MP :: Volume #50

#4904: Rumeng also such as imaginary

Steps into the main hall swiftly, the Yang Kai consciousness is not then right. 倏一踏进大殿中,杨开便意识不对。 Although the entire main hall was arranged the boudoir, but actually suspended enough more than ten fragrant concubine cots in the main hall, on that each fragrant concubine cot, sits a phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times straight, the top of the head red lid, figure graceful the person of getting married. 整个大殿虽然被布置成闺房,但在大殿之中却摆了足足十几个香妃榻,那每一张香妃榻上,都端端正正坐着一个凤冠霞帔,头顶红盖头,身段婀娜的待嫁之人。 The gate of main hall, loudly closure. 大殿之门,轰然关闭。 Which this makes? The Yang Kai doubts are puzzled, but understands finally, Myriad Demons Heaven has to create obstacles, but is waiting for own here. 这是闹哪一出?杨开疑惑不解,不过总算明白,万魔天这边并非没有刁难,而是在这里等着自己 The Mo Sha Divine Monarch sound does not know where from resounds: Three opportunities, look, you carry off, cannot look, hey hey......” 魔刹神君的声音不知从什么地方响起:“三次机会,找对人,你带走,找不出来,嘿嘿……” After hey hey, did not have the words, that meaning was very obvious, cannot find the person to stay behind. 嘿嘿之后就没话了,那意思很明显,找不出来人就要留下了。 Yang Kai contemptuously smiles: Does not need three times, one time enough!” 杨开轻蔑一笑:“无需三次,一次就够!” Was together so many years with Yu Rumeng, each other is familiar, Yang Kai self-confidently is closes one's eyes also to be able Yu Rumeng looking. 玉如梦相处了这么多年,彼此熟知,杨开自信便是闭着眼睛也能将玉如梦给找出来。 Mo Sha Divine Monarch scoffs to say with a smile: Words do not say is too full, does not have the means to end carefully when the time comes!” 魔刹神君嗤笑道:“话可不要说的太满,小心到时候没办法收场!” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, takes a look at that more than ten getting married person immediately carefully. It seems like from the semblance, these more than ten people have almost not distinguished, height or build, unexpectedly exactly the same! 杨开眉头一皱,立刻仔细打量起那十几个待嫁之人。从外表上看起来,这十几人几乎没有区别,无论是身高还是体型,竟都一模一样! This makes his some astonished, where Myriad Demons Heaven find these people to make up the number. 这让他有些讶然,万魔天是从哪里找出来这些人凑数的。 Also received the heart of contempt hastily, since Myriad Demons Heaven is waiting for him here, will not make him too pass through with ease. 也连忙收了轻视之心,万魔天既然在这里等着他,想必也不会让他太轻松过关。 Spunks up, emits Spiritual Mind to nose. 打起精神,放出神念查探起来。 Unexpected, that more than ten people do not know that what strength protection, Yang Kai cannot nose unexpectedly their cultivation level depth. 出乎意料的,那十几人身上也不知有什么力量防护,杨开竟查探不出她们修为的深浅。 Guard enough solid! Yang Kai was thinking Myriad Demons Heaven, even if can discover more than ten with Yu Rumeng shape height similar female, on cultivation level always some differences, Yu Rumeng 6-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level and allows to distinguish, only needs to nose their cultivation level, should be able to reject most. 防范的够严实的啊!杨开本想着万魔天纵然能找出十几个跟玉如梦形态身高差不多的女子,修为上总是有些差别的,玉如梦六品开天修为及容分辨,只需要查探她们的修为,应该就可以剔除掉大半。 But at present tries, knows Myriad Demons Heaven to have the guard early. 但眼下一试,才知万魔天这边对此早有防范。 He makes a fist coughs lightly, holds the fist in the other hand a ritual: Madame!” 