MP :: Volume #56

#5549: Dead pigeon?

Star Boundary now is the Human Race most important rear, the High Heaven Palace also prestige remoteness, comes High Heaven Palace Yang Xiao and the others the strength is quite powerful, naturally these Huntsman know widely. 星界如今是人族最重要的大后方,凌霄宫也威名远扬,出身凌霄宫杨霄等人自身实力又极为强大,自然广为这些游猎者所知。 Hides these Huntsman of hidden place, many people must the rescue of High Heaven Palace squad. 隐藏暗处的这些游猎者,有好些人都得过凌霄宫小队的救助。 Recognizes that to/clashes really has the High Heaven Palace squad, then hidden Huntsman not hesitates of hidden place. 认出那冲阵的竟然有凌霄宫小队,这下隐藏暗处的游猎者们再不迟疑 Gentlemen, do not fight at this time, when treats?” The Huntsman squad could not endure patiently to jump, was that 7-Rank does not know that family background which influence, shouted loudly one, getting companion then to flush away toward the front, must go to to help out. “诸君,此时不战,更待何时?”有一支游猎者小队忍耐不住跳了出来,为首那七品也不知出身哪家势力,高呼一声,领着身边的同伴便朝前方冲去,显然是要去助阵了。 By their these disbanded soldiers, truly has no means with that 100,000 Black Ink Clan army only, but the situation is different at present, has two Human Race 8-Rank to act, three obviously extremely powerful Human Race squads, they go forward at this time, happen to can help. 单靠他们这些散兵游勇,拿那十万墨族大军确实没什么办法,可眼下情况不同了,有两位人族八品出面,还有三支明显极为强大的人族小队,他们此时上前,正好可以帮忙。 Waiting long time, waited is not this opportunity. 等待多日,等的不就是这个机会。 Kills!” Some people follow. “杀!”有人紧随其后。 Flickers instantaneous, concealment reveal the form in the Huntsman squad in secret, some people raise the arm to shout loudly, fighting intent is soaring, some people remain silent the non- throat, murderous intention recklessly. 瞬瞬间,一支支隐匿在暗中的游猎者小队显露身影,有人振臂高呼,战意高昂,有人闷声不吭,杀机肆意。 One group of idiots!” Also there is Huntsman to hate bitterly, shouted that what is what, is suspicious to knock the staggering blow is not good?” “一群白痴啊!”又有游猎者痛心疾首,“喊什么叫什么,偷摸着上去敲闷棍不好吗?” This was to obviously do the matter of doing things stealthily, exposed approach very annoyed of whereabouts to other squad this on own initiative, said turns over to say, same rushed ahead. 这位明显是干多了偷鸡摸狗的事,对其他小队这样主动暴露了行踪的做法很是恼火,说归说,一样冲杀了出去。 Without the means that everyone exposed, his hidden does not have the significance. 没办法,大家都暴露了,他一个隐藏也没意义。 The 100,000 Black Ink Clan army place, the rushes of short ten breaths, then have enough 10% Black Ink Clan falls, and did not discuss that Feng Ying this 8-Rank, other three squad which are not abundance of capable people, 7-Rank is numerous. 十万墨族大军处,短短十息的冲杀,便有足足10%墨族陨落,且不谈冯英这个八品,其他三支小队哪一支不是人才济济,七品众多。 Black Ink Clan may not have Territory Lord to assume personal command here, the feudal lord is fiercest, facing these Human Race powerhouses, no doubt in the quantity has the enormous superiority, only then slaughtered share. 墨族在这边可没有域主坐镇,领主便是最厉害的,面对这些人族强者,固然数量上占据巨大优势,也只有被屠戮的份。 This is the people have the wound in the situation of body, if the heyday can only kill is quicker. 这还是众人都有伤在身的情况下,若是全盛时期只会杀的更快。 Yang Kai has not acted again, he needs to hurry to find here that Universe Cave Heaven gateway to be, then opening, so can enter repairs and maintains. 