MP :: Volume #56

#5546: Flagitious

Two Battleship, seemingly are not common Battleship, seems like some Holy Spirit incarnation on the contrary, hard skin and strong flesh is not good, his most attack, kept off by these two Battleship. 还有其中的两艘战舰,貌似也不是寻常战舰,反倒也像是某种圣灵的化身,皮糙肉厚的不行,他大多数攻击,都被这两艘战舰挡下来了。 The trapped/sleepy beast still fights, is this Territory Lord at present the best portrayal. 困兽犹斗,是这位域主眼下最好的写照。 Several times broke through, was blocked by four directions attack, in the heart aggrieved extremely, caught up to support from elsewhere high-spirited, shortly after didn't expect arrived at Yearning Territory to do was so distressed. 数次突围,都被四方攻击拦下,心中憋屈万分,意气风发从别处赶来支援,没想到才到相思域没多久就搞的这么狼狈。 If the enemy is really the Human Race powerhouse who he is unable to contend with, is not as skillful as others, don't even go there, what people are key these fellows? 若敌人真的是他无法抗衡的人族强者也就罢了,技不如人,没什么好说的,关键这些家伙都是些什么人? Single words, anyone, he can a move flicker to kill, but these fellows collaborate, simply should not be too hard to deal with. 单个的话,无论是谁,他都能一招瞬杀,可这些家伙联手起来,简直不要太难缠。 At this moment, this Territory Lord realized truly what is double fist difficult enemy four. 此时此刻,这域主是真正体会到了什么叫双拳难敌四手。 Is fighting with all might, in the mind a suddenly pain, Divine Soul seemed cut suddenly by what strength, before that pain is him, has never realized, for a moment is unable from, the mind to shake unexpectedly did not say, a strength is hard to condense. 正拼杀间,脑海中忽然猛地一痛,神魂都仿佛被什么力量切割开了,那种痛楚是他以前从未体会过的,一时间竟是无法自已,心神震荡不说,连带一身力量都难以凝聚。 Bad! 糟了! This Territory Lord heart fears greatly, so the crucial moment, any careless possibly causes beyond redemption, do not say this pain from Divine Soul. 域主心头大恐,如此生死关头,任何一个疏忽大意都可能导致万劫不复,更不要说这种来自神魂上的痛楚。 He knows that own was sneak attacked, but how to be sneak attacked, actually not detected. 他知道自己被偷袭了,可到底是怎么被偷袭的,却是毫无察觉。 Next flickers, said in all directions innumerably attack covers him. 下一瞬,四面八方无数道攻击将他覆盖。 Under the chaotic energy rebellion, Territory Lord aura is instantaneous! 混乱的能量暴动之下,域主气息瞬间凋零! Fourth Territory Lord, falls! 第四位域主,陨! Sticks out suddenly to launch an attack now, from all sides also the 5 minutes time from Yang Kai, in Yearning Territory, four Territory Lord falls sounds have spread. 杨开暴起发难到现在,前前后后也不过半盏茶的功夫而已,相思域中,已有四位域主陨落的动静传出。 Damn!” The Monaya eyeball that the distant place, pursues was red, he invited five reinforcements, confident must take Yang Kai this big fish, but didn't expect, such moment time, five reinforcements only had You Gong this only child absolutely. “该死!”远方,追击过来的摩那耶眼珠子都红了,他请来了五位援兵,信心十足要拿下杨开这条大鱼,可万万没想到,这么片刻功夫,五位援兵就只剩下幽厷这个独苗了。 for a moment is annoying extremely, the one had only known words, he should bring other Territory Lord to go to aid, but his also didn't expect Yang Kai can come is so quick, five Territory Lord that own invited died was so simple. 一时间懊恼万分,早知如此的话,他应该带着其他域主前去接应的,可他也没想到杨开会来的这么快,自己请来的五位域主死的这么干脆。 The You Gong complexion is also ugly, but more actually rejoiced, rapidness that if not for just now he runs, at this moment killed was own. 幽厷也脸色难看,不过更多的却是庆幸,方才若不是他跑的快,此刻被杀的就是自己了。 How that can Human Race...... be so flagitious? Their these innate Territory Lord from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, each one are powerful, is conceited, does not place in any Human Race 8-Rank the eye, only has 9-Rank, can make them dread, but today, You Gong was experiences, not only Human Race only then 9-Rank can kill them, that strength was above imagination 8-Rank! 那个人族……怎能如此凶残?他们这些先天域主来自初天大禁,个个都实力强大,自视甚高,不将任何人族八品放在眼中,也只有九品,能让他们忌惮,可今日,幽厷算是见识到了,人族这边不单单只有九品才能杀他们,还有那个实力超乎想象的八品 Walks!” Front battlefield, Yang Kai is pale, drinks one lowly, stimulates to movement Space Principle, binds big piece of Void, getting the people to flee rapidly. “走!”