MP :: Volume #50

#4911: The luck transports/fortunes prolonged

Must know before him, in the black ink strength of using Small Universe has deceived Langya Paradise black ink disciple, if Void Tunnel another is really black ink battlefield, will be very likely to encounter Black Ink Clan or black ink disciple, the Yang Kai's camouflage can provide certain security to a great extent. 要知道他以前可是利用小乾坤中的墨之力欺骗过琅琊福地墨徒,虚空甬道另一头若真是墨之战场的话,极有可能会遭遇墨族或者墨徒,杨开的伪装能在很大程度上提供一定的安全保障。 Outside Void Tunnel, numerous Divine Monarch you said my one, said with Yang Kai, about black ink battlefield information that own is knowing. 虚空甬道外,众多神君你一言我一句,与杨开讲着自己所知道的,关于墨之战场的信息。 Yang Kai all takes down attentively. 杨开皆都用心记下。 However before just like Six Wood Divine Monarch , said that to black ink battlefield, are not many, the information that they knew obtains transmitted from No-Return Pass. If these information really entered black ink battlefield, so long as the intention pays attention can eavesdrop on to obtain, but regarding Yang Kai, possibly has the enormous help. 不过正如六木神君之前所言,对墨之战场,他们知道的也不多,所得到的情报都是从不回关外传递回来的。这些情报真要是进了墨之战场,只要用心留意都能探听得到,不过对于杨开来说,却可能有极大的帮助。 time in a flash, several days has crossed. 时间一晃,数日已过。 The speed that in Void Tunnel the strength of antiquity seal dissipated as if sped up much. 虚空甬道内上古封印之力消散的速度似乎又加快了不少。 Mo Sha Divine Monarch said: Cannot wait again, as soon as possible start seal.” 魔刹神君道:“不能再等下去了,尽快着手封印吧。” Yang Kai nods: Senior waits a bit!” 杨开点点头:“诸位前辈稍等!” So saying, is turning around to go toward the High Heaven Palace people line. 这般说着,转身朝凌霄宫众人行去。 various Nvzhan in most front row, the each and everyone look is looking at him complex, in that both pupil worried that completely with does not abandon. When the near, Yang Kai smiles to them slightly, does not make the comfort. this time said that some words of comfort deceive oneself and others, who knows the bad risk of trip. 诸女站在最前列,一个个神色复杂地望着他,那一双双眸中满是担忧和不舍。待到近前,杨开冲她们微微笑了笑,不做安慰。这个时候说些安慰的话不过是自欺欺人,谁都知道此行的凶险。 Stood wriggles in frontline Yu Rumeng red lips slightly, resembles wants to say anything, finally cannot say, the countless words changed to an urging: All things are careful!” 站在最前方的玉如梦红唇微微蠕动,似是想说什么,最终没能说出口,千言万语化作一声叮嘱:“万事小心!” Yang Kai nods: My meeting.” 杨开点点头:“我会的。” The vision crosses the people suddenly, looks toward the Void deep place, that side has several flowing light indistinctly, is catching up rapidly toward here. 目光忽然越过众人,朝虚空深处望去,那边隐约有几道流光,正急速朝这边赶来。 Looks carefully, some people are truly spreading toward here, Yang Kai long shouted the one breath, rushed in the final moment finally. 仔细望去,确实是有人正朝这边驰来,杨开长呼一口气,总算是在最后关头赶到了。 After a little while, that several flowing light to the near, revealed the form, is person of before several months head, will leave Black Territory, will return to Star Boundary Lan Youruo. 少顷,那几道流光到了近前,显露身影,为首之人正是数月之前离开黑域,返回星界兰幽若 Perhaps a danger on route catches up catches up slowly, even if Lan Youruo now is 7-Rank Open Heaven, at this moment is the consumption is still huge, aura is impractical, the complexion is slightly pale. 