MP :: Volume #56

#5544: Connects falls

This Human Race murderous intention almost concentrates for the essence, in the hand on a long spear/gun, but also moistened fresh blood of Black Ink Clan powerhouse. 人族一身杀机几乎凝为实质,手中一杆长枪上,还沾了墨族强者的鲜血 This aura...... 气息…… That Human Race 8-Rank aura that just now does not feel? 不就是方才感受到的那人族八品气息 Is having a big shock with that Territory Lord that Feng Ying fights, how this fellow, comes is so quick? Although alarmed and afraid extremely, may make him feel what slightly is relieved, the opposite party is also as if injured, and injury is heavy. 正与冯英交手的那域主大惊失色,这家伙,怎么来的这么快?虽惊惧万分,可让他稍稍感到安心的是,对方似乎也受了伤,而且伤势不轻。 The Yang Kai injury is truly heavy, to fight a battle to force a quick decision, uses Abandoning Soul Thorn sneak attacks first Territory Lord, Divine Soul torn at the same time, but also by second Territory Lord together black light is punctured flesh body. 杨开确实伤势不轻,为了速战速决,动用舍魂刺偷袭第一位域主,神魂被撕裂的同时,还被第二位域主一道黑光打穿了肉身 Also is his physical quality is powerful, trades to make general 8-Rank, perhaps has lost the most battle efficiency. 也就是他身体素质强大,换做一般八品,恐怕已经丧失大半战斗力了。 Later he and Yu Rumeng various woman collaborates, only spent the short ten breath times, then hits to explode that second Territory Lord livingly. 之后他与玉如梦诸女联手,只花了短短十息功夫,便将那第二位域主活生生打爆。 Can cut to kill second Territory Lord in such short time, does not have the price. 能在这么短时间内斩杀第二位域主,并非毫无代价的。 Cuts to kill that second Territory Lord, he has not used Abandoning Soul Thorn, what dependence is Yu Rumeng and the others the diversion support, with the own strong strength. 斩杀那第二位域主,他没有动用舍魂刺,依靠的是玉如梦等人的牵制支援,和自己强大的实力。 Now Yu Rumeng and the others are all injured, in the Yang Kai also wound adds the wound. 如今玉如梦等人个个受伤,杨开也伤上加伤。 He does not care, his resilience is powerful, so long as is not the fatal injury, is not the major problem, the fights of so many year of every big and small experienced were innumerable, he can live today, cut to kill so many powerful enemies, many time was because he was more ruthless than the own enemy! 他不在乎,他恢复能力强大,只要不是致命伤势,都不是什么大问题,这么多年大大小小的战斗经历了无数次,他能活到今天,斩杀那么多强敌,很多次都是因为他比自己的敌人更狠! That second Territory Lord is also hapless, Territory Lord is difficult to kill, innate Territory Lord is more difficult to kill, if bumped into other 8-Rank and Yu Rumeng and the others collaborated, even if that Territory Lord does not beat also has the opportunity to flee, facing Territory Lord that flees wholeheartedly, even if the Xiang Shan this kind of powerhouse also not necessarily has the method to remain. 那第二位域主也是倒霉的,域主难杀,先天域主更难杀,若是碰到了其他的八品玉如梦等人联手,那域主纵然不敌也有机会遁逃,面对一个一心遁逃的域主,哪怕项山这样的强者也未必有手段留下来。 But he bumps into is skilled in Space Principle Yang Kai, under the space solidification, that Territory Lord ascends the sky enters roadless impossible. 可他碰到的是精通空间法则杨开,空间凝固之下,那域主上天无路入地无门。 Who doesn't he die dead? 他不死谁死? Yang Kai knows that daybreak here could not insist was too long, therefore met does not count the loss to fight a battle to force a quick decision. 杨开知道破晓这边坚持不了太久,所以才会不计损失速战速决。 