MP :: Volume #50

#5000: Rushes to rescue urgently

Lost deterrent force this point in light of black ink cloud, the Black Ink Clan high level believes, the Human Race that side seemed like grasps anything to resist the means and method that the strength of black ink corroded, otherwise is insufficient to have this situation. 结合墨云失去了威慑力这一点来看,墨族高层一致认为,人族那边似乎是掌握了什么抵挡墨之力侵蚀的办法和手段,否则不至于会出现这种情况。 However this is what method, Black Ink Clan has not ravelled until now. 然而这到底是什么样的手段,墨族迄今为止还是没有弄明白。 Under Evil Royal Lord, many Territory Lord have ordered, how regardless of must do the clear truth, this time competes for the resources production area is a very good opportunity, if can make clear Human Race to resist the method that the strength of black ink corrodes, is a great merit, this grade of merit makes any Black Ink Clan go to King City Black Ink Nest practice sufficiently , to promote by this first-order. 门邪王主麾下,诸多域主已经下令,无论如何也要搞清楚真相,这一次争夺资源产区是一个很好的机会,若是能弄清楚人族抵挡墨之力侵蚀的手段,可是一件大功,这等功劳足以让任何一个墨族前往王城墨巢修行,以此晋升一阶。 This makes innumerable Black Ink Clan be jealous, is the resources production area competes for the so intense part of reasons. 这让无数墨族眼红,也是资源产区争夺如此激烈的一部分原因。 In black ink cloud, that Black Ink Clan feudal lord calmly is dormant, on the day of the faint feeling the big merit is not perhaps far from own, because that Human Race powerhouse crashes in black ink cloud at present, must be corroded by the strength of black ink inevitably, when the time comes must be able to see how he resists. 墨云之中,那墨族领主静静蛰伏着,隐隐感觉这天大的功劳或许距离自己不远了,因为眼前那个人族强者冲进墨云中,势必要被墨之力侵蚀,到时候必能见到他如何抵御。 In black ink cloud, slaughters especially luxurious, some flash, all were suddenly tranquil. 墨云之中,杀戮尤酣,某一瞬间,忽然一切都平静了下来。 That hides in the feudal lord heart in black ink cloud waiting for the opportunity to act jumps suddenly, the instinct feeling will have what not good matter soon to happen. 那潜藏在墨云之中伺机而动的领主忽然心头一跳,本能地感觉有什么不好的事情即将发生。 the next moment, he detected suddenly a huge suction the place of standing transmits from that Human Race, rich black ink cloud by involving of this suction, was gathered to go toward that person unexpectedly. 下一刻,他忽然察觉到一股巨大的吸力从那人族所立之处传来,浓郁墨云受此吸力的牵扯,竟纷纷朝那人汇聚而去。 The Black Ink Clan feudal lord first is the great happiness, in great surprise. 墨族领主先是大喜,紧接着大惊。 What is happy was this Human Race powerhouse opened the Small Universe gateway unexpectedly on own initiative, swallowed in all around black ink cloud Small Universe, then, was this fellow quick must be transferred black ink disciple? 喜的是这人族强者居然主动敞开了小乾坤的门户,将四周墨云吞噬进了小乾坤中,如此一来,这家伙岂不是很快就要被转为墨徒 What startled is once black ink cloud were swallowed by this fellow, he will certainly not have to hide, must expose before the Human Race powerhouse instantaneously. 惊的是一旦墨云被这家伙吞噬,那他必将无所遁形,瞬间就要暴露在人族强者面前。 Human Race where jumps, conduct so unscrupulous, fought unexpectedly so many years with Human Race, he has not really seen this matter. 哪里蹦出来的人族,行事居然如此肆无忌惮,与人族斗了这么多年,他还真没见过这种的事。 The times of more than ten breaths, that rich black ink cloud has then dissipated, reveals to hide in forms. 前后不过十几息的功夫,那浓郁墨云便已消散一空,露出隐藏在其中的一道道身影。 But central location/position of these forms, the Yang Kai single arm holds up the spear/gun, the vision is cold. 