杨开没有再出手,他需要赶紧找到此处那乾坤洞天的门户所在,然后将之打开,如此才能进入其中修整。 All around energy is chaotic, this somewhat increased him to seek for the difficulty of gateway slightly, but Yang Kai the attainments on Principle of Space is unusual now, really had a mind to search, pouring was not too difficult. 四周能量混乱至极,这稍稍有些加大了他寻找门户的难度,不过杨开如今在空间之道上的造诣非同寻常,真有心寻觅,倒也不算太难。 After a little while, he has located the gateway to be at probably. Finding the gateway was simple, only need stimulate to movement Space Principle to open forcefully then good, this matter he did a lot, has a familiar task and handles it with ease. 少顷,他已大概定位到了门户所在。找到门户就简单了,只需催动空间法则强行开启便行,这事他没少干,驾轻就熟。 Has not waited for him to begin to open the gateway, has a feeling suddenly, turns the head to look out in all directions, sees only flowing light to plunder in all directions rapidly toward here, some people shouted loudly, murderous intention was steaming. 还不等他动手打开门户,忽有所感,转头四望,只见四面八方一道道流光正朝这边急速掠来,更有人高呼不已,杀机腾腾。 Huntsman? 游猎者 Yang Kai responded quickly, these Huntsman previously should hide in the hidden place, saw here fights, jumped all of a sudden, this was must help. 杨开很快反应过来,这些游猎者此前应该都隐藏在暗处,见得这边大战,一下子都跳了出来,这是要来帮忙的啊。 The quantity are really many, numerous, over a thousand people have. 数量还真不少,林林总总的,上千人是有的。 So many people, moreover strength also good, can establish town/subdues troops. 这么多人,而且实力都还不错,都可以编制成一镇人马了。 They do not have the choice to join the major regiments, not goes on an expedition in various place big territory battlefield and Black Ink Clan, actually not because of fearing death, if really fears death, does not need to work as what Huntsman, danger that Huntsman can encounter, are not less than at the frontline combat. 他们没有选择加入各大军团,不在各处大域战场墨族征战,倒不是因为怕死,真要是怕死的话,也没必要当什么游猎者,游猎者会遇到的危险,并不比在前线作战少。 Battles in the frontline, so long as the front does not collapse, actually without too big danger, but if Huntsman does not bump into the Black Ink Clan powerhouse carefully, perhaps that was ten dies not fresh. 在前线作战,只要战线不崩溃,其实没太大危险,可若是游猎者不小心碰到墨族强者,那恐怕就是十死无生了。 The person is ambitious respectively, some people are because likes this exciting life, some people do not adapt to the large-scale regiment combat, some people thought that Huntsman can get so far as more practice resources, can become more powerful, all sorts of reasons to mention just a few. 只是人各有志,有些人是因为更喜欢这种刺激的生活,也有些人是不适应大规模的军团作战,更有些人觉得游猎者能弄到更多的修行资源,能够变得更强大,种种原因不一而足。 However no matter or becomes Huntsman at the frontline combat, is resisting with Black Ink Clan, will be the Human Race future tries hard. 不过不管是在前线作战又或者是成为游猎者,都是在与墨族抗争,都是在为人族的未来而努力。 At this moment, when he and Feng Ying are getting three squads kill the enemy, these Huntsman from the hidden place jumped, come it can be said that just right. 此时此刻,在他与冯英领着三支小队冲阵杀敌的时候,这些游猎者从暗处跳了出来,来的可以说是恰到好处。 Huntsman that the moment time, these throw in all directions then joined the regiment, the Black Ink Clan army even more collapsed at the first blow. 片刻功夫,这些四面八方扑来的游猎者便加入了战团,墨族大军愈发地不堪一击了。 