MP :: Volume #48

#4765: Crazed

Waits for not much time, several forms have then spread from the above hand in hand, respective Spiritual Mind surges, noses all suspicious whereabouts. 不多时,几道身影便联袂从上方驰过,各自神念涌动,查探一切可疑行迹。 Does a Yang Kai brow wrinkle, think in this team also to have 5-Rank? This was too does not place in the eye own, how can this endure? 杨开眉头一皱,心想这队伍里怎么还有五品的?这是太不把自己放在眼中了啊,这如何能忍? The figure shoots up to the sky, compels toward that line of four people! 身形冲天而起,直朝那一行四人逼去! In that four people, there is two 6-Rank, two 5-Rank, is assuming the awl exploration search, thinks suddenly below wild aura sweeps across to come like the tsunami, immediately has a big shock. 那四人中,有两位六品,两位五品,正呈锥子型探索搜寻,忽觉下方狂暴气息如海啸般席卷而来,顿时都大惊失色。 However has not waited for them to look at to understand, the Yang Kai figure has banged into their camps like the flying arrow, the copious governing world mighty force sweeps across not, that two 5-Rank such as the dugout canoe in violent storm, the figure blows hot and cold immediately, staggers. 然而还不等他们瞧个明白,杨开身形已如离弦之箭般撞入他们的阵营中,沛然莫御的世界伟力席卷开来,那两个五品当即如狂风暴雨中的独木舟,身形摇摆不定,踉跄不已。 Strives to stand firm the figure in a hurry, when decides the eye looks, 6-Rank Senior Brother already a come person fist to pound on the chest, immediately fresh blood spurts crazily, the look is pale. 仓促间勉力稳住身形,定眼瞧去时,其中一位六品师兄已被来人一拳砸在胸口上,当即鲜血狂喷,神色苍白。 Did this...... start is also ruthless? Although they also look, this fist and was insufficient to want that Senior Brother life, but was injured is unavoidable. 这……下手也太狠了吧?虽然他们也看出来,这一拳并不至于要了那师兄的性命,但受伤是在所难免的。 Then was pounded Senior Brother of chest also to revolt, comes the person is actually connects the number to fight with the fists he, 6-Rank Senior Brother such as the kite of line dropped toward under immediately generally, lingering world mighty force becomes the disorder to be incomparable. 那被砸中胸口的师兄还要反抗,来人却又是接连数拳打中他,六品师兄顿时如断了线的纸鸢一般朝下方跌落,萦绕身旁的世界伟力都变得紊乱无比。 This clearly is the indication that Small Universe shakes. 这分明是小乾坤震荡的征兆。 Among the electric light flint, powerful 6-Rank has then lost the battle efficiency. 电光火石间,一位强大六品便已丧失战斗力。 Comes person strength terrifying in this way! 来人实力恐怖如斯! Although the response of another 6-Rank is not slow, divine ability Secret Technique is uneven, still cannot save the destiny of own same side, sees with own eyes the same side to drop, immediately startled and anger, a strength does not dare to retain. 另外一位六品的反应虽然不慢,神通秘术齐出,依然没能挽救自己同门的命运,眼见同门跌落下去,顿时又惊又怒,一身实力再不敢有所保留。 However this is still only the futile effort. 然而这依然只是徒劳。 The however ten breath times, this 6-Rank called out pitifully, went to the footsteps of own same side. 不过十息功夫,这位六品惨叫一声,也赴了自己同门的后尘。 Yang Kai is built on Void solitarily, coldly overweening arrogance, turns head to look suddenly toward that two 5-Rank, two people is pale immediately, for no reason gives birth to one type by the misconception of abyss staring! 