MP :: Volume #47

#4678: Must live

Girl came, wait a moment.” Grandma obviously recognizes this female, limps to set out, puts out an oil pocket from side, handed over. “丫头来了,等一下啊。”婆婆明显是认得这女子的,蹒跚起身,从旁拿出一个油包,递了过去。 In that oil pocket is wrapping naturally is glutinous rice dumpling, roughly has 78 appearances. 那油包里包着的自然是糯米团子,约莫有七八个的样子。 female beckons with the hand hastily: In less than so many.” 女子连忙摆手:“用不了这么多的。” The Grandma just oil pocket stopper to her hand, patted rashly patted her back of the hand saying: Gives you to take, does not use with Grandma politely, moreover here people went to Seven Stars Workshop, the thing could not sell-out, puts for night to go bad, you currently have the body, must eat a thing, the child can be healthy.” 婆婆不由分说将将油包塞到她手中,轻拍了拍她的手背道:“给你就拿着,跟婆婆不用客气,况且这边人都去了七星坊,东西也卖不完,放一夜就坏了,你现在有身子,一定要多吃点东西,孩子才能健健康康的。” female lowers the head to sip the lip, the eye blushes slightly, finally collects a front piece ritual, expresses gratitude, departs fast. 女子低头抿唇,眼睛微微发红,最终还是敛衽一礼,道了声谢,快速离去。 Looks back that she is departing, a Grandma slightly sigh: „The girl of cruel fate.” 望着她离去的背影,婆婆微微一声叹息:“苦命的丫头。” Yang Kai seemingly spoke thoughtlessly to ask: How currently also to eat does not sate the appetite?” 杨开貌似随口问道:“怎么现在还有吃不饱饭的吗?” Grandma sat, opens the mouth saying: That but is actually not, you are young, fear are not very clear, this mainland compares to be much better with the mainland that our older generations live, so long as there is a hand to have the foot, eats to sate the appetite is not a problem. Originally she and own man opened a small tavern, the business is also but actually prosperous, is about several months ago, after man alcoholic intoxication , not careful fell from the staircase, died. She with the body inconvenient practical training, used up the savings, this hunger full.” 婆婆坐了下来,开口道:“那倒也不是,你年纪还小,怕是不太清楚,这片大陆与我们老一辈居住的大陆比较起来要好很多,只要有手有脚,吃饱饭是不成问题的。原本她和自己男人开了个小酒馆,生意倒也还算红火,不过几个月前,那汉子醉酒之后不小心从楼梯上了摔了下来,死了。她怀着身子不便劳作,用光了积蓄,这就才饥一顿饱一顿的。” Yang Kai nods: Grandma is good-hearted.” 杨开点点头:“婆婆心地善良。” Grandma smiles: Fellow villagers, can help one are, the old woman is wanted her to come here to help, but her appearance you also saw, is not suitable to appear in public, the person who this comes and goes, always some must not exposed to the pretty woman.” 婆婆笑了笑:“乡里乡亲的,能帮一把就是一把,原本老婆子是想要她来我这里帮忙的,不过她那模样你也见了,不适合抛头露面,这来来往往的人啊,总有一些见不得漂亮女人。” Man's heart unfathomable.” Yang Kai deep is so. “人心叵测。”杨开深以为然。 Ate up the tea soup, Yang Kai set out to put down 11 copper coins, opened the mouth saying: Grandma, I went to Seven Stars Workshop.” 喝完了茶汤,杨开起身放下十一枚铜板,开口道:“婆婆,我去七星坊了。” Goes to go, that side received the disciple congress to start, was very lively, if the old woman young 70-80 years old, definitely also had a look again.” Grandma waves, urged: Even if had not been elected, should not be discouraged, now the way of the world was better than to be many before, in the world will not always starve to death your.” “去吧去吧,那边收徒大会已经开始了,很热闹呢,老婆子要是再年轻个七八十岁的,肯定也去看看。”