MP :: Volume #50

#4901: Any situation

Yu Rumeng casts a sidelong glance slantingly he: Not necessarily has the risk? I asked you, after sealing off Void Tunnel, can you also come back?” 玉如梦斜睨他:“未必有风险?那我问你,封堵了虚空甬道后,你还能回来吗?” Yang Kai is at a loss for words immediately. ww? w?.? r? anwenA' com 杨开顿时语塞。ww?w?.?r?anwenA`com Yu Rumeng clenches teeth: Look, if I have not guessed wrong, you sealed off Void Tunnel, will enter that black ink battlefield?” 玉如梦咬牙:“看吧,如果我没猜错,你封堵了虚空甬道,是不是就会进那墨之战场?” The Yang Kai tone is weak: That also not necessarily is black ink battlefield, is only the guesses.” 杨开语气弱弱:“那一头也未必就是墨之战场,都只是猜测。” If yes?” “如果是呢?” Yang Kai is silent. 杨开默然不语。 Having very greatly possibly is?” Yu Rumeng is staring at him. “有很大可能是的吧?”玉如梦盯着他。 Yang Kai then nods. After the royal families of black ink die, Void Tunnel that leaves behind, really has greatly possibly has anything to be connected with black ink battlefield very much, this point can not be questioned. 杨开这才点点头。墨之王族死后留下的虚空甬道,确实有很大可能与墨之战场有什么关联,这一点毋容置疑。 Yu Rumeng sneers: Our these many delicate female all alone, with your so many years, a status did not have, you often violate the danger by the body, making us nervous, now is booing, a confession does not have, must go to that black ink battlefield, what person us do you regard?” 玉如梦冷笑一声:“咱们这些多无依无靠的娇弱女子,跟了你这么多年,连个名分都没有,你每每以身犯险,让我们提心吊胆,如今倒好,连个交代都没有,就要去那墨之战场,你把我们当成什么人?” A Yang Kai said face was ashamed, having nothing to say in reply, this truly was he does not do right by others places. 杨开被说的一脸羞愧,无言以对,这也确实是他对不住人家的地方。 This innumerable years, the females follow he to have no complain and regret, truly a status does not have. Although they have never sought this, but on the day of which doesn't female anticipate? 这无数年来,众女跟着他无怨无悔,确实连个名分都没。她们虽然从未求过这个,但哪个女子又不期待这一天? Yu Rumeng sets out to call: Ning Chang, Xue Yue, Ji Yao, Qu Girl, Little Wan, along with me packs the thing, walked!” 玉如梦起身招呼:“凝裳,雪月,姬瑶,曲丫头,小婉,随我收拾收拾东西,走了!” A Yang Kai face is ignorant: Goes?” 杨开一脸懵:“去哪?” Yu Rumeng cold snort: Must work as the widow in any case, which you manage us to go, on this day the land is big, what the men of two legs are many, I lead the sisters to find a person casually, lives calmly and steadily.” 玉如梦冷哼一声:“反正是要当寡妇,你管我们去哪,这天大地大,两条腿的男人多的是,我带着姐妹们随便找个人,安安稳稳过日子去。” Xia Ning Chang is helpless: Elder Sister Rumeng, husband definitely has the difficulties that compels to have no other choice but.” 夏凝裳手足无措:“如梦姐姐,夫君肯定有逼不得已的苦衷。” Tao Lingwan also nods fiercely, in the females is most docile on their two people character, the Yu Rumeng words made them be under very big impact without doubt. 陶凌婉也猛点头,众女之中就他们两人性格最为温顺,玉如梦的话无疑让她们受到了很大的冲击。 Compels the difficulties of having no other choice but?” Yu Rumeng snort/hum said, no one compels his matter, is his own wants, has difficulties that anything compels to have no other choice but!” “逼不得已的苦衷?”玉如梦哼道,“没人逼他的事,是他自己愿意的,有什么逼不得已的苦衷!” Is speaking, looks to Xia Ning Chang and the others: „Can't you walk?” 说着话,又看向夏凝裳等人:“你们走不走?” Xia Ning Chang is helpless, can only set out, nods to the Yang Kai apology, goes toward the Yu Rumeng line. 夏凝裳无奈,只能起身,冲杨开歉意点点头,朝玉如梦行去。 She is not willing to see Yang Kai to go to that black ink battlefield, Yu Rumeng this act, although somewhat oversteps the limit, but if can make Yang Kai change an attitude, she is also glad to coordinate. 她也不愿意见到杨开去那墨之战场,玉如梦此举虽然有些出格,但若是能让杨开回心转意的话,她也乐得配合。 Xue Yue sets out, lowers the head, no one looks. 雪月起身,低着头,谁也不看。 Ji Yao also stood. 姬瑶也站起来了。 Tao Lingwan looks at Qu Huachang. 陶凌婉看着曲华裳 Qu Huachang slightly hesitates, stood. No matter what, she must be constantly together with Yu Rumeng and the others in the future, this time stands in the same battleline is quite good. 