MP :: Volume #46

#4585: Searches for the soul

Lets loose her, has anything you to ask me greatly, her one Emperor Senior, knows anything.” Hei He (black river) to/clashes rapidly, in the mouth bleeds, clenches teeth to drink severely. “放开她,有什么事你大可问我,她不过一帝尊,又知道什么。”黑河急速冲回,口中喋血,咬牙厉喝。 Xuanyuan Heaven several 5-Rank Open Heaven encirclements come, Hei He (black river) is overwhelmed by sheer numbers, several moves were then taken, prohibited cultivation level, in an extremely difficult situation. 轩辕天几个五品开天合围而来,黑河寡不敌众,几招便被拿下,封禁了一身修为,狼狈不堪。 to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!” Xuanyuan Heaven that 6-Rank Elder cold snort, has a look at Hei He (black river), had a look in the hand to faint again past female, said lightly: Does not need to trouble, this Elder own nosed.” 敬酒不吃吃罚酒!”轩辕天的那六品长老冷哼一声,看看黑河,再看看手中昏死过去的女子,淡淡道:“无需麻烦了,本长老自己查探好了。” So saying, the Divine Soul strength is surging crazily, female Consciousness Sea in wells up toward in the hand is raising. 这般说着,神魂力量疯狂涌动,朝手中提着的女子识海之中涌去。 The Hei He (black river) seeing that view shrinks, panic-stricken desire certainly: As Xuanyuan Heaven Elder, your unexpectedly good so dirty trick?” Front youth is searching for the soul unexpectedly! 黑河见状眼帘一缩,惊骇欲绝:“身为轩辕天长老,你竟行如此卑劣手段?”面前这青年竟是在搜魂! Searches for the technique of soul evil and cruel exceptionally, wants to display also to have the suppresive strength to be good, once displays to search for the technique of soul, heavy was frightened out of one's wits by person of uses/gives technique, light, then Divine Soul is damaged, harms the day, therefore the commonplace time also no one displays to search for the technique of soul at will. 搜魂之术歹毒异常,想要施展出来也非得有压制性的力量才行,然而一旦施展搜魂之术,被施术之人重则魂飞魄散,轻则神魂受损,有损天和,所以等闲时候也没人随意施展搜魂之术。 Hei He (black river) absolutely didn't expect, front youth as Xuanyuan Heaven Elder, unexpectedly such unscrupulous searched for the soul to Emperor Senior Stage. 黑河万万没想到,面前这青年身为轩辕天长老,居然就这么肆无忌惮地对一个帝尊境搜魂了。 6-Rank Open Heaven with just condensed Principle Seal the disparity between Emperor Senior Stage, simply is day and the difference of place, his searches for the technique of soul to display, that female is unable to resist. 六品开天与刚凝聚道印帝尊境之间的差距,简直是天与地的差别,他这搜魂之术施展出来,那女子根本无法抵挡。 The emaciated tender body cannot suppress to vibrate suddenly, the beautiful pupil stares the circle, in that pupil full is the pain look, in the mouth fresh blood wells up crazily, instantaneous incarnadine clothing, that Xuanyuan Heaven Elder expression is also unpredictable, curious, surprised, flashes past inspired. 孱弱娇躯忽然抑制不住地抖动起来,美眸瞪圆,那眸中满是痛楚的神色,口中鲜血狂涌,瞬间染红了衣衫,那轩辕天长老的表情也根本变幻莫测起来,好奇,惊讶,振奋一闪而过。 After the moment, the Divine Soul strength returns to normal, in that Xuanyuan Heaven Elder pupil none overflows, grins to grin fiendishly: Originally you come from this place, ha ha ha, is really you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds, must come is not all time-consuming!” 片刻后,神魂力量平复下来,那轩辕天长老眸中精光四溢,咧嘴狞笑:“原来你来自这个地方,哈哈哈哈,真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫!” Puts aside female in hand conveniently, that female this moment both eyes are atheistic, over the face delay, although does not have falls, but Divine Soul is damaged obviously seriously, so the situation, did not die is also waste. 