他握拳轻咳一声,抱拳一礼:“夫人!” Several sounds immediately continuously: husband!” 十几个声音顿时此起彼伏:“夫君!” Yang Kai opened the mouth, was scared! Although these more than ten people of sounds are scattered and organized, but sounds is just the same as Yu Rumeng, probably is her incarnation. 杨开张大了嘴巴,傻眼了!这十几人的声音虽然错落有致,但听起来却跟玉如梦一模一样,好像全都是她的化身。 Moreover, he just that summon, the original intention wants to make true Yu Rumeng give him to select the prompt, who knows others not to respond. 而且,他方才那一声呼唤,原本的意图是想让真正的玉如梦给他点提示,谁知人家根本不搭理。 Thinks is also, before Yu Rumeng returned flies into a rage, prepared to pack the thing to find the person to remarry, even if now prepares to marry, it is estimated that the air/Qi of heart could not disappear for a short time, where can obediently coordinate her. 想想也是,之前玉如梦大发雷霆,准备收拾东西找人改嫁了,如今纵然准备嫁过来,估计心头之气一时半会也消不掉,哪会乖乖配合她。 Perhaps at present this test, is Yu Rumeng own considers. 说不定眼下这个考验,便是玉如梦自己思量出来的。 With her temperament, really has to be competent this matter, Yang Kai immediately some toothaches. 以她的脾气,真有可能干出这事,杨开顿时有些牙疼。 Slightly hesitates, before Yang Kai slows pace arrives is away from a own recent fragrant concubine cot, the low body carefully sizes up, shrugs the wing of the nose to smell gently. 略一沉吟,杨开慢步来到距离自己最近的一张香妃榻前,低下身子仔细打量,又耸动鼻翼轻轻嗅着。 Front person said with a smile lightly: husband, they are fake, do not elect mistakenly, chooses the wrong words, I may be unable to circle you.” 面前人轻笑道:“夫君,她们都是假的,你可不要选错了,选错的话,我可绕不了你。” Yang Kai nods freely: Relax, will not elect wrong!” 杨开不住地颔首:“放心,绝不会选错!” During the speeches, before arriving at the second fragrant concubine cot , to continue to observe, is smelling the flavor. 说话间,来到第二张香妃榻前,继续观察,嗅着味道。 Spent the 5 minutes time, everyone checkoff, he then reveals the to be able to cope with all eventualities look, the smile said: I think that I know which you were at!” 足足花了半盏茶功夫,才将所有人检查完毕,他这才露出智珠在握的神色,微笑道:“我想我知道你在哪了!” Chuckles spread, the Yu Rumeng sound resounds: Since knows that leads me to walk.” 一声声轻笑传出,玉如梦的声音响起:“既然知道,那就带我走吧。” Yang Kai nods freely: This leads you to walk!” 杨开不住地颔首:“这就带你走!” When the words fall, arrives at the comparison vigorously before a middle fragrant concubine cot, puts out a hand to grasp toward a front person of arm: Was you!” 话落时,一个健步来到比较靠中间的一张香妃榻前,伸手朝面前人胳膊抓去:“就是你了!” That person was stressed one to stagger, falls into the Yang Kai bosom directly, sends out one giggle tender laughter. 那人被抓了一个趔趄,直接栽进杨开怀里,发出一阵咯咯咯的娇笑声。 Yang Kai some faces are black immediately, one raises the red lid, sees only young female of bosom bright eyes and white teeth to smile tenderly, which is what Yu Rumeng, from the start does not know. 杨开顿时有些脸黑,一把掀起红盖头,只见怀里一个明眸皓齿的少女娇笑不已,哪是什么玉如梦,压根就是个不认识的。 You......” Yang Kai stare dumbfounded, loosens her hastily. “你……”杨开瞠目结舌,连忙将她松开。 young female said with a smile: Rumeng Master Uncle said was too right, you really want to distinguish by the flavor, therefore Master Uncle remained on me selected her flavor!” 