MP :: Volume #53

#5219: Win

If there is a choice, between Black Ink Clan Territory Lord and 8-Rank black ink disciple, Yang Kai is willing to cope with the latter. 若是有选择的话,在一位墨族域主和一位八品墨徒之间,杨开更愿意对付后者。 Although the 8-Rank black ink disciple method transforms compared with Territory Lord measures not, is strangely difficult to guard, black ink disciple Human Race, understands to play with the will of the people fundamentally, but Yang Kai rather faces 8-Rank black ink disciple, is not willing to go to face Black Ink Clan Territory Lord. 虽说八品墨徒的手段比起域主更加变换莫测,诡异难防,墨徒们从根本上来说还是人族,更懂得玩弄人心,但杨开宁愿面对一个八品墨徒,也不愿去面对墨族域主 He has dozen of cow Secret Technique, this is he uses Space Principle as the foundation, comprehends specially in view of Open Heaven Stage Small Universe, defeating a superior enemy Secret Technique. 他有打牛秘术,这是他以空间法则为根基,专门针对开天境小乾坤参悟出来的,以弱胜强的秘术 In major Cave Heaven Paradise , some Secret Technique specifically aim at Open Heaven Stage Small Universe, but so many years later, Yang Kai also never discovered that which Secret Technique has the own hitting cow Secret Technique effect outstanding. 各大洞天福地中,也有一些秘术是专门针对开天境小乾坤的,但这么多年下来,杨开还从未发现哪一种秘术自己的打牛秘术效果出众。 Only pitifully, his Secret Technique needs to stimulate to movement by Space Principle, besides him, others is unable practice. 只可惜,他这秘术需要以空间法则来催动,除他之外,旁人无法修行 As the light of purification popularizes in the major mountain passes, the black ink disciple quantity on battlefield were also getting more and more small, Human Race all sorts in view of Small Universe Secret Technique, lost the opportunity. 而且随着净化之光在各大关隘中普及,战场上的墨徒数量也越来越少了,人族这边种种针对小乾坤秘术,也失去了用武之地。 Black Ink Clan may have no Small Universe, copes with Black Ink Clan on battlefield, this type of Secret Technique and has no use. 墨族可没有什么小乾坤,在战场上对付墨族,这种类型的秘术并没什么用处。 Yang Kai many years has not displayed has hit cow Secret Technique, still remember that displays previous time, probably is used to cope with Blood Crow in Shattered Heaven. 杨开已经很多年没有施展过打牛秘术,犹记得上一次施展,好像还是在破碎天中用来对付血鸦的。 Displays this Secret Technique again, unexpectedly after several hundred years. 再一次施展这秘术,竟时隔了数百年之久。 Although has not had for a long time practices, but Secret Technique this thing, oneself strength is stronger, the might that shows is naturally bigger. 虽久未习练,但秘术这东西,自身实力越强,施展出来的威力自然就越大。 When detected that the opponent is 8-Rank black ink disciple, Yang Kai had then decided, gives the final word with dozen cow Secret Technique, beforehand all sorts of declining tendencies, no doubt some his strengths are inferior to the reason of opposite party , is intentional, the good paralysis opposite party, making this 8-Rank black ink disciple relax vigilantly. 在察觉到对手是个八品墨徒的时候,杨开便已决定,用打牛秘术来一锤定音,之前的种种颓势,固然有一些他实力不如对方的原因,也是有意为之,好麻痹对方,让这八品墨徒放松警惕。 This Secret Technique might is no doubt good, may display also to need some time. 秘术威力固然不错,可施展起来也是需要一些时间的。 Hits the cow Secret Technique deep meaning, then gets to the bottom, shells rival foundation of-- Small Universe of strength from the source. 打牛秘术的奥义,便是追根溯源,从源头上轰击敌手的力量之本——小乾坤 This need process and time, 7-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level trace a 8-Rank black ink disciple strength root by Yang Kai now, on time almost need to burn a joss stick. 