随手将手中的女子丢开,那女子此刻双目无神,满面呆滞,虽没有陨落,但显然神魂受损严重,如此情形,不死也废了。 You die like a dog!” Hei He (black river) angrily roars, remembers the main general Star Boundary people to deliver him to look, has not thought that the first belt/bring person looked then had/left this kind of accidental/surprised, if this matter made on the lord know, does not know that own will fall what fate. “你不得好死!”黑河怒吼,想起主上将星界众人交与他照料,不曾想第一次带人来找便出了这样的意外,此事若是让主上知晓,也不知自己会落个什么下场。 How Xuanyuan Heaven that several 5-Rank allow him so to clamor, a fists and feet intersection, hit Hei He (black river) spits blood again and again. 轩辕天那几个五品又怎容他这般叫嚣,一顿拳脚相交,打的黑河吐血连连。 Takes them, happen to gives a big present to Brother Pei and Master Uncle Zuo!” “带上他们,正好给裴兄左师叔送一份大礼!” ...... …… After January/one month, Void Territory, the continuous battle makes both sides appear exhausted exceptionally, but has had the life and death deep hatred, will be no one will flinch. 一月之后,虚空域,持续不断的争斗让双方都显得疲惫异常,但既已结下生死血仇,自是没人会退缩。 Also is fierce disputes, both sides beat the gong to signal retreat respectively. 又是一场激烈交锋,双方各自鸣金收兵。 In the main hall, Yang Kai is taking inventory the casualties, suddenly a terrifying pressure fills the air to come from and far location/position, Yang Kai complexion one startled, sets out suddenly, raises the head looks in the direction that pressure comes, shouted lowly: Zuo Quanhui!” 大殿中,杨开正在清点伤亡,忽然一股恐怖威压从及远的位置弥漫而来,杨开面色一惊,霍然起身,抬头朝那威压而来的方向望去,低喝道:“左权晖!” Was this cannot help making a move personally? 这是忍不住要亲自出手了吗? In the main hall numerous 6-Rank are complexion with deep veneration, snow conceals until now Iron Blood Great Emperor and the others has also been ready to fight, if Zuo Quanhui acts, they are unable the snow to hide inevitably again. 大殿中众多六品也是面色肃然,一直雪藏至今的铁血大帝等人更是摩拳擦掌,若是左权晖出手,他们势必也无法再雪藏下去了。 However has not waited for the Yang Kai ravelling situation, Chen Tianfatty then such as the sphere to roll generally, panic say/way: Sir, the Heavenly Sword Palace that side has the change, Zuo Quanhui acts personally, seems pursuing anyone.” 不过还不等杨开弄明白情况,陈天肥便如圆球一般滚了进来,惊慌失措的道:“大人,天剑宫那边有异动,左权晖亲自出手,似乎在追击什么人。” What person?” Yang Kai stunned. “什么人?”杨开愕然 Chen Tianfatty shakes the head, the fat mighty waves on face fluctuate: Subordinate does not know, too far looked at not clear.” 陈天肥摇头,脸上的肥肉波涛起伏:“属下不知,太远了看不清楚。” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, the figure rocks, arrives at outside the palace directly, transports/fortunes the full vision to face forward to look, after the moment, complexion one startled: Luan Baifeng exposition.” 杨开眉头一皱,身形晃动,直接来到殿外,运足目光朝前看去,片刻后脸色一惊:“栾白凤暴露了。” Luan Baifeng from the same day turns to since Zuo Quanhui, good of very concealment, this time unexpectedly has also exposed, at this moment rectifies conduct the rainbow light to flee to come toward here, Zuo Quanhui and a group of 6-Rank Open Heaven, in the rear area is in hot pursuit. 栾白凤自当日投靠左权晖至今,一直隐匿的很好,这一次也不知怎地居然就暴露了,此刻正身化虹光朝这边遁逃而来,左权晖和一大群六品开天在后方紧追不舍。 Should this woman not be will act to Zuo Quanhui? 