MP :: Volume #57

#5694: So aggressive

Looks at that side!” Side, when Ouyang Lie passes message, referred to a direction to Yang Kai. “看那边!”身旁,欧阳烈传音之时,给杨开指了一个方向。 Yang Kai turns head to look, then saw a dead universe, how long that universe did not know dead, the world mighty force did not exist, the world main road the collapse is also on the wane. 杨开扭头望去,一眼便见得一座死去的乾坤,那乾坤也不知死去多久,天地伟力不复存在,天地大道也早已崩溃凋零。 If this kind of universe, on black ink battlefield everywhere, in the remote past, perhaps they lively, perhaps also has trillion life life to be one of them, but to today, some are only a deathly stillness, to Human Race or Black Ink Clan, the this kind of universe final value is to then be used to mine internal all sorts of commodities of surviving. 这样的乾坤,在墨之战场上比比皆是,在久远的过去,它们或许繁华过,或许也有过亿万生灵生活在其中,但到了今日,有的只是一片死寂,无论是对人族还是墨族,这样的乾坤最后的价值便是用来开采内部残存的种种物资。 Ouyang Lie the nature that wants Yang Kai to look is not this universe, but is something in that universe. 欧阳烈杨开看的自然不是这座乾坤,而是那乾坤上的某一种东西。 That is one reaches as high as several thousand feet, like the hill, all around is filling unusual existence of strength of rich black ink palatially, it deeply takes root in this universe above, resembles fuses together with this universe. 那是一座高达数百丈,巍峨如小山,四周弥漫着浓郁墨之力的奇特存在,它深深扎根在这乾坤之上,似与这乾坤融为一体。 Black Ink Nest! The Yang Kai view shrinks. 墨巢杨开眼帘一缩。 Here has Black Ink Nest unexpectedly! Moreover looked the situation of strength of black ink this Black Ink Nest scale and surrounding surge, lowly is also Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest, moreover may be Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest. 这里居然有墨巢!而且看这墨巢的规模和外围涌动的墨之力的情况,最低也是一座域主墨巢,而且极有可能是王主墨巢 Will here have such Black Ink Nest? In the Yang Kai heart exudes the huge question. 这里怎么会有这样一座墨巢杨开心中不禁泛起巨大的疑问。 The Ouyang Lie sound resounds in the ear bank once again: Ten years ago, I get the place of that several tens of thousands martial artist shift mining to arrive at the nearby with several other 8-Rank, comes this nosing time, discovered this thing.” 欧阳烈的声音又一次在耳畔边响起:“十年前,我与其他几位八品领着那数万武者转移开采之地来到附近,来此查探情况的时候,无意间发现了这个东西。” Because does not facilitate the exposition, does not know that side has many Black Ink Clan powerhouses, decided to watch changes quietly by Ouyang Lie and the others, waits for Yang Kai's to arrive by Ouyang Lie here, others led that several tens of thousands martial artist to be far away from this region, continued to mine the commodity to other place. 因为不方便暴露,更不知那边有多少墨族强者,是以欧阳烈等人决定静观其变,由欧阳烈在此等候杨开的到来,其他人则领着那数万武者远离了这片区域,去往别的地方继续开采物资。 This First Grade is ten years, after all is always Yang Kai seeks them on own initiative, Ouyang Lie and the others do not have the means and Yang Kai from the start has the contact. 一等便是十年,毕竟从来都是杨开主动来寻他们,欧阳烈等人压根没办法与杨开取得联系。 Ouyang Lie has also been planning the day, was good comes because of Yang Kai on time. 欧阳烈也一直在算计着日子,好在杨开准时现身了。 