MP :: Volume #52

#5148: Limit

Although successfully obtains child nest, but considering Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest and feudal lord level Black Ink Nest that special relation, Yang Kai cannot affirm that this child nest can certainly use. 虽成功得到一座子巢,但鉴于域主墨巢和领主级墨巢那特殊的联系,杨开也不敢肯定这座子巢就一定能用。 Must try to determine. 总要尝试一下才能确定。 Takes in Small Universe that child nest, Yang Kai does not have sharply to hatch it, but suppresses temporarily in Small Universe somewhere. 将那子巢收进小乾坤,杨开也没急着将它孵化,而是暂时镇压在小乾坤某处。 After a little while, leaves Black Ink Nest with Feng Ying, arrives at the outside. 少顷,与冯英离开墨巢,来到外间。 Team-Leader, this can Black Ink Nest ruin?” Feng Ying asked. 队长,这墨巢要毁掉吗?”冯英问道。 Yang Kai nods: Nature, cannot leave Black Ink Clan, cheap they.” 杨开点头:“自然,总不能留给墨族,岂不是便宜了他们。” Feng Ying uses the sword, huge sword light cuts, Black Ink Nest will divide to make two halves shortly, the strength of rich black ink gushes out from the breakage place, eye looks at withers. 冯英出剑,巨大剑光从中斩下,墨巢顷刻间分做两半,浓郁墨之力从破损处涌出,眼看着枯萎下去。 The Yang Kai mind has been paying attention to Small Universe that child nest, after the moment, sighed: Really so!” 杨开心神一直关注着小乾坤中那座子巢,片刻后不禁叹息一声:“果然如此!” He consumes child nest that many resources obtain, after that Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest was destroyed, withers unexpectedly rapidly. Although in the heart had guessed, may see with own eyes this scenery, is unavoidably disappointed. 他耗费不少资源得到的子巢,在那域主墨巢被毁之后,竟也迅速枯萎。尽管心中已有所猜测,可眼见此景,还是不免失望。 Evidently during feudal lord level Black Ink Nest of Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest and between its birth, is dark has an unusual relation, the impediment of this relation Small Universe is unable to separate even, as Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest destruction of source, as child nest feudal lord level Black Ink Nest is unable to escape by luck. 看样子域主墨巢和其诞生的领主级墨巢之间,冥冥之中有一种奇特的联系,这种联系即便是小乾坤的阻隔也无法断开的,作为源头的域主墨巢毁灭,身为子巢的领主级墨巢也无法幸免。 Only if keeps in place this Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest, Yang Kai can preserve that child nest. 除非将这域主墨巢在原地,杨开才能保全那子巢 可 这 明显 是 不 现实 的, 远征军 this time 纵然 再 如何 imposing manner 如 虹, 也 没 办法 将 Blue Sky War ZoneBlack Ink Clan kill to the last one/being ruthless, Black Ink Clan 一 日 不绝, 便 有 卷土重来 的 时候, 留 这 Territory LordBlack Ink Nest 在 此, 只 会 便宜 Black Ink Clan …… Tidied up under the mood, Spiritual Mind spread out all over, the nosing four directions, this place the nobody left, remains to grab the resources clansman also to leave before obviously, Yang Kai also no longer hesitates, greeted Feng Ying one: Walks.” 收拾了下心情,神念铺展开来,查探四方,此地已经空无一人,之前留下来劫掠资源的族人显然也都已经离开了,杨开也不再迟疑,招呼冯英一声:“走吧。” two people stimulated to movement the universe secret art, through Universe Formation, returns to daybreak above quickly. 两人先后催动乾坤诀,通过乾坤大阵,很快返回破晓之上 With sweeping away all obstacles to describe that the military might of expeditionary force is appropriate, on the marching road, facing the flood Heavenly Power potential of expeditionary force, Black Ink Clan simply does not have the means to form effective resisting, majority flee at the mere distant sight, minority, although has the resistance, because actually also the strength disparate loss is serious. 