MP :: Volume #48

#4762: 10,000 do not lower the head

How to return to him?” Gongsun Rihua asked. “怎么回他呢?”公孙日华问道。 I come!” Gongsun Yuehua takes that to pass on a message bead from the elder brother hand willingly, slightly hesitates, Spiritual Mind surges, together message transfer in the past. “我来!”公孙月华自告奋勇地从兄长手中拿过那传讯珠,略一沉吟,神念涌动,一道讯息传递过去。 The lake deep place, Yang Kai pinches the pass on message bead, the brow is raising, talked to oneself in a soft voice: Lovesickness one night...... sentiment many, nose Horizon has not been long! This who!” 湖泊深处,杨开捏着传讯珠,眉头微扬,轻声自语:“相思一夜……情多少,地角天涯未是长!这谁啊!” What can determine, Gu Pan pass on message bead absolutely not on own, otherwise is insufficient to speak. He did not worry that Gu Pan security problem, after all is Langya Paradise Core Disciple, even before by pair of twins kidnapping, but that side Langya mainly must separate with Gu Pan him, should not be disadvantageous to her. 可以确定的是,顾盼的传讯珠绝对不在自己手上,否则不至于这么说话。他倒不担心顾盼的安全问题,毕竟是琅琊福地核心弟子,纵然之前被一对双胞给给劫持走了,但琅琊那边主要是要将他跟顾盼分开,并不是要对她不利。 Now unexpectedly also pretends to be Gu Pan to contact with own. 如今居然还冒充顾盼自己联络起来了。 Is speechless, passed on a message in bead to transmit together the news: Now where Senior Brother are you at? I look for you!” 正无语间,传讯珠内有传来一道讯息:“师兄你现在在哪?我来找你!” Yang Kai smacks the lips, this cannot bear inquire own location/position. 杨开咂咂嘴,这是忍不住打探自己位置了啊。 Thinks, Yang Kai returned to a news in the past. 想了想,杨开回了一道讯息过去。 In the bamboo house, Gongsun Yuehua said inspired: Found him!” 竹楼中,公孙月华振奋道:“找到他了!” Corona busy say/way: Where is at?” 日华忙道:“在哪?” Gongsun Yuehua shakes the head saying: Concrete location/position his own does not know, our Langya Spirit Province are innumerable, he does not know Spirit Province that hides called anything, but actually gave some clues.” 公孙月华摇头道:“具体位置自己也不知道,咱们琅琊灵州无数,他也不知藏身的灵州叫什么,不过却给了一些线索。” Gongsun Rihua cracks into a smile: Having the clue is easy to do! Passes to fellow apprentices this clue, making them look separately, I did not believe unable to find him.” 公孙日华咧嘴一笑:“有线索就好办!将这线索传给诸位师兄弟,让他们分头去找,我就不信找不到他。” The moonlight nods, gives hastily the information. 月华颔首,连忙将信息传递出去。 In Langya Paradise, searched for the Yang Kai trace Open Heaven Stage to receive the information from Gongsun brother and sister in this time in groups suddenly, immediately was overjoyed, that clue provided, although was not comprehensive, but was much better at least compared with their such headless fly general chaotic extensions. 琅琊福地中,成群结队搜寻杨开踪影的开天境们忽然在此时收到了来自公孙兄妹二人的信息,顿时都大喜过望,那线索提供的虽不全面,但最起码比他们这样无头苍蝇一般乱转要好的多。 So long as searches following that clue, can always find the Yang Kai's hiding place. 而只要顺着那线索寻觅,总能找到杨开的藏身之地的。 Instant time, many high-rank go all out to search. 时间,诸多上品卖力搜寻起来。 However the half day time, the people then seek one extremely with that clue similar Spirit Province, the team that once was hit spitting blood Senior Brother Zhao led by a Yang Kai fighting with the fists cow is first found, is looking at front Spirit Province some hesitates: Can't? Does he hide here?” 