许是一路紧赶慢赶,即便兰幽若如今已是七品开天,此刻也是消耗巨大,气息虚浮,脸色微微苍白。 Proprietress was laborious!” Yang Kai holds the fist saying. 老板娘辛苦了!”杨开抱拳道 Lan Youruo is looking at him bitterly, looks to that Void Tunnel in it place, said distressed: Finally can like this?” 兰幽若恨恨地望着他,又看向那虚空甬道所在之地,痛心道:“最终还是要这样吗?” Helpless Yang Kai said: In addition, has no other alternative.” 杨开无奈道:“除此之外,别无他法。” Lan Youruo is sipping the lip, did not reply, she also knows, ultimately, the non- individual strength can change, Cave Heaven Paradise the matter of making a decision, has only been able to depend on the idea by the present the line. 兰幽若抿着唇,不答话,她也知道,大势所趋,非个人之力能够改变,洞天福地都已决断之事,到了如今只能依计而行。 Yang Kai looks to her behind several people, becomes lump of meat Chen Tianfatty fat, Yun Xinghua, Hei He (black river), Hua Qingsi was brought from Star Boundary by Proprietress. 杨开又看向她身后几人,胖成一坨肉的陈天肥,还有云星华,黑河,花青丝都被老板娘星界带过来了。 Several people salute hurriedly. 几人匆忙行礼。 Yang Kai nods slightly, each and everyone name: Mao Zhe, Geng Qing, Zhou Ya, Grey Bones, Hei He (black river), fatty, Yun Xinghua!” 杨开微微颔首,一个个点名字:“茅哲,耿青,周雅,灰骨,黑河,阿肥,云星华!” Subordinate in!” Seven people leave ranks. “属下在!”七人出列。 In the past for various reasons, received Loyalty List you, I know that among you some people have the complaint to me, in the heart are not convinced very much, but this indifferent, these years were laborious you, had your many to pay, have present High Heaven Palace and Void Land, you and others all had the great merit to Sect. My this is uncertain of one's fate, today then puts you and other freedoms, you and other staying or going were optional, hopes to meet in the future, but can also have a friendly chat over a cup of wine, does not need hatred/enemy eye to quarrel!” “当年因为各种各样的原因,将你们收入忠义谱,我知道你们当中有些人对我有怨言,心中并不是很服气,但这无所谓,这些年辛苦你们了,有你们的诸多付出,才有如今的凌霄宫虚空地,你等对宗门皆有大功。我此去生死未卜,今日便放你等自由,你等去留随意,但愿日后再相见,还能把酒言欢,不必仇目相向!” So saying, Yang Kai was taking out Loyalty List, took that Xiezhi/Haetae corner/horn, compelling 1 drop blood essence to moisten, life that pages of ruled out the people. 这般说着,杨开取出了忠义谱,拿了那獬豸角,逼出一滴精血沾了,一页页划去众人的性命。 fresh blood permeates on Loyalty List, the name that in that pages of stays behind gradually desalinates, vanishes does not see. 鲜血渗入忠义谱上,那一页页上留下的名字逐渐淡化,消失不见。 In seven people that on Loyalty List leaves a good name a mind with ease, has a feeling of extrication fetter immediately inexplicably. 忠义谱上留名的七人顿时一阵心神轻松,莫名地有一种解脱束缚的感觉。 The Mao Zhe brow slightly wrinkle, looking at the Yang Kai's look somewhat is slightly complex. 茅哲眉头微皱,望着杨开的神色略有些复杂。 All by the person of Loyalty List including, was him most is not convinced to Yang Kai. Initially endured humiliation, for is some day can promote 7-Rank, got rid of the limit of Loyalty List. 所有被忠义谱收录之人,属他对杨开最是不服气。当初忍辱负重,为的便是有朝一日能够晋升七品,摆脱忠义谱的限制。 Promoting 7-Rank can get rid of the limit of Loyalty List he also to hear, does not know whether come true, but these years are truly trying hard for this matter. 晋升七品能摆脱忠义谱的限制他也只是听闻,不知能否成真,但这些年确实为此事努力着。 