用所向披靡来形容远征军的军威再合适不过,行军路上,面对远征军的滔天威势,墨族根本没办法形成有效的抵挡,大多数都是望风而逃,少数虽有抵抗,却也因为实力悬殊损失惨重。 From expeditionary force set out six months later, will capture in all directions the Territory Lord level subordinate territory, destroys Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest four directly, the territories of other feudal lord levels have dozens. 自远征军出发半年之后,先后攻陷了四处域主级直属领地,直接摧毁域主墨巢四座,其他领主级的领地更有几十处之多。 This is the reason of expeditionary force army straight run, if willing to circle some groups, the victory that can obtain will be only bigger. 这还是远征军大军直进的原因,若是愿意绕些路的话,能取得的战果只会更大。 However in six months, the expeditionary force encountered a tough battle finally. 不过在半年之后,远征军终于遭遇了一场硬仗。 From location/position of King City also three Territory Lord areas on, Black Ink Clan gathered the hundreds of thousands army again, by a Territory Lord territory then, life-and-death resists with the expeditionary force. 在距离王城还有三个域主疆域的位置上,墨族再次聚集了数十万大军,凭借一处域主的领地之便,与远征军殊死相抗。 The counter-attack and violence of Black Ink Clan, pushing directly into of expeditionary force challenged their arrogance for a long time without doubt, is always they attacks the Human Race mountain pass, this innumerable years, first time projected on such deep location/position by Human Race. 墨族的反击及其猛烈,远征军的长驱直入无疑挑战了他们长久以来的高傲,从来都是他们去进攻人族的关隘,这无数年来,还是头一次被人族打到这么深的位置 Proceeds again three Territory Lord areas, but was King City, if really overran to King City by Human Race, that Blue Sky War Zone the Black Ink Clan face may lose completely. 再往前三个域主的疆域,可就是王城所在了,真要是被人族攻到王城,那碧落战区这边墨族的脸面可就丢尽了。 Although Black Ink Clan Territory Lord lose seriously outside Blue Sky Pass, but has not been annihilated after all, the Territory Lord quantity were more than 8-Rank Garrison's Chief, is counted remains, escaped the birth day in Blue Sky Pass, now entire Blue Sky War Zone Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, has 40 at least. 墨族域主们虽然在碧落关外损失惨重,但毕竟没有全军覆没,域主的数量本就比八品总镇多一些,算上留守的,在碧落关外逃出生天的,如今整个碧落战区墨族域主,最起码还有四十位之多。 Blocks in the expeditionary force front, then Black Ink Clan army headed by more than 20 Territory Lord. 拦在远征军前方的,便是以二十多位域主为首的墨族大军。 both sides erupted the every big and small about hundred fights in short three months of time, has the damage respectively, the expeditionary force shows to sell the Black Ink Clan panic-stricken tenacity and fierceness, several 100,000 Black Ink Clan armies were hit remnantly, the reorganization, was hit again remnantly, reorganizes again, starts once again. 双方在短短三个月时间内爆发了大大小小近百次战斗,各有损伤,远征军展现出让墨族惊骇的坚韧和勇猛,几十万墨族大军被打残,重组,再被打残,再重组,周而复始。 On this location/position, Black Ink Clan had very big advantage, their reinforcements do not need to make a long and wearisome journey, then can gather to come from all parties easily, even can look for the big camp of opportunity encirclement expeditionary force. 在这种位置上,墨族是占据了很大优势的,他们的援军不必长途跋涉,很容易便能从各方聚集而来,甚至可以找机会合围远征军的大营。 both sides revolve this that Territory Lord territory to display their wisdom and bravery, the bloody battle is hearty, big Void changes to the Black Ink Clan cemetery. 