少女笑道:“如梦师叔说的太对了,你果然想靠味道来分辨,所以师叔在我身上留了点她的味道!” young female 6-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level, although is equal to Yu Rumeng, but Yu Rumeng the pay respects to join Mo Sha Divine Monarch disciple, in the Myriad Demons Heaven position no small matter, young female must shout her Master Uncle now. 少女六品开天修为,虽与玉如梦相等,但玉如梦如今拜入魔刹神君门下,在万魔天的地位非同小可,少女也得喊她师叔 young female pastes Yang Kai not to retreat, coquettish look like silk: Master Uncle do you want to marry me? I am glad very much.” 少女贴着杨开不肯退去,媚眼如丝:“师叔你要娶我吗?我很乐意哦。” Impolite, go away!” Yang Kai advances the one side her, under feeling is looking forward to front more than ten Yu Rumeng that is difficult to distinguish the genuine and fake, big. “没大没小,走开!”杨开一把将她推到一旁,摸着下巴望着面前十几个难辨真假的玉如梦,头大的很。 Some little time, does best to convince saying: Rumeng, no joking, obediently followed me.” 好一会,才苦口婆心道:“如梦,别闹了,乖乖跟我走。” No one manages him. 没人理他。 No matter Yang Kai actually, plays the bitterness sign greatly, is tracing in the past in Demon Territory with the tip time that she is together, under pours love, that as if became in the life the happiest day. 杨开却不管,大打苦情牌,追溯着往昔在魔域中与她相处的点滴时光,倾情之下,那似乎成了人生中最美好的日子。 On more than ten fragrant concubine cots, a person of figure moves slightly. 十几张香妃榻上,一人身形微动。 Yang Kai flees immediately, laughed: Is you Rumeng?” 杨开立刻窜了过去,嘿嘿一笑:“是你吗如梦?” Front person had not answered, the Mo Sha Divine Monarch sound resounds actually again: Boy, only then an opportunity, must grasp well!” 面前人没回话,倒是魔刹神君的声音再度响起:“小子,只有一次机会了,可得好好把握!” Yang Kai complexion immediately one stiff. 杨开脸色顿时一僵。 Front this isn't could it be that? does not believe raises the red lid, is really not Yu Rumeng, is female that does not know, smilingly is looking at own, a face ridicules. 面前这个难道又不是?不信邪地掀起红盖头,果然不是玉如梦,又是一个不认识的女子,笑眯眯地望着自己,一脸揶揄。 Yang Kai speechless say/way: What do you move?” 杨开无语道:“你方才动啥?” That female said: Sat a long time somewhat tired, how moves?” 女子道:“坐久了有些累,动一动怎么了?” Yang Kai wants to ask one intentionally your? But this does not have the significance, three opportunities have wasted twice, have only been left over for the last time. 杨开很想问一声你故意的吧?但这毫无意义,三次机会已经浪费了两次,就只剩下最后一次了。 Mo Sha Divine Monarch 8-Rank Open Heaven, the unretractable statement, Yang Kai is supposing own, if had not found true Yu Rumeng for the third time, could not do well really does not have the opportunity. 魔刹神君八品开天,金口玉言,杨开估摸着自己若是第三次还没找到真正的玉如梦,搞不好就真的没机会了。 This lets some of his unavoidably pressures like the mountain. 这让他不免有些压力如山。 However this is really hard to search, although only then more than ten people here, and has rejected two people, but these more than ten people the shape physique is just the same as Yu Rumeng, the fluctuation of cultivation level was covered by the inexplicable strength, keeping him from nosing. 然而这实在是难以寻觅,虽然只有十几个人在这里,而且已经剔除了两人,但这十几人无论是形态身姿都跟玉如梦一模一样,修为的波动更被莫名的力量掩盖,让他无法查探。 However quick, Yang Kai then frowns. 不过很快,杨开便皱起了眉头。 In the world shape similar, really has many, but is impossible to have so many looks completely exactly the same, particularly these people also all come Myriad Demons Heaven. 