MP :: Volume #48

#4769: You is a person

In the team, is low-spirited, Gu Ling'er and two same side spreads rapidly toward nearby Spirit Province, this team only has the final three people, at all possibly is not the Yang Kai's opponent, must therefore probably find other teams to seek harbour. 队伍中,士气低迷,古灵儿两位同门急速朝附近灵州驰去,她这队伍只剩下最后三人,根本不可能是杨开的对手,所以必须得找到其他队伍寻求庇护。 She has subpoenaed nearby Spirit Province leading Senior Brother, that Senior Brother also gets the own team member to aid to come toward here urgently, for fear that came Gu Ling'er and the others to encounter accidental/surprised late. 她已传讯附近一座灵州的带队师兄,那师兄也领着自己的队员火急火燎地朝这边接应而来,唯恐来晚了古灵儿等人遭遇意外 Surnamed Yang why stares at us not to put!” In the team, a Sun Junior Brother face grief and indignation wants certainly. “姓杨的为何盯着我们不放!”队伍中,一位孙姓师弟一脸悲愤欲绝。 Since Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother transmitted orders changed the strategy of dealing, their team is first bitter experience Yang Kai, then personnel losses. 乐莽大师兄传令下来改变了应对的策略之后,他们这一支队伍便是第一个遭遇杨开,然后减员的。 Then less than the half day time, fellow apprentices in team was then missing merely. 这才仅仅不到半日功夫,队伍中的师兄弟便一个又一个失踪了。 Although other teams have the missing personnel losses, but the situation does not have them is so serious certainly, Yang Kai times look for them, the done present their one line of six people only had three. 其他队伍虽然也有失踪减员的,但情况绝没他们这么严重,杨开一次次过来找他们,搞的如今他们原本一行六人只剩下三个了。 Aspect bad in the extreme, after their team is very likely to become the change strategy, the first team of being annihilated! 局面恶劣的无以复加,他们这一支队伍极有可能会成为改变策略后,全军覆没的第一队! Where did we offend him?” Another 6-Rank opens the mouth to say. “咱们是不是什么地方得罪他了?”另外一个六品开口道。 Junior Brother Sun dejectedly said: I have not offended him, did you offend him?” 孙师弟沮丧道:“我没得罪他啊,你们得罪他了吗?” I do not have!” “我也没有啊!” two people looks together toward Gu Ling'er, if no one offends him, that might be because of the Junior Sister Gu reason. 两人一起朝古灵儿望去,若是没人得罪他的话,那极有可能是因为古师妹的缘故了。 This bastard surnamed Yang is really the color local ruffian, has thoughtless sex at first and abandonment later to Junior Sister Gu, ancient and modern did could it be that have a liking for Junior Sister Gu? 这姓杨的混蛋果然是个色痞,对顾师妹始乱终弃也就罢了,古今难道还看上了古师妹 Read hence, two 6-Rank all boundless heroic feelings! 一念至此,两个六品皆都无限豪情! Sun 6-Rank said solemnly: Junior Sister Gu, later that surnamed Yang, if appears again, you hurry to escape, I and Junior Brother Qian will block at risk of life his, you may ten million/countless unable to fall into his evil clutches!” 那孙姓六品沉声道:“古师妹,待会那姓杨的若是再出现,你赶紧逃,我与钱师弟会拼死拦住他的,你可千万不能落入他的魔掌!” Junior Sister Gu is so gentle good person, if falls to that boy hand, they do not dare to imagine can have what consequence. 古师妹这般温柔善良的人儿若是落到那小子手中,他们都不敢想象会有什么后果。 The Gu Ling'er sound is supple: How can make two Senior Brother violate the danger by the body, since we are a team, that naturally must with drawing back!” 