The 100,000 Black Ink Clan army, is reducing at the visible speed. 十万墨族大军,以肉眼可见的速度减少着。 Yang Kai has not gone to manage all around slaughtering, at this time is stimulating to movement Space Principle to turn on that Universe Cave Heaven gateway forcefully, but with his effort, in Void gradually presented an vortex of revolving, from that vortex, has aura of another world to disclose indistinctly. 杨开没有去管四周的杀戮,此时正在催动空间法则强行开启那乾坤洞天的门户,而随着他的努力,虚空中逐渐出现了一个旋转的漩涡,从那漩涡之中,隐约有另外一个世界的气息透露出来。 Just presented time, that vortex also some were not quite stable, but was quick, the vortex then consolidated thoroughly. 刚出现的时候,那漩涡还有些不太稳定,不过很快,漩涡便彻底稳固了下来。 Yang Xiao, goes in!” Yang Kai drinks one lowly. 杨霄,进去!”杨开低喝一声。 Yes!” Killing the enemy Yang Xiao acknowledged, moves sideways then to flush away toward the gateway. “是!”正在杀敌的杨霄应诺,闪身便朝门户冲去。 Meanwhile, in Universe Cave Heaven, one crowd of been stranded martial artist complexion are dignified, stares at the vortex that in Void that gradually is revealing. 与此同时,乾坤洞天内,一群被困的武者面色凝重,盯着虚空中那逐渐显露出来的漩涡。 The gateway was opened forcefully! 门户被强行打开了! This to them, simply is a sad news. 这对他们而言,简直就是个噩耗。 They can be safe and sound , because here Cave Heaven gateway had not been opened, hides their perhaps also vitality in this, yet now, the gateway had been opened forcefully, the Black Ink Clan powerhouse must kill will immediately come, when the time comes, how many people this place does martial artist have to live? 他们之所以能够安然无恙,就是因为此处洞天的门户一直没有被打开,躲藏在这里面他们或许还有一线生机,可如今,门户已被强行开启,墨族强者马上就要杀将进来,到时候,此地武者又有几人能活? Is the head, impressively is several Human Race squads, this moment Battleship floats spatially, each and everyone 7-Rank Open Heaven is ready in full battle array, Spiritual Mind exchange. 为首的,赫然是几支人族小队,此刻战舰浮空,一个个七品开天严阵以待,神念交流。 No matter how, gateway if were really opened forcefully, their only war! 不管如何,门户真要是被强行打开了,那他们唯有一战! In the gateway, some indistinct people stronger , the people swiftly unite the strength, waits for this fellow to crop up, then gives him to strike ruthlessly. 门户之中,隐约有人要强冲进来,众人迅速凝聚力量,等待这家伙冒头,然后给他狠狠一击。 However the next moment, the sound then conveys from the outside world together, enters in Cave Heaven. 不过下一刻,一道声音便从外界传来,直入洞天之中。 I am Star Boundary Yang Kai, is patient!” “我乃星界杨开,诸位稍安勿躁!” Loud-voiced, spreads over the four directions. 声音洪亮,传遍四方。 Numerous martial artist hears word who is saving the strength is startled, is overjoyed, particularly that is head Human Race martial artist on several Battleship, all pleasantly surprised extremely. 正在积蓄力量的众多武者闻言一怔,紧接着大喜过望,尤其是那为首的几艘战舰上的人族武者,俱都惊喜万分。 Yang Kai came! 杨开来了! No wonder this gateway was opened forcefully, they also think that is matter that Black Ink Clan does, originally is this. 怪不得这门户被强行开启了,他们还以为是墨族搞的事,原来是这位。 Perhaps this place several tens of thousands martial artist, majority have heard the Yang Kai's given name, but is only head martial artist of that several squad, calculates some understanding of Yang Kai. 此地数万武者,或许大多数都听说过杨开的大名,但只有为首的那几支小队的武者,对杨开还算有些了解。 