世上形态相似者,确实有不少,但绝不可能有这么多看起来完全一模一样的,尤其是这些人还全都出身万魔天 He somewhat was a moment ago strange, Myriad Demons Heaven can discover so many unexpectedly with the Yu Rumeng build height so likeness, now looks like, as if there is a reason for this! 他刚才还有些奇怪,万魔天居然能找出这么多跟玉如梦体型身高如此相似之人,如今看来,似乎其中另有内情! These people, should display what Secret Technique, can therefore achieve this degree. 这些人,应该是施展了什么秘术,所以才能做到这种程度。 In other words , so long as discovers this Secret Technique flaw, which can screen is true Yu Rumeng. 换言之,只要找出这秘术的破绽,就能甄别出哪一个是真正的玉如梦 Yang Kai somewhat understands suddenly Myriad Demons Heaven this creating obstacles goal was anything. 杨开忽然有些明白万魔天这一番刁难的目的是什么了。 However things have gotten to this point, he also has no intention to conceal anything again, crosses him then to penetrate that Void Tunnel in any case to display the strength of seal a while, at this time even exposed, still. 不过事已至此,他也无意再隐瞒什么,反正过一阵子他便要深入那虚空甬道施展封印之力,此时就算暴露了,也没什么关系。 Smiles, Yang Kai stimulates to movement Life's Exterminator Demon Eye immediately. 轻轻一笑间,杨开立刻催动了灭世魔眼 Under golden vertical eye, enduring broken world is fabricated. 金色竖仁之下,堪破世间虚妄。 But sees to see, at present that more than ten people really change, more than ten shape exactly the same female, under the reconnaissance of Life's Exterminator Demon Eye, the build had the changes in varying degrees at this moment, some changed high, some changed short, but also some were fatter. 而入目所见,眼前那十几人果然都发生了变化,原本十几个形态一模一样的女子,此刻在灭世魔眼的勘察之下,体型都有不同程度的变化,有的变高了,有的变矮了,还有的胖了一些。 Only center has one person, has not changed! 唯有正中一人,没有丝毫变化! Yang Kai takes a step to go forward, extends one, with soft tone summons: Madame!” 杨开迈步上前,伸出一手,温声呼唤:“夫人!” Front person sets out leisurely, builds element in his palm, Yang Kai makes an effort, hugs around the middle! 面前人款款起身,将素手搭在他的手心中,杨开一用力,拦腰抱起! the next moment, the waist soft meat was pinched ruthlessly, the Yu Rumeng sound resounded in the ear bank: Calculates that your luck is good!” 下一刻,腰间软肉被狠狠掐了一把,玉如梦的声音在耳畔边响起:“算你运气好!” Yang Kai endures suffering, in the surface is hanging the smile. 杨开忍痛,面上挂着微笑。 Goes out of the main hall, Mo Sha Divine Monarch is looking at his some vision obvious profound meanings, but has not said anything. 走出大殿,魔刹神君瞧着他的目光明显有些深意,不过却没有多说什么。 After thanks, the large ship again, rushes to next Spirit Province. 谢过之后,楼船再度,赶往下一处灵州 The place of fourth station arrival, is the wonder drug Cave Heaven station. 第四站抵达之地,乃是神药洞天的驻地。 In 36 Cave Heaven, there is Divine Cauldron Heaven, there is Divine Medicine Heaven, lord Item Refining, lord Pill Refining. 三十六洞天中,有神鼎天,也有神药天,一主炼器,一主炼丹 Now Open Heaven Pill pill recipe of 3000 Worlds circulation, the rumor is the Divine Medicine Heaven older generations consumes the infinite years to ponder over. 如今三千世界流通的开天丹丹方,传言便是神药天的先辈们耗费无穷岁月琢磨出来的。 In this world most Spirit Pill wonderful medicine, stems from the hand of Divine Medicine Heaven. 这世上绝大多数灵丹妙药,也都出自神药天之手。 mental association Yu Rumeng pay respects to join Myriad Demons Heaven situation, the Yang Kai heart has become aware: What pay respects to join Divine Medicine Heaven is Little Senior Sister?” 