曲华裳略一沉吟,也站了起来。不管怎样,她日后还是要与玉如梦等人朝夕相处的,这个时候还是站在同一阵线比较好。 Snort!” Yu Rumeng is supine slender neck to the Yang Kai demonstration, has turned around, getting the numerous female to walk valiant spirited. “哼!”玉如梦仰着修长的颈脖杨开示威,转过身,领着众女雄赳赳气昂昂的走了。 In the main hall the atmosphere was very once awkward, Great Emperor and Mao Zhe and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, does not know that should say anything are good. 大殿内气氛一度十分尴尬,大帝们和茅哲等人面面相觑,也不知该说些什么才好。 This after all is others family affairs, they said that anything is inappropriate. Moreover just now Yu Rumeng spoken language, although was heavier, but, she does not want to make Yang Kai violate the danger by the body as we all know again, their own also thinks that even if Yu Rumeng non- forces in this manner, they will still persuade earnestly. 这毕竟是人家的家事,他们说什么都不合适。而且方才玉如梦言语虽然重了一些,但所有人都知道,她只是不想让杨开再以身犯险,他们自己也是这么想的,就算玉如梦不以这种方式胁迫,他们也会苦口相劝。 The stability related to 3000 Worlds, without the truth makes 6-Rank Open Heaven shoulder this heavy burden. 事关三千世界的安定,没道理将这重担让一个六品开天去背负。 This task is too heavy, High Heaven Palace Void Land cannot shoulder, Yang Kai cannot shoulder. 这个担子太重,凌霄宫虚空地背负不起,杨开更背负不起。 I have a look at the sisters-in-law.” Yang Xue stands, pursued, when stands firm to the main hall entrance time, turns away from Yang Kai saying: Big Brother, no matter you make anything to decide, I support you, but...... I do not approve of you!” “我去看看嫂子们。”杨雪站起来,追了出去,待到大殿门口时候站定,背对着杨开道:“大哥,不管你做什么决定,我支持你,但是……我不赞同你!” Said that moves sideways to go. 说完闪身而去。 Yang Kai sighed slightly, when made that decision, he has the preparation. 杨开微微叹了口气,在做出那个决定的时候,他就已经有心理准备了。 This with beforehand situation different. 这跟以前的情况不一样 Beforehand situation even again how critical, so long as turns danger into safety, can return safely. 以前的情况即便再如何危急,只要化险为夷,就能平安回归。 But this time is different, if really entered that black ink battlefield, was equal to abandoning 3000 Worlds all, was impossible to come back. 可是这一次不同,真要是进了那墨之战场,就等于抛弃了三千世界这边的一切,再也不可能回来了。 since ancient times, so many Cave Heaven Paradise Elite tread No-Return Pass, never some people return, naturally impossible to make an exception for him. 古往今来,那么多洞天福地精锐踏出不回关,从未有人返回,自然不可能为他破例。 Yu Rumeng detected this point keenly, therefore responded that so will be intense. 玉如梦敏锐地察觉到了这一点,所以反应才会那么激烈。 Also can persuade?” Yang Kai looked that asked to the people, although the backyard caught fire, Yu Rumeng was middle sent whirlwind, but he also had nothing embarrassed, in any case was one of us, lost face also to lose not. “诸位也要相劝吗?”杨开看向众人问道,虽然后院着火,玉如梦更是当中发了个飚,但他也没什么不好意思的,反正都是自家人,丢脸也丢不到哪去。 Zhan Wuhen said: Some of your decisions, only feared that urged also uselessly. Under let alone, turns out in full strength not to have the egg, if that Void Tunnel non- seal, really connected black ink battlefield, this 3000 Worlds who can cultivate one's own moral worth, you must go, then goes, family's matter, does not need too to be worried. If who dares while you not, when is close to several madames, I shiver his head.” 战无痕道:“你既有决定,只怕劝也无用。更何况,倾巢之下无完卵,若那虚空甬道不封印,真的连通了墨之战场,这三千世界谁又能独善其身,你要去的话,便去吧,家里的事,不用太担心。谁要是敢趁你不在的时候接近几位夫人,我敲碎他的脑袋。” This naturally is the joke, Yang Kai, even if really walked, Yu Rumeng and the others will not make anything, just now she said like that is obviously forcing Yang Kai to change the mind. 这当然是玩笑话,杨开即便真的走了,玉如梦等人也不会做什么,方才她那般说,明显是在逼迫杨开改变主意。 When walks?” Ghost Great Emperor Yao Jun asked. “什么时候走?”幽魂大帝爻君问道。 Yang Kai said: Also takes time, that Void Tunnel antiquity seal can also maintain the period of time, when I will handle the matter of expert head to walk.” 