Officers who because they remove from black ink battlefield! This place martial artist, is their several squads is responsible for evacuating and moving, is only their luck is not good, dozens years ago does not have to walk with enough time, but can only hide in this. 因为他们都是从墨之战场中撤回来的将士!此地武者,也是他们几支小队负责撤离和迁徙的,只是他们运气不好,数十年前没来得及走,无奈之下只能藏匿于此。 Yang Kai is skilled in Space Principle, in this black ink battlefield is not the secret, Blue Sky Pass, outside Yin-Yang Pass and even Myriad Demons Pass, once some innumerable Universe Cave Heaven and Universe Paradise were opened by him, arrange the trap, buries alive the Black Ink Clan powerhouse. 杨开精通空间法则,在这墨之战场中不是秘密,碧落关,阴阳关乃至万魔关外,曾有无数乾坤洞天乾坤福地被他开启,布置陷阱,坑杀墨族强者。 If is really Yang Kai acts, opening this place gateway, is nothing unusual forcefully. 若真的是杨开出手,强行开启此地门户,不足为奇。 Next flickers, Yang Xiao of white clothing bloodstained runs out from that vortex, he has not known that Yang Kai has sent greetings into, comes swiftly then quickly shouts loudly: Star Boundary Yang Xiao, is not Black Ink Clan, holds on a minute to begin.” 下一瞬,一身白衣染血的杨霄从那漩涡之中冲出,他还不知道杨开已经传音入内,倏一现身便急忙高呼:“星界杨霄,不是墨族,诸位且慢动手。” He can also guess correctly that probably hides in this inside martial artist at this moment is what situation, therefore came up to explain the status, for fear that family belongings Black Ink Clan hitting. 他大概也能猜到躲藏在这里面的武者此刻是什么情况,所以一上来就道明了身份,唯恐被人家当墨族给打了。 He is Dragon Clan is good, but if were really ganged up on, perhaps also has no good end. 他是龙族不错,可真要是被人群殴了,恐怕也没什么好下场。 After roaring, immediately stimulates to movement the strength protection oneself body, if not for feared that causes the unnecessary misunderstanding, even dragon body wants to reveal. 吼完之后,立刻催动力量守护己身,若不是怕引起不必要的误会,连龙身都想显露了。 Decides the eye to look, sees only a group of martial artist to eye covetously to own in all directions, has the fluctuation of secret stimulation of movement strength, the Yang Xiao heart jumps crazily, holds the fist in the other hand hastily: Star Boundary Yang Xiao, has seen.” 定眼望去,只见四面八方一大群武者对着自己虎视眈眈,更有暗暗催动力量的波动,杨霄心头狂跳,连忙抱拳:“星界杨霄,见过诸位。” A lingering fear, the father is luckily smart, immediately from reporting main house gate, otherwise now a also not hit package? 一阵后怕,幸亏老子机灵,第一时间自报了家门,否则现在还不被打的一头包? The adoptive father also is really, such dangerous matter makes own do unexpectedly, does not know the sore person. 义父也真是的,这么危险的事居然让自己来做,一点都不知道疼人。 And 7-Rank moves forward to meet somebody, holds the fist saying: Danyang Li Ziyu, has seen daoist brother, may I ask daoist brother, what situation outside now?” 其中一位七品迎了上去,抱拳道:“丹阳李子玉,见过道兄,敢问道兄,外面如今什么情况?” Li Ziyu of this Danyang Paradise family background, is 7-Rank Open Heaven, although Yang Xiao is seemingly young, may also be 7-Rank, shouted daoist brother but actually also right. 这位丹阳福地出身的李子玉,也是七品开天,杨霄虽然看起来年轻,可也是七品,喊一声道兄倒也没错。 Yang Xiao said hastily: My adoptive father is ordered to come to rescue, but outside has the Black Ink Clan army to siege, the adoptive father they are killing the enemy.” 