古灵儿声音柔柔的:“怎能让两位师兄以身犯险,我们既然是一个队伍,那自然是要同进同退!” Junior Brother Sun is deeply moved, the corner of the eye somewhat was moist, said anything again time, one side Qian 6-Rank suddenly big shout: Came!” 孙师弟大为感动,眼角都有些湿润了,正待再开口说些什么的时候,一旁钱姓六品忽然大喝:“来了!” The space exudes the ripples again, this is the indication of Space Principle stimulation of movement, before Yang Kai presented time, every had the this kind of sound one time. 空间再度泛起涟漪,这正是空间法则催动的征兆,之前杨开出现的时候,每一次都有这样的动静。 Sure enough, after the moment, Yang Kai came towering, blocked their way, is looking at opposite three people, cracked into a smile. 果不其然,片刻后,杨开突兀地现身,拦住了他们的去路,望着对面三人,咧嘴一笑。 Sun 6-Rank clenches teeth, suddenly faces forward to step forward one step, blocks before the Gu Ling'er body, at the same time bellows: Junior Sister Gu escapes quickly!” 孙姓六品咬牙,猛地朝前跨出一步,拦在古灵儿身前,一边大吼:“古师妹快逃!” At the same time honour does not allow one to glance back toward the Yang Kai rush in the past. 一边义无反顾地朝杨开冲杀过去。 Then...... then did not have then...... 然后……便没有然后了…… Is looking place that front Yang Kai and Sun 6-Rank vanishes together, Qian 6-Rank urgently urgently said: Junior Sister Gu, we walk quickly, cannot make Senior Brother Sun sacrifice in vain!” 望着前方杨开和孙姓六品一起消失的地方,那钱姓六品急急道:“古师妹,咱们快走吧,不能让孙师兄白白牺牲!” The Gu Ling'er knowledge is unable to avenge a grievance for that Senior Brother Sun, can only nod saying: Good!” 古灵儿也知无法替那孙师兄报仇雪恨,只能点头道:“好!” However after ten breaths, Yang Kai then appears again, gave to seize that money Senior Brother. 然而才不过十息之后,杨开便再度出现,将那钱师兄也给抓走了。 Then the entire team only has Gu Ling'er one person, she is clenching teeth, is shouldering the hope of entire team and in the future, the figure plunders rapidly toward nearby Spirit Province. 这下整个队伍就只剩下古灵儿一人,她咬着牙,背负着整支队伍的希望和未来,身形急速朝附近灵州掠去。 , The field of vision prints piece of flowing light by far, was nearby that Spirit Province Senior Brother catches up to aid impressively. 远远地,视野印入一片流光,赫然是那附近灵州师兄们赶来接应了。 Gu Ling'er cannot bear relax. 古灵儿忍不住松了口气。 Lead Senior Brother that the opposite spreads also saw the Gu Ling'er form obviously, the enthusiasm greeted: Junior Sister Gu comes quickly!” 对面驰来的领头师兄显然也看到了古灵儿的身影,热情招呼道:“古师妹快过来!” Gu Ling'er nods, then at this time, the mutation broke out, front Void caved in suddenly, a jet black black hole towering formation. 古灵儿点点头,便在这时,异变突起,前方虚空忽然塌陷,一个漆黑的黑洞突兀成型。 That black hole is connecting unknown, inside piece of Nihility, making one be awed at the sight. 那黑洞连接着未知,内里一片虚无,让人望而生畏。 The Gu Ling'er complexion changes, then must live in the figure hastily, the dangerous strategic place stopped in the black hole front. 古灵儿脸色一变,连忙便要顿住身形,险险地停在了黑洞前方。 Then has not waited for on her loosen the one breath, in that black hole finds out big hand unexpectedly suddenly, caught her. 然后还不等她松上一口气,那黑洞之中竟突然探出一只大手,一把将她抓了进去。 Leaves behind Gu Ling'er one to call out in alarm same place! 原地留下古灵儿一声惊叫! Junior Sister Gu!” The front aids the team leader Senior Brother grief and indignation of coming to bellow, 32 steps rush to the near, but also has the Gu Ling'er form at present, is that sudden black hole also vanishes to disappear. 