双方围绕这那一处域主领地斗智斗勇,血战酣畅,偌大虚空化作墨族的坟场。 Until one year later, that Territory Lord territory is captured thoroughly, entire one year of time, dying Black Ink Clan far more than 1 million? Nearby Void was almost flooded to cover by the strength of rich black ink, bunch of giant black ink cloud camouflage universe. 直到一年之后,那域主领地才算被彻底攻下,整整一年时间,死掉的墨族何止百万?附近虚空几乎被浓郁的墨之力充斥笼罩,一团团巨大墨云遮蔽乾坤。 Black Ink Clan cannon fodder who does not raise these floors, is Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, was cut two in this year time. 不提那些底层的墨族炮灰,便是墨族域主,在这一年时间又被斩了两个。 Black Ink Clan retreats the next Territory Lord territory, conceivable, greets the expeditionary force will be a fiercer counter-attack and resistance. 墨族退守下一处域主领地,可以想象,迎接远征军的将是更加猛烈的反击和抵抗。 This did the situation that the destruction encounters to be the same in Yin-Yang Pass with Yang Kai initially, more advances toward the deep place, the strength that Black Ink Clan can gather is more centralized, accordingly, the resistance is naturally bigger. 这与杨开当初在阴阳关搞破坏遇到的情况是一样的,越往深处推进,墨族能聚集的力量就越集中,相应地,阻力自然就越大。 That constructed in the innumerable Black Ink Clan fresh blood Territory Lord territory, the present was the temporary big camp of expeditionary force, Formation Law Expert arranged huge formation, isolated the corrosion of strength of all around ink, making the officers be able repaired and maintained the recuperation. 那浇筑了无数墨族鲜血域主领地上,如今是远征军的临时大营,阵法师们布置了一座巨大法阵,隔绝了四周墨之力的侵蚀,让将士们得以在其中修整调养。 And in biggest Palace, by Ding Yao, Liang Yulong two Regiment's Commander is the head, about 30 8-Rank Garrison's Chief are assemble. 其中一座最大的宫殿中,以丁耀,梁玉龙两位军团长为首,近三十位八品总镇齐聚一堂。 Yang Kai is summoned to come, to salute to see the people, this looks to sitting in most above two people: „Does senior have what instruction?” 杨开奉召而来,行礼见过众人,这才望向坐在最上方的两人:“诸位前辈有何吩咐?” Ding Yao said: Takes this place as the beginning, arranges does a channel that goes nonstop to Blue Sky Pass, need several Universe Formation to relay probably?” 丁耀道:“以此地为起点,布置一条直通碧落关的通道,大概需要几座乾坤大阵中转?” Although Universe Formation is quite convenient, can make being away from home martial artist stimulate to movement the universe secret art to return to Formation to be at momentarily, so long as situated in same piece world, even does not have the limit of distance, but withstanding of martial artist has the limit. 乾坤大阵虽然极为便捷,可以让出门在外的武者随时催动乾坤诀返回大阵所在,只要处于同一片天地中,甚至没有距离的限制,但武者的承受却是有极限的。 This place was away from Blue Sky Pass to be very far, the Blue Sky Pass officers are, although can also stimulate to movement Universe Formation of universe secret art communication area inside the Great Wall, but if really the direct transmission, only feared living that many cannot support, the oppression of long Void, made the 7-Rank Open Heaven instantaneous body dying say/way disappear sufficiently, perhaps only had 8-Rank, can achieve. 此地距离碧落关已经很远了,碧落关的将士在身在此间,虽然还可以催动乾坤诀沟通关内的乾坤大阵,但真要是直接传送回去,只怕没有多少能撑的住,漫长虚空的压迫,足以让七品开天瞬间身死道消,恐怕唯有八品,才能做到。 Therefore must have relay Universe Formation. 所以就必须要有中转的乾坤大阵 This matter Yang Kai is skilled, this is also the reason that 8-Rank ask him to come. 这事杨开最为精通,这也是八品们找他过来的原因。 