Has never thought that Yang Kai will terminate the master and servant relations unexpectedly on own initiative, this makes him slightly somewhat surprised, somewhat feels relaxed. 从未想过,杨开居然会主动解除彼此间的主仆关系,这让他微微有些惊讶,又有些释然。 these days he is not does not know that Yang Kai must go to seal Void Tunnel, is not does not know that Yang Kai possibly encounters anything. 这些日子他不是不知道杨开要去封印虚空甬道,也不是不知道杨开可能遭遇什么。 He and Geng Qing Zhou Ya life is in the body of Yang Kai, Yang Kai, if presents what accidental/surprised, they do not have the auspicious day. 他与耿青周雅性命系于杨开之身,杨开若是出现什么意外,他们也没好日子过。 But now, the restriction of Loyalty List has relieved, he does not need to worry that implicates the own three people of life and death again because of the Yang Kai's issue. 而如今,忠义谱的制约已经解除,他再不必担心因为杨开的问题而连累自己三人的生死。 Has not actually imagined happy. 却也没有想象中开心。 Recalled these years in Void Land and High Heaven Palace day, it can be said that extremely relaxed comfortable, wants the status to have the status, wants the position to have the position, greatly resources open-ended supply! 回想了一下这些年在虚空地凌霄宫的日子,可以说是过的极为轻松舒意的,要身份有身份,要地位有地位,还有大把资源敞开供应! He cannot promote 7-Rank, is the own perception insufficient reason. 他没能晋升七品,是自己悟性不够的原因。 At the present results in the freedom, even was separated from High Heaven Palace and Void Land, went to elsewhere, where also there are can provide such liberal practice environment? 而今得了自由,就算脱离了凌霄宫虚空地,去了别处,又有什么地方能提供这么优渥的修行环境? Yang Kai can make this choice in the final moment, obviously has been keeping thinking about this matter, explained the bad risk of trip in disguised form. 杨开能在最后关头做出这个选择,显然是一直在惦记着此事,也变相说明了此行的凶险。 His own did not determine whether own can return alive. 连他自己也不确定自己能否生还下来。 Sect Master, I and others had entered Void Land, will not be then undecided, Sect Master feels relieved and, Sect has me and others to protect, must not make you have extra worries.” Mao Zhe sincere holds the fist in the other hand. 宗主,我等既已入了虚空地,便不会三心二意,宗主且放心去,宗门有我等守护,必不会让你有后顾之忧。”茅哲正色抱拳。 Geng Qing Zhou Ya also opens the mouth saying: Sect Master felt relieved that is!” 耿青周雅也开口道:“宗主放心便是!” Chen Tianfatty is nasal mucus tears: Sect Master, no matter there is Loyalty List, my Chen Tianfatty lives is the Void Land person, dying is the Void Land ghost, will not make to betray the Sect matter, otherwise then the day hits to be struck by lightning, dies like a dog! Has my Chen Tianfatty protection, Sect will not lose the slightest!” 陈天肥更是一把鼻涕一把泪:“宗主啊,不管有没有忠义谱,我陈天肥生是虚空地的人,死是虚空地的鬼,绝不会做出背叛宗门的事,否则便天打雷劈,不得好死!有我陈天肥守护,宗门绝不会损失分毫!” The Mao Zhe side eye looks, a face shuts out, this bootlicker usually so, moreover your 4-Rank can Open Heaven do things? Dares so boasting shamelessly. 茅哲侧眼望去,一脸嫌弃,这个马屁精素来如此,而且你一个四品开天能干什么事?竟敢这般大言不惭 Yun Xinghua and saw others to say with Hei He (black river), showed hastily loyally. 云星华和与黑河见其他人都这么说,也是连忙表忠心。 To be honest, these years in good of Void Land truly life, which Sect trade not possibly to make to provide so many practice resources to them. this time catches up with them to walk, they will not walk. 说实话,这些年在虚空地确实生活的不错,换做哪一家宗门也不可能给他们提供那么多修行资源。这个时候赶他们走,他们也是不会走的。 