古师妹!”前方接应而来的领队师兄悲愤大吼,三两步赶到近前,可眼前哪还有古灵儿的身影,便是那突然出现的黑洞也消失不见了。 One group of people somewhat are scared! The team leader Senior Brother complexion is extremely ugly. 一群人都有些失魂落魄!领队师兄的脸色更是极为难看。 He after receiving the pass on message of Gu Ling'er, immediately then came to aid, but the didn't expect Yang Kai's efficiency unexpectedly was so high, then in only remaining three people the Gu Ling'er team defeated in so short time respectively, finally in his line of sight institute and place, seized Gu Ling'er. 他在接到古灵儿的传讯后,第一时间便前来接应了,可怎么也没想到杨开的效率竟然这么高,在如此短的时间内便将古灵儿队伍中仅剩下的三人分别击破,最后更是在他的视线所及的地方,将古灵儿也擒走了。 Pass on message......” in team leader Senior Brother surface a piece dignified solemn and respectful: Junior Sister Gu leads the team, is annihilated, Earth Fiend Spirit Province, falls to the enemy!” “传讯……”领队师兄面上一片凝重肃穆:“古师妹所率队伍,全军覆没,地煞灵州,沦陷!” In team some people message transfer. 队伍中有人将讯息传递出去。 Has flashed status Token that non-stop to be suddenly quiet. 一直闪动不停的身份令牌忽然沉寂下来。 After the moment, frequency anxious news from each 6-Rank Open Heaven status Token unconstrainedly, news shuttle in. 片刻后,更加频急的讯息从每一个六品开天的身份令牌上跌宕而起,一道道讯息穿梭其中。 Is Junior Sister Gu avenges a grievance!” “为古师妹报仇雪恨!” Does not seize that Yang Kai, the Wu oath is not a person!” “不擒那杨开,武某誓不为人!” Simply crazed, even Junior Sister Gu like that gentle person his also being able to get down hand, surnamed Yang is really not the person!” “简直丧心病狂,连古师妹那般温柔的人儿他也下得去手,姓杨的真不是人!” Who saw him? I must fight to the death with him!” “谁见到他了吗?我要跟他决一死战啊啊啊啊啊!” ...... …… Gu Ling'er is not only extremely high in the floor disciples popularity, then in these Open Heaven Stage fellow apprentices is also same, but also is higher. 古灵儿不但在底层弟子们人气极高,便是在这些开天境师兄弟们中也是一样,而且更高。 After all floor disciple because of the reason of position, often cannot see this Martial Uncle Gu, Open Heaven Stage on different, Gu Ling'er did not close up practice the time, sometimes the method can do with them. 毕竟底层弟子因为身份地位的原因,也不是时常能见到这位古师叔的,开天境不一样了,古灵儿不闭关修行的时候,时常便会与他们打打交道。 On Spirit Province that Gu Ling'er occupies, has fellow apprentices to wait after the method foolishly, only to see one side her from afar, or pretended to pass by, notified her, looked that she smiled to the own show/unfolds face, is then well satisfied. 古灵儿所居的灵州上,经常便有师兄弟痴心等候,只为远远见她一面,或者假装路过,跟她打个招呼,看她对自己展颜一笑,便已心满意足。 Headmaster Li Yuanwang also once intended to make Gu Ling'er search one person in Inner Sect, becomes the companion, however this matter finally actually has not become, some rumors said that Gu Ling'er wholeheartedly only thinks practice now, climbs the Martial Dao peak, therefore has not considered to the companion incident. 掌教李元望也曾有意让古灵儿宗内寻觅一人,结为伴侣,然而这事最后却没成,有传言说古灵儿如今一心只想修行,攀登武道更高峰,所以对伴侣一事并未多做考虑。 This also gave the numerous fellow apprentices greatest hopes. 这也给了众多师兄弟莫大的希望。 