不过半日功夫,众人便寻得一处与那线索极为相似的灵州,那曾被杨开一拳打牛打的吐血的赵师兄所率领的队伍是第一个找到的,望着面前灵州有些迟疑:“不会吧?他藏在这里?” In the team another 6-Rank clenches teeth saying: This boy is really deceitful, unexpectedly hides here, no wonder we could not find his trace continuously!” 队伍中另一个六品咬牙道:“这小子果然奸诈,居然藏身在这里,怪不得我们一直找不到他的踪影!” Then at this time, several teams search for hence, obviously also comes following that clue, the people put in an appearance, somewhat is all speechless. 便在这时,又有几支队伍搜寻至此,明显也是顺着那线索而来,众人照面,皆都有些无语。 Does not have him, only because of front this Spirit Province is Headmaster Spirit Province. Although Headmaster takes constant care of many affairs of sate, year to year in a big way assumes three to advocate in the Spirit Province discussing official business main hall, few has, but this Spirit Province truly is belongs to Headmaster without doubt, some common time people will not easily come this. 无他,只因面前这灵州掌教灵州。虽然掌教日理万机,常年坐镇三大主灵州的议事大殿之中,鲜少有回来的时候,但这灵州确实是属于掌教无疑,寻常时候也不会有人轻易来此。 Can officially inform Headmaster one?” Some person of hesitates said. “要不要知会掌教一声?”有人迟疑道。 „The boy like the fox, we rushes to here slyly now, only feared that he has detected the sound, if officially informs Headmaster he to make a getaway surely, first begins to say again, seized this thief, that side Headmaster will not blame!” “那小子狡猾如狐,如今我们赶赴这里,只怕他已察觉动静了,若是知会掌教他定会逃之夭夭,先动手再说,擒了此贼,掌教那边也不会怪罪!” This but actually is also!” “这倒也是!” That begins!” Senior Brother Zhao drinks one lowly, takes the lead to flush away toward that Spirit Province, the others closely follow, instant time, more than ten 6-Rank then flood into Spirit Province, Spiritual Mind unscrupulous spreads out all over, searches for all suspicious whereabouts. “那就动手吧!”赵师兄低喝一声,率先朝那灵州冲去,余下众人紧紧跟随,霎时间,十几位六品便涌入灵州之中,神念肆无忌惮地铺展开来,搜寻一切可疑行踪。 After the moment, obtains news Open Heaven Stage to rush to this place, not only there is 6-Rank, 5-Rank 4-Rank, Li Yuanwang, although only passed on a message to 6-Rank Open Heaven, but this matter in entire Langya noisy noisy, the news nature had transmitted quickly. 片刻后,更多得到消息的开天境赶赴此地,不但有六品,还有五品四品的,李元望虽然只传讯给六品开天,但此事已经在整个琅琊闹的沸沸扬扬,消息自然很快传递了出去。 Heard so long as catches Yang Kai to enter Five Lights World to be informed and experienced, these 5-Rank 4-Rank naturally also want to come trying one's luck, they also know that own possibly is not the Yang Kai's opponent, but if the luck good to pick up a bargain? That enters the Five Lights World informed and experienced chance, usually is only then these 6-Rank Open Heaven have the qualifications to go, which wheel obtains them? 听说只要擒住杨开便可进五光界历练,那些五品四品自然也想来碰碰运气,他们也知道自己不可能是杨开的对手,但万一运气好能捡个便宜呢?那可是进五光界历练的机缘啊,平时都是只有那些六品开天才有资格进去的,哪轮得到他们? Short the time of half double-hour, on entire Spirit Province had not then gathered over a thousand Open Heaven Stage. 短短不过半个时辰的功夫,整个灵州上便已汇聚了上千位开天境 Li Yuanwang the Spirit Province in entire Langya Paradise, although is not what restricted area, but some people will usually also rarely come, these gathered thousand people, moreover each one is 4-Rank Open Heaven upward, ancient has not seen simply. 