Grey Bones is not so sensational, but asked one: Sect Master, do I go in either as you like together? Also is good to take care.” 灰骨倒没这么煽情,只是问了一声:“宗主,要么我随你一道进去?也好有个照应。” Yang Kai beckons with the hand: Trip bad risk, moreover must pass through Void Tunnel, all my alone is careless, if leads you, but must divert attention the attendance.” 杨开摆摆手:“此行凶险,而且要经过虚空甬道,我孤身一人还马马虎虎,若是带着你,还要分心照顾。” Grey Bones hears word, no longer said much, if really with the burden, might as well did not go. 灰骨闻言,不再多说,真要是跟去成了累赘,还不如不去。 The Loyalty List seven people relieved the restriction, but Luan Baifeng and Xin Peng two people had gotten rid of the restriction of Loyalty List, naturally does not need to take time again in addition. 忠义谱七人解除了制约,而栾白凤辛鹏二人早就已摆脱了忠义谱的制约,自然不必再另费手脚。 Yang Kai looks to Hua Qingsi: Big Manager, the matter of Sect, will have the work in the future you.” 杨开又看向花青丝:“大总管,宗门之事,日后就有劳你了。” Hua Qingsi squeezes a smiling face: Sect Master felt relieved, when you some day return, I surely am better than on a lot of times of Sect to return in your hand one present!” 花青丝挤出一丝笑容:“宗主放心,等你有朝一日归来,我定将一个比现在好上千百倍的宗门交回你手上!” On the halfway she also listened to Lan Youruo to say something, the bad risk of clear Yang Kai trip. 半路上她也听兰幽若说了一些事,清楚杨开此行的凶险。 It can be said that this absolutely is in history, a biggest risk that Yang Kai needs to take, is this is not careful can reduce and solve, but is a luck is not good then to meet the body falling say/way to disappear. 可以说这绝对是有史以来,杨开所需要冒的最大的一次风险了,这不是小心不小心能化解的,而是一个运气不好便会身陨道消。 But luck thing, who can say. 而运气这东西,谁又能说的准。 Yu Rumeng clenches teeth to say suddenly: Lives, if you died, I lead all sisters to remarry! I live up to one's words!” 玉如梦忽然咬牙道:“活下来,你若是死了,我就带着所有姐妹改嫁!我说到做到!” Good!” Yang Kai sincere nod, does not know that is the guarantee lives, said the matter that remarries knew. “好!”杨开正色点头,也不知是保证活下来,还是说改嫁的事情知道了。 This confession has confessed that all things also processed, does not have extra worries again. 该交代的都已经交代了,所有事情也都处理了,再无后顾之忧。 Yang Kai retreat several steps, are looking at the High Heaven Palace people, the look one austere, holds the fist saying: „, Said goodbye!” 杨开后退几步,望着凌霄宫众人,神色一肃,抱拳道:“诸位,就此别过了!” The vision 11 has swept on Yu Rumeng and other faces, the pupil is profound, resembling to their appearances forever in the heart. 目光在玉如梦等人脸上一一扫过,眸子深邃,似要将她们的容貌永远记在心中。 The word, turns around to spread toward Void Tunnel that side. 言罢,转身朝虚空甬道那边驰去。 various Nvren quite a while, has not added anything to trouble to him when Yang Kai just before leaving, that flash when but he turns around, everyone cannot bear, each and everyone all eye socket one red, the eye tears remained following the cheeks. 诸女忍了半天,没在杨开临走之际给他添什么麻烦,但当他转身的那一瞬间,所有人都没能忍住,一个个全都眼眶一红,眼泪水顺着脸颊留了下来。 Actually no one makes noise , to continue to suppress! 却没一人出声,继续强忍着! The double fist of Yu Rumeng gets hold , the fingernail pinched in the meat, fresh blood following referring to the seam overflowed. 玉如梦的双拳握紧,手指甲都掐进了肉中,鲜血顺着指缝溢出。 Before Void Tunnel, Yang Kai nods to numerous 8-Rank Ancestor slightly: Younger generation has prepared.” 