而这一道道身影的中央位置,杨开单臂擎枪,目光冷冽。 He enters in this black ink cloud solitarily, although twisted many Black Ink Clan, but obviously felt also has fish slip through to hide, but the sensation disturbance of black ink cloud to Human Race is quite obvious, powerful such as his for a moment does not have the means to look all Black Ink Clan. 他只身杀入这墨云中,虽绞了不少墨族,但明显感觉到还有漏网之鱼藏身在内,不过墨云人族的感知干扰极为明显,强悍如他一时间也没办法将所有墨族找出来。 Under annoyed, opens the Small Universe gateway immediately, swallows into the body black ink cloud. 恼火之下,立刻敞开了小乾坤的门户,将墨云吞噬入体。 The effect is quite evident, these hid Black Ink Clan in black ink cloud all exposed the figure. 效果极为显著,这一下隐藏在墨云中的墨族全都暴露了身形。 Catches the eye to look out in all directions, Yang Kai sneers again and again, the Black Ink Clan quantity that this sneak attack comes although are many, but the overall strength is too weak, only has a feudal lord unexpectedly, remaining is high-rank Black Ink Clan and low-rank Black Ink Clan. 抬眼四望,杨开冷笑连连,这一支偷袭而来的墨族数量虽然不少,但整体实力实在太弱,其中竟只有一位领主,剩下的全都是上位墨族和下位墨族 At this moment, all also living Black Ink Clan stared in a big way the eyeball to stare at Yang Kai, as if daytime damn general, the expression of that feudal lord was especially shocking, his also thought that Yang Kai must transform immediately is black ink disciple, but now looks like, this Human Race probably from the start not by the influence of strength of black ink. 此时此刻,所有还活着的墨族都瞪大了眼珠子盯着杨开,仿佛白日见鬼一般,那个领主的表情尤为震惊,他本还觉得杨开马上就要转化为墨徒,可如今看来,这个人族好像压根就不受墨之力的影响。 Then big piece of black ink cloud swallows into the body, unexpectedly cannot corrode him transforms, the Black Ink Clan feudal lord realized anything instantaneously, calls out in alarm said: Universe Four Pillars!” 那么一大片墨云吞噬入体,居然都没能将他侵蚀转化,墨族领主瞬间意识到了什么,惊呼道:“乾坤四柱!” Universe Four Pillars in the Human Race that side prestige cauldron cauldron, that side Black Ink Clan heard incessantly similarly, after all this restrains the most precious object of strength of black ink, has Universe Four Pillars in Human Race of body, does not fear the corrosion of strength of black ink. 乾坤四柱不止在人族那边威名鼎鼎,墨族那边同样有所听闻,毕竟这是克制墨之力的至宝,有乾坤四柱在身的人族,根本就不惧墨之力的侵蚀。 Black Ink Clan abhors Universe Four Pillars, to carrying Universe Four Pillars the person also cares extremely, the Human Race powerhouse who each carries Universe Four Pillars, files that side Black Ink Clan, in the commonplace situation, will run into the this kind of person, Black Ink Clan will spare nothing eradication, by never recurring trouble. 墨族乾坤四柱可谓是深恶痛绝,对身负乾坤四柱的人也是极为在意,每一个身负乾坤四柱人族强者,在墨族那边都有备案,等闲情况下,遇到这样的人,墨族都会不惜一切代价将之铲除,以绝后患。 This Black Ink Clan feudal lord position is not low, naturally heard to that special list, but in that list few several people, all are 8-Rank Open Heaven. 这个墨族领主地位不低,对那一份特别的名单自然有所耳闻,但那名单上寥寥数人,皆都是八品开天 Because only then 8-Rank Open Heaven, has the skill to protect Universe Four Pillars, is not Black Ink Clan seizes. 因为只有八品开天,才有本事保护好乾坤四柱,不为墨族所夺。 But now, he bumps into 7-Rank that unexpectedly here has Universe Four Pillars, this person certainly not in that list above. 而如今,他居然在这里碰到一个拥有乾坤四柱七品,此人绝不在那一份名单之上 This news is quite important, if can bring, this merit under did not do clear Human Race to restrain the corrosion of strength of black ink with what method. 