Yang Kai observes with rapt attention, discovered that Black Ink Nest big probability is Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest, reason that does not have Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest to have the scale that should not hatch completely . Moreover the strength of black ink in Black Ink Nest is born has not radiated the four directions, but condenses as far as possible in Black Ink Nest, so may avoid some unnecessary waste. 杨开凝神观察,发现那墨巢大概率是一座王主墨巢,之所以没有王主墨巢该有的规模,应该是没有孵化完全,而且墨巢中诞生的墨之力并没有辐射四方,而是尽可能地凝聚在墨巢之内,如此可避免一些不必要的浪费。 Passes message asks: Senior Brother discovered this Black Ink Nest time, is so the scene?” 传音问道:“师兄发现这墨巢的时候,便是如此情景吗?” Ouyang Lie nods gently: Had not had the change.” 欧阳烈轻轻颔首:“一直不曾有过变化。” Can see the Black Ink Clan turnover?” “可看到有墨族进出?” Ouyang Lie shakes the head: Has not seen.” 欧阳烈摇头:“没看到。” This somewhat felt strange, such a big probability is Black Ink Nest of Royal Lord level stands erect in the place that this bird does not defecate, moreover does not have trace that Black Ink Clan passes in and out, before being difficult to be inadequate is Black Ink Clan is very early, abandons? 这就有些奇怪了,这么一座大概率是王主级的墨巢屹立在这种鸟不拉屎的地方,而且还没有墨族进出的痕迹,难不成是墨族很早之前遗弃的? This is not right, Black Ink Nest is very unusual existence, has very powerful relation, if really Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest were abandoned here, Black Ink Clan is very easy to retrieve. 这也不对,墨巢是很奇特的存在,彼此间有很强大的联系,若真有一座王主墨巢被遗弃在这里,墨族是很容易寻回的。 But, Ouyang Lie had not seen that in the ten years any Black Ink Clan passes in and out this Black Ink Nest, in other words , Black Ink Clan is knows that existence of this Black Ink Nest, had not actually paid attention. 可这十年来,欧阳烈没有见到任何一个墨族进出这墨巢,换言之,墨族是知道这一座墨巢的存在的,却一直不曾理会。 Such Black Ink Nest is impossible not to have Black Ink Clan, at least will have some Black Ink Clan mixed soldiers, is used to stand guard and mine the commodity, but this Black Ink Nest, even/including Zabing do not have at present probably. 这么一座墨巢内部不可能没有墨族,最起码会有一些墨族杂兵,用来警戒和开采物资,但眼前这一座墨巢,好像连杂兵都没有。 Junior Brother, or do I search?” The Ouyang Lie questionnaire said, he wants to do early, but does not know that Black Ink Nest internal situation, does not dare to have anything to act rashly, waited for Yang Kai with great difficulty, had Yang Kai to plunder words, he searched the situation to have no issue. 师弟,要不我去探探?”欧阳烈征询道,他老早就想这么干了,可又不知那墨巢内部的情况,不敢有什么轻举妄动,好不容易等来了杨开,有杨开掠阵的话,他去探探情况就没什么问题了。 Yang Kai shakes the head slowly: I go!” 杨开缓缓摇头:“我去!” Now the situation is unclear, must make worst dealing, if in that Black Ink Nest has the Royal Lord level powerhouse to assume personal command, Ouyang Lie overruns courts death. 如今局势不明,必须得做最坏的应对,万一那墨巢之中有王主级强者坐镇,欧阳烈冲过去就是找死。 On the contrary is his own, even if really provokes Royal Lord, still has confidence to escape. 反倒是他自己,就算真招惹出王主,也有把握逃生。 Ouyang Lie heard that the word nods: I plunder to Junior Brother!” 欧阳烈闻言颔首:“那我给师弟掠阵!” Senior Brother own is careful!” Yang Kai urged one, looks position that Black Ink Nest is, one step faced forward to take, the form has submerged in Void. 师兄自己小心!”杨开叮嘱一声,望着那墨巢所在的方位,一步朝前迈出,身影已没入虚空之中。 In any event, the situation in this Black Ink Nest must inquire clear, there is a resolution, that hesitates. 