这女人该不会是对左权晖出手了吧? He had ordered to Luan Baifeng before, finds the opportunity to sneak attack Zuo Quanhui, although each other differs the 1-Rank big boundary, but if by having to do mental arithmetic Wuxin (heartless), opportunity that Luan Baifeng has not necessarily gone well. 他之前给栾白凤下过命令,找机会偷袭左权晖,虽然彼此相差一品大境界,但若是以有心算无心,栾白凤未必就没有得手的机会。 But why will act in the this time choice? 但为何会在这个时候选择出手? Yang Kai is puzzled, does not have time many to consider, drinks one lowly: Iron Blood Senior you and others hold troops for the time being, others aid along with me!” 杨开不解,也没时间多加考虑,低喝一声:“铁血大人你等暂且按兵不动,其他人随我接应!” Zuo Quanhui has acted, he naturally does not have the means to sit quietly the station, in the middle of the camp, can fight with Zuo Quanhui, only has him. 左权晖已出手,他自然也没办法稳坐驻地,己方阵营当中,能与左权晖交手的,唯有他一人而已。 Luan Baifeng has exposed, if he does not aid, decides however more unfortunate than fortunate. 栾白凤既已暴露,他若不去接应的话,定然凶多吉少。 The Space Principle stimulation of movement, binds ten 6-Rank to face forward to spread rapidly. 空间法则催动,裹着身边十位六品急速朝前驰去。 With each other pulling closer of distance, Yang Kai clearly saw that a Luan Baifeng behind huge hand shadow grasps fully toward her, Luan Baifeng moves aside and distressed, moreover this woman is also as if injured, snow white women's clothing by incarnadine one piece. 随着彼此距离的拉近,杨开清楚地看到栾白凤身后一只巨大的手影铺天盖地地朝她抓来,栾白凤躲闪的及其狼狈,而且这女人似乎也受了伤,雪白的衣裙被染红一片。 Let Yang Kai feel what is strange, Luan Baifeng seems not an all alone, on her left and right hands is proposing together the form respectively, does not know that is lives dies. 杨开感到奇怪的是,栾白凤似乎并非孤身一人,她左右手上各提着一道身影,也不知是生是死。 Who this is two people? Yang Kai knits the brows slightly. 两人是谁?杨开微微皱眉。 However as each other distance is getting more and more near, Yang Kai felt unexpectedly faintly from that side a vague relation, this relation is some talent relations of only then leaves a good name on Loyalty List. 不过随着彼此距离越来越近,杨开竟隐隐从那边感觉到一股若有若无的联系,这种联系是只有在忠义谱上留名的人才有的联系。 His Loyalty List has written all over nine people of names now, Luan Baifeng at present, Mao Zhe, Geng Qing, Zhou Ya, Grey Bones in the side, Chen Tianfatty, Yun Xinghua remains in the Void Land station, is only left over Hei He (black river) and Xin Peng two people. 他的忠义谱如今已经写满了九人之名,这其中栾白凤就在眼前,茅哲,耿青,周雅,灰骨就在身边,陈天肥,云星华留守在虚空地驻地,只剩下黑河辛鹏二人。 Thinks of here, Yang Kai heart thump, an anxious feeling lingering whole body. 想到这里,杨开心头一个咯噔,一种不安的感觉萦绕全身。 Space Principle even more stimulates to movement fierce, under the figure organizes, approaches toward Luan Baifeng rapidly. 空间法则越发凶猛催动,身形腾挪之下,迅速朝栾白凤靠近。 But the big hand of Luan Baifeng behind was also getting more and more near, saw that Luan Baifeng is unable to avoid again, Yang Kai can only clench teeth, lifts the hand to offer a sacrifice to Azure Dragon Spear, a spear/gun faces forward to puncture. 栾白凤身后的大手也越来越近了,眼看栾白凤再无法躲避开来,杨开只能一咬牙,抬手祭出苍龙枪,一枪朝前刺出。 That lance point above, a giant black ball flashes to pass, the world mighty force bursts out, the strength fluctuation of terrifying sweeps across. 那枪尖之上,一个巨大的黑球一闪而逝,世界伟力迸发,恐怖的力量波动席卷开来。 Toward big hand illusory shadow under Luan Baifeng grasping on, is presenting giant black hole suddenly, transmits the strength of powerful swallowing. 正朝栾白凤一把抓下的大手虚影上,蓦然出现一个巨大黑洞,传递出强大的吞噬之力。 