Abandoning Soul Thorn this thing, in his short time can only stimulate to movement three times, has the too big risk for the fourth time, this five Territory Lord come, his heart is very big, wants to remain these five Territory Lord, therefore Abandoning Soul Thorn time unless it is absolutely essential, will not use. 舍魂刺这东西,他短时间内只能催动三次,第四次有太大的风险,这次有五位域主现身,他心很大,想要将这五位域主全都留下来,所以舍魂刺不到万不得已的时候,是不会动用的。 But now, then to needs to use. 而如今,便到了需要动用的时候。 His shatter Void, moves sideways to come, is still startled with Territory Lord of Feng Ying battle, Yang Kai had then stimulated Abandoning Soul Thorn. 他破碎虚空,闪身而来,那与冯英争斗的域主还在吃惊中,杨开便已激发了舍魂刺 Instant time, this Territory Lord Divine Soul shakes, is very painful, just like is stepped on the cat of tail, in the mouth severe howl. 时间,这域主神魂震荡,痛苦不堪,犹如被踩了尾巴的猫,口中厉嚎一声。 Instance that the mind falls into enemy hands, what greets to come is Yang Kai and Feng Ying strikes jointly. 心神失守的瞬间,迎接而来的是杨开冯英的联手一击。 Feng Ying Divine Ability Manifestation revealed, Myriad Swords Dragon Venerable binds the figure, full sword glow toward that Territory Lord cover under. 冯英神通法相显露,万剑龙尊裹住身形,铺天盖地的剑芒朝那域主罩下。 In Yang Kai hand Azure Dragon Spear, various multi-channel boundary winding deduction. 杨开手中苍龙枪,诸多道境缠绕演绎。 Under strikes, that innate Territory Lord half flesh body was hit to explode, but he has not actually died, perhaps before is , the death of two companion made him have to be vigilant, even under the this kind of hopeless situation, he still saved the life reluctantly. 一击之下,那先天域主半个肉身都被打爆了,不过他却没死,或许是之前两位同伴的死亡让他有所警惕,即便是在这样的绝境之下,他也勉强保住了性命。 But that aura is actually large scale feeble, which also has innate Territory Lord to have the power and influence that. 只不过那一身气息却是大幅度衰弱,哪还有先天域主该有的威势。 Some Yang Kai accidental/surprised, this is he first time uses Abandoning Soul Thorn unable to strike to massacre the opponent, but he could not have controlled at this moment so many, daybreak that side in imminent danger, he does not rescue, daybreak feared that must be hit to explode. 杨开有些意外,这还是他头一次动用舍魂刺没能击杀掉对手,不过此刻他已经管不了那么多了,破晓那边岌岌可危,他再不去救援,破晓怕都要被打爆了。 The figure in a flash, lost this half-dead innate Territory Lord to Feng Ying, oneself body appeared before the daybreak directly. 身形一晃,将这半死不活的先天域主丢给了冯英,己身却是直接出现在破晓之前。 This flickers the instantaneous, daybreak protection just the hit disintegration, daybreak above, is headed by Shen Ao and other 7-Rank Open Heaven, has been ready with two Territory Lord life-and-death war. 这瞬瞬间,破晓的防护刚好被打的崩碎,破晓之上,以沈敖七品开天为首,已经做好了与两位域主殊死一战的准备。 Yang Kai comes exactly is the time. 杨开来的恰是时候。 Facing two Territory Lord domineering attack jointly, Yang Kai is unable to avoid, behind is daybreak, if he avoided, Dawn decides however the casualty to be serious. 面对两位域主强势的联手攻击,杨开无从躲避,身后便是破晓,他若躲开了,晨曦定然死伤惨重。 great sun jumps, Golden Crow cried, the full moon soared, the moonlight fell in torrents. 大日跃升,金乌啼鸣,圆月腾空,月华倾泻。 time and Space Principle connection melts, the sun and moon simultaneously shines, mysterious space-time strength fills the air. 时间空间法则交汇相融,日月齐辉,玄妙的时空之力弥漫。 That sun and moon changes to revolving instantaneously the top, toward the two Territory Lord cover under. 日月瞬间化作旋转的陀螺,朝两位域主罩下。 