这需要一个过程和时间,以杨开如今七品开天修为来追溯一个八品墨徒的力量根源,时间上差不多需要一炷香。 But fights from him and opposite party now, is such long time, just good! 而自他与对方交手到现在,正好是这么长时间,刚刚好! Common 7-Rank is very difficult to insist 5 minutes of time in 8-Rank black ink disciple, once cannot insist, this Secret Technique is not naturally able to display. 寻常七品是很难在一位八品墨徒手下坚持一炷香时间的,一旦坚持不住,这秘术自然无从施展。 Hits cow Secret Technique successfully to display, then means that the result of this war has been doomed. 打牛秘术成功施展出来,便意味着此战的结局已经注定。 This 8-Rank black ink disciple takes strength broken ten thousand laws, Yang Kai to with him display their wisdom and bravery, when this is also the boundary is low must choice. 八品墨徒要一力破万法,杨开偏偏要跟他斗智斗勇,这也是境界低时必须的选择。 The long sword passed through the Yang Kai's chest, 8-Rank black ink disciple only needed very ruthless to wield, can cut Yang Kai is two sections, however he does not have this opportunity. 长剑贯穿了杨开的胸膛,八品墨徒似只需狠辣一挥,便可将杨开斩为两截,然而他却已没了这个机会。 Because when his thought side gets up, rushes suddenly the fierce strength, explodes in Small Universe, instant time, Small Universe earth-shaking, turbulence not peaceful. 因为就在他念头方起时,忽有一股澎湃凶猛的力量,在小乾坤中爆开,霎时间,小乾坤一阵天翻地覆,动荡不宁。 Small Universe is not steady, directly causes this 8-Rank black ink disciple strength to be lax, this flash, he almost in the sword the hand cannot dominate. 小乾坤的不稳,直接导致这八品墨徒一身力量涣散,这一瞬间,他几乎连手中之剑都把持不住。 This good opportunity, where Yang Kai will miss, the fierce fist is then rumbling to the head of close 8-Rank black ink disciple in the past. 得此良机,杨开哪会错过,凶猛一拳便对着近在咫尺的八品墨徒的脑袋轰了过去。 By his present cultivation level, the terrifying strength that in addition the body of dragon vein gives, so near distance, opposite party , if intimate such a fist, must be exploded surely by the head of rumbling. 以他如今的修为,再加上龙脉之身赋予的恐怖力量,如此近的距离,对方若是挨上这么一拳,必定要被轰的脑袋爆开。 Is 8-Rank, in this life and death crisis moment, on his shoulder that is similar the giant sarcoma of another head to explode suddenly, gushes out the strength of extremely rich black ink, such as the fluid medium is common, changes to a fierce huge mouth, swallows the fist that Yang Kai rumbles. 到底是一位八品,在这生死危机关头,他肩膀上那仿佛另一个头颅的巨大肉瘤忽然爆开,从中涌出极为浓郁的墨之力,如流质一般,化作一只狰狞巨口,将杨开轰来的拳头吞下。 The accident of prominence makes Yang Kai be also startled. 突起的变故让杨开也为之一怔。 On the muddy didn't expect opposite party shoulder this sarcoma, the so strange ability, he has thought unexpectedly this sarcoma is only the opposite party breaks through the sequela that the shackles have with the aid of the strength of black ink. 没想到对方肩膀上这肉瘤,竟还有如此诡异的能力,他一直以为这肉瘤只是对方借助墨之力突破自身桎梏留下的后遗症。 The fist bang enters in the huge mouth that that strength of black ink changes, Yang Kai has a viscous feeling, every time proceeds to rumble a point, the strength on fist weakens a point. 拳头轰进那墨之力化作的巨口之中,杨开顿生一种粘稠至极的感觉,每往前轰出一分,拳头上的力量就减弱一分。 When pounds the head of that 8-Rank black ink disciple to a Yang Kai fist, the destruction strength on the fist containing had been reduced most. 待到杨开一拳砸中那八品墨徒的脑袋时,拳头上蕴藏的毁灭力量已被削减大半。 Vertical was reduced, this fist also still flew that 8-Rank black ink disciple bang, but hits the scene that explodes not to appear his head as expected. 