这个消息极为重要,若是能够带回去的话,这份功劳绝不下搞清楚人族用什么手段克制了墨之力的侵蚀。 With the thoughts is only one revolution, that Black Ink Clan feudal lord then opens the mouth spouts one group of black ink blood, wanting to flee this place. 是以心思只是一转,那墨族领主便张口喷出一团墨血,欲要逃离此地。 The power and influence of just now this Human Race powerhouse making a move, he did not think that own is others opponents, wants to maintain a livelihood, only has flees immediately. 从方才这人族强者出手的威势来看,他不觉得自己是人家的对手,想活命,唯有立刻遁逃。 This action without doubt is extremely correct, even if he does not hesitate combustion own blood essence, serves with Secret Technique, the figure is still suddenly stagnates, under an inexplicable strength fills the air, all around space as if solidified unexpectedly generally, oneself body such as falls into the mire, is hard to start. 这个举动无疑是极为正确的,然而即便他不惜燃烧自己精血,施以秘术,身形也是猛地一滞,一股莫名的力量弥漫之下,四周空间竟仿佛凝固了一般,己身更如陷入泥沼之中,举步维艰。 „Do you want to go?” When the cold and gloomy sound conveys, the Black Ink Clan feudal lord turns head to look, sees only a long spear/gun to enlarge in own at present unceasingly, that lance point above, the terrifying prestige can accumulated not send, once erupts, must be earth-shaking! “你要去哪?”森冷的声音传来之时,墨族领主扭头望去,只见一杆长枪在自己眼前不断放大,那枪尖之上,恐怖的威能蕴而不发,一旦爆发,必是石破天惊! This Black Ink Clan feudal lord panic-stricken under angrily roars, the body of huge inflated, imposing manner blooms outspokenly , the imprisonment of space becomes less crowded whole-heartedly. 墨族领主惊恐之下一声怒吼,庞大的身子都膨胀了一圈,一身气势毫无保留地绽放出来,全力以赴之下,空间的禁锢都为之松动。 However, he raised the gigantic fist merely, suddenly goes toward the Yang Kai bang, under a fist, Void was shattered, obviously the power and influence of this fist. 然而仅仅如此了,他提起硕大的拳头,猛地杨开轰去,一拳之下,虚空破碎,可见这一拳的威势。 Yang Kai does not have the meaning of moving aside, during the long spear/gun vibrations, follows the fist peak of this Black Ink Clan feudal lord to pass through directly, such as the hot blade rolled the butter, Azure Dragon Spear pierced the protection of Black Ink Clan feudal lord easily, the most spear's/gun's body submerged in his arm. 杨开却没有躲闪之意,长枪抖动间,直接顺着这墨族领主的拳峰贯穿进去,如热刀滚牛油,苍龙枪轻而易举地洞穿了墨族领主的防护,大半枪身都没入了他的胳膊之中。 The Black Ink Clan feudal lord eats the pain, the complexion crazily changes, in mouth severe howl. 墨族领主吃痛,脸色狂变,口中厉吼 The Yang Kai long spear/gun shakes, the strength explodes, that entire only arm explodes the blood fog, on the Black Ink Clan feudal lord shoulder, black fresh blood flows out like the note, wild imposing manner fades. 杨开长枪又是一抖,力量爆开,那整只胳膊都炸成血雾,墨族领主肩膀上,墨色鲜血如注般流出,狂暴的气势为之一衰。 Under does not wait for him to have what movement again, everywhere spear/gun shadow has covered toward him. 不等他再有什么动作,漫天枪影已经朝他罩下。 After a little while, Yang Kai receives the spear/gun, that Black Ink Clan feudal lord is stiff in place, moves also motionless, only has eyes panic-stricken rays of light surviving. 少顷,杨开收枪,那墨族领主却僵硬在原地,动也不动,只有眼中惊骇的光芒残存。 All around has the attack complementary waves to raid, swings his body, huge body instant time has changed to the innumerable fragment, the margin locates neat and tidy, just like the blade to truncate. 