杨开只身立于虚空中,凛然不可一世,霍然扭头朝那两个五品望去,两人顿时脸色发白,平白生出一种被深渊凝视的错觉! Runs!” A person in two people drinks lowly, at once heart consonance about disperses flushes away, two 6-Rank Senior Brother is not an opponent, where their can 5-Rank accomplish? this time only has to escape can be complete. “跑!”两人中的一人低喝,旋即心有灵犀地左右分散冲去,两位六品师兄都不是对手,他们两个五品又哪能成事?这个时候唯有逃跑方能周全。 Falling where can run, Yang Kai lifts the hand, palm of the hand, patted the mosquito to pat two 5-Rank generally. 哪里又能跑的掉,杨开抬手,一巴掌一个,拍蚊子一般将两个五品拍了下去。 After a little while, Yang Kai smiles Hehe to stand in the face of four people of look dispirited, the concern said: Several injuries are heavy!” 少顷,杨开呵呵地站在神色萎靡的四人面前,关切道:“几位伤势不轻啊!” Four people speechless, thought that your did not ask something already known, this injury who hit? Unexpectedly also here shedding crocodile tears false sympathy, simply was not too the thing. 四人都无语,心想你这不是明知故问,这伤势谁打出来的?居然还在这里猫哭耗子假慈悲,简直太不是东西了。 However although in heart some grief and indignation, but is not as skillful as others, is really speechless. Before then, they may never think, 6-Rank Open Heaven can have such terrifying strength, today was opens mind. 不过心中虽然有些悲愤,但技不如人,也实在无话可说。在此之前,他们可从未想过,六品开天能有如此恐怖的实力,今日算是开了眼界了。 6-Rank that and seemingly leads is coughing lightly the say/way: „The Junior Brother Yang skill is deep, background is uncommon, I and others admitted defeat!” 其中一个看似领头的六品轻咳着道:“杨师弟功力深厚,底蕴不凡,我等认输了!” Admits defeat then meant that informed and experienced is eliminated in this, that Five Lights World informed and experienced qualifications had not then related with them, although somewhat regretted, who called own and the others the strength to be small and weak. 认输便意味在这一场历练中出局,那五光界历练的资格便与他们没关系了,虽然有些惋惜,但谁叫自己等人实力弱小呢。 As Langya disciple, in heart own arrogance, to the Yang Kai this kind of powerhouse, their many somewhat admires. 身为琅琊弟子,心中自有傲气,对杨开这样的强者,他们多少还是有些佩服的。 Receiving lets!” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand, palm turns suddenly, in the hand presents a jade bottle, is with a smile typical: Yang here has good Healing Pill, invited!” “承让!”杨开一抱拳,手心忽然一翻,手上出现一个玉瓶,笑吟吟地道:“杨某这里有上好的疗伤丹,诸位请!” During the speeches, hand wrist shakes, four Spirit Pill depart, hangs in front of four people. 说话间,手腕一抖,四枚灵丹飞出,悬于四人面前。 6-Rank of that speech nods slightly: Many thanks!” 那说话的六品微微颔首:“多谢!” He also thinks that Yang Kai somewhat felt sorry to injure own, will therefore put out this Healing Pill, has not thought, several people squeezed in Spirit Pill the mouth respectively. 他还以为杨开有些过意不去打伤了自己,所以才会拿出这疗伤丹,也没多想,几人分别将灵丹塞入口中。 Well, this Healing Pill quality is good!” That person of brow selects. “咦,这疗伤丹品质不错!”那人眉头一挑。 Another 5-Rank also said: Taste also good......” 另外一个五品还道:“口感也还行……” Yang Kai puts out a hand suddenly to him: Is favored by the commodity of one set of 6-Rank resources or equivalent value!” 杨开忽然伸手对着他:“承惠一套六品资源或者同等价值的物资!” Wha...... what?” That 6-Rank is somewhat ignorant. “什……什么?”那六品有些懵。 Yang Kai calm face: What's wrong? Goes shopping does not give money? Senior Brother does could it be that want to seize? Although my Yang person the person is only helpless, but is not good to bully.” 