虚空甬道前,杨开冲众多八品太上微微颔首:“晚辈已经准备好了。” All 8-Rank simultaneous hold the fist in the other hand a ritual, the look is solemn and respectful. 所有八品齐齐抱拳一礼,神色肃穆。 Maintains the 3000 Worlds peaceful heavy burden to press on a back shoulder of 6-Rank Open Heaven, this makes them be uncomfortable very much. 维护三千世界安宁的重担就这么压在一个六品开天的后背肩上,这让他们心里很不是滋味。 But also knows, this matter besides Yang Kai, others really could not have done, only then he can seal Void Tunnel. 但也知道,这事除了杨开,别人还真做不来,也只有他才能封印虚空甬道 Fortunately, he is righteous, does not have any declines. 幸运的是,他深明大义,没有任何推辞。 3000 Worlds can have this, the reality is the good fortune of universe. 三千世界能有此子,实乃乾坤之幸。 Wish the military to transport Longchang, the luck transports/fortunes prolonged!” The Six Wood sinking sound drinks lowly. “祝武运隆昌,福运绵长!”六木沉声低喝。 Wish the military to transport Longchang, the luck transports/fortunes prolonged!” The simultaneous/uniform call spreads from the Cave Heaven Paradise Open Heaven Stage mouth, resounds through the universe. “祝武运隆昌,福运绵长!”齐呼声自洞天福地开天境们口中传出,响彻乾坤。 A Yang Kai slightly nod, has turned around, honour does not allow one to glance back flushes away toward Void Tunnel. 杨开略一点头,转过身,义无反顾地朝虚空甬道冲去。 Opened wide Void Tunnel, embezzled the Yang Kai's form. 洞开的虚空甬道,吞没了杨开的身影。 not much time, entrance blustery of that Void Tunnel, gigantic such as can swallow the myriad things common black hole to close up suddenly unexpectedly the contraction at the visible speed. 不多时,那虚空甬道的入口忽然一阵风起云涌,硕大如能吞噬万物一般的黑洞竟以肉眼可见的速度在合拢收缩。 Half double-hour time, entrance drawing, has not then vanished does not see. 前后不过半个时辰时间,入口便收拢之一处,消失不见。 Many Ancestor emit Spiritual Mind careful nosing hastily, each other looks at each other one, all nods slightly. 诸多太上连忙放出神念仔细查探,彼此对视一眼,皆都微微颔首。 Even by their cultivation level, cannot nose the place that Void Tunnel had to have what deficiency at this moment unexpectedly, in other words , this Void Tunnel entrance had died by the thorough seal, only if like Yang Kai such, is skilled in the Space Principle person, has the opportunity to open it again, whatever otherwise your method is strong, gave up any idea of that found this entrance. 即便以他们的修为,此刻竟也查探不到虚空甬道原本存在的地方有什么不妥之处,换言之,这虚空甬道的入口已经被彻底封印死了,除非如杨开那样,精通空间法则的人,才有机会将它再次打开,否则任凭你手段再强,也休想找到这个入口。 However Cave Heaven Paradise does not dare to have any careless general idea/careless, a discussion, decides the Black Territory stroke slightly the restricted area, seals off the Black Territory territory gate, 3000 Worlds anybody can not enter arbitrarily, must dispatch at least one 8-Rank Ancestor, year to year assumes personal command in this, guards against mishap momentarily. 不过洞天福地还是不敢有什么马虎大意,稍稍一阵商议,决定将黑域划成禁地,封堵住黑域的域门,三千世界任何人都不得擅自进入,更要派遣最少一位八品太上,常年在此坐镇,随时以防不测。 That side Chaotic Dead Territory is, has 8-Rank Ancestor to lead year to year, assumes the territory gate, supervises the sound in Chaotic Dead Territory, now Black Territory is also the same. 混乱死域那边便是如此,常年都有八品太上带队,坐镇域门,监察混乱死域内的动静,如今黑域这边也要一样了。 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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