杨开道:“还要一段时间,那虚空甬道的上古封印还能维持一阵子,待我处理好手头的事才会走。” Yao Jun nods slightly: So also good, did not have extra worries, you also feel relieved.” 爻君微微颔首:“如此也好,没了后顾之忧,你也放心一些。” The people also said period of time words, this diverges. 众人又说了一阵子话,这才散去。 Yang Kai goes out of the station main hall, a face is sad. Although his madame are many, but to be honest, copes with the method of woman he is not really skilled, Yu Rumeng is leading the numerous female rebellion, he has not known how should go to comfort. 杨开走出驻地大殿,一脸忧愁。他夫人虽多,但说实话,对付女人的手段他还真的不太精通,玉如梦领着众女造反,他还不知道该去如何安抚。 Naturally, told them the own change idea, Yu Rumeng they definitely beamed from ear to ear immediately, but in heart not only had the resolution, how could and to change at will. 当然,告诉她们自己改变主意了,玉如梦她们肯定立马笑逐颜开,但心中既有决断,又岂能随意更改。 Yang Kai is not for the world general situation, but the person of honor of your visit children personal relationships, he did not have to this degree nobly. If Cave Heaven Paradise really has the capable person different gentleman solution at present this issue, he will not be certainly strong this head, but the present issue is, takes a broad view at the entire universe, besides him, no one can achieve again. 杨开并非为了世间大局而枉顾儿女私情之人,他还没高尚到这个程度。若是洞天福地真的有能人异士解决眼下这个问题,他当然不会强出这个头,但眼下的问题是,放眼整个乾坤,除了他之外,再无人能做到了。 He must this not be possible. 他非得出这个头不可。 Under those words, turn out in full strength not to have the egg, Black Ink Clan if really invades 3000 Worlds following Void Tunnel, when the time comes don't said several madames, High Heaven Palace Void Land, in the parents who in Star Boundary cares for the aged, no one want the auspicious day. 还是那句话,倾巢之下无完卵,墨族真要是顺着虚空甬道侵入三千世界,到时候莫说几位夫人,凌霄宫虚空地,还有在星界中养老的爹娘,谁也别想有好日子过。 This, he did not even have the means language on point of departure with Su Yan, Shan Qingluo and Zhu Qing says one. 这一趟,他甚至连临别之语都没办法跟苏颜,扇轻罗祝晴说上一句。 Because their three carry the strength of Holy Spirit, was taken away Ancestral Land practice not to turn over. 她们三个因为身负圣灵之力,被带去祖地修行至今未归。 Stands in the station Spirit Province edge, looks into the Void deep place, the Yang Kai thoughts transformation. Is thinking own this walks, truly had a deficit the madames many. Is together these years, own simply does not have many time to accompany probably side them, always has this and that matter to be encumbered, making him not probably stand still. 站在驻地灵州的边缘,眺望虚空深处,杨开心思变换。想着自己这一路走来,确实亏欠了夫人们好多。相处这么多年来,自己好像根本没多少时间陪伴在她们身旁,总是有这样那样的事缠身,让他不得停歇。 this time was more excessive, knew perfectly well that is one does not have the means road then, but must walk, perhaps this goes to the eternal life not to have the means to meet again, but before then has not even considered their feeling. 这一次就更过分了,明知是一条没办法回头的路,还要走出去,这一去或许永生都没办法再相见,而在此之前甚至都没有好好考虑过她们的感受。 Easy to place it, Yang Kai thought that perhaps own did not accept. Yu Rumeng middle to run amok, does not have scruples his face like that is only the normal reaction, if accepted calmly, that has the issue. 易身处之,杨开觉得自己恐怕也接受不了。玉如梦那般当中大闹,丝毫不顾忌他的脸面,只是正常反应,若是心平气和地接受了,那才是有问题。 Really is a waste! In the Yang Kai heart spurns ruthlessly own, sets firm resolve, at the worst, this time then kneels before them, begged their understanding and tolerances! 真是个人渣啊!杨开心中狠狠唾弃自己一声,下定决心,大不了,这一次便跪在她们面前,乞求她们的谅解和宽容! Turns around suddenly, the Yang Kai look firm does not vacillate, although ten million/countless person I toward! 骤然转身,杨开眼神坚定不动摇,虽千万人吾往矣! Just now the starting to walk step, Yang Xue then drops from the clouds hurriedly, falls to Yang Kai in front, said flustered: Big Brother, found you finally.” 才刚迈开步伐,杨雪便急匆匆地从天而降,落到杨开面前,慌慌张张道:“大哥,总算找到你了。” Yang Kai complexion one tight: What's wrong?” 杨开面色一紧:“怎么了?” Had an accident!” Yang Xue takes off/escapes the tastes. “出事了!”杨雪脱口道。 