Next flickers, wild impact eruption, two innate Territory Lord, or is Yang Kai daybreak, all the difficulties, daybreak above, a Dawn numerous team members all mouth spurts fresh blood, the look dispirited. 下一瞬,狂暴的冲击爆发,无论是两位先天域主,又或者是杨开破晓,俱都颠沛不已,破晓之上,晨曦一众队员个个口喷鲜血,神色萎靡。 Yang Kai pale like the paper, opposite two Territory Lord is also still shaken. 杨开脸色苍白如纸,对面两位域主也是惊魂未定。 Never sees so powerful Human Race 8-Rank, the opposite party had had the wound in the body, but their two collaborate, strikes full power, unexpectedly also kept off by the opposite party. 从未见过如此强大的人族八品,对方本就有伤在身,可他们两个联手,全力一击,居然也被对方挡下了。 divine ability that just now this person displays...... of power and influence, is simply unthinkable. 方才此人所施展的神通……威势之强,简直匪夷所思。 Moreover, Domain that in that divine ability contains is to make them be hard to estimate, at this moment, has mysterious space-time strength to linger on them, making them uncomfortable. 而且,那神通之中所蕴含的意境更是让他们难以揣摩,此时此刻,有玄妙的时空之力萦绕在他们身上,让他们难受至极。 Continues to fight, walks now? 继续战,还是现在走? This Human Race powerful somewhat excessive, if can kill him here, that all payouts are worth, but the opposite party does not seem like affable, have not killed to build when the time comes own. 人族强大的有些过分,若是能在这里杀了他,那所有的付出都是值得的,可对方看起来似乎不是好惹的,别到时候没杀成把自己搭进去了。 By this time, their two Territory Lord have definitely been able to determine, this person was the powerful enemy who Monaya mentioned, for a moment scolded stream of abuse in the heart Monaya, this fellow only tells them Yearning Territory possibly to present the powerful enemy, did not say clear, here harmed they arrived at then the buckle the two companion. 到了此时,他们二位域主已经完全可以确定,此人便是摩那耶提及的强敌,一时间在心中将摩那耶骂了个狗血淋头,这家伙只告诉他们相思域可能会出现强敌,却不说清楚,害的他们才到这边便折损了两位同伴。 If Monaya knows that they think, must call the injustice surely! 摩那耶若是知道他们这么想,定要叫冤! The Yang Kai's news transmits directly by way of Mysterious Nether Territory that side, has this Popular Front to cut three Territory Lord, to run amok the No-Return Pass deeds, he already enough discrete, immediately asks these five Territory Lord to come the support, is thinking ten Territory Lord gather, can take Yang Kai, who knows each other has not converged, Territory Lord that these five help then came face to face with Yang Kai. 杨开的消息是经由玄冥域那边直接传递过来的,有此人阵斩三位域主,大闹不回关的事迹,他已足够谨慎,立刻请了这五位域主过来支援,本想着十位域主汇聚,怎么也能拿下杨开了,谁知彼此还没汇合,这五位来援的域主便跟杨开狭路相逢了。 These fights, five Territory Lord one after another buckle, is really Black Ink Clan didn't expect. 这一场大战下来,五位域主接二连三地折损,实在是墨族这边没想到的。 When two Territory Lord hesitates is uncertain, another Territory Lord falls sound never the distant place passed on. 就在两位域主迟疑不定的时候,又一位域主陨落的动静从不远处传了过来。 Was Feng Ying cuts to kill the own opponent. 冯英斩杀了自己的对手。 This third Territory Lord ate Yang Kai together Abandoning Soul Thorn, was stroked with Feng Ying by him jointly exploded the half body, although saves the life reluctantly, but the strength also drops sharply. 这第三位域主吃了杨开一道舍魂刺,又被他跟冯英联手一击打爆了半边身子,虽勉强保住性命,可实力也是大跌。 Yang Kai must rescue the daybreak, without the time concludes, after he walks, Feng Ying naturally is the strength full. 杨开要救援破晓,没功夫收尾,在他走后,冯英自然是实力全开。 