MP :: Volume #54

#5328: Asks for 1 type of thing

If can digest the achievement of tour of this No-Return Pass completely, Yang Kai believes that the own strength can obtain a promotion of leap. 若是能将这一趟不回关之行的收获全部消化,杨开相信自己实力能得到一个飞跃的提升。 Familiar of dragon body strength does not spend many mind, only accumulation precipitation. 龙身力量的熟悉不费多少心神,唯积累沉淀尔。 Yang Kai more thoughts flowers on comprehending time Principle of Space. 杨开更多的心思花在参悟时间空间之道上。 The outstanding promotion of two main roads, making him have a clear(ly) to become aware at this moment faintly. 两条大道的卓著提升,让他此刻隐隐有一丝明悟。 Principle of Space is the main road that he majors, Principle of Time perhaps because of the reason of bloodlines, before Principle of Space was Principle of Space, Principle of Time is Principle of Time, both were connected not in a big way. 空间之道是他主修的大道,时间之道或许是因为自身血脉的缘故,以前空间之道空间之道,时间之道时间之道,两者关联不大。 Even if he once homemade Sun and Moon Divine Wheel this together might huge Secret Technique, that was also the achievement of accident of sorts, has not had too thinks deeply. 纵然他曾自创日月神轮这一道威力巨大的秘术,那也是机缘巧合的成果,并未有太多深思。 But now looks like, the space, time is always inseparable, both mutually are the connections. 可如今看来,空间,时间向来都是密不可分,两者互为关联的。 The space is unable to save alone, time similarly so. 空间无法独存,时间同样如此。 since ancient times is the space, the four directions high and low is the eon, interweaving of time space, accomplishes vastly this boundless, multi- color brilliant entire world. 古往今来为宇,四方上下为宙,时间空间的交织,才造就这浩瀚无垠,多彩绚烂的寰宇。 Sun and Moon Divine Wheel time and Principle of Space links, but that is the Yang Kai subconscious achievement, now looks again, own this Sun and Moon Divine Wheel has the slight defect, very big room for improvement. 日月神轮时间空间之道结合在一起,可那是杨开下意识的成果,如今再看,自己日月神轮多有瑕疵,还有很大的提升空间。 , Yang Kai held a miraculous glow faintly, if some day, oneself can the time Principle of Space perfect integration, that Sun and Moon Divine Wheel this Secret Technique, will certainly the might increase, vertical by his present 7-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level, displaying this Secret Technique sure-kill Black Ink Clan Territory Lord is hopeful. 隐隐地,杨开似是抓住了一道灵光,若是有朝一日,自身能将时间空间之道完美融合的话,那日月神轮这个秘术,必将威力大增,纵以他如今七品开天修为,施展这一秘术绝杀墨族域主都有希望。 But two main roads want to fuse how difficultly, Yang Kai plunders anxiously, in the mind Spiritual Mind fluctuates to surge, actually cannot completely the merit, always feel that missed anything. 可两条大道想要融合何其艰难,杨开一路急掠,脑海中神念变幻涌动,却始终没能尽功,总感觉差了点什么东西。 This type has the direction obviously, the goal at present, actually could not pierce the feeling of that matter window paper to be rotten to the core, and easy to make the person mind impetuous. 这种明明有了方向,目标就在眼前,却捅不破那层窗户纸的感觉糟糕透顶,及容易让人心神浮躁。 Therefore since ancient times, will have many martial artist to accidentally discharge Become Devil when closing up, thought many, the distracting thoughts are many, the goal is unable to achieve, is subsequently easy to deny itself, main road collapse. 所以古往今来,才会有许多武者在闭关之时走火入魔,想的多,杂念多,目标无法达成,继而便容易否定自身,大道崩溃。 