婆婆挥挥手,又叮嘱道:“就算没被选上,也不要灰心,如今世道比以前好很多了,天底下总不会饿死你的。” Yang Kai smiles: Without were elected, I return to Grandma here to help sell the dumpling.” 杨开笑了笑:“要是没被选上,我就回婆婆这里帮忙卖团子。” Good, Grandma this craftsmanship happen to can also pass around, if can be elected to be better, can practice, be possible more precious as gold compared with our these ordinary people.” “那好啊,婆婆这手艺正好也能传下去,不过若是能被选上就更好了,能修行的话,比我们这些凡夫俗子可就金贵多了。” The Seven Stars Workshop receiving disciple congress is truly extremely busy, outside entrance sea of people, regarding the request of pay respects to join entrance, although is not too high, but is not low, particularly to age limit stubbornly. 七星坊的收徒大会确实热闹非凡,山门外人山人海,对于拜入山门的要求虽然不是太高,但也不算低,尤其是对年纪这一块限制的死死的。 Yang Kai ran a interlude, did not have accidental/surprised, is registering this to be eliminated! Does not have him, too old, that is used to test the skeletal age the item to show that he has 27-28 ages impressively, if cultivation level is high enough, Seven Stars Workshop will not necessarily not open a back door, cultivation level just True Yuan Stage that but Yang Kai displays. 杨开跑过去走了一个过场,不出意外,在报名这一块就被淘汰了!无他,年纪太大,那用来测试骨龄的道具显示他赫然已有27-28的年纪,若是修为足够高的话,七星坊未必不会开个后门,可偏偏杨开表现出来的修为只不过真元境而已。 The this kind of age, this kind of cultivation level, Seven Stars Workshop naturally cannot have a liking. 这样的年纪,这样的修为,七星坊自然是看不上的。 At dusk, Yang Kai took a stroll and returned to the market town. Grandma saw him, without big accidental/surprised, but comforted his several, said that a live person will not be urinated to feel stifled, later sells the dumpling with her, carries forward this craftsmanship. 傍晚时分,杨开溜溜达达又回到了集镇上。婆婆见了他,也没多大意外,只是宽慰了他几句,道一声活人不会被尿憋死,以后就跟着她卖团子,将这门手艺发扬光大。 Yang Kai naturally nods constantly. 杨开自然是不迭地颔首。 The setting sun in the western sky, Yang Kai is pushing the animal-drawn cart, thinks of Grandma to sell the dumpling various pots and pans, goes with Grandma eastern North Korea one region line shoulder to shoulder. 夕阳西下,杨开推着板车,装着婆婆卖团子的各种锅碗瓢盆,与婆婆并肩朝城东一片区域行去。 Here place that was that small village is , the market town expands then also to fuse here, but this place unmanned restoration, therefore still seemed somewhat ruined, in entire Seven Stars Collection, poured the flavors of some slums. 这里本是那小村庄所在的地方,集镇扩建便将这里也融合了进来,不过此地无人修缮,所以依然显得有些破败,在整个七星集中,倒有些贫民窟的味道。 The hands and feet takes down from the animal-drawn cart the thing deftly, goes to nearby water well to fetch water to clean cleanly. 手脚麻利地将东西从板车上取下来,又去一旁的水井里打了水来清洗干净。 Grandma in one side smilingly looks at, satisfaction said: Hands and feet is diligent, would the food eating.” 婆婆在一旁笑眯眯地看着,满意道:“手脚勤快,总会有饭吃的。” Starting from this day, the Seven Stars Collection glutinous rice dumpling stall were many a young form, during the daytime Yang Kai then pushes the animal-drawn cart to set up a stall with Grandma together, peddles the cheap tea soup and dumpling, how in the evening Grandma then teaches him to make this type of crude food hand in hand, the business is good, a good time day can gain 20-30 articles the appearance. 自这一日起,七星集糯米团子的摊位便多了一道年轻的身影,白天杨开便与婆婆一起推着板车出摊,兜售便宜的茶汤和团子,晚上婆婆便手把手地教他怎么制作这种简陋的食物,生意还算不错,好的时候一天能赚个20-30文的样子。 