无论如何,这墨巢内的情况是要打探清楚的,既有决断,那就无需犹豫。 Next flickers, under the gaze of Ouyang Lie, above that Black Ink Nest, Yang Kai's form towering emergence, round of dazzling great sun ascends suddenly, shining four directions Void, even 1000000 miles away, Ouyang Lie can still feel the powerful power and influence that this strikes. 下一瞬,在欧阳烈的注视下,那墨巢上方,杨开的身影突兀出现,一轮耀眼大日忽然升腾而起,照耀四方虚空,即便远在1000000里之外,欧阳烈也能感受到这一击的强大威势。 Bright great sun, Golden Crow cried, fell directly toward that Black Ink Nest, rays of light that erupted suddenly, almost let Void shining like the daytime. 煌煌大日,金乌啼鸣,径直朝那墨巢落去,瞬息间爆发出来的光芒,几乎让虚空耀如白昼。 several thousand feet high Black Ink Nest such as the snowflake under scorching sun, the instantaneous ablation, at the same time, Ouyang Lie detects, from that Black Ink Nest, ten several powerful aura comes continuously unconstrainedly. 数百丈高的墨巢如骄阳下的雪花,瞬间消融,与此同时,欧阳烈察觉到,自那墨巢之中,十数道强大的气息此起彼伏地跌宕开来。 Is feeling that aura strong and weak, a Ouyang Lie heart loosen, the situation, although is bad, did not have to the degree of being hard tidying up bad. 感受着那一道道气息的强弱,欧阳烈心头一松,情况虽然糟糕,却还没有糟糕到难以收拾的程度。 In that Black Ink Nest, hid more than ten Territory Lord unexpectedly, but does not have existence of Royal Lord level, but to Yang Kai, without Royal Lord, he is invincible! 墨巢内,竟隐藏了十几位域主,不过并没有王主级的存在,而对杨开来说,只要没有王主,那他就是无敌! The thought had just transferred, that side has the aura annihilation of Territory Lord level together...... 念头刚转过,那边就有一道域主级的气息湮灭…… Quite quick! 好快! Suddenly, then Territory Lord died in the Yang Kai subordinate, so the speed, really made him be able not hold a candle, has not sighed with emotion, there is a aura annihilation of Territory Lord. 眨眼之间,便有一位域主死在了杨开手下,这般速度,实在令他望尘莫及,还没感慨完,又有域主气息湮灭。 Ouyang Lie sighs with emotion immediately weak, does not know that was Yang Kai was too strong, was these Territory Lord is too weak. 欧阳烈顿时无力感慨,也不知是杨开太强了,还是这些域主们太弱。 Because he distance is too far, therefore feeling is not clear, but places in battlefield center Yang Kai actually looks him are more. 他因为距离太远,所以感受的不是清楚,可是身处在战场中心的杨开却比他看的更多。 Golden Crow Casting Sun destroys Black Ink Nest together at the same time, Yang Kai was also vigilant Royal Lord that secretly that possibly has, what making him rejoice, in this Black Ink Nest does not have the Royal Lord form, only has Territory Lord, moreover is innate Territory Lord. 一道金乌铸日摧毁墨巢的同时,杨开也在暗自警惕那可能存在的王主,让他庆幸的是,这墨巢内并没有王主的身影,只有域主,而且全都是先天域主 Golden Crow Casting Sun is only the probe, does not want to make the great merit, under this Divine Ability Manifestation covers, not only that Royal Lord level Black Ink Nest was destroyed, hidden more than ten Territory Lord, were all injured unexpectedly...... 金乌铸日本只是试探,不曾想立下大功,这神通法相笼罩之下,不但那王主墨巢被摧毁,其中暗藏的十多位域主,竟全都被打伤了…… However quick, the Yang Kai apparent situation is not right, these Territory Lord injuries, all are not the Golden Crow Casting Sun merit, after all is innate Territory Lord, is in itself powerful, even if injured, the injury should not be so obvious. 不过很快,杨开便知情况不对,这些域主的伤势,不全是金乌铸日的功劳,毕竟都是先天域主,本身实力强大,就算受伤,伤势也不该如此明显。 