Big hand collapse, although still grasps, but Luan Baifeng is actually the danger strategic place avoids. 大手崩坏,虽然依然抓下,但栾白凤却是险之又险地躲避开来。 Caught up finally, Yang Kai had/left cold sweat, the figure rocked, arrived at side Luan Baifeng directly, the concern said: What's wrong!” 总算赶上了,杨开出了一身冷汗,身形晃动,直接来到了栾白凤身边,关切道:“怎样!” Luan Baifeng complexion turns white slightly, nods: Many thanks Sir!” 栾白凤面色微微发白,点点头:“多谢大人!” Just now if not for Yang Kai helps promptly, she is impossible to escape chasing down of 7-Rank Open Heaven. 方才若不是杨开来援及时,她根本不可能逃过一个七品开天的追杀。 Yang Kai nods gently, two people looks toward in her hand is raising, happen to on one of them 's vision. 杨开轻轻颔首,朝她手中提着的两人望去,正好对上其中一人的目光。 That person of over the face blood stain, aura is weak, raises the head is looking at Yang Kai, a face ashamed, shouts weakly: Sir!” 那人满面血污,身上的气息微弱至极,抬头望着杨开,一脸惭愧,虚弱地喊道:“大人!” Hei He (black river)!” The Yang Kai view shrank shrinking, looks toward another side, only to previous one double circular opens actually the soulless eye. 黑河!”杨开眼帘缩了缩,又朝另一边看去,只对上一双圆睁却无神的眼睛。 Lan Xun!” 蓝熏!” Luan Baifeng is raising two people, one is Hei He (black river), another unexpectedly is the female of Bright Moon Great Emperor, star god Temple Master Lan Xun! 栾白凤提着的两个人,一个是黑河,另一个居然是明月大帝之女,星神殿之主蓝熏 Lan Xun and will Hei He (black river) appear in Heavenly Sword Palace? What did they encounter? In a flash, in the Yang Kai mind has tumbled myriad trains of thought that the two people pitiful condition seal in the eye, volcano that a chest cavity anger such as will soon erupt. 蓝熏黑河怎会出现在天剑宫?他们又遭遇了什么?一瞬间,杨开脑海中翻滚过万千思绪,两人的惨状印在眼中,胸口一腔怒火如即将喷发的火山。 Sir, humble officer has lost/carrying holds, but also asked the Sir to punish!” Hei He (black river) own only had half life obviously, but also is keeping thinking about the Yang Kai delivery in the year of development his assignment. “大人,卑职有负所托,还请大人责罚!”黑河明明自己都只剩下半条命了,还惦记着杨开当年交付他的差事。 Now does not say these times, you first bring Lan Xun to go to my Void Land station.” Yang Kai depresses in the heart the fire, calmly told one. “现在不是说这些的时候,你先带着蓝熏去我虚空地驻地。”杨开压下心中之火,静静地吩咐一声。 Hei He (black river) makes an effort to nod, struggling to be straight the body, the stimulation of movement strength binds Lan Xun, rapidly after runs away. 黑河用力点头,挣扎着直起身子,催动力量裹住蓝熏,急速朝后遁去。 Also can fight?” Yang Kai looks to Luan Baifeng. “还能战?”杨开看向栾白凤 Luan Baifeng stroked under near ear hair: Cannot die!” 栾白凤捋了下耳边的发丝:“死不了!” Yang Kai nods, looks indifferently toward the front, side numerous 6-Rank set up in an array, aura surges. 杨开点点头,冷眼朝前方望去,身边众多六品一字排开,气息涌动。 Heavenly Sword Union one crowd of 6-Rank that beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km), the pursuit comes stop the figure, enough ten people, the 11 of Yang Kai vision on them has swept, suddenly frames in a person. 万里之外,追击而来的天剑盟一群六品止住身形,足足十人,杨开目光在他们身上一一扫过,忽然定格在其中一人身上。 Yin Xinzhao!” The Yang Kai complexion sinks. 尹辛照!”杨开脸色微沉。 Luan Baifeng in bypath/side said: This person just came, I did not have to pass on a message with you with enough time, that Hei He (black river) and Lan Xun are he bring, I gave a pretext detain them, seizing the chance led them to escape.” 