前方战场,杨开脸色苍白,低喝一声,催动空间法则,裹住偌大一片虚空,领着众人急速遁逃。 Must run, the words that does not run, the situation must reverse. 得跑了,再不跑的话,局势就要逆转了。 Do not look that their side still does not have the buckle, but everyone is in fact wounded, some people injuries also and serious, is difficult to display the previous strength, this time can cut to kill four Territory Lord, good that is the time grasps, another is that four Territory Lord is extremely also negligent, if not for they divide forces to pursue daybreak and Bi Xi Battleship, Yang Kai does not have the opportunity to go well. 别看他们这一方至今没有折损,可实际上人人带伤,有些人伤势还及其严重,再难发挥出先前的实力,这一次能斩杀四位域主,一个是时机把握的好,另外一个也是那四位域主太过大意,若不是他们分兵追击破晓和赑屃战舰,杨开也没有机会得手。 Now had learning from another's mistakes of these four Territory Lord, in addition living six were not so good to cope. 如今有了这四位域主的前车之鉴,另外还活着的六位就不那么好对付了。 Once were caught up by that six Territory Lord, in the people have the confidence to flee besides Yang Kai, others must confess in this. 一旦被那六位域主追上,众人之中除了杨开有信心遁走之外,其他人都得交代在这。 Therefore must hurry to run, the quicker the better of running! 所以得赶紧跑,跑的越快越好! Stimulated to movement three Abandoning Soul Thorn, had fights in varying degrees with four Territory Lord, his injury was heavy, at this moment brought the entire three squads to organize, was really strenuous, do not say, the establishment of Dawn Squad were more than common team population. 先后催动三道舍魂刺,又与四位域主有不同程度的交手,他伤势不轻,此刻带着整整三支小队腾挪,着实吃力,更不要说,晨曦小队的编制比寻常队伍人数更多。 The population are more, he consumes is bigger. 人数越多,他消耗就越大。 If not for time does not permit, he wants to open wide Small Universe to allow the people to enter, such runs is also more convenient. 若不是时间不允许,他都想敞开小乾坤让众人进入了,那样跑起来也更方便。 Is good because of this place is skilled in Space Principle continues his. 好在此地精通空间法则的不止他一个。 Zhao Yebai studies under him, was born in Void World, has extremely high conjunction to Space Principle inborn, now achievement 7-Rank, on Principle of Space attainments, even if were inferior own Honored Master, calculated well. 赵夜白师从于他,出生在虚空世界,天生对空间法则有极高的契合度,如今成就七品,在空间之道上的造诣纵然不如自家师尊,也算不错了。 Had assisting of Zhao Yebai, Yang Kai was finally more relaxed. 有了赵夜白的相助,杨开总算轻松了一些。 Meets again after a long separation with Honored Master, but also without talked about old days with enough time, on road of escape . Moreover the Honored Master injury was serious, own needs to strive, Zhao Yebai that was the mao foot the strength, displayed the pinnacle own Principle of Space. 师尊久别重逢,还没来得及叙旧,就在逃亡的路上了,而且师尊伤势严重,正是自己需要出力的时候,赵夜白那是卯足了力气,将自身的空间之道发挥到了极致。 Among chasing, trillion li (0.5 km). 追逃之间,亿万里地。 Rear Monaya and other Territory Lord were breathless! 后方摩那耶域主气急败坏! This thinks that copes with one crowd of remnants weakly, easy, who knows them only to follow to be covered with dust behind others buttocks unexpectedly. 本以为对付一群残兵弱将,手到擒来,谁知他们竟只能跟在人家屁股后面吃灰。 Sir Royal Lord said right, the strength of this Yang Kai fleeing is quite splendid, how makes a move unable in No-Return Pass that side Sir Royal Lord no wonder personally him. 王主大人说的没错,这个杨开遁逃之力极为出色,怪不得在不回关那边王主大人亲自出手也没能将他怎么样。 They must have the territory!” Has Territory Lord to drink one lowly. “他们要出域!”有域主低喝一声。 Yang Kai and the others the directions are quite clear, goes toward a Yearning Territory territory gate, the goal is why obvious. 杨开等人的方向极为明确,是向着相思域一处域门而去的,目的为何已经显而易见。 This is also the normal choice, one group of people all have the wound in the body, the back six powerful Territory Lord pursuit, this time naturally is hurries to look for the place conditioning to be important. 这也是正常的选择,一群人俱都有伤在身,背后六位强大的域主追击,这个时候自然是赶紧找地方修整要紧。 Leaving Yearning Territory is the best choice, when restored then here comes back is not late. 离开相思域是最好的选择,等恢复了再回来这边不迟。 