The learning from another's mistakes guide for the future, Yang Kai does not think own that because this matter does also accidentally discharges Become Devil, by when the mood is impetuous then blows off the mind, realized change that with single-hearted devotion own Dragon Body growth brings about. 前车之鉴后事之师,杨开可不想因为这事搞的自己也走火入魔,是以每当心情浮躁之时便放空心神,专心体会自身龙躯增长带来的变化。 So under adjustment, actually safely worry-free. 如此调节之下,倒是安然无虞。 Swiftly after several months, Great Evolution Pass has entered in the field of vision. 倏忽数月之后,大衍关已入视野之中。 The Yang Kai restraining thoughts, received dragon body, raises eyes to wait and see, when sees the Great Evolution Pass city wall above busy numerous form, relaxes. 杨开收敛心思,收了龙身,举目观望,待看到大衍关城墙之上忙碌的重重身影时,才不禁松了口气。 He also really feared that own came back late, misses matter that the Human Race army expedited. 他还真怕自己回来晚了,错过人族大军远征的事。 Now looks like, the expedition should not start, wants to come is also, own goes to No-Return Pass, one spent back and forth for about a year, treated several months in No-Return Pass, at this moment leaves from own also on the appearance that one -and-a-half years do not arrive. 如今看来,远征应该还没开始,想来也是,自己不回关,一趟来回花了将近一年,在不回关中待了数月,此刻距离自己离开也就一年半不到的样子。 The Human Race army should also perhaps arrange. 人族大军这边应该还没准备好。 Space Principle unconstrained, several organize, then before has arrived at Great Evolution Pass . 空间法则跌宕之下,几个腾挪间,便已到大衍关前。 The officers who the value defends have detected exceptionally, after seeing clearly the Yang Kai appearance then allow to pass refreshedly. 值守的将士早就察觉到异常,不过在看清杨开面貌之后便爽快放行。 Re-enters Great Evolution, looks around, the area inside the Great Wall officers countenance in a hurry, some quite fodder soldiers undergo the feeling of horse. 重回大衍,举目四望,关内将士形色匆匆,颇有些秣兵历马的感觉。 If this time starts to expedite, how other war zone Yang Kai will not know the situation, but Great Evolution imposing manner like the rainbow, with previous time will win the prestige of Black Ink Clan absolutely, will supplement with Evil-Breaking Divine Lance again, capturing King City should not be the issue. 若是这个时候开始远征,别的战区杨开不知情况会怎样,但大衍这边绝对气势如虹,携上次大胜墨族之威,再辅以破邪神矛,攻下王城应该不是问题。 As for can kill that Black Ink Clan Royal Lord, must look to smile Old Ancestor and these 8-Rank methods. 至于能不能杀了那墨族王主,就要看笑笑老祖和那些八品们的手段了。 Spiritual Mind from wells up together suddenly somewhere, that is Old Ancestor Spiritual Mind. 一道神念忽然自某处涌来,那是老祖神念 Touches receives. 一触即收。 Yang Kai hesitant following the place of that Spiritual Mind origin, the figure has not plundered. 杨开没有犹豫顺着那神念来源之地,身形掠去。 After a little while, arrives in the Old Ancestor resting palace, in that garden, smiles Old Ancestor to lie down on the chair lazy, high and low sweeps his one eyes, opens the mouth saying: Trip how?” 少顷,来到老祖寝宫内,那花园中,笑笑老祖慵懒地躺在椅子上,上下扫他一眼,开口道:“此行如何?” The Yang Kai respectful sound returns said: Harvest is big.” 杨开恭声回道:“收获不小。” Smiles Old Ancestor to nod the head slightly, ridicules one: Hasn't left a good name in the dragon book?” 笑笑老祖微微颔首,揶揄一声:“没在龙册留名?” Yang Kai dumbly: „Do you know dragon book?” 杨开哑然:“您老知道龙册?” Smiles Old Ancestor to curl the lip saying: „It is not the secret, knows that has anything to be strange.” 笑笑老祖撇嘴道:“又不是什么机密,知道有什么奇怪的。” She can know , because of the 9-Rank supreme status, the common person has not really heard dragon book type of thing. Then is Yang Kai, to No-Return Pass, after the bloodlines was pure, knew that Dragon Clan has dragon book grade of wondrous item. 