MP :: Volume #48

#4775: Yang Kai is quite hurried

On Spirit Province, before the lake, Gu Pan both hands rest one's chin in one's hands, front fishing pole, the fish floats into the water, some fish swallow the bait she actually not to detect, the eye is looking at the water surface emptily, decides to be lost in thought. 灵州上,湖泊前,顾盼双手托腮,面前一根鱼竿,鱼漂入水,有鱼儿上钩她却毫无察觉,眼睛空洞地望着水面,定定出神。 Yang Kai this time comes Langya Paradise, brought news of black ink melting, she without doubt is very shocking, now in Langya does not know that hid many by black ink fellow apprentices , perhaps has the person who she is familiar with, but once they were looked, will have no good end inevitably. 杨开这一次前来琅琊福地,带来了墨化者的消息,她无疑是很震惊的,如今琅琊内也不知潜藏了多少被墨化的师兄弟,这其中,或许就有她熟悉的人,而他们一旦被找出来,势必没什么好下场。 Gu Pan does not want to see this, but also has no alternative. 顾盼不想看到这一幕,但又无可奈何。 Then at this time, unusual aura revealed from the back suddenly towering that aura flashes to pass freely, actually a feeling of extremely dislike. 便在这时,一股异样的气息忽然自背后突兀显露,那气息尽管一闪而逝,却给人一种极为厌恶的感觉。 In Gu Pan heart police trillion greatly fresh, almost without the least bit hesitates, engaging in self-examination is a palm after pats, the 6-Rank Open Heaven world mighty force stimulates to movement fierce. 顾盼心中警兆大生,几乎没有半点犹豫,反身就是一掌朝后拍去,六品开天的世界伟力凶猛催动。 However next flickers, she then looks the color of stunned, takes back the strength hastily most. 不过下一瞬,她便面露愕然之色,连忙将自身力量收回大半。 The palm prints light suddenly is appearing on his behind Yang Kai, Yang Kai as if struck by lightning, flies upside down loudly, in the midair the mouth spurts fresh blood, staggers to fall to the ground. 手掌轻飘飘地印在突然出现在他身后杨开身上,杨开如遭雷噬,轰然倒飞出去,半空中口喷鲜血,踉跄落地。 Gu Pan has a big shock: Senior Brother Yang!” 顾盼大惊失色:“杨师兄!” She is seeing clearly is the Yang Kai's time has then received the most strength, what the prestige of that palm is impossible to threaten to Yang Kai, therefore she somewhat cannot think through, own how Senior Brother Yang injuring? 她在看清是杨开的时候便已将大半力量收回来了,那一掌之威对杨开根本不可能有什么威胁,所以她有些想不通,自己怎么就把杨师兄给打伤了呢? What...... that disgusting is aura? 还有……那让人厌恶的气息又是什么? Yang Kai crawls, the hand is covering the chest, a look of face dispirited, said solemnly: Junior Sister, Senior Brother admitted defeat!” 杨开爬起来,手捂着胸口,一脸萎靡的神色,沉声道:“师妹果然了得,师兄认输!” Gu Pan is startled slightly, responded quickly, did not know whether to laugh or cry: Senior Brother does not need so!” 顾盼微微一怔,很快反应过来,哭笑不得:“师兄不必如此的!” Senior Brother Yang this clearly must deliver a own chance! 杨师兄这分明是要送自己一场机缘! In this trial , if can defeat Yang Kai, who can that Five Lights World informed and experienced chance. Yang Kai rushes to here specially, making her injure to admit defeat, the goal is why self-evident. 这一场试炼中,谁若是能击败杨开,谁就能得到进那五光界历练的机缘。杨开特意跑到这里来,让她打伤认输,目的为何已经不言而喻。 But he seems like serious of wound, should also be own compels a blood to come out. Gu Pan believes firmly how that palm Senior Brother Yang, cannot reduce and solve depending on his skill absolutely with ease. 而他看起来伤的严重,应该也是自己逼了一口血出来。顾盼确信那一掌绝对不会将杨师兄如何,凭他的本事轻松可以化解。 „The Junior Sister skill is deep, Senior Brother admire!” Yang Kai is still opening eyes to talk nonsense in that side. 师妹功力深厚,师兄佩服佩服!”杨开还在那边睁着眼说瞎话。 Sees him so to insist, Gu Pan also has to accompany his acrobatics to develop, the graceful ritual said: Receiving let Senior Brother!” 见他如此坚持,顾盼也只好陪着他把戏演完,盈盈一礼道:“承让了师兄!” Yang Kai nods slightly. 杨开微微颔首。 This trial, Langya must win! clear that this point he looks, if really does finally made him give to win, entire Langya did not have the face countenance, he came this is for black ink melting and Black Ink Clan, was not wrecks the event. 这一场试炼,琅琊必须胜!这一点他还是看的清的,真要是搞的最后让他给赢了,整个琅琊都没了颜面,他来此是为了墨化者和墨族,又不是来砸场子的。 Let alone, the this time trial he harvests big, is very satisfied. 更何况,这一次试炼他可是收获不小,已经很满足了。 But defeats his person to enter Five Lights World to be informed and experienced, the this kind of opportunity gives Gu Pan is also good. 而打败他的人便可进入五光界历练,这样的机会送给顾盼也不错。 Trial almost should end, Junior Sister sees Headmaster along with me.” Yang Kai said. “试炼差不多该结束了,师妹随我去见掌教吧。”杨开说道。 Good!” Gu Pan nods, then stern saying: Senior Brother Yang, thank you!” “好!”顾盼点点头,然后正色道:“杨师兄,谢谢你!” She after promoting 6-Rank few years, has then entered Langya Small Source World informed and experienced one time, even if she were straight promote 6-Rank Core Disciple, still no means entered in short time again the second time, entire Langya so many Open Heaven Stage waited in lining up, the Sect high level cannot extremely favor her. 她在晋升六品之后没几年,便已进入过琅琊小源界历练一次,不过就算她是直晋六品核心弟子,也没办法在短时间内再进第二次,整个琅琊那么多开天境在排队等候,宗门高层也不能太过偏袒她。 Now can enter the Small Source World informed and experienced words again, has the great benefit to her growth. 如今能再进小源界历练的话,对她的成长也有巨大好处。 Sky over Flowerless Spirit Province, everyone calmly is waiting for anything. 无华灵州上空,所有人都在静静等候着什么。 After the moment, two flowing light speed away to come from the distant place, detects the sound, numerous Langya Open Heaven turn head to look. 片刻后,两道流光从远处疾驰而来,察觉动静,众多琅琊开天扭头望去。 Coming back surnamed Yang!” “姓杨的回来了!” His side that is...... is Junior Sister Gu!” “他身边那个是……是顾师妹啊!” Well, this surnamed Yang how to be pale, aura is impractical, does the appearance that probably is seriously injured, fear by Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother not punching?” “咦,这姓杨的怎么脸色苍白,气息虚浮,好像受了重伤的样子,怕不是被乐莽大师兄给揍的?” Just now Yue Mang runs black and blue, had been obviously defeated by Yang Kai, but it is estimated that Yang Kai after his battle where good to not to go, if this by Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother punching, pours can also understand. 方才乐莽鼻青脸肿地跑回来,明显已经被杨开击败,但估计杨开与他一场争斗之后也不会好到哪去,这若是被乐莽大师兄给揍的,倒也可以理解。 Some person of eyes shine: „, This surnamed Yang with a Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother fierce combat, carries the severe wound, then did Junior Sister Gu convenient give to beat him?” 有人眼睛发亮:“如此说来,这姓杨的与乐莽大师兄一场激战,身负重伤,然后顾师妹顺手将他给击败了?” Hears these words, the people look inspires greatly. 听到这句话,众人神色大振。 