this time can cut to kill four Territory Lord, how many finds the opportunity to cut to kill next time again, will get down will come next time again, how many Territory Lord will Black Ink Clan have to let the homicide? 这一次能斩杀四位域主,下一次再找机会斩杀几位,下下次再来,墨族有多少域主可以让他杀? When he killed to fear Black Ink Clan, Yearning Territory here predicament collapsed of itself. 等他将墨族杀怕了,相思域这边的困局不攻自破。 Wishful thinking!” Monaya cold snort, rapid pass on message. “痴心妄想!”摩那耶冷哼一声,迅速传讯。 After a little while, the front territory gate place, a aura powerful feudal lord shouted high: Sir Monaya has the command, has the Human Race powerhouse to break through toward here, spares nothing, stops them!” 少顷,前方域门处,一位气息强大的领主高喝道:“摩那耶大人有令,有人族强者朝这边突围,不惜一切代价,阻拦他们!” Million Black Ink Clan armies, acknowledged loudly, arranges soldier set up formation. 百万墨族大军,轰然应诺,排兵布阵 Here territory gate , before , the Bi Xi Clone preparation leads one group of little fellows that say/way that is about to leave. But who didn't expect, after Yang Kai enters Yearning Territory, Black Ink Clan has arranged 1 million armies to guard. 此处域门,也正是之前赑屃分身准备带着一群小家伙们准备离开的那道。只不过谁也没想到,在杨开进入相思域之后,墨族已安排百万大军镇守。 After half double-hour, one group of people have soon been close to the territory gate being, Yang Kai catches the eye to look, sees that side black color to soar to the heavens, out the territory, the Black Ink Clan army spans, stops up the territory gate solid. 半个时辰后,一群人已快要接近域门所在,杨开抬眼望去,见得那边墨色冲霄,域门外,墨族大军横亘,将域门堵的严严实实。 Looks at that scale, at least has 1 million numerous. 看那规模,最起码有百万之众。 Yang Kai could not bear scold one. 杨开忍不住骂了一声。 Will here have so many Black Ink Clan? 这边怎么会有这么多墨族 1 million armies, the quantity are really many, although he has not felt Territory Lord aura from that side, may want to break through is not that easy matter. 百万大军,数量着实不少,尽管他没有从那边感受到域主气息,可想要突破也不是那么容易的事。 Let alone, that side Black Ink Clan army fighting intent is soaring, has obviously prepared for has fought, this was following Territory Lord passes on a message. 更何况,那边的墨族大军战意高昂,明显已做好了大战一场的准备,这是后面的域主们传讯过去了啊。 Here cannot walk. 这边不能走了。 If usually, breaks through the blockades of these million Black Ink Clan armies also there is no, Yang Kai has this confidence, but the situation is now different, following six Territory Lord pursue to come, has to delay slightly is beyond redemption. 若是平时,突破这百万墨族大军的封锁倒也没什么,杨开有这个信心,可现在情况不同,后面六位域主追击而来,稍有耽搁便是万劫不复。 scoundrel thing! So many don't Black Ink Clan go to frontline battlefield to enter the war, what runs Yearning Territory to make? 混账东西!这么多墨族不去前线战场参战,跑相思域来做什么? Has no alternative, transfers the direction, plunders toward recent another territory gate. 没奈何,调转方向,朝最近的另外一座域门掠去。 After one day, looked at the second territory gate that side situation, Yang Kai is almost thinking and running, that side also had almost million Black Ink Clan armies unexpectedly. 一日后,望着第二道域门那边的情况,杨开几乎以为又跑回来了,那边居然也有差不多百万墨族大军。 What situation? 什么情况? Yearning Territory, has Human Race martial artist to be stranded even, Black Ink Clan as for playing such in a big way? 一个相思域而已,就算有人族武者被困,墨族至于玩这么大吗? Said, because of the own reason? 还是说,因为自己的原因? By this time, Yang Kai felt like, Yearning Territory here matter was possibly related with own. 到了这时,杨开隐隐觉得,相思域这边的事可能跟自己有关了。 The fact also truly so, Black Ink Clan plans to be tempted these Huntsman taking advantage of Yearning Territory martial artist by the matter of being stranded from the beginning, has not deployed too many military here, the blockade territory gate words, tens of thousands army enough, Human Race does not have too strong martial artist in any case. 事实也确实如此,墨族一开始计划借相思域武者被困之事来引诱那些游猎者,并没有在这边部署太多兵力,封锁域门的话,几万大军足够了,反正人族也没有太强的武者 But after receiving Mysterious Nether Territory that side pass on message, Monaya infers Yang Kai to be very likely to come Yearning Territory, this urgent from nearby big territory reassignment military, asked five Territory Lord to help. 