李元望的这处灵州在整个琅琊福地虽然不算什么禁地,但平时也很少会有人过来,这一下聚集了千人,而且个个都是四品开天往上,简直是亘古未见。 So many Open Heaven Stage gather together, the initial time people also calculate the restraint, only searches for the Yang Kai trace by Spiritual Mind, the long time does not seek, the method is then crude, the entire Spirit Province land for building was almost lifted. 这么多开天境汇聚一堂,最初的时候众人还算克制,只以神念搜寻杨开踪影,久寻不得,手段便粗暴起来,整个灵州的地皮几乎都被掀开了。 Waits for Li Yuanwang this Headmaster to obtain the time that the news catches up with, sees only Spirit Province in good condition to become one piece in confusion, is everywhere broken. 李元望这位掌教得到消息赶过来的时候,只见好端端一座灵州变得一片狼藉,处处残破。 Looks below scenery, the Li Yuanwang brow is jumping. 望着下方景色,李元望眉头直跳。 Headmaster harnesses, numerous Open Heaven salutes hastily: disciple has seen Headmaster!” 掌教驾到,众开天连忙行礼:“弟子见过掌教!” „Are you doing?” The Li Yuanwang sinking sound asked. “你们在干什么?”李元望沉声问道。 That Senior Brother Zhao more numerous, holds the fist saying: Returns to Headmaster, I and others was searching for that Yang Kai's trace!” 赵师兄越众而出,抱拳道:“回掌教,我等在搜寻那杨开的踪影!” Li Yuanwang said distressed: Searches for the Yang Kai's trace, why will obtain by search here to come?” 李元望痛心道:“既是搜寻杨开的踪影,为何会搜到我这里来?” Senior Brother Zhao returns said: Some positive news said that Yang Kai then hides this place!” 赵师兄回道:“有确切消息说,那杨开便藏身此地!” Un?” News that Li Yuanwang astonished, where comes?” “嗯?”李元望讶然,“哪来的消息?” Is Gongsun Rihua Junior Brother and moonlight Junior Sister passes on, they as if nose the information that Gu Pan Junior Sister and Yang Kai contacted.” “是公孙日华师弟和月华师妹传过来的,他们二人似乎查探到了顾盼师妹杨开联络的信息。” Li Yuanwang slightly hesitates, somewhat understood the cause and effect indistinctly, gets angry saying: That...... did you find?” 李元望略一沉吟,隐约有些明白了前因后果,黑着脸道:“那……你们找到了吗?” Senior Brother Zhao shakes the head saying: Had not discovered!” 赵师兄摇头道:“还没有发现!” One group of idiots!” Li Yuanwang is angry, led by the nose by others had not known how my Langya raised your crowd of silly things!” “一群蠢货!”李元望大怒,“被人家牵着鼻子走还不自知,我琅琊怎么养出了你们这群傻东西!” Senior Brother Zhao stunned: „The meaning of Headmaster is, that hasn't Yang Kai hidden here?” 赵师兄愕然至极:“掌教的意思是,那杨开并没有藏在这里?” Li Yuanwang hates bitterly: He, if hides this place, how could also to have hidden the truth from the this King sensation? this King had not detected, your how homing?” 李元望痛心疾首:“他若藏身此地,又岂能瞒过本座感知?本座都没察觉,你们如何寻的到?” Senior Brother Zhao lowers the head the ponder, after the moment, is suddenly enlighted: disciple understood!” 赵师兄低头沉思,片刻后恍然大悟:“弟子明白了!” Li Yuanwang is looking at him: What did you understand?” 李元望瞧着他:“你明白什么了?” Gongsun Rihua and moonlight brother and sister the treachery, have helped an evildoer do evil, the transmission false news, confuses me intentionally and other lines of sight!” Senior Brother Zhao said solemnly. 公孙日华和月华这兄妹二人已经临阵倒戈,为虎作伥,故意传递假消息,混淆我等视线!”赵师兄沉声道 A Li Yuanwang old blood suppresses in the throat place, has almost not spurted, is looking at Senior Brother Zhao dejected, sincere: Later walks ten million/countless do not lower the head!” 