栾白凤在旁道:“此人是刚刚才来的,我还没来得及跟你传讯,那黑河蓝熏正是他带过来的,我借口关押他们,趁机带他们逃了出来。” However wants to escape from Heavenly Sword Palace is not the easy matter, even if Luan Baifeng 6-Rank Open Heaven, made into the severe wound by a Zuo Quanhui palm of lagging behind, if not for Zuo Quanhui trusts about her, has not guarded, perhaps she does not have the opportunity to leave Heavenly Sword Palace. 不过想从天剑宫逃出也不是容易事,纵然栾白凤六品开天,也被后知后觉的左权晖一掌打成重伤,若不是左权晖对她信赖有加,不曾防备,恐怕她都没机会离开天剑宫 Many thanks!” Yang Kai inspires gently, although in Void does not have any gas, but Yang Kai still feels chest lung one piece ice-cold and lingering fear. “多谢!”杨开轻轻地吸了口气,虚空中虽然没有任何气体,但杨开依然感觉胸肺一片冰冷和后怕。 In the past luckily arranged Luan Baifeng to turn to Zuo Quanhui, otherwise today Hei He (black river) and Lan Xun must die without doubt. Also was lucky Luan Baifeng takes the bull by the horns, although exposed the status for this reason, but can rescue Hei He (black river) and Lan Xun is also worth. 当年幸亏安排栾白凤投靠了左权晖,否则今日黑河蓝熏必死无疑。也多亏了栾白凤当机立断,虽然为此暴露了身份,但能救出黑河蓝熏也是值得的。 Yang Kai does not know why Hei He (black river) and Lan Xun fell into the Yin Xinzhao hand, this matter also can only ask Hei He (black river) later . Moreover the Lan Xun situation makes him somewhat worry, Lan Xun that appearance, obviously is somewhat unconscious, did not know badly what violent treachery. 杨开不知道黑河蓝熏为何落入了尹辛照手中,此事也只能稍后去问黑河了,而且蓝熏的情况让他有些担忧,蓝熏那模样,明显是有些神志不清,也不知糟了什么毒手。 Bright Moon Great Emperor gave self up to die for justice for Star Boundary in the past, the merit is greatest, without Bright Moon Great Emperor , there would be no afterward Star Boundary, Lan Xun was his only bloodlines, how regardless of cannot have what accident. 明月大帝当年为了星界舍身殉道,功莫大焉,若没有明月大帝就没有后来的星界,蓝熏是他唯一的血脉,无论如何也不能有什么闪失。 Yang Kai somewhat regretted, initially led the 600,000 person to come Void Land, Star Soul Palace most people from Star Boundary to come, Lan Xun not with. To her, Star Boundary is Bright Moon Great Emperor with the native land that oneself life preserves, she has the enormous attachment to Star Boundary. 杨开不免有些后悔,当初从星界带了六十万人来虚空地,星神殿大多数人都来了,蓝熏没有跟过来。对她来说,星界明月大帝用自身性命保全的故土,对星界她有极大的眷恋。 Therefore she chose to keep Star Boundary in the past, kept Star Soul Palace. 所以她当年选择留在了星界,留在了星神殿 Yang Kai has not forced her, after all in the past remained behind the Star Boundary person quantity to be many, even Yang Fourth Master, Dong Suzhu and High Heaven Sect Big Manager Hua Qingsi stays there, Yang Kai makes Hei He (black river) guard, this thinks that will not have what accidental/surprised. 杨开没有勉强她,毕竟当年留守星界的人数量不少,连杨四爷,董素竹凌霄宗大总管花青丝都留在那里,杨开又让黑河镇守,本以为不会出什么意外的。 accidental/surprised happened. 偏偏意外就这么发生了。 The one had only known, should take Lan Xun in the past. 早知如此,当年就应该将蓝熏带上。 However ponders thin, if not for this time Lan Xun, may be Hua Qingsi, possibly is other anyone. 不过细细想来,这一次若不是蓝熏,也有可能是花青丝,也可能是别的什么人。 Depresses the train of thought in the heart tumbling, Yang Kai faces forward to look again, has not actually seen the Zuo Quanhui form, he just pursued obviously, at this moment is actually missing, does not know where hides. 压下心中翻滚的思绪,杨开再朝前看去,却是没有看到左权晖的身影,他方才明明追击了出来,此刻却不见了踪影,也不知躲在什么地方。 This old dog, still chicken-hearted! 老狗,依然胆小如鼠啊!
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