纵被削减了,这一拳也依然将那八品墨徒轰飞了出去,只不过如预期般将他脑袋打爆的场景并没有出现。 The long sword carries over by the figure that the old man flies upside down, the wound locates the fresh blood hurricane, Yang Kai cannot bear snort/hum one stuffily. 长剑被老者倒飞的身形带出,伤口处鲜血狂飙,杨开也忍不住闷哼一声。 However at this moment he simply does not have time to care about the own injury, displays to hit cow Secret Technique with great difficulty, if cannot before the opposite party thoroughly restores solved him, before him, all will waste diligently. 不过此刻他却根本没时间去在意自己的伤势,好不容易施展出打牛秘术,若不能在对方彻底恢复过来之前将他解决了,那他之前一切努力都将白费。 Yang Kai estimated that own hitting cow Secret Technique, can only affect the opposite party three breath times at most! 杨开估计自己的打牛秘术,顶多只能影响对方三息功夫! That while the old man flies upside down, he also one step treads, Space Principle unconstrained , the whole person just like the maggot of tarsal bone to follow close on old man behind. 所以在老者倒飞出去的同时,他也一步踏出,空间法则跌宕之下,整个人犹如跗骨之蛆般紧跟在老者身后 magic arts transforms, in Small Universe the world mighty force such as releases the flood of floodgate to gush out generally. 法决变换,小乾坤中天地伟力如泄闸的洪水一般涌出。 great sun jumps, Golden Crow cried. 大日跃升,金乌啼鸣。 Yang Kai is seizing great sun, hurls ruthlessly toward the old man. 杨开一手擒着大日,狠狠朝老者掼下。 The old men were being rumbled the flash of flying, then in the vigilant Yang Kai's movement. 老者在被轰飞出去的一瞬间,便在警惕杨开的动作。 Small Universe shakes continuous this moment time, is his entire life frailest time, his also didn't expect, opposite party 7-Rank Open Heaven, forces so the degree his such 8-Rank unexpectedly. 小乾坤震荡不休这片刻功夫,是他生平最脆弱的时候,他也没想到,对方一个七品开天,竟将他这样一位八品逼迫到如此程度。 Great shame! 奇耻大辱! The beforehand all sorts of loves pitied heart to have long evaporated, now only then can scrub the own humiliation with the life of opposite party. 之前的种种爱才惜才之心早已烟消云散,如今只有用对方的性命方能洗刷自己的屈辱。 The opposite party followed close on, displays that again like great sun Divine Ability Manifestation. 对方紧跟了过来,再一次施展出那如大日般的神通法相 Has saying that this Divine Ability Manifestation might truly is very together strong, is his 8-Rank does not dare to belittle, however in just now battle, this boy then has displayed one time, therefore old man's prestige to this great sun can understand how nature clear should resist. 不得不说,这一道神通法相的威力确实很强,便是他这个八品也不敢小觑,然而在方才的争斗中,这小子便已施展过一次,所以老者对这大日的威能已经有所了解,自然清楚该如何去抵挡。 Cannot wait for Small Universe to return to normal, an old man breaking by biting tip of tongue, the long sword is spouting blood essence to the hand, that blood essence enters the sword not to have, instant time, gloomy sword blade rays of light puts greatly. 等不及小乾坤重新恢复平静,老者一口咬破舌尖,对着手中长剑喷出一蓬精血,那精血入剑既没,霎时间,暗淡剑身光芒大放。 With the aid of the consumption of own blood essence, the old man faces forward a sword to cut ruthlessly. 借助自身精血的消耗,老者朝前狠狠一剑斩出。 This sword, breaks open great sun divine ability of opposite party sufficiently, although must certainly put together a mutual wounds, but always feels better by others is cut to kill at the scene. 这一剑,足以破开对方的大日神通,虽说肯定要拼个两败俱伤,但总好过被人家斩杀当场。 So long as waits for the moment again, his Small Universe returns to normal, the opponent who suffers the heavy losses one after another whatever then he rubs to pinch. 