联想玉如梦拜入万魔天的情况,杨开心有所悟:“拜入神药天的是小师姐?” Little Senior Sister inborn Spiritual Medicine Holy Body, has the exceptional superiority on the say/way of Pill Refining, pay respects to join Divine Medicine Heaven complements each other. 小师姐天生药灵圣体,在炼丹之道上有得天独厚的优势,拜入神药天正是相得益彰。 Yang Xue nods in the one side said: „, Divine Medicine Heaven Purple Jade Divine Monarch received the Ning Chang elder brother's wife is a disciple.” 杨雪在一旁颔首道:“正是,神药天紫玉神君收了凝裳嫂嫂为徒。” Also is Divine Monarch accepts the disciple personally, the favor of Cave Heaven Paradise delivering may be big enough, Yang Kai previously to become the Yin-Yang Heaven uncle, experiences untold hardships, a field theory congress consumes ten years of time, now is booing, suddenly became many Cave Heaven Paradise uncles. 又是一位神君亲自收徒,洞天福地这边送的人情可够大的,杨开此前为了成为阴阳天的姑爷,历尽千辛万苦,一场论道大会更是耗费十年光阴,如今倒好,一下子成了好多家洞天福地的姑爷。 Before each Cave Heaven Paradise had the tests or problem-making in varying degrees, was naturally no exception to wonder drug Cave Heaven. 之前每一家洞天福地都有不同程度的考验或者刁难,到了神药洞天这边自然也不会例外。 Outside the station, the prepare two huge Pill Stove, had looked that this stance must compete Pill Refining Technique. 驻地外,早就布置好了两个巨大的丹炉,看这架势明显是要比拼炼丹术 Yang Kai does not know whether to laugh or cry, competes Pill Refining Technique with wonder drug Cave Heaven disciple, many some suspicions of showing off meager skills before an expert. 杨开哭笑不得,跟神药洞天弟子比拼炼丹术,多少有些班门弄斧的嫌疑。 Although he is also skilled in the say/way of Pill Refining, but recent Pill Refining is several hundred years ago refined the Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill matter, after entering this 3000 Worlds, he then not in Pill Way high and low what time. 他虽然也精通炼丹之道,但最近一次炼丹已经是数百年之前炼制天元正印丹的事了,自进入这三千世界之后,他便没有在丹道上下过什么功夫。 It can be said that he attainments on Pill Way, only compared with left Star Boundary to promote initially little. According to he's level division to the say/way, his Pill Way only remains at the fourth level, has a familiar task and handles it with ease. 可以说他在丹道上的造诣,只比当初离开星界提升了一点点。按他自身对道的层次划分,他的丹道只停留在第四个层次,驾轻就熟。 How does this compare with others? Others Divine Medicine Heaven Open Heaven Stage year to year gradually the say/way of Pill Refining, impossible, only then such attainments. 这怎么跟人家比?人家神药天开天境常年浸淫炼丹之道,绝不可能只有这么点造诣。 Won by luck fortunately, if the ratio lost, must lose face. 侥幸赢了还好,万一比输了,岂不是要出丑。 Critical moment, Wonderful Pill Great Emperor forces up. 关键时刻,还是妙丹大帝顶了上去。 The Wonderful Pill Great Emperor itself by the person of pill becoming a lay priest, after promoting Open Heaven Stage, Pill Way is ten thousand li in a day, progresses by leaps and bounds. 妙丹大帝本就是以丹入道之人,晋升开天境之后,丹道更是一日千里,突飞猛进。 How Yang Kai does not know him now the attainments on Pill Way, but takes a broad view in the entire High Heaven Palace going to bride's home to escort her to the wedding team, only then he competes the Pill Refining Technique right candidate with Divine Medicine Heaven. 杨开不知他如今在丹道上造诣如何,但放眼整个凌霄宫的迎亲队伍中,也只有他才是与神药天比拼炼丹术的合适人选。 Let alone, Xia Ning Chang , is also disciple that he does not record a name. 更何况,夏凝裳真的算起来,也是他不记名的弟子
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