big piece of Void, a space-time confused trace, the spatial warping, time is chaotic. 时间,空间,在这一瞬间似全都凝滞,偌大一片虚空,更有一种时空错乱的痕迹,空间扭曲,时间混乱。 When melts to that Sun and Moon Divine Seal slowly, after the prestige can bloom thoroughly, big Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest such as sand tower breaks up generally, hides sinks dormancy healing innate Territory Lord, annihilated most aura instantaneously. 待到那日月神印徐徐消融,威能彻底绽放之后,偌大一座王主墨巢如沙塔一般崩解开来,就连躲藏在其中沉眠疗伤的先天域主们,也瞬间湮灭了大半气息 This is Yang Kai now strongest trump card, supplements with his present 8-Rank peak cultivation level to display, is Monaya such false Royal Lord is also not necessarily able anti- living, deceives discusses these to have the wound in innate Territory Lord of body. 这是杨开如今最强的杀手锏,辅以他眼下八品巅峰的修为施展出来,便是摩那耶那样的伪王主也未必能抗的住,更罔论这些有伤在身的先天域主们。 Territory Lord that has not died by luck, is Yuan Qi damages severely, drowns oneself in the dormancy to regain consciousness, each one looks are panic-stricken, but also sees clearly at present the situation with enough time, one slaughters has then covered them. 侥幸未死的域主,也是元气大伤,自沉眠中苏醒,个个神色惊恐,还来得及看清眼前局势,一场杀戮便已将他们笼罩。 this time kills previous time is quicker , is mainly the Sun and Moon Divine Seal prestige can be more powerful than Golden Crow Casting Sun are too many, each other has not put in an appearance, Territory Lord then casualty most, living was also hit half dead. 这一次袭杀比上次更快一些,主要是日月神印的威能比金乌铸日强大太多,彼此还未照面,域主们便死伤大半,活着的也都被打了个半死。 Dozens breath times, Yang Kai then received Azure Dragon Spear, all around does not have a living creature. 先后不过几十息功夫,杨开便收了苍龙枪,四周已无一活物。 He does not have the least bit to eliminate the joy of powerful enemy, a complexion instead dignity. 他却没有半点杀灭强敌的欣喜,面色反而一片凝重。 Compared only uses in January/one month time to find Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, he rather spent several years of time to have achieved nothing, if, that explained that the own beforehand guess contained errors, the situation that Human Race must face will not be bad. 相比较只用了一月时间就找到一座王主墨巢,他更宁愿花费几年时间一无所获,若真如此,那说明自己之前的猜测有误,人族要面临的局势还不会太恶劣。 But comes to see...... to develop in the bad direction at present! 可眼下来看……一切都在往坏的方向发展! In January/one month time has the harvest, solely is not his luck is good enough, nosing enough careful, from another perspective, could it be that is not because Black Ink Clan these do wander about destitute the Territory Lord quantity outside to be many? 一月时间就有收获,不单单是他运气足够好,查探的足够仔细,从另一个角度来看,难道不是因为墨族这些流落在外的域主数量不少吗? Because the quantity are many, scatters in various Void places, therefore Yang Kai can find casually. If he continues to seek, definitely will have many harvests. 正因为数量很多,散落在虚空各处,所以杨开随随便便就能找到了。若他继续寻找下去,肯定还会有更多的收获。 Troubled in a big way! 麻烦大了! Wu Kuang this fellow, somewhat is really unreliable, but this also no wonder he , he although is the reincarnation body that bites, has to control the qualifications of Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, but cultivation level is placed in that cannot achieve dark green such absolutely safe. 乌邝这家伙,果然有些靠不住,不过这也怪不得他,他虽是噬的转世身,有操控初天大禁的资格,可修为摆在那,做不到苍那样万无一失。 Yang Kai slightly does to hesitate, stimulates to movement Space Principle, with the aid of Space Spirit Bead that leaves behind, returns following the old route. 杨开略做沉吟,催动空间法则,借助一路留下的空灵珠,顺着原路返回。 When comes took in January/one month time, returned only used two double-hour, successfully found Ouyang Lie and the others, facing the vision of that several 8-Rank questionnaires, Yang Kai does not know that should give what explanation, did not go to say simply, but opened the mouth saying: Ouyang Senior Brother, along with me returns to Head Office Division!” 来时花了一月时间,归去只用了两个时辰,顺利找到欧阳烈等人,面对那几位八品征询的目光,杨开也不知该作何解释,索性不去多说,只是开口道:“欧阳师兄,随我回一趟总府司!” Ouyang Lie is startled, should say quickly: Good!” 欧阳烈一怔,很快应道:“好!” Yang Kai looks at other 8-Rank veterans, stern saying: This time pays attention as far as possible covertly, Black Ink Clan has many Territory Lord to wander about destitute outside, but should sink dormancy healing, is more careful, must the safe/without matter.” 杨开又看其他的八品老将们,正色道:“这段时间尽量注意隐蔽,墨族有不少域主流落在外,不过应该都在沉眠疗伤,诸位只要小心谨慎一些,应当无事。” Several 8-Rank veterans all nod the head. 几个八品老将皆都颔首。 