只要再等片刻,他小乾坤恢复平静,接连遭遇重创的对手便任由他来揉捏。 When his sword cuts, actually discovered panic-strickenly, another strength emerges suddenly. 然而当他这一剑斩出之时,却惊骇发现,又一股力量骤然涌现。 If that big sun divine ability gives people the impression that scalding hot extremely, then this strength feels is cool like the water. 如果说那大日神通给人的感觉是灼热万分的话,那么这一股力量给人的感觉便是清凉如水。 After dazzling great sun, as if full moon lifts off, was seized by that 7-Rank youth in another hand. 耀眼大日之后,似乎有一轮圆月升空,被那七品青年擒在另外一只手上。 sun and moon simultaneously shines! 日月齐辉! The old men lived so many years, but also has never seen so wonderful scenery, when is shocking, has the greatest sense of crisis near the body, he drinks immediately severely, in the hand the long sword castrates even more fierce. 老者活了这么多年,还从未见过如此奇景,惊艳之时,更有莫大危机感临身,他当即一声厉喝,手中长剑去势愈发凶猛。 He does not know what the opponent displays is what divine ability, possibly feels, this divine ability cannot block by the own present condition together. 他不知对手施展的是什么神通,可能感觉到,这一道神通凭借自己现在的状态挡不住。 Therefore can only take the favorable position, seeks that vitality. 所以只能抢占先机,博取那一线生机 When the old man long sword cuts, covers up with the aid of great sun, Yang Kai has stimulated to movement Moonlight such as Water. 当老者长剑斩出之时,借助大日遮掩,杨开已催动月华如水 When the left hand seizes great sun, the right hand seizes the full moon, both hands close up, Yin-Yang connects, sun and moon interlocks, changes to a top, Space Principle is fierce. 左手擒大日,右手擒圆月,双手合拢之时,阴阳交汇,日月交错,化作一个陀螺,空间法则凶猛跌宕。 Dark, there is an extremely mysterious strength to come unconstrainedly, that does not have the shadow invisible strength to be centered on sun and moon fills the air toward all around. 冥冥之中,有极为玄妙的力量跌宕开来,那无影无形的力量以日月为中心朝四周弥漫。 The space seems to be shatter, time as if stops. 空间似乎破碎,时间似乎停止。 Faces forward to dispatch 8-Rank black ink disciple of long sword, in Single Eye that only remains overflows completely the panic-stricken look, this flash, he felt that the thought of own as if stopped, all around all rapidly far away from him. 朝前递出长剑的八品墨徒,仅剩的一只独眼中溢满惊恐神色,这一瞬间,他感觉自己的思维似乎都停止了下来,四周的一切都在迅速远离他。 Some this kind of had never felt, this feeling makes him very scared. 从未有过这样的感觉,这感觉让他无比恐慌。 looks at that interlocks revolving oneself body to cover like the force field that top sun and moon changes to helplessly, leeway that he simply has not actually avoided. 眼睁睁看着那交错旋转如陀螺般的日月化作的力场将己身笼罩,他却根本没有躲避的余地。 Resembling is only the flash, has resembled the ten million/countless year. 似只是一瞬间,又似过了千万年。 When that shines Void the light of sun and moon annihilates, the old man is also maintaining the posture of sword, that long sword is away from the Yang Kai forehead place, three cuns (2.5 cm) away. 当那照耀虚空日月之光湮灭下去时,老者还保持着出剑的姿势,那长剑距离杨开额头处,不过三寸之遥。 Yang Kai complexion is pale, aura dispirited, chest place, because was injured by the long sword, fresh blood still flows non-stop, that forehead straight lower abdomen place, remains together and on the long sword, the flesh whirls around, was seemingly pitiful. 杨开面色惨白,气息萎靡,胸膛处因为被长剑所伤,鲜血依然流淌不停,那额头直小腹处,同样残留一道及长的剑上,血肉翻卷,看起来凄惨极了。 