That harbors pregnancy female then to live in being away from the room in Grandma not far away, sometimes comes back in the evening, Grandma will then make him sell the remaining dumplings to deliver. 那怀有身孕的女子便住在距离婆婆不远处的一栋屋子中,有时候傍晚回来之后,婆婆便会让他将卖剩下的团子送过去。 First time knocks on a door, that female does not dare to open the door, but, Yang Kai can only wrapping the dumpling oil pocket is placing the entrance place. 头一次敲门的时候,那女子死活不敢开门,无奈之下,杨开只能将包着团子的油包放在门口处。 After this was familiar in the course of contacts, female has not guarded to Yang Kai actually vigilantly, particularly after seeing with one's own eyes Grandma and Yang Kai sets up a stall together, but still does not dare to say anything with Yang Kai. 这一来二去熟悉了之后,女子杨开倒是没那么警惕防备,尤其是在亲眼看到婆婆杨开一起出摊之后,不过也依然不敢与杨开多说什么。 Often Yang Kai delivered the dumpling in the past, received cautious, said that thanked. 每每杨开送团子过去,都只是拘谨地接过,道一声谢。 Learned from Grandma that female is called Yu Lu. 婆婆那得知,女子叫做于露 The Yang Kai Spiritual Mind incarnation travels together Small Universe, originally is to relax itself, generally will travel for pleasure a fortnight then to take back. 杨开一道神念化身游历自身小乾坤,本是想要放松自身,一般游历个十天半月便会收回。 However after discovering Yu Lu, has to change. 不过在发现于露之后,不得不做出改变。 That Spiritual Mind incarnation was not taken back again, but that side this Senior/true body does not have the least bit to be lax, has been comprehending that shatter space the mystery, but 30 years of time moved slowly before, wants to comprehend thoroughly, does not know that is lord knows when matter. 神念化身再没被收回,不过本尊那边也没有半点松懈,一直在参悟那破碎空间的奥秘,只不过之前三十年时间进展缓慢,想要参悟透彻,也不知是猴年马月之事。 Yang Kai is not but actually anxious, was stranded in this shatter space in any case also no danger, the matter in Small Universe also needs his busy one. 杨开倒也不急,反正被困在这破碎空间中也没什么危险,小乾坤中的事也需要他忙碌一阵。 It can be said that discovered this Yu Lu simply is the happiness of accidental/surprised. 可以说,发现这个于露简直就是意外之喜。 However then, when Yang Kai this Senior/true body comprehends with single-hearted devotion, the Spiritual Mind incarnation in Small Universe will then fall into a delay from time to time the condition, seeming not to have the soul general, Grandma bumped into several times, but also thinks that Yang Kai had what secret disease, a looks at young fellow well had the dementia sign, unavoidably sighed with regret. 不过如此一来,在杨开本尊专心参悟之时,小乾坤中的神念化身便时而会陷入一种呆滞的状态,好似没了魂一般,婆婆数次撞见,还以为杨开有什么隐疾,看着好好的一个小伙子偏偏有痴呆的迹象,不免扼腕叹息。 As time passes, the belly of Yu Lu was even more big, Grandma is somewhat in suspense, almost sees her every day personally, Yang Kai is every day goes to the creek outside market town to catch the fish, making Grandma make the dashi to deliver to build up one's health. 随着时间流逝,于露的肚子愈发大了,婆婆有些放心不下,几乎每日都亲自去看望一下她,杨开更是每日都去集镇外的小河里抓鱼,让婆婆煮了鱼汤送过去补身子。 Regarding this, Grandma teased: Boy, weren't you will have a liking for others?” 对此,婆婆打趣道:“小子,你不会是看上人家了吧?” Yang Kai naturally categorically denies. 杨开自然是矢口否认。 