But now, this was regarded as life protection person by many Senior Brother, unexpectedly by Yang Kai this foreign family seizing, in addition fellow surnamed Yang had to the criminal record that Junior Sister Gu has thoughtless sex at first and abandonment later, where can the people feel relieved? 而如今,这位被不少师兄们视为一生守护的人儿,竟被杨开这个外来户给抓走了,再加上姓杨的家伙有对顾师妹始乱终弃的前科,众人哪能放心? Many fellow apprentices quick were insane, searches for the Yang Kai's trace urgently, for fear that Gu Ling'er is together to have what serious accidental/surprised with him alone. 不少师兄弟都快疯了,紧急搜寻杨开的踪影,唯恐古灵儿与他单独相处发生什么不得了的意外 But the Yang Kai's whereabouts has become the riddle, moreover mysteriously appears and disappears, even if searched for could not find the least bit clue. 杨开的行踪一直成谜,而且神出鬼没的,纵然搜寻也找不到半点线索。 small Spirit Province above, Yang Kai calmly looks is standing before her, face vigilant Gu Ling'er, brow tight wrinkle, an awkward expression. 一座小小的灵州之上,杨开静静地望着站在她面前,一脸警惕的古灵儿,眉头紧皱,一副为难的表情。 Gu Ling'er is also observing Yang Kai, although this time entire Langya the noise that because the Yang Kai's arrival does is lively, but Gu Ling'er this is the first time sees this Senior/true body. 古灵儿也在观察杨开,虽然这段时间整个琅琊都因为杨开的到来搞的喧嚣热闹,但古灵儿这还是头一次见到本尊 At first sight, nothing special, although the appearance is good, is impressive, but Open Heaven Stage of appearance bearing were so many, really cannot see has any unusual place, lets so many fellow apprentices total defeat unexpectedly. 乍一看,没什么特别的,虽然样貌不俗,气度不凡,但如此样貌气度的开天境多了去,也实在看不出到底有什么与众不同的地方,竟让那么多师兄弟都折戟沉沙。 However with fellow apprentices when the difference of the exchange describing, this moment Yang Kai face puzzled expression, somewhat seemed to be hard to make a decision, high and low carefully examined her, did not start talking. 不过跟师兄弟们在交流时描述的不同,此刻杨开一脸纠结的表情,似乎有些难以决断,上下审视她,也不开口说话。 Finally Gu Ling'er first opened the mouth: My age is bigger than you, practice is time longer than you, shouts you Junior Brother?” 最终还是古灵儿先开口了:“我年纪比你大,修行时间比你久,喊你一声师弟可以吗?” Her sound delicate as water, can stimulate the protection desire of man. 她的声音柔弱似水,很能激发男人的保护欲。 Un, might as well!” Yang Kai beckons with the hand, if, this entire Langya 6-Rank is his fellow apprentices, except for Gu Pan this new promote 6-Rank. “嗯,无妨无妨!”杨开摆摆手,真要是算起来,这整个琅琊六品都是他的师兄师姐,除了顾盼这个新晋六品 What can Junior Brother Yang make to me?” Gu Ling'er is tilting the head, a face simple-hearted appearance, the eye bent the crescent moon shape, without the meaning of many fearing, is saying with a smile slightly: Sells your Healing Pill? I heard that each by fellow apprentices that you defeat, must buy one from your.” 杨师弟要对我做什么呢?”古灵儿歪着头,一脸天真无邪的样子,眼睛弯成了月牙形,也没有多少惧怕的意思,微微笑着道:“卖你那疗伤丹吗?我听说每一个被你击败的师兄弟,都得从你这买一枚。” The Yang Kai nod said: Healing Pill must certainly sell......” 杨开点头道:“疗伤丹肯定是要卖的……” „Do I buy one?” Gu Ling'er winked under the big eye to him, takes one set of 6-Rank resources is right?” “那我买一枚?”古灵儿冲他眨了下大眼睛,“是要一套六品资源对吧?” Yang Kai smiled: Quotation your very clear.” 