杨开沉着脸:“怎么?买东西不给钱吗?师兄难道想强抢?我杨某人虽人单势孤,但也不是好欺负的。” That 6-Rank is bewildered: „Did I go shopping?” 六品一脸茫然:“我买什么东西了?” Also, who bullied you? Was our four is bullied by you obviously well? 再说了,谁欺负你了?明明是我们四个被你欺负了好吧? Another 6-Rank look is looking at Yang Kai strangely: Thing that Junior Brother Yang said that should not be this Healing Pill?” 另外一个六品神色古怪地望着杨开:“杨师弟说的东西,该不会是这疗伤丹吧?” What can that have?” Yang Kai natural said/tunnel. “那还能有什么?”杨开理所当然地道。 Several people were speechless. 几人都无语了。 6-Rank that most starts to speak said: This Healing Pill, isn't could it be that Junior Brother delivers in our?” 最开始说话的六品道:“这疗伤丹,难道不是师弟送于我们的吗?” The Yang Kai squint is looking at him: When I had said delivered? This thing is priceless, I must sell to several!” 杨开斜眼望着他:“我几时说过送了?此物价值连城,我是要卖给几位!” Was Healing Pill priceless? Opens eyes to talk nonsense should also have a limit! 一枚疗伤丹就价值连城了?睁眼说瞎话也该有个限度啊! Hurry up, other ink marks! Your Senior Brother Zhao and the others are this price buy, you are also no exception, my Yang person does business, the reasonable price is always reasonable, treats both the young and old honestly!” “快点,别墨迹!你们赵师兄等人都是这个价买的,你们也不能例外,我杨某人做生意,向来价格公道合理,童叟无欺!” That 6-Rank was shocked: „Did Senior Brother Zhao also buy?” 六品都惊呆了:“赵师兄也买了?” Yang Kai nods: Un! That brother and sister surnamed Gongsun also bought, does not believe you to pass on a message asks, you should have the contact way?” 杨开点头:“嗯!还有那姓公孙的兄妹二人也买了,不信你们传讯问问,你们彼此之间应该有联络方式吧?” Sees his expression does not seem like lying, two 6-Rank become doubtful at heart, was difficult to be inadequate Senior Brother Zhao and Gongsun fellow apprentices really buys? Can fellow apprentices also endure this matter? 见他表情似不像是在说谎,两个六品心里直犯嘀咕,难不成赵师兄和公孙师兄师姐真的买了?师兄师姐们连这种事也能忍? „, And you wait a bit the moment!” 6-Rank that most starts to speak takes out a pass on message bead, Spiritual Mind surges, contacts. “咳咳,你且稍等片刻!”最开始说话的六品取出一枚传讯珠,神念涌动,联络起来。 Senior Brother Zhao, Junior Brother has the matter to consult!” 赵师兄,师弟有事咨询!” Junior Brother Yu, anything you said!” 余师弟啊,什么事你说!” That Yang Kai said that Senior Brother Zhao has bought Healing Pill from him?” “那杨开赵师兄从他从中买过一枚疗伤丹?” „......” “……” Senior Brother Zhao? Senior Brother Zhao? You also in?” 赵师兄赵师兄?你还在吗?” „In!” “在的在的!” This matter whether takes seriously?” “此事是否当真?” Un...... has no great difference!” “嗯……大致不差!” What has no great difference? Junior Brother Yu could not master the Senior Brother Zhao anything meaning, is preparing to ask again, that side Senior Brother Zhao has subpoenaed: Bought Junior Brother Yu, suffering unexpected financial losses eliminating the risk always compares is hung on the tree sends to following Spirit Province to make floor disciples surround to be better, the face was more important.” 什么叫大致不差?余师弟都搞不懂赵师兄什么意思了,正准备再问,赵师兄那边已传讯过来:“买了吧余师弟,破财消灾总比被人挂在树上送去下面灵州让底层弟子们围观要好,面子还是重要些啊。” What hangs on the tree? When is puzzled, actually sees Yang Kai not to know when touches a bareness, several feet high tree trunk pestle before the body, that eye is often looking in his collar place, probably was deliberately considering how to be hanging quite the convenience. 