Yang Kai hears Yanlve hesitates saying: Considering the 5-Rank Open Heaven withstanding limit, two should the foot.” 杨开闻言略一沉吟道:“考虑到五品开天的承受极限,两座应该足矣。” Ding Yao nods: Is expected.” 丁耀颔首:“在预料之中。” The Yang Kai heart moves: „Didn't expeditionary force this prepare to continue again?” 杨开心头一动:“远征军这是不准备再继续了吗?” Ding Yao shakes the head saying: Cannot continue, although Black Ink Clan loses greatly, but the expeditionary force also has the casualties, what is most essential, places in this Black Ink Clan center, without the protection of Battleship or Formation, my expeditionary force officers with the Black Ink Clan battle, needs each time swallows Expelling Black Ink Pill, such long time gets down, the reserve of Expelling Black Ink Pill is insufficient, Battleship, all have the breakage, has no way to be patched promptly, affects battle strength of expeditionary force enormously, in addition the considerations in some aspects, therefore, the expedition stops.” 丁耀摇头道:“继续不下去了,墨族虽然损失巨大,但远征军也有伤亡,最关键的是,身处在这墨族腹地,没有战舰或者阵法的守护,我远征军将士每次与墨族争斗,都需得吞服驱墨丹,这么长时间下来,驱墨丹的储备已经不够用了,还有一艘艘战舰,皆有破损,没法及时得到修补,就极大地影响远征军的战力,另外还有各方面的考虑,所以,远征到此为止。” Yang Kai understands clearly, to this matter some of his also expectations, actually is not only he, in expeditionary force slightly a little foresight knows, the expedition now, basically is the Blue Sky Pass limit , to continue again, only the meeting disciple increases the casualties. 杨开了然,对这件事他也有料想,其实不光是他,远征军中稍微有点远见的都知道,远征到现在,基本已经是碧落关的极限,再继续下去,只会徒增伤亡。 If nothing else, more approaches toward King City that side, the Black Ink Clan counter-attack effort will be getting bigger and bigger, degree that finally is unable to withstand until Blue Sky Pass. 别的不说,越往王城那边靠近,墨族的反击力度就会越来越大,最终直到碧落关无法承受的程度。 Although cannot the completely entire merit, but the this time expedition is still the tremendous victory, is Human Race fights against a bold attempt of Black Ink Clan. 虽然未能尽全功,但这一次远征依然是巨大的胜利,是人族抗击墨族的一次大胆尝试。 In secret, the expeditionary force was discussing when the army will withdraw, has wide divided opinions, without the conclusion, after all this matter, only then 8-Rank have the decision-making power, although Yang Kai this kind of 7-Rank battle strength is good, does not arrive at 8-Rank, cannot enter the high-level policy circle. 私下里,远征军都在讨论,大军何时会撤回,都是众说纷纭,没个定论,毕竟这种事只有八品们才有决定权,杨开这样的七品战力虽然不俗,可不到八品,就进不了高层的决策圈。 Listens to the meaning in Ding Yao this saying, the expeditionary force as if not to plan to withdraw troops, if really withdraws troops, only need return to Blue Sky Pass to be able, what arranges Universe Formation to make? 只是听丁耀这话里的意思,远征军似乎并不打算撤军,若真的撤军,只需返回碧落关便可,布置乾坤大阵做什么? Yang Kai has comprehended suddenly: „Does Sir want to reduce the Black Ink Clan existing space?” 杨开忽然有所领悟:“诸位大人是想压缩墨族的生存空间?” Liang Yulong said with a smile: Your thoughts are actually insightful, a point is bright, good, is to suppress the Black Ink Clan existing space. My expeditionary force consumes such long time, pays greatly, gets such big domain with great difficulty, how possibly to give Black Ink Clan to send back again? Although the expeditionary force no longer goes forward, but retreat, in the future this place will not be an outpost, will reconstruct a base, Black Ink Clan dares to crop up hits him, will lose about half domain, the Black Ink Clan later day will certainly not feel better, If nothing else, this time Blue Sky War Zone Black Ink Clan lost so greatly, the millennium times have not given up any idea to recover consciousness, even millenniums later, so long as my expeditionary force nail here, Black Ink Clan still gave up any idea of that thoroughly restored Yuan Qi.” 