for a moment, Junior Sister Gu because of liking living to hate, to beat severely the heartless clever scene to give free reign to the imagination in many mind, each one thought that Junior Sister Gu dry/does good, looks at Yang Kai that face pale appearance, was very at heart carefree. 一时间,顾师妹因爱生恨,痛打负心贼的场景在不少人脑海中畅想起来,个个都觉得顾师妹干的好,看杨开那一脸苍白的模样,心里别提多畅快了。 Yang Kai has seen the two senior!” Arrives in front of Li Yuanwang and Gao Ting, Yang Kai salutes respectfully. 杨开见过两位前辈!”来到李元望高庭面前,杨开恭敬行礼。 Has seen Honored Master, has seen Master-Aunt Gao!” Gu Pan also salutes. “见过师尊,见过高师叔!”顾盼也行礼。 Gao Ting is looking at Gu Pan kindly. 高庭和蔼地望着顾盼 Li Yuanwang said: Who wins who loses?” 李元望道:“谁胜谁负?” Yang Kai grins to smile: Younger generation loses to the hand of Junior Sister Gu!” 杨开咧嘴笑了笑:“晚辈败于顾师妹之手!” Li Yuanwang puts out a hand to caress must, is looking at a Yang Kai being a promising young man look, although in heart already bright mirror, but the Yang Kai's approach satisfies him very without doubt, this fellow time on jumps to flee in Langya, done many complaints, if not for the status is inappropriate, Li Yuanwang wants to intend to teach him personally, now this boy is tactful, knows that kept a fig leaf to Langya, this face has not lost finally cleanly. 李元望伸手抚须,望着杨开一副孺子可教的神色,虽然心中早已明镜似的,但杨开的做法无疑让他很满意,这家伙这段时间琅琊内上蹦下窜,搞的怨声载道,若不是身份不合适,李元望都想亲自出手教训他了,如今这小子还算识趣,知道给琅琊留了一块遮羞布,这脸面总算没丢干净。 Slightly hesitates, the clear and resonant voice shouted: Now Langya hanger-on disciple Gu Pan, after untold hardships, defeats Yang Kai, the prize enters Five Lights World informed and experienced opportunity one time, when other disciple guard against arrogance and impetuosity, practice, will walk diligently in the future 3000 Worlds, strictly adheres to the conscience, gives me Langya to lose face not by any means.” 略一沉吟,朗声喝道:“今琅琊门下弟子顾盼,历经千辛万苦,击败杨开,奖入五光界历练机会一次,其余弟子当戒骄戒躁,努力修行,日后行走三千世界,谨守本心,切莫给我琅琊丢脸。” Numerous Langya Open Heaven said with one voice: Respectfully follows the command of Headmaster!” 众多琅琊开天齐声道:“谨遵掌教之令!” Gu Pan somewhat blushes, anything after untold hardships, Honored Master also is really, she patted a palm conveniently, finally Senior Brother own spat blood. 顾盼有些脸红,什么历经千辛万苦,师尊也真是的,她就是随手拍了一掌,结果师兄自己吐血了。 Honored Master definitely knows this point, opens eyes to talk nonsense. 师尊肯定知道这一点,偏偏也睁眼说瞎话。 Ok, this trial then ended hence, Gu Pan you come along with me!” “好了,此次试炼至此便结束了,顾盼你随我来!” Yes!” Gu Pan should say. “是!”顾盼应道。 Li Yuanwang and Gao Ting turn around then to walk, but before leaving, suddenly the big hand wields, when is blustery, 1-layer transparent light barrier covered entire Flowerless Spirit Province, as if a large bowl buckled. 李元望高庭转身便走,不过临走之前,忽然大手一挥,风起云涌之时,一层透明的光幕笼罩住了整个无华灵州,仿佛一只大碗扣了下来。 On that light barrier flowing light flashes, impressively is 1-layer restriction Formation, but Li Yuanwang as Langya Headmaster, has to open the restriction Formation jurisdiction. 光幕流光闪动,赫然是一层禁制大阵,而李元望身为琅琊掌教,自有开启着禁制大阵的权限。 The Yang Kai complexion was at that time black: Senior, what is this?” 