什么挂在树上?正不解时,却见杨开不知何时摸出来一根光秃秃,几丈高的树干杵在身前,那眼睛不时地在他衣领处瞄着,好像在寻思怎么挂着比较方便。 Junior Brother Yu shivers with fright, returns to the news hastily: Many thanks Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Zhao healed from a wound well, Junior Brother then comes to see you!” 余师弟不禁打了个冷战,连忙回讯:“多谢赵师兄了,赵师兄好好养伤,师弟回头来看你!” You first own recovered to say again!” “你先自己养好伤再说吧!” Received the pass on message bead, Junior Brother Yu somewhat looked at Yang Kai speechless, the forced smile was saying: Junior Brother Yang really will do business!” 收了传讯珠,余师弟有些无语地望着杨开,苦笑道:“杨师弟真是会做生意啊!” A Yang Kai face is proud: That is, how otherwise to support the family person? This can Senior Brother ask clear?” 杨开一脸自傲:“那是,要不然怎么养活一大家子人?这位师兄可问清楚了?” Junior Brother Yu nods, even Senior Brother Zhao acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, how can he? Has no alternative, can only take out one set of value 6-Rank resources the commodity to give Yang Kai. 余师弟点点头,连赵师兄都认栽了,他又能如何?没奈何,只能取出一套价值六品资源的物资交给杨开 Another 6-Rank sees that it had to be. 另外一位六品见状,也只能如此。 Yang Kai happy Hehe received, then turns the head to look to that two 5-Rank. 杨开呵呵地接过,然后转头看向那两个五品 two people was about to cry! 两人都快哭了! And seemingly old 5-Rank said: Senior Brother Yang, my whole body family belongings put together, without so many! That Spirit Pill I have not eaten, or I give back to you!” 其中一个看起来年纪大些的五品道:“杨师兄,我全身家当加在一起,也没有这么多啊!那灵丹我还没吃,要不我还给你!” So saying, puts out Spirit Pill from the mouth in palm, gives Yang Kai tremblingly. 这般说着,从口中吐出一枚灵丹手心,颤巍巍地递给杨开 The Yang Kai face was black: Done is the saliva, who also wants this thing, the Yang person to sell the truth that the thing has not received.” 杨开脸都黑了:“搞的全是口水,谁还要这个东西,杨某人卖东西就没有收回来的道理。” That 5-Rank said: But Senior Brother Yang, my so many family belongings, your Healing Pill...... I could not really have afforded!” 五品道:“可是杨师兄,我真的没这么多家当啊,你这疗伤丹……我买不起啊!” Common 5-Rank Open Heaven, if there is in a value the commodity preserve of ten million/countless Open Heaven Pill, that could be said as extremely rich, after all they must practice, purchase some commodities frequently, was very difficult anything to create surplus. 寻常五品开天,若有价值上千万开天丹的物资储藏,那就可以说是极为富有了,毕竟他们也要时刻修行,购买一些物资,很难有什么结余。 Comes the Cave Heaven Paradise 5-Rank situation to be no doubt better, is wealthier, but is impossible to have over a hundred million Open Heaven Pill. 出身洞天福地五品情况固然好一些,富裕一些,但也不可能有上亿开天丹的。 This is 6-Rank can have the net worth that. 这是六品才能有的身家。 Yes Senior Brother Yang, we have not deceived you!” Another 5-Rank also opens the mouth to say. “是啊杨师兄,我们没有骗你!”另外一个五品也开口道。 Yang Kai sighed: I know that you have not deceived me, I also believe that you truly do not have so many net worth, but your own does not have, can borrow......” 杨开叹息一声:“我知道你们没有骗我,我也相信你们确实没有这么多身家,但你们自己没有,可以借嘛……” During speeches, to two 5-Rank fierce toward side dozen of meaningful glances. 说话间,冲两个五品猛朝旁边打眼色。 One crowd of four people were shocked! 