她能知晓,乃是因为九品至尊的身份,寻常人还真没听说过龙册这种东西。便是杨开,也是到了不回关,血脉精纯之后才得知龙族有龙册这等奇物 That side Dragon Clan hopes actually I leave a good name in the dragon book, but disciple rejection.” 龙族那边倒是希望我在龙册留名,不过弟子拒绝了。” Un.” Smiles Old Ancestor to speak thoughtlessly to comply with one, really leaves a good name in the dragon book, Yang Kai is impossible to return to Great Evolution again. “嗯。”笑笑老祖随口应了一声,真在龙册留名,杨开也不可能再回大衍 Yang Kai suddenly brow slightly wrinkle: Injured?” 杨开忽然眉头微皱:“又受伤了?” He discovered a moment ago, smiles the Old Ancestor complexion somewhat to be slightly pale, he also thinks before is, injury not reason, but waited and saw under carefully thought that was not quite right, smiles Old Ancestor aura obvious some is not steady. 刚才他就发现了,笑笑老祖的脸色略有些苍白,他还以为是之前伤势未愈的原因,可仔细观望之下却觉得不太对劲,笑笑老祖气息明显有些不稳。 This exactly injury cannot explain. 可不是伤势未愈能解释的了。 The only possibility, was smiles Old Ancestor injured. 唯一的可能,便是笑笑老祖又受伤了。 Recently went to that side King City more frequent.” Smiles Old Ancestor to speak thoughtlessly. “最近去王城那边频繁了些。”笑笑老祖随口回了一句。 Yang Kai speechless say/way: Harassment becomes, why to spell to fight with that Royal Lord.” 杨开无语道:“骚扰就成,何必与那王主拼斗。” The beforehand war, making the Black Ink Clan Royal Lord injury accumulate, is unable to feel at ease healing, therefore smiles Old Ancestor not to need with his battle anything, only need stir up trouble regularly, the selfenergy makes that Royal Lord be in deep sorrow. 之前的一场场大战,让墨族王主伤势累积,根本无法安心疗伤,所以笑笑老祖这边根本不需要与他争斗什么,只需隔三差五地滋扰一番,自能让那王主痛不欲生。 Actually does not know that smiles Old Ancestor suddenly so to be why radical. 却不知笑笑老祖为何忽然这么激进。 So saying, oneself Small Universe spreading will be falling. 这般说着,将自身小乾坤铺展落下。 Smiles Old Ancestor to knit the brows: Some small wounds, will raise some days to be then good.” 笑笑老祖皱眉道:“些许小伤,将养些日子便好了。” Yang Kai said: You are Old Ancestor, is related to entire Great Evolution Pass, will soon recuperate the injury to be important.” 杨开道:“您是老祖,事关整个大衍关,还是早日养好伤势要紧。” Old Ancestor said: I know your good intention, but I healing in your Small Universe, what consumption is your Small Universe strength of Hongchen, to some of some of your actually influences.” 老祖道:“我知你一片好心,不过我在你小乾坤疗伤,耗费的是你小乾坤中的红尘之力,对你其实还是有一些影响的。” Yang Kai said with a smile lightly: disciple knows, but has minimal impact, your relieved healing is.” 杨开轻笑道:“弟子知道,不过影响不大,您老安心疗伤便是。” Smiles Old Ancestor to look at his one eyes, sighed, no longer insisted. 笑笑老祖瞧他一眼,叹息一声,不再坚持。 Suddenly the look moves: Your this Small Universe......” 忽然神色一动:“你这小乾坤……” Yang Kai smiled saying with a smile: Bloodlines are pure, Principle of Time has striven, now before the time relative velocity in Small Universe, sped up.” 杨开笑了笑道:“血脉精纯,时间之道有所精进,如今小乾坤内的时间流速比之前加快了一些。” The time speed of flow speeds up, more convenient Old Ancestor healing. 时间流速加快,就更方便老祖疗伤了。 Old Ancestor previously lived after all here for several hundred years, naturally can detect a here change. 老祖此前毕竟在这里生活了几百年,自然能察觉道这里的变化。 Old Ancestor this time is injured is not quite truly serious, in Small Universe, but has then restored several months, the outside world crosses in January/one month. 