梁玉龙一笑道:“你倒是心思通透,一点就明,不错,就是要压制墨族的生存空间。我远征军耗费这么长时间,付出巨大,好不容易打下这么大的地盘,怎么可能再给墨族送回去?远征军虽然不再前进,但也不会后退,日后将此地为前哨,再建一处基地,墨族敢冒头就打他,失了近半地盘,墨族以后的日子一定不会好过,别的不说,这一次碧落战区墨族损失如此巨大,没有千年功夫休想缓过来,就算千年之后,只要我远征军钉在这里,墨族也休想彻底恢复元气。” Yang Kai for these 8-Rank feels boldly shocking. 杨开不禁为这些八品的大胆感到震惊。 However if really does that Black Ink Clan truly did not feel better very much, lost about half of domains, loss may not only be half of existing space, that means the resources that Black Ink Clan can obtain will also reduce Black Ink Clan that half can breed to reduce half similarly. 不过如果真的这么做,墨族确实很不好过,丢失了将近一半地盘,损失的可不仅仅是一半的生存空间,那意味着墨族能得到的资源也会缩减一半能够孕育的墨族同样会缩减一半。 Therefore even if the expeditionary force does not have Blue Sky Pass then, so long as such as the nail sews here generally, can totally contain the restoration of Blue Sky War Zone Black Ink Clan. 所以纵然远征军没有碧落关之便,只要如钉子一般钉在此处,就能彻底遏制碧落战区墨族的恢复。 Yang Kai even can expect, perhaps the expeditionary force will also launch the attack once for a while on own initiative, consumed the Black Ink Clan effective strength unceasingly. 杨开甚至可以预料,远征军恐怕还会时不时地主动发起进攻,不断地消耗墨族的有生力量。 When is mature to the time, not necessarily cannot take Black Ink Clan King City at one fell swoop, this is the far goal, in one single day cannot complete, must year and year out operation. 待到时机成熟,未必就不能一举拿下墨族王城,这是个及远的目标,已经不是一朝一夕能够完成的了,非得经年累月的经营。 So the approach, compares in one vigorous effort toward the King City attack, although effective slow, actually wins in safely . Moreover the present situation did not allow the expeditionary force to continue, the logistics really could not follow, Black Ink Clan needs to recuperate, Human Race also needed, even needed compared with Black Ink Clan. 如此做法,相比较一鼓作气朝王城进攻虽然见效缓慢,却胜在稳妥,而且如今的情况也不允许远征军继续前行了,后勤实在跟不上,墨族需要休养,人族同样也需要,甚至比墨族更需要。 However does that to Human Race also has the burden, Blue Sky Pass after all also on 30,000-40,000 officers, under divides forces, the military is doomed the dilution, moreover Universe Formation that the midway preparation plans to build also needs the person to guard. 不过这么做对人族也有负担,碧落关毕竟也就30,000-40,000将士,分兵之下,兵力注定要摊薄,而且中途准备筹建的乾坤大阵也是需要人看守的。 This is actually not the matter that Yang Kai needs to consider, has 8-Rank to worry. 这却不是杨开需要考虑的事,自有八品们去操心。 He needs to do now, is seeks for appropriate location/position to arrange two Universe Formation, then the expeditionary force and Blue Sky Pass closely links and ensure can support rapidly. 他如今需要做的,便是寻找合适的位置布置两处乾坤大阵,然后将远征军和碧落关紧密联系在一起,保证彼此之间能够迅速支援。 This is the goal that 8-Rank summon him to come. 这才是八品们召他过来的目的。 https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address: Cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:手机版阅读网址:
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