杨开脸色当时就黑了:“前辈,这是什么意思?” When Li Yuanwang has not heard, several steps trod Flowerless Spirit Province, the figure changed to flowing light, went far away rapidly. 李元望当没听到,几步就踏出了无华灵州,身形化作流光,迅速远去。 Why one crowd of Langya Open Heaven also some puzzled Headmaster opened Flowerless Spirit Province restriction Formation suddenly, but quick responded, turns the head, simultaneous looks toward Yang Kai. 一群琅琊开天原本还有些不解掌教为什么忽然开启了无华灵州禁制大阵,不过很快都反应了过来,一转头,齐齐杨开望去。 Stands in Void, Yang Kai forehead cold sweat streaming under. 站在虚空中,杨开额头冷汗涔涔而下。 Forms from approach in all directions slowly, quick then watertight that he assembles, in that vision, is both passing harboring evil intentions. 一道道身影自四面八方慢慢逼近过来,很快便将他围聚的水泄不通,那一双双目光中,皆都透着不怀好意。 The this kind of vision, has several hundred fully! 这样的目光,足有数百道! Has to pinch the fist, sends out in bang crack. 更有捏着拳头,发出噼里啦的炸响。 The Yang Kai corners of the mouth twitch, the look looks limpidly to all around, squeezes out a hollow laugh: Senior Brother, you can't win them all, reprisal breeds reprisal when!” 杨开嘴角抽动,眼神清澈地望向四周,挤出一丝干笑:“诸位师兄,胜败乃兵家常事,冤冤相报何时了!” Present Flowerless Spirit Province, but changed to the prisoner's cage truly, does not break that to forbid Formation, Yang Kai not to walk, but under this Formation Heaven-Sealing Earth-Lock power and influence, flickered the technique of moving unable to play the least bit role. 如今的无华灵州,可是真正地化作了囚笼,不打破那禁止大阵,杨开根本别想走出去,而在这大阵封天锁地的威势下,瞬移之术也发挥不了半点作用。 Several hundred Langya Open Heaven eye covetously, Yang Kai is quite hurried! 数百琅琊开天虎视眈眈,杨开好慌! Senior Sister Zhou is looking at him with clenched jaws: Surnamed Yang, your didn't expect own will have today! Before punched is so happy, then asked you who we punched to know that what was thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west!” 周师姐咬牙切齿地望着他:“姓杨的,你没想到自己会有今天吧!之前揍我们揍的那么开心,这下叫你知道什么叫三十年河东三十年河西!” Yang Kai argued palely: This Senior Sister you misunderstood, before because of the trial, the little brother compelled to have no other choice but to act like that is not original wishes!” 杨开苍白辩解:“这位师姐你误会了,之前不过是因为试炼,小弟逼不得已才会那般出手,并非本愿!” Buying and selling by using compulsion your Healing Pill is also compels to have no other choice?” Some hostages asked. “强买强卖你那疗伤丹也是逼不得已?”有人质问。 Words that...... fellow apprentices can not understand, Ok!” Yang Kai nods layer on layer/heavily. “唔……诸位师兄师姐非要这么理解的话,也可以!”杨开重重点头。 Rubbish with him, first hit one to say again!” Some people shouted angrily. “别跟他废话,先打一顿再说!”有人怒喝。 In this time Langya Open Heaven hearts is suppressing all at once, so many fellow apprentices apprentice sisters by the Yang Kai's violent treachery, this fellow slippery is like the loach, how no one can take him. 这一段时间琅琊开天们心中可是憋着一股气,那么多师兄弟师姐妹遭了杨开的毒手,偏偏这家伙滑的跟泥鳅一样,谁也不能拿他怎么样。 Now with the strength of Headmaster, becomes the dead pigeon him sleepily, what does that hesitate? 如今借掌教之力,将他困成瓮中之鳖,那还犹豫什么? Senior Brother Junior Brother, Senior Sister Junior Sister, has a grudge to revenge, has the resentment to seek vengeance!” A person bellows. “诸位师兄师弟,师姐师妹,有仇报仇,有怨报怨啊!”一人大吼。 A large crowd submerges the Yang Kai's figure in all directions instantaneously. 