Before she was being pressed hitting by the opposite party, being surrounded by perils, but now was actually that Territory Lord is not her opponent. 之前她被对方压着打,险象环生,可如今却是那域主不是她的对手了。 Without the means that being injured was too serious, a strength can display half to be good. 没办法,受伤太严重了,一身实力能发挥出一半就不错了。 In Feng Ying does not count self damage under the storm, this Territory Lord only insisted short several breaths the time, was cut to kill by her sword! 冯英不计自身损伤的强攻之下,这位域主只坚持了短短数息功夫,便被她一剑斩杀! This is Feng Ying after promoting 8-Rank, cuts the first Territory Lord level powerhouse who kills personally! 这还是冯英自晋升八品之后,亲手斩杀的第一位域主级强者! It‘s nothing quite joyful, no Yang Kai laid the foundation of killing the enemy to her, at this moment she is perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate. 没什么好欣喜的,没有杨开给她奠定了杀敌的基础,此刻她恐怕已经凶多吉少。 Does not stop, after striking to kill the own opponent, Feng Ying a sword edge revolution, the body binds sword light immediately, closes up toward Yang Kai. 不做停留,在击杀了自己的对手之后,冯英立刻剑锋一转,身裹剑光,朝杨开靠拢过去。 Then two also had indecisive Territory Lord not to use again hesitant anything, to taking Yang Kai had no confidence, now Human Race also has 8-Rank to help, as if another Battleship is closing up, once were surrounded, perhaps they also had no good end. 这下两位还有犹豫不决的域主也不用再犹豫什么了,本就对拿下杨开没什么信心,如今人族这边又有八品来援,似乎还有另外一支战舰正在靠拢过来,一旦被包围,他们恐怕也没什么好下场。 two Territory Lord takes the bull by the horns, the figure then must run away toward the distant place in a flash. 两位域主当机立断,身形一晃便要朝远处遁去。 Yang Kai has been guarding against them, sees that stimulates to movement Space Principle again, solidifies Void. 杨开早就防备着他们,见状再次催动空间法则,凝固虚空 But his injury is also heavy, this time solidifies Void quite somewhat to lack the ability to do what one would like, perhaps if only one Territory Lord can also divert 12, having no alternative others two Territory Lord collaborates, broke quickly the space, breaks out of the fetter. 只不过他也伤势不轻,此番凝固虚空颇有些力不从心,若只一位域主的话或许还可以牵制一二,没奈何人家两位域主联手,很快破碎了空间,摆脱束缚。 Yang Kai clenches teeth, holds a gun to chase down, has to cut to kill the Territory Lord opportunity rarely, will he give up like this? Five Territory Lord had died three, kills two again is not anything. 杨开一咬牙,持枪追杀,难得有斩杀域主的机会,他怎会就这样放弃?五个域主已经死了三个,再杀两个也不算什么。 The whole families should neat and tidy be right. 一家人就应该整整齐齐才对。 Feng Ying follows. 冯英紧随其后。 Yu Rumeng and the others who not far away, is supporting rapidly also transfer the direction hurriedly. 不远处,正急速支援过来的玉如梦等人也匆忙调转方向。 Nearby, daybreak above, Dawn people after temporary conditioning, similarly with. 一旁,破晓之上,晨曦众人经过短暂的修整,同样跟了上去。 The two people two ships, bite that two innate Territory Lord not to put tightly. 两人两舰,紧咬着那两位先天域主不放。 Flickers instantaneous, spans in ten million/countless the place. 瞬瞬间,跨越千万里之地。 The behind pursuing troops are in hot pursuit, lets two Territory Lord is the fire is also big, since Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction walks, they also not such distressed. 身后追兵紧追不舍,让两位域主也是火大,自从初天大禁之中走出来,他们还没这么狼狈过。 That damn Monaya, illegibility of information transmit, after this time, wants him to give a confession surely. 