杨开笑了:“行情你们都很清楚嘛。” Gu Ling'er purses the lips saying: So many fellow apprentices bought, the news naturally can pass on, if the person does not know, only if oneself don't for, Junior Brother Yang you did say?” 古灵儿抿嘴道:“那么多师兄弟都买了,消息自然会传出来的,若要人不知,除非己莫为,杨师弟你说是吧?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle: What is Senior Sister this is suggesting my?” 杨开眉头一皱:“师姐这是在暗示我什么?” Gu Ling'er shakes the head saying: „, I have not spoken thoughtlessly a saying.” Evil ways: Junior Brother, I buy Healing Pill, about is not your opponent, is eliminated.” 古灵儿摇头道:“并没有,我只是随口一说。”顿了下道:“师弟,我买一枚疗伤丹吧,左右不是你对手,就此出局也罢。” Who once thinks, Yang Kai shakes the head unexpectedly. 谁曾想,杨开居然摇了摇头。 Gu Ling'er is puzzled: Junior Brother what meaning?” 古灵儿不解:“师弟何意?” Is this plans to let off own? Pouring is not impossible, Gu Ling'er also knows that own in the male person eyes is what appearance, if said Yang Kai for this reason but leaves a loophole the past to her also saying. 这是打算放过自己吗?倒也不是不可能,古灵儿也知道自己在男人眼中是什么样子,若说杨开因为这个原因而对她网开一面也说的过去。 Will open the mouth to express gratitude, actually listens to Yang Kai saying: On Senior Sister has not injured, has no need for Healing Pill.” 正要开口道谢,却听杨开道:“师姐身上没伤,用不着疗伤丹。” This really must let off own...... 这果然是要放过自己啊…… Gu Ling'er show/unfolds face smile, although she also knows that the charm of own this damn nowhere imposition sometimes is not the good thing, but if but therefore saved one set of 6-Rank resources, pouring is also a good deed. 古灵儿展颜微笑,虽然她也知道自己这该死的无处安放的魅力有时候不是什么好东西,但若因此而省了一套六品资源,倒也是一桩好事。 Yang Kai has gotten hold of the fist, pinched in bang sound: Was inferior that I first injure Senior Sister, that needed Healing Pill!” 杨开已握紧拳头,捏的噼里啦响:“不如我先将师姐打伤,那就需要疗伤丹了!” Gu Ling'er: „......!” 古灵儿:“……!” Are you a person? Are you evil spirit? 你还是人吗?你是妖魔吧? „Is Junior Brother cracking a joke?” The smiling face on Gu Ling'er face is somewhat stiff. Yang Kai shakes the head, toward her approaches while stern saying: Little brother does business, is always just, comes, Senior Sister is enduring, I ensure does not hit your face!” 师弟在开玩笑吗?”古灵儿脸上的笑容有些僵硬。杨开摇头,一边朝她逼近一边正色道:“小弟做生意,向来公道,来来来,师姐忍着点,我保证不打你脸!” Gu Ling'er some are pale immediately, the figure staggers retreat. 古灵儿顿时有些脸色苍白,身形踉跄后退 Suddenly Yang Kai lives in the figure, intertwines extremely: Hits the woman not well always...... yeah, I really am sweep the floor to fear the wound cricket lowly life, treasures sand Efei the illuminator!” 忽然杨开又顿住身形,纠结万分:“不过打女人总是不好的啊……哎,我果然是扫地恐伤蝼蚁命,爱惜沙娥飞照灯!” He raises head the sigh, an expression of sad Heaven pities person. 他仰头叹息,一副悲天怜人的表情。 Gu Ling'er relaxes, said: Junior Brother, does not need so to rebuke oneself, I bought Healing Pill to be OK.” 古灵儿松了口气,道:“师弟,不必如此自责,我买一枚疗伤丹就可以了。” Yang Kai looks at her suddenly: Senior Sister or own begin, I feared me, if begins, does not grasp well the strength, really makes into the severe wound is not good Senior Sister.” 杨开忽然看她:“师姐还是自己动手吧,我怕我若是动手的话,把握不好力道,真将师姐打成重伤就不好了。”
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