What divine ability is this?” 8-Rank black ink disciple opens the mouth to ask suddenly. “这是什么神通?”八品墨徒忽然开口问道。 The Yang Kai view is hanging down, returns said: Sun and Moon Divine Wheel!” 杨开眼帘低垂着,回道:“日月神轮!” Seems to be the space-time mystery?” 8-Rank black ink disciple asked again. “似有时空的奥妙?”八品墨徒再问。 touches the superficial knowledge.” Yang Kai nods. 触及皮毛。”杨开点点头。 8-Rank black ink disciple no longer said that but nods slightly, takes back the own long sword slowly, sat cross-legged to sit, the view closed slightly. 八品墨徒不再多说,只是微微颔首,徐徐收回自己的长剑,就这么盘膝坐了下来,眼帘微微阖上。 black ink will be eternal!” He gently twittering. “墨将永恒!”他轻轻地呢喃一声。 When the words fall, the whole person such as was corroded the ten million/countless year statue by the years suddenly, changes to Liu Sha, floats to go. 话落之时,整个人忽然如一具被岁月侵蚀了千万年的雕像,化作流沙,飘洒而去。 Only leaves behind that gloomy no light the long sword. 只留下那一柄暗淡无光的长剑。 In the corrosion of space-time strength by Sun and Moon Divine Wheel, this long sword had been lost the intelligence thoroughly, except for the material quality is better, not to have other again. 日月神轮时空之力的侵蚀,这长剑已经彻底失去了灵性,除了材质好一些,再无其他。 8-Rank black ink disciple in former such chaotic battlefield, can still play dead to escape, at this moment however has actually died cannot die again. 八品墨徒在之前那样的混乱战场中,依然能够假死逃生,然而此刻却是已经死的不能再死了。 Yang Kai feels unprecedented exhausted to raid suddenly, making him unable to bear the body one softly, staggers to drop down. 杨开忽感一阵前所未有的疲惫袭来,让他忍不住身子一软,踉跄倒下。 Win narrowly! 险胜! Just now if Sun and Moon Divine Wheel cannot solve the opponent, that Yang Kai was at wit's end, because the old man was hit the cow Secret Technique influence shake Small Universe to be quiet quickly, when the time comes he can display strength. 方才日月神轮若是没能解决掉对手,那杨开就无计可施了,因为那老者受打牛秘术影响而震荡的小乾坤很快就要重新平静下来,到时候他就能发挥出本身的力量。 Was good had the thought of first impressions are most lasting because of the old man, looked at that big sun, then thinks that Yang Kai displayed Golden Crow Casting Sun divine ability, as everyone knows after Golden Crow Casting Sun, together Moonlight such as Water. 好在老者有了先入为主的念头,看得那大日,便以为杨开施展了金乌铸日神通,殊不知在金乌铸日之后,还有一道月华如水 He spells is spouting blood essence to deal with Golden Crow Casting Sun, actually by being caught off guard that Sun and Moon Divine Wheel hits. 他拼着喷出精血来应付金乌铸日,却被日月神轮打的措手不及。 The Small Universe strength does not continue, was hit by Yang Kai most powerful trump card face to face, which that 8-Rank does black ink disciple also manage fortunately? 小乾坤力量不续,又被杨开最强大的杀手锏当面击中,那八品墨徒哪还有幸理? Calmly lies down in Void, joys after Yang Kai not many victories. 静静地躺在虚空中,杨开并没有多少胜利后的喜悦。 Because before that black ink disciple at the point of death, in the heart the black ink supreme thought still does not only have the least bit to vacillate, but his basis, is actually Human Race. 因为那墨徒临死之前,心中唯墨至上的念头依然没有半点动摇,而他的根本,却是人族 The strength of black ink will perhaps not change a personality of person, but lets each corroded black ink disciple, denied own existence fundamentally, is willing to degenerate into the Black Ink Clan lackey. 墨之力或许不会改变一个人的性格,但却让每一个被侵蚀的墨徒,都从根本上否定了自身的存在,甘愿沦为墨族的爪牙。 Pitiful. 何等可悲。
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