一群四人都惊呆了! Also can do? 还能这么搞? Too crazed? 太丧心病狂了吧? My time are not many, if you do not want, I do not force, but will incur what consequence I to say that does not permit!” Yang Kai sees that two 5-Rank also in hesitant, immediately said solemnly. “我时间不多,你们若是不愿意,我也不勉强,但到底会引发什么后果我可说不准了!”杨开见那两个五品还在犹豫,当即沉声道 Age quite small 5-Rank weak say/way: May I ask Senior Brother Yang, what consequence will have?” 年纪比较小的五品弱弱道:“敢问杨师兄,会有什么后果?” Yang Kai cracks into a smile to him: You guess!” 杨开冲他咧嘴一笑:“你猜!” Although Yang Kai not specifically speaking but two people some not good feeling, if really does not buy this Healing Pill, perhaps will really have what not good matter to wait for them. 虽然杨开没具体说,但两人都有些不好的感觉,真要是不买这疗伤丹,恐怕真会有什么不好的事等着他们。 Old 5-Rank said: Senior Brother Yang, I and other cultivation level did not have two Senior Brother to be high, only has 5-Rank, this Healing Pill price...... can whether be lower!” 年长五品道:“杨师兄,我等修为没有两位师兄高,只有五品,这疗伤丹的价格是不是可以……低一些!” One cent one point of goods, have what responsibility with the cultivation level height!” Yang Kai stares to say. “一分钱一分货,跟修为高低有什么干系!”杨开瞪眼道。 Did you feel all right to say one cent one point of goods? In this world where has such expensive/noble Healing Pill? 你好意思说一分钱一分货?这世上哪有这么贵的疗伤丹 In the stomach the unstated criticism, on the mouth actually does not dare to refute, the two people stammering looks toward other two 6-Rank: Senior Brother, Junior Brother has difficult, but also asked Senior Brother to uphold justice to assist!” 肚中腹诽,嘴上却不敢反驳,两人期期艾艾地朝另外两位六品望去:“师兄,师弟有难,还请师兄仗义相助!” That two 6-Rank were big, but things have gotten to this point, wants to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved , can only borrow, can't looks at two Junior Brother be hung by Yang Kai on the tree helplessly offers sacrifice to heaven? 那两个六品头都大了,但事已至此,想要息事宁人,也只能借了,总不能眼睁睁看着两个师弟杨开挂在树上祭天吧? Many thanks four give money generously!” Yang Kai received the thing, beams with joy, four healing, I do not disturb well.” “多谢四位慷慨解囊!”杨开收了东西,眉开眼笑,“四位好好疗伤,我就不打扰了。” The word, moves sideways to depart! 言罢,闪身离去! He just now does not get out of the way a meeting, that red clothed Senior Sister Zhou then got one team of troops to clash urgently, saw with own eyes four people of black and blue, all looked grief-stricken, in great surprise: How was your?” 他才刚走开没一会,那一身红衣周师姐便领着一队人马火急火燎地冲了过来,眼见四人鼻青脸肿,个个如丧考妣,大惊:“你们这是怎么了?” Old 5-Rank sheds bitter tears: How Senior Sister Zhou you come......” 年长五品痛哭流涕:“周师姐你们怎么才来啊……” What happened?” Senior Sister Zhou knits the brows to ask. “发生什么事了?”周师姐皱眉问道。 Junior Brother Yu sighed: That Yang Kai and others injured me, then sold our Healing Pill forcefully!” 余师弟叹息一声:“那杨开将我等打伤,然后强行卖了我们一人一枚疗伤丹!” Senior Sister Zhou is angry: „Does under he dare this violent treachery?” 周师姐大怒:“他竟敢下此毒手?” However changes mind thinks, before own looked for he troubled the time, he started also heavily, own was women so, obviously the Yang Kai disposition. 不过转念一想,之前自己去找他麻烦的时候,他下手也不轻,自己是个女人都如此,可见杨开心性。
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