李元望一口老血憋在喉咙处,差点没喷出来,颓然地望着赵师兄,语重心长:“以后走路的时候千万不要低头!” The Senior Brother Zhao doubts said: disciple is puzzled, but also asked Headmaster to grant instruction!” 赵师兄疑惑道:“弟子不解,还请掌教赐教!” Li Yuanwang sighed: this King feared that your brain inside water will come out but actually!” The leaning head beckons with the hand: Rolls rolling, rolls to me!” 李元望叹息道:“本座怕你脑子里面的水会倒出来啊!”偏头摆手:“滚滚滚,都给我滚!” One crowd of disciple saw with own eyes that the Headmaster complexion is not right, ran hastily scared shitless, that Senior Brother Zhao still in pondering the Headmaster words the profound meaning, walks while assumes an air of self approbation, looks puzzled to side Junior Brother: In my brain has the water?” 一群弟子眼见掌教脸色不对,连忙屁滚尿流地跑了,那赵师兄还在沉思掌教话中深意,一边走一边摇头晃脑,不解望向身边师弟:“我脑子里有水吗?” That Junior Brother looks at his one eyes, cautious said/tunnel: In everyone brain has the water?” 师弟瞧他一眼,小心翼翼地道:“大家脑子里都有水吧?” „!” Senior Brother Zhao is suddenly enlighted, raises head hastily, the nostril faces upwards. “哦!”赵师兄恍然大悟,连忙仰头,鼻孔朝天。 The form appears side Li Yuanwang together towering, looks to the under confusion land, suppresses to say with a smile: Headmaster, was this lifts the stone to pound the foot of own? Sore?” 一道身影突兀出现在李元望身旁,望向下方狼藉大地,憋笑道:“掌教,这是搬了石头砸自己的脚吧?疼吗?” Li Yuanwang sighed: Little spoke the sarcastic remark! The boy is newly-arrived, deciding however does not know that this Spirit Province is this King, it is estimated that before is Little Pan'er, leads him to travel informs his.” 李元望叹道:“少说风凉话了!那小子初来乍到,定然不知这灵州本座的,估计是小盼儿之前带他游历的时候告知他的。” Gao Ting nods: Now he was besieged and pursued to block off by Langya many disciple, annoyed your Headmaster does not stop, therefore makes them come this nausea intentionally you.” 高庭颔首:“如今他被琅琊诸多弟子围追堵截,恼火你这个掌教不去制止,所以故意引他们来此恶心你。” I have not ended with him!” Li Yuanwang fire. “我跟他没完!”李元望大火。 Gao Ting looks the appreciation: This boy but actually also unyielding, is thrown into jail obviously, actually does not look for you, actually he may ask you to report bright all greatly, making you act to stop.” 高庭面露赞赏:“这小子倒也硬气,明明身陷囹圄,却不来找你,其实他大可来找你禀明一切,让你出面制止。” Li Yuanwang cold snort: He does not know that this King got down anything to order!” 李元望冷哼:“他又不知本座下了什么命令!” Gao Ting nods slightly: This but actually is also!” 高庭微微颔首:“这倒也是!” Gu Pan occupies Spirit Province above, big piece flowing light speeds away to come suddenly, crowded Open Heaven Stage drops the figure in front of the bamboo house. 顾盼所居灵州之上,大片流光忽然疾驰而来,紧接着乌泱泱的开天境在竹楼前落下身形。 Gongsun Rihua and moonlight detect the sound, goes out of nosing hastily, sees with own eyes this scenery, is startled. 公孙日华和月华察觉动静,连忙走出查探,眼见此景,都吃了一惊。 „Did Senior Brother Zhao, catch that evildoer?” Gongsun Rihua opens the mouth to ask. 赵师兄,擒住那贼子了吗?”公孙日华开口问道。 The Senior Brother Zhao nostril faces upwards, the squint is looking at him: Your this rebel!” 赵师兄鼻孔朝天,斜眼望着他:“你这个叛徒!” A Gongsun Rihua face dumbstruck...... 公孙日华一脸发懵…… What, was own a rebel? 什么什么,自己怎么就是叛徒了? However does not wait for him to ask to understand, the Senior Brother Zhao then big hand wields: On!” 