紧接着四面八方一大群人瞬间将杨开的身形淹没。 Yang Kai counterattacked furiously several, discovered that has no effect, can only grasp the head: Do not apply makeup!” 杨开奋力还击了几下,发现根本没什么效果,只能一把抱住脑袋:“别打脸!” Rolls up the body, is withstanding that violent storm attack silently. 蜷缩起身子,默默承受着那狂风暴雨般的攻击 Makes, making, making me also trample his foot!” “让一让,让一让,让我也踹他一脚!” This fist punches for Junior Sister Gu, Junior Sister Gu is so good gentle person you is also willing to start, really irritated me!” “这一拳是替古师妹揍的,古师妹那样善良温柔的人儿你也舍得下手,真是气死我了!” „After which bastard touches me ass, is the father the man you also touches?” “哪个混蛋摸我后腚,老子是男人你也摸?” „, Senior Brother was embarrassed, touches touched mistakenly wrong!” “啊,师兄不好意思,摸错了摸错了!” Un? Whom do you want to touch?” “嗯?你原本想摸谁?” Whom...... does not want to touch!” “……也没想摸谁!” Here has Senior Brother to play the hooligan, Senior Sister Junior Sister punches him quickly!” “这里有个师兄耍流氓,师姐师妹们快来揍他!” Do not apply makeup, the face also wants!” “别打脸,脸还要!” ...... …… Boundless many 6-Rank Open Heaven, Yang Kai does not know that own was punched many fists, trampled many feet, only felt that the whole person was about to break. 茫茫多的六品开天啊,杨开也不知道自己被揍了多少拳,踹了多少脚,只感觉整个人都快散架了。 Inside person punched tired, had outside person to come to take over, was you sings me to arrive seriously, takes place of the fallen, continuous, scene for a moment was extremely cruel! 里面的人揍累了,自有外面的人前来接手,当真是你方唱罢我登场,前仆后继,连绵不绝,场面一时间极度残忍! Crossed 5 minutes of time, Senior Sister Zhou drank one tenderly: Good, do not hit, the words that hits again really must destroy, then Junior Sister Gu must love dearly!” 足足过了一炷香时间,周师姐才娇喝一声:“好了好了,都别打了,再打的话真要打坏了,回头顾师妹要心疼了!” Senior Sister Zhou is quite prestigious in Sect, her drinks, the chaotic scene can contain. 周师姐宗门中还是颇有威望的,她一声喝出,混乱的场面才得以遏制。 Yang Kai one in rags, the body is the footprint, was very distressed. 杨开一身衣衫褴褛,身上全是脚印,别提多狼狈了。 Good to protect the face at crucial moments, can see the person finally. 好在危急时刻护住了脸,总算还能见人。 At this moment, the Yang Kai whole person presents the big font to lie down on the ground, a being survivor of disaster expression. 此时此刻,杨开整个人呈现大字型躺在地上,一副劫后余生的表情。 Senior Sister Zhou arrives in front of him, is looking at him exhaltedly, light snort/hum said: Calculates that your conscience, the last chance will also a little give Junior Sister Gu!” 周师姐来到他面前,居高临下地望着他,轻哼道:“算你还有点良心,将最后的机会送给顾师妹!” They are not the fools, finally Yang Kai defeated Yue Mang, actually loses to the hand of Gu Pan, how inside story, has the brain can guess, this obviously was Yang Kai enters the Five Lights World informed and experienced opportunity to give Gu Pan that. 他们也不是傻子,最后杨开击败了乐莽,却败于顾盼之手,这其中内情如何,有脑子的都能猜得出来,这明显是杨开将那进五光界历练的机会送给了顾盼 . That anything, reads article sand dragon, the set out Singapore Malaysia, takes one week, renews cannot break, but should only then one, everyone crowding looked again. 那个啥,阅文沙龙,出发新加坡马来西亚,要一个星期,更新不会断,不过应该只有一更了,大家攒攒再看。 . The cell phone version renews the quickest website: 。手机版更新最快网址:
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