四周有攻击的余波袭来,荡过他的身躯,庞大的身子霎时间化作无数碎块,切口处整整齐齐,犹如刀削。 Yang Kai turns the head to look out in all directions, Shen Ao, Ning Qizhi and Qi Taichu form is uncertain in the fluttering, on Dawn Battleship attack continue to rumble, Black Ink Clan quick withering away that all around survives completely. 杨开转头四望,沈敖,宁奇志祁泰初的身影在翻飞不定,破晓战舰上一道道攻击持续轰出,四周残存的墨族很快消亡殆尽。 If perhaps such a Black Ink Clan team sneak attacks other squad also to create some difficulties, but really insufficiently looks in front of Dawn. 这样一支墨族队伍若是偷袭别的小队的话或许还会造成一些困扰,但在晨曦面前实在不够看。 The fight ended, cleans battlefield to spend time, on these Black Ink Clan not necessarily has any good thing, but to black ink battlefield Human Race, any resources is extremely precious. 战斗结束,打扫战场花费了一点时间,这些墨族身上未必有什么好东西,但对墨之战场人族来说,任何一点资源都是极为珍贵的。 Returns to the daybreak, Yang Kai sits cross-legged to sit, considers this war success and failure. 返回破晓,杨开盘膝而坐,思虑此战得失。 The opponents are not worth mentioning, but after promoting 7-Rank, this is his third making a move, has gradually been familiar with the strength that oneself rose suddenly, believes that encounters the powerful enemy next time again, own can do is better. 对手不值一提,但晋升七品之后,这算是他第三次出手,已经逐渐熟悉了自身暴涨的力量,相信下一次再遇强敌,自己会做的更好。 in place repaired and maintained a double-hour slightly, daybreak sets sail again. 在原地稍事修整了一个时辰,破晓再次起航。 The following day, every several days, daybreak captures. With the aid of the camouflage of Imaginary Formation, these Black Ink Clan only regarded ordinary team level temporary palace Secret Treasure the daybreak, once jumps out of the sneak attack from the hiding place, wants to escape again without enough time. 接下来的日子,每隔数日,破晓都有斩获。借助幻阵的伪装,那些墨族只把破晓当成了普通的队级行宫秘宝,一旦从潜藏处跳出偷袭,再想逃跑就来不及了。 Dies in Dawn Squad feudal lord, also reaches more than 20. 死在晨曦小队手下的领主,也多达二十多位。 Battle, the coordination of Dawn Squad is also skilled day by day, often with the enemy, does not need others to tell, apparent own should make anything, attains the score also far to exceed other squads. 一场场激战下来,晨曦小队的配合也日趋熟练,每每遇敌,无需旁人吩咐,便知自己该做些什么,所获战绩也远超其他小队。 On this day, Dawn is cleaning battlefield, before half double-hour, Yang Kai and the others encountered a Black Ink Clan squad here, the strength of this team is not weak, Black Ink Clan then three of feudal lord rank, but after a war, this Black Ink Clan team does not have/leave accidental/surprised to be annihilated. 这一日,晨曦正在打扫一处战场,就在半个时辰前,杨开等人在这里遭遇了一支墨族小队,这个队伍的实力不算弱,领主级别的墨族便有三位之多,但一场大战之后,这一支墨族队伍不出意外地全军覆没。 Then at this time, Feng Ying moved sideways to come suddenly, shouted lowly: Team-Leader, has the team to request reinforcements!” 便在这时,冯英忽然闪身而来,低呼道:“队长,有队伍求援!” Yang Kai turns head to look toward her, sees only in her hand to take that Zha Hu to give his thing of crystal ball general pass on message, at this moment, in that crystal ball obviously has piece of dark red rays of light, gathers a symbol of arrow appearance, aims at a direction. 杨开扭头朝她望去,只见她手中正拿着那一枚查虎交给他的水晶球一般的传讯之物,此时此刻,那水晶球中明显有一片殷红的光芒,汇聚成一个箭头模样的标志,指向一个方向。 Yang Kai view micro, which sees that has not known the team that requests reinforcements had arrived at the crucial moment, otherwise this crystal ball cannot have the this kind of response. 