Had an accident!” Yang Kai has a big shock. “出什么事了!”杨开大惊失色。 Said not clear, you had a look to know with me in the past.” Yang Xue is so saying, holds the Yang Kai's arm, moves sideways then to walk. “说不清楚,你跟我过去看看就知道了。”杨雪这般说着,一把抓住杨开的胳膊,闪身便走。 A Yang Kai heart sinks downward, he does not know has an accident, makes the younger sister become this appearance unexpectedly anxiously, but she was found Yu Rumeng and the others before, could it be that Yu Rumeng did they have an accident? 杨开一颗心直往下沉,他也不知到底出了什么事,竟让妹妹急切成这个样子,但她之前是去找玉如梦等人的,难道玉如梦她们出什么事了? On the road asked several, Yang Xue shakes the head throughout does not answer, making Yang Kai even more anxious. 路上问了几句,杨雪始终摇头不答,让杨开愈发不安。 Then arrived at Spirit Province quickly, this does not know that is which Cave Heaven Paradise station, in any case at present Black Territory all Ore Star mined cleanness, is shatter size Spirit Province, Cave Heaven Lane Paradise several area big Spirit Province works as the station everywhere is the easy matter. 很快便到了一处灵州,这也不知道是哪家洞天福地的驻地,反正眼下黑域这边所有的矿星都被开采的干干净净,到处都是破碎的大小灵州,洞天福地几块面积大些的灵州当驻地乃是轻而易举之事。 On Spirit Province has a main hall. 灵州上有一座大殿。 Yang Xue brings Yang Kai to flush away toward the main hall. 杨雪带着杨开就往大殿内冲去。 Just now comes, both sides then well up several as pretty as a flower female, all beams from ear to ear, Yang Kai did not know. 才刚一进来,两旁便涌来几个如花似玉的女子,个个笑逐颜开,杨开一个也不认识。 Key these female each one cultivation level are exquisite, the body fills the 7-Rank Open Heaven strength to fluctuate. 关键这几个女子个个都修为精湛,身上弥漫着七品开天的力量波动。 This obviously is several high-rank Open Heaven. 这明显是几位上品开天 Yang Kai heart one tight, really does not know that this is what situation, the instinct somewhat is then vigilant. 杨开心头一紧,实在不知这到底是什么情况,本能地便有些警惕。 Yang Xue actually pushes Yang Kai grinningly, advances the front him. 杨雪却笑嘻嘻地一推杨开,将他推到前方。 That several female rashly, about support him, entrains is walking toward. 那几个女子不由分说,左右架住他,拽着就往里走。 What situation?” Yang Kai was done thoroughly ignorant, didn't say the matter? How many meanings at present is this jubilant aspect? “什么情况?”杨开被彻底搞懵了,不是说出事了?眼下这喜气洋洋的局面是几个意思? Big Brother do not fear, just now deceives your, without having an accident, your obediently coordination is good.” Yang Xue follows to walk toward inside together, walks while said comfortably. 大哥别怕,方才骗你的,没出什么事,你乖乖配合就好。”杨雪跟着一起往里面走,一边走一边宽慰道。 Does.” Yang Kai does not know whether to laugh or cry, own is also comforting the wives who must remarry anxiously, this was towed to come to here, about several as pretty as a flower cultivation level exquisite high-rank Open Heaven is holding under duress, the delicate fragrance soft jade surrounds, done he is very comfortable. “到底干什么啊。”杨开哭笑不得,自己还急着去安抚要改嫁的夫人们,这就被拖到这边来了,身旁几个如花似玉修为精湛的上品开天左右挟持着,幽香软玉环绕,搞的他好不自在。 Will know.” Yang Xue is smiling, does not speak the truth. “等会就知道了。”杨雪嬉皮笑脸,就是不说实话。 Yang Kai directed adeptly selected her, did not have the means that such a younger sister, has not taken care of her since childhood, has not accompanied her, but the bloodlines kinship made the Yang Kai sentence harsh language not hate with her to say continually. 杨开拿手指点了点她,也是没办法,就这么一个妹妹,从小没照顾过她,也没陪伴过她,但血脉亲情却让杨开连句重话都舍不得跟她说。 However looks at present this stance, feared that has not really had an accident, even if had an accident, is still the good deed. 不过看眼前这架势,怕是真没出什么事,就算出事了,也是好事。 Entered the inside room, this is a boudoir, the tip of the nose is obviously lingering the delicate fragrance, does not know that is which female room. 入了里间,这明显是一间闺房,鼻尖萦绕着清香,也不知是哪个女子的房间。 Yang Kai was entrained on a chair directly, about the shoulder strength depresses. 杨开直接被拽到了一张椅子上,左右肩头力道压下。 Sits down!” “坐下吧!”
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