Grandma does not know to believe, had asked, then no longer raises, if Yang Kai has not married, if he did not shut out others once to get married, the pregnancy, Grandma was glad to reconcile two people actually. 婆婆也不知道有没有相信,问过之后便不再多提,若杨开没有婚娶,若是他不嫌弃人家曾嫁过人,还有了身孕,婆婆倒是乐意撮合两人 Is together several months later, Grandma also very likes Yang Kai's, the young fellow hands and feet is agile, is smart, works diligently also, is temperate, with him cannot even greatly richly greatly expensive/noble, will not always suffer what hardship. 相处数月下来,婆婆也是挺喜欢杨开的,小伙子手脚利索,聪明伶俐,干活也勤快的很,性情温和,跟着他就算不能大富大贵,总不会吃什么苦头。 It is not only good, will often be in a daze, but pours is not the major problem. 唯独一点不好,就是不时地会发呆,不过倒也不是什么大问题。 What a pity Yang Kai own has said that he has several wives, naturally not suitable Yu Lu. 可惜杨开自己说过,他有好几个媳妇,自然就不适合于露了。 Is the night, the torrential downpour. 是夜,倾盆大雨。 Is staying Yang Kai to detect suddenly probably in the side room/concubine anything, the intention moved, recovering time, near the ear bank has heard the rapid knock. 正在偏房中呆坐着杨开忽然像是察觉到了什么,心念一动,回过神来的时候,耳畔边已经传来了急促的敲门声。 In the main room/wife transmits the sound that Grandma sets out. 正房里传来婆婆起身的动静。 Yang Kai also crawled hastily, opens the front door, sees only Yu Lu to hold an oiled paper umbrella, but the half body still soaked, the clothing is sticking to the body, outlined the graceful curve. 杨开连忙也爬了起来,打开大门,只见于露撑着一把油纸伞,但半边身子依然都湿透了,衣衫紧贴着身躯,勾勒曼妙曲线。 What's wrong?” Yang Kai asked. “怎么啦?”杨开问道。 Yu Lu is pale, somewhat trembles saying: House collapsed the half, I was not about.” 于露脸色发白,有些哆嗦道:“房子塌了半边,我不敢待下去了。” Yang Kai catches the eye to look toward the curtain of night, then saw that the Yu Lu room collapsed a piece of roof, the house itself that she lives is the old house, in disrepair after many years, tonight the rainfall intensity is big, this has this unexpected calamity. 杨开抬眼朝夜幕中望去,一眼便看到于露的屋子塌了一片屋顶,她住的房子本就是老房子,年久失修,今夜雨势不小,这才有此横祸。 Yang Kai had/left cold sweat, rejoiced secretly the roof of that collapse has not pounded the person luckily, otherwise the consequence is difficult to predict. 杨开不禁出了一身冷汗,暗自庆幸那塌陷的房顶幸亏没砸到人,否则后果难料。 His didn't expect the rainfall intensity so will also be big tonight, critical moment that side this Senior/true body is just now perceiving through meditation, is time of quiet, then has not diverted attention here the attention, until Yu Lu before gate was alarmed. 他也没想到今夜雨势会这么大,方才本尊那边正在参悟的紧要关头,又是夜深人静的,便没多分心关注这边,直到于露到了门前才被惊动。 First comes in!” Yang Kai hastily making way body. “先进来!”杨开连忙让开身子。 Grandma approved a coat, raised the oil lamp to walk, seeing was Yu Lu, was startled. 婆婆批了一件外衣,提着油灯走了出来,见是于露,也是一惊。 Yang Kai explained the situation with her, Grandma nodded the head hastily: Person is all right well, then waited for the day to clear, making Yang Boy cultivate/repair to you, before then, you first lived in the same place with the old woman.” 杨开与她说明了情况,婆婆连忙颔首:“人没事就好,回头等天放晴了,让杨小子给你修一修,在这之前,你就先跟老婆子住一起吧。” Thanks Grandma, thanks Big Brother Yang.” The Yu Lu eye slightly expressed gratitude red, the complexion was unavoidably the lingering fear. “谢谢婆婆,谢谢杨大哥。”于露眼睛微红地道谢,脸色还是不免后怕。 Yang Kai smelled the nose suddenly: Where were you injured?” 