Among the electric light flint, Yang Kai responded, these innate Territory Lord...... had the wound in the body, they hid in that Black Ink Nest, is all drawing support from the strength of Black Ink Nest to sink dormancy healing, will therefore not have the protection to his attack. 电光火石间,杨开反应过来,这些先天域主……原本都是有伤在身的,他们躲藏在那墨巢之中,俱都是在借助墨巢之力沉眠疗伤,所以才会对他的袭击毫无防备。 Originally some wounds in body, ate Golden Crow Casting Sun, is in the wound adds the wound. 本就有伤在身,又吃了一道金乌铸日,自是伤上加伤。 More than 1000 years ago, Yang Kai goes to Holy Spirit Ancestral Land, facing most flourishing condition innate Territory Lord, can achieve three moves to execute, although used some scheme at that time, but does not play what scheme even if, in ten moves cuts to kill innate Territory Lord not to have the issue. 一千多年前,杨开前往圣灵祖地,面对一位全盛状态的先天域主,也能做到三招格杀,虽然那时候用了些计谋,可纵然不耍什么计谋,十招内斩杀一个先天域主是没有问题的。 Present he, in own cultivation level, Small Universe background, or is in the main road sensibility, before going to Holy Spirit Ancestral Land strives, even if really innate Territory Lord of most flourishing condition stands before him, has not needed ten to incur, does not need what scheme, he has the confidence to execute any innate Territory Lord in three moves. 如今的他,无论是在自身修为,小乾坤底蕴,又或者是大道感悟上,比起前往圣灵祖地前又有精进,就算真的有一位全盛状态的先天域主站在他面前,已经无需十招了,也不需什么计谋,他有信心在三招之内格杀任何一位先天域主 These have the wound in Territory Lord of body, the boundary of peak, was under no longer sneak attacked also flustered the mind, bumps into Yang Kai this kind of to kill the star again, where has any good fruit to eat. 这些有伤在身的域主们,本就不复巅峰之境,被偷袭之下也慌了心神,再碰到杨开这样的杀星,哪有什么好果子吃。 Among the electric light flint, then has two innate Territory Lord falls, that aura sound on the wane, making other Territory Lord have a big shock, thinks subconsciously sneak attacks their is Human Race 9-Rank! 电光火石间,便已有两位先天域主陨落,那气息凋零的动静,让其他域主大惊失色,下意识地以为偷袭他们的是人族九品 But under the careful sensation, actually discovered that is only Human Race 8-Rank! 可仔细感知之下,却发现那只是一位人族八品而已! Unexpectedly so bad risk? Human Race 8-Rank was so when powerful , they may be powerful innate Territory Lord! 外界竟如此凶险?什么时候人族八品这般强大了,要知道,他们可都是强大的先天域主 If No-Return Pass Territory Lord facing this situation, decide hurried arrange the formation at this moment, altogether governing powerful enemy, however these innate Territory Lord, have never trained what battle formation, defend this matter not to have the concept to arrange the formation, where has any law of appropriate dealing in a hurry, but the instinct starts to besiege Yang Kai. 若是不回关域主们面对这种情况,此刻定已急忙结阵,共御强敌,然而这些先天域主,从未演练过什么阵势,对结阵御敌这种事也是毫无概念,仓促之间哪有什么合适的应对之法,只是本能地开始围攻杨开 The strength of black ink turns wells up, black ink cloud flutters, the world mighty force is also surging continuous, tranquil Void became battlefield of slaughtering instantaneously. 墨之力翻涌,墨云飘荡,天地伟力也在激荡不休,宁静虚空瞬间成了杀戮的战场 In the Yang Kai hand a long spear/gun back and forth, great sun ascension explode swiftly extinguish, unscrupulous is swaying the powerful strength, the time space main road, and even various multi-channel boundaries in the long spear/gun above deduction, by oneself as the centers, interweaves net of the airtight slaughtering, in that invisible big net, each and everyone innate Territory Lord such as is struggled to angrily roar by the prey that the net lives in generally, was actually struck the destiny that kills unavoidably. 