老祖这次受伤确实不太严重,小乾坤中,不过数月便已恢复过来,外界才过一月而已。 The injury restores, Old Ancestor then sets out suddenly: „It is not busy, first here waits for me.” 伤势恢复,老祖便霍然起身:“不忙走,先在这里等我。” So saying, is soaring to the heavens to go, Yang Kai received oneself Small Universe hastily, stares direction that Old Ancestor departs, corner of the eye twitch. 这般说着,冲天而去,杨开连忙收了自身小乾坤,凝视老祖离去的方向,眼角抽动。 Was Old Ancestor this injury restores to look for the trouble of Black Ink Clan Royal Lord? No wonder lets own don't anxiously, then must help her healing evidently. 老祖这是伤势恢复又去找墨族王主的麻烦了吗?怪不得让自己别急着走,看样子回头还要助她疗伤 Sure enough, less than half day time Old Ancestor then re-enters Great Evolution, the Old Ancestor condition makes Yang Kai be startled. 果不其然,不到半日功夫老祖便重回大衍,不过老祖的状态却让杨开大吃一惊。 Although the semblance cannot see what clue, but Yang Kai clearly can feel that Old Ancestor is injured heavily, the this time injury previous time is obviously more serious. 尽管外表看不出什么端倪,可杨开分明能感觉到老祖受伤不轻,这一次的伤势明显比上次严重许多。 Great, drops Small Universe hastily, in making Old Ancestor enter healing. 没得说,连忙落下小乾坤,让老祖入内疗伤 Also several months, Old Ancestor injury completely duplicate/restores, leaves No-Return Pass again. 又数月,老祖伤势尽复,再一次离开不回关 After the half day returns, Old Ancestor loses color, on the clothing hidden has the bloodstain to be dry. 半日后归来,老祖面无血色,衣衫上隐有血迹干涸。 ...... …… Several times, each Old Ancestor was so injured repeatedly previous time is heavier, when returns to Old Ancestor again, Yang Kai could not bear finally, consoles saying: Old Ancestor why for a while, the expedition is about to begin eagerly, when the time comes the army threatens the border, first except his wing, under many 8-Rank Garrison's Chief coordination, the selfenergy solves that Royal Lord slowly.” 如此反复了数次,每一次老祖受伤都比上次要重,待到老祖再一次归来时,杨开终是忍不住了,劝解道:“老祖何必急于一时,远征在即,到时候大军压境,先除其羽翼,诸多八品总镇配合之下,自能慢慢解决那王主。” Yang Kai truly some do not understand the Old Ancestor approach, although there is own to help healing, Black Ink Clan Royal Lord is the wound is heavier in the body, but others can draw support from the strength of Black Ink Nest, independent combat that side King City, to the Old Ancestor not advantage. 杨开确实有些不理解老祖的做法,虽说有自己帮忙疗伤,墨族王主更是伤重在身,但人家可以借助墨巢之力,在王城那边单打独斗,对老祖并无好处。 Smiles Old Ancestor now to his feeling, must hurry to solve Black Ink Clan that Royal Lord seem to give up. 笑笑老祖如今给他的感觉,倒像是要赶紧解决掉墨族那位王主才肯罢休。 Listened to him saying that smiles Old Ancestor to smile bitterly: „It is not such that you think, I do that to have my reason.” 听他这么说,笑笑老祖苦笑一声:“并非你想的那样,我这么做自有我的理由。” Yang Kai is vacant. 杨开茫然不解。 Resembles to feel to feel sorry, smiles Old Ancestor to explain: I do not kill that Black Ink Clan Royal Lord, although he injury is very serious, may not have the words that others coordinate, is only my strength to kill some of his also difficulties. I seek him to trouble again and again, but wants to ask him to ask for one thing.” 似是觉得过意不去,笑笑老祖解释道:“我并非要杀那墨族王主,他虽伤势很重,可没有其他人配合的话,单凭我一人之力想要杀他也有些难度。我三番两次去寻他麻烦,不过是想找他讨回一样东西。” What thing?” Yang Kai astonished. “什么东西?”杨开讶然 What thing that side Black Ink Clan Royal Lord has is Old Ancestor? could it be that said before and Royal Lord battle time lost in that side. 