但在接到玄冥域那边的传讯之后,摩那耶推断杨开极有可能会来相思域,这才紧急从附近的大域调动兵力,又请了五位域主来援。 Then had the present lineup. 这才有了眼下的阵容。 Now looks like, he has the foreknowledge, 1 million armies guard the territory gate, under this situation, is Yang Kai does not dare easily to rush hardly. 如今看来,他还是有先见之明的,百万大军镇守域门,这种局势下,便是杨开也不敢轻易硬闯。 Yearning Territory has five territory gates, but one after another both territory gates are so the situations, remaining three do not need to look, Black Ink Clan decides however also has defense with large army. 相思域有五道域门,可接连两道域门都是如此情况,剩下的三道已经不用去看了,墨族定然也有重兵防守的。 Moreover, since flees, he can also insist reluctantly, Zhao Yebai actually soon could not insist, he had the wound in the body, assisting Yang Kai is so long, the consumption is too big, but he is firm and resolute, even if this moment complexion snow white like paper, does not utter a sound. 而且,遁逃至今,他还勉强能够坚持,赵夜白却是快要坚持不住了,他本就有伤在身,辅助杨开这么久,消耗实在太大,不过他是个性格坚毅的,纵然此刻脸色雪白如纸,也是不吭一声。 Fast enters my Small Universe!” Flees, Yang Kai drinks one lowly, opened the Small Universe gateway. “速入我小乾坤!”奔逃间,杨开低喝一声,敞开了小乾坤门户。 By this time, not adventure is not good, once Zhao Yebai the strength uses up, leads so many people to flee by him only together, sooner or later must be caught up. 到了这时,不冒险已经不行了,赵夜白一旦力竭,单靠他一人带这么多人一起遁逃,早晚要被追上。 The Small Universe gateway opens wide, the people do not hesitate, files in abundance. 小乾坤门户敞开,众人也不犹豫,纷纷鱼贯而入。 Six Territory Lord that delaying of this moment, the rear area pursues have pulled closer rapidly, Monaya look one happy, explodes shouts: Human Race suffers to death!” 这片刻的耽搁,后方追击的六位域主已经急速拉近,摩那耶神色一喜,爆喝道:“人族受死!” The words fall to flicker, six Territory Lord simultaneous attack jointly. 话落瞬瞬,六位域主齐齐联手攻来。 Under the strength of black ink turns wells up, Yang Kai and Feng Ying all are bleed to depart. 墨之力翻涌之下,杨开冯英俱都是喋血飞出。 Own Small Universe, because the gateway does not have the prompt seal, was shaken by the complementary waves, is good has subtree suppress and seal in Small Universe, without making what careless mistake, only otherwise this strikes, makes Yang Kai Small Universe have the destruction risk sufficiently. 就连自身的小乾坤,因为门户没有及时封闭,也被余波震荡,好在小乾坤中有子树封镇,才没出什么纰漏,否则单是这一击,就足以让杨开小乾坤有覆灭的风险。 Others can enter the Yang Kai Small Universe avoidance including Bi Xi Clone, only Feng Ying is not good, she is also 8-Rank, with the Yang Kai same step. 其他人包括赑屃分身都可以进杨开小乾坤躲避,唯独冯英不行,她也是八品,与杨开同阶。 The two people injury was even more serious, does not wait for that six Territory Lord to pursue, Yang Kai binds Feng Ying, organizes to vanish in place, cannot only run pitifully far, opened by Territory Lord is locked the position, pursued again. 两人伤势愈发严重了,不等那六位域主追击过来,杨开裹住冯英,一个腾挪消失在原地,只可惜没能跑出去多远,很开被域主们锁定了方位,再次追来。 The Yang Kai heart makes a determined effort secretly, is waiting to me, sooner or later will want you to be attractive. 杨开心头暗暗发狠,都给我等着,早晚要你们好看。 Both territory gate places have the Black Ink Clan army to seal off, other three estimates are also similar, without the means leaves Yearning Territory, six Territory Lord chase down, is almost the dead end. 两道域门处都有墨族大军封堵,其他三道估计也差不多,没办法离开相思域,又有六位域主追杀,几乎已是绝路。 At present can go only, only then a place, decided on the attention, Yang Kai fled in low spirits. 眼下唯一能够去的,只有一个地方了,打定注意,杨开闷头遁逃。 Previous homicide these Territory Lord are imposing, at this moment escapes is distressed, is thirty years the river goes east, thirty years the river goes west, the geomancy transfers seriously in turn, helpless. 先前他杀那些域主有多么威风,此刻逃的就有多么狼狈,当真是三十年河东,三十年河西,风水轮流转,让人无奈的很。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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