杨开忽然嗅了嗅鼻子:“你是不是什么地方受伤了?” Yu Lu shakes the head: No.” 于露摇了摇头:“没有啊。” How does that have the smell of blood?” Yang Kai knits the brows. “那怎么有血腥味?”杨开皱眉。 Grandma thought of anything, goes forward to trace the Yu Lu trouser legs coverings, in the hand a piece mounts wet, places the hand again looks at present, is everywhere dark red. 婆婆似是想到了什么,上前摸了摸于露的裤腿,手上一片黏湿,再将手放在眼前一看,满目殷红。 Must live!” Grandma raised the head. “要生了!”婆婆抬起头。 Yang Kai opened the mouth, Yu Lu was also scared. 杨开张大了嘴巴,于露也傻了眼。 Grandma is experienced, responded quickly: From the childbirth time also about ten days, should alarm the pregnancy nauseau, the little fellow must come out anxiously, Yang Boy, goes to the city west to invite midwife quickly, I had greeted with her before, you said that is I asks her to come, remembers that seals a red package to her.” 婆婆毕竟见多识广,很快反应过来:“距离产期还有十天左右,应该是惊动了胎气,小家伙急着要出来了,杨小子,快去城西请稳婆,我之前已经与她打过招呼了,你就说是我请她过来,记得给她封个红包。” Oh!” Yang Kai complied with one, turns around crashes in the curtain of rain. “嗳!”杨开应了一声,掉头就冲进雨幕之中。 Yu Lu shouts in behind: Umbrella!” 于露在后面喊道:“雨伞!” Which can also see the Yang Kai's trace. 哪还见得到杨开的踪影。 You hurry in the room to lie down. Grandma holds the Yu Lu inward room line, just now settles her, Yu Lu has then looked the color of pain, obviously was the belly has started to hurt. “你赶紧进屋里躺下。婆婆扶着于露朝内屋行去,才刚将她安顿好,于露便已面露痛楚之色,显然是肚子已经开始疼了。 Grandma comforts several in a soft voice, quickly boils up the water, something that prepare to receive. 婆婆轻声宽慰几句,又急忙去煮开水,准备接生的一些东西。 The city west place, before Yang Kai rushes to a house, makes an effort to pat the front door, anxious mixes with is losing presence of mind at a loss. 城西处,杨开冲到一栋房屋前,使劲拍着大门,焦急中夹杂着茫然失措。 Since makes a debut, life and death preying are innumerable, even if walks randomly in a life and death space, can still if safely element, but when does he run into the woman to have a child? 出道至今,生死搏杀无数,即便是游走在生死一线间,也能安然若素,可他什么时候遇到过女人生孩子? Kills people he to be an expert, may witness the birth of life, he is also a novice. In the past although hatched unknowingly from Dragon Egg Yang Xiao, may hatch Dragon Egg with having a child is two matters. 杀人他在行,可见证生命的诞生,他也是新手啊。当年虽然不经意间将杨霄龙蛋中孵化出来,可孵化龙蛋跟生孩子是两码事。 If not for the Grandma command and adjustment, his for a moment does not know that should be what to do good. 若不是婆婆指挥调度,他一时间都不知道该怎么办才好。 Actually by his Small Universe's Master, 6-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level, helping one receive in female that in own Small Universe survives naturally does not have the least bit issue, but the men and women give and receive after all do not kiss, these days is together, Yu Lu is also that type strictly adheres to the person of traditional woman ethics, will decide however is not willing to have the this kind of matter, therefore Grandma told after at that time, Yang Kai will not bring hesitant, then runs over directly. 其实以他小乾坤之主,六品开天修为,帮一个在自己小乾坤中生存的女子接生自然没有半点问题,但毕竟男女授受不亲,这些日子相处下来,于露也是那种谨守妇道之人,定然不会愿意发生这样的事,所以当时婆婆吩咐完之后,杨开都不带犹豫的,便径直跑了过来。
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