然而不等他问个明白,赵师兄便大手一挥:“上!” behind jumps out large quantities of Open Heaven Stage, suddenly submerged Gongsun Rihua, the fists and feet hits the sound that kicks to transmit, is mixing with Gongsun Rihua calls out in alarm miserably howling! 身后窜出一大批开天境,眨眼将公孙日华淹没了,拳脚打踢的声音传来,夹杂着公孙日华的惊叫惨嚎! Gongsun Yuehua looks at elder brother own was ganged up to surround and beaten up by so many people helplessly, shivers with fright, although does not understand that what happened, but does not dare to stop! 公孙月华眼睁睁看着自己兄长被这么多人围殴,不禁打了个冷战,虽不明白发生了什么事,但根本不敢制止! After the moment, the people diverge, stay behind make into pig same Gongsun Rihua to wail on the ground. 片刻后,众人散去,留下被打成猪头一样的公孙日华在地上哀嚎不已。 Walks!” The Senior Brother Zhao big hand wielded, getting one group of people to fly. “走!”赵师兄大手一挥,领着一群人呼啦啦飞了出去。 What's the matter?” Gongsun Rihua lies down on the ground, swells the face grief and indignation saying that after this crowd of fellow apprentices ran over hit him one suddenly, walked, done he was confused, that Yang Kai? Has to hold? “到底怎么回事啊?”公孙日华躺在地上,肿着脸悲愤道,这一群师兄弟跑过来打了他一顿然后就走了,搞的他一头雾水,那杨开呢?到底有没有抓住? Gongsun Yuehua in trembling in fear that the one side looks, good own is the woman, fellow apprentices is not good to start, otherwise lies down on the ground and wanted many. 公孙月华在一旁看的心惊胆战,还好自己是女人,师兄弟们不好下手,否则躺在地上的又要多一个人了。 Gu Pan hides in moonlight behind, a face apology, she guessed correctly probably was how a matter, but was not good to explain, can only apologize in the heart secretly. 顾盼躲在月华身后,一脸歉意,她大概猜到是怎么一回事了,但也不好解释,只能在心中暗暗致歉。 Above the lake, one team of three people go to return, impressively is that Senior Brother Zhao et al . 湖泊上方,一队三人去而复返,赫然是那赵师兄等人。 Senior Brother Zhao is supine the head, stares below lake with the corner of the eye split vision, feels the chin saying: This lake bottom, have you nosed?” 赵师兄仰着脑袋,拿眼角余光凝视下方湖泊,摸着下巴道:“这湖底,你们查探过吗?” two Junior Brother all shakes the head, a seemingly young say/way: Lake bottom, although no one noses, but many fellow apprentices passed by from the above for serveral days, the Spiritual Mind sensation is not unusual.” 身边两位师弟皆都摇头,其中一个看起来年轻一些的道:“湖底虽然没人查探,但这些天有不少师兄弟从上方路过,神念感知并无异常。” Senior Brother Zhao shakes the head saying: Cannot be negligent, that Yang Kai as 6-Rank, the strength is tyrannical, should some concealment aura Technique, the Spiritual Mind sensation, not necessarily represent him not to have here, others did not say, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Junior Sister Gu here was looked after with emphasis, perhaps he likes the soldier risking danger!” 赵师兄摇头道:“不可大意,那杨开身为六品,实力强横,应该有些隐匿气息法门,神念感知不到,未必就代表他没在这里,人家不是说,最危险的地方就是最安全的地方。顾师妹这里被重点照顾,说不定他就喜欢兵行险着!” That Junior Brother continuously to nod the head: Senior Brother Zhao stands to reason! Do I have a look?” 师弟不住颔首:“赵师兄言之有理!那我下去看看?” May not!” Senior Brother Zhao lifts the hand to stop, you, although is 6-Rank, but is not his opponent, if he really hides underwater, your goes surely more unfortunate than fortunate.” “不可!”赵师兄抬手打住,“你虽是六品,但绝非他的对手,他若真藏身水下,你此去必定凶多吉少。”
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