墨族王主那边有什么东西是老祖的吗?难道说之前与王主争斗的时候遗失在那边了。 This is also but unlikely, Old Ancestor this grade of cultivation level, there is any thing to lose. 可是这也不太可能,老祖这等修为,又有什么东西会遗失的。 Smiles Old Ancestor silently the moment, resembled in must say these with Yang Kai hesitant, but opened the mouth to say finally: Human Race each mountain pass, is actually giant temporary palace Secret Treasure, this point you should know.” 笑笑老祖默然了片刻,似在犹豫要不要与杨开说这些,不过最终还是开口道:“人族的每一座关隘,其实都是一件巨型的行宫秘宝,这一点你应该知晓。” Yang Kai nods. 杨开颔首。 This matter when he sees Blue Sky Pass for the first time then knew, but this temporary palace Secret Treasure extremely huge, governing drove difficultly, then assumes each mountain pass the strength of Old Ancestor by that is unable to stimulate to movement alone. 这种事在他第一次看到碧落关的时候便知道了,只不过这种行宫秘宝太过庞大了,御驶艰难,便是以那坐镇每一处关隘的老祖之力,也无法独自催动。 Each mountain pass, has the own core, with the aid of that core, assumes 9-Rank of mountain pass to control the entire mountain pass, if there are others to assist the coordination, mountain pass this kind of temporary palace Secret Treasure can also governing drive attacks the enemy.” “每一座关隘,都有自己的核心,借助那核心,坐镇关隘的九品们才能控制整座关隘,若有他人辅佐配合的话,关隘这样的行宫秘宝也是可以御驶攻敌的。” That core is, you can regard are Formation formation eye, without that core, the mountain pass is the dying thing, except for the strength of protection oneself can provide, without other uses but if had that core on different, the mountain pass can really regard temporary palace Secret Treasure to use.” “那核心所在,你可以当成是一处大阵阵眼,没有那核心,关隘便是死物,除了自身能提供的防护之力,没有其他用途但若是有那核心就不一样了,关隘是可以真的当成行宫秘宝来使用。” „The Great Evolution Pass core...... lost, is very likely to fall in the Black Ink Clan Royal Lord hand, therefore I must take carry back that core.” 大衍关的核心……遗失了,极有可能落在墨族王主手中,所以我必须将那核心拿回来。” Yang Kai hear of dumbstruck. 杨开听的目瞪口呆 Listens to the meaning in Old Ancestor this saying, if there is a that core, entire Great Evolution Pass does not need to defend stubbornly same place, spends some prices definitely to leave to King City in front, when the time comes by firm of Great Evolution Pass, how King City can keep off? Then batters, can King City destruction. 老祖这话里的意思,若是有那核心的话,整个大衍关就不必固守原地了,花费一些代价完全可以开赴到王城面前,到时候以大衍关的坚固,王城如何能挡?便是横冲直撞,也能将王城毁灭 But the Great Evolution core actually lost, without the core, Great Evolution Pass then cannot move. 大衍的核心却遗失了,没有核心,大衍关便动弹不得。 Thinks that is not strange, Great Evolution was captured the 30,000 year by Black Ink Clan, although regains now, but how Black Ink Clan to leave behind the core such important thing, had greatly possibly been taken very much. 想想也不奇怪,大衍墨族攻陷了三万年,虽说如今收复回来了,可墨族这边又岂会将核心这么重要的东西留下,很大可能早就被取走了。 This was smiles Old Ancestor to be frequent to seek the Black Ink Clan Royal Lord troublesome reason recently, the expedition is about to begin, Great Evolution without the words of core, the mountain pass is unable to transfer , there would be no means to form the potential of linkage with other mountain passes. 这才是笑笑老祖最近频繁去找墨族王主麻烦的原因,远征在即,大衍这边没有核心的话,关隘无法调动,就没办法与其他关隘形成联动之势。 Therefore in any event, the Great Evolution core must bring back. 所以无论如何,大衍的核心都必须取回。
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