杨霄连忙道:“我义父奉命前来营救诸位,不过外面有墨族大军围困,义父他们正在杀敌。” Li Ziyu believes in firmly, does not have him, Yang Xiao is the whole body is also bathed in blood at this moment, the injury is heavy, obviously experienced one to struggle hard. 李子玉深信不疑,无他,杨霄此刻也是浑身浴血,伤势不轻,显然是经历了一场苦战的。 Immediately raises the arm shouts: „, Human Race came the person to rescue, along with me killed!” 当即振臂一呼:“诸位,人族来人救援了,随我杀出去!” Several tens of thousands martial artist shouted loudly, inspired. 数万武者高呼,振奋。 They were stranded here for dozens years, the outside has the Black Ink Clan army to siege, does not dare to crop up at will, although hides in Cave Heaven Paradise, but is unsafe, once Black Ink Clan has the powerhouse to act forcefully shatter Void, had the opportunity to find the gateway, clutched them. 他们被困在这里几十年了,外间有墨族大军围困,根本不敢随意冒头,虽然躲藏在洞天福地中,可也并不安全,墨族一旦有强者出手强行破碎虚空的话,是有机会找到门户,将他们揪出来的。 In these years, one group of people can be said as with trepidation. 这几十年间,一群人可以说是过的提心吊胆。 Now hears to have the Human Race powerhouse to come to rescue, naturally is joyful extremely, Li Ziyu raises the arm to shout loudly, immediately the follower is floating about like clouds. 如今听闻有人族强者前来救援,自然是欣喜万分,李子玉振臂高呼,当即从者如云。 Comes to come slowly slowly!” Yang Xiao prevents hastily, adoptive father they must come in immediately, is patient.” “慢来慢来!”杨霄连忙阻止,“义父他们马上也是要进来的,诸位稍安勿躁。” Li Ziyu says immediately: Cannot enter, the coming in words became the dead pigeon, killed the enemy while Brother Yang outside, I and others killed will go out to help Brother Yang helping hand, had the opportunity difficulty-relief.” 李子玉立刻道:“不能进,进来的话就成瓮中之鳖了,趁着杨兄在外杀敌,我等杀将出去助杨兄一臂之力,方有机会脱困。” They were stopped up in this inside dozens years, fully realized grieved, therefore Yang Kai must come, absolutely is not the wise action, instead ties up the hands and feet. 他们被堵在这里面几十年,深知其中酸楚,所以杨开要进来,绝对不是什么明智之举,反而是自缚手脚。 Comes in easily, but wants to go out, was difficult. 进来容易,可想出去,就难了。 Yang Xiao sighed, he knew this point, was...... 杨霄叹息一声,他何尝不知道这一点,可是…… Situation is somewhat complex, un, has Black Ink Clan Territory Lord to chase down me and others, the adoptive father their injury is heavy, can therefore need to repair and maintain in advance.” “情况有些复杂,嗯,有墨族域主在追杀我等,义父他们伤势不轻,所以需得进来先行修整一番。” Territory Lord!” The Li Ziyu complexion changes. 域主!”李子玉脸色微变。 After Human Race expedition, before Black Ink Clan that side, Territory Lord that presents killed was clean, present Territory Lord, all innate Territory Lord that walks from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, each one powerful incomparable. 人族远征之后,墨族那边之前出现的域主都已经被杀的一干二净了,现在的域主,俱都是从初天大禁中走出来的先天域主,个个强大无匹。 If Yang Kai were really chased down by Territory Lord, perhaps that also really must come to lie low until something blows over. 杨开若是真被域主追杀的话,那恐怕还真的要进来避避风头。 two people is speaking, that vortex locates forms to come in unceasingly, suddenly is dozens people. 两人正说着话,那漩涡处一道道身影不断地冲将进来,眨眼便是几十人。 Yang Xiao then looks, did not know, it is estimated that is these Huntsman that before braved. 杨霄回头望去,一个都不认识,估计都是之前冒出来的那些游猎者 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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