杨开眼帘微缩,见状哪还不知那求援的队伍已到了生死关头,否则这水晶球不会有这样的反应。 Not hesitant, Yang Kai shouts loudly one immediately: Set, rushes to rescue urgently!” 没有犹豫,杨开立刻高呼一声:“集合,紧急驰援!” Still in cleaning the battlefield member comes toward the daybreak accumulation immediately, after several breath, Dawn changes to flowing light, plunders following the direction of that arrow direction. 还在打扫战场的成员立刻朝破晓聚集而来,几个呼吸后,破晓号化作流光,顺着那箭头指引的方向掠去。 Yang Kai does not know that other teams receive this requesting reinforcements news, but sends out the team obvious situation of requesting reinforcements is not wonderful, the nearby not necessarily has other team, Dawn perhaps is their only hopes. 杨开不知有没有其他的队伍接收到这个求援的讯息,但发出求援的队伍明显局势不妙,附近未必就有别的队伍,晨曦或许是他们唯一的希望。 clansman is in danger, is on the verge of death, daybreak almost does not count the consumption, raised the pinnacle the speed. 族人遇险,危在旦夕,破晓几乎是不计消耗,将速度提升到了极致。 After a double-hour, the universe fragment prints the Yang Kai's view together. At this moment, in some location/position of that universe fragment, rays of light is blooming together, obviously is the Human Race martial artist Secret Technique radiance. 一个时辰后,一块乾坤碎片印入杨开的眼帘。此时此刻,在那乾坤碎片的某一处位置,一道道光芒正在绽放,显然是人族武者秘术光华。 But beside this radiance, great-circle black ink cloud is wrapping, thickly like essence. 而在这光华之外,一大圈墨云包裹着,浓如实质。 In black ink cloud, 78 Human Race martial artist are swaying the own strength crazily, prevents the advancement of black ink cloud, the obligation how but regardless of them diligently, black ink cloud to advance is also irresistible, once black ink cloud wraps them, when the time comes must strength corrosion surely by black ink. 墨云之中,有七八个人族武者正在疯狂挥洒自己的力量,阻止墨云的推进,但无论他们如何努力,墨云推进的驱使也是势不可挡,一旦墨云将他们包裹,到时候必定要被墨之力侵蚀。 But in this place the fate that was corroded by the strength of black ink, without doubt is the transformation is black ink disciple. 而在这种地方被墨之力侵蚀的下场,无疑是转化为墨徒 These martial artist should be the member of some squad, but this moment quantity is not obviously right, should already some people of falls, moreover Yang Kai has not seen their temporary palace Secret Treasure unexpectedly. 这些武者应该是某一支小队的成员,只不过此刻数量明显不对,应该已有人陨落,而且杨开居然都没有看到他们的行宫秘宝 So situation, only then a possibility, that is temporary palace Secret Treasure of this squad hit has not acted the strength or is destroyed. 如此情形,只有一个可能,那就是这支小队的行宫秘宝已经被打的没有行动之力或者已经被毁了。 Did not have temporary palace Secret Treasure as the protection, Human Race martial artist when is surely timid and hesitant facing the strength of black ink, this falls to so the position. 没了行宫秘宝作为防护,人族武者在面对墨之力的时候必定要束手束脚,这才落到这般境地。 Cannot see the Black Ink Clan form, should hide in black ink cloud, stimulated to movement the strength of black ink to corrode the past toward Human Race that side unceasingly. 看不到墨族的身影,应该都躲在墨云之中,不断催动墨之力朝人族那边侵蚀过去。 Once for a while, attack hit toward Human Race, lets be stranded in this's Human Race martial artist displays the universe secret art the opportunity not to have continually. 时不时地,还有一道道攻击人族打去,让被困在此的人族武者连施展乾坤诀的机会都没有。 https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address: Cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:手机版阅读网址:
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