In fact, at this moment the safest means that send back these several tens of thousands martial artist, but Human Race needs the commodity to maintain the war, sends back them, in the future a Human Race side can obtain the commodity the channel to be short of one. In short time possibly there is no, but continuously for a long time hence inevitably disadvantageous, the commodity quantity that these millenniums, Human Race here mines are not small. 事实上,此刻最稳妥的办法,就是将这数万武者送回去,但人族需要物资来维持战事,将他们送回去,日后人族一方能获得物资的渠道就少了一处。短时间内可能没什么,可长此以往势必不利,这千年来,人族这边开采的物资数量可不算少。 Even if knows perfectly well to have the danger, Yang Kai still can only keep here them, only hopes that they are careful enough, must make these innate Territory Lord discover not, otherwise these several tens of thousands martial artist may exactly more than several. 所以即便明知有危险,杨开也只能将他们留在这里,只盼他们足够小心,莫要让那些先天域主们发现了,否则这数万武者可活不下几个。 After exhorting, Yang Kai stimulates to movement the strength to bind Ouyang Lie immediately, the mind colludes World Tree. 嘱咐完之后,杨开立刻催动力量裹住欧阳烈,心神勾连世界树 The universe inverts, the field of vision transforms, under the mysterious strength receives and instructs, two people already to Great Ruins Boundary. 乾坤颠倒,视野变换,玄妙的力量接引之下,两人已至太墟境 Ouyang Lie or the first time Great Ruins Boundary, does not have mood curious anything at this moment, only looks around Old Tree, somewhat is slightly surprised, then asked dignifiedly: „Did Junior Brother, what matter have?” 欧阳烈还是头一次来太墟境,此刻却没心情好奇什么,只瞧了一眼旁边的老树,略有些惊奇,便凝重问道:“师弟,发生何事了?” Yang Kai said: That side Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction possibly has problems, has innate Territory Lord to run from that side.” 杨开道:“初天大禁那边可能出了点问题,有先天域主从那边跑出来了。” Ouyang Lie complexion big change: These that previously we met?” 欧阳烈脸色大变:“就是此前咱们遇到的那些?” Yang Kai nods. 杨开颔首。 Ouyang Lie then responded: They do not go to No-Return Pass no wonder, this is feared that was discovered by you.” 欧阳烈这才反应过来:“怪不得他们不去不回关,这是怕被你发现了啊。” Without Yang Kai has stayed in the No-Return Pass surrounding, how these have the wound to drift in innate Territory Lord of body outside, more than ten Territory Lord push in Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest. 若没有杨开一直停留在不回关外围,那些有伤在身的先天域主们又怎会漂泊在外,十几个域主挤在一座王主墨巢中。 Some probably how many Territory Lord?” Ouyang Lie asked. Yang Kai shakes the head: Is hard to figure out, but the quantity should not be small.” “大概有多少域主?”欧阳烈问道。杨开摇头:“难以确定,但数量应该不会太少。” At first that Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, is Ouyang Lie ten years ago discovered that considered again these Territory Lord ambushed the spent time from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction that side, that side Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction had the possibility extremely dozens years ago has the problem. 最初那座王主墨巢,是欧阳烈十年前发现的,再考虑这些域主初天大禁那边潜伏回来所花费的功夫,初天大禁那边极有可能数十年前就出现问题了。 Dozens years of time, god knows many innate Territory Lord escape from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction. 数十年时间,天知道有多少先天域主初天大禁脱逃。 Reason that has problems relates to Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, has the reason, Yang Kai will previously draw back the black ink army to deliver to Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction that side, sees Royal Lord in the gap that with own eyes, since Wu Kuang opens rushes ahead, however that gap under the control of Wu Kuang, only supplies Territory Lord to come and go out, the Royal Lord level powerhouse runs out forcefully, must pay a big price. 之所以联想到初天大禁出问题,也是有原因的,此前杨开将退墨军送至初天大禁那边,亲眼见到一位王主乌邝打开的缺口中冲杀出来,然而那缺口在乌邝的控制下,是只供域主出入的,王主级强者强行冲出,必然要付出不小的代价。 Finally is that Royal Lord, although runs out of Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, oneself body cut and bruised, the strength reduces greatly, was cut to kill by Fu Guang at the scene. 结果便是那王主虽冲出初天大禁,己身却遍体鳞伤,实力大减,被伏广斩杀当场。 Innate Territory Lord that before bumped into, each one had the wound in the body, thought-provoking, with the Royal Lord situation that Yang Kai saw in the past, was exactly the same. 之前碰到的先天域主,个个都有伤在身,耐人寻味,与杨开当年见到的王主的情况,如出一辙。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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