还是那该死的摩那耶,消息传递的不清不楚,此番之后,定要他给个交代。 The two Territory Lord heart makes a determined effort, suddenly all look one cold, catches the eye to look toward the front. 两位域主心头发狠,忽然俱都神色一凛,抬眼朝前方望去。 That side...... has the ambush! 那边……有埋伏! Human Race also has the powerhouse to ambush unexpectedly here! 人族居然还有强者埋伏在这边! two Territory Lord in great surprise. 两位域主大惊。 Meanwhile, broad Palace spans in Void suddenly, that Palace extremely plain vicissitudes, a palace gate above side inscribed horizontal tablet, submits a written statement to the years two characters. 与此同时,一座恢宏宫殿忽然横亘虚空之中,那宫殿极为古朴沧桑,殿门之上一方匾额,上书岁月二字。 Before the palace gate, two forms stand erect, all white clothing, a man and a woman. 殿门前,两道身影屹立,皆都白衣,一男一女。 This young men and women are looking at two fleeing innate Territory Lord, not only the fear, instead the whole face is not joyful, as if fished the big fish to be the same. 这一对年轻男女望着两个遁逃的先天域主,不但没有害怕,反而还满脸欣喜,仿佛钓到了大鱼一般。 This two people obvious practice same Cultivation Technique , time is jointly confused. 两人明显修行的同一种功法,联手之下,时间错乱。 That huge Palace even changes to the innumerable blown sand in this flash, two forms disappear similarly do not see, grains of blown sand two Territory Lord lingering package, is affecting their sensation to the time. 那巨大宫殿甚至都在这一瞬间化作无数飞沙,两道身影同样消失不见,一粒粒飞沙将两位域主萦绕包裹,影响着他们对时间的感知。 The Yang Xiao Yang Xue two people make a move! 杨霄杨雪二人出手! They are Passing of Time Great Emperor skip-generation disciple, after the past years resulted in Passing of Time Divine Palace then continuously with concentration practice Time Principle, especially Yang Xiao Dragon Clan, Time Principle is his natural talent divine ability, practice gets up twice the result with half the effort, has him to direct devotedly, Yang Xue also follows to profit at someone's expense. 他们算是岁月大帝的隔代弟子,自当年得了岁月神宫之后便一直潜心修行时间法则,尤其杨霄本身还是龙族,时间法则是他的天赋神通,修行起来事半功倍,有他悉心指点,杨雪也跟着沾光。 Now attainments of two people on Principle of Time is quite good. 如今两人时间之道上的造诣都极为不俗。 two people is not the generation of parochial arrogance, knows that is not the Territory Lord opponent, has not been thinking how must the opposite party, the power gap is too big, the two people goal is only the entanglement. 两人也不是夜郎自大之辈,知道不是域主的对手,并没有想着要将对方如何,实力差距太大,两人的目的只是纠缠。 Even if in a flash, ok! 哪怕一瞬间,也行! Trades to make general Black Ink Clan, decides facing such strange Secret Technique divine ability however is hard to resist, but two innate Territory Lord is powerful, does not need to completely understand that this Secret Technique flaw, the respective strength of black ink surges, simultaneous wields a fist. 换做一般墨族,面对这样诡异的秘术神通定然难以招架,可两位先天域主强大无匹,根本无须看透这秘术的破绽,各自墨之力涌动,齐齐挥出一拳。 A strength falls ten meetings! 一力降十会! Under strikes, everywhere blown sand one volume, changes to the Palace appearance suddenly, under the wild hammering, that Palace is buzz calls, splits many slits, stands Yang Xiao Yang Xue before palace gate is spurts fresh blood. 一击之下,漫天飞沙骤然一卷,重新化作宫殿的模样,狂暴的震击之下,那宫殿更是嗡鸣不已,裂开许多缝隙,站在殿门前的杨霄杨雪俱都是口喷鲜血 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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