杨开手中一杆长枪倏忽来回,一道道大日升腾爆灭,肆无忌惮地挥洒着自身强大的力量,时间空间大道,乃至诸多道境于长枪之上演绎,以己身为中心,交织成一张密不透风的杀戮之网,在那无形的大网之中,一个个先天域主如被网住的猎物一般挣扎怒吼,却难免被击杀的命运。 Ouyang Lie of distant place has looked to stay, with that powerful aura rapid on the wane, the heart only then a thought is turning wells up. 远方的欧阳烈已经看呆了,随着那一道道强大气息的迅速凋零,他内心深处只有一个念头在翻涌。 This boy...... so aggressive? 这小子……怎地如此生猛? own this 8-Rank veteran before him, felt that pulls on shoes does not match, everyone amends the method of Open Heaven, is the 8-Rank peaks, will the disparity why so big? 自己这个八品老将在他面前,感觉连提鞋都不配啊,大家都是修开天之法的,也都是八品巅峰,为何差距会这么大? Cannot think through...... 想不通想不通…… The fruit cake that even if there is innate Territory Lord the wound in the body, actually all may not pinch conveniently, brutally kills facing Yang Kai's, the counter-attack of instinct still cannot be underestimated. 先天域主们纵有伤在身,却不尽全是随手可捏的软柿子,面对杨开的无情袭杀,本能的反击依然不容小觑。 Trades to make any Human Race 8-Rank, even if there is the powerful offensive, oneself protect to be insufficient, under the environment of enemy around this type is also all hard to be lasting. But Yang Kai is different, only misses one step to break through Holy Dragon Bloodlines Dragon Body to crack a joke can it be that Territory Lord attack falls on him, he can shoulder completely, by, so long as does not withstand too long time attack, he basically does not have the sorrow of life, the corrosion of strength of black ink does not play the least bit role to him. 换做任何一个人族八品,纵有强大的攻势,自身防护不足的话,在这种四面皆敌的环境下也难以持久。可杨开不同,只差一步就能突破圣龙血脉龙躯岂是开玩笑的,域主们的攻击落在他身上,他完全扛得住,是以只要不是承受太长时间攻击,他基本没有性命之忧,墨之力的侵蚀对他更是不起半点作用。 Does not fear the corrosion of strength of black ink, the self-preservation unobstructive, Yang Kai must do, then rumbles as far as possible strongest killing strike, every so often, he to attack to attack with Territory Lord, however after each other withstood attack of opposite party, finally is actually entirely different. 不惧墨之力的侵蚀,自保无碍,杨开所要做的,便是尽可能地将自身最强的杀招轰出,很多时候,他都是与域主们以攻对攻,然而彼此承受了对方的攻击之后,结果却是截然不同。 Yang Kai most bodies vibrate, by some small wounds, Territory Lord generally is the life mourning at the scene. 杨开最多身躯震动,受些小伤,域主们大抵是命丧当场。 More than ten Territory Lord, hundred breath times, falls about ten, remaining few five had not detected finally wonderfully, under shouting angrily of Territory Lord, scatters in all directions to escape. 十多位域主,先后不过百息功夫,已陨落将近十位之多,剩下寥寥五位总算察觉不妙,在其中一位域主的怒喝下,四散而逃。 Human Race 8-Rank strength extremely terrifying that this kills suddenly, is not they can deal, at present can only expect that runs is...... 这忽然杀出来的人族八品实力太过恐怖,已不是他们能够应对的,眼下只能期望跑一个是